October 1883

1 October 1883 • Monday

Monday Oct 1, 1883. At the Office this morning. The directors of the Iron Manufacturing Co met at the Office. Attended to current business.

The Elders are coming in to attend Conference. Bro. F. M. Lyman arrived this morning. In the afternoon the First Presidency met with Bro. F. M. Lyman and his brother Platt, and Prest. S. S. Smith and Elder John Morgan and listened to reports of the condition of the San Juan settlement. It was decided to leave the matter to the Twelve to examine still further and to decide after hearing all that could be obtained on the subject whether the settlement should be abandoned or not. Our feelings seemed to be in favor of maintaining the settlement, though we did not like to use any influence that might be considered of coercive character, or to call brethren to remain there on missions.

2 October 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 2, 1883. I was at the Office early this morning. Attended to various items of business and at 3 p.m. the First Presidency with the Twelve (nine of the Twelve were present, the absentees being Bro. C. C. Rich, Jno Henry Smith and George Teasdale) met in the Office. President Taylor reported to the meeting the steps he had taken in regard to securing the water power in City Creek for the purpose of establishing the Electric light Co. He had entered into negotiations with the City & with the Gas Co. for the purpose of having them interested in the project. It was a question as to whether it would be better to form a new company for this purpose or to have a collocation with the present Gas Co. The opinion was general that it would be better to have a distinct organization. I moved that the property in City Creek be left subject to the decision of the Trustee-in-Trust as to its disposal, and for him to arrange respecting it as he thought best which was carried unanimously.

There was considerable conversation about a new railroad that was talked of to Camp Douglas.

Prest. Taylor afterwards proceeded to instruct F. M. Lyman as to what had been done in relation to the School of the Prophets and considerable conversation ensued upon that subject. Bro. Lyman was accepted by the First Presidency and Twelve as a member.

3 October 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 3, 1883. At the Office this morning. Variously engaged. At 3 p.m. attended meeting at the Social Hall, it being an adjourned Council from last Conference, the Council held at this time. I attended the Theatre tonight with my daughter Mary Alice, and President Taylor sat beside us in the parquet. The performance was the “Colleen Bawn” with Dion Boccicult as the principal actor.

4 October 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Oct 4, 1883. At the Office. At 1/2 past 12 oclock a meeting of the Iron Manufacturing Co. was held and the old officers were re-elected with the exception that John R. Winder was substituted as a director in the place of Bishop Thos Cuttler who lives at Nephi. I was elected President. Bro. Thos Taylor made a report of his trip to the Southern part of the Territory and the success with which he had met, which was somewhat gratifying, though it was a cause of regret that we could not have our fire brick manufactured before next spring. At 3 p.m. there was a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve at the Presidents Office when he laid before the brethren with considerable plainness the manifestations he had had respecting the development of wealth, and the means that should be taken in this direction. He made a statement of what had been done with Bishop Thomas Taylor respecting the iron mines and then requested me as he was wearied, to continue the statement which I did, laying before the brethren all that had been done in regard to the proposition to Bishop Taylor, which he rejected, and his final proposition to us, which we had accepted. The revelation which Prest. Taylor had received upon the subject was also read, and then our transaction[s] with Bro. John Beck were fully explained. I saw this struck some of the brethren unfavorably as it did me when first suggested; but there was considerable of the spirit of the Lord present and all felt well.

5 October 1883 • Friday

Friday Octr 5, 1883. At 10 a.m. we met in conference in the Assembly Hall. I offered prayer. We had a very excellent meeting. Prest. Taylor spoke followed by Apostle H. J. Grant, Brigham Young, and Elder David P. Kimball, and I close[d] in remarks occupying about 10 or 15 minutes.

In the afternoon met in the large tabernacle. Apostle L. Snow addressed the assembly. I followed with reports of the Logan and Manti Temples. Then Apostle Erastus Snow occupied the remainder of the time.

At 4.30 met with the Stock holders of Z.C.M.I. and had not time to eat my supper before I met with the Sunday School Union in the Assembly Hall, and had a most excellent meeting.

6 October 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 6 1883. Conference was addressed this morning by Bros F D. Richards, Moses Thatcher, and Albert Carrington and in the afternoon by Prest. Woodruff. I then called off the names of the missionaries which were sustained by the Conference. Bro. Lyman then spoke, and I read statistical report of the several Stakes, also of the Relief Societies. At 7 p.m. a general meeting of the Priesthood was held in the Assembly Hall. Prest. Jos. F Smith addressed the meeting followed by myself and then by Prest. Taylor.

7 October 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Oct 7, 1883. Myself and Bro. Jos. F. Smith occupied the forenoon. We both enjoyed ourselves. In the afternoon, the names of the missionaries and the general authorities of the Church were presented. Prest. Taylor then occupied the time for about fifty minutes, when feeling faint very suddenly he sat down and requested me to speak which I did for ten minutes. He then arose and spoke with considerable power for ten minutes longer. Conference adjourned until next April.

I attended meeting of the Seventies immediately after the close of the Conference.

My nephews D. H. Cannon Jr and George J. Woodbury and my niece Leon – the latter two children of Sister Annie – spent the evening at my house. We had a very interesting time. The boys are going away on missions to the Southern States, starting on Tuesday morning.

8 October 1883 • Monday

Monday Octr 8, 1883. At the Office. A number of returned missionaries were in the Office today. At 3 p.m. the First Presidency and Twelve with the Presidents of Stakes and their Counselors and also the presiding Bishops met at the Social Hall. Prest. Taylor addressed the meeting, and I also made some remarks.

Adjourned to meet at 7 oclock in the evening. Bro. Preston made a report of his visit to the Territory of Idaho. Prest. Taylor made a few remarks, also Prests Jos. F. Smith and Woodruff. Questions were then asked by several presidents of stakes which Prest. Taylor answered. As the evening hour was well advanced a motion was made to adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 oclock. This evening the Presidents of the Seventies were invited to be present, and all who were in town were there, namely, H. S. Eldredge, Jacob Gates, W. W. Taylor, Abraham H. Cannon, & Seymour B. Young.

9 October 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 9, 1883. We met at 10 oclock in the Social Hall. A number of questions were asked, answers to which were given principally respecting the crime of adultery and kindred offences. Towards the close of the meeting I spoke upon the secret practices of youths to which I thought the attention of Presidents of Stakes and leading men ought to be called so that proper measures ought to be taken to check this evil which was attended by the most horrid consequences to those who practice it.

Adjourned until 7 oclock in the evening.

This evenings meeting was one of considerable interest and much valuable instruction was given.

We set apart David P. Kimball as first Counsellor to Christr Layton. I was mouth. Bros Jos. F. Smith, E. Snow, and F. M. Lyman assisted.

10 October 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 10, 1883. At 10 A.M. this morning we met in council in the Social Hall, having adjourned from last Wednesday and attended to a variety of business, among which was my appointment to go to the States to endeavor to employ counsel in place of Judge Black. Bro. F. S. Richards was also sustained to go with me. At 2 p.m. the usual meeting of the Presidency and Apostles was held in the Endowment House, and at 5 p.m. a meeting of the Presidents of Stakes was called at the Endowment House, when the proceedings of the organization of the School of the Prophets was read to them. An adjournment was taken until 10. A.m. tomorrow

11 October 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Octr 11, 1883. The First Presidency and Twelve and Presidents of Stakes met at the Presidents Office at 10. A.m. Bro. Jos. F. Smith was absent at the Endowment House, but came in to the meeting before its close. A number of the Apostles spoke, as also a number of the Presidents of Stakes. A considerable number of questions were asked of Bro. Z. Coltrim who is the only member of the first School of the Prophets organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith in January 1833 now living. He gave a very interesting description of the vision which they beheld of the Father and the Son while in the School.

At 3.15 met again in the Presidents Office. The Presidents of Stakes were called to express their feelings, which all did. After the Presidents had all spoken they were accepted as members, and they voted to accept the Twelve and their counselors, and the First Presidency. This meeting adjourned and an appointment was made to meet at the Endowment House tomorrow at 9 oclock for the purpose of attending to the ordinance of the washing of feet. At 7.30 the First Presidency and Twelve met at the Presidents Office, and President Taylor and myself made further explanations concerning the business upon which we had entered in connection with Bro. John Beck. Prest. Taylor made a proposition to them, if they desired, to enter into this arrangement with us; he was quite willing they should do so. Bro. Moses Thatcher responded and expressed his willingness to do what he could and said that he had $5000 that he would put in the investment.

12 October 1883 • Friday

Friday Octr 12, 1883. The First Presidency, and the following members of the Twelve (with counselor D. H. Wells,) and the following brethren, Presidents of Stakes, and two counselors of Presidents of Stakes (Bros Eyring & Maiben) met at the Endowment House at 9 oclock this morning: Prest. John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F. Smith of the First Presidency; Apostles W. Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, A Carrington, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant & Counselor D H Wells, of the Twelve; A. O Smoot, C. Layton, W R. Smith, John R. Murdock, John D T. McAllister, Willard G. Smith, Wm Budge, Ira N. Hinckley, Christian G. Larsen, Abram Hatch, Silas S. Smith, Wm B. Preston, Hugh S. Gowans, W. W. Cluff, Angus M. Cannon, Leonard John Nuttall, L. W. Shurtliff, Wm Paxman, Thos J. Jones, Jesse W. Crosby Jr, Presidents of Stakes; and Elders George Reynolds & Z. Coltrin. We all met fasting [148 words redacted relating to a sacred ritual]. The spirit of God was powerfully poured out, and all felt subdued and to rejoice. After this ceremony was finished, bread and wine were brought in. Prest. Taylor, myself, and Bro. Joseph F. Smith proceeded to break the bread, dividing a loaf into about three pieces, which Prest. Taylor invoked a blessing upon. Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself distributed the bread to the brethren. After sitting [and] eating at the bread for a while, we then proceeded to distribute a gallon of wine for those who were present, there being thirty[-]eight of us. This gave each a small wine-glass-ful, upon which, also, President Taylor invoked a blessing. This is a day long to be remembered. I never had such feelings in my life. All felt the power of God to a wonderful extent. We felt linked together in the bonds of love, and that we were brethren united together by the holiest of covenants and the strongest of ties. After having partaken of the sacrament all the brethren withdrew into the celestial room with the exception of Prest. Taylor. We remained there about five minutes to give him time to offer up prayer, and then we proceeded up stairs and he delivered to us the salutation found in section 88 of the Book of Doctrine & Covenants with uplifted hands to heaven, and in response I, in behalf of the brethren, gave him the salutation with all our hands uplifted to heaven; after which we adjourned.

13 October 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 13, 1883. At the Office most of the day. Very busy making preparations to go to the states and closing up my business which has been greatly neglected through our constant meetings. We have had a succession of meetings that have occupied nearly our entire time. I have scarcely had a moment to even converse with my family for nearly two weeks. I have made a change in regard to my affairs. I find that in consequence of means being expended in directions suggested by Prest. Taylor I am left with comparatively limited resources. I am compelled therefore to reduce my expenses, and after careful thought I have determined to part with all my men that I have employed. It was a painful thing for me to do in the beginning of winter, because I knew they were making calculations on continued employment in my service, but I submitted the necessity of it to them, and told them I would do all in my power to satisfy them. After considerable conversation with my brother-in-law, John Hoagland, I told him what I had in my mind to do – to give him $150, and I wanted him to accept a horse which I had; but before concluding I made it $200 and settled with him on that basis, at which he expressed himself well satisfied; in fact $150 was very liberal, he said. With my gardener, Dan Jones, I arranged for him to get a place in the Co-operative store, and I gave him $40, being one month’s wages, at which he expressed himself fully satisfied. My plow land I let my son Abraham have, I to furnish nothing and he to give me half. Also to take my dry stock which were principally heifers, ten in number, and four or 5 cows, of the yield of which he is to give me one half. I feel compelled to do this to curtail my expenses. I have been carrying too heavy a load. The result has been that I have expended more than I have earned or had in the shape of income, and if I had continued in this way with my other calls I would soon have exhausted all I have. What I had done in connection with the Beck property I look upon as practical consecration. It may bring me returns, but I do not make any calculations upon that. This ties up considerable means and leaves me, in fact, in debt.

14 October 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Oct 14, 1883. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. in the afternoon. Before going there in the morning I had an interview with my boys and explained business to them and what I wished them to do. My son Abraham also was present. I afterwards had a meeting with the boys and girls together and gave them counsel and catechized them somewhat about their lives.

15 October 1883 • Monday

Monday Octr 15, 1883. I forgot to mention yesterday that I was set apart for my mission by the First Presidency at the Endowment House after prayer. I have been very busy today arranging my affairs so that I could leave; dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine, which has been very much behind.

16–18 October 1883 • Tuesday to Thursday

Tuesday Octr 16, 1883. Abraham drove me to town in time for train this morning. Angus took my baggage in another vehicle. Numerous friends at the station, among others Bro. Jos. F. Smith & my brother Angus. My daughter-in-law Annie Wells Cannon was there to start with the missionaries for Europe, also Sister John Henry Smith. Bishop Sharp had Directors car on in which he invited Bro. Caine and me to eat breakfast. There was himself, Bros. Jennings, Eldredge, Little & Hills also at breakfast. My son Frank met me at Ogden. Bought me traveling cap. Were at Ogden but short time. From this point to Omaha nothing of importance occurred. We were joined at Ogden by Bro & Sister F. S. Richards & two sons & Sister Reeves. We reached Omaha about midday on Thursday Octr 18, 1883. – Crossed the river and took Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. to Chicago.

19 October 1883 • Friday

Friday, Octr 19, 1883. Finding we would reach Niagara Falls as quickly by taking 4.30 p.m. train decided to stay and look around the City. Went to Lincoln Park; a beautiful place. Had good view of the Lake. Visited water works, at which there are engines 3000 horsepower pumping water right into pipes; no reservoir. Took Michigan Central Sleeper which carried us to Port Erie by 7.30 a.m. (Saturday).

20 October 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, Octr 20, 1883. Changed cars and ran down to Niagara Falls. Breakfasted at Prospect House, Canada side. Viewed all sights at Niagara Falls. Took train at 4.30 p.m. by N. Y & Lake Erie & Western R. R. for New York. Reached New York on

21 October 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Octr 21, 1883. at 7.30. Put up at the Grand Central Hotel. Bro. Hart took us by Elevated R. R. to Brooklyn bridge; crossed it in cars, then we took cars to Greenwood Cemetery. We were taken through the cemetery by guide in excursion carriage. Afterwards attended meeting of Saints at Williamsburg. Bishop Arthur, Schvenfeld, myself and Bro. Hart addressed the congregation. There are very few saints resident here. Those present consisted principally of our missionaries who had come with us. In the evening Annie and I crossed to Governors Island to see Lieut. R. W. Young & wife.

22 October 1883 • Monday

Monday Octr 22, 1883. Went with Annie & folks to Central Park and other places of interest. Wrote long letter to John Q. Went to Wallacks in the evening and saw Moths. Was taken by Bro. R. S. Watson. Strong acting

23 October 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 23, 1883. Missionaries, and Sisters Smith, Reeves, and Annie embarked on Oregon, an elegant vessel. This is her second trip. She crossed in seven days. Bro. Hart got Annie Cabin passage. Sixteen missionaries went cabin and about seventeen intermediate. Great crowds to see vessel off. Sailed precisely at 10.30. Took train at 11 a.m to Philadelphia. General Kane not at home. Called at 7.30 p.m. Sat up talking over affairs and our situation till 11 p.m. He is in good health; delighted to see me. Appointment made for Bros Caine & Richards and myself to lunch with him on Thursday

24 October 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 24, 1883. Left Continental Hotel and took train at 7.30 A.M. to New York. Spent day writing letter to Pres. Taylor and “Topics of the Times” for Juvenile Instructor. Went with Bro. Hart in the evening to see Joe Jefferson at Union Square Theatre in “The Cricket on the Hearth” and “Lend me five Shillings”. Performance very good and humorous.

25 October 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Octr 25, 1883. Bros Caine & Richards and latters family left New York for Philadelphia at 11 a.m. We three went directly to General Kane’s. Took elegant lunch with him and Mrs Kane and his [blank] Robt P. Kane who expressed great pleasure at meeting me and desired me to visit him when he came to town from his country place on the 15th proxo. Spent afternoon talking over situation with General. Bro J. T. Caine & self went in evening to see “Hearts of Oak” – Herne as principal character – at Walnut Theatre.

26 October 1883 • Friday

Friday Octr 26, 1883. Called upon General Kane at 9.30 a.m. The brethren called at 10. am. Conversed over situation. He would make further inquiries and call at our hotel at 4 p.m. He did so. As brethren were absent we had long conversation upon various matters connected with our situation. Inquiries had satisfied him concerning ex Senator Thurman being suitable if he could be secured. In case we had two (and he favored this) Conkling would be excellent. He saw many advantages looking to the future in having two. He desired I should go to Washington and inquire among my friends concerning Thurman and return here (Phila) by 11 a.m. <on Monday> as he wished Randall and myself to meet.

Enjoyed comic opera with Bro. Caine & Bro. Richards part of the time. “Beggar Student” was the opera. Wrote Governor Black.

27 October 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 27, 1883. Left for Washington on 7.20 A.m. train. Reached there at 11.10 A.m. Bro. Caine stopped to visit and bring with him his son Joseph to Washington who was at School in Md. I put up at Riggs House. Spent the afternoon in seeing acquaintances and making inquiries, Various reports about Thurman. Find he is here and will make argument before U.S. Supreme Court on Monday. Went with Bro. Caine & son to see “Romany Rye” in the evening.

28 October 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Octr 28, 1883. Called at General Kane’s according to appointment at 11 A.M. He had made an appointment with ex-Speaker Randall to lunch with him, the latter wanted to see me. But he could not come. General Kane and I had luncheon. We talked fully over the situation. He urged me to find the McCormicks and to make my approaches to ex Senator Thurman through them.

30 October 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 30, 1883. Took train to Washington this morning. Went up to U.S. Supreme Court hoping that case in which Judge Thurman is engaged would be up for argument and that we would hear him. Wrote letter to Prest. Taylor, also to Bro. Hart at New York asking him to find out for me if Gov. McCormick is there and to telegraph me results

31 October 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 31, 1883. At the U.S. Supreme Court room. Case in which Mr Thurman is engaged will not come up till tomorrow. Received dispatch from Bro. Hart informing me Gov. McCormick is there having just returned from Europe. Had five minutes to get ready for train. Reached New York at about 11 p.m.

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October 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1883/10-1883