May 1897

1 May 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, May 1, 1897

At the office attending to various matters of business. Dictated my journal and correspondence.

2 May 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, May 2, 1897

To-day is Fast day, and meeting was held this afternoon in the Ward meeting house. I went there and enjoyed myself very much with the saints.

3 May 1897 • Monday

Monday, May 3, 1897

My wife Carlie’s condition of health was such this morning that she could not accompany me on my journey. This necessitated the repacking of my trunk. My son Angus took me to the train. Judge Bartch, Mr. Lannan and myself started at East at 7 a.m. Mr. T. Cavanaugh, Manager of the proposed new reservoir in Millard Co., was on the train. I felt tired and lonely.

4 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 4, 1897

I felt rested and better to-day.

5 May 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 5, 1897

Reached Chicago this morning, and was met by C. O. Whittemore, candidate for the office of U.S. District Attorney for Utah, who took us to the Palmer House, where we met ex-Congressman Geo. W. Dorsey, formerly of Nebraska, but now interested in mines in Utah. Brother Spencer Clawson had suggested that he might prove a help to the Delegation, as he was well acquainted with President McKinley.

After breakfast, Mr. Lannan and myself called upon Mr. Melville Stone, Manager of the Associated Press. He is an old acquaintance of mine, and expressed great pleasure at meeting me again. He laughingly commented upon the change that had taken place in Utah as shown by the presence of Mr. Lannan and myself on a delegation of this kind.

We went from Chicago to Washington over the Pennsylvania R.R. Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Whittemore accompanied us.

6 May 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, May 6, 1897

We were met at the station at Washington by Mr. George Graves, my son Frank’s secretary.

We put up at the Shoreham Hotel.

After a bath and a change of clothes, I arranged for us to go to the Capitol to meet with our Senators and Representative, who are a part of our delegation appointed to wait on the President. We met in the Marble Room of the Senate, and had a full and free talk over the proper steps to take. It was arranged that I should see President McKinley and have him appoint a time to receive the delegation. Senator Rawlins described how kindly Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, with whom I had served in the House of Representatives, had spoken of me and how pleased he would be to see me. I thought it would be a good thing to ask him to accompany me to the President. I thought of him and Senator Proctor to do this; but in speaking to the latter he thought as Mr. Wilson is a member of the Cabinet it would be better to ask him. I called upon Secretary Wilson in the evening. He received me very cordially, and appeared pleased at the request to go with me to the President in the morning.

7 May 1897 • Friday

Friday, May 7, 1897

Secretary Wilson took me in his carriage to the White House this morning at 9 o’clock. When our cards were sent to the President he came up from the breakfast room to the Executive chamber, where we were seated. He greeted us cordially and expressed his pleasure at meeting me. He referred to our service together in the House. Mr. Wilson and I explained the object of our visit. He said he would receive us at any time convenient to us. Monday and Wednesday were mentioned, and he asked which I would prefer. Monday at 10 o’clock was decided upon, and we withdrew. Mr. Dorsey joined us before we left the President.

I called upon Vice President Hobart and had a very interesting visit with him. He introduced me to Mrs. Hobart, who said she felt as though she had always known me, she had heard the Vice President speak so often of me. They have a beautiful house, elegantly furnished, on Lafayette Square.

At another meeting of the delegation it was decided that we should invite all the Senators and Representatives of the arid regions to accompany us to the White House on Monday. Frank and I called upon a number of them, and the California Senators, Messrs. Perkins and White, said they would esteem it an honor to go with us. Others expressed themselves similarly.

Frank and I took the night train for New York, to meet Mr. Banigan with Mr. Cromwell, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Kelman and Mr. Hayward of the Salt Lake & Ogden Gas & Electric Light Co.

8 May 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, May 8, 1897

Mr. Banigan, Frank and I left the Plaza Hotel together to meet the before-mentioned gentlemen at Sullivan & Cromwell’s office, 45 Wall Street. We spent several hours there. Mr. Banigan and Mr. Cromwell did the talking principally. I was glad I was present, because my being there, I think, had a good effect. It was like witnessing a fencing match, the talk between these two gentlemen. Mr. Banigan succeeded in getting the preferred stock reduced from 750,000 to 300,000 – a very great advantage in our favor.

9 May 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, March [May] 9, 1897

Frank and I went to Brooklyn and had a nice visit with my daughter Rosannah and sister-in-law and Sisters Donetta Smith and Leah Dunford. These girls are all pursuing studies here. From here we went to the depot and took train for Washington. I put up at the Shoreham.

10 May 1897 • Monday

Monday, May 10, 1897

At 9:30 we met together and proceeded to the White House. There was a large number of Senators and Representatives who entered the Executive Chamber with us. The names of the party are as follows: Senators White, Perkins, Pettigrew, Carter, Wilson, Shoup, Warren, Cullom, Cannon and Rawlins, Representatives King and Shafroth, ex-Delegate Mark Smith, Hon. Geo. W. Dorsey, Judge Bartch, Mr. P. H. Lannan, and myself. The Chamber was filled, every seat being occupied. President McKinley soon entered and shook hands with every one present. He bade us all be seated and to dispense with all formality. After the preliminary chat was over, I stated the object of our call in a simple, direct style, dwelling upon the importance of the event and the effect that settlement on the 24th of July, 1847, had had upon all the arid and semi-arid regions now covered by states and territories. The success of that settlement had made possible the early construction of the trans-continental railroad and the opening of the mines, and the settlement of the states and territories of the great interior; for it had demonstrated that the desert could be made the abode of civilized man. I spoke of the great pleasure it would give the people of the mountains and plains to welcome the President of the United States and his official family, and the effect their visit would have on them. There was profound silence in the Chamber while I was talking. I felt quite at ease, and spoke without hesitation or embarrassment. He paid close attention to my remarks. I was complimented by a number on the manner in which I presented the matter, and Mr. Lannan said it was admirably and effectively done, and could not have been better. Coming from him I noticed his remarks more than I would from another, in view of his former attitude to me. President McKinley made a gracious reply, and expressed the pleasure it would give him to attend the celebration, and that he would attend if Congress would only get through with the tariff and adjourn. Said he, “Here is almost a quorum of the Senate, why not vote now and get through with it?”. This led to a general conversation and many jocular remarks, the President and every one else feeling apparently at home. Old habitues of the White House said they never saw so free and pleasant a reception, as such occasions are usually stiff and formal. Judge King, our Representative in the House, presented a roll which had been drawn up by Judge C. C. Goodwin at home, and which we as delegates signed, giving in set phrase our invitation to the President in writing. All the Senators and Representatives joined heartily in urging the President to accept the invitation, and they hoped Congress would get through its work in time to admit of his going.

And what were my reflections during this interview! What a change has taken place! Senators and Representatives esteeming it an honor, according to their own statements, to be in the company of a delegation from Utah headed by a “Mormon” Apostle! I could contrast the present with the past, for my history was closely identified with the past.

Several Senators accompanied us to the house of Vice President Hobart, where we presented him a verbal invitation to be present at our Semi-Centennial Jubilee. He thanked us for the invitation, and said he would be glad of the opportunity, for he long had had a desire to visit his friend Cannon and other friends at their home.

Judge Bartch, Mr. Lannan and myself decided that it would be proper for us to wait upon each of the members of the Cabinet and invite him and his family to go out with the President to Salt Lake and attend the Semi-Centennial. We called first at the Department of Justice (Mr. Dorsey accompanied us), and I, on behalf of the delegation, gave Attorney General McKenna a warm invitation for himself and wife to accompany the President. From there we went to the Treasury Department (Mr. Dorsey did not accompany us there) and we gave Secretary Gage a similar invitation. We also waited upon Secretary Alger, of the Army, Secretary Long, of the Navy, and Secretary Sherman, of the State Department. Each of these gentlemen received us very cordially and they expressed themselves very favorably upon the subject, each of them saying that he would be very pleased to go. We could not see Secretary Bliss, of the Interior Department, that afternoon, as he was in New York, and we left our call until to-morrow on him and Secretary Gary, of the Postoffice Department, and Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural Department.

I sent the following dispatch to Governor Wells and Spencer Clawson, chairman of the Semi-Centennial Commission:

“We have had most satisfactory interviews with President McKinley and the Members of his Cabinet. Accompanied not only by the Senators and Representatives of the States and Territories of the arid region and contiguous States, but by Senators from Eastern States, and supported by their expressed wish that our invitation would be accepted, we were accorded a most cordial and gratifying reception by the President. The President and the Cabinet all express themselves unqualifiedly in favor of accepting the invitation and they will be present at the Jubilee if Congress will adjourn in time. Immediate steps should be taken to raise the funds necessary to meet the expenses of this visit in a way that will reflect credit on the State and the event commemorated.”

11 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 11, 1897

Called at the Capitol and had interviews with Frank and other Senators. Before going there, however, I called at the house of Senator Proctor, but found he had gone away for several days. I would have been pleased to have had him there to go with me to the President and talk over Utah appointments.

Judge Bartch, Mr. Lannan and myself called upon Secretary Bliss of the Interior Department, the Postmaster General, Mr. Gary, and Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Wilson, all of whom received us very cordially and expressed the pleasure it would give them to accept the invitation we extended to them.

Senator Elkins called at my hotel and was very effusive in his expressions of pleasure at seeing me and his desire to show me attention while I was here. He said he would have liked to have got up a dinner and invited a number of friends to join me, but upon learning that I intended to leave Washington very soon, he insisted on my taking breakfast with himself and family tomorrow morning, which I consented to do.

By the request of Senator Shoup I spent the evening at his room with him and Judge Bartch and Mr. Lannan talking over political appointments in our State.

12 May 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 12, 1897

At quarter to nine I was at Senator Elkin’s residence, and was warmly received by him and Mrs. Elkins. We had a very good breakfast, at which no one was present but the Senator and his wife and one son. Their mansion is one of the most elegant private residences I was ever in. It is furnished with exquisite taste and is beautifully situated on K. Street. Mrs. Elkins took great pleasure in showing me through the house.

I joined my son Frank at his office shortly afterwards, and we proceeded together in a carriage to wait upon Mr. Wilson, the Secretary of Agriculture, to lay before him the case of Mrs. Seraph Young Ford, a grandniece of President Brigham Young and a granddaughter of his brother Phineas. Her case is a pitiable one and she desires employment in the Department. Mr. Wilson promised to do what he could for her, not only because of the application of a Senator, but out of friendship to me.

I had written a letter last night to President McKinley, asking him to make an appointment when I could see him. I called at the White House this morning, and Colonel Porter, his private secretary, gave me a card for an interview at 2:30. At that hour I went to the White House, but I had to wait for upwards of an hour to see him, as he was engaged with Secretary Sherman and others discussing the Cuban situation. He was quite fatigued when I saw him, but our conversation as far as it went was quite satisfactory. We talked over appointments, and he mentioned names of applicants for U.S. Marshal and U.S. District Attorney and other offices. He seemed to be in favor [of] Glen Miller for Marshal. I told him I thought Mr. Devine would make a good Marshal, and Mr. Whittemore a good District Attorney. I dwelt upon the propriety of giving the Mormon people their share of the offices, and showed him the importance of it politically as well as a matter of fairness, in which he fully acquiesced. He asked me to write down names of those I thought suitable for office and let Senator Proctor have them, as I had told him I was going to leave this afternoon. I told him I would come back to Washington if necessary, as I would be in the East for some days. He said he would always be glad to see me, and to come in whenever I liked. His private secretary came in twice during our conversation to persuade him to go out riding, but he appeared reluctant to break off the conversation.

I intended to leave Washington by the 4 o’clock train, but as the President suggested I concluded to write a letter to Senator Proctor and give him a list of the names for office. This letter I enclosed in a letter to Frank, in which I related to him a synopsis of the conversation I had had with the President. I left Washington at 6:50, and was met at the station at Philadelphia by my son William. He and Adah are stopping at Dr. Krusen’s, who has been very friendly to them. There was a party at the doctor’s, to which he and Mrs. Krusen desired William to invite me. I remained with them till midnight. William and Adah and children are enjoying good health. William had engaged a room in a house close by for my wife Carlie to occupy when she arrived. I had received the impression that she would reach Philadelphia from home by noon to-day, and I expected to meet her here, but she has not arrived.

13 May 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, May 13, 1897

William and Adah and my nephew Charles M. Cannon and wife (who are here on a visit) went to the station and met my wife. Her health has improved since leaving home, which I was glad to perceive.

To-morrow is Commencement day at Jefferson Medical College, and to-day there are class exercises, which William was desirous I should see. There was music by a guitar and mandolin club, an oration, addresses, and a poem, by members of the graduating class, and much said in praise of the class.

14 May 1897 • Friday

Friday, May 14, 1897.

Brother and Sister George Romney left home when my wife did, also Sister Jacobson, of Lehi, but they came by another route from Chicago. We called twice at Green’s Hotel, where they stopped, but missed them. In passing a restaurant Sister Cannon saw them, and we went in and spoke to them. Sister Jacobson is going to England; but Brother and Sister Romney, besides visiting other lands, intend to go to the land of the “midnight sun”.

In the afternoon we went to the Academy of Music to witness the Commencement exercises of Jefferson Medical College. The graduates were dressed in gowns and “mortar board” caps, and were called up in sections and handed their diplomas. Many of the students received medals and honorable mention – one named Barnes was quite distinguished. Dr. Krusen had a box which he tendered us, and this enabled us to see and hear to advantage. There were several addresses. The oration was delivered by the President of Princeton – Rev. [blank]. Prof. Montgomery delivered the valedictory. William introduced me to him and to Prof. Brinton and other professors.

15 May 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, May 15, 1897

As I have had bad kidney symptoms, William, at Dr. Krusen’s suggestion, asked me to let the doctor take me as one of his patients to Prof. Hare, an eminent professor of therapeutics, to be examined. He asked a good many questions, examined my heart, said it and my arteries were in good condition. He says a man is no older than his arteries, and he thinks me very well preserved.

There was a grand parade to-day – the grandest Philadelphia has had for years. The occasion is the unveiling of the equestrian statue of General Washington by President McKinley. The National Guard of Pennsylvania, of New Jersey, and infantry and cavalry as well as marines and sailors of the United States and French sailors from a French man-of-war, made a fine display. We obtained good seats on Spring Garden Street and saw the parade to advantage.

Through the kindness of Dr. Krusen, we were invited to St. Joseph Hospital and had a window to view the return of the troops from the ceremony. Mr. Prof. Montgomery was there also.

I met Mr. Tom Cavanaugh and Mr. Hirsh of the Millard County project for a reservoir, &c. The latter invited us to the Mercantile Club to see the display of bicycles in the evening; but the crowd was so great we could not get there.

16 May 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, May 16, 1897

I felt impressed to go to Washington to talk over our affairs with Frank. It was well I did so, for Frank had received a letter from Mr. Banigan informing him that a note given by Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. for $21,520.00 would be due on the 18th, and if not paid it would go to protest, as it was not in his hands. This is a serious business. Hugh had sent Frank the following dispatch:

“Wrote you May first asking if extension could be obtained Banigan note. Cannot do anything toward raising principal here. Communicate with father.”

What am I to do? This money must be raised to-morrow to save my credit. Frank and I talked over other financial matters, and I returned to Philadelphia at 6:50 p.m.

17 May 1897 • Monday

Monday, May 17, 1897

The raising of this large amount of money has given me serious thought, and I have fasted and prayed about it. I am here without any securities to offer as collateral. After an interview with Dr. Hare, who had requested that a bottle of my urine be submitted to him, I took train for New York. I felt impressed to call upon my friends of the National Park Bank. I went in there with fear and trembling, for if the leading men should decline my proposition, where could I turn? President Poor was in Europe. Mr. Delafield, First Vice President, I found there. After conversation on other subjects, I broached the subject of a loan of $21,520.00 and explained the emergency. To my infinite relief he said I could have it, and called Mr. Hickey, the Cashier, and told him what I wanted and to make out a note. I am already owing the Bank $77,000, and the collaterals which the bank has as security on that amount were inserted in the note I now sign for this new amount. I told them I might want to make this latter amount $30,000, and could I get it if I sent down additional security? To which Mr. Delafield responded, Yes. I was profoundly affected by this goodness of the Lord to me; for He has softened the hearts of these men in response to my prayers and delivered me from this great peril. I could not find language to express my gratitude to Him; but I do exult in His power. I wrote a letter to Mr. Banigan, enclosing check for $21,520.00[.]

This finished, I called upon Messrs. Sullivan and Cromwell and had conversation with Mr. Cromwell and Mr. Curtis in company with Judge Le Grand Young, who has just arrived from home to help with these lawyers draw up contract for consolidation of the power properties. We talked over the points of contract.

I returned to Philadelphia, and in the evening my wife, William and myself went to the theatre and saw Sothern and Virginia Harned in “An Enemy to the King”, a play which I enjoyed very much.

18 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 18th, 1897

Breakfasted with Dr. Krusen.

I called at the general offices of the Pennsylvania R.R. Co. to see leading officials about furnishing transportation to President McKinley and Cabinet to the Semi-Centennial Jubilee at Salt Lake City. President Thompson and Vice President Green were absent. I brought my business before 4th Vice President Prevost.

I dictated my journal to my daughter Adah, also a letter of explanation to Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon William obtained a carriage belonging to Dr. Krusen and took my wife and self and Adah and children a ride of two or three hours in Fairmount Park. At the entrance to the Park we stopped to admire the equestrian statue which was unveiled last Saturday by President McKinley. This is a very beautiful monument and must have cost a large sum of money. Our ride this afternoon was one of the most delightful I ever had. Fairmount Park is, without exception, the finest I ever saw and I suppose the largest and finest there is in the United States. The roads are simply perfect, and the scenery very grand, reminding one of some of our canyons. We felt that William had given us great enjoyment in furnishing us the opportunity of seeing this beautiful park.

19 May 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 19, 1897

I received a telegram yesterday from Judge Le Grand Young asking me to come to New York that we might talk over the points of the agreement which he and Mr. Cromwell were drawing up for the consolidation of the Power Companies. I took the 7:20 train from Philadelphia, and I called at Sullivan & Cromwell’s office, but did not find Judge Young or any of the others in.

There was a meeting of the Union Pacific Directors at the office of the Receivers, at 11 o’clock, and I went there. A good deal of business was transacted, Mr. Alexander Orr being elected chairman pro tem and afterwards permanent chairman of the board. Mr. S. H. H. Clark was elected president of the board, and Mr. Atkins vice president. Mr. Miller was elected secretary and assistant comptroller, and Mr. Mink comptroller. Mr. Hughes was elected treasurer. A very warm discussion arose over the action of the Oregon Short Line in making a contract with the Denver & Rio Grande Western by which the Provo gateway is open to that company to the detriment of the Union Pacific Company, and, as claimed by the Receivers, in violation of the understanding which had prevailed and which is in the nature of a contract between the Oregon Short Line and the Union Pacific. Mr. Orr, who is a Director of the Oregon Short Line and also of the Union Pacific, was inclined to censure the course taken by the Receivers in their treatment of the Oregon Short Line Board. This was taken up by the Receivers, particularly by Mr. Coudert, who is a famous lawyer and a wonderfully fine speaker. The whole difficulty arose from the action of the subordinates (Messrs. Bancroft and Eccles of Utah) in entering into an agreement or contract with the Rio Grande Western Company without the knowledge of the President or Board of Directors of the Oregon Short Line Company. I took the liberty of saying, after I had listened to all of the discussion – having fresh in my mind what had occurred in relation to the contract between us and the Oregon Short Line, through the conduct of Messrs. Bancroft and Eccles – that there would be danger always of friction arising and a want of harmony manifesting itself if the President and Board of Directors did not keep control of the affairs of the company, and not permit contracts to be entered into, as in this instance, without their knowledge.

After this meeting, I met Judge Young at Sullivan & Cromwell’s office, and we had a conversation concerning the agreement that he had come down to help draw up. He walked with me from the office to the Pennsylvania railroad ferry, where I took train for Philadelphia. I had some conversation with Brother Hyrum S. Woolley, who was with Brother Young, concerning the office of internal revenue collector, which he would like to obtain if Brother Geo. C. Parkinson did not get it.

20 May 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, May 20, 1897

I dictated a letter to Adah for Hugh.

I telegraphed Frank, in response to his inquiries, that I would leave for Boston on the 7:43 train this evening. I was greatly pleased after leaving Philadelphia to have him come into my sleeping car. He was in the Washington sleeper on the train. He brought in a famous war correspondent, Mr. Creelman, who had been to the Chinese and Japanese War as a war correspondent, and also had been in the Cuban war. He is an intelligent man, and gave us much information concerning China and the difference in character of the Chinese and Japanese. He thinks the Chinese a much superior people to the Japanese. The better classes are physically superior men. They do not understand, however, patriotism in the sense in which we understand it. He described the effects of ancestral worship upon the Chinese character, and attributed to that the absence of progress among the people, for it would be a disrespect to the dead ancestors if they were to attempt to do anything that they had not done. The ancestors were supposed to be perfect. He spoke highly of the Coreans, in whose country he had traveled during the war, and with whom he is very familiar. He described them as a very timid people, but in their physique noble specimens of manhood.

21 May 1897 • Friday

Friday, May 21, 1897

We reached Boston at 7 o’clock, put up at Young’s Hotel, and Sylvester and Willard, to whom I had telegraphed, came and breakfasted with us. I enjoyed this visit with the boys very much. They appear to have good health, though pale, and have the appearance of having studied hard.

I found a telegram here for me from Brother Le Grand Young requesting me and Frank to return to New York to sign the papers of agreement upon the consolidation of the power companies. It was necessary, he said, that they should receive immediate attention, as Mr. Kelman, the representative of the English bondholders, intended to sail to England in the morning. I was rather disappointed at this, because I had hoped to have a longer visit with Sylvester and Willard. We bade them good bye, as we found it necessary to leave on the 1 o’clock train for New York.

At 10 o’clock Frank and I met Mr. Carr, Mr. Ames, Mr. Lane and Mr. Gordon Abbot, of the Oregon Short Line Board, and had a two hours’ conversation over our affairs. It was to me quite unsatisfactory. I think I can discover that they are influenced by bad suggestions and advice from Parley Williams and Mr. Eccles and Mr. Bancroft, who have been here for some time. While they, I think, feel friendly disposed, they are not inclined to make a contract with us on such favorable terms as formerly agreed upon. One of the propositions which they made towards the close of our interview was that they would like us to deed back to them their grade running from Milford west (the possession of which our Utah & California Co. had acquired) before they would close the contract for the Garfield beach property. Our reply to this was that the two companies were entirely distinct, and that no one connected with the western project had any connection with the southern project except myself, and though I was the president of the company it was out of my power to make any such promise. They seemed to credit me with great influence, and that if I would only consent to this it would be done. I was impressed with the idea that there is a disposition to make the return of this grade to them a sine qua non before closing any contract with us for the Garfield Beach property. I have reason to believe that this has been suggested by Mr. Parley L. Williams. As we had to leave for New York at 1 o’clock, and Mr. Carr had an important engagement to keep, we separated at a little after 12 o’clock with the understanding that we should be advised when we could have another meeting with them. It was suggested it should be in New York, probably on Wednesday next. This delay annoys me, as I am spending more time than I supposed I would when I left home.

Frank and I reached the Plaza Hotel about 7 o’clock, and after dinner Messrs. Cromwell, Curtis, Kelman and ourselves went carefully through the contract. Judge Young had returned home this morning. He had succeeded in getting $10,000 inserted in the contract for the payment of any outstanding indebtedness there might be of our Company, $7000 for the same purpose for the Big Cottonwood Co. Frank, upon hearing the contract read, urged that we should have the benefit of the coupons on the 200 consolidated bonds which we are to get with which to settle two years’ interest on the bonds which we have paid Mr. Banigan for his investment. Frank said this would enable us to make a better trade with Mr. Banigan on the interest question. This makes a difference in our favor of about $4500. This was finally conceded, though Mr. Kelman did so reluctantly. Mr. Cromwell and Mr. Kelman had signed this agreement for their side and Judge Young for our side, and Frank and I added our signatures. Mr. Kelman sails for Europe at 10 o’clock to-morrow, Frank returned to Washington to-night, and we all separated apparently well satisfied with what had been done.

22 May 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, May 22, 1897

I took train this morning for Providence, and reached there at 2 o’clock. I telegraphed last night to Mr. Banigan to know if I could meet him; he replied for me to come on. This long and tiresome trip might have been avoided if I had not been called back from Boston to New York in such haste. It had been my intention to call at Providence as I returned from Boston. I spent a little over two hours with Mr. Banigan in his office, examining the agreement, a copy of which I took with me. He read it carefully himself in the first place, and then he had Mr. John Conley read it aloud, so that we could comment upon the different points as we came to them. I was much pleased at hearing Mr. Banigan’s comments concerning the agreement. He said it embodied all the points that had been made, and he appeared quite satisfied with the manner in which his interests were treated. I called his attention to the fact that Judge Young had secured the promise of $10,000 for the Pioneer Electric Power Co., if that amount should be needed to settle up any outstanding indebtedness there might be, and $7000 for the same purpose for the Big Cottonwood Power Co., in the doing of which I thought Judge Young had managed very well. After we had finished the reading, Mr. Banigan expressed himself to the effect that if he could be of any service in helping carry out this consolidation or could be of any use to us (meaning the First Presidency) we could command him. I thanked him for his good feelings and kind offers and said we should be happy to avail ourselves, when necessary, of his kind proffer. I left my copy for him to forward to me when he has had a copy made for himself, with some suggestions in writing which he had made concerning the best method of voting to protect the minority stockholders, etc.

I reached New York at 11 o’clock at night and put up at the Hoffman House.

23 May 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, May 23, 1897

I took train for Philadelphia at 9:25 and reached there at noon. Found all well. Dictated my journal to Adah.

24 May 1897 • Monday

Monday, May 24th, 1897

I took an early train from Philadelphia for New York this morning. One of my objects was to secure transportation for my sons Sylvester and Willard from Boston home. I called at the office of the Receivers of the Union Pacific and saw Mr. Oliver W. Mink, who kindly promised to secure passes for them and forward them to the boys at Boston.

I called twice at the New York Life Insurance offices to see Mr. McCall, the President of the Company, to submit to him the proposition of making us a loan of $163,000 to meet the note due to Mr. Banigan on the 9th of next month. I had a conversation with the auditor of the company at my first call, and with Vice President Welch at the second call. Each one invited me to state my business, and neither one gave me any encouragement about getting a loan. I made an appointment to call again on Mr. McCall. His time is so engrossed that he is a difficult man to get access to.

I called at the H. B. Claflin Co. and bought some things to send home.

I returned to Philadelphia in the afternoon.

25 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 25, 1897

In company with my son William, I called upon Prof. Hare this morning, and he examined my heart and pulse and pronounced both in good condition. I felt greatly relieved in my feelings by his examination of my urine. He is a man eminent in the profession and familiar with the treatment of cases where the kidneys, bladder, etc. are affected. There have been times at home when my symptoms alarmed me, and I thought that perhaps I had a touch of Brights Disease or Diabetes, or something of that character. This examination has relieved my mind to a great extent on these points. Prof. Hare made suggestions about diet which agrees with my own present practice; but he urged me to refrain from nervous exhaustion, or, in other words, to not permit myself to be overworked mentally.

I called at the Pennsylvania Railroad offices to talk upon the subject of a special train for President McKinley and his official family to carry them to our Jubilee. I had a very delightful conversation with Captain J. P. Green, the 1st vice president of the company, and with Mr. Frank Thompson, the president. I made Captain Green’s acquaintance in the winter of 1858, when he was about eighteen or nineteen years old. He was then studying law in the office of Robert Patterson Kane, a brother of General Thos. L. Kane, my very dear friend. Captain Green’s only son is called Kane Green after the Kane family, to whom he is much attached. He was with the General in the civil war and obtained his title of captain there. President Thompson was glad to see me, and spoke very warmly of his former visit to Salt Lake City. We met first in 1878. He had dine[d] lately with President McKinley, and the latter had spoken to him about this proposed trip, and he (Mr. Thompson) had strongly urged him to take it. Mr. Thompson said they would put a special car on for the President, but he suggested that if we could do so it would make the railroad people feel well to pay a dollar a mile for the train.

I called upon General Clarkson and had a very pleasant interview with him.

26 May 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 26, 1897

I went to New York by an early train this morning.

At 11 o’clock I was at the New York Life Insurance offices. When Mr. McCall got my card, I was led by the auditor through various rooms to Mr. McCall’s room, a spacious and splendidly decorated room. He gave me a hearty welcome and expressed his gladness at seeing me. He told me the precautions he had to take to keep from being overrun by all sorts of people. After some conversation, I opened my business to him; told him the amount I wanted to borrow and the security we had to offer. He said he would go with me to the Treasurer, Mr. Gibbs; but as they had an appointment, my visit was postponed till 1 o’clock, when Mr. McCall insisted I should return and lunch with him. There is a Merchants Club in the upper part of the building, and there we took lunch. We had a pleasant time, and he told me about this building – the finest business block I ever was in; I it is simply magnificent – cost five millions of dollars; and besides giving the Life Insurance Company its offices rent free, pays 4% on the investment. Mr. McCall brought Mr. Gibbs and myself together. We are already acquainted. After explaining my want and the character of the security, he expressed himself to the effect that it was a good loan; but to learn Mr. Fairchild’s views (Mr. Fairchild is President of the New York Security & Trust Co.) he telephoned to him, and as he reported his answer to me, he thought it a good loan. But to be as strong as possible, he took me with him to Mr. McCall, and after explaining to him, he thought it a good loan, and that they should make it. An appointment was made for me to call upon Mr. Fairchild and arrange terms &c. to-morrow at 10:30.

I stopped for the night at the Hoffman House.

27 May 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, May 27, 1897.

I called upon Mr. Fairchild; while waiting for him had conversation with Mr. Hyatt, Secretary of N.Y. Security & Trust Co., and was disappointed and surprised at learning that it was not for Mr. Fairchild to decide whether the loan should be made or not. I had supposed from what Mr. Gibbs said yesterday that this was decided. Mr. Fairchild desired me to call to-morrow.

I took train to Philadelphia, and after visiting for a short time with Dr. Krusen and family, myself and wife took train for New York, and put up at the Plaza.

28 May 1897 • Friday

Friday, May 28th, 1897

Frank came up from Washington, and we had a busy day. We first called to see Mr. Fairchild; he was detained and would not be in till afternoon. He then went to National Union Bank to get loan to Trustee-in-Trust for $50,000, due on June 12th, extended, and I went to National Park Bank to get a loan of $75,000, due June 17th, extended. We were both successful; but his personal influence with President Hendrix of the National Union Bank enabled him to get the interest on the extension reduced from 6 to 5% per annum. We then had an interview with John Claflin. Frank and he got very interested in the tariff. Mr. Claflin’s views and Frank’s agreed, and he became very mellow and expressed his pleasure at our call. I then broached the $40,000 yet due him, and which under present arrangements had to be paid $5000 every ten (?) days. We succeeded in getting him to extend it to Oct. 10th, then to string along to Nov. 25th. I felt exceedingly thankful for our success. We had obtained an extension of loans amounting to $165,000 – a pretty good day’s work. But we were not yet through. We had an appointment with the Oregon Short Line people at the Guarantee Loan Building – Mr. Carr, Mr. Oakman, Mr. Lane and Mr. Abbott. There was a different and much better spirit manifested than at our last interview.

As Frank made me a memorandum of this interview with these gentlemen, I insert it. It is as follows:

“Our final conference to-day with Mr. Carr, Mr. Abbott and Mr. Oakman resulted in an agreement upon the basis of the revised paper of last December, copy of which Mr. Carr had at our meeting to-day, and copy of which you probably have at home. It was understood that only the three following points were to be discussed to-day – the balance being as stipulated in the paper above mentioned: The traffic arrangement; the time in which we are to begin and complete work on the Deep Creek line; and the question of conflict on the Pioche grade.

Traffic. Our traffic relations with the Oregon Short Line are to be based on an agreement by which business shall be controlled in their interest – the terms of adjustment to be first formulated by the traffic men of the Oregon Short Line and the Salt Lake & Los Angeles, and subsequently submitted for ratification to the principals.

Time. We are to begin building on the Deep Creek line within six months from the date of delivery to us of the Garfield Beach title and property (which, of course, includes the railway with its terminals); we are to have sixty miles of track laid in twelve months from the date of said delivery; and one hundred miles built within eighteen months of said date of delivery.

Pioche Grade. It is stipulated that Pioche grade question is not to be considered in connection with this contract.”1

We called twice, and Frank three times, to see Mr. Fairchild. Mr. Hyatt told us that he had declined to make the loan. We then sat down and went through the securities and the conditions at home to Mr. Hyatt, who was impressed with our statements. Frank made the case very plain to him, and he promised to report to Mr. Fairchild. When we called last, he urged us to call and see Mr. Fairchild in the morning, as he had reported to him what we had told him.

We met Brother & Sister Webber this morning and invited them to dine with us, which they did, and then we went to the theatre together and saw “The Man from Mexico”. Frank stayed at the hotel to attend to business.

29 May 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, May 29, 1897

I took my wife to Brooklyn this morning to see my daughter Rosannah; but she had gone for her lesson. Sister Cannon remained and visited L. & the baby. I saw Sister Smith, Brother Joseph F. Smith’s daughter, who expects to return home in about three weeks.

I returned to New York and met Frank at the New York Security & Trust Co’s office. Mr. Fairchild was not to be seen. He was not there. Saturday is a poor day to do business in New York.

After considering the situation, I decided I had better not wait any longer; but leave this business for Frank to complete if possible. Monday is a holiday, and if I stayed I would have to remain till Tuesday, if not longer, before I could do anything. I am anxious to get home, as I have been away two weeks longer than I expected. I wrote a letter to Mr. Gibbs, relating what had occurred and informing him Frank would call upon him and explain the securities &c to him. I wrote because he has left the city for a few days. I wrote to Mr. Banigan also asking him to extend the time for the payment of the loan for a month if he could.

Sister Cannon and myself took train for Philadelphia at 3 o’clock, expecting to leave there for home with Adah and our grandchildren at 8:50 p.m. But I found this was not the best train to take, so we decided to stay till to-morrow at 4:30 p.m.

30 May 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, May 30, 1897

Sister Cannon, Adah and her two children – Helen and Alma Eliza – and myself left Philadelphia at 4:30 p.m. by the Pennsylvania R.R. This was a hard parting for William, as he is fondly attached to his wife and children. They go home for the summer and he stays to study. I am pleased with his standing and progress. I never saw the country look more beautiful than it does now.

31 May 1897 • Monday

Monday, May 31, 1897

Reached Chicago at 5 o’clock, and at the station we met a large number of Elders who are laboring in the ministry here and a number of saints, who had come down to see off Brother Olsen, one of the missionaries who is returning. I was glad to see them, but sorry I had no more time to converse with them.

Brother Miller, son of the late Bishop Reuben Miller of Mill Creek, and daughter, and Miss Odell, daughter of Geo. Odell, were on the train.

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May 1897, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Remainder of page blank with line penciled through diagonally.