April 1889

1 April 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, April 1st, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. I was busy most of the day in preparing my letter which I dated March 30th, in answer to the account presented by Brother Moses Thatcher. I shall embody a copy of this letter with today’s journal. Held a meeting in the afternoon of the Deseret News Co. Lewis accompanied me home in my buggy.

2 April 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, April 2nd, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Sister Priscilla J. Riter has been to see me twice respecting her relations with her husband. They are not living happily together. His two, children, by a former marriage, are an annoyance to her, and she wants a home of her own apart from them. I have seen him once upon the subject, and had a very long conversation with him, and this morning had another interview with him. I trust it will result in good. I wrote her a letter in which I gave her some plain counsel. I had the pleasure this morning, on reaching the Gardo House, of meeting Brother George Teasdale, who arrived last night in response to a cablegram. He received a cablegram in the evening and started the next day by steamer from Liverpool. He has to keep secret, as there is an indictment of polygamy against him. Brother Lorenzo Snow was also there, having arrived from Brigham City. Had an interview with Brothers James Sharp, W. H. Rowe, John C. Cutler, Charles H. Burton and James H. Moyle concerning the petition which is being prepared protesting against the appointment of Judge Zane. Brother Daniel H. Wells has arrived from the temple at Manti. I had an interview with Brother Wm. H. Sherman today.

3 April 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, April 3rd,

Dictated my journal to my son David. I called for Brother Woodruff and took him to the city. I called at the bank to see the cashier about loaning the Desret [Deseret] News Company $5,000.00. At ten o/clock we met in the council. There were present: Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, Joseph F. Smith, Moses Thatcher, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant. President Woodruff presented the matter concerning Brother Thatcher and myself, and the correspondence was read. Brother Thatcher made some remarks after hearing my letter to the effect that as my letter contained so many figures he would not be able to say anything about it until he had had time to examine it. I told him that the only difference between us was the $2500.00 I had mentioned in my communication as having been used without our being able to fully account for it. I said, “that is the only difference between us,” and I am willing, if Brother Thatcher does not consent to abide by the basis of dividing the stock which President Taylor proposed, to let him have what he wants, and there need be no further discussion upon the subject, and the council need not be troubled in the least with it. I said I had not felt hard in my feelings at what he had said, because I thought he had labored under a complete misapprehension. If I had not thought so I should have considered his remarks cruel in the extreme, being made concerning me while I was in prison. But I had asked myself when I had the opportunity of eating the sacrament for the first time after coming out of prison, “can I do so with a clear conscience, after what I have <he said> said?” and I felt that I could. I hoped he could see what an injustice he had done me in making such remarks. I felt thankful to the Lord that he had enabled me to fully vindicate myself from any charges that were made connected with this property. I have had more unpleasantness connected with it than anything that I have had in my hands before, and I have striven my best to make plain to all concerned everything about it, but it has seemed as if the adversary were <was> determined to make it a cause of trouble. My own conduct in connection with it has been such that I have felt willing that all the world should know everything that I have said or done about it, but especially my brethren. One thing that I corrected Brother Thatcher in, and that is in his making of explanations which he only made partially, and left wrong impressions because of not being fully explained. I think this one of the causes of the misapprehensions which have existed. Sometimes a statement half made, though it may be true, may do more <do as much> injury as much as if it were untrue, because it leaves a wrong impression. Brother Woodruff expressed his pleasure at the good spirit which prevailed, and that the matter was now likely to be settled. Bro. Lorenzo Snow said to me afterwards that he was sorry that I had offered to settle in the way that I did. I replied that I had never had a difficulty with anybody about money matters, and I did not wish now to have any, especially with one of my fellow-Apostles. There was one thing which I mentioned with <which> ought to be considered: President Taylor and myself made our bargain and bought property four months before Brother Thatcher came to our aid. The interest on $45,000.00 at ten per cent. per annum for four months would be $1,500.00, so that if this were allowed, which I thought no one would dispute, there would only be $1,000.00 difference between the basis, the settlement established by President Taylor and the basis claimed by Brother Thatcher. I trust that these explanations will have the effect to produce a better feeling concerning this property than has exsisted. In the afternoon the council met at two o/clock, and we attended to a variety of business. A little after five we adjourned to meet at ten o/clock tomorrow. My brother David has come to conference, and I met him as I was coming home, and he rode with my nephew Angus to my place. I carried my daughter Mary Alice in my buggy home.

4 April 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, April 4th, 1889.

This is fast-day. I dictated my journal to my son David. My brother David rode up with me to the city. I finished a letter to my wife Martha. At ten o’clock the council met. We remained in session, the same brethren being present that were yesterday, until one o’clock, when we adjourned until two, and remained in session until about four. We attended to quite a variety of business. I took Brother Woodruff down to his home in my buggy, and then drove to my own place. I examined the plans of the alterations proposed in my wife’s, Martha, house, which have been drawn by my son Lewis. Dictated my journal to my son David.

5 April 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, April 5th, 1889.

This day’s proceedings I shall write in my private memorandum book, if I can get time. In the evening my brother David accompanied me home.

6 April 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, April 6th, 1889.

I took my brother David back with me to town in the Surry. As Brother Woodruff desired that he and I should ride down together to the meeting Brother Wilcken took us from the Gardo House, and Brother Franklin Richards accompanied us. President Woodruff, Brother Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, D. H. Wells, and myself sat in the stand of the First Presidency. As the proceedings of the day are published it is not necessary that I should dwell upon them except to say that the forenoon was occupied by Brothers Woodruff, Grant, John Henry Smith and C. W. Penrose, and the afternoon by Brothers M. Thatcher and J. W. Taylor. Their remarks were very interesting to me, and I felt it to be quite a treat to sit once more in my place among the Saints and enjoy the spirit of a General Conference. It is four years and a half since I have had this privilege, and I esteem it as very precious. In the evening there was a Priesthood meeting <After the afternoon meeting I had Brother Wilcken> take me out to the Pen, as I desired to see Brother F. M. Lyman. I related to him the proceedings of yesterday, and we had a general interchange of feeling. I was very much softened in speaking about some things which had lately occurred, and he sustained everything that had been done, and told me that he did not know, if he had been choosing counselors, where he could look for others than myself and Brother Joseph F. He said that while no man was indispensable in one sense of the word, he thought that I was indispensable to Brother Woodruff. We promised each other that if we noticed anything that ought to be corrected we would speak frankly of it. He said that he had learned a good many things, and he hoped there would never be such things occur after the death of another President as had at the death of President Taylor. He asked me to forgive him, and I said that if I had said anything to wound his feelings I wished to be forgiven. I felt very much gratified at this interview for reasons that my private journal will reveal. He told me he would use his influence to prevent improper feelings arising with others, and he should endeavor to check them.

7 April 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, April 7th, 1889.

I awoke about four o’clock this morning. I got much drawn out in prayer to the Lord, and I clothed myself in my temple clothing and offered prayer to him in my bed-room. My great desire was that He would give me power to fill my office, that I might not be left to myself to assert my right to office and to the position which I would be called to fill, but that the Lord would bear witness to the people through the Holy Ghost that I am His servant. Brother Wilcken came down and breakfasted with me, and took me in my carriage to Brother Woodruff’s. We rode together to the city. The Tabernacle was well filled this morning, and Brother Woodruff desired me to speak to the people, and to occupy all the time I chose. I read the first few verses of the third chapter of the First Epistle of John, and I spoke for about an hour and twenty-five minutes. The people paid the closest attention, and I think I was heard by most of those present. The Lord had heard my prayers, and blessed me with the outpouring of His Holy Spirit. It is seldom that I have spoken with such power, as I did this morning, and I thank my kind Father with all my heart for His goodness to me in bearing testimony by His Spirit that I am His servant, for the Spirit and power of my office and calling were given to me in the eyes of the people, and He gave me honor in their eyes through these gifts. President Woodruff, Brother Snow and others appeared greatly pleased and edified at my remarks. In the afternoon the Priesthood were placed in position: the Twelve were in their stand; Patriarchs, Presidents of Stakes and their counselors, and the High Counselors occupied the platform on the right of the stand. The Bishops and their counselors occupied the seats on the left of the stand on the platform, and the Presiding Bishopric sat in their front. The left center of the space in front of the stand was occupied by the High Priests, and behind them the Elders sat. The right center in front of the stand was occupied by the Seventies, who filled all that space, and also space south of the aisle clear to the southern side of the building. The Lesser Priesthood sat on the north side of the aisle which divided them from the High Priests. The congregation filled such space as they could crowd into that was not occupied by the Priesthood, and filled the galleries. There were thousands of people who could not get into the Tabernacle. There are more people who have come to this conference than has ever been known before, and spacious as the large tabernacle is, it would not hold half who wanted to enter. President Woodruff desired me to present the authorities. I explained to the congregation the mode that we should adopt in voting, each quorum, voting them separatly, in the first place, on every proposition, and then the whole congregation including the Priesthood voting on the same proposition. The votes were all taken by the quorums arising to their feet and raising their right hands, and the congregation voted in the same manner. When we got through with the First Presidency and the Twelve and their counselors, the quorums were not asked to vote separatly after that, but they voted with the congregation by arising to their feet and raising their right hands. I had seen this spectacle before, but today it seemed to me that I had never beheld anything so impressive as to see the vast assemblage arise to their feet and raise their right hand, with the covenant that they would sustain the men whom they had voted for by their faith and prayers, in the offices for which they had been chosen. I called for any who were opposed to make their position manifest, and there was not a dissenting vote during the whole proceedings. Unanamity prevaled. President Woodruff and Brother Snow occupied the time during the remainder of the services. In the evening at seven o’clock the Tabernacle was nearly filled, galleries and all. with a meeting of the Sunday School Union Supts., Teachers and others Brothers Morgan, George Goddard, George Reynolds, Heber J. Grant, President Woodruff and myself occupied the time, and we had a very delightful meeting. Brother David Wilcken drove my carriage down home with me.

8 April 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, April 8th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. I have been surprised at the manner in which my voice has held out, notwithstanding my exertions yesterday. My voice is but little different this morning to what <it> is usually. The Lord has greatly blessed me with strength of lungs and elasticity.

Drove the Victorine to town this morning and Brother Woodruff and Brother Lyman* and myself rode in it, Brother Wilcken being the driver, to the meeting.

*Brother Lyman was released from prison last evening.1

The morning was occupied by Brother Franklin D. Richards and Bishop O. F. Whitney. In the afternoon Brother Marian Lyman spoke, afterwards I read some statistics and presented the Board of Education for the Conference to sustain, and made some remarks concerning the unwisdom of our people scattering so much, and going off into distant valleys to take up land. These remarks apply particularly to the young men who are voters, and whose votes are needed to help us to maintain our government in this city and elsewhere. President Woodruff blessed the people in their various quorums, and other organizations. He dismissed the Conference, which was adjourned until the 6th of October. We went from there to the President’s Office and held a meeting with the Presidents of Stakes and their counselors. The Presiding Bishopric and the First Seven Presidents of the Seventies were also present. President Woodruff desired me to conduct the business, and various matters were touched upon. Brother Winder, chairman of the central board of political matters, gave some suggestions concerning the proper course to pursue in conducting our election matters. Counsel was also given by President Woodruff and myself concerning the [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance], and the proper method that should be taken for those who were suitable to obtain them <this ordinance>. There were various other matters mentioned, also, particularly that the Presidents of Stakes should do what they could to promote the cause of education in our Church Academies, in connection with the Stake Boards which had been chosen. I took President Woodruff home in my buggy. My brothers Angus and David, and my sister Mary Alice came down and we spent the evening together conversing about family affairs and the course we should pursue concerning adoption. They remained till about half past eleven.

9 April 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, 9th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning and took him to the city. At ten o’clock we met as a general board of education with the convention of members of Stake Boards, and the principals and teachers of Stake Academies at the Social Hall. The meeting was a very interesting one. Much instruction was given, and committees were appointed to take into consideration various subjects, so that we could have uniformity. I was blessed with considerable freedom in talking to the convention. Brother Woodruff desired me to take the business in hand that ought to be brought before the convention. At one o’clock President Woodruff, Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself met with the Presidents of Stakes from Idaho, and conversed at some length upon the situation there. Brethren had withdrawn from the Church in that region for the purpose of exercising their political rights as voters. I have felt badly about this, as I have felt that it might lead to evil. In Bear Lake Stake, however, Brother Budge represents the situation in a very encouraging light. He says the people withdrew with the avowed intention of voting, and for that purpose only, and they had done it conscientiously and felt no condemnation for it, and at the proper time they would reunite with another branch of the Ward. In Oneida, Malad and Bannock Stakes the situation was different. Our enemies had instituted suits for perjury against people who had voted, claiming that they had sworn falsely in taking the test oath, and that their withdrawel from the Church was a sham. These suits are still pending. The question that was pressed upon us was what action is necessary for these people to take to become recognized members of the Church. Some of the brethren had thought that these members ought to be re-baptized, and that they should not be recognized as members until they did this. I had not understood about this matter, as the action had been taken while I was in the Penitentiary. Brother Budge felt, in which feeling he was joined by Brother Joseph F. Smith, that to require these people to be re-baptized would be an admission that they had done something that was wrong, whereas, they contended that they had taken this step conscientiously and to save their political liberties. It was finally decided by President Woodruff, Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself that it should not be exacted of them that they should be re-baptized, but that if they felt to renew their covenants by baptism it would be a good thing, and might perhaps save trouble.

Two years ago last fall Bro. C. W. Penrose came down from north and found me in Salt Lake City, where I had just arrived from our hiding place, to attend some business belonging to the First Presidency. He desired to get counsel from the First Presidency upon a question which had been considered by Brother Budge, Brothers F. M. Lyman and John W. Taylor, Brother C. W. Penrose, and perhaps some others. These two Apostles would not take the responsibility of deciding it, and therefore sent Bro. Penrose down to get counsel from us on the subject. He had to have an answer that day, as action, if taken, must be taken right away. There was no time for me to consult President Taylor, but I told him to return an hour before the train started for the north (I think he had left the brethren at Franklin) and I would endeavor to find out what counsel to give. I did consider the matter very carefully, and obtained the mind of the Spirit upon it. The proposition was for brethren in Bear Lake to withdraw from the Church so that they could take the test oath and vote, and by that means save the County. Unless this were done it was stated the County would be lost. My counsel to Brother Penrose, which he was to carry to the brethren, was that I felt that it would be displeasing in the sight of God for this to be done. Our enemies had accused us of resorting to every means of trickery to carry our points. They asserted that we were unscrupulous, and that we carried out the idea that the end justified the means. Though they had asserted this so freely we know it is utterly false, but if we were to adopt this policy that has been suggested, our enemies could point to that as a proof of our insincerity and disposition to resort to tricks. I said we must not fall into the error of supposing that the whole labor of managing and caring for this work devolved upon us. All God required of us was to do our duty, and He would take care of the rest. We must leave some margin for Him to operate in. I felt very clear in giving this counsel, and afterwards reported to President Taylor what I had said, and he approved of it as correct. I intended to be present at a Woman’s Suffrage meeting at two o’clock, but was prevented from going. Had an interview with Francis Armstrong concerning the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co., and afterwards met with that company and heard the report of the executive committee—Francis Armstrong, Alonzo E. Hyde and Richard J. Taylor. I took my daughter Mary Alice home in the buggy with me, and afterwards returned to the city with her and my daughters Rose Annie and Emily to attend the opera at the theater of the “Daughter of the Regiment,” which was performed by home talent, under the leadership of Brother Evan Stephens. I enjoyed this opera very much, and thought it remarkably well performed. Brother Easton was the principal male character, and Sister Edith Clawson Knowlton the principal female character.

10 April 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, April 10th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. At ten o’clock the First Presidency and the Twelve met in the front room of the Gardo House. All the Apostles were present, twelve in number, and Bro. D. H. Wells besides. It was decided that we should meet regularly on each Thursday afternoon at the Endowment House for prayer in our temple robes, and to attend to any other business that might arise, also on Sunday afternoons after the meeting. If we were not all in the city, those who were in could meet and know that there was a fixed time for meeting. Brother Franklin D. Richards said that there had been some misunderstanding between Bro. Moses Thatcher and myself, and he desired to know whether this had been settled or not, and he thought it would be a great gratification to the quorum to know that this was cleared up. He had heard the statement which I had made, and as Bro. Thatcher was present he would like to have an expression from him and from myself to it. I was very glad that he mentioned this subject, as I have felt that the Twelve, who had heard Bro. Thatcher’s remarks, should get an understanding of the case. Bro. Thatcher said that he had been so crowded since we held the meeting at which my statement was made that he had not had time to bestow upon the subject, or to examine the paper which I had submitted, but he had no doubt that we, in a very few minutes, could arrive at a conclusion. He said that as far as he was concerned, he had not the least feeling about it, and that he had entire confidence in my and in my integrity, and that he had voted in the quorum for me to be First Counselor to President Woodruff, and had done so in the conference. He would like to hear what I had to say, if I had any remarks, on the subject. I stated that I was very pleased to hear these expressions from him, that I had submitted my statement of my view, or I might more properly say our view, that is President Taylor’s and my own, of the transaction, and if that were examined by Bro. Thatcher and found not to be correct I would correct it, or if it were not acceptable to him as a basis of settlement I was prepared, as I had stated to him and the council, to arrive at a basis that would be mutually satisfactory. There need be no difficulty about settling the affair, as it was plain, I thought. After I sat down he arose and stated that he would be willing to meet me on this in a satisfactory manner, and that as I had made such a generous offer it would be in his power, also, to meet me on the same spirit and reach a settlement. I was gratified at hearing these expressions from him, because I knew that he had <been> laboring under an entire misapprehension of the circumstances, and that whatever remarks he had made were made because of that, as his statements to the council while I was in prison could not possibly be sustained by facts of the case. There was not the slightest evidence to sustain them. From President Taylor’s death up to the present time I have repeated time and time again in the hearing of all concerned that I was desirous that they should investigate and become thoroughly familiar with everything connected with this property, understand all the transactions and its situation, and any information I could give them or that they could get from the books they were very welcome to, and I urged them to talk freely with Bro. Clawson, who was the manager of the company, and Bro. Reynolds, who was the Secretary and Treasurer. The adversary has not been idle, and is endeavoring to stir up a great deal of feeling upon this subject. I have been not only misunderstood but misrepresented. This affair from the beginning has given me more concern and serious thought and anxiety than, I think, all the business put together that I have ever had anything to do with, all my life. My strength and comfort has been that I knew all that I had said and done would bear the strictest and most scrutinizing investigation, and that the more that would be known about what I had done, the more thorough<ly> would my conduct be vindicated. I had neither handled nor had anything to do with any of the proceeds of the property. That which I had received I had received as the rest had done, through the Sec. and Treas., and I had not intended to have him withhold one cent from any of the stockholders to which they could by any possibility of a right, lay claim. At the present time, according to the division which has been made upon the basis that President Taylor decided was the property <one>, Bros. Thatcher, Preston, Merrill and Card have been over paid small amounts each. I most sincerely hope that we shall now learn what stock each is entitled to, that no further question upon this subject shall arise. After the adjournment of this meeting, President Woodruff, Brothers Thatcher, Grant and myself attended a meeting of the Directors of the Z.C.M.I., it being the regular meeting, after which Brothers Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith and myself met with E. D. Woolley and his counselor Bro. Dan Segmiller, and Bishop Mariger, of the Kanab Ward, and President Jesse W. Crosby, Jun., of the Panguitch Stake, and had conversation with them on various points upon which counsel was needed. I took my daughter Mary Alice home with me in my buggy. They have a little society, or club meeting, with which she and my son David meet, and they held their meeting this evening at my house. I spent a few moments with them, but I had an attack of face ache, and retired early.

11 April 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, April 11th, 1889.

Brother Wilcken came down to breakfast. I dictated my journal to my son David.

Called for Brother Woodruff this morning and took him to the Gardo House. Dictated some correspondence for President Woodruff, Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself to sign in answer to letters. Had a lengthy conversation with Presidents Woodruff and Joseph F. Smith, in company with Brother James Jack, explaining to them the condition of the Saving’s Bank, and the interest which the Church once had in it. There will be about $37,500.00 coming to the Church from stock that has been sold. Brother Moses Thatcher and myself had a conversation about our Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company’s affairs. I made some further verbal explanations to him, and in answer to his inquiry respecting the $2,500.00 I stated that the money did not pass through my hands, and I was not responsible for any portion of that loss, upon learning which he said that he could not, as an honorable man, ask me therefore, to bear his portion of the $2,500.00 that was missing. He felt that he ought to bear that himself. I told him that I would rather lose the whole <of the half—>$1,250.00—than that he should bear <the loss of> one dollar, unless he felt perfectly satisfied to do so. I would not have him have any feeling on the subject for that amount, or for any amount of money. I had never had a money difficulty with my brethren in my life, and I did not want to commence now. He repeated that he would be perfectly satisfied to bear that, and accepted the basis of settlement which I stated in my communication to the council, which President Taylor agreed upon, and the amount of stock which I there stated he was entitled on that basis. He said he had not understood the matter. I told him that I knew that he did not when I heard the remarks which he had made. I was satisfied that he was under a misapprehension, and I felt very gratified to think that he felt so well as he now did. When I communicated the fact that we had settled to President Woodruff and J. F. Smith and George Teasdale and Bro. Nuttall, they expressed their great gratification at the news. I felt greatly pleased because I was vindicated, and the brethren could see that they had not been mistaken in the confidence they had expressed in me. At four o’clock I reached the Assembly Hall where a Woman’s Suffrage Meeting was being held. The appointment was at 2 o’clock, but I was unable to get there until then: I was invited to speak, and addressed them for about 15 or 20 minutes. I drove home alone this evening.

12 April 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, April 12th, 1889.

I dictated my journal, last night, to my son David. This morning I baptized my two sons, Preston Jenne Cannon and Carl Quayle Cannon, they being eight years old to day. There were present, their mother, Sarah Jane Cannon, my son David, a little grand-daughter, Frank’s little girl, Rose Annie. Read proof of the Book of Mormon and afterwards rode to the Paper Mill, in company with Brother F. D. Richards, my brother Angus, Bro. D .L. Davis, George Lambert and John E. Evans to examine into the works of the Paper Mill. We had conversation with Brother T. E. Taylor, manager at the mill, concerning defects in the manufacture of the paper. I hope that our visit will be of profit and will result in greater care in the production of paper. Brother F. D. Richards rode with me, and we returned from there in an hour and a half to meet an appointment with President Woodruff. We listened to correspondence, and then I dictated answers to the letters. In the evening I called upon my son Abraham’s wife, Mamie Croxall, and afterwards upon my wife Carlie’s brother and sisters, Don Carlos Young, Mariam Hardy and Josephine Young.

13 April 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, April 13th 1889

Making preparations for my journey. I dictated my journal to my son David. As I intended to start for California this afternoon I bid my family good-bye, and my son Lewis went with me to town. President Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith and myself had a meeting with James Sharp, John C. Cutler and W. W. Riter and the Presiding Bishops to answer the questions of the former named brethren respecting uniting with some outside parties in the formation of a Saving’s Bank with McCornick, T. R. Jones, the Walkers, Dooley, Craig Chambers and Auerbeck. These parties had proposed to establish a Savings Bank, and had offered our folks connected with the Deseret National to give them the majority of the stock. We went over the ground pretty fully, and it was decided to leave it with the brethren. If they saw fit to make the arrangement they might feel justified to do so. Mrs. Browe, the widow of the former post-master of Salt Lake, has been anxious that I should write to Mr. Wanamaker, the post-master general, in her behalf. She desires to obtain the position which her husband formerly held. Brother Arthur Stayner wrote the letter and I signed it. I also wrote to Brother John T Caine upon the same subject. Brother Soloman Kimball had heard that I had feelings against him, and he wrote me a letter asking an interview. Though I was much hurried I went down to the City Hall and saw him. I had heard that he had made remarks concerning me, attributing to me the responsibility of the State movement, and that I would be in danger of losing my standing because of my action therein. Brother Wilcken had told him of what I had heard, and hence his desire to see me. He denied ever making any such remark, but explained some remarks that he had made, not about me, however, that may have furnished foundation for what I had heard. He is a man that I have always had a very kind regard for, not only on his own account, but because of his parentage. He is a son of Brother Heber C. Kimball. The Presiding Bishops were authorized to make a purchase of some land in Mexico from Brother John W. Young, and to pay him in stock. He has already received about twenty thousand dollars worth. Lewis took me down to the train in my buggy. My object in going to California is to visit my wife Carlie and the children there, but this is not the sole purpose. Influential friends of ours have expressed a desire to see me on political matters. They sent word to this effect before the Conference, but Brother Woodruff felt that he could not consent for me to go at that time. He is going himself, now, and is accompanied by his wife. My son Frank’s sickness furnishes me an excuse for this trip. My son John Q. met us at the station at Ogden and took us to dinner. There were of the party: President Woodruff and wife, Brother C. H. Wilcken, Brother Clawson and daughter Mamie, and myself. Brother Clawson did not go up to John Q’s with us, as he desired to arrange for our berths and baggage. We had a very fine dinner, and Annie, John Q’s wife, was very pleased to see us.2 Brother Woodruff and wife and myself occupied a state room. It rained very hard this evening about the time we started. I may say here that Annie, John Q’s wife, feels badly about his leaving for a mission to Turkey. I said comforting words to her on this subject.

14 April 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, April 14th, 1889.

I enjoyed my rest last night. We took breakfast on the car and dinner at Humbolt Wells and supper at Reno. Mr. Knapp and his wife were on board. He is the agent of the Southern Pacific Railway. I was introduced to him and Mrs. Knapp, and had a very pleasant interview with them. There [are] a company of actors on our car who spent sometime in the evening singing. They sang with great sweetness, and made themselves very interesting.

15 April 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, April 15th, 1889.

When we arose this morning we were pushing out from Sacramento for San Francisco. Yesterday the country was exceedingly dry and desolate—a desert in fact with an occasional oasis. This morning verdure is everywhere. The hills and vallies are clothed with grass, and the country looks very beautiful. California at this season of the year, appears to the best advantage. We were met on the ferry-boat at Oakland by Col. Trumbo, who, hearing of our arrival, had come down to meet us. The bay between Oakland and San Francisco is about four miles wide. When we landed at San Francisco my step-daughter Ada met me, and Lulu Clawson met her father. Ada and myself went by street railroad to 2225, Pacific Avenue where my wife Carlie and family resides. I found them all well and very glad to see me. The baby, Wilford, is very beautiful, and I was very much pleased to see how he has grown and improved since I saw him last. After a bath and breakfast I crossed to 1220 avenue, east Oakland, where I learned my son Frank and his wife were stopping with a family named Merrithew. I was received very kindly, but was too late to meet my children. Mattie had lost her purse containing her return ticket, and Frank, for the first time in a number of days, had gone <out> to see whether he could have it stopped, so that the thief could not use it. I returned to San Francisco, and called at the Grand Hotel, where President Woodruff and wife, and Brother Wilcken were stopping. While there Mr. Alexander Badlam and Brother Clawson came in. I afterwards returned to my wife Carlie’s, and she and I joined the party at the hotel in the evening, and went to the Baldwin Theater, where Brother Clawson had provided a box for us. The play was “Little Lord Fauntleroy,” which I enjoyed very much.

16 April 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, April 16th, 1889.

At half past eight this morning Carlie and myself joined Mr. Badlam and Mr. Trumbo and our party at the hotel. Mr. Badlam had provided carrages, and we drove through the park, called the Golden Gate Park I believe. This park, when I was here last, was an almost naked lot of sand-hills. They were then at work laying it out, and setting out trees, but now it is a place of exceeding great beauty. Sixteen years in this climate, with the money which has been expended upon it, have made a wonderful transformation. It is now a most charming place. The drives are exceedingly fine. Mr. Badlam had arranged for us to breakfast in the park, at Dickie’s, a very noted house, and we enjoyed one of the best breakfasts I ever ate, after which we drove to the Cliff House, from the balcony of which we sat and watched the gamboling of the seals. We then returned through the park again and visited the conservatory, a play-house which had been built for children and parties. We then returned to the hotel. In the afternoon, accompanied by Brother C. H. Wilcken, I visited the spots where my sons George Q. and John Q. were born. The place where George Q. was born is occupied by <another> house. The house where John Q. was born is thrown down <removed>, and is now inclosed as a part, I think, of a school-yard for children. When I returned to Carlie’s I found that my son Frank had been there to see me. He called again, and I was very sorry to see how much his health had been impaired by his sickness. I sent a dispatch to Abraham concerning Frank’s condition, so that his mother might know how he is. In the evening Carlie and I joined our party and went to the Bijou Theater; Col. Trumbo furnished us a box. Musin, the great violinist, gave a performance, and we enjoyed it. It was quite an excellent entertainment. After the concert was finished the Col. took us to a restaurant, and we had a supper of oysters, etc. Our party consisted of his brother-in-law, John White, and himself, Brother Woodruff and wife, Bishop Clawson and two daughters Mamie and Lulu[,] Brother Wilcken and Carlie and myself.

17 April 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, April 17th, 1889

I wrote a letter this morning to Abraham concerning the purchase of some lucerne land in Salt Lake or Davis Counties if he could get it at a reasonable price. Frank called upon me this morning, and we went down to the hotel. Col. Trumbo took our party through the American Cracker Factory, in which he is a large stock-holder. It is a most interesting scene to witness the manufacture of every kind of cracker and fancy biscuits and cakes. The machinery was most interesting. Five hundred barrels of flour a day are manufactured into the cakes of the most superior character, and a market for these is found in almost every land. This manufactory supplies the British Navy. Care is taken to select every imperfect article from the rest, and these are sold to poor people at the cost of the material. There is one kind of cracker exceedingly light and palatable, the broken parts of which are ground up into what is called “Angel’s Food,” for babies. Col. Trumbo took President Woodruff and myself from the factory to the Alaska Commercial Co., and introduced us to Mr. Sloss, President of the Company, and from there we went to the Pacific Bank, and was introduced to Dr. R. H. McDonald, who is the President of the Bank. He gave us a most interesting description of his settlement at Nauvoo as a practicing physician, just before our people were driven out. He described the part he had taken in defending us, and the threats he had received because of his friendship. He had visited Springfield and had seen the governor, Ford, and had represented to him and to other leading men the condition of affairs at Nauvoo. He was also at Nauvoo when the city was attacked by the mob, and spoke of the death of Captain Anderson and his son. He had seen them when they were killed. His recital of events there and of the share he had taken in them was listened to with much interest by all of us. He spoke very warmly of the Latter-day Saints. Col. Trumbo took us to lunch at the California Market. I returned to Carlie’s, and she and daughter Caroline and baby and myself returned to the Grand Hotel, and from there we took cars to the railroad station for Monterey. Mr. Badlam accompanied us. There were in our party, besides Mr. Badlam, President Woodruff and wife, Brother Clawson and his two daughters and Sister Emily Young, Brother Wilcken, Carlie and Caroline and Baby Wilford and myself. On the cars was Senator Stanford. Mr. Badlam took me into his car, and at his invitation I sat down and had quite a conversation with him concerning matters in general, and especially our affairs. He described an interview which he had had with President Harrison, in which he had requested President Harrison to grant him a private interview, that he might explain to him the condition of affairs in Utah. Senator Stanford did not seem to think it a good sign for President Harrison to decline to grant him an interview. He requested him to say what he had to say then, while there were a number of persons waiting to get access to him to talk to him. President Woodruff afterwards had a conversation with Senator Stanford. He is very kindly disposed, and cherishes a very warm regard for President Young and our people generally, and I believe is a true friend of ours. He intimated to me that it might be a good thing for us to make some announcement concerning Plural Marriage, especially if we could say the practice was discontinued. I parried his remarks, as this was a subject upon which I did not feel free to talk upon. He got off the train at Menlo Park. The line of railway from San Francisco to Monterey runs through a most beautiful country. The San Maeto [Mateo] Co., Santa Clara and San Jose and Pajaro Valleys are very lovely. We reached Del Monte, as the hotel and station are called, in the evening, and were driven in the omnibus to the hotel, which was only a short distance. To avoid being interviewed, Mr. Badlam had us registered in his own peculiar way, and we had rooms assigned to us in the most beautiful part of the house. The manager of the hotel is an old friend and partner of his, and this was an advantage to us. The dining-room is very large, and though simply furnished, is very beautiful. We had a very good dinner. The drawing-rooms and other rooms of this hotel are beautifully furnished and very spacious. I do not know any hotel that I ever was in more attractive than this is. It is said to be the best appointed hotel in the world, and certainly everything that money could purchase in fitting it up and providing it with every modern improvement had been done.

18 April 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, April 18th, 1889.

I enjoyed a most excellent rest, and the morning was very lovely. I had been out, last evening, to the ten-pin alley, where some of our party rolled the balls for a while. This is a very well fitted up alley, and like everything else about this place, is arranged in the best possible manner. But <of the Park> I could not see much in the dark. This morning, however, the beauties of the place exceed description. Grand old trees of the live oak variety, which nature had planted, were on every hand, making the scenery very park-like. The profusion with which flowers grow was indescribably beautiful. The grass was like velvet under the feet. The grounds are most extensive immediately around the hotel, and the building itself is exceedingly large and occupies a lovely position. I am told there is a very beautiful maze in the grounds, which, however, I did not visit. It was arranged last night that we should get up and get breakfast and be ready to start by eight o’clock. Mr. Badlam had arranged for a vehicle to carry us all. There were four seats, and they were sufficiently wide for three of us to sit together. To this four spirited horses were attached. There were thirteen of us, including the driver and the baby. The object in starting at eight o’clock was to make the drive of seventeen miles upon the Company’s grounds. Probably no finer drive could be found anywhere. The Southern Pacific Railroad Co. found this extensive tract of land in the possession of one person, and with wise forethought and discrimination they had purchased the entire tract. It borders on the ocean, and besides furnishing extensive stretches of beautiful forest, there were reaches near the margin of the ocean furnishing beautiful views of the Bay of Monterey. Whales are frequently seen spouting in this bay, and sometimes are caught, though none had been captured recently. I saw a Chinese junk, and there were a number of Italian fishermen in their vessels, which carry lateen sails, such as are used in the Mediterranean. These Italians do a great deal of fishing here. The Chinese also gather abalone shells. The meat of this shell-fish they dry in large quantities. It is said to be very palatable when dried. They use large quantities of it in this country, and we were told, ship large quantities, as well as shrimps, to China. The principal timber of this tract of valuable land is of a variety of pine and cypress which botanists say is very rare, no cypress on this continent being like it, and to see this variety elsewhere one must visit the Holy Land. The pine, also is peculiar to this region. Botanists praise the judicious course taken by the Southern Pacific Co. in purchasing this tract and preserving these varieties of trees. Of course pains are now taken to propagate them extensively, and in many places along the coast and especially in San Francisco, they are largely cultivated for ornament. We stopped at several points on the sea-shore and some of the party gathered shells, and at some of the points we saw large numbers of seals. Mr. Badlam had a camera with him, and took a large number of views of the scenery, of some Chinese characters that we met, and also of our party. This was a drive long to be remembered, and was enjoyed to the fullest extent by all of our party. After we left Monterey we passed through a piece of woods where the Methodists held their camp-meetings, and the frames of their canvas houses stood ready to be occupied when the summer-time should come again. We got back to the swimming baths at half past eleven, and dismissed our carriage for an hour while we visited the baths. Mr. Badlam informed us that the ocean water is rather too cold, as a general thing, for bathing. It comes down along the coast from the Arctic regions. But this bath-house, which has been arranged by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, is an elegant place for bathing. There are three large plunges under one roof, divided by partitions. One compartment contains cold sea water; the next to it water a little warmer, and the next to that water still warmer. The bather can take his choice. The baths are surrounded by seats, flowering shrubs and various adornments, and is beautifully lighted. There are private rooms where the bathers undress and bathing dresses are furnished them. Both sexes indulge in this bath, and we are told that there are ladies who perform astonishing feats as divers and swimmers, who frequently are seen in the baths. Mr. Badlam, Brother Clawson and daughter Mamie and myself took a bath. I enjoyed it very much. Our carriage came for us at half-past twelve and we returned to the hotel and at one o’clock took lunch, and from there went to the station to meet the train at two o’clock, which carried us back to San Francisco. My reflections in passing through these scenes today were very peculiar. Everything that wealth can command to make this place that we visited, charming and attractive had been furnished. The spirit of Babylon rests in such places. The people who frequent this hotel value each other, apparently, by their wealth. Everyone is gazed at and measured to the observers idea as to their position in life. I could not help but think of what the Apostle had said concerning Babylon and the spirit of Babylon, and how all nations had drunk of the cup of her fornications. We saw nature in her most beautiful aspects. We saw places that made one think of Eden. The pride of life was there, and the love of the world and the lust for the things of the world. The love of God and reverence for Him and His laws and His righteousness did not appear. How sorrowful a thing it <is> that men cannot enjoy the blessings of the earth without forgetting Him who created and bestows these blessings upon them.

19 April 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, April 19th, 1889.

Frank and Mattie called this morning. Frank has been desirous of speaking to me, he said, on some matter when we were alone. I gave him the opportunity this morning. He seems to have been exercised in his mind lest I should hold out my wife Carlie as my legal wife, and leave the other wives in the position which they occupy. He spoke of a testimony which Brother Lorenzo Snow’s son had given in his case before the court, and said he had always admired the justice with which I had treated my family, and that it would be a great mortification to have anything said that would put me in the same position, by the testimony of my children, that Brother Snow had occupied. Under some circumstances I might have felt to resent such suggestions, but I did not feel this spirit. On the contrary I was glad to have the opportunity of explaining to my son the true feeling I had concerning my family. I have no disposition to discriminate in favor of any of my wives, or of my children. On the contrary I desire to treat them with perfect equality as far as it is possible, and I have had no thought of calling any wife that I had, my legal wife in preference to the others. Frank’s mother is my oldest living wife; that is, she has been longest married. I do not wish to put her in the position that I shall pay her all the respect due to a legal wife to the neglect of the others, neither do I feel to put Carlie in that position, though perhaps the law might decide that she, having married me after the death of my first wife Elizabeth, is now my legal wife. He appeared quite satisfied with my explanations. We went down to the city together, and I called at the Western Union Telegraph Office and presented a letter of introduction from Brother W. B. Dougall, Superintendent of our Deseret Telegraph, and Mr. Lamb, in the absence of Mr. James Jaynes, gave me a pass over all their local lines and to and from Salt Lake. Frank and myself had arranged for our wives to meet us at the California Market, where we were joined by Brother C H Wilcken, and we took lunch together. From there we went to the hotel and met our party and Col. Trumbo. President Woodruff is quite sick with bowel complaint, and could not accompany the party in a sailing vessel on the bay, which Mr. Badlam and Col. Trumbo had arranged to have us take. One of Mr. Badlam’s sons, Edgar, accompanied us, as his father had other business. We sailed on a tug boat down the harbor until we had a very excellent view of the Golden Gate. By this time the water began to be rough, and it was thought best to turn about. We then sailed around Alcatraz Island, and from there steamed up the bay to the Union Iron Works. Mr. Edgar Badlam had worked at this place, and was very skilled. Under his guidance we saw all the points of interest. Mr. Merrithew also, Frank’s acquaintance, is employed here, Mrs. Merrithew’s uncle, Mr. Prescott, being one of the principal proprietors. I was introduced to him by Frank and Mattie. We were then shown through the entire works. The war-ship Charleston has just been built for the Navy. She is a formidable looking craft, and is awaiting her armorment [armament], which is coming from the east. A new vessel is also being built at the yard as a warship, which will be named the San Francisco. This trip has been very interesting, and we all enjoyed it very much. Brother Clawson had his wife Emily with him, as well as his two daughters. Carlie and myself took dinner with Sister Woodruff and Brother Wilcken and Brother and Sister Clawson and daughters. In the evening we went and saw the “Bunch of Keys”, but we left the theater as quickly as we could, for the play was miserable trash.

20 April 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, April 20th, 1889.

My step-daughter, Ada, and myself went, this morning, to Brother Clawson’s, and thence with him and his two daughters Lulu and Mamie to the Tiburan Ferry, where we met Mr. Badlam and his daughter Maud, and Mr. Swan, a friend of his. We took ferry-boat to San Rafel. Brother and Sister Woodruff and Brother Wilcken were also in the party. President Woodruff’s health is not very good, but he is ambitious when it comes to exercise of this kind, and he thought that the ride might do him good. From San Rafel we went by rail <through> beautiful valleys to a town called Clover Dale. The principal valley is Sonoma, which is extensively covered with vineyards, and is noted for its grapes and wine. Extensive orchards also of German Prunes, Peaches, Apricots and Apple trees were also seen on every hand. It seems that the German Prune is being very largely cultivated here. I am told its fruit is abundant, is of excellent quality and finds, when dried, a ready market. Grapes and wine must be very abundant in this region. When we reached Clover Dale it was with difficulty that Brother Woodruff got in the house. He was suffering from that deadly faintness that sometimes accompanies disturbance of the bowels. He desired to be administered to, but there was no opportunity of my doing this, and I told him that I would lay my hand upon his head and administer to him in mental prayer. I did so, and he received much benefit therefrom, as well as <from> a cup of tea which he drank. After dinner we took stage for sixteen miles to the geysers[.] There were four horses on the stage, and twelve passengers and the driver. The road is a canyon road, and in places is very dangerous[.] A few inches margin outside of the wheel was frequently all that was left us from a precipitous descent of hundreds of feet to the stream below. Many places the descent was almost perpendicular, and as I rode the greater part of the way on the side next to the precipice I had a good opportunity of contemplating our fate if anything should happen to throw us off the road. The scenery was very grand, the mountains covered with verdure and timber, and beautiful spots occurring from time to time. Mr. Badlam is one of the liveliest and most witty men that I have met, full of fun and anecdote, and quite intelligent. His friend Mr. Swan is still more so. I never met a man more versatile. A capital story-teller, an excellent imitator of dialects, a wonderful punster, and capable of imitating every animal, he furnished us with constant amusement[.] Besides this we found at the hotel that he could play the piano, and was a very good singer. His imitations of the Irish and German and the Chinese were most excellent. While the team stopped to water at one place there was an old couple who had what appeared to be a favorite dog. Just as the coach was starting from the water trough Mr. Badlam said to the old gentleman, “Look out for your dog!” At the same moment Mr. Swan made cries such as a dog would utter if he were run over. It was very laughable to see the faces of the old couple. They thought their dog was being killed under the wheels of the coach. We reached the Geysers at about four p.m., and shortly afterwards I went and took a steam bath with Brother Wilcken. We took dinner at 6:15. In the meantime Mr. Badlam and Mr. Swan had gone fishing up the creek.

21 April 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, April 21st, 1889.

I did not feel well this morning, had a good deal of inward fever and suffering from cold. I had to get up in the night, also, my bowels being loose. Brother Wilcken and myself went down to the bath-house and we took a good steam bath. We had a plunge in the hot water tub, and I afterwards took a shower bath of cold water, standing under it until my body was pretty well cooled off. Brother Wilcken rubbed me with alcohol. I felt greatly improved by this treatment. Mr. Badlam and Mr. Swan had started off early in the morning fishing. The rest of us climbed up the opposite side of the mountain and examined all the geyser springs, which were very interesting. Steam issued from crevices from the sides of the mountain to a great extent, other places boiling water came forth, and in other places there were pools where the water boiled with violence, as it would in a pot over a very hot fire. Brother Woodruff, though not very well, went with us, leaning upon the arm of Brother Wilcken, who aided him greatly by assisting him up the mountain. It gave Bro. Wilcken a good sweating to do so. We descended by another path, which was much easier than the one we climbed. It is remarkable that all the geyser springs, of which there are a great number, both at this point and higher up the creek, are all on the one side of the creek. We spent the day very quietly. Mr. Badlam and Mr. Swan returned with about a hundred trout, which they had caught, in time for dinner, which we ate about six o’clock. Before dinner President Woodruff, Brother Wilcken and myself took another bath.

22 April 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, April 22nd, 1889.

We arose early this morning. I felt my health much improved and all my cold was gone. I think this was due to the steaming which I had received. Brother Wilcken and myself took another bath before breakfast. We started <on our return> at eight o’clock. There were two vehicles, in one of which Brother Woodruff and one of the daughters of Brother Clawson and Mr. Badlam’s daughter Maud rode. The vehicle in which I rode had four horses, which were driven by C. C. Foss, the proprietor of the line. I was sitting in the front seat, and Sister Woodruff sat between the driver and myself. Inside there were Mr. Badlam, Mr. Swan, Brothers Wilcken[,] Clawson and Ada, my wife Carlie’s daughter. We rode about ten miles up the canyon, passing some very beautiful spots. Two or three places there were very fine water-falls. It was a dangerous journey in some respects, as there were only a few inches, very frequently, between the wheels of our vehicle and steep precipices with the creek running hundreds of feet below us. As I rode next [to] the edge of the precipice, and my seat was quite elevated, I had a full view of the danger to which we were exposed, but we had an excellent team and a skillful driver, who was thoroughly familiar with the road, and every feeling of danger soon rolled away. From the summit we had a very extended view. On clear days the driver said he could see the ocean. Our descent was rapid, and we passed through a beautiful country, reaching Calistoga a little before one o’clock. This place was at one time considered a very fine watering-place. Samuel Brannan is said to have spent about half a million of dollars to make this an attractive place, but it is now a place of no particular note, other watering-places having become more attractive. After dinner at the hotel we took train for Benecia. At Benicia we took steamer across some water to reach the train for Oakland, and at Oakland we crossed the bay by steam ferry to San Francisco, where we reached at about seven in the evening. Our ride from Calistoga to Benicia was through a most beautiful region. It is known as Napa Valley. The valley is very rich, and is exceedingly well cultivated, a large portion of it being devoted to the cultivation of the vine.

23 April 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, April 23rd, 1889.

My Wife Carlie and myself went down town and took breakfast at the Sacramento Market. President Woodruff and myself and Bishop Clawson met Mr. W. W. Stow at the Grand Hotel this morning, at ten o’clock, Col. Isaac Trumbo having arranged for him to meet us there. We had a very interesting conversation with him at the hotel, and he arranged for us to have an interview with the Southern Pacific people tomorrow morning. At two o’clock we had an interview with honorable M. M. Estee, who presided at the late Republican Convention at Chicago, at which Benjamin Harrison was nominated for President, and Levi P. Morton for Vice-President of the United States. We had a long and interesting conversation with him. He has had his interest awakened on our question through Col. Isaac Trumbo, and feels very kindly disposed, and desirous to do us good. We had an appointment this evening to dine with Mr. Alexander Badlam at six o’clock, at his house. I had felt delicate about taking my wife Carlie with me to his place, as I did not know how Mrs. Badlam might feel, as I had never met her, but in speaking to him he insisted upon my doing so, and upon Brother Clawson taking his wife Emily. So we both took our wives with us. Brother Woodruff and Sister Woodruff, and Brother Wilcken and Brother Clawson’s two daughters were also invited. Mr. Badlam’s house is palatial in its external appearance and in its internal fittings up. It is most elegantly furnished, and I was informed that he has one of the finest collections of paintings to be found in the city. His paintings are estimated at eighty thousand dollars. There is one very celebrated painting in his dining-room called the “Holland Fish-Market,” painted by Francos Gerard. The painting formerly belonged to Joseph Bonaparte, a brother of the first Napolean, at the time he resided near Borden Town, in the State of New Jersey. When his pictures were sold by auction this painting brought eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. It afterwards fell into the possession of Samuel Brannan, who is an uncle of Mr. Badlam’s, for twelve thousand dollars. Mr. Badlam bought it from Mr. Brannan. The family consists of Mr and Mrs. Badlam, two sons, “Al.” and Edgar, and a daughter named Maud. We were received with great cordiality, and everything passed off in a most delightful manner. The dinner was a very fine one. After dinner we went out with a view of seeing a representation of the Siege of Sebastopol, but we were to[o] late. We had considerable fun in changing cars, and though we did not see what we started for, we enjoyed ourselves in making the trip to the suburbs of the city.

24 April 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, April 24th, 1889.

My wife Carlie and myself took breakfast this morning at the California Market. We then went to the Grand Hotel. Carlie and Sister Woodruff went out shopping, together with Brother Wilcken, and Brother Woodruff and myself went to Taber’s Photograph Gallery and sat for our portraits, after which we returned to the hotel and were met by Mr. Stow and Col. Trumbo, and proceeded to the offices of the Southern Pacific. We met with Senator Stanford, Mr. C. P. Huntington, [?] Mr. A. N. Towne and Mr. Gay, all of whom are magnates of the Southern Pacific system. Mr. Stow had a very plain conversation with Senator Stanford upon our question. He has great influence with the Senator, and is a man of high standing himself. He urged upon him the propriety of writing a letter to President Harrison upon our question, and requesting him not to make appointments hastily, but to wait until he could know more about the situation. <The> Senator related a conversation that he had with President Harrison upon this question. He endeavored to obtain a private interview with him, but Harrison seemed disinclined to grant it. He fears that Harrison is bigoted, and is too much wedded to the Presbyterian Church. Senator Stanford spoke in the kindest manner concerning us and our circumstances, and is evidently willing, as he has been for a long time, to do everything in his power for our good. Mr. Stowe pressed his views again with a good deal of pertinacity, and it finally ended in the Senator promising to write the letter which Mr. Stowe suggested. The fact is, though, Mr. Stowe is to write the letter for the Senator, and he will then sign it. I thanked Senator Stanford very warmly and also Col. Fred Crocker, also Mr. Stowe, for the kind interest they had taken in our affairs. I told them that we were a people who had but few friends, and were helpless, but from every hamlet in our Territory prayers ascended to the God of Heaven to save us from evil, and to bless all those who took an interest in our cause. The senator said he believed in prayer, and seemed much touched by what I related. Our interview was very satisfactory. After parting with Mr. Stowe, Col. Trumbo took President Woodruff and myself to the U. S. Marshal’s office. He desired us to see him, as he had been very kind, and when papers had been sent to him for some of our exiled Sisters from the Marshal of Utah Territory, he had given them no encouragment that he could find them, and wrote back that they were not to be found. His name is Franks, and we found him a very genial man, and he expressed pleasure at seeing us. After this visit I had little time to get ready for the 2:30 boat, which left for Oakland, but I succeeded in making all my preparations and bid the children good-bye. Carlie accompanied me down to the ferry, as she wished to see her mother, who was coming with us. She and Sister Emily Clawson went with us to Oakland, as also did Mr. Badlam and his son and Col. Isaac Trumbo. We, that is, President Woodruff and wife, Bishop Clawson and Sister Emily P. Young, our mother-in-law, Brother Wilcken and myself, took train at three o’clock for home. We took supper at Sacramento, where we were detained for sometime through a broken wheel. We had an excellent meal at this place.

25 April 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, April 25th, 1889.

The day passed off very pleasantly in traveling. When not engaged in conversation and reading, I indulged in sleep. I telegraphed to my children. We took breakfast today at Reno, dinner at Humbolt Wells, and ate supper in the car.

26 April 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, April 26th, 1889

We arrived at Ogden at about eight o’clock, and took breakfast at the station. My son John Q. had made preparations to give us all breakfast, but had been misinformed concerning the arrival of the train. He felt disappointed on coming down and finding us eating breakfast. Frank also joined us. His health is much improved. He left California two days before we did. I was met at the station at Salt Lake by my sons Abraham and William: the latter brought my buggy. I drove up to the Gardo House and remained there until late in the afternoon. A number of the Twelve came in. I found Brothers Joseph F. Smith and Nuttall in good health. President Woodruff was taken down to his farm, but returned and spent a little time at the Gardo House with us. My son William called for me in the buggy and took me home.

27 April 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, April 27th, 1889.

I found a letter yesterday written by Hon. G. M. Landers, of New Britain, Conn., who is a very warm friend of mine while in Congress and since, in which he informed me that the Rev. Mr. Cooper, D.D. and wife of New Britain, and who had been the pastor of his wife, was expecting to come by way of Salt Lake from California, whither he had gone on an excursion. He wrote me very kindly and feelingly, and requested me to show Mr. Cooper such attentions as I could without cost to myself. He was especially desirous that he should see the “Mormon” people as they are, and to get a knowledge of our doctrines from ourselves. As I could not spare time myself today to go with these persons I spoke to Brother Penrose about going with them, and said that I would furnish a vehicle and team; so this morning I had Lewis drive me up in the Surry. Brother Penrose found Mr. Cooper and took him and another minister by the name of Dodge, around to various places of interest. These gentlemen called upon us at the Gardo House, and we had a very interesting conversation with them. I placed a vehicle at their disposal, and apologized to Mr. Cooper at my inability to accompany them. I had an interview with Judge Sutherland, in company with Brother H. B. Clawson, upon Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining matters. I submitted to him the question whether the directors could give an option on the mine to any parties without the consent of the stock-holders. His opinion was that they could do this, but he would examine the question and write me upon the subject. Himself and Mr. Critchlow and Mr. Brooks and Mr. Hank Smith, the Supt. of the mine, and Brother Clawson and myself examined the map with a view to get a clear understanding of claims which were made against our company, and which threatened to be serious law-suits if not settled in some way. We came to the conclusion to make three propositions to the other parties, one of which was acc[e]pted on condition that Bro. Clawson should get the ratification of the California Co. The other two cases were to be referred to a Referee, and evidence on both sides was to be submitted to him. I arranged with Brother Nuttall for him and Brother Clawson to telegraph to Mr. Alexander Badlam the opinion that Judge Sutherland had promised to give me concerning the option on the mine, as I had promised, when I left California, to telegraph him on the subject. I did this because President Woodruff and myself intended, according to promise, to go to Brigham City in the morning to attend Quarterly Conference to be held there on Sunday and Monday.

28 April 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, April 28th, 1889.

My son William drove me over to Brother Woodruff’s, and from there we went to the train, taking President Woodruff with us. At Ogden were met by sons John Q. and Frank. We reached Brigham City a little after eleven o’clock, and were met at the platform by Brother Lorenzo Snow and all the leading men of the place. The brass band was also out, which greeted the train with music as it drew up to the platform. There were probably two thousand people drawn up, the men and boys on one side, and the women and girls on the other, making two files of people extending from the railroad platform clear up to the town. They had banners, and were dressed in their gayest attire, and gave us a most cordial and enthusiastic reception. A procession was formed, headed by the brass band, and we, that is, President Woodruff, Brother Lorenzo Snow and myself, rode in a carriage driven by Brother Joseph Jensen, who had a remarkable pair of fine horses as a team. Brother Seymore B. Young and Brother Arthur Winter, the reporter, followed in the next carriage. A string of carriages followed, and then the people marched on foot in procession. When we got up in town opposite one of the residences of Brother Lorenzo Snow the band halted and the Marshal of the Day, Brother Loveland, arranged the assemblage, and President Woodruff and myself made some remarks, standing in the carriage while doing so. Judge Henderson was present, so we were informed. This reception, so warm and cordial, was entirely unexpected. I was deeply touched by this evidence of the people’s interest and manifestations of love for us, and I felt very humble at the thought of my own unworthyness in the presence of such honor. Brother Woodruff went to the house of his daughter Pheobe, a wife of Bro. Lorenzo Snow’s, while Brother Seymore B. Young, Brother Winter and myself were assigned to another house of Brother Snow’s, that of his wife Mina’s, where we received a warm welcome. The meeting-house probably would not contain half the people who had come to meeting. It was full to over flowing at two o’clock, when the Conference convened. President Woodruff, after singing and prayer, addressed the congregation for a little over half an hour, and I occupied the remainder of the time, a little over one hour. I enjoyed great freedom in speaking to the people. A Mr. Bothwell, a capitalist, who was engaged in taking out Bear River in a large canal which is a very costly enterprise, was present at the meeting. By invitation of Bother Snow he accompanied us there, and being somewhat deaf was given a place on the stand where he could hear. He expressed great pleasure at witnessing the proceedings and hearing the teachings. In the evening there was a Priesthood Meeting at seven o’clock, to which, also, the Sisters were invited. Brother Seymore B. Young spoke for about an hour and a quarter. His remarks were very instructive. At the request of Brother Woodruff I occupied about ten minutes, speaking to the Priesthood upon the great importance of their <at>tending to their duties as teachers and priests, in visiting the houses of the members and seeing that they were living in accordance with the principles of our religion. I alluded in very strong terms to the importance of chastity, and of the necessity of strict supervision over the young people, that secular <sexual> sins might not be committed.

29 April 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, April 29th, 1889.

I had a most delightful night’s rest. Brother Lorenzo Snow has a room at Bishop Nichol’s house, where he lives apart from his family. His food is sent him, and one of his daughters <at>tends to making his bed, and keeping the things in order. I spent considerable time with him at his quarters. It seems hard that a man of his age should be compelled to live in this way and not have the society and ministrations of his family. If he did not live in this manner he would be open to arrest and attack. At ten o’clock we met with the Saints, and President Woodruff spoke to them in a very interesting and instructive manner for about fifty-five minutes. His remarks were excellent, and very suggestive, after which the authorities of the Church were presented, general and local. We adjourned at twelve until one o’clock, so that we might get our meeting through in time to permit us to leave on the 3:45 train. Upon invitation of Brother Rudger Clawson, President of the Stake, President Woodruff and his daughter Pheobe and Brother Winter and myself and Brother Joseph Jensen took dinner with him and his family. The house was very much crowded in the afternoon, and I was called to address the Saints, which I did for about an hour, enjoying excellent freedom and being greatly blessed with the Spirit. Brother Lorenzo Snow followed in some remarks in which he said that it was not only his own feeling, but the feeling of others whom he had heard express themselves, that this was the best Conference ever held in Brigham City since the organisation of the Stake. I was pleased to hear this testimony, because I had felt excellently while here attending these meetings, and I was pleased to know that I was not alone in the feeling of enjoyment. Brother Joseph Jensen has been very kind in carrying us in his carriage, and after the meeting he took us down to the train. The brass band and a large number of Saints came down to see us off, and while on the platform played a number of airs, and while we were getting on board. At Ogden my son Frank came down with the buggy, and I drove Brother Woodruff and myself to Brother Franklin D. Richards’. Brother Woodruff stayed there, and I went with my son Frank to his house. Mattie had a very nice meal prepared of which I partook, and was driven back to the station by Frank. At the station at Salt Lake William met me with my vehicle, and we took Brother Woodruff to his residence, and I came home and found all well.

30 April 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, April 30th, 1889

My son Lewis and daughter Emily started at two o’clock this morning to go on an excursion with a lot of young folks in Parley’s Canyon. William took me around to Brother Woodruff’s and he accompanied us to the city. We reached the Tabernacle about twenty minutes of nine, it having been arranged that a patriotic meeting should be held in conformity with the <message of the> President of the U.S. and the Governor of Utah Terr., to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of the Inaugration of George Washington, as President of the U. S. The body of the Tabernacle was very well filled with people. Brother Evan Stephens had a very large number of boys and girls who belonged to his singing class, and they sung. Brother Daynes played two solos on the organ, and we also had singing by a glee club, consisting of Brothers C. C. Easton, H. K. Whitney, John D. Spencer, and Heber Goddard. The singing was most delightful. Brother Easton’s voice seemed almost angelic. The audience was delighted, and gave them a hearty encore, to which they responded by singing another verse of another glee. The oration was delivered by Lieutenant Richard W. Young, a son of Joseph A. Young, and a grand-son of President Young. He read it from manuscript. It was well written, and in a smaller hall would have been well delivered, but unused to speaking in this large building, his voice was not heard by all who were present. Brother Franklin S. Richards and myself delivered brief speeches, and Brother Woodruff closed by thanking the people for their attendance. The opening prayer was offered by Brother Elias <A.> Smith, and the benediction by Brother C. W. Penrose. Brother Franklin S. Richards gave us a detailed account of his visit at to Washington and his labors there in visiting President Harrison and the greater part of the members of the cabinet; also a description of his arrangement in the Hans Neilson Habeas Corpus case. We took President Woodruff home again, and I reached home myself about half past five. I dictated, last night, “Topics of the Times” and my journal to my son David, and also my journal again this evening.

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April 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1889/04-1889


  1. [1]Written by hand vertically in the margin.

  2. [2] Approximately 30 words cut out.