August 1885

1 August 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 1st/1885. Dictated a letter for Pres. Taylor and myself to sign to Bishop Hess in relation to the best manner of dealing with two Indians who had ill-treated Bishop Zundell; we pointed out that they should be tried for their fellowship, &c, as this was all we could do with them.

Interesting letters were received from Bro. F. M. Lyman in Mexico. The Presidents of Stakes were instructed, in a paper which I prepared, to hold memorial services on next Saturday, the day of Gen. Grant’s funeral, at a central place in each Stake. Bro. John Beck came out and we had a long interview with him on the affairs of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mine.

2 August 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 2nd, 1885. Arose at 3 o’clock this morning and Bro. Wilcken took me to my home on the river. At 7 o’clock Bro’s. Andrew Smith and Saml Bateman came to guard me against surprise from deputy marshals. They remained until Bro. Wilcken called for me in the evening. This has been a most delightful day and <to> me in the society of my family and I have enjoyed it very much. I met with the children in the morning in Sunday School; in the afternoon we attended to the Sacrament, which I administered, and I read the 14th chap. of Luke and spoke about an hour. Bro’s. A. Smith and S. Bateman also spoke. In the evening John Q. and my nephew Geo. C. Lambert and his wife, my adopted daughter Rose, called; the latter two took supper with us. In the evening we had singing and the children sang for us as they did at the School Exhibition.

Bro. Wilcken brought me a letter from Pres. Taylor in which he expressed the wish that I would see that candidates for Ter. Treasurer, Auditor and Sup’t of Public Schools were voted for at to-morrow’s election. Bro. Wilcken carried me to town and I slept at the Pres’ts Office.

3 August 1885 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 3/85. I sent for Bishop Sharp, John R. Winder, John T. Caine, Aurelius Miner, Theo. McKean, Jas. Jack and Nephi W. Clayton to converse with them about the election of the officers named in yesterday’s journal. The two last named are Treasurer and Auditor. They were elected last year, and as this occurs biennially it is not necessary to elect them this year; but the Sup’t of Public Schools is elective this year. Pres. Taylor had suggested Geo. F. Gibbs for this office; but there were reasons why he should not be put forward as an Office-holder and Orson F. Whitney was substituted and arrangements were made to have about 600 votes cast for him. Dictated Topics, &c and Editorial Thoughts for Juvenile Instructor and a letter to Hon. Dan. Manning, Secretary of the Treasury and to Hon. Saml Randall, Member of the House of Representatives respecting condition of affairs here. Wrote to Caroline in answer to letter from her. Had interviews with several brethren and was kept very busy. A very hot day. In evening went out with Bro. Wilcken.

4 August 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 4th, 1885. I suffered from languor and a neuralgic pain in the side of my face and head to-day. Wrote in my journal. My sickness to-day is due, I believe, to poisoning for want of fresh air. I slept on Sunday night in the close office, no ventilation, except such as came through the skylights, and yesterday the same, many in the Office and exhausting the pure air. We concluded to-day to let John Beck have a lease of the Mine and Pres. Taylor desired me to go in and see if I we could borrow $5,000 to pay him. Bro. Wilcken took me in.

5 August 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 5th, 1885. I slept with the windows open in the Office last night, preferring to risk a little to being poisoned for want of air. I succeeded in obtaining a promise of a loan from the Savings’ Bank of $5,000 @ 8 per cent. I also obtained a draft for $200 in favor of Elder F. M. Lyman to be distributed among the poor Saints in Chihuahua, Mexico. Sent off a letter to Hon. S. J. Randall, in which I gave him an account of affairs here. Had interviews with Bro. Beck and my sons John Q. and Abraham and several other brethren. In evening Nephi Hansen came in town for me; he was accompanied by a daughter (Bertha) of Bro. Wilcken’s. Sister Ida Taylor, daughter of Pres. T. returned with us.

6 August 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 6th, 1885. Busy the greater part of the day talking over the business and leasing of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining property with President Taylor and Bro. Beck. It was decided to lease him the property for 9 months. Bro. Nuttall and Sister Ida Taylor went to town, the former to attend to the business of the Mine, &c

7 August 1885 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 7th, 1885. President Taylor was not in his usual health to-day. He and I went through the correspondence. We wrote a long letter to the brethren of the Twelve in Mexico — E. Snow, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, G. Teasdale and J. W. Taylor — and the Land Committee, A. F. Macdonald, C. Layton, Jesse N. Smith and Lot Smith — upon the subject of the purchase and settlement of land there; we also sent some reflections — which we signed — that had been drawn out a few days ago upon this same subject. It was decided to send $500 for the expenses of the Apostles. President Taylor desired me to go into town and attend to the sending off of this letter and money and other business.

8 August 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 8th, 1885. Arranged the Mexican business and enclosed the $500 draft and the $200 draft for the help of the poor in the letter. Telegraphed Elder B. Young, Pierson Hotel, El Paso, Texas, to await our letter. Memorial services to-day, and as a consequence, a holiday. Dictated some letters in reply to correspondents. Had an interview with Sister Lizzie F. Young and wife Caroline this morning. At 2 p.m. went to Bro. H. B. Clawson’s and spent the afternoon and evening with C. [2 illegible words erased]. Bro. Willie Hansen took me out.

9 August 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 9th, 1885. Prepared an answer for Bishop John Sharp upon the subject of furnishing bail ($4,000) for Bishop Udall in Arizona. In afternoon held meeting and attended to Sacrament. Bro. L. John Nuttall in charge. He and myself and Pres. Taylor spoke. In evening Pres. Taylor and myself and Bro’s. Wilcken and Barrel drove to Bro. John Carlisle’s and made a visit.

10 August 1885 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 10th, 1885. President Taylor and myself continued a confidential talk we had yesterday. He said, in the course of his remarks respecting myself, that he had the utmost confidence in me and he was much pleased with my course and the spirit I always manifested; he knew it was my desire to magnify my office and that I did the best I could. He spoke about the condition of our historical papers and material and quoted the remark of the late Elder Orson Pratt that he was not a historian; he merely compiled data for history. It was in his (President T’s) Office that the materials of history were prepared. The daily transactions in that Office were the basis of our history. He alluded to the position occupied by Willard Richards, as Historian and Chief Secretary to President Young, while he was one of the First Presidency; also Geo. A. Smith. <He said he saw I had the Spirit of this labor, and> He asked me if I had any objections to taking charge of affairs as his Chief Secretary with Bro’s. Geo. Reynolds and L. John Nuttall as Assistants; if I saw anything inconsistent <in so acting> with my other duties as First Counselor. I replied that it is a pleasure to me to do anything in my power to help forward this Work; I saw nothing improper in this; and was willing to do whatever he might think best in this matter. He then asked me to write as follows: “John Taylor, President; George Q. Cannon, First Counselor; Joseph F. Smith, Second Counselor. These three form the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. George Q. Cannon, Chief Secretary to the President. George Reynolds and L. John Nuttall, Assistants.”

It is only a few days ago that, in communing with the Lord, his Spirit rested down upon me, and I was led to dedicate myself, my wives, my sons and my daughters and my substance with great fervor to Him and his service, and I desired him to use me as he thought best. It is a great honor to work in any capacity for the Lord. I have felt that <if> I could be a doorkeeper I would have joy and pleasure; do I feel so now? I trust and believe so, and it is my earnest desire to take delight in laboring in any position he may assign me. He has been a most kind and beneficent Father to me all my days. He has revealed himself to me and given me His mind and will concerning myself and my duties in great plainness throughout my entire life and I have not been left to walk in the dark or in ignorance.

A letter was received from my brother Angus at the Penitentiary addressed to President Taylor and myself. I was greatly pleased at the spirit it breathed. It was meek and Christ-like, while at the same time it described the cruelties and wrongs to which they are sub jected.

11 August 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 11th/85. Various items of business were attended to. In order to push the settlement of the Iron Manufacturing Co’s business & to keep our contract with Thomas Taylor, it was thought proper for me to go into town to-night and get Bro. Edward Partridge to commence buying up the outstanding stock. President Taylor rode into the City with me and made several calls upon his children. I stopped at the house of Wahine hou Caroline.

12 August 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 12th, 1885. Telegraphed Bro. Partridge to come up from Juab. Dictated a letter to Gen. Ben. F. Butler; also a long letter to Bro. Joseph F. Smith which I signed and mailed and a letter to President John R. Murdock of Beaver, introducing Bro. Partridge’s business to him and asking him to assist him all that he could. Attended to various items of business, and when Bro. Partridge arrived explained to him the business we wished him to attend to and had Bro. John C. Cutler make out a list of the names of the Stockholders. Had interviews with my sons John Q. and Abraham. The former informs me that Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester — his brothers and sisters had gone up the Cañon for a week or ten days with his family. The latter, to relieve me from the Ogden business which I had entered into at my son Frank’s suggestion and thinking it might be a help to him, proposed to take it off my hands and give me, or assume for me at the Bank where I am owing, $7,30000/100. This I thought very liberal on his part under the circumstances, and still with this I would have to pay the Bank in principal and interest $10,30800/100, which I am now owing and all of which I paid into Frank’s hands — a differ[ence] of $300800/100 above that which Abraham offers me. For this I shall probably get Frank’s stock in Cannon & Sons amounting to about $244200/100. Two thousand of this I gave him, to make him a home when he got ready, that he might be equal with John Q. and Abraham; but when I gave it I did not expect he would draw it out immediately in cash and squander it, but when he got ready to build pay it out as I could raise it. Instead of doing in this way, however, he has drawn out all that he has got in cash — cash upon which I am paying interest at the Bank; and by his operations I find myself under obligations for $3008 and his stock in the company which I formed of myself and sons to show for it. This stock pays no dividend and has at present no market value whatever. I feel this conduct very deeply and think my confidence has been sadly betrayed.

Bro. Peter Hansen, our host, found flowing water by driving a pipe down close to his house at 62 feet depth. It flows at the rate of eight gallons a minute. The water is cool and sweet. Bro. Wilcken called for and carried me out this evening.

13 August 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, August 13th, 1885. Received an interesting letter from Bro. Jos. F. Smith on the Sandwich Islands. Attended to <usual> business. I wrote a letter authorizing Bro. E. Partridge to buy the Stock in the Iron Manu’g Co., which Pres. Taylor and I signed. Studying Spanish. Word came from the City by Bro. Samuel Bateman that an apparently well-authenticated report had reached our friends that the Deputy-Marshal’s were intending to seize us to-morrow. We scarcely believed the report, but to be safe concluded to move. Bro. Wilcken took us to Bro. Geo. <B.> Bailey’s, Mill Creek Ward, where we were kindly entertained.

14 August 1885 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 14, 1885. A very hot day. Busy upon usual matters. Dictated letter to Elder John Morgan, President of Mission in Southern States, and several other letters. Writing journal. Went into town in the evening and saw Bro. James Jack and Bro. H. B. Clawson about the latter going into Arizona in the interest of the brethren in prison at Detroit and to see Chief-Justice Howard respecting the reversal of their sentences by the Supreme Court of that Territory, according to agreement made with him last Winter through Bro. John W. Young, Bro’s. F. Little and H. B. Clawson paying $1,70000/100. From town drove to my house where we stopped till 3.30 a.m.

15 August 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 15, 1885. President Taylor and Bro’s. Wilcken and Nuttall went to Bro. Peter Hansen’s and did not return till 10.45 p.m. Bro. Wilcken then took me home. I spent to-day reading and studying Spanish.

16 August 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 16/85. Had Sunday School in morning and Sacrament meeting in afternoon. These meetings are very delightful to me. Bro’s. Saml Bateman and Alex. Burt remainded the day with me as guards. Mary Alice and David rode down from John Q’s Camp in City Creek this evening. They report all well.

17 August 1885 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 17/85. Attended usual business after my return to Bro. Bailey’s which Bro. Wilcken and myself reached at 5 a.m., he having called for me at 4 a.m. The two guards very kindly remained with me all night. Studied Spanish. Very hot day, as every day has been of late. Pres. Taylor and myself and Bro’s Nuttall & Wilcken drove to the City after dark and brought out the mail.

18 August 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1885. Attended to usual business. I have been busy to-day studying Spanish. The weather is very hot. Bro. C. I. Robson of the Maricopa Stake writes very encouragingly respecting the Indians in the Stake and their willingness to receive the gospel. Bro. C. H. Wilcken has found a good place to move to — Bro. James Godfafy Godfrey’s, at South Cottonwood. Corrected a short discourse of mine, delivered Nov. 23/84. This evening Pres. Taylor and myself and Bro’s. Nuttall and Wilcken drove to the residence of Bro. Wm Taylor, where we met Bro’s. Brigham Young and John W. Taylor. They have returned from Mexico, Bro. Brigham last evening and Bro. Taylor on last Thursday. Bro’s. E. Snow and F M. Lyman went to the City of Mexico; they are desirous to learn whether we can secure the San Pedro valley, which is the key to other valleys, without which, they say, it would be not wise to make any purchase. Bro. Brigham Young thinks the opportunity for the purchase of suitable lands in Sonora from that State is good. I wrote a letter and sent by the hand of Bro. Brigham to Wahine hou <Caroline>. We drove back to Bro. Bailey’s, Bro’s. Young and Taylor returned to the City[.] I may mention that the visits of the brethren, (introduced as they were by letters from President Diaz) to the Governors of several of the States were most satisfactory. They appeared desirous to have our people settle in Mexico.

19 August 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1885. Forty-one years ago to-day my father died. I was so shocked at the news that I did not taste food for three days. My violent grief was succeeded by a stupor and I did not care to speak to any one. This was followed by a sickness of twelve weeks. Occupied with usual business. A man who has been cut off from the Church by the name of Lars Jensen, and in whom Bro. Bailey and family appear to have but little, if any, confidence, told Bro. Bailey <that President Taylor> had been seen by two different parties while out riding. He expressed the hope that he would not expose himself, &c. It was decided, in consequence of this, to move to Bro. Godfrey’s this evening. Bro. Wilcken took President Taylor and myself there and the rest came later. Bro. and Sister Godfrey received us kindly. Their place is comfortable and very secluded, being near Little Cottonwood Creek, and having groves of cottonwood around.

20 August 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 20/85. Much pleased with our surroundings. Attended to business as usual. Dictated letter to Bishop David K. Udall, who is in prison at Prescott, and who expects to be sent to prison at Detroit having been sentenced for three years for perjury. President Taylor and myself signed it; also a letter to his father — Bishop David Udall at Nephi. I cannot describe my feelings at the thought of this young, exemplary and innocent man going to prison for such a length of time. He is the victim of a vile plot and is stricken down because of his prominence.

The City Council having had a special meeting last evening to consider the purchase of the City Creek property owned by the Church, it was thought best for me to go in and have an interview with the Mayor upon the subject. I went into the City with Bro. C. H. Wilcken and stopped at my wife Emily’s.

21 August 1885 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 21, 1885. Arose before light and went to the President’s Office. I had a busy day. From the Mayor I learned that no action had been taken by the City Council for the purchase of the City Creek property — they might be willing to pay $40,000, but did not speak favorably of $50,000, the amount which President Taylor asks for the property. I do not like to record my opinion of our present City Council; but in this case they are afraid of Gentile clamor and stand more in fear of the men who did not elect them and who are their open enemies, than they do of the people through whose votes they hold their present positions. This is not the feeling of all; but several manifest it. While there are some good men in the Council, as a body it is the weakest I have known among us. When the polygamists were excluded from office the choice of office-holders was very much narrowed, and it is surprising how few strong men are left to select. There are young men who with age and experience will make useful, strong men; but at present they lack experience.

I arranged our Ogden business, John Q. and Abraham and myself talked it over — and it was agreed to let Abraham have all our interest there for $7,30000/100. This left <leaves> $3,00817/100 for us, Cannon & Sons, to assume. Abraham agreed to pay the interest, about $588, out of the Juvenile Instructor Office. I sent for Brother Schettler, the Cashier of Z. S. Bank and Trust Co., who held my notes and securities for the $9,30817/100, including interest, and he consented to take Abraham’s note, secured by his City property, for $7,300 and the Juvenile Instructor Office for the interest, about $58800/100. Though Cannon & Sons lose by the transaction, still I feel relieved by getting it into this shape, for I feel that it is every way better.

Had an interview with Bro. Brigham Young. He intends to go up Provo valley, above Heber City, with some of his family and has arranged to take Wahine hou <his sister Caroline> with them. They propose to be gone a month. Bishop Preston kindly consented to let a Spring wagon and team go from the Tithing Office, for the purpose of carrying Wahine hou <Caroline> — though he does not know for whom it is intended.

Dictated Editorial Thoughts and Topics &c for the Instructor.

Had conversations with Bro’s. F. D. Richards, J. T. Caine, S. B. Young <John R. Winder,> Geo. H. Taylor, W. H. Folsom, Geo. Goddard, Geo. Reynolds, Jas. Jack, Geo. F. Gibbs, Albert C. Young, Bishop Preston, and Joseph E. Taylor.

I had a brief interview after dusk with Wahine hou <Caroline> at her house, though I had difficulty to get to and from there.

Bro. Folsom took me in his buggy to Bro. John R. Winder’s where an appointment <had been made> for him to meet President Taylor to talk over Manti Temple matters. Bro. Winder, after we had transacted our business, served up a nice collation of fruit — Water melon, peaches and grapes. We reached our quarters at 11.30 p.m.

22 August 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 22, 1885. Attended to business as usual. A letter from Mr. Crossley, president of the Correspondents’ Union, to Bro. Caine was read, and it was decided to engage them for another four months. They had earned $500 now due, and we would have to pay $500 in advance for the next four months, at the termination of which — Dec. 31st — the same amount will be due.

I received a reply from my letter to Senator Joseph E. Brown of Georgia. It is kind, and condemnatory of the course now being taken by officials; but non-committal, such as a politician would write.

23 August 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 23, 1885. We spent a quiet day. Had a sacrament and testimony meeting in the afternoon. Bro. Godfrey and wife and Wife’s mother and some of his children were present, beside we five — President Taylor, myself, Bro’s. Nuttall, Wilcken and Barrell. Bro. Nuttall took charge of meeting and all the brethren present, excepting Bro. Barrell, spoke, In the evening President Taylor went on a visit to his wife Mary. We had very heavy thunder and vivid lightning and a downpour of rain this afternoon.

24 August 1885 • Monday

Monday, Aug 24, 1885. Busy looking over my letters and papers and attended to public business. Devoted some time to studying Spanish.

25 August 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1885. Attended to usual business. Studied Spanish. Much thunder, lightning, rain and hail to-day. Rode out this evening for about an hour in company with Pres. Taylor and Bro’s. Nuttall and Wilcken.

26 August 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 26, 1885. Bro. H. B. Clawson telegraphed in cipher from Prescott, Arizona, where he had gone to find out the reason why the cases of the brethren imprisoned at Detroit, and appealed to the Supreme Court of the Ter. of Arizona, had not come up for decision. It seems that, finding it useless to expect justice for these brethren from the Supreme Court, Bro’s. F. Little and H. B. Clawson, who were there last Winter to see what could be done, through the agency of Bro. John W. Young, gave Sumner Howard, Chief Justice $1,70000/100 on condition that the brethren should be dismissed by Supreme Court. Up to the present nothing had been heard from the Court and Bro. Clawson, therefore, had gone down. The cases that were pending against our people Howard had agreed to nolle if <and> he should be paid $1,50000/100 for this. He had not had them nolle’d, but he gave them light sentences. His reason for not doing anything in the cases of the brethren at Detroit, so he states to Bro. Clawson, is that Fitzgerald, one of the other Judges, is unfavorable to the dismissal and it will require $1,00000/100 to remove his scruples. This $1,00000/100 Howard claims for the light sentences he gave the accused last before him, which he found in such <a> position that he could not have a nolle entered against them. If he can be paid this amount he will pay it, he says, (and he pledges his honor!!!) to Fitzgerald and have the cases of the brethren at Detroit decided favorably to them. Bro. Jack was instructed to send Bro. Clawson $1,00000/100 for this purpose. This is the first instance in my experience of money being used to in such a manner. During my 12 years of experience in Washington I was repeatedly approached for money. There was no end of applications and inducements and temptations for me to spend money; but President Young, when I was first elected Delegate to Congress, in response to my inquiries as to the course to be pursued in regard to hostile legislation and the use of money to prevent it, decided (and there was a number of leading brethren present at the time who fully discussed the subject) that we would not use money for any such purpose — a decision which in all my public career since I have scrupulously observed. I never think of this without feeling thankful and <being> exceedingly well satisfied with the result. I have a dread of using money to gain our ends — rightful and legitimate though they are. But what a picture does the conduct of these Judges present! It is frightful to think of the property, liberties and lives of people being in the hands of such vile wretches as these. Their whole proceding in convicting innocent men and violating the law to do so has been for the purpose of pandering to popular feeling and levying blackmail. The less our people have to do with them the better. Far better would it be to flee, if possible, beyond their jurisdiction.

I received a letter full of the good spirit from President Jos. F. Smith, 11th inst., from the Sandwich Islands. A dispatch from Elders E. Snow and F. M. Lyman, through Horace Cummings, Missionary at the City of Mexico, and sent to Bro. W. B. Dougal at Salt Lake City, respecting the offer of San Pedro and other valleys — 20 leagues — for $20,000 with colonists exemptions, and no donations of land; one hundred families to settle there. We considered this subject thoroughly, and sent <I drew out and> the following telegram <was sent> through the same persons through which theirs came: “Does proposition suit you? Does it embrace points you deem important? Is sum mentioned Mexican dollars? Will title be contingent upon fulfillment of Campo’s agreement with government, or will it be absolute if pay and families be furnished? These answered we will be able to proceed.”

I had considerable conversation with Pres. Taylor respecting the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co. and drew up a number of questions to have answered by the officers of the company respecting its business. I told President Taylor yesterday <Monday> morning that the will of the Lord to me was that I, at least, should get out of this affair; it was clear to me that as the business of that Mine now was there was nothing but trouble ahead. Of course it was not for me to say anything as to what he should do. He received my remarks in good part and agreed with my views as I expressed them. We had an interview this evening with Bro. John A. Groesbeck at Bro. John R. Winder’s (to which place Pres. Taylor, Bro’s. Nuttall and Wilcken and myself drove) about the disposal of the Mine. I felt this was in answer to my prayers. He had written yesterday desiring an interview and this meeting was arranged. Pres. Taylor asked $300,000 for the property. Bro. Groesbeck thought $200,000 would be given for it. He was acting for <and with> other parties and they would like to get a bond on it for 90 days. Before separating Bro. Winder gave us a feast of water melon and milk.

Wrote a long letter to my son John Q. respecting the disposition of our people to go on excursions and junketing, &c. I thought this improper under our present circumstances. Instead of frolicking, &c we should be more inclined to fast and pray. Some of our beloved brethren are in prison, others have the certainty of conviction hanging over them unless the Lord causes a change, and others are in concealment, separated from their families and business, to avoid arrest and imprisonment. Though we put a good face on the situation and bear up bravely, it is nevertheless one of great gravity.

27 August 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 27/85. Busy with usual business. Went over the affairs of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mine and the stock as far as possible in the absence of the books, which are in town. Pres. Taylor and myself then examined the figures I had made and thought, if we sold, this would be a good basis for settlement. He thought I had better go in town with Bro. Nuttall to-night and get up all the accounts of the Company. Reached the Office at about 10 p.m. and slept on the floor. Bro. Nuttall went over to the Gardo House.

28 August 1885 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 28/85. Busy with Bro’s. Reynolds, Jack and Nuttall examining the accounts of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co. till about 2 p.m. Afterwards had interviews with Bro’s. F. D. & F. S. Richards, F. A. Hammond, John Hy. Smith, T. G. Webber, B. H. Schettler, My sons John Q. and Abraham, John T. Caine, &c. Wrote letters to President Joseph F. Smith and to two other persons, one of them a Mr. Lawrence who proposes our occupancy of an Island, capable of sustaining a population of five millions — as large as Cuba — uninhabited and only 100 miles distant from this Continent. I replied to him, giving him some of our views concerning North and South America and the future the Lord had in store for it, and that it is our gathering place, and the abandonment of the continent and the occupancy of an Island would appear to us like the abandonment of our religion. We drove back in the evening to John R. Winder’s where Pres. Taylor and myself had an interview with Bro. F. S. Richards respecting legal matters. He was accompanied by his Father.

29 August 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 29/85. This is a memorable anniversary — the death of President Brigham Young. Eight years ago to-day he departed this life. How the time has flown! I thank the Lord for permitting me to live at the same time with him and for being so intimately associated with him. I think of him with the greatest pleasure. He was a very dear friend to me, and I love him tenderly. A part of the day I spent in making calculations with President of the shares of the various parties interested in the B. B. & C. Mine. Attended also to the usual business. In the evening expected a team and driver, to be arranged for by my son John Q., to carry me home; but, as it did not arrive, I drove there alone in a buggy.

30 August 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 30, 1885. I was disappointed this morning in learning that Bro. Edward Schoenfeld, whom I had engaged as a teacher for my children at a salary of $1,000 a year, had declined to accept the position. I found a letter from <him> here excusing himself for not taking the school. He felt himself incapable. I thought that a man who had been a professor in a German college ought to be able to teach 19 or 20 pupils such branches as my children required. I felt the more disappointed because the University had opened two weeks ago and now my children would be that much behind. I sent for Prof. Park and explained the position I was in. He promised to help my children and thought they could catch up to the classes. Mary Alice, Angus, Hugh, Hester, Amelia and David I concluded to send there. He also promised to try and find me a suitable teacher for my other children. I gave my children strict counsel concerning the course they should take at the University: I told <them> they must be careful about their associates and <I> especially dwelt upon the importance of preserving their faith and not falling into habits of unbelief. I told them that if I noticed that they did not have the proper spirit and feeling I should take them away from the University. I had some plain and pointed talk with my largest boys respecting secret habits. I had a satisfactory day and felt exceedingly well. We attended to Sacrament and I spoke and had considerable freedom. In the evening I returned, Bro. Bateman (who with Bro. Alex. Burt had come down to guard me) riding in the buggy with me and Bro. Burt riding in their buggy behind me.

31 August 1885 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 31st, 1885. Busy as usual to-day. In the evening <Pres. T. and myself> had interview with Bro. John Beck about selling the Mine. He was averse to the sale; but agreed if he could get $70,000 <for his interest> he would leave it to us to sell. Afterwards had interview with Bro. John A. Groesbeck at Bro. Winder’s. He told us he wished to get a bond on the Mine for 6 months, the price to be $200,000; President Taylor asked $250,000.

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August 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024