October 1894

1 October 1894 • Monday

Monday, October 1, 1894. I called upon President Woodruff and found him somewhat improved this morning.

After reaching the office I did not feel very well and was compelled to lay down for a short time.

Attended to various matters of business.

2 October 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 2, 1894. I called at President Woodruff’s again this morning, and found him still better; but the weather was unpleasant and he will not attempt to get out. I hope that he will be sufficiently to health by Friday that he will be able to attend the General Conference.

At 11 o’clock there was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. in the Lion House, which I attended. We dismissed in time to permit myself and my wife Carlie and Brother Brigham Young to attend the opening of the Territorial Fair at the Exposition Building. Governor West made the opening address. The militia were out. A sad accident occurred through the overturning of one of the guns; one of the gunner’s legs was very badly broken. The exhibit, as far as I was able to examine it, was very fine and spoke well for the progress of home industries in Utah.

Upon my return to the office I had a lengthy interview with Mr. Ryan, who described to me the condition of affairs with the Bullion-Beck property. I afterwards attended a meeting of the Company at 5 o’clock, and we did not separate till after half past nine. I was very wearied with the proceedings, especially in view of the fact that I had had nothing to eat from early breakfast, and that quite a light meal.

My wife Carlie had been visiting with her niece, Lutie Thatcher Lynch. I drove there after meeting, but found that Brother Lynch had taken her home. It was then very late, and I concluded to stop at the Templeton Hotel for the night instead of driving home alone in the dark.

3 October 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 3, 1894. A number of the brethren are coming into Conference. Had conversations with Brother Collins Hakes, Brother Jesse N. Smith and Brother F. A. Hammond, and in reply to inquiries gave some counsel concerning the political affairs in Arizona.

I had an interview with Bishop H. B. Clawson upon the subject of the suit which has been commenced between the B.B.&[C.] Co. and the Almo Co., and gave him my views concerning the inexpediency of provoking a lawsuit. I had lost a fourth of my interest in the B.B.&C. Co. through a lawsuit, and I did not feel like jeopardizing my interest there any further. I think it is our duty to compromise with these people, if possible. We could have bought that property, but the Company did not feel to give the price that was asked, and now the policy seems to be with some of the directors to endeavor to take possession of it without payment, on some claim which I think trumped up for the purpose. I am opposed to such methods. I gave these views to Brother Clawson, as he is a stockholder and therefore interested in the matter, so that he might use his influence to prevent our being further dragged into a lawsuit.

4 October 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, October 4, 1894 President Woodruff came to the office this morning and I was exceedingly glad to see him. It is the first time he has been in since his attack with a severe cold. I persuaded him not to stay too long, so that he would be rested for tomorrow.

Brother Collins Hakes brought me two pomegranates from the south, and a walking cane which was sent me as a present from George T. Wilson, of Mesa. The main part of the stick is made out of mahogany, and the handle is made of pulaverde.

We had visits from a number of the brethren from the various stakes.

We held our usual meeting at the Temple at 2 o’clock, at which I presided.

Through the kindness of Mr. J. H. Stoddart, I attended the theatre tonight. He sent me tickets for a stall containing six seats. The performance was “Saints and Sinners”, which we enjoyed very much. I took with me my wife Carlie and my daughters Hester, Rosannah and Carol. Mr Stoddart is a man for whom I entertain a very high regard. I have been acquainted with him some years. When he heard that I was in the penitentiary he hired a carriage and came up to see me. This mark of respect to me I have never forgotten. It exhibited the independence of the man; for at the time there were a great many who thought the less they had to say to any of us Mormons and the less sympathy they exhibited, the better it would be for them; but not so with Mr. Stoddart.

5 October 1894 • Friday

Friday, October 5, 1894. The sixty-fifth Semi-Annual Conference opened this morning in the Tabernacle at 10 o’clock. Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself were in the stand, and all the Twelve, excepting Brothers Richards and Lund. Brother Richards is detained at home by the sickness of his wife Sarah, who is the mother of my wife Sarah Jane. I fear that her illness is likely to be fatal, as she is nearly 82 years old. Brother Lund is presiding over the European Mission.

President Woodruff requested me to take charge of the conference, as his own health was not such as to admit of his doing anything. At his request, I made the opening address, and was followed by Brother Brigham Young and President Jos. F. Smith. In the afternoon President Snow and Brothers Lyman and J. H. Smith addressed the people. In the evening there was a priesthood meeting held, at which Bishop Preston, Elder H. J. Grant and myself spoke.

6 October 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, October 6, 1894. Conference opened at 10 o’clock. President Woodruff did not attend the meeting this morning. The speakers were, Elders Moses Thatcher, Geo. Teasdale and H.J. Grant.

Word reached us yesterday that my mother-in-law had died, and we were requested to prepare for the reception of the company and the corpse at the depot at 1:25. My sons Angus and Hugh attended to the securing of vehicles and making the necessary preparations for a choir at the grave. I went down to the depot and met the family, and my wife Sarah Jane, Brother F. D. Richards and his wife Jane and myself and wife rode in the same carriage. A quartette had been secured by Brother Dunbar, son of Wm. C. Dunbar, and they rendered excellent singing at the grave. At the request of the family I spoke about 15 minutes. The deceased possessed virtues that made her very lovable and valuable in all the relations of life. I never knew her to be anything else but a peacemaker. She has left behind a numerous posterity by all of whom she is greatly beloved.

When I returned to the Tabernacle Brother John W. Taylor had spoken, and Brother Merrill was speaking. He was followed by my son Abraham. President Woodruff was present.

7 October 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, October 7, 1894. President Woodruff’s health had much improved this morning, for which I was very glad. At his request, I spoke and occupied about 75 minutes. I had great freedom in talking. President Woodruff occupied about 20 mins. afterwards. The Tabernacle was crowded to its fullest capacity.

In the afternoon we had an overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall, which was taken charge of by Elder Brigham Young. He was accompanied by Brothers Lyman and Grant. The authorities of the Church were presented to the congregation this afternoon and reports were read. Brother Edward Stevenson was voted for by the congregation to take the place made vacant by the death of our much lamented brother, John Morgan. Brother Stevenson is an aged man, but he has been [an] exceedingly active, faithful and diligent worker as a Seventy, and the Twelve selected his name among others to submit to the First Presidency, and we confirmed their selection.

Brother F. D. Richards occupied about 40 mins. in speaking, and was followed by President Jos. F. Smith. I also made some remarks explaining to the Conference concerning the change that had taken place in relation to the Church University.

In the evening there was a Sunday school meeting, which was very well attended, and at which several of the brethren spoke. I made a few remarks at the close.

8 October 1894 • Monday

Monday, October 8, 1894. At 10 o’clock there was a meeting in the Assembly Hall of the First Presidency and Twelve, Seven Presidents of Seventies, Presiding Bishops, Patriarchs, Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, High Councilors, and Bishops and Counselors, at which much instruction was given. The speakers were, Bishop Preston, President Jos. F. Smith, Brothers Lyman and Richards and myself.

9 October 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 9, 1894 Busy with various matters.

10 October 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 10, 1894. These few days past I have had considerable business to do with the B.B.&C. Co, as the directors seem reluctant to do any business without my being present. This morning I was waited upon by John Beck, representing the B.B.&C. Co., and David Evans, representing the Almo Co. David Evans came with a proposition to let us work the Almo mine and give them $125,000 out of the property, we to have the same amount—that is, we would have half the output of the property and we pay our hands. I favor a compromise on some basis of this character. Afterwards he went down to Mr. Know and Mr. Ryan and had conversation with them upon the subject, and they did not like the proposition, but were willing to say that they would give the Almo people $150,000, the B.B.&C. Co. to have a similar amount, and the expenses of working to come out of the ore; in other words, they would devote the net product of the mine with the Almo people until they were paid $150,000 and then the property should become the property of the B.B.&C. Co.

Myself and wife Sarah Jane, upon invitation from President Woodruff, partook of dinner there, in company with President Smith, Brothers Geo. Teasdale, David H. Cannon, James G. Bleak and the members of President Woodruff’s family.

11 October 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, October 11,1894 I received two propositions in writing from the Almo people, per David Evans, as talked over yesterday.

News of Brother Cyrus H. Wheelock’s death reached us this morning. He died at Mount Pleasant.

We had a long interview with Colonel Trumbo today. He showed us maps of terminals in San Francisco, &c.

At 2 o’clock held the usual meeting at the Temple. There were present, beside the First Presidency, President Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. President Woodruff and my son Abraham did not dress. Brother Richards opened with prayer, and Brother Teasdale was mouth in the circle. Some communications from M. F. Farnsworth were read, the question being whether they were suitable for publication.

I had been invited by Brother John Beers and his wife to be at his house and partake of a meal with my brothers Angus and David and my sisters Mary Alice and Annie. Angus had two of his wives. I took my wife Carlie. We had a very interesting visit.

12 October 1894 • Friday

Friday, October 12, 1894. We had a lengthy and interesting meeting with the Pioneer Electric Power Co. Considerable business was done.

I attended a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co. and presented the proposition of Mr. Evans on behalf of the Almo people. It was decided to have a meeting with Mr. Loose and Mr. Evans tomorrow at 11 o’clock. I had an interview also, in company with Mr. Know, with Mr. Babcock concerning freight for the Concentrating Mill.

13 October 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, October 13, 1894. Held a meeting of the Utah Company this morning at 9 o’clock, and afterwards met with the B.B.&C. Co., and it was decided to accept the proposition of the Almo people, if the details could be arranged satisfactorily, and a committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Knox, Beck and Ryan, to confer with Messrs. Loose and Evans.

I dictated my journal.

I have been trying for some time past to get an account of my tithing which I have paid since I came home early in the winter of 1864, and I find from a statement which has been drawn up for me by Brother David McKenzie, that since then until last December I have paid in tithing $41,539.31 in cash and $11,118. 72 in sundries, making a total of $52,658.03, for 29 years. This to me is very gratifying in the midst of my pinched circumstances. I can contemplate this with pleasure; for I have striven to keep even as far as tithing is concerned; in fact, have paid more than would be called a tithing. Whatever my debts, I have tried to do my duty in this respect; although it is nothing to boast of. I have beside this, however, paid donations. Last year but one I paid $4000 to the Salt Lake Temple.

From the office I went to my daughter Mary Alice’s, where my wife Emily, my brothers David and Angus, and my sisters Mary Alice and Annie had been invited. My brother Angus could not come, because of the injury to his son Jesse’s eye. We had a very pleasant evening.

14 October 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, October 14, 1894. I went to the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock[.] Brother A. F. Macdonald was called upon to speak. He occupied about 20 mins. and was followed by my brother David, who only spoke about 15 mins. I then spoke for 40 mins.

15 October 1894 • Monday

Monday, October 15, 1894. A letter came from the New York Security and Trust Co. last Friday, whom Cannon, Grant & Co. are owing, requesting in rather a peremptory tone payment on the note, and stating that they had received nothing from us concerning the mercantile firms whose securities they held of ours. This letter was of such a nature that I felt our credit was at stake, and I said to Brother Grant on Saturday, we must try and raise the money to send. He could not raise it. I told him what securities I had on which he could try and raise it. The best terms he could get was a loan of $10,000 for 15 days from the State Bank. I felt that the executive committee of that bank, Messrs. W. B. Preston, Spencer Clawson and C. S. Burton, did not have the sympathy for us that they ought to have under the circumstances in refusing us a little longer time. The excuse for not doing so was they could not spare the money any longer than that. I asked Heber to go to McCornick’s bank and see what he could do there. He found that he had gone. It seemed to me that there was no alternative than to borrow the money for 15 days from the State Bank, and I told him to do so and telegraph the money to the New York Security & Trust Co. This morning I borrowed 172 shares of Brigham Young Trust Co. stock from my wife Carlie, and with some other securities I gave it as collateral for the note.

I attended a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co. today.

On my return to the office we had a visit from Brother James S. Brown, who brought a lot of Navajo Indians into the office to see us.

We had a call also from Brother James Sharp, Heber M. Wells and Willard Young concerning the Brigham Young Statue, and we suggested that they should write a letter for us to sign to send to the Presidents of Stakes.

16 October 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 16, 1894. Brother Ben E. Rich waited upon the First Presidency this morning and laid before us the situation of affairs in Idaho and the disposition that many of our people manifested to break over party lines and vote for members of the Church, which he thought would have a very bad effect at the present time in Idaho and would prevent the appeal of the oppressive test oaths which had weighed so heavily upon the people. We asked him to write a letter covering the points to the Presidents of Stakes of that State, which he did and we signed it, counseling the people to be careful and keep within party lines. This question of politics is creating considerable excitement. I have felt very much hurt recently at hearing attacks that have been made upon President Jos. F. Smith by his political opponents. I know of no man in the Church who has done less to create antagonism and dislike, and whose character is more spotless than his. When such a man is not safe from abuse, who can hope to escape?

Brother Talmage came in to see us in relation to a chair of philosophy in the University. He dwelt upon the importance of it being filled by a Latter-day Saint, and that he had been urged as the President of the institution to take it, instead of the chair of geology. He thought the chair of geology could be filled by one of the brethren in a satisfactory manner. We came to no decision about it, as it transpired in his conversation that he desired to have that chair endowed and we were not in a position to endow it. He suggested also that the endowment might be taken from the chair of geology and transferred to that—which I for one was not prepared to consent to.

We had a lengthy interview with Bishop Clawson concerning the percentage due to Gerber & Bishop, lawyers of San Francisco, for services rendered in getting our personal property restored to us.

17 October 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 17, 1894. My son Frank came to the city and we held a meeting of the Utah Co.

At 3 o’clock I went in a carriage with my sons Abraham and Sylvester to the cemetery. My daughters Mary Alice and Emily had preceded us and were at the grave of my family. This is the second anniversary of my son David’s death, and the children desired to pay respect to his memory and took flowers up to lay on his grave. We had prayer while at the grave, I being mouth.

Had some conversation with Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, in which he expressed his willingness to carry out any counsel we might have to give him concerning politics. Though a Democrat, he loves the kingdom of God more than party.

My daughter Mary Alice took dinner with us this evening. It is a pleasure to her to visit home and bring her little daughter with her, and it is a pleasure for us to have them come.

18 October 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, October 18, 1894. Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson had an interview with President Woodruff and myself this morning for the purpose of making another proposition to us concerning railroad projects. I listened to what they had to say, but made only few remarks, as I was not favorably impressed with the proposition, and I therefore requested them to put it in writing. We have appointed an executive committee to relieve us from attending to these business matters, and have so informed Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo; but they seem resolved to ignore this committee and deal with us personally.

The First Presidency visited the Gardo House after this interview.

There was a note at the Deseret National Bank which was given to John T. Rich by the Iosepa Co. in payment for a ranch bought from him in Skull Valley for the purpose of furnishing the Hawaiian saints with a gathering place. This note was endorsed by the Presidency of the Church and also by John T. Rich; but John T. Rich drew the money, and the bank has since then collected the interest. The matter has been in abeyance some little time, and I supposed it had been attended to. I learned however, last evening that the bank people were anxious to see me in relation to it. So I went today, it being 1:30, and waited half an hour for L. S. Hills, president of the bank, to return from his lunch. I told him what I had come for, and he asked if we were prepared to pay the note. I said, no, we were not, but would like to renew it. He said it would have to be endorsed or collateral furnished. I said we proposed to give a new note and the First Presidency would sign it. He asked if we expected John T. Rich to endorse it. I told him we did not. He said he did not suppose he would endorse it. I told him I would not if I were in his place. Well, he said, we would have to have it endorsed or collateral furnished before they could allow it to be renewed. I asked him if they needed endorsement when three individuals signed a note. He said they had taken notes of that kind. Well, I said, you still require an endorsement? I said I would like to know if the paper of the First Presidency would not be good without being endorsed. Well, he said, “I can tell you that we will not take it without. You say you cant pay the money; then we wont renew without it is endorsed.” I replied that I thought my own name was sufficient for such an amount. He had intimated that some of the directors of the bank had taken that ground concerning this note. I asked him who the executive committee of the bank were. He said they had no executive committee; but that Mr. Little, Mr. Young and himself were the Loan committee. I asked what Mr. Young it was. He said it was H. S. Young, the Cashier. But, he added, some of the directors have taken this view also. I felt deeply hurt and incensed at this, to think that a bank owned principally by the Latter-day Saints would take such a position in regard to the First Presidency; but I kept my temper and uttered no expression of the anger which I felt. I do not think that a man that is in debt to another has much defense to make against any attack made upon him in the shape of a demand for payment of that which is due. I obtained the amount that was due on a piece of paper and walked out of the bank. I passed up the street and met Brother Francis Armstrong, to whom I related what had occurred and asked him if he could assist me. He said he had just returned to the city and had not been to the bank of which he is president, the Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, but he would go right down, and if he could honor my check for $5031.36, being the amount of the note and the interest on two other notes, he would do so, and would come to the Temple and let me know. I did not enter the Temple, but sat on the step of the Architect’s office, watching for him. He soon returned and informed me that he had arranged the matter, and for me to draw a check on his bank, for which the First Presidency could give a note. I took the check to the Deseret National Bank, and Brother H. S. Young endorsed the interest on the two notes and offered me the other note. I told him that I did not want to take that till he had found whether the check was good or not. He said he was satisfied. I told him I was not and wished him to send the check down. I said my credit had been questioned in this bank today as it never had been before, and I wanted to know whether the Utah Commercial & Savings Bank would honor my draft, or whether I would have to try somewhere else. I told him that I could draw on two banks in the city and have my check honored, I believed, to the extent of $10,000, and yet right here in this Deseret National Bank, owned principally by Latter-day Saints, the credit of the First Presidency of the Church had been denied, when I myself could have easily paid the note if it had been necessary. I said I felt insulted by the treatment I had received, not only on my own account, but on account of the First Presidency. Brother Young asked me concerning his sister’s affairs. There had been a verbal understanding that we should pay for their interest in the block of land on the bench which had been bequeathed by President Young for college purposes. I said to him that I would not put my name to any note, with my present feelings, for anybody. I was hot though now, and I might be cool in the morning and my feelings be changed. I told him that I did not mean by this remark to deny his sisters any right that belonged to them.

I proceeded to the Temple and found that the brethren had prayed and were on the point of separating. I related the occurrence to them. I dressed in my Temple clothing,. and Brother James T. Woods had for some time expressed his wish to have his mother sealed to me, it being her request before she died. His wife, Helen Hendry Wickens Woods, acted for his mother, whose maiden name was Ann Tickner. In having this woman sealed to me I did so with the understanding that in the event of it ever being proper for her husband to have her, that I should release her.

19 October 1894 • Friday

Friday, October 19, 1894. Had a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. at the office at 12 o’clock. Attended to some business, it being the continuation of a meeting which we held last evening. Our affairs are in a very critical condition.

We had a meeting of the Utah Company. Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson had submitted some propositions verbally to President Woodruff and myself yesterday, which I requested them to put in writing, concerning the purchase of the Union Pacific line from Ogden to Wilford &c. This was referred to the Executive Committee.

I had conversation with my son Abraham about the History of Utah and the situation of the work was described to Presidents Woodruff and Smith. It was decided that Bishop O. F. Whitney should be notified, as he had completed the third volume, that this ended the responsibility of the First Presidency in connection with his employment on that work.

I had an interview with Mr. Ryan in relation to Bullion-Beck affairs.

I took my wife Carlie home this evening, and returned to the Theatre to attend a Republican rally, at which my son Frank was to speak. Through the courtesy of Mr. Charles Crane, the Chairman of the Republican Territorial Committee, the Presidency had been tendered the use of a private box. We occupied that which President Woodruff usually has. The theatre was densely packed. Brother Brigham Young, Brother N. W. Clayton and wife, and two of Brother Smith’s wives, were also in the box. The first speaker was Judge Zane. Then there was singing [by] the Glee Club. Then Frank was introduced to the audience, and he occupied upwards of an hour and a half. This is the first time I ever heard Frank make an address, and I was curious to know something of his style, as he has the reputation of being an orator. I listened to him very critically, more so probably than I would in one whom I had less interest in. He spoke with considerable affectation in the beginning, very slowly and I might say in a “stagy” manner; but as he warmed up this left him and he spoke more freely and naturally. I had to acknowledge that his address was a very fine effort, remarkably logical and easy in its delivery, and he was graceful in his gesture[.] He had an interruption, which he answered wittily and at the same time pleasantly. I was pleased that his address was entirely free from everything offensive. He indulged in no abuse, nor anything of which his friends might be ashamed. He waxed quite eloquent in speaking about the achievements of the Republican party and the record it had made for itself in history. I felt quite thrilled myself while listening to this. After he had finished, the Glee Club again sang, and Brother John Henry Smith made a very neat and telling address. President Woodruff had informed me that his health was such, and intending as he did to leave for the south tomorrow to be gone all day, he did not think he would be present at the meeting; but he came, and when I helped him into the buggy to go home he said he would not have missed it for anything.

A number of persons congratulated me on my son, expressing the thought that I ought to be proud of him, &c.

20 October 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, October 20, 1894. I spent the day at the office.

Dictated to Brother Winter.

I received a communication yesterday from D. M. Frost, President of the Kansas Irrigation Association, and H. V. Hinckley, Consulting Engineer of that Association, informing me that the second annual convention of that Association would be held on the 23rd of Nov., and they wished to put me on the programme for the evening of Friday, the 23rd., to deliver an address on the subject “The Mormon Progress—Poverty to Independence.” They said that they believed they voiced the sentiments of the entire Denver Congress when they said “that your remarks’ detailing the pioneer experiences of the Mormons comprised the most effective and instructive address at the Congress. Nothing probably will so encourage the remaining pioneers of western Kansas who have become discouraged over and over, than by telling to be told by you, in the same simple and effective manner you told at Denver, how the Mormon colony became independent.” They propose to furnish myself and wife with transportation, and the Hutchinson Commercial Club have appropriated $30 with which to defray our expenses on the way, and that entertainment will be provided for myself and wife while at Hutchinson. They would try to make our visit as pleasant a one as possible. I read this to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and they were both in favor of my accepting the invitation. I could not help but think what a change, however, had taken place in public sentiment, when one of us should receive such an invitation as this.

21 October 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, October 21, 1894. I had a meeting with my family this morning and laid before them the reports which I had heard about the existence of secret immorality in respectable families, and that young persons of both sexes belonging to leading families in the community were indulging in bad practices. I talked very plainly to my wives and children, and then catechised the children, especially the little boys; for I find that there is a condition of morals existing in our public schools that is awful.

At 2 o’clock I went to the Tabernacle. Brother Jos. E. Taylor desired to know whom I wished to speak. I asked him what was his wish. He said he would like to have Brother E. H. Pierce address the congregation. I said I did not like to call on other Elders when any of the Twelve were present, and as there were two present, Brothers Brigham Young and A. H. Cannon, I thought of calling upon the first named. He seemed, however, to desire Brother Pierce; so I said he had better call him. He said he would not speak long. Brother Pierce, in his opening remarks, related a story which created laughter. It did not please me, for I do not like to hear jokes at all on the stand, as a rule. While stating nothing that was absolutely unsound in his address, he left a wrong impression, I thought, upon the people’s minds concerning salvation. I felt very much impressed that somebody should speak after him. Brother Brigham thought I had better do so, and I did.

In the evening, after I returned home, we had sacrament at my house. I spoke to my brother Angus, the president of the Stake, about our having sacrament. We are so far from the Ward meeting house, and many of us miss getting the sacrament now that it is dispensed with at the Tabernacle.

22 October 1894 • Monday

Monday, October 22, 1894. At the office this morning the First Presidency listened to the reading of correspondence.

My son Abraham came up to see us about granting an interview to Prince Galitzin of Russia, a man very near the throne. He was accompanied by a Catholic priest named Laslow, of this City. He is a Pole by birth, and speaks French and German. The Prince also speaks French and German, but not English. Abraham was able to converse with him in German. We had a very interesting visit with him, and he was exceedingly desirous to see the Temple. President Woodruff told him that no one was admitted now, because it would interfere with the performance of the ordinances. He dwelt on the subject so much, and seeing that he had come all the way from Russia and would not leave America until he had seen Utah, that finally President Woodruff consented for Abraham to take him and the other gentleman there, and word was sent to President Snow to that effect. They went through with Abraham, and he reported to us afterwards that the Prince was deeply interested in everything he saw and was a man of quick observation, asking a great many questions about our doctrines. He stated to Abraham that he had traveled a great deal and had seen a great many fine buildings, and while it would not be proper for him to say that he had not seen finer buildings than this, yet he had not seen any building that impressed him as the Temple did. He thought it was wonderful and exceedingly impressive.

I had a meeting with Messrs. Knox and Ryan, as a committee to make contract for the building of a mill at the mine.

Brother Wilcken brought a carriage, and myself and Brother Brigham Young started for my farm Westover, calling on the way at my place for my wife Carlie. We had a pleasant visit looking after my affairs there.

23 October 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 23, 1894. At 10 o’clock this morning the Church Board of Education met and remained in session several hours attending to business connected with educational interests.

We had a lengthy interview this afternoon with Le Grand Young, conversing upon the affairs of the Utah Co. Colonel Winder was also with us about raising money for the Pioneer Electric Power Co. We deferred action, for we were nonplussed as to how we should raise the money.

24 October 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 24, 1894. I had an interview at the office with Sister Amelia Frost Madsen. She related to me her situation.

Mr. Robinson was introduced to the First Presidency by Mr. W. F. James and S. H. Hill. Mr. Robinson is a member of the National Republican League and has come out to Utah in the interests of his party.

At 2 o’clock I went down to the 13th Ward Assembly Hall to attend the funeral of Brother H. A. Woolley, whose death has been a very great surprise to me. He was a very estimable man, beloved by all who knew him. The ceremonies were quite impressive. The speakers were, Bishop Empey, Geo. Teasdale, A. H. Cannon, Jos. E. Taylor and myself.

25 October 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, October 25, 1894. At 2 p.m. the Council met at the Temple. President Woodruff dressed, but was unable to meet in the circle on account of being attacked with a severe cough. President Jos. F. Smith opened by prayer, and I was mouth in the circle.

I had a call from Brother Walter J. Beatie, who said he hoped I would not think him presumptious in calling, but he had called to have a conversation with me concerning a proposition to put him on the Board as a director. This led to a very long conversation, in which I explained my position and my reasons for voting as I did on last Saturday night to have Alma Cunningham resign and H. B. Clawson appointed in his place. At my explanations he expressed great gratification, because he said my conduct appeared to some of them in a light that had created a good deal of feeling. I may here say that there has been a regular outburst of feeling between Mr. Ryan and John Beck, in which Mr. Bamberger and Lawyer Critchlow, and perhaps others, have been involved. Ryan and Beck have quarreled, and Beck is determined to fight Ryan, and Ryan is determined to fight Beck, and between them they are making a great deal of talk in the newspapers. My name has been dragged in by Mr. Ryan. He is evidently using my name to give him as much standing as he can. I was pleased to have the opportunity to talk as freely as I did to Brother Beatie, and he said he thought it would be a good thing for me to have an interview with Bamberger, who was anxious to see me. I expressed my willingness and made an appointment to meet him tomorrow morning.

26 October 1894 • Friday

Friday, October 26, 1894. Mr. Bamberger telephoned me this morning about 10 o’clock to know if he could meet me, and then came up. We had two hours’ conversation, in which he explained his position and all about his action and the feeling that had arisen about my voting on Saturday night. I cleared myself very easily by explaining what I had done; that I was innocent of any design to do anything that would raise trouble, and did not suppose for a moment that what was done would raise the uproar that it had. Mr. Bamberger seemed very well satisfied and expressed his friendship for me and his willingness to do anything in his power that he could. He said that he would not vote for any man to be on the Board that was not agreeable to me; in other words, he would not vote for a man to suit Mr. Beck if he did not suit me.

After he had gone, I had an interview with Mr. Ryan, who told me the position he was in. I had been unwilling to see him, for I did not wish to have any conversation with him; but he hung around the office until I was compelled to see him.

After my conversation with him, I went down and saw Mr. Knox. Mr. Knox was very anxious to know where I stood in regard to the trusteeship which had been given to me unsolicited to vote John Beck’s stock in company with himself and Mr. Bamberger. I told him my views. He was desirous that I should stand firm and not resign, as he looked upon me as the balance wheel between him and Mr. Bamberger, and as he had invested some $80,000 in the property in loans, he was anxious to have that taken care of. I assured him that his interest and mine, I thought, were identical, and I saw no reason why I should do anything that would not be in perfect keeping with his wishes; neither did I see why he should do anything that would not be agreeable to me.

There was a meeting today in the office in relation to the square on the hill that had been deeded by President Young for school purposes. The First Presidency rather leaned to the idea of returning this to the heirs, in preference to paying some of them who had refused to give their consent to it being used for a university. The subject was referred to Le Grand Young to examine the deed and see what position we ought to take in the matter.

I dreamed last night that I was in the midst of turmoil and strife, and the dream has been fulfilled today; for it has been a day full of excitement concerning the Bullion-Beck business.

27 October 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, October 27, 1894. I was waited upon this morning by Brother Walter J. Beatie for a few minutes, as he said, but his our conversation lasted some time. He told me that Mr. Critchlow wished to see me. I felt that I had been wronged a little by Mr. Critchlow in the attitude that he had taken in this quarrel, and I said that I would like very much to see him. So he telephoned for him, and we had a four hours’ conversation, Brother Beatie being present, in which I stated fully and with some detail my position in reply to remarks that he made as to the causes which they had for suspecting that there was some sort of a conspiracy on Saturday night to get H. B. Clawson on the Board and Cunningham off. I told him what sacrifices I had made for John Beck; that I could easily have formed an alliance if I had been so disposed with Brothers Thatcher, Preston and Hyde, and if I had consulted my pecuniary interests, I might have had a much easier and more pleasant time, and probably more profitable to me, than in the course I had pursued. I thought John Beck had treated me with ingratitude. I also told him that I had thought he had acted treacherously in proposing that I should resign the trusteeship, which I understood from Mr. Knox he had said in his presence. I said, “Mr. Critchlow, I was your client. You were employed by the Company. I was there to vote for you. Other attorneys were dismissed. Now to have you turn round and do as you have done causes me to have feelings that you were unprofessional in your conduct.” I told him plainly that I was not suited with the spirit that John Beck manifested, and that others around him pandered to, that he was the sole owner of that property. Others had rights as well as he. I said, Mr. Beck has had, including himself, five members of the Board, and the rest two, and those members of the Board men who have no interest in the property, but are carried because of his indebtedness. I said my share of that property is unencumbered; it carries no one but myself; and this talk which is indulged in about it being his property is filling him with arrogance. The man is so heavily in debt now that he cannot pay his debts, and he thinks that he must control this property, as though no one else had any interest or rights in it. He is disposed to create a faction; call himself the majority, and others the minority, which I think altogether wrong. Mr. Critchlow seemed to desire to know from me what I would do. I told him that I did not propose to tell John Beck what I should do in the exercise of my rights as a trustee. When we got through with our conversation, I said to him, “Mr. Critchlow, I can say to you, what I would not say to John Beck, that there is no reason why I should vote for anyone to be put on the Board that would be opposed to John Beck or his interests because I look upon his interests and my own as identical; that which is hurtful to him is hurtful to me. As for Mr. Ryan, I do not think he ought to be on the Board; but you people ought to settle with him, and not drag us in. My advice is for you to pay him on some terms and get rid of him, and pay Brother Farnsworth that which you have promised him, and not question it.” This latter remark was made because Mr. Bamberger had given me a hint that if Brother Farnsworth did not do as they felt, they might raise a question about his $11,000 that had been promised him. I am disappointed very much in all I learn concerning Brother Farnsworth’s action on the Board. I gave him 600 shares of stock in order to have him take up my affairs and see if he could not get justice for me from John Beck in relation to the dedicated stock that he had withheld from me. All that has been done is to get for me a note for $35,000 with interest of 6%, payable at two years, and this is entirely unsecured. No steps have been taken to put me among the creditors. And this Mr. Ryan claims the credit of having done. Mr. Bamberger yesterday claimed also that he had some agency in obtaining this. Mr. Critchlow told me today, and I have heard the same several times before, that Brother Farnsworth out of these transactions and what he has done has secured to himself $5000 in cash already, and a note for $11,000, amounting altogether to not far from $20,000. Mr. Critchlow intimated that I was to be paid out of the sale of the Caroline, and that is the only way I was to get my pay. I regret this more for Brother Farnsworth’s sake than on my own account, because I dislike to be disappointed in my brethren, and unless there is more light thrown on it he stands in a position that I would hate to occupy under the circumstances. It seems to me that he ought to have looked more after my interest, instead of looking after his own; but there may be explanations he can give that I have not yet heard. Therefore, I do not wish to speak condemnatory of him.

I had an interview with Judge Sutherland respecting the Caroline mine, and with L. W. Shurtliff concerning Irrigation Congress matters.

28 October 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, October 28, 1894. I left the City for Ogden at 9:30 this morning and was met at the depot by Prest. Shurtliff, who took me to his home. We spent the forenoon in conversation.

At 2 o’clock we went to the Tabernacle. Notice had been given at the Sunday schools that I would be at the afternoon meeting, and the Tabernacle was filled. After the bread had been passed around and a blessing pronounced upon the water, I commenced to speak, and got so engrossed in my subject that when I pulled out my watch it was ten mins. past four. When I asked pardon for speaking so long, there were cries of “Go on, go on”; but I spoke only a few minutes longer.

From meeting I went to my son Frank’s until train time. Brother Arthur Winter was there, having come up to see Frank in relation to some extraordinary and scandalous charges made by Judge O. W. Powers concerning the objects of the Utah Company.

29 October 1894 • Monday

Monday, October 29, 1894. At 10 o’clock I met with Cannon, Grant & Co., and I appointed a committee, consisting of T. G. Webber, H. J. Grant, H. M. Wells and G. M. Cannon, to examine into the affairs of the Co. and see what could possibly be done towards closing up the business. We must do something, because Brother H. A. Woolley, who was one of our partners, has died, and the lawyers tell us this dissolves the partnership.

We had a meeting of the Sugar Co. this afternoon, attended to business, and then adjourned to meet at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

On my way to the office this morning I called at the Bank of the Republic and had conversation with Mr. Knox concerning Bullion-Beck affairs.

30 October 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 30, 1894. I had to raise a loan of $10,000 today to meet a note which I gave to the State Bank 15 days ago for that amount to send to New York on Cannon, Grant & Co’s account. I called at the Bank of the Republic and had an interview with Mr. Knox, and he agreed to let me have the amount in two notes, one for 30 and the other for 60 days, 10% interest per annum, payable in advance, on the security of my wife Carlie’s 172 shares B.Y.Trust Co. stock and 55 shares of my wife Elizabeth’s stock. I paid him the interest, $125, and paid the State Bank the money, which they were pleased to receive.

My sister-in-law, Adelia Hoagland, came to see me this morning in relation to her son John, who lives at Pocatello. He has spent $500 or $600 belonging to a building society of which he is the treasurer, and he did so to help in his business, and also to help the family during his father’s sickness. He had a friend who had the management of this at Denver, and he knew about this and was lenient; but there has been a change, and he has this to pay by Wednesday or he will be exposed, and she comes in great grief to see me if I can do anything to relieve him. This is the second or third time she has been to see me on the subject. I told her that I would see about this as soon as I could find Abraham. She was willing to pledge anything she had to save the honor of the family. I deeply sympathize with her. I laid the matter before Abraham today, but he could do nothing.

Brother Heber J. Grant told me, when I related to him this story without mentioning names, that if I had paid the $10,000 he would see what could be done about loaning me $500. I gave him my Nephi Savings Bank stock as security, and Abraham sent the money to his cousin at Pocatello.

At the sugar meeting this morning the question arose as to the best steps to be taken concerning the designs of the Sugar Trust to depreciate our sugar by running sugar into this market at a lower price in order to break down our market and to exact from us some tribute. The matter was talked over, and I suggested that the better way would be to go to headquarters and see the Southern Pacific people in California and Mr. Spreckels of the Sugar Trust. Brother Cutler intended to go over; but Brother Grant suggested to the meeting that if they could induce me to go, and President Woodruff would consent to spare me, that for every reason it would be much better than to have anyone else. This motion was carried. But I felt as though, if it were possible, I would like to escape from going, as under the circumstances I feel embarrassed in going to California in consequence of Col. Trumbo being there, and I shrink from being put under any additional obligations to him. He would be sure to do all for me that he could.

At 3 o’clock I met with the B.B.&.C. Co., and before entering the office I was requested by Mr. Ryan to walk in and see Attorneys W. H. Dickson and P. L. Williams. They wished to ask me some questions. I found that they wanted to know about the $35,000 note which John Beck had given to me, and why it had been given. I went through the history of it to them, and they seemed to think that great wrong had been practiced on me by John Beck through his not returning the stock.

I was pressed by Mr. Ryan, P. T. Farnsworth and H. B. Clawson to take steps in the meeting, when we should meet, to have Rawlins & Critchlow dismissed as the attorneys of the Company, because of the action they had taken in making the complaint against Ryan in including members of the Company. I was averse to this. I did not think it was opportune to do that at present. I was in favor of having Brother Clawson resign and to have Alma Cunningham put back on the Board; for I feared that he might consider the promise that I had made to do what I could towards securing his $50,000 and buying the Caroline might embarrass me; but I was plead with not to press that matter, and I consented. After we got into the meeting, we attended to business, and P. T. Farnsworth then moved vacated the chair and spoke in favor of dismissing Rawlins & Critchlow. Remarks were made pro and con; but I sat quiet. I was filled with indignation because of the statements made in the complaint against Ryan. I had not read this complaint till I entered this meeting. It had been given to me by Mr. Knox the day before, with the request that I would read it, but I had not had time to do so. In this complaint charges were made against the “confederates” of Mr. Ryan that were really infamous, and to a person reading and familiar with the whole transaction it could mean no one but myself and P. T. Farnsworth. But I wanted to hear the others talk, and for fear I might say something that was imprudent I held my tongue until the affair had gone so far that I arose and read from this complaint, and said that I could not submit to having such remarks published about me. I owed it to myself; I owed it to the public, and especially to the people to whom I belonged; I owed it to my family, to resent such charges. After some little time I wrote a motion to have Rawlins & Critchlow discharged as attorneys of the Company, Mr. Bamberger admitted that I was quite right in taking the action I proposed, but they wanted me to wait two or three days. John Beck asked the same. But I knew that there would be no meeting probably for two weeks, and I did not feel that it was right for me to lay under such charges without taking some steps to show my resentment concerning them.

While I was in this meeting I received a telephone message that S. H. H. Clark, the President of the Union Pacific R.R., desired to see me at his private car. I made an appointment to go down at 7:30. Brothers Clayton and Cluff accompanied me. We remained about an hour talking over some basis of alliance between us. It was a preliminary talk and nothing definite was reached.

As it was very dark, Brother Clayton proposed that he ride with us down home for company, and his driver follow in his buggy for him to return. I was pleased to accept the offer, as it is very lonely and I do not think it proper for me to be driving that distance so late at night.

I felt very faint and hungry when I reached home. I had had nothing to eat since breakfast. My daughter Emily arose and prepared a meal for me. It was after 10 o’clock.

31 October 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 31, 1894. A party of us, including Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself (I took my wife Carlie), upon the invitation of the Sugar Company, made a visit to the sugar factory, and were shown through it by Manager Cutler and Supt. Granger. It is very interesting indeed, and the quantities of beets which they have piled up are something extraordinary. I never saw anything like it. The factory is doing exceedingly well, and if the price of sugar could be kept up and not interfered with by the Trust, it would prove profitable this season. After going through the factory, some of the party went to the fields, where the beets were being dug and prepared for the mill.

We partook of lunch before returning. We reached the city before 2 o’clock.

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October 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1894/10-1894