May 1864

1 May 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, May 1st/64. Recd some letters from the Valley this morning, in one of which Bro. David O. Calder communicated the (to me news to me as a secret that Bro President Daniel H. Wells was coming to England to take charge here accompanied by Bro Brigham Jr. This intelligence was somewhat surprising; for in canvassing the names of those who were likely to come here and[,] I had not allowed myself to think it possible for one of the First Presidency to come. I had thought that Bro. Wells would do splendidly here; but did not for a moment imagine that he would be spared from home for such a purpose. The change of climate will may have a beneficial effect upon his health, which has been very poor of late; besides, being an apostle, a visit to foreign lands, which he never yet has had an opportunity of making, will be in consonance with the nature and requirements of his calling. I have been <am> greatly pleased at this news, as I know President Wells will do a mighty work here. Held meeting in the morning and in the evening. Bro’s. Townsend, John W. Young and Jesse N Smith spoke in the morning and Bro. Smith and myself in the evening.

2 May 1864 • Monday

Monday, May 2nd/64. Variously engaged through the day. Wrote several letters. In the evening went with Bro’s. Townsend, Smith and Young to the Collegiate Institute to hear Henry Vincent Esq. lecture on Cromwell and the Commonwealth. His voice was very poor; but he was is the best lecturer I ever listened to, and afforded me considerable delight. He handled his subject in a masterly manner; his action was quite dramatic, and his voice has been injured, by the strain upon it in speaking.

3 May 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 3rd/64. Down again to see about shi a ship. Had <an> interview with Capt. Trask of the ship Gen. McLellan. He is quite anxious to let me have his ship; but he asks more than I think I can give that is, 8p more than. I offered him 2/- more than I paid for the “Monarch of the Seas.” He offered me He promised to give me an answer at 4 P.M. We I returned to the Office and Bro. Townsend, Smith and Young and myself united in prayer to ask the Lord to open up my way and enable me to accomplish my duty wish in chartering. Saw Capt. Trask at Mr. Smith’s, and, after considerable talk, he offered me his ship at 8/- more than I paid for the “Monarch.” I declined to accept; but requested till Thursday morning to give him a decisive answer. <Heard Mr. Vincent lecture upon the “Protectorate”> Wednesday May, 4/64 Busy I sent Bro. John C. Graham this evening to London to see what he could do in obtaining ships at a cheap rate there. <Went with several of the breth[ren] and heard Mr. Vincent lecture upon the “Protectorate”.

4 May 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 4th/64 Busy all day in visiting <ship> broker’s to try and secure ships; but without meeting with any spec particular success. Received a telegram from Bro. Graham, reporting his success; he was hopeful but there was nothing definite. He informed me, much to my surprise that the ship Hudson, which I had supposed was sure chartered and fully secured for our people, had not been positively engaged by Tapscott, Smith & Co and that Grinnell, Tinker and Morgan had offered her to him; but at a high figure. Bro’s. Jesse N. Smith & John W Young went to the Chester races to-day.

5 May 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, May 5th/64. Recd a letter from Bro. Graham; but though he appeared to have considerable hope, brokers having talked favorably, it was plain to me that there was nothing to be depended upon, and I determined to close with Capt. Trask for the Gen. McClellan, which I did. Capt. Trask appeared much dissatisfied with himself for offering his vessel so cheap – and told me that he could readily get 5/- per adult for than he was letting me have her. He offered me £30 to let him off, adding that if his feelings had not overpowered his judgment[,] I could not have had her at the price he had offered to take. Dictated letters to-day, which Bro. Foster wrote, to President B. Young, Bro. Chauncey W. West, <and a number of others.> Bro’s. Kay and Bull arrived to-day from Birmingham.

6 May 1864 • Friday

Friday, May 6th/64. Bro. Graham retd in the night from London; had a conversation with him respecting matters ships in London. Mr. Smith of Tapscott & Co. came up and [in] a Hansom and took me down to their Office to read me a letter from the owners of the Hudson advising them of her arrival in London. Taps Mr. Tapscott and Mr. Smith thought I <we> ought to offer 3/- (that is 55/- for her without provisions) more for her per adult than I had given for the “Monarch of the Sea.” When I expressed my surprise to Mr. Smith at there being any doubt now about the price, when I supposed it was I had been led to conclude, by wh all he had told me, that the arrangement for the Hudson had been firmly and reliably made, he replied that until the Captain should arrive, he being a part owner, no posit nothing positive could be done. In this matter, though I do not accuse them of a wilful design to deceive me, they have misled me by their leading me to rely upon the arrangement I had made with them as being perfectly secure. Finding that there was no help for the matter I agreed with them to offer 55/-. Grinnell, Tinker & Morgan asked 63/-. This was refused. They then lowered to 60/-. This was also refused.

There were some letters recd by Bro. Jesse N. Smith yesterday from Copenhagen which had been forwarded to him by Bro. Pigan, President of the Fredericia Conference, that contained language and sentiments which <that which> led us to conclude that there had been a criminal intercourse carried on by Elder [first and last names redacted], a<n> Valley Elder from Zion, now laboring in the Scandinavian Mission, and who came from home last year, with a young sister by the name of [first, middle, and last names redacted]. These letters were written in Danish by the young woman to [first and last names redacted], & were, some of them, in reply to letters written by him to her. Many of the expressions were low and vulgar, and the whole correspondence was of such a character as to be quite unsuited for for persons in their condition. When I heard the correspondence read by Bro. Smith yesterday, I immediately wrote to Elder [last name redacted] who is now in Norway—having been recently removed from Jutland <where he has been laboring,> in consequence of the war which is now raging there – recalling him to England, The f and also to his President, Geo. M. Brown. The follow. These letters read as follows: -- (Insert letters) 223- & 221

{“May 4th 1864

Elder [first and last names redacted]

Dear Brother,

I would like you, upon the receipt of this letter, to make your preparations to come to Liverpool by the first conveyance. There are steamers sailing from Christiana to England, I believe, regularly. On one of these you can probably secure a passage, without having to wait too long. But if you can come any quicker by some other line, do so, as I want you here as quickly as possible. You had better bring all your things with you.

The news I have written to Brother Brown about the sailing of the ship.

With love, in which the brethren here join,

I remain, Your Brother

(Signed) Geo. Q. Cannon.

May 4th 1864

Dear Brother Brown

Enclosed I forward you a letter for Elder [first and last names redacted] requesting him to come to Liverpool by the first and most direct conveyance, and to bring his things with him. I do not wish him to go to any great expense to reach here; but I suppose there are Steamers running direct from Christiana to Hull on which a passage can easily be secured. On one of these I would like him to come if possible. If he lack the money to pay a cheap passage, will you please furnish it. Of course, I would much prefer your doing this out of the Mission Fund, if it is at all possible; but if this be out of your power, you can use the necessary amount out of the Tithing, and credit yourself with the amount in your settlement with Bro’ Sprague. But I would much prefer your using it out of the Mission Fund, if it is possible.

The “Monarch of the Sea” sailed in excellent condition, and with the passengers all feeling finely, on the 28th of April, and was progressing excellently at latest accounts. All the Scandinavian Saints sailed on her. She carried 974 Saints with her. I expect to send two more large ships in about two weeks.

All the brethren join me in love to you. Be faithful, pure and diligent, and humble; live near unto the Lord always, and be a man of God in very deed, Brother George, in whom your brethren and your Father in Heaven can always put confidence. May He bless you is the prayer of Your Brother, Geo. Q. Cannon

P.S. Give my love to the Saints, whose love & kindness to me I always remember.”

G. Q. C.}

When I heard these letters read, I made felt led as to interrogate Bro. [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], (who had come here with Bro Smith from Copenhagen to assist in the business of the emigration, and to whom there were some slight allusions made in this improper correspondence above referred <to> -- allusions which were not, however, in any wise criminating) as I had been unfavorably impressed with his spirit and manner since he had been here. He did not have such a spirit, as he now appeared to have, when I last saw him in Copenhagen last fall; and I had asked Bro. Smith what Bro. [last name redacted] had been doing to produce such a change in him. Bro To my great surprise <Bro. [last name redacted] when interrogated by me in Bro Smith’s presence> immediately told me that [last name redacted] had confessed his transgression to him when they were in Copenhagen together. I asked [21 words redacted]. Astonished at this avowal, I asked him how he could, being in Bro. Smith’s company as he had been for so long after knowing about this wickedness, conceal it from him & suffer the girl to sail to New York and [last name redacted] to be appointed to a new field without communicating with his President. He made some paltry excuse about the matter, saying that he did not think the girl was hurt, and that he did not like to tell about it – as [last name redacted] had charged him not to do so – thinking that it would come out soon enough of itself! I asked <him> what sort of confidences existed between [first and last names redacted] and himself that [last name redacted] could entrust him with such a horrible secret as this, and not be afraid of his exposing him? He said there was no confidences &c. I to I told him that I had no confidence in him after what he had told me, and questioned him closely about his own conduct; but he denied strongly all wrong doing, said he was pure &c. He added that Bro. L. L. Sprague, Jr. knew this matter as well as he, that [last name redacted] had communicated it to him also. I talked very severely to Bro. [last name redacted]; but he seems to [too] thick-skinned and obtuse to take severe reproof at all seriously to heart, and, so far as appearances went, he was feeling as unconcerned as if nothing had happened, half an hour after our interview terminated. Reproofs which would have cut a sensitive man <or a man softened by the Spirit of the Lord> to the heart, and filled him with sorrow and regret because of his folly and blindness in a matter of such importance, had no more effect upon him, apparently, than a <trivial> cross <fault-finding> remark would have of from his their President would have on some men. When I heard respecting Bro. Spragues knowledge <of this affair> I could not refrain from shedding tears, because I had hoped that he would have been more valiant for the Truth and would have crushed such iniquity wherever it had made its appearance in his jurisdiction. I determined to send Bro. Jesse N. Smith back to Denmark, and giving him a written authority to preside, I also wrote as follows to Bro. Sprague: -- (Insert letter) 61

{“May 6th 1864.

Elder S. L. Sprague, Jr

Dear Brother

The day before yesterday, evidence of an almost indisputable character came into Bro’ J. N. Smith’s hands, which was by him immediately placed in mine, to the effect that Elder [first and last names redacted] had committed whoredom with a young sister who sailed last week on the ship “Monarch of the Sea” with the Saints for New York. Upon hearing all the evidence, I immediately wrote a letter to Elder [first and last names redacted] at Norway requesting him to come as soon as he possibly could, after receiving my letter, to this place, and to bring his things with him. I also wrote to Elder George M. Brown requesting him to furnish [first and last names redacted] what he might need to secure him a cheap passage by the first conveyance from Christiana for England, and that if he could not possibly raise it out of the Mission Fund, to pay it out of the Tithing, and to forward the account to you that you might give him credit for the amount. Brother [first name, middle initial, last name redacted] was not in Liverpool when this matter came up. At the first opportunity after his return I sought an interview with him in the presence of Bro’ Smith, and interrogated him respecting his conduct, telling him what I had heard respecting [first and last names redacted]. To my great astonishment and grief, he informed me that [last name redacted] had confessed his transgression to him while they were in Copenhagen together, and that he ([last name redacted]) had concealed it from his President, Brother Smith, “thinking,” as he says, “that the girl was not hurt, and that the matter would come out soon enough without his telling it.” He furthermore adds, what has given me great sorrow to hear, that you also were aware of [redacted last name]’s transgression while you were all together in Copenhage. In [redacted last name]’s words “you were told by [last name redacted] that he had slept with this girl.” Now, Brother Linsey, if this be so that you knew about [last name redacted] having thus broken his covenants and grossly violated the commandments of the Lord and the laws of his Church, and yet did not expose this wickedness and have it rooted out, and suffered the man who was thus criminal to be placed in another field where he could still continue to practice his wickedness and destroy virtue as much as he pleased, suffering him to partake of and administer the sacrament and other ordinances of salvation while you knew he was corrupt and defiled, my course is clear; I cannot sustain or uphold you in the position which you have been called to occupy. Bearing the responsibility which I do, I deem myself entirely unwarranted in maintaining any man, or appointing any man to preside, whose views and ideas upon these points are so lax as to permit iniquity to fester unchecked among the people over whom he is appointed to preside; cutting members off from the Church for whoredom (which Bro Smith informs me is frequently done at meetings which you all have attended in Copenhagen) while at the same time you knew one of your brethren by your side, was guilty of the same wrong, and yet you were cloaking his sin & countenancing him. Do you not know that he who does this virtually becomes a co-worker with the transgressor; when you keep his secrets of wickedness you become confederate & partner with him, lend yourself to the devil and operate against virtue and godliness? To suffer men, who have no higher conceptions of the truth and its requirements and the duties of their callings as Elders in Israel, to hold leading positions in the Church and among the people of God, would be wrong in me, or, in my opinion, in any other man holding authority; such men must not be entrusted with the guidance of the people.

I have appointed Brother Jesse N. Smith to return to Copenhagen, and, if it be true, that you were aware of all that I have stated above, to take charge of the Mission for the present & until some other move shall be made. You will please, therefore, transfer to him the entire business of the Presidency of the Scandinavian Mission and place yourself--or view yourself--as being under his direction.

I write in this strain upon the supposition that you were aware of [redacted first and last names]’s wrong-doing, and I do so with much sorrow; for I can assure you that it is painful to me to be under the necessity of finding fault with my brethren and reproving them upon such matters. It would be a source of great joy to me to learn that you were ignorant of all this matter. I hope and pray that it may be so.

Accept my love, and that the Lord may bless you and enable you to walk in purity and faithfulness before him and give you full and clear conceptions of the duties of your high calling, is the prayer of your Brother

Geo. Q. Cannon.”}

Brother John W. Young concluded, after counselling with me, to accompany Bro Smith, deeming it a good opportunity <to see Denmark> to get a little acquainted with the people and the land. They started this afternoon for Hull.

I had a call from a Mr. Flynn, a Passenger Broker, offering me the “Albert Gallatin” for our people. Wrote several letters connected with changes in the ministry. Brother Joseph G. Romney arrived to assist in the Editorship of the Star

7 May 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, May 7th/1864. Recd a letter this morning from Prest Young from which I extract the following:—

{Great Salt Lake City

March 28th 1864.

Elder George Q. Cannon,

Dear Brother

Since my letter of March 15th I have drawn upon you the following drafts:—

[blank, indicated by line of asterisks]

President Wells will leave here with the mule train, on or about the 20th April, to take your place, and is expected to reach Liverpool about the middle of July. He will be accompanied by my son Brigham. You will remain till about the middle of August, to give him an opportunity to be somewhat acquainted with the mission before you leave. [blank, indicated by multiple asterisks]}

Went down to Tapscott, Smith & Co. They were determined to have secure the Hudson for me; Mr Smith said, and I could depend on her. Called upon Mr. Flynn. He seemed very anxious to get a chance to do our business. A telegram was recd from London accepting the terms offered for the Hudson. Wrote several letters:- one to my wife Elizabeth and as follows to Bro Joseph A. Young, and Bro’s. Jesse N. Smith and John W. Young:-

(insert letters) 265-69.

{May 7th 1864.

Dear Brother Joseph A

I hope that long before this reaches you the ill effects of your sea voyage will have fully passed off. Your favor from Queenstown reached Brother John W and myself, and we were very glad that you had enjoyed your voyage so well that far. We trust that the remainder has and will prove equally pleasant. Bro John W. started yesterday, in company with Bro Jesse, N. Smith, for Copenhagen, Denmark. The call for Brother Smith to go was very sudden, and arose in consequence of evidence coming into my possession, which I consider indisputable (but which if it should be disputed and controverted successfully would give me great pleasure) to the effect that Elder [first and last names redacted], a Valley Elder, and whom you are acquainted with, I believe, has committed himself with a woman or women. Until it is fully proved against him, I would prefer that nothing may be said about it; and I would not mention it now only that I may be able to explain Bro John W’s sudden departure.

As soon as I requested Brother Jesse to start for Copenhagen, it struck Brother John that it would be a fine opportunity for him to visit that part of Europe, and upon mentioning it to me, I coincided with him. They will probably sail to day from Hull to Copenhagen.

I received the intelligence from your Father to-day that President Wells will leave the City with the mule train, on or about the 20th of April, to take the presidency here, and is expected to reach Liverpool about the middle of July. Your brother Brigham will accompany him. Your father informs me that I am to stay here until about the middle of August to give Brother Wells an opportunity to get somewhat acquainted with the Mission before I leave. I presume you will have heard of this some days before this reaches you. I mention it for the purpose of asking you, whether my departure from England at that date will be too late to admit of my joining you at Wyoming? If so, it is well for you to know so that you may not purchase any outfit for me. I would like to hear from you upon this subject when you write. The President has not said a word about how he expects me to return, but I presume he will allude to it in some future communication, or at any rate Brother Wells will have an idea upon the matter. Being so late in the summer, I presume he thinks of my returning by stage.

I have chartered the Ship “Genl McClellan” to carry 688 Statute adults, to sail from this Port on the 20th of May. The “Hudson” from London will scarcely get off before the 25th of May if then, as she only arrived in London, the 5th inst much later than I had calculated upon. I have had to pay a high figure for the McClellan, & even that, the Captain feels is too low for his ship under present circumstances. Ships have been in extraordinary demand here of late, and they still are. I shall feel exceedingly thankful when our people are all safely embarked on good ships and afterwards when they reach the frontiers in safety and the Valley. I hope you are all right in regard to your contract for the Railroad travel on that side.

Please excuse the hasty style of this note, & accept my love to yourself, and remember to Brothers Staines, Hiram B., Schettler, and all the Brethren of my acquaintance who may be with you. That the Lord may bless you abundantly in all your labors, and give you great success in them, is the constant prayer of your Brother, as ever, Geo. Q. Cannon.

May 7th 1864.

Dear Brothers Jesse N & John W.,

I have received a letter to-day from President Young, in which he writes as follows: “President Wells will leave here with the mule train on or about the 20th of April, to take your place, & is expected to reach Liverpool about the middle of July. He will be accompanied by my son Brigham. You will remain till about the middle of August, to give him an opportunity to be somewhat acquainted with the Mission before you leave.” Brother Bull has been informed that they are bringing a wife apiece with them; but no children. I have written this news to Brother Joseph A, so that, if he should think that, if I do not start from England until the middle of August, I will be too late to travel with the party across the plains, he will not order my outfit. I have requested him to write upon this as soon as he can. I hope you have had a pleasant and prosperous voyage, and found things there, so far as the object of your trip is concerned, in a better condition than we were led to believe they were when you started. I shall await word from you with some anxiety. Do not forget justice, yet be as merciful as you can consistently with your conceptions of right. When you have reproved Bro Linsey, if he needs it, comfort him and make him feel that, though you reprove, you can & do also love; and be no more severe and condemnatory than are absolutely necessary to do your duty. I do hope that you will find it unnecessary to remove him from his position; for, however censurable he may be, I would be deeply pained to be under the necessity of doing this, or of humbling him in any manner in his own eyes and the eyes of his brethren & the Saints. Give him and all the brethren my love, remember me to Brothers Winberg and Petersen.

I have arranged for the Saints in the South of England to sail from London on tolerably good terms. Accept my love, in which the brethren join, and that the Lord may bless you in your labors, and preserve you from every danger and evil is the prayer of

Your Brother & Friend, as ever,

Geo Q. Cannon.}

I was exceedingly tired to day, having performed a very heavy day’s work.

8 May 1864 • Sunday

Sunday May 8th Attended meeting with the Saints this morning at the Crown Street Chapel. Brother McCune and myself addressed the Saints. Two persons were confirmed and Sacrament was administered. In the evening met again at the Chapel. There was a very good congregation and a number of strangers present. Bro. J. G. Romney spoke for a short time; I followed & had excellent freedom.

9 May 1864 • Monday

Monday May 9th Busy opening letters. Corrected also the Introduction to my book of Editorials from the “Western Standard” which I am publishing. Attended to business down town connected with the provisioning of the London ship “Hudson.” Visited Bro Anglesey’s in the evening.

10 May 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 10th. Wrote the Preface for my Book. Waited upon Tapscott, Smith & Co to learn whether Messrs Grinnell[,] Tinker & Morgan (the owners of the ship “Hudson”) were able to get her ready for sea any earlier than the day they had mentioned (June 1st)[.] They had informed them by letter that they could not send her off any earlier. Thinking, after hearing Mr Smith’s letter to them, that he had not put the case to them so strongly as it might be done, & feeling the importance of even a few days now that the season is so advanced, I determined to take train immediately for London. By exerting myself I was able to step into the 11:30 train just as it had started. At Chalk Farm Station I changed to the North London line which took me to Fenchurch St Station[,] London, not far from the office of the gentlemen whom I wished to see. To my surprise I met Bro Barfoot at this Station. Bro Reynolds having telegraphed to Bro Bullock after I started that I would be there by that train. I found all the principals of the firm had left business for home[,] it being nearly 6 P.M. when I reached there; but learning the address of Captain Tinker, one of the firm, I resolved to repair to his residence as I was anxious to return to L’pool by the last train. I found his house at the West End of London and had a pleasant interview with him. He said they would do all in their power to get her ready earlier than the date mentioned, though she was so large a ship that it would be difficult, and such business could not be crowded forward in this port as it can be in Liverpool. He pressed me to remain in London tonight as he would like me to see the Ship and her Captain. Thinking that by stopping & seeing Captn Pratt I might be able to impress him with the importance of hurrying the labor of unloading and loading, I consented to remain. Found Bro Bullock at Florence Street, his health is improving.

11 May 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday May 11th After breakfast went down to Messrs Gunnell, Tinker and Morgan’s and was introduced to Captn Pratt, who I found upon inquiry to be of the same stock as Brothers Parley P and Orson Pratt, & who, I thought, bore some resemblance to them. He took me down to see his ship, which I found a remarkably fine vessel. He appears a very gentlemanly man, and is quite delighted at having our people to take on his ship.

I learned some items connected with emigration during this visit which if I had known earlier would have saved considerable money to the Saints and to the Church. Coming here, as I did, without any body to give me any instruction respecting the best way of doing business[,] I have had to find out everything connected with emigration the best I could. The regular business was pretty well known to the young men who were clerks; but about the chartering of ships and upon the basis upon which these charters were effected by Tapscott Smith & Co and other firms <with> which my predecessors in the Liverpool Office had done business, they knew but little if anything. When I came here I commenced chartering as my predecessors had done; but I had my suspicions aroused last year by the chartering of the Amazon to sail with our people from London, that there was a good round Commission being made by Tapscott Smith & Co of our business. I tried, but in vain, to get some clue to this, and to ascertain upon what terms ships were chartered by them & what commission they received. I had been under the impression that the ships which I chartered from them were their own ships, which some of them undoubtedly were; but I have found that, though they publish a large number of vessels in their lists as their ships, they are not owners but merely agents for them; and I think (a point which I mean to fully satisfy myself upon at the first opportunity) that I could by taking proper steps, secure these ships myself, by going direct to the owners or consignees & Captains & thereby save, if not all, at least a portion of the commission which Messrs Tapscott Smith & Co make out of the transaction. I have been baffled in doing this heretofore through being {ignorant of the mode of doing business; and, when a man is} ignorant upon such points in a place like Liverpool[,] those with whom he does business take no pains to dissipate his ignorance as their own profits would be affected thereby. I do not think that I should have been kept so long in ignorance upon this point had I not been under the impression that every ship I chartered from Tapscott & Co was their own. <The Amazon I knew was not>[;] but what commission they got on her, I could not ascertain; I did not think[,] however, that it would be more than 2½ per cent. or 5 at the outside. Still I was curious to ascertain exactly, & when I sent Bro Graham to London, I particularly requested him to find this out if possible, which he possibly might by affecting to know more than he really did. He was not successful, however. In conversation with Captn Tinker[,] I told him I had been so much bothered and misled about the “Hudson” by Tapscott Smith & Co that I would much prefer doing business direct with them in future, adding, as a feeler, that I thought it could be done much more satisfactorily in that way to both themselves and me, as it would save Tapscott’s commission. To this he assented. “By the way,” I continued carelessly, “what commission do you allow them[,] Capt Tinker?” The question was so naturally natural, and innocently put that he was thrown off his guard, and replied “10 per cent.” I saw by his countenance, the moment after he answered me[,] that he felt that he had been incautious, and had been telling tales out of school. Though I evinced no surprise in his presence[,] this information nevertheless startled me. Ten per cent, I thought; is it possible that they are making 5/6 out of every adult passenger which I put on the “Hudson”! I was indignant at them and felt really vexed with myself for not finding this out before. But when I calmly review the past I can scarcely see how I could, under the circumstances, have done any better than I have. But I am determined that, in the future, if I can have any influence, this game of theirs shall be stopped. Though I am likely to return home myself, I shall endeavour to make Prest Wells so well acquainted with all the ins & outs of this business, which my experience here has put me in possession of, that he will escape the imposition[,] for I can call it by no other name[,] to which I (and I have every reason to believe my predecessors also) have been subjected. Had the Lord not blessed me greatly in other ways, and had business in the Liverpool Office not been done on a much more honorable principle than in other offices, the Saints could not have had their passages upon such terms as they have had them. But the Lord has overruled circumstances very wonderfully in our favor, and though we have been imposed upon in this instance, yet the hearts of owners and Captains have been softened towards us to let me have their vessels at much lower rates than they would to other Passenger Brokers who ship ordinary passengers. All that Tapscott Smith & Co do, connected with clearing the vessels[,] can easily be done by myself and the brethren in the Office.

I introduced Brothers Bullock and Barfoot to Captn Pratt. The brethren & myself then returned to Florence Street where we partook of dinner, being joined by Brothers John L. Smith & W. W. Riter (the latter having just arrived from Switzerland with a few over a hundred emigrant Saints) and then Bro Riter & myself started for L’pool where we arrived at about 8.15 P.M.

12 May 1864 • Thursday

Thursday May 12th Wrote a circular upon Emigration matters to send out to the Elders & Saints. Had a call from Mr A Godbe, who proffered to take letters or anything I might have to send to the States.

Busily employed in Office business.

13 May 1864 • Friday

Friday, May, 13th Wrote letters to send by Mr Godbe, to Bro’s Joseph A Young, & also to Bro’s W. C Staines, & W. S. Godbe as follows:— (See Private L. B. Pages 74 & 76.)

{May 13th 1864.

Dear Brother William,

Your favor of April 9th came safely to hand in due course, and was much appreciated by me. I was glad to hear that you were doing so well, and that prospects connected with your mission were so generally flattering. I hope that you and all the brethren may be blessed exceedingly in your labors. I feel much obliged for the kind interest you take in my health. I can assure you that the prospect of having the privilege to return home this summer is very pleasing to me, and I should have no regrets if the time had already come; I do not wish to be impatient, however. The news about President Wells and Brigham Junr coming here, I am sure you must have heard some time ago. I did hope that I would be able to get away from here in time to join you at the Frontiers and cross with you all to the Valley; but as I am advised by the President that I will have to stay here until the middle of August, I scarcely think it probable that I can reach there in time to be one of the party; this I shall regret, for I think I should have enjoyed the trip with such associations exceedingly. I am much pleased with the news about the brethren coming here; I feel that a great work will be done here by them, and that they will have much joy in their labors. When I heard of their coming, I almost felt to volunteer to stop and labor a year longer to be under the presidency of such a President as I feel that Brother Daniel will make. You have doubtless heard from a letter I wrote to Brother Joseph A. about Bro John W. having gone to Denmark and the sorrowful cause of his going. Such occurrences cause me to feel very bad, and I think it would be better for such men if they had never been born. The Elders generally are feeling and doing very well, as far as I know; those who are returning this Spring are feeling very happy in the privilege which they have. London Conference continues to flourish and there is scarcely a part of the Mission where the Work bears a more promising appearance than it does there. Of this, I am sure, from your past labors there, you will be glad to hear.

You will please excuse this brief and hastily written note. I thought that I ought to write, even if but a few lines. When you visit Philadelphia again or see any of Mr Fenton’s family, please remember me kindly to them, and to all of my old acquaintances.

In case Brother Joseph A, should be too busy to attend to a request which I have made of him to change the name on a case which was shipped on the “Monarch of the Sea,” from Thos Taylor, G. S. L. City, to Wm S. Godbe, care of Stebbins & Porter, Atchison, Kansas, and to have it forwarded there, probably you may have a little leisure to get somebody to attend to it. Please ask Brother Joseph. A. to pay the freight to Atchison, and charge to me here; I forgot to mention this in my letter to him. I shall be happy to reciprocate for this favor at any time. Accept my love, and may the Lord bless you is the prayer of your

Brother and friend, as ever,

Geo. Q. Cannon

May 13th 1864.

Dear Brother William

As your brother Anthony has kindly proffered to take anything I may have to send to the States, I thought that I could not do better than to improve the opportunity and write you a few lines, if no more than to thank you for the kind and liberal offer, which, I have just learned from Brother Shearman, you have made to carry a Piano through to the Valley for me. The presentation of the Piano was a surprise to me, being quite an unexpected and unlooked for gift, and your offer to carry it is equally so, as I had no knowledge of your being written to on the subject before you received the letter. I feel under many obligations to you, Brother William, for the kindness you have evinced in this matter, and I shall be happy, I trust, at all times, to reciprocate in any way that may be in my power and an opportunity offers. You doubtless recollect the fable of the Lion & the Mouse, and though you may not be willing to admit that you are the Lion and I the Mouse, still it answers my purpose to illustrate my feelings.

The Work in Europe is in a tolerably prosperous condition, and the prospects are good for a continued increase in the numbers of those who will be saved. War is afflicting poor Denmark, and there is a large portion of the kingdom which is being overrun by the Germans (Jutland) that has been an excellent field of labor for our Elders in the past. The Emigration this year, though not likely to be so numerous as last, is still by no means inconsiderable.

The Elders, generally, are feeling and doing very well, and rejoice much in our labors. We are all feeling much pleased at the news which has reached us, that President Wells accompanied by Brother Brigham Junr is coming here to preside. All receive this as an assurance that the Work in Europe claims a large share of the watchful care of Brother Brigham, and that its future, so far as the Elders and Saints are concerned, under the wise management of Brother Wells affords every promise and assurance of prosperity.

Accept my love to yourself, & please remember me to all my acquaintances who may be near you. Hoping to have the pleasure of meeting you this coming Fall in our lovely home, and praying the Lord to bless you in all your labors, and to preserve you from every evil, I remain as ever Your Brother

Geo. Q. Cannon

Wm S. Godbe Esqr

P.S. Please give my love to Bro Bentley.”}

Bro Riter started to Sheffield to-day en route to London

14 May 1864 • Saturday

Saturday May 14th Called upon Mr Smith of Tapscott & Co to represent the condition of the Saints who were awaiting in London the departure of the Hudson & to see what he would do towards helping them, as it was through leading me to expect that the Hudson would sail on the 16th that they were there. He promised to see his partner & ascertain what they could do. Busy packing my trunk to send away with Bro Bull on the Gen McClellan, as I intend to keep a very few things, only barely enough to get along with, to carry with me. In the evening wrote two letters.

15 May 1864 • Sunday

Sunday May 15th Met with the Saints this morning and evening. Bros T. Taylor & McCune spoke in the forenoon & sacrament was administered. Bro Graham and myself spoke in the evening[.] I had good liberty; Bro Grahams remarks were of a leave taking character, as he expects to sail on the Gen McClellan. In the afternoon Bro’s Taylor[,] J. G. Romney and myself went down to New Brighton and back on the ferry steamer. This was a most lovely day.

16 May 1864 • Monday

Monday May 16th 64 Variously employed. Received the following letter, the contents of which gave me great satisfaction:— (Insert J. N Smith’s letter)

{“Lorentzengade 14, Copenhagen

May 12th 1864.

President Cannon.

Dear Brother,

After a very pleasant journey Brother John W. and myself reached this place this morning by steamer “Halland” from Lubeck. At Cuxhaven we passed near the two Austrian frigates which had been engaged with the Danish the previous day; one of them had lost her foremast and bowsprit & received some shot in her hull, the other was much riddled, we counted fifteen shot holes in her hull.

In presence of Brother John W. I have already talked with Brother Sprague respecting [redacted first and last names]’s case; he solemnly assured me that he knew nothing about the criminal intimacy existing between [last name redacted] and [first and last names redacted]; he further says that [last name redacted] did tell him that he had slept with both mother and daughter on a certain occasion; but as there were two other missionaries occupying a bed in the same room he did not understand that anything criminal occurred; he further says, that before he expected to preside over the mission, [last name redacted] requested baptism at his hands, what the baptism should be for he did not know; that he answered [last name redacted] that he could not be baptized here unless he was sick; further says that [last name redacted] had spoken to him in high terms of [first and last names redacted] and expressed an inclination to marry her to which he had said that such talk was balderdash, or words to that effect; further says, the reason why he sent [last name redacted] to Norway was because I recommended it before I left.

I read your letter to Brother Sprague but have it still in my possession. Bro Sprague repeated his solemn assurance that he was not knowing to this criminal life of the parties I have before mentioned; he however stated that he knew that all was not square with [last name redacted]. I have talked with Brother Winberg, he says, that he knew nothing about the whoredom; but that Brother Sprague told him a few days ago that [last name redacted] and J. P. R. Johnson were on bad terms about this same [first and last names redacted].

I hasten to send you this statement which will place you in possession of all that I know, I rejoice that it is no worse, I have read this to Brother Sprague, he says, it is right that he heard [last name redacted], when speaking of the girl, say that Johnson was jealous of him. I shall await your instructions before I make any farther moves. Please write early if convenient. Brother John W. wishes me to say that Joseph A was to have procured in England, four cavalry sabres with steel scabbards, but forgot about it; he suggests that Brother Kay had better get them.

The brethren all send you their love in which I join them. Your brother in the Gospel

Jesse N. Smith.”}`

Bro. W. F Cox The arrived to look after the emigration of his people. Visited & spent the evening with at Sister Spencer’s. Sister Charlson, Bro & Sis Graham, Sis McManus and her husband who was not in the Church were there also.

17 May 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 17th/64. Bro’s Jeremy, C. B. Taylor, C. M. Gillett <Jas Townsend> and Wm Sanders arrived to-day. Had my likeness taken to-day for Bro’s. <C. B.> Taylor & Jeremy. Wrote the following letter to Bro Jesse N. Smith in reply to his (Insert letter)

{“May 17th 1864.

Dear Brother Jesse N.,

Your very welcome favor of the 12th inst. has come to hand, and its contents have been perused with great feelings of relief & satisfaction. The news that Brother Sprague is innocent of any collusion with Brother [last name redacted] is exceedingly gratifying. I have not the slightest reason to suppose that he would deceive, or attempt to deceive, in a matter of such importance respecting the extent of his knowledge, and to tender solemn assurances that he was really ignorant of any criminality on [redacted last names]’s part, if he was not thus ignorant. Impart all the instruction you can to Brother Sprague on this and kindred points, and then, as soon as it is convenient, you can return. I hope that this affair will be a warning to Brother Sprague, and that, when an Elder informs him that he has slept in the same bed with two women, he will not think it a matter of small importance and a cause of no suspicion; but will reprove such an action as unwise and wrong, and however innocently done, as likely to lead to gross evil.

You will please excuse brevity as I am very busy. The “Gen. McClellan,” takes her passengers on board tomorrow and next day, and clears for sea on the 20th. The Elders have already began to come in. The “Hudson” will sail from London on the 1st of June. Brother Riter has been here from Switzerland. Hearing that we were talking of going to Paris, he proposed a visit there by way of Genoa, which can be made very agreeable, and not take too much time or money. I told him that before he returned — that is, before the “Hudson” sails — you would both be here it was likely, and then the project might be canvassed. He said he would write to Brother John W.

Accept my love, and give the source to Bro. John W. (who, I hope, feels repaid for his trip) and to Bro’s Sprague, Winberg and Petersen. May the Lord bless and preserve you both from every evil while you remain & in returning, is the prayer of

Your Brother and Friend,

Geo. Q. Cannon.”}

and also wrote <finished a letter> to my brother Angus in reply to his received last Monday, 9th inst. (Insert letter)

{“May 16th 1864.

My dear Angus,

Your favor of the 7th Feby. came to hand last Monday, and I embrace this, the earliest opportunity of answering it. I have long looked for a letter from you; but had almost began to think that such favors would be vouchsafed to me no more. I am really glad that the spell is broken, and hope now that you will write more frequently, because the resolution to write the first letter after a protracted silence, is required to be much greater than that needed for any subsequent one; you have made the first plunge, and like the diver, in rather cool water, your nervousness and dread have left you.

I have been surprised and pleased to learn from your letter that you have four children; the birth of your son David I had not previously heard about. I think you have been greatly blessed of the Lord in your family, and I trust that you will be enabled to rear them to man and womanhood, and that they will prove an honor and comfort to you and their Mothers. The loss of my little ones has been a very serious blow to me, and I have grown old very fast since hearing of their deaths. I never was so affected by any grief that ever befel me as I was by the death of my little girl. To this day I cannot think about her loss or death with any degree of composure. Had it have been in my power to have altered her in any respect, I do not know where I could have done it with any hope of improving her in my eyes; to me she was perfection itself. But she is gone to help strengthen the ties which bind me to that future existence and world, where so many who are very dear to me have gone. It is right that it should be so, & though I grieve over the separation, I know that in the good providence of our Almighty Father there is a wise purpose to be accomplished by these afflictions — the bonds which bind us to this earthly existence must be weakened, and we must learn to take an interest in, and look forward to the world to which our predecessors have gone, and not become so groveling and earthly in all our hopes and aspirations. I notice, in this country, that those who have friends and relatives in Zion, have an interest in everything pertaining to the Work of God there which those who are not thus favored have but little or no conception of. They picture to themselves the joy they will experience, and the warm & kindly welcome they will receive, when they go there, from those who have preceded them; the thought of leaving their native land and its familiar habits and associations is stripped of all its sorrow in the contemplation of the happy reunions ahead of them, and their hold upon Babylon is much weakened thereby. I frequently counsel people who cannot go themselves to send some suitable member or members of their family to Zion, knowing very well what effect it will have upon those who remain. So, I doubt not, in the providence of the Lord it is wise that those whom we love should occasionally be taken from our midst, that we may be led thereby to lift our thoughts and aspirations from the too steady contemplation of the affairs and cares of this life, and permit them to rise to the life which is to come and to take an increased interest in it and the Work of our Father & God there.

I am glad to hear of your re-election to the office of Mayor, and I hope that you will magnify the position acceptably in the sight of God and his people. The office of prosecuting attorney, or any office connected with law, I have a well-grounded dread of. If we were all wise lawyers in the laws of God, it would be a great blessing to us; but there is an influence attends the study and practice of Gentile law, that is opposed to the spirit of the gospel; and it is by no means difficult to count up the names of many persons, who, through turning their attention to the study of law, have lost the Spirit of the Lord and have become apostates from the Truth. Permit me then, Angus, to caution you on this point. Seek no triumph or success at the expense of right and truth; for such a victory is a costly one to the seeming winner; he is in reality a badly vanquished man. Never suffer professional pride, or an anxiety to appear to advantage, to hurry you into the adoption of measures, or the advocacy of arguments, which were you anything but an attorney — say an Elder upon a mission, for instance — your convictions would revolt against. No man can act in opposition to the Spirit of the Lord, which produces the convictions of the mind, and systematically grieve it, without blunting its revelations, warnings and effects within and upon him, and weakening its power so much within him that he is not in a position to progress in the things of God. You should, therefore, act strictly up to your convictions of right, taking care that those convictions are the fruits of the Spirit.

As I suppose you have learned long before this, I am released to return home. I expect to start from here about the middle of August. This is delightful news to me and I am exceedingly thankful for it. Brother Wells, will, I feel confident, do a mighty work here, and we are all very glad to hear that he is coming. My health has been but poor (for me) for some time back. I have overtaxed myself in speaking, I imagine, and am troubled with pains in my chest. A voyage and journey home will do me good, and I shall eagerly welcome the opportunity of entering upon it. I am thoroughly disgusted with this country. The wretchedness and corruption which prevail here make my heart sick, and it will be a relief to be beyond the sight and sound of the wickedness indulged in her. Aunt Eleanor is and has been living with me. I have invited her to go to the Valley; but she thinks she will wait, she says, until next year, when she hopes her son will be back to go with her. This is an illusive hope, and, I think, entirely unwarranted under the circumstances. Persuasion might induce her to go; but that is something which I religiously abstain from using, especially in such cases. She has seemed to enjoy herself since she has been here. Aunt Margaret I see occasionally; Aunt Mary I have not seen for a long time. Cousin Leonora does not call often, as she cannot very well get out; but her husband does. They have had a son lately whom they call David William. The Kidds’ call quite often to see me. I have not heard from Aunt Hetty for some time. Charles Quayle’s wife was in Liverpool last Christmas and called twice. They all have a great many inquiries to make about yourself and family and all the folks. Not having heard very frequently from you, I have had to frame my replies as I best could from the little driblets of information I have been able to obtain in the letters of others and from the brethren who have come here.

You gave me so little news about the folks: David, Wilhelmina, and child or children, Orin, Annie and family and Leonora, that I am quite disappointed. You speak of writing another letter which will contain the news, I hope it will soon come, as I am anxious to hear it., Give my love to them all; though our communications have been unfrequent, I still think of you all very much, and anticipate great happiness in seeing and mingling with you once more. Who will be likely to enjoy such associations to the fullest extent, if not myself, who have been an exile from the society of my brothers and sisters and kindred for so large a portion of my life? Remember me to Sarah, Maria, Amanda and the children, and Brother Erastus Snow, Jacob Gates and all my acquaintances.

Praying the Lord to bless you all, and to preserve you from every evil, and to keep you in the faith,

I remain, as ever,

Your loving brother



P.S. My dear Angus: The contents of your letter & the business items have all been duly noted. Your difficulty, is one that, I believe, is common to some of our family — namely, procrastination — and you ought to fight against it. If you allow it to master you, it may lead you into many difficulties, which you otherwise might avoid, and keep you in slavish dread, haunted by the recollection of duties neglected and unperformed. Make it a point to do everything, however disagreeable it may be, at the proper time; deferring it, only makes the matter worse and the consequences more serious. I have not the slightest hard feeling towards you upon any of the points alluded to in your letter since my perusal of it; and I do not wish you to feel in the least bad about this matter, only try and profit by the past so that you may avoid a similar difficulty in the future. My only regret is for the Church; you doubtless recollect my feelings upon this matter, how desirous I was that everything should be turned over to it; myself I cared nothing about, and I do not yet, so far as all I left in your hands if concerned; but whatever you sold I wished to go into the hands of the Church. As fast as you can convert means to cover this matter I would like you still to dispose of it in that way. I want it all made up, sooner or later; and, should circumstances favor me, I shall gladly assist all in my power in making it up. I viewed that whole affair — that is, the property — as no longer mine personally, but the Church’s; and I shall view it as a duty devolving upon me to make what exertions I can to make it all good to it. I want to keep as free as it is possible from that miserable feeling that the Church owes me a living, or, that I am a “Kingdom man,” which, with some, means that they have a right to rely upon the kingdom for a livelihood. I believe your feelings are like mine upon this subject. I am in an embarrassing position here at present in relation to the money I borrowed to meet Savage’s note, for which I went security. Bro. Rich writes me that he has settled with Savage, and taken a span of mules for the debt, and turned them over to the President. I did hope that he would get cash, so as to send it to me to relieve me here; but I am disappointed, and I scarcely know what to do. I have written home very strongly on the subject, and intend to write again as soon as I can get a little time. Unless this is arranged before I transfer the business to President Wells, I shall feel very bad; but I think that it will be. I hope you will consider your letter which I have just received as though it had never been written; I shall destroy it. Let there be no feelings of despondency or shame in the future on any of these points; let the past suffice for that; but look the matter square in the face, with the firm resolve that by the help of the Lord, you will do all in your power to make every thing right.

May God bless and comfort you and open up your way is the prayer of

Your Brother


18 May 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 18th/64. Bro’s. G. W. Grant, Elnathan Eldredge Jr.[,] C A Benson, J C Wixom[,] <Jas. Townsend,> G G Bywater, M F Farnsworth and a number of native Elders all arrived with their emigrating Saints to-day.

Wrote an Editorial: “Peace Congresses cannot avert War.” In the evening went down to the Ship — “Gen. M’Clellan[”] — to see how they were progressing in the business of weighing.

19 May 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, May 19th/64. Busy packing things <to send by> Bro. Bull <who> arrived to-day from his district. Yesterday and to-day we have been very busy in the Office in settling up with the Saints. Down at the Ship again this afternoon and evening.

20 May 1864 • Friday

Friday, May 20th/64. The weather which has been exceedingly hot for the past week — hotter than it has been <at this time of year> for three quarters of a century in this country — seemed lowering to-day, & we had some very heavy thunder & lightning in the afternoon which interfered somewhat with the clearing of the ship. The Government Officers — Capt. Boucher & Dr. Grugan — thought we had better clear them between decks, which we did, assembling the people aft on the two lower decks. Though they were subjected to some inconvenience and were penned up very closely[,] I did not hear an angry wor or unpleasant expression[,] which <conduct> produced favorable comments from the officers. We could not finish clearing to-day and adjourned until tomorrow. It poured The rain poured down and we had a violent storm at the time we left the ship. I sympathized with a poor woman named Davies, who, because one of her children had the premonitory symptoms of chicken p or small pox was turned back and not allowed to pass by the Dr., and had to return on shore. Sisters Charlson & Mary Spencer and a Miss Kellett were on board, and as it was raining heavily I obtained a cab and took them up to Sister Spencer’s where I took tea.

21 May 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, May 21st/64. Arose early and went with several Elders on board the Ship in the river where we held meeting with the Saints and organized them. Bro Taylor and myself spoke[,] and there was an excellent spirit prevailed. Bro. Thos E Jeremy was appointed President and Bro’s. Joseph Bull and G G Bywater his first and second Counsellors; Bro Farnsworth acts as Steward and Bro Graham as Clerk. <Including all the Saints there were 803 aboard.> After my return to the Office, wrote a letter to Bro Joseph A Young and forwarded him a Letter of Credit for £1500. Went down in the evening and settled with Mr Smith for the Ship, paying him £2059.6.3.

22 May 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, May 22/64. Held meetings to-day in the forenoon and evening at the Saints’ Chapel. Bro’s. Wixom & Hood spoke in the forenoon and Bro’s. Taylor & Hood in the evening.

23 May 1864 • Monday

Monday, May 23/64. Settled Variously employed. Visited, with some of the Brethren, Sister Spencer’s in the evening upon the invitation of Sister Charlson.

24 May 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 2/64. Settled for provisions of Ship with Cairns & Brown, paying them £818.15.0. Wrote several letters. Bro. George Reynolds started to London to commence shipping passengers <on the Hudson>.

25 May 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 25/64. Wrote to Bro’s. Brigham, President B. Young to Bro’s. & Pres. Kimball, Bro’s. Clayton, Staines. (Insert Bro Brigham’s letter <dated 23rd inst.>) {My letter to President Young I insert as follows:—

“May 23rd 1864.

Dear Brother Brigham.

Your welcome favor of March 28th reached me on the 7th. instant, the day after forwarding my last to you, and the news respecting President Wells and your son Brigham’s intended departure for England was perused with much pleasure. If the feelings of satisfaction and delight with which this news has been received by myself and all who have heard it be an augury of the good results which will follow their labors here, then, indeed, will their Mission here be rich in blessings to the Saints and honest-in-heart, which I fully believe will be the case. Some of the brethren, when they heard of my release, expressed a regret that I was so soon to leave — though they qualified the regret by saying that they were glad on my own account that I was going home — I told them that I thought it altogether likely that when they heard who was coming they would cease to entertain any such feeling; and though I have no reason to believe that any of the brethren are glad to think that I am released to return home, yet the news of President Wells and Brigham’s coming is very agreeable to them all, and they look forward with anticipation to their arrival. For my own part, I have ever been thankful to the Lord for his kindness to me in permitting me to be his servant, and in calling me to go forth as one of his messengers to the nations; but I believe I am just as thankful now to have the privilege of returning to once more enjoy your and the brethren’s and Saints’ society in Zion as I ever have been to go away. There is a delight in reflecting upon returning to Zion, which is not felt while contemplating a departure from Zion to labor in the midst of Babylon.

Since the receipt of your last favor I wrote to Brother Joseph A. and acquainted him with the likelihood of my having to remain here until the middle of August. When he was here he thought if I left here at the beginning of August that I would be at the frontiers in time to return with himself and the brethren. To prevent disappointment, I gave him early intimation of my having to stay longer, as I scarcely think it will be either desirable or wise to stay any longer at the frontiers than the time he named, namely, the middle of August. It is probable that Brother John W. will cross — unless something should occur to require an alteration — to New York in company with Bro Jesse N. Smith, so as to be in time to return with Bro. Joseph A. Had it have been convenient, I should liked to have had his company in crossing very much. He and Brother Jesse N. Smith started for Copenhagen from Hull, by way of Hamburg and Lubeck, on the 9th instant, and reached there on the 12th. I am expecting them to return here this week. They started from here very suddenly in consequence of my having heard—and the evidence seems to be quite indisputable—that one of the Valley Elders—[first and last names redacted]—had fallen into transgression with a woman or women. There would have been no particular necessity for them to go on his account alone, however, as I had written to Norway for him to come here as soon as possible, but I was informed that Brother Linsey Sprague was aware of his transgression and had permitted him to be appointed to a new field without communicating to Bro Smith at the time the knowledge of Brother [redacted last name]’s criminality. This transpired as follows: A package of letters from a young Danish woman to Brother [last name redacted] had fallen into the hands of his Conference President, who forwarded them to Brother Smith at Copenhagen, accompanied by a written statement of a brother who testified that he had seen Brother [last name redacted] and the writer of the letters in bed together. These letters reached Copenhagen after Brother Smith had left there, and were forwarded after him to Liverpool. The perusal of these letters and the accompanying statement, if accepted as true, could leave no doubt in the mind of the reader respecting the guilt of Bro [last name redacted] and the writer of them. As Brother [first name, middle initial, last name redacted], also a Valley Elder, was here at the time, having come to England with Bro Smith to assist him in the business of the emigration, and was on the point of returning to Denmark, I felt led to interrogate him respecting his conduct up there, for I had remarked that he did not seem to have the Spirit as I like to see it manifested in the Elders. To my great astonishment he acknowledged to having known about [first and last name redacted first and last names]’s transgression some time before leaving Denmark, the latter having confided the matter to him; he added also that he believed that Bro. Linsey Sprague knew about it also, as [first and last names redacted] had told him about being in bed with the girl and her mother. This I am happy to say Bro. Sprague has explained to Bro Smith and John W. since their arrival at Copenhagen. He solemnly denies having any knowledge of [redacted last name]’s criminality; but says that he told him about sleeping with this mother and daughter—two other Elders being in the same room—because he had no other place to sleep. I have reproved Brother [last name redacted] in severe terms for concealing this wickedness from Bro’ Smith, and suffering it to be cloaked over and [first and last names redacted] to be appointed to a new field in Norway when he knew that he was utterly unfit, according to his own confession to officiate in the Priesthood. I am pleased to find that Brother Sprague was ignorant of the existence of this wickedness; because, as I wrote to him by the brethren when they went, if he knew about [first and last names redacted] having thus broken his covenants and violated the commandments of the Lord, and yet did not expose this wickedness and have it rooted out, he would not be suitable to fill the position to which he had been called. I would not have alluded to this matter in this letter to you, had it not been necessary to explain Brother John W’s movements and whereabouts. I should have preferred waiting until Bro’ [last name redacted] had come here and the affair had been fully investigated. He may be able to make explanations that will put another face on the matter when he reaches here; and until I hear what he has to say, I do not wish his guilt to be a foregone conclusion in my mind.

The Ship “Gen. McClellan” with 802 souls of our people on board, sailed on the 21st instant for New York. The company is presided over by Brothers Thomas E. Jeremy, Joseph Bull and Geo. G. Bywater, and they all appeared to feel glad that they had been enabled to emancipate themselves from Babylon. The ship “Hudson” which was to have sailed on the 16th of May, will not be able to get away now, owing to her lengthy detention in New York, before the 1st of June. This has been a great annoyance to me, and I have done all in my power to get the people off earlier but this detention seems unavoidable. This late departure is principally attributable to the scarcity of ships, which precluded any change from the “Hudson” to another ship. From present appearances, the emigration from Europe this year will number between 2600 and 2800. Accompanying this I send you the list of the passengers by the “McClellan.” The list for the “Monarch of the Sea,” I sent by Brother Joseph A. who doubtless has forwarded it to you.

Hearing of the cold you caught in going to San Pete last Fall, & knowing that, in travelling, you are exposed to the cold, I thought that a suit of furs (Coat, hat, boots and mittens) such as is worn in the north of Europe, would be very useful for you, and I had it bought, and have forwarded it by the hand of Brother Jeremy to Brother1 Joseph A. I hope it will suit you exactly.

Accept my love to yourself, and please remember me to Brother Heber and the brethren of the Twelve and Brother Carrington.

That the Lord may endow you with every qualification for your high calling, and preserve you from every evil is the constant prayer of

Your Brother, as ever

George Q. Cannon.”

President B. Young.}

26 May 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, May 26/64. Wrote an Editorial entitled: War as a scourge for shedding innocent blood — Its desperate character. Visited Mr Smith in the evening about the Hudson, having recd a letter from Bro Reynolds who had gone to at London stating that they were not doing fair towards us on the Ship.

27 May 1864 • Friday

Friday, May 27/64. Busy <with> various We <Bro. <Thos.> Taylor & self> started to London at 3.45 p.m. and reached there at 9.15 p.m. Bro’s. Henson Walker & Geo Halliday, & Bro Robert Anderson met us at the station. Found a number of the Elders here — Jesse N Smith and John W Young, who returned from Copenhagen to-day being among the number.

28 May 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, May 28th/64. Went down to the Hudson and stopped <there> doing business, until the middle of the afternoon. I found Capt. Pratt feeling very well, and found ascertained upon inquiry that Brother Reynolds had been mistaken in writing to me respecting the unfairness they were practicing. Capt. Pratt proffers to do everything that he can to make the people comfortable and to accommodate them. Went from there to Hyde Park and saw Grand Review of the London Volunteer Corps. We had a very good view of many of the notabilities — the Prince & Princess of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge. The Princess sat in an open carriage and was dressed in mourning. She appeared very interesting and is quite rather a handsome woman; the Prince & Duke were dressed in Uniform.

29 May 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, May 29th/64. The Elders were all appointed to go to the various halls to meet with the Saints in their branches. Bro’s. Bullock, John W Young[,] <W. W. Riter> and myself went in the afternoon to Islington Whitechapel meeting room and Bro’s Riter & David Gibson spoke[,] followed by John W Young and myself. We had an excellent meeting and I had great liberty. We Bros Bullock, John W & myself went to tea with Bro. Larkin and Sis. Atkinson. Went in the evening to the Poplar Branch, and, being rather late, found Bro. Jesse N Smith speaking; Bro John W Young followed and afterwards <I> spoke. We had a very good meeting.

30 May 1864 • Monday

Monday, May 30th/64. Spent the day at the Ship and was very busy all day arranging and counselling. When I left the ship for Florence St. I felt very exhausted and tired. My health has not been as good this Spring as usual. My chest gives me considerable pain occasionally and there has scarcely <been> a day passed for some time without my experiencing some pain and a feeling of oppression about the chest. I have almost been disposed to be scared occasionally; for a weakness of the lungs is something which I have not been subject to from the commencement of my preaching labors in the ministry until this Spring; on the contrary, my lungs and voice have been remarkably strong and clear, enduring great fa labor and exertion in public speaking without failing in the least. Hoarseness of the voice I have never experienced but once, I think in my life, and I was then on the Sandwich Islands.

31 May 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 31st/64. Busily employed on board of the Ship all day. In the eve Took dinner with the Captain Pratt. In the evening sat up very late, having an engaging conversation with the brethren upon interesting subjects connected with the gospel and the future of America.

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May 1864, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Up to this point, three sheets, beginning with “it will be either desirable or wise,” were interleaved and pasted into the bound volume.