July 1853

1 July 1853 • Friday

We arose very early this morning & met according to the order and was much blessed. Bros. Napela & Raymond started on a little mission which had been given them to some villages on the N. West [side of Maui]. Translating &c.

2 July 1853 • Saturday

Translating &c. Received a <good> letter from Bro. Hammond, stating that the brethren could1 not get to Molokai, on account of the stoppage of intercourse for fear of the small pox.2 The people are much terrified and leaving the town and going on to the bench land to stop. Also received a letter from Bro. Napela stating that they people would not go near them on account of having been forbidden by the rulers and priests. I sat down and wrote him a letter giving him counsel and instruction in regard to the course for them to pursue should they reject their testimony and refuse to receive but to do every thing in wisdom. I had the spirit while writing this letter. I forgot to mention that I wrote a letter yesterday to Bro. Kaleohano counselling in regard to some delinquent members in Kula and also about having one of the brethren attend to the branch in Honuaula [Honua‘ula] on Sunday and meet with them. Also wrote to Bro. Reddin [Allred] and sent Bros. Lewis & Hammond’s letters to him.

3 July 1853 • Sunday

Bible Class in morning; afterwards held meeting and I preached to a good congregation. During intermission <I> baptised five. In afternoon attended to the confirmation, preached, administered the Lord’s supper, and confi ordained a teacher, Bro. [J. H.] Keanu, for Wailuku. We were blessed much with the spirit.

4 July 1853 • Monday

Writing &c. The people are filled with fear on account of the small pox—there is no other topic of conversation scarcely at present but the mai, ka mai, e make paha auanei kakou i keia mai ino.3 The saints do not appear to trouble themselves about it, believing that it is only as we said it would be—that the scourges were soon to be sent on the nations. Baptised two.

5 July 1853 • Tuesday

Arose very early, before light and met according to the order. Before <breakfast>, we were called upon to go and administer to a child; and while there baptised two women. Translating; received a letter from Bros. Allred and Kaleohano.

6 July 1853 • Wednesday

Translating &c. In afternoon I went over to the other side of the creek and baptised a woman & held meeting.

7 July 1853 • Thursday

Fast day to-day; we met at ½ past 10 and I spoke and then gave liberty to the saints to do as the spirit dictated, sing, pray, speak &c. &c. and there was some excellent speaking done by the brethren and also singing & prayer. Our hearts were melted down and we were filled to overflowing, scarcely a person in the house who did not shed tears of joy—I sat and listened with great pleasure to the brethren’s testimonies and felt edified with their remarks. Our meeting lasted about 6 hours and none seemed to be fatigued and when I arose to dismiss the meeting there was as much desire to manifested by the saints to hear more as though the meeting had just commenced; I gave them a good deal of instruction and told them that from this time forward none need say that he did not know that this work was true, as all had had evidence sufficient this day to confirm it to him and if they would always keep this spirit they would always know it was true and could bear testimony; but this is a thing that happens very frequently, the saints come to meeting, get the spirit, feel happy, and afterwards return get cooled off and feel indifferent and Satan steps in and would fain make them believe that all they had felt in meeting and elsewhere when they felt so, was the effect of excitement or something else. The fact is unless the spirit of the Lord is with a man he cannot appreciate or know the things of the Lord.

This evening Bros. R. A. Allred & Hawkins arrived from Kula; they were both well; Bro. H. had come from Hana lately and had left Bro. Lawson there, well; and Bro. R. [Reddick] N. Allred at Keanae, well. There was a chinaman store keeper attacked in his store this evening directly after dark and struck over the head with a plane and stabbed some eight or ten times about the head and face and left insensible where he was found by the constables; the neighbors had heard a fuss and the cry of murder in the house but were frightened and did not go in but ran and told the head constable who came but the perpetrator had made his escape and no traces could be found of him. Bros. Allred, Snider and I went and seen him—he was a most shocking looking object—the worst I ever saw; his face was cut much his nose split, a stab above the eye which closed the eye completely, his ear split, a cut4 in the lower edge of the temple which I think has penetrated the brain, & several others in different parts of the head and face. The town is all excitement.

8 July 1853 • Friday

They have arrested a young man by the name of Kahiamoe, who formerly belonged to the church and was cut off, on suspicion he having had several quarrels with the chinaman, and had been seen about there a while before the murder was committed, also seen riding from that direction afterwards; blood was found on his bridle reins, saddle, pants, and all this combined with his former character, which was bad, made suspicion very strong against him—the man died this evening.5

9 July 1853 • Saturday

Composed a hymn to-day, Bro. Hawkins and I on the subject of the saints leaving Babylon and going to Zion, to the tune of Come, Come away.6

In afternoon attended singing school. This evening word came that the coolies, chinamen, were coming down from Makawao to avenge the death of their countryman by killing the murderer & all his relatives, and all the place is excitement and fear. Bro. H. left for Kula.

10 July 1853 • Sunday

Bible Class this morning. Afterwards held meeting I preached and was blessed very much in preaching on the first principles of the gospel—they are never stale when spoken upon by the spirit and I am edified myself whenever I speak on them. In afternoon held meeting and was likewise blessed very much with the spirit. There was one woman baptised this afternoon by Bro. Kanahunahupu.

11 July 1853 • Monday

Writing &c. Bros. Napela & Raymond returned from the N. W. side of the island where they had been laboring—they had not baptised any—there were many believing but filled with fear of the priests, &c. Attended Bro. Allred’s singing school.

12 July 1853 • Tuesday

Translating &c. Bro. Allred taught singing school in afternoon which I attended. Bro. Green arrived to-day from Lahaina leaving all well.

13 July 1853 • Wednesday

Bro. Allred left this morning for Kula. In afternoon held meeting after <the> sing-school was finished.

14 July 1853 • Thursday

Bro. Napela & I went down to the beach to see two palsied persons—a young man & his step-mother—who had covenanted to be baptized when they were first administered to. When we arrived we talked to them and they consented and also wished to be baptized; we took them down to the sea & baptized them,—both of us officiating and afterwards confirmed them.

15 July 1853 • Friday

Translating &c. Bro. Hawkins arrived from Kula.7

16 July 1853 • Saturday

Bro. Hawkins & I started for Kula and arrived about noon or a little after we found Bro. [Reddin] Allred well and all the saints. We held meeting in the afternoon and I spoke.

17 July 1853 • Sunday

We went down to the Lower Meeting House [at Oma‘opio] and held meeting. Bro. I spoke and Bro. Hawkins followed. In afternoon had the Lord’s Supper and also confirmed seven that had been baptised during intermission and also selected and ordained three priests, Bros. Kekoa and Kalawaia, of Kula, and Bro. [John] Davis, of Makawao; also some teachers & deacons. I spoke to some length on various subjects, instructing and counseling the officers and saints, After meeting, we, <Bros. Allred, Hawkins and I> rode over to Makawao and arrived in the evening and found Bros. McBride & Winchester well.

18 July 1853 • Monday

Reading &c. Bro. Redick N. Allred arrived from Koolau.8

19 July 1853 • Tuesday

Started early for Wailuku and arrived about 8 or 9 o’clock. Attended officer meeting and had a very good time.

20 July 1853 • Wednesday

Translating &c. Held meeting in afternoon and administered to some sick folk.

21 July 1853 • Thursday

Translating &c. I Received three papers from Bro. Joseph Cain, the [Deseret] News, and one also for Bro. McBride, and two letters from the Valley for the Bros. Allred—I received no letters. The news was very cheering and I felt to rejoice in the reception of these papers for they were as welcome as an old friend and was gladdening in the extreme they being filled with principle and doctrine instructive to me, and I have gathered many good ideas from the perusal of this invaluable paper. Bros. Allred & Keeler arrived to-day. Bro. K. had baptised 38.

22 July 1853 • Friday

Translating to-day—the brethren started about two o’clock a foot. I stayed to finish the translation and succeeded in completing the Book [of Mormon] before I started—four o’clock. I then started <on horseback> and overtook the brethren—Bro. [Edgerton] Snider was much crippled and he rode the <horse> the remainder of the way. We arrived at Lahaina about 10 or ½ past 10 o’clock, and found all well.

23 July 1853 • Saturday

Lounging to-day—conversing on the things of the kingdom and on the news of the day. Bro. [William] McBride arrived from Makawao, Bro. [James] Hawkins from Kula and Bro. [John] Woodbury from Molokai [Moloka‘i]—we were now altogether that belonged to this conference with the exception of Bro. [James] Lawson who had stayed at Hana. We felt well and to rejoice in each other’s society and in the glorious privileges enjoyed by us. Sickness in the shape of the Small Pox is making sad havoc among the people of Honolulu, and is at present in the districts of Hana and Kipahulu on this island; according to the best information we can gather, there must be in the vicinity of from 1500 to 2000 carried off by this dreadful disease.9 There were ten of us together and Sis. Hammond.

24 July 185310 • Sunday

I received a letter yesterday from my brother, Angus; he felt well in writing. I also received one from Bro. Lawson, Hana and one from Bro. [William] Farrer, Honolulu—who states that the small pox is raging—meetings have stopped in the city—Bro. Hy [Henry Bigler] is doing a good work on the back part of the island. I felt glad to hear of Bro. Hy’s prosperity & of Bro. Wm’s & Bro. [Benjamin F.] Johnson’s health. Bros. [Philip] Lewis, & [J. W. H.] Kauwahi have gone to Kauwahi<ai> to preach, & Bro. [Albion] Burnham went there to work for a year in the employ of Judge [William] Lee & intends to return to Oahu [O‘ahu] for his family. On their way they touched at a place and stopped a day or two and baptised & organized a branch of 15 members; the people wanted them to stop but they were anxious to get to the place where Bro. Kooele [I. H. Kaele] was living, (the Brother who was ordained an elder and sent back there.[)]

Preached this morning the congregation paid good attention & I was enabled to speak plainly and by the spirit.11 During intermission Bro. [Francis] Hammond baptised a man & woman. In afternoon held meeting again. Bro. [Jonathan] Napela spoke and spoke well, I followed and had a good flow of the spirit, and was followed by Bro. Hawkins; We ordained, two priests, Bros. Kane & Kalau, and two teachers.

25 July 1853 • Monday

Attended morning meeting. And after breakfast Bro. Hammond & I attended a meeting of the natives in [Rev. Dwight] Baldwin’s church to take into consideration the best measures to be taken to prevent the spread of the small pox. After three hours spent in confusion and making various various [sic] propositions, they dismissed having done what might have been done in ten minutes. The Governor [Nahaolelua] was Chairman of the meeting—it was quite a contrast to our way of doing business with the priesthood presiding, every one thinking that his plan and opinion was the best & wisest.12

To day we kept as our anniversary [of the Mormon pioneers’ arrival in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847] and we had an excellent <dinner> prepared thro’ the kindness and liberality of Bro. & Sis. [Mary Jane] Hammond whose endeavors to make us comfortable and happy could not have been surpassed and I pray that they may be blessed; Bro. Napela & wife [Kitty Napela], and wife’s sister and her step-daughter eate dinner; and we enjoyed ourselves much in singing and good conversation. In evening held meeting, and we took into consideration various items of business, and we thought it best to commence to preach more about the Book of Mormon that the people may be prepared with means in order to help towards printing the Book, and it was also thought best for me to write to get counsel about the propriety of commencing to collect means together for this purpose. We also took into consideration the propriety of having one of the brethren going to Kauai [Kaua‘i], when we thought it best to leave it until conference as it was close at hand & Bro. Lewis had gone on there. It was also left to me to say about some one of us going to labor in Bro. Hammond’s field, according to his own proposition, and Bro. H. to go and labor in the field that should be vacated. Our meeting was a very good one.13

26 July 1853 • Tuesday

Writing a general letter to Bros. Lewis, Johnson, Bigler & Farrer, giving all the news &c. and asking their counsel in regard to the Book of Mormon, in relation to commencing to collect subscriptions, &c., &c. Met in evening and had an excellent time.

27 July 1853 • Wednesday

Writing, conversing, &c., attended to morning and afternoon meetings and spoke.

28 July 1853 • Thursday

Wrote a letter to Bro. Joseph Cain &c. Bro. Geo. [George] Raymond came to Lahaina to accompany me around to Honokahau to preach on Sunday.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s proceedings of the departure of Bros. McBride & Snider on horseback to Wailuku—before they went we blessed Bros. Woodbury & [Ephraim] Green, as they were thinking of going to Molokai—and enjoyed the spirit in so doing. The vessel did not go as soon as was calculated and the brethren returned and we had a general blessing meeting—with the exception of Bros. McB & S. who had gone—We enjoyed the spirit much and all received good blessings; Bro. Hammond was mouth in blessing me and I felt the spirit flowing from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet like shocks of electricity—They said the Lord was well pleased with the course I had taken & my name would be had in honorable remembrance among this people throughout all future generations as one who had opened the dispensation of the gospel to them in these last days—that I should be instrumental in carrying the gospel to many nations—and that when the proper time for me to return <came,> I should know it even as though the voice of the Lord should speak it.—I should be blessed with wisdom to act in my calling and to preside over this conference, &c. &c. We also blessed Sis. Hammond and two native brethren who belonged to the boat in which the brethren were going. When we had finished,—Bros. Green & Woodbury bade us good bye and set sail.

On Thursday morning early before daylight the brethren left—Bros. Redick [Reddick] N. Allred, Hawkins & [James] Keeler for Wailuku.

29 July 1853 • Friday

Attended morning meeting and preached.14 Afterwards wrote a letter to Bro. <my cousin> Geo. [George] J. Taylor. In the afternoon Bros. Hammond, Raymond & I started for Honokahau to preach and endeavor to open up as the spirit should direct an[d] opportunity offer. We stopped at Honokahua, <it> being dark when we arrived there, at the house of a young man who was on probation expecting to get into the Calvinist church. We talked to him & endeavored to implant the truth in his heart—he paid good attention but the snares of these false teachers are strong and they have great influence over the people—it [is] so popular, so honorable and so respected their delusion, and all the prejudices of the people are so much in their favor—that it is almost an impossibility for one who is in the snare to forsake it and embrace the truth whose <exterior> attractions are not sufficiently strong to allure or induce them to believe the words of a humble servant of God—The multitude pay great respect to a learned hireling and their persons are admired & every thing provided for them, while a servant of God because of his humility and his observance of the commands of the Lord is very frequently looked upon with contempt.15

30 July 1853 • Saturday

We ate breakfast and then started; we met a great many people going the other way to meeting preparatory to the morrow which was a sacrament day with the Calvinists. We passed thro’ Honolua and Punalau not many people to be seen—and turned aside to a secret place and had prayers which we enjoyed much. We arrived before noon at Honokahau & was introduced by Bro. Geo. Raymond to Bro. Ikuaana, a cousin of Bro. Napela. We stopped at his house—the people seem careless and indifferent.16

31 July 1853 • Sunday

A few gathered together and I spoke on the first principles and was followed by Bros. Hammond & Geo.; and in the afternoon the people kept gathering on their return from the Catholic and Calvinist meetings and we took the opportunity of reasoning with them and preaching unto them on the principles of truth for some time, although we did not have a regular meeting. We baptised Palaualelo, the wife of Bro. Ikuaana, Bro. Geo. officiating.

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July 1853, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1853/07-1853


  1. [1]Corrected in ink from good.

  2. [2]On June 27, Green and Woodbury “started for Lahaina when we had got about halfway we hurd the smallpox was in Lahaina. . . . When we had got thare we found the report true Thare is one case in this place supposed to be the small pox and the people is nearly fritend to deth Thare is no pasing to Malakai at presant untill the excitement is over.” The following day Green noted: “I have bin down to town this morning thare is no one sturing fear has taken hold of them” (Green diary, June 27–28, 1853).

  3. [3]Ma‘i, ka ma‘i, e make paha auanei kakou i keia ma‘i ino translates as “This illness, this illness, perhaps we will all die in this bad illness.”

  4. [4]Corrected in ink from stab.

  5. [5]At Cannon’s request, Hammond attended Kahiamoe’s preliminary hearing. “All the evidence which was addressed in court was entirely circumstancial, he Kahiamoe was seen at the chinaman’s store the same day and was heard to use some thretning language . . . was seen about the premises after dark[,] blood was found on his saddle, briddle, pants &c.” Hammond concluded, “My own first opinion is that he is guilty although there is no direct proff of it” (Hammond journal, July 13–14, 1853). Concerning the trial itself, held during the October court term, at which Kahiamoe was acquitted, the Polynesian reported, “The evidence was circumstantial, contradictory, and altogether too slight to convict any man of a capital offense” (“Supreme Court,” Polynesian, Oct. 8, 1853).

  6. [6]The hymn was titled “E puka ae Kakou mai babilona aku &c.” [“We ascended from Babylon etc.”] (Hammond journal, Apr. 9, 1854). No known copy of the words of this hymn is extant.

  7. [7]The arrival of Hawkins brought an end to a day of quiet study: “Bro Canon went to translating the Book of Mormon Bro Snider and myself to studying the language thare was not a wor[d] spoak . . . till afternoon then bro Hawkins came in and that break the charm” (Green diary, July 15, 1853).

  8. [8]Reddick Allred reported: “I got to Bro. Winchesters, and found Bros. Reddin, Cannon, Hawkins & McBride there, and all in good health: they soon invited me to a table orespread with the bounties of life & I was much refreshened thereby. We all spent the night with Bro. W. and pertook of a refreshing supper. . . . Altho. it was provided by the brethren, it was delicious, and Elder Cannon said, ‘it is good enough for a “Mormon” Elder & they ought to have the best.’ Winchester’s wife was in Honolulu” (Reddick Allred journal, July 18, 1853).

  9. [9]The epidemic peaked in late August 1853, although the disease lingered until January 1854, when government officials reported that the epidemic had produced more than 6,400 cases of the disease and nearly 2,500 deaths (Polynesian, Jan. 28, 1854). The main brunt of the epidemic hit O‘ahu, with most of the cases and victims occurring in Honolulu, while the outer islands suffered but little. Given the primitive nature of the reporting process, it is likely that both the number of cases and deaths were underreported (Kuykendall, Hawaiian Kingdom, 1:412).

  10. [10]Cannon originally wrote the day as Saturday but corrected it in pen.

  11. [11]Hammond recounted that “Bro. Cannon presided & preached from Is. 29,13,14. Elder Hawkins bore testamoney. Had a full house” (Hammond journal, July 24, 1853).

  12. [12]Unreported by Cannon but noted by Hammond was the part Napela played in the meeting. “Elders Cannon, Napela & myself went to Baldwins or the native Church to attend a meeting of the citizens to adopt some Masures to prevent the small pox from coming here &c. Elder N. got up to speak and as he went on to point out what people done in ancient days in such cases how they sought the Lord by fasting & prayer &c. he recomended them to do the same now; but soon the devil made his appearence, one of Baldwin’s members got up and called a vote to have Napela set down, when a general row ensued.” Hammond further noted that “after 3 hours rangleing and gangling they succeeded in appointing a commitee of 3 to draft some resalutions” (Hammond journal, July 25, 1853).

  13. [13]Hammond wrote of the day’s events: “3 O.C. p.m. had our dinner for the 24th had the best dinner that I ever eat on these Islands. 8 Elders besides myself ware present. . . . We had a good time and all felt well. After dinner enjoyed ourselfes in singing & conversation. The chorister of the other church came to hear us sing and asked a copy of one him [hymn] the brethren [Cannon and Hawkins] have made and set to music since we came [to the] tune come come away” (Hammond journal, July 25, 1853). Green reported that after dinner the missionaries went into “the yard and set under the shade and sung the return of the twelve and all the good himes [hymns] that we could think of” (Green diary, July 25, 1853). Reddick Allred noted that the evening council took “into consideration the printing of the Book of Mormon, as it was ready for the Press. We thought it might be done at the ‘Argus’ office and moved to request the Brethren to inquire. . . . It was further agreed that Bro. Reddin stop in Lahaina for a season & assist Elder Hammond, and also to instruct the branch in singing” (Reddick Allred journal, July 25, 1853).

    Woodbury recorded, “It was near midnight when we wer ready for bed” (Woodbury diary, July 25, 1853).

  14. [14]Hammond described the meeting in greater detail: “Bro. Cannon spoke and exhorted the saints to earnestly contend for the faith once deliverd to the Saints. . . . I exhorted the saints to remember and treasure up what they had heard and to Remember Elder Cannon as the President of this conference, and to uphold him by their faith and prayers while he is prepairing the ‘book of Mormon’ for the press &c.” (Hammond journal, July 29, 1853).

  15. [15]Hammond also wrote of the situation at Honokahua: “The neibourhood was all alive here a striving to get into the calvin church this coming sacrament which they hold on sunday next as that is the only time they take in members so we did not find much chance to preach” (Hammond journal, July 29, 1853).

  16. [16]Hammond provided additional details about the day’s activities:

    “After riding about 8 miles over hills and dales we arrived at Honokahau, a nice little group of houses situate[d] on the beach at the mouth of a deep ravein runing up into the mountain for miles with a fine clear stream of water runing down the midts of the valley. . . . We persued our way to a small group of natives which were standing by their canoes, and nets which they were getting ready for use; among this party Bro. Raymond discovered a Bro. Ikuaana. . . . He was baptised by a native by the name of Kaelepulu a few weeks since. . . . He seemed glad to see us and told Bro. R. to take us on up to his house and he would be along as soon as he should make an effort to catch some fish. (He is a distant relative of Napelas) Bro. R. took the road up the valley and led us about a mile up the same and stoped at a nice new native house. . . . We were received and made welcome by Bro. Ikuaana’s daughter & son in law who were all glad to see us; it was about 1 O.C. when we arrived. Spent the afternoon in talking to the strangers who visited us during the afternoon. Also went and took a good bath in the cold mountain stream which refreshed us much” (Hammond journal, July 30, 1853).