July 1882

1 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday July 1st 1882. Finished article for the Juvenile on persecution. Met many persons in the cars who introduced themselves. Some knew me by portraits and reputation, some heard me last Sunday, and some at the old folks party. Wrote to George C. Lambert and my son Abraham. Expected to get pass from Mr Stevens, but he had failed to receive it, and introduced me to Mr Hamlin of the C. B&Q. R. R. who seemed pleased to give me a pass.

2 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, July 2 1882. Reached Chicago at 2.30 p.m. and left at 5.40.

3 July 1882 •Monday

Monday July 3 1882. Reached Pittsburgh about mid-day and put up at the Seventh Avenue Hotel till evening when the train started for Washington. I desired to get a bath at this hotel, and when I registered my name the clerk upon reading it said: “What! is this the famous Mr Cannon of Utah?” I said I was the Mr Cannon of Utah whether I was famous or not. There was a great deal of curiosity among the people in the hotel to see me, and this has been the case during this entire trip. I have been treated also with marked respect by every one that I have had any intercourse with. At 8.5 started for Washington.

4 July 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 4th 1882. Was delighted this morning upon landing in Washington about 9.30 to meet Bros John T. Caine and John Irvine who were at the Station waiting for me. The day was very rainy, but cleared up in the afternoon, and with Mrs Caine we took a carriage and rode out to the Soldiers Home, a ride which we all enjoyed. The evening, Bro. Irvine and myself spent with Bro. and Sister Caine at their hotel, the St. James’.

5 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 5 1882. Bro. Peery having gone to Virginia, Bro. Richards starting home today, and Bro. Johnson having gone a short time since, Bro. Caine is the only delegate left. We went through the White House and Treasury, visits which Mrs Caine especially seemed to enjoy very much. Afterwards went to the House, visited the Corcoran Gallery, and then took carriage and drove to Arlington Heights. Bro. and Sister Caine dined with me at the Rigg’s. They started for New York at 9.50 p.m. Bro. Caine feeling he had done all he could do in relation to the Memorial and Constitution for a new state.

I had taken every precaution, as I supposed, to have the item for my salary and mileage arranged for; but today upon examining the Sundry Civil bill I found no mention of it, and had I not come back it would have escaped attention altogether. The resolution which had passed the House instructing the Committee to make appropriation for this had never been sent into the Committee and the whole thing had dropped out of sight so completely as if no action had ever been taken. I succeeded in getting the resolution copied and attested by the Clerk of the House and placed in the hands of the Committee of Appropriations, and I spoke to several of the Committee upon the subject, all of whom seemed to be under the impression that it was in the bill. It is too late now to have it printed and it will have to come in as an amendment in the House. Whether there has been any design on the part of somebody to suppress this I cannot say. It may be that it is entirely due to negligence, but it has the appearance of design. Still I cannot accuse anybody of this, and it may be that it is entirely due to the pressure of business. Wrote to Pres. Taylor

6 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, July 6th, 1882. The Committee on Appropriations adopted the resolution respecting my salary and mileage and it is to be reported as an amendment. At the House. There was a disgraceful scene in the House to-day between Robeson of N. J. and Whitthorne of Tenn. The latter expressed himself as being fully convinced the former was a perjurer, liar and thief. Bro. Thos Taylor, Bishop of the 14th Ward, reached here this morning. We spent the evening together. Wrote

7 July 1882 • Friday

Friday, July 7th, 1882. Introduced Bro. Taylor to Mr. Teller, Secretary of the Interior, and expressed to him the desire that he would pay personal attention to Bro. Taylor’s case which had been appealed to him, Went from there to Britton and Gray, lawyers, and introduced him there. At the House. Dictated letter to Pres. Taylor. Wrote to Gen. Kane. (see letter)

8 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, July 8/82. At the House. Wrote to my wives Sarah Jane, Eliza and Martha a i ka’u wahine hope [and to my last wife], and to my son Abraham, to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, my motherless little ones, and to my brother Angus. Spent the evening with Bro. Taylor.

9 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, July 9/82. Hot morning. The brethren stayed with me the greater part of the day in my room. The heat was excessive, but by taking off the most of my outer clothing I was quite comfortable and had pleasure in conversation and studying the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. In the evening we spent about two hours in Lafayette Park. We met there an ex-Capt. Street of the U. S. Army and his wife, a daughter of Sister Haslem, formerly of London; they had married while he was an officer at Camp Douglas, in 1863. He is seeking to be re-instated in the Army.

10 July 1882 • Monday

Monday, July 10th, 1882. Another hot day. I shall be very glad when Congress shall adjourn and I can return home. This place during the heated term is almost unbearable. At the House. Dictated an Editorial for the Juvenile Instructor. Sought to be cool in Lafayette Park in company with Bro’s. Taylor and Irvine for about two hours in the evening.

11 July 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 11, 1882. Had an interview of upwards of an hour with Col. Pettigrew, one of the Utah Commission. We had a free conversation. He expressed the wish to do what would be fair and said he was not a religionist and had no religious prejudices. Among other things which I said to him I impressed upon him the importance of examining for himself, to see with his own eyes, to hear with his own ears, and to decide for himself concerning the condition of Utah and the character of the people, instead of accepting as true that which others would tell him. We hoped the Commission would travel among the people and converse with them and see them for themselves. Received a letter from Geo. C. Lambert and one from Bro. J. H. Hart. Answered the latter; also dictated a letter to Pres. Taylor. At the House. Spent two hours in the evening with the brethren in Franklin Park.

12 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 12/82. Judge J. S. Black is here and I rode in a carriage with him from the Ebbitt House, at his request, to the Capitol, stopping on the way to introduce him to Judge Col. Pettigrew, with whom he had nearly an hour’s conversation. I had considerable conversation with the Judge myself, he doing the talking, however, principally and I the listening. At the House. Called in the evening upon Judge Black.

13 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, July 13th, 1882. The rain storm of yesterday afternoon and last night has cooled the atmosphere somewhat. The difference between the heat in this city and Salt Lake City <at 7 o’clock> on Tuesday morning last, as appeared on the weather chart, was 28 deg., the heat being that much greater here. Went with Bishop Thos Taylor to see his lawyers, Britton and Gray. Dictated a letter to my son, John Q. At the House. In the discussion of the Sundry Civil Bill a motion was made by Atherton of Ohio to strike out the amount allowed to Campbell, my opponent, for contesting expenses; then Page of Cal. made a motion to strike out the amount for my expenses. He and Cassidy of Nevada made bitter assaults upon me. When the amendment for my salary, &c, was introduced by Mr. Blackburn (whose action in the case was bold and manly) Haskell of Kan. fought it with great venom and violence. (For particulars see proceedings <in Cong. Record.>) The House was but little affected by these vehement denunciations for when the vote was called, but very few were found to vote with them against me, and their appeals were in vain. But these men are not honest in what they are doing, for they tell deliberate falsehoods. I sat patiently and undisturbed through it all, conscious of my innocence of wrong and strong in my position as the legally elected representative of Utah who by fraud and a violent wrenching of the constitution and by trampling upon the principle of representative government had been wrongfully deprived of his seat. The resolution or amendment, which had been carelessly drawn by the Clerk of the Committee, notwithstanding I urged <him> to be careful and have it correct, and had even got two Members — Blackburn and Cannon — to also speak to him about it, was is really of no benefit to me as it stands, for the word December ought to be March. Mr. Blackburn says he will see that it is made right in the Senate.

At Franklin Square in the evening with the brethren. I called upon Judge Black, but he was engaged.

14 July 1882 • Friday

Friday, July 14/82. I was awake for some time in the night and was not well. I feel badly this morning, and suffered through the day from sickness; my bowels were badly affected. I tried milk with a strong sprinkling of black pepper in it and with good effect in checking the diarrhea. In the evening I called upon Judge Black and had an hour’s conversation with him. In the morning called with Bro. Taylor upon his lawyers, Britton and Gray; I afterwards saw Sec. Teller about having his case expedited.

15 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, July 15/82. Had good rest last night and feel better this morning. Called with Bro. Taylor upon his attorneys, and then saw Sec. Teller again about the time Mr. Britton should call upon him in response to his (T’s.) request conveyed through me yesterday. Mr. B. had been over to see him twice yesterday but had failed through the action of T’s. private secretary. Sec. T. made an appointment, and besides sent a messenger over to Mr. Britton to inform him when to come over. This was very kind upon his part. I learned afterwards that they had their interview and B. felt delighted with it and the prospect of winning the case. The case is a most flagrant wrong on the part of Campbell, my opponent, to steal this property. At the House. Wrote letters to my wives, Sarah Jane, Eliza and Martha and one to Elizabeth’s children — Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester — and also to my brother Angus and to my son Abraham a me ka wahine hope no hoi [and my last wife as well]. Walked to Franklin Park with Bro. Taylor. Wrote some additions to “Editorial Thoughts” which I dictated to Bro. Irvine for the “Juvenile Instructor” yesterday afternoon.

16 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, July 16/82. Spent the day in company with Bro. Taylor and Bro. Irvine, a part of the forenoon in the park and in the evening in the park.

17 July 1882 • Monday

Monday, July 17/82. Called upon Judge Black and had a conversation with him. He submitted some questions to me to answer, the information he needs for his argument. I dictated answers to Bro. Irvine; also something for the Juvenile Instructor, and a letter to Bro. John T. Caine. At the House. In the evening had another interview with Judge Black and paid him one thousand dollars on account of his retainer.

18 July 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 18/82 At the House. An attempt was made to take up the election case of Small vs. Tillman; but the Democrats refused to vote in order to compel the Republicans to obtain a quorum. Suffered from diarrhea in the evening.

19 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 19/82. Saw Senator Allison of Appropriation Com. of Senate who told me the error in the amendment to the Sundry Civil Bill respecting my pay had been corrected. Was very sick all night, Wednesday, July 20/82, but thought as Bro. Taylor had not seen Mount Vernon a trip there would do me good. He and Bro. Irvine and myself went. I felt very badly all day, but I enjoyed the sail on the water, the motion of the vessel making a breeze. The day was very hot. In the evening there was a very heavy storm of rain, thunder & lightning

20 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, July 20/82. Felt some better this morning. At the House. It was very hot in the afternoon, but in the evening a rain storm cooled the air. Bro. Taylor spent the evening with me.

21 July 1882 • Friday

Friday, July 21st/82. Not well in body. Administered to by Bro’s. Taylor and Irvine, the former being mouth. At the House. Wrote a letter to my wife, Sarah Jane.

22 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, July 22/82. Feeling badly. Brethren administered to me and felt better. Bro. Taylor obtained the decision of the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Teller, in favor of his claims. He is much gratified at the result and expresses his obligations to me for the aid I have rendered him. At the House. In the park in the evening with the brethren. Accompanied Bro. Taylor to the Railway Station where he took the cars at 9.50 p.m. for home. Wrote letters to-day to my wives, Eliza and Martha, wahine hope [my last wife], to my brother Angus and son Abraham, and to Mary Alice, David Emily & Sylvester in one letter.

23 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, July 23/82. Kept quiet and in the Hotel till evening when I went with Bro. Irvine to the Park. After noon I felt quite indisposed, having diarrhea, accompanied with pain in the bowels and nausea.

24 July 1882 • Monday

Monday, July 24/82. Felt a little better this morning. At the House.

25 July 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 25/82. I was worse to-day. At the House.

26 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 26/82. With Bro. Irvine sailed on the steamer, Jane Mosely, to Cedar Point, 61 miles down the Potomac River. The day was very hot and the steamer was crowded, upwards of 700 being aboard. We reached there at about 1.45 p.m. and left there at 5 p.m. and reached Washington about 9.45 p.m. While there I engaged a bathing suit with hat and canvass shoes and a dressing room and took a bath, which I thought very delightful. Bro. Irvine declined to go in. We ate dinner. My appetite is so poor these days I can eat but very little. I felt that this trip did me good, and under the circumstances I enjoyed it very well.

27 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, July 27/82. Another very hot day. Had an interview with Gen. Ord, U. S. A. about our people having colonies in Mexico. Wrote to Prest. Taylor the substance of the conversation (see letter and insert copy)[.] At the House.

28 July 1882 • Friday

Friday, July 28/82. A hot day. At the House.

29 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, July 29/82. The House adjourned yesterday, after doing but little business, until Monday. Wrote letters home to my brother Angus, to my son Abraham, and, in one letter, to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, my dear Elizabeth’s children, and to my wives, Sarah Jane, Eliza and Martha a me ka’u wahine hope no hoi [and to my last wife as well]. Wrote to Attorney-Gen. respecting Sis. Ira Eldredge’s home.

30 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, July 30/82. Studying Book of Doctrine and Covenants and reading other matter.

31 July 1882 • Monday

Monday, July 31/82. At the House. Dictated letters to Bro’s. Jas. Jack, T. G. Webber and my son Abraham, and also to Bro. Albert Carrington.

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July 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1882/07-1882