March 1889

1 March 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, March 1. <1889>

I left Ogden this morning accompanied by Abraham. We were late, the trains having been delayed nearly three quarters of an hour’s time. This brought me late to a meeting of the Board of Education, which was called at ten o’clock. They had done very little business, however, when I arrived. We spent two or three hours in meeting, and transacted considerable business. I proposed, among other things, that we should make some effort to have our tuition in the various academies, made as low as possible so as to furnish cheap education, that poor children might obtain an education, as well as children of the rich, and after considerable conversation on the subject, I made a motion that Brothers James Sharp, George W. Thatcher and Amos Howe, being business men, accustomed to handling means, be appointed a committee to take this subject up, and ascertain what funds would be necessary to give the Stake Academies to enable them to furnish education at a cheaper rate, and a rate that we could decide upon. I met Sister Roueche, and a young women [woman] who lived with time <them> while we were at her house at Kaysward [Kaysville], while on the train. She came up and greeted me very warmly, and afterward called at the office to see Elder John Nuttall and myself. I attempted to go down Main Street this morning, and could scarcely make any progress, being so frequently stopped by Brothers and Sisters desiring to see me. I called upon Brother <John> McDonald and found his wife and eldest daughter absent. I then went to the store and made a call upon him and his sons. I felt that my first visit was due to them, after coming out of the Pen<,> they have been so very kind to me, Brother McDonald having brought out all sorts of eatables to the Pen. He keeps a store, and is a very tender-hearted and liberal man.

Upon my arrival home this evening I found Brother C. H. Wicken [Wilcken] here. I am having, under his direction, a carriage house fixed. He has brought George Collam and his own son John, down to work upon it. We also went and looked at the front of my land to select a good place for a ditch along the front, which I have wish to have dug so that I can water trees when I plant them. I have planted trees twice at considerable expense, but they have failed to live for the want of water. This being the anniversary of Brother Woodruff’s eighty-second birthday, his folks had prepared a dinner to which I was invited. I went, and found quite a gathering of his friends and relatives. I enjoyed the meal very much, as I have been fasting yesterday and today for my cold. I only ate one meal yesterday, and had not eaten anything today. After we had supper, the Glee Club, of which Brother C. J. Thomas is leader, came down and sang quite a number of glees and songs. Bother Thomas made some remarks, stated why they had come, to which Brother Woodruff responded. There was an expression of a general desire that I should speak to them. I did so, and enjoyed my own remarks. I bid them good night at a few minutes after ten.

2 March 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, March 2nd, 1889.

I suffered in the night from a pain in my stomach from eating so late last night, and did not have a very good night’s rest. My son Hugh came in, and I dictated to him my journal. He took it down in shorthand. I drove to town with Brother Higginson, who has been working for me while I have been in the Penitentiary. He is about to return home. I attended the Priesthood meeting of the Stake in the Assembly Hall, and had a very interesting time. A question had arisen at a previous meeting concerning kneeling at the sacrament, and my brother Angus, who presided, called upon Brother W. B. Dougall to speak upon that subject. He did so, and spoke very interestingly, and was followed by Angus, after which I spoke, and had a good deal of the Spirit of the Lord. After meeting, upon invitation of Brother Preston, I walked through the Tithing department. I afterwards went down to Z.C.M.I. and met Brother Robert S. Watson, and was measured for some new shirts. I attended to some business at the office. I called at Brother John McDonald’s, and had quite an interesting visit with himself and family. He has been very kind to me while I have been in the Penitentiary. He has brought me many articles of food, candies, nuts, etc. This was one of the places where Brother Woodruff and Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself stopped on two different occasions. I felt to bless this household for their kindness and liberality.

3 March 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, March 3rd.

According to appointment I was driven to the train by my son David in his cart. It had been arranged for the train to stop at my street. I found President Woodruff and Brother Wilcken waiting at the point. The train was somewhat delayed. Crowds of people got on at Lehi, American Fork and Pleasant Grove to go to the conference. We were warmly saluted by them, and we had to do a great amount of hand shaking. The train was so crowded that a great many had to stand up. At Provo we were met by Brother A. O. Smoot, Jun., and his brother George, who took President Woodruff and myself in buggies to their father’s house where we breakfasted. President Smoot had been thrown from his buggy on Friday, he was considerable shaken up. He laid in bed all day yesterday. He was still suffering considerable pain and soreness. The capacity of the new meeting house or Tabernacle, here, is said to be thirty-five hundred. We found it quite full, and as we entered the building a few minutes before ten, the entire congregation arose to their feet to welcome us. President Woodruff addressed the congregation for about forty minutes. He was followed by Brother Jacob Gates, who spoke about twenty minutes. At two we again met at the Tabernacle, which was more crowded than in the forenoon. I spoke seventy-minutes and had considerable freedom and felt very well. Immediately after this meeting we met with the presiding officers of the Y.M.M.I.A. President Woodruff addressed them, and I followed, speaking about fifteen minutes to them. I impressed upon them that the first thing to be sought for by them was a knowledge of the truth of the Gospel, related my own experiences in my Boyhood, and my determinations at that time. I had made up my mind that I would do all in my power to build up Zion in the earth, and I had had great joy in this labor. I said that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and if they wished to be useful and wise men, and have a life of happiness, they should seek unto the Lord with all their hearts. In the evening we met with the Priesthood at the old meeting house. The house was crowded. I had most excellent liberty in speaking to the Brethren for forty-five minutes. I was led to dwell upon the Priesthood, and referred to ideas which prevailed in some quarters that there would be some great man raised up after [a] while, possessing more power than now enjoyed by the leaders of the Church. I told them that God had restored the fullness of the Priesthood, with its keys and gifts, and that there was no authority which God recognized outside of that which had come down from the Prophet Joseph, and that no matter how many pretensions a man might make of having received gifts and power, there was only one channel which God recognized, and through which any man could receive the authority of the Priesthood, and that was the channel already established; that the leaders of the Church at the present time held that authority, and there was no authority outside of it. I was greatly blessed in speaking about gifts and graces, and this authority of the Priesthood. President Woodruff spoke afterwards about twenty minutes. His remarks were most interesting. He said that he seldom alluded to matters that he was about to mention, but he had a purpose in alluding to them now. He then described the ministering of an angel which he received, when he was on his first mission in Tennessee, about the year 1836, and the glorious manifestations which were given to him on that occasion concerning events that were to take place on the earth before the coming of the Lord. He also described the ministering of three angels to himself and Brother George A., when they were in London, in the first preaching of the Gospel in that place. (About 1840). Now, he said, though he had had these experiences, he desired to say to his fellow servants that there was no gift or testimony, however great, that was of greater value and benefit to man than the gift of the Holy Ghost. Men might think that the ministering of angels and other manifestations were a greater testimony, and gave greater strength than the gift of the Holy Ghost, but it was not so. That gift enlighteneth the mind, quickened the understanding, and was <is> a constant witness in the hearts of those who possessed it, of the goodness and power of God. I was greatly pleased to hear this testimony of President Woodruff’s, because I have sometimes thought that some of the brethren did not value him as they should do. He is a man, however, of great worth. A humble, plain, unassuming man, as free from all assumptional < of > authority as any man I ever knew. After this meeting we called upon Judge Judd at his hotel. I felt that it was due to him that I did call upon him, as I had seen him twice while I was in prison, and Brother Woodruff expressed his willingness to join me in this call. The Judge appeared gratified to see us, and we remained there two hours. He was very desirous that we should aid him about <by doing something that would prevent the> sending the brethren to prison. Said it pained him to do so. The idea was, I suppose, that he wished us to use our influence with the people to have them make some promise or to express their willingness to surrender Plural Marriage. Upon this topic I did the most of the talking, as he addressed himself to me upon it, and I endeavored to show him that his request would be impossible for us to grant. I pointed out to him that there were numbers of men who were endeavoring to conform their lives, as much as they could, to the requirements of law, and they had been doing so for some time, varying from months to years, but because they could not swear that they had made this effort now for three years, they were sent to prison. I described to him, also, what I considered the chief cause of our people being run into the court, and then into the prison. I said we are being literally farmed out[.] The Marshal of the Territory and his deputies were paid by fees instead of a salary. For every day’s services of a team and a man, $8.00 was charged for the team and five dollars for the subsistence for a team and man. These are what are called expenses, and were outside of the fees for serving papers. Of this $13.00 the Marshal received 40 per cent., and his subordinate 60 per cent. While this condition of things existed it was a very profitable pursuit running Mormons into the court and securing their conviction. To save their families trouble and themselves expense, knowing that conviction was a forgone conclusion, many men plead guilty who were, so far as recent violations of the law were concerned, entirely innocent.

4 March 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, March 4th. <1889>

Had an interview this morning with Edwin Luce, nephew of my wife Eliza’s.

Brother O. F. Herron, who had been severed from the Church some years ago, desired to have his former blessing confirmed upon him. Brother Woodruff and myself consented to having it done, and it was attended to. The Provo band, under the leadership of Brother Wallace, played some fine selections in front of the house, and afterwards came in and were interduced to us, and played some tunes inside. They made very good music.

Had a good rest last night, morning was beautiful. The meeting house was not so crowded as it was yesterday, but was comfortably full. Brother Woodruff desired me to occupy the time. I read extracts from the Book of Nephi concerning the two churches, the Church of the Lamb of God, and the whore of all the earth, and also concerning the promises which the Lord made to the righteous in the last days. I enjoyed a goodly flow of the Spirit, and spoke for about one hour. Brother David John, who was <is> counselor to Brother Smoot, followed. In the afternoon President Woodruff spoke. He occupied a little over half an hour. I made the closing remarks, occupying about twenty or twenty-five minutes. After meeting, I had Brother H. H. Cluff take me around in a buggy to call upon some sick folks who desired me to administer to them. We called upon a young sister by the name of Jacques, who had been sick for nearly a year; also upon Bishop Loveless, who has been paralized on one side, also a Brother McCollough, who had been long sick. I also called upon Bishop J. P. I. Johnson, who was in prison with myself; and upon the family of Brother Albert Jones, who is now in prison; and also at the house of Brother Albert Haws, who is now in prison, but whose wife we did not find at home. I also called at the house of Brother Moroni L. Pratt, whose wife Caroline is my wife Martha’s sister. In the evening, Brother Smoot and family, and Brother Woodruff and myself, went to the theater to see a performance called “Nobody’s Child,” in which a son and daughter of President Smoot’s were the principal characters. The performance went off very well, considering the company was an amateur company. The house is a very neat and well arranged building for performances, but is very plainly finished inside.

5 March 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, March 5th. <1889>

Carriages were provided for us, and we drove to Springville this morning. Brother Smoot could not accompany us, as he had to remain and attend a meeting of the Provo Manufacturing Co. Brother W. C. A. Smoot drove the carriage which contained Brother Woodruff and myself. We stopped at Bishop Nephi Packard’s at Springville. At ten o’clock the meeting commenced, the house being filled to overflowing, and large numbers not being able to get in. President Woodruff desired me to occupy all the time I wanted, as he did not feel able to speak at any length. I spoke for one Hour and enjoyed a remarkable flow of the spirit. The congregation was visibly affected by my remarks. A good many of the aged people shed tears. President Woodruff occupied about thirty-five minutes afterwards, and spoke with a great deal of Power.

We dined at Brother Packard’s, and at the request of Brother Anderson, Brother Woodruff and I sat for our portraits in his photograph gallery. Carriages were furnished, and we drove to Spanish Fork, and to the Bishop’s house there—Brother G. D. Snell. The meeting commenced at three o’clock; the house was not half large enough for the congregation. I spoke about sixty minutes, and President Woodruff about thirty, and we enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord, and the people evidently rejoiced in the meeting. After meeting, I was taken by Brother Rasmus Neilson to look at this horses, of which he told me considerable while we were in the prison together. It was he who made me my set of double harness. He has two very valuable Percheron horses, one of them a dark, iron grey, is only four years old, and was imported from France. He is the largest horse I have seen in this country—more like an elephant than a horse in size. He has a very fine bay stallion, also, which he drove on the buggy in which he carried me. It is a very fine animal, and a rapid traveler. The people of Salem desired to have a meeting this evening, and it was arranged that I should go through with Brother John and Brother Cluff. Brother Smoot, who had arrived from Provo, remained to attend evening meeting at this place—Spanish Fork. Brother Davis took Bishop Taylor, of Salem, and Arthur Winter and myself over to Salem, We had a very good attendance at the meeting; there was some of the young people, before hearing of the appointment, had arranged to go to Spanish Fork and give a theatrical performance there. I was led to speak, during my remarks, concerning children being born five or six months after marriage, and inquired if there were any of those cases in that settlement. The Bishop replied that there were[.] I spoke with a great deal of force upon seduction and whoredoms, and told the people that such conduct was abominable in the sight of the Lord. I described the dreadful consequences of this sin in very severe language, and warned parents of the great responsibility which rested upon them in teaching and watching over their sons and daughters. My remarks stirred the people up, as I learned afterwards, and persons came to me and said how much need there was for instruction of this kind. One man said his daughter, who had been guilty of this, sat within a few feet of me while I talked, and the parents of the young man were close by, also. I stopped at Brother Sabine’s, who is counselor to the Bishop.

6 March 1889 •Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, March 6th, 1889.

We drove over to Payson this morning, where I met President Woodruff. He was very hoarse, having taken cold the night before. Our meetings here were exceedingly crowded; like our preceding meetings, we enjoyed the presence of the Spirit of the Lord. I occupied an hour in the forenoon, and an hour in the afternoon. President Woodruff, also, though suffering very much from cold, occupied considerable time. I called upon Sister Jane Simons, my wife Eliza’s sister, but I stopped at the Bishop’s—Joseph Tanner’s—with President Woodruff, and dined there. He took us down to the train, which was due from the south at half past three. Brother Smoot and Brother Cluff, Bishop Nephi Packard, and wife, who had been with us at all our meetings, and other brethren, accompanied us on the train to American fork. Brother David John stopped off a Provo, and expected to join us in the morning. We were met by Bishop George Halliday, who took us to the house of the late Brother John Hindley, whose widows, Mary and Eliza, gave us a warm welcome. Brother Woodruff soon retired to bed, suffering very much from his cold. I attended, at a little after nine, a Sunday School concert. The performance was very good.

7 March 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, March 7th, 1889.

President Woodruff determined to return with the train this morning, as he was afraid of an attack of Pneumonia. Brother George Reynolds accompanied him. I felt very sorry to have him go, but felt under the circumstances it would be better. Our meeting at this place, American Fork, was most excellent. I occupied the entire time, about one hour and three fourths. Lehi, where we went to meeting at one o’clock, I also occupied about the same time[,] Brother Smoot following in a few remarks. Both these meetings were very much crowded. The bands were out, and we received a most warm welcome. The people crowded around in great numbers to shake hands. I spoke with considerable freedom and power, and felt very thankful for the privilege of meeting with the Saints, who appeared also equally glad to see me. Brother Anderson, the counselor of Bishop Cutler, brought me from American Fork to Lehi with his team. Before starting for home on the train I called upon the family of Bishop Cutler, who is now in prison. Here myself and the brethren parted, they to return home, I also to go to my home. We have had a most enjoyable time together, and I felt exceedingly gratified at the goodness of the Lord in meeting with us by His Spirit in power. In all that has been said to the Saints He has confirmed the word spoken by the outpouring of His Spirit upon the people. The train stopped at my street, where Brother C. H. Wilken was waiting for me. He took me to President Woodruff’s. I found him somewhat better. At my own home I found my family all enjoying pretty good health. Brother Wilcken stopped and gave me a bath, which was very refreshing. During this trip we have held fourteen public meetings. The first morning, at Provo, I did not speak, and <at> another meeting, which was held at Spanish Fork, in the evening, I was not present, being at Salem at the time. At all the other meetings I spoke. I averaged an hour at each meeting, at some meetings not so long, and at others longer, so that I spoke at least twelve hours during the five days that we have been in Utah County, besides doing a large amount of counseling and talking to private individuals. I have enjoyed myself most excellently. It has been a most delightful trip to me, and the chief gratification has been in the knowledge that the Lord has been with us. I feel that the people have had excellent instructions, and I sincerely hope they will profit by them, and that there will be an <improvement> [in] their lives, and more union and love appear in their midst than have been witnessed of late. I thank the Lord for giving me this privilege, and for the liberty which I now enjoy, which is so sweet and precious to me, and my desire is that it may be continued unto me.

8 March 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, March 8th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. I drove around to President Woodruff’s and found him feeling a little better than he did yesterday. I then drove to the office. This morning, before I left home, Brother Wilcken brought a Brother Thomas Reed to see me, with a view to my employing him. Although I cannot very well afford it, I need a man besides Brother Shultess, to look after my place. Brother Reed says he has been getting $40.00 per month, a house and a cow where he had been working, and he thought he would be worth that much to me; but he wanted to know my views. I told him that was more than I had thought of paying, <I had thought of thirty dollars;> but I said that I did not wish him to come to work for me for less than he was worth. He said that would be all right, he would be willing to try it for that. I said to him, then, “Brother Reed, if at any time you think you are not paid enough, I desire you to let me know at once, for I do not wish anyone to work for me and be dissatisfied.” With this understanding, it was agreed that he should come to work on Monday. President Woodruff desired me to attend to the correspondence in the city, and to answer all letters that needed answering, but I found that there were no letters of special importance. I remained at the office till about four o’clock, when I drove home to prepare for the party, which was to be given this evening in honor of President Woodruff and myself, at the Fourteenth Ward Assembly rooms. I arranged for most of my family to go, all who wished to do so. My wife Eliza did not wish to go. As I could not take my wives myself, Brother Wilcken took my wife Emily, and my son Hugh took his mother. Hugh and his mother and Sister Davey rode in a vehicle which we call the Surrey. In the Victorine, myself and daughters Mary Alice, Rose Annie and Emily, and my son Lewis rode. It commenced raining just before we started and it blew and rained violently while we were on the road. My overcoat got thoroughly soaked. The children did not get much wet. The storm delayed us, and we found the dance had been opened already by prayer when we arrived. President Woodruff had been brought there early. I danced a number of times, and enjoyed meeting with so many friends very much. It was a real old time party. A great many old friends were there, besides quite a sprinkling of young people. I was called upon to dismiss the party by prayer at ten minutes to twelve. The weather was beautiful returning home, though the roads were muddy. My son David took his partner in his cart.

9 March 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, March 9th.

My son Hugh rode around with me to Brother Woodruff’s, whom I found no worse, for being up last night. As we drove from there to town, I called in at Brother Leonard G. Hardy’s, to pay a visit to his wife, and her sister Josephine Young, who are sisters of my wife Carly. I found Mamie, that is Sister Hardy, suffering from illness. Busy at the office. About four o’clock I went down with Brother Wilcken and took dinner at Brother John Gallagher’s restaurant. They gave us an excellent meal, which I enjoyed very much and <for> which he only charged a dollar for the two. My son Hugh and myself drove home.

10 March 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, March 10th. <1889>

Davis County Stake holds a quarterly conference to day and to-morrow. Brother Woodruff desired me to attend. I took my son Abraham with me in my buggy, and we reached Bountiful at ten o’clock. The officers and the Saints were very glad to see me. President William R. Smith made some opening remarks, and I occupied the remainder of the time in the forenoon. I had an excellent flow of the Spirit, and spoke with considerable freedom and power. The house was crowded with people. While I was speaking Brother F. D. Richards <arrived> from Ogden. I took dinner at Bishop Chester Call’s.

The afternoon was occupied by Brother Franklin D. Richards, who spoke with a good deal of freedom, and my son Abraham followed for about twenty minutes. This is the first time I ever heard my son Abraham speak. His remarks were very good. We drove back in the evening, and I called upon President Woodruff. I said the folks would like him to come to meeting, and if he did not say one word, they would be glad to see him. He finally made up his mind to go. I arranged to have my Victorine carry him, as it is very easy riding. As I was passing from the city on my way down, I met Bishop H. B. Clawson, who had just returned from California. He brought with him a certified copy of the law past <passed> by the Nevada legislation, which barred prosecution for felony against persons outside of the state after three years are elapsed. This is an important measure for myself, as my enemies have been accusing me of attempted bribery there, and have been desirous to ensnare me by getting up some false action against me. The law of the state heretofore has been that a non-resident of the state could be prosecuted for any offence at any time, the statute of limitations not operating to prevent this in favor of a non-resident. I have felt much gratified at the passage of this law.

11 March 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, March 11th.

I drove over to President Woodruff’s at eight o’clock. He had had a bad night, and had almost resolved not to go. I made him as comfortable as I could, and my son Lewis drove us to the Juvenile Office, where Abram took his place. We reached the meeting house about two or three minutes after ten. Brother Seymour B. Young occupied about twenty minutes, and I spoke to the people the rest of the time. It is seldom that I have enjoyed more of the Spirit of the Lord than I had in speaking this morning. I dwelt upon the practical duties of our religion, and the necessity of bringing forth the fruits thereof in our lives. There was a Presbyterian preacher present by the name of Peters, who came on the stand after the meeting, begged an introduction to me, and expressed his pleasure at the remarks which I had made. He said he could say amen to them. President Woodruff, Brother Richards and myself, with President W. R. Smith and John W. Hess, took dinner at Brother Anson Calls. I had heard that they had been inclined to counsel brethren accused of Unlawful Cohabitation to promise to obey the law. I stated what I had heard. They denied it emphatically, and satisfied me they had been misrepresented. I also gave my views concerning men whose first wife had died. I set forth the impolicy of their marrying one of their plural wives for the purpose of making her legal in the sight of the law. I said it would lead to evil, and produced inequality and discontent, in families; besides, after such an act a man could not pay attentions to his other wife or wives without exposing himself to the charge of adultery, whereas, if he had several plural wives and had no wife that could be called legal, they could only bring a charge of fornication against him, the penalty of which was comparatively light. Then, again, another objection to a man making one of his wives a legal wife under such circumstances is, that she could claim a right of dower, and she and her children would have advantages over the other portion of the family. President Woodruff agreed with my views as expressed, and said it was unwise for brethren to marry one of their wives under such circumstances. I explained to them that if an attack should be made upon a man, it would not be difficult for him to stop the proceeding in case of necessity, by then marrying the woman with whom he might be accused of practicing fornication. In the afternoon President Woodruff spoke for about forty minutes, and was listened to very attentively by the people, who were glad to see and hear him. His remarks were very good, and were spoken easily and without straining him. I was requested to follow, which I did for about three-fourths of an hour. I spoke on a variety of practical subjects, and commenced by counseling all who are not compelled to leave the Territory for the sake of liberty, to stay here and help build up Zion, and maintain ground in Utah, instead of going to Mexico, Canada, Colorado, and elsewhere. I spoke about cultivating the ground in the best style, raising vegitables, fruits and grains, and animals of every kind of the best quality, also upon the importance of father’s teaching their sons the laws of nature and of life and health, and mothers their daughters. I referred to the frequency of deaths among young mothers of late, and said there must be a reason for this, which would be found in some instances to be the violation of the laws of nature, which are the laws of health. I spoke against the practice, which is becoming to [too] common, of using chloroform and instruments with mothers. Brother Franklin D. Richards spoke about twenty minutes, and Brother William R. Smith gave some practical counsel concerning the labors of this people at this season. We returned to the city, the ride both ways being very delightful, and Brother Woodruff bore the journey excellently. I sent the carriage down to take my daughter Mary Alice home, and bring her back to a birthday party at Brother and Sister Horne’s. The party was held at the house next door, where her daughter Clara, the wife of Brother Henry James, resides. Sister Horne and her daughters had deferred holding this party on the seventyth birthday, being desirous to have me present, and this was the first opportunity I had had since I had come out of prison. Brother Woodruff was present, and Brothers John Henry Smith and H. J. Grant, besides a great many other Brethren and sisters—old acquaintances of Sister Horne’s. The spacious rooms were filled with guests. Bishop O. F. Whitney played on the organ, accompanying himself with his whistle. It was very fine. He also sung several songs. I never heard him before, but he is a very fine performer, and has a very fine voice, deeply and manly, and good withal. One of the daughters of Brother and Sister Horne, Cornelia Clayton, also sung. President Woodruff and myself withdrew a few minutes before eleven.

12 March 1889 •Tuesday

TUESDAY, March 12th. <1889>

Dictated my journal to my son David. This is my son Abraham’s birthday. He is thirty years old today. I attended a meeting at the Fourteenth Ward to consider the manufacture of sugar, but was compelled to leave before it was completed, as the board of Directors of Z.C.M.I. met at eleven. We attended to considerable business, and were two or three hours in session. As I had not qualified as a director, being in prison, I was elected to day by the board to make my election valid. I proposed to allow them to elect anyone else. I mentioned the name of S. S. Sears, who is a large stock-holder, and who desires to be represented on the board; but the directors refused to entertain his name. Abraham’s wife, Mina, had prepared a birthday dinner, to which President Woodruff and wife, Brother Jacob Gates, Brother Seymour B. Young and wife, Brother Robert Campbell, and my brother Angus and myself were invited. He invited his Aunt Emily to be there. I took President Woodruff down in my buggy to John Q’s old place where Abraham’s wife lives. We had an excellent dinner. Brother C. H. Wilcken, who was also a guest, carried Brother and Sister Woodruff home.

13 March 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, March 13th

Brother Wilcken secured a pass for Brother Woodruff and myself to visit the Penitentiary and see the prisoners. We had the privilege of shaking hands and speaking to all our brethren who are confined there. They appeared very glad to see us. We afterwards had a private conversation with Brother F. M. Lyman. I carried Brother Woodruff back to the city in my carriage.

At one o’clock there was a meeting of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Company’s Stock-holders, for the purpose of electing officers. Brothers George J. and John W. Taylor were present. They seemed exceedingly desirious to have their family represented in a way that would be agreeable to their feelings. They expressed dissatisfaction with Brother Clawson as Superintendent, and Brother George Reynolds as treasurer. They proposed to <a> ticket, substituting Moses Thatcher as Vice President, in place of W. B. Preston, and Alonzo E. Hyde as Treasurer in place of George Reynolds. Brother John W. Taylor spoke with exceeding plainness concerning the way business had been managed, and gave his views as to how it should be managed in the future to give satisfaction to their family. He spoke in very severe terms of Brother George Reynolds, and intimated that unless they could have a proper voice in the management of affairs, that they might take some other plan. At this point I interrogated him as to what he meant, for I took his language as a threat to the rest of us. We had a meeting appointed for three o’clock with President Woodruff, but this meeting was so protracted that we did not meet at the time. We finally adjourned, however, to meet at nine o’clock to-morrow morning. The next meeting was with the Twelve, to consider supplying the Logan Temple with water. It was decided to suggest to the Temple Association to buy a thousand dollars worth of stock in the canal. At seven o’clock President Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith and myself had an appointment with Brother C. O. Card. He did not come, however, until about eight. We talked over affairs connected with the settlement in Canada, and concerning his own case, he being indicted for Polygamy and Unlawful cohabitation. Before giving him counsel upon his case we thought he had better learn more concerning it. I stayed in town all night.

14 March 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, March 14th, 1889.

I saw Brother Frank Armstrong, this morning, to know if he would act on the board of the B. B. and C. Co. I explained to him that as he was my bondsman, I expected him, should he have to pay the bond, to indemnify <him> therefor by means derived from that mining property with my share of the dedicated stock, that being the Word of the Lord to President Taylor. He agreed to act if I wished him. I then met with the stock-holders as per adjournment yesterday, and on suggestion of Brother Moses Thatcher the other stock-holders withdrew, and left Brothers George J. and John W. Taylor and myself to arrange a ticket. We had considerable conversation, and for two or three minutes during this interview I think I was made more angry than ever before in my life to my recollection. I have indured a great deal from President Taylor’s heirs since his death, through this mining property. Their suspicions, their fault-findings and accusations and threats have been almost continuous. Brother John W. Taylor has had to restrain them a great deal, but this morning they plainly intimated to me that the family thought that I had been running this property with my favorites, Brothers Clawson and Reynolds; that I had had control of the board during the last year, and now they wanted to have control. And they plainly told me that if necessary they would vote the dedicated stock which stood on the books in their father’s name. Now this dedicated stock only stood in his name because he <I> had requested the secretary not to prefer <transfer> it to me, but I had a document signed by President Taylor which did prefer <transfer> it to me. I told them that I thought this would be an outrage, and especially the idea that I was running this property as though I was trying to do them an injury. My anger was terrible to myself, and I think it startled them. I told them that it was a damnable outrage for me to be treated in this manner, and I would not submit to it nor bear it any longer. Hyrum B. Clawson and George Reynolds were not my men, neither were they chosen by me. Their father had chosen these men and put them in the office which they held; and I had submitted to so much of this kind of suspicion and accusation from their brothers, that I would not submit to it any longer. My anger passed off in a moment or two, and then I reasoned with them, and asked them if they could not see that I was correct in feeling as I did. They said they had endeavored to show the family my true position. After this we got at the ticket. I made out a ticket substituting Francis Armstrong instead of myself as president of the company, and leaving the rest of the officers as they now are. But they would not be satisfied with George Reynolds, and wanted A. E. Hyde. I, however, compromised with them, and put in T. E. Taylor. They rather pressed for Moses Thatcher instead of William B. Preston, but I told them that I wanted the old officers to remain as much as we could. When this ticket was presented to the stock-holders, Brother Clawson had objections to it. Brother Thatcher had some questions also, to ask about himself. He had been proposed by the Taylor boys as Vice President, and he wanted to know the reasons why this was not carried. They both explained that they were in favor of it, but I objected. Then I had to explain to him that my objection was that I did not want the old officers changed, and the change that had been made, except in my own case, was made under my earnest protest. He interrogated me as to my preference, whether I preferred William B. Preston to him. I replied that it was not necessary for me to answer this question, as I had already given my reasons for the old officers to remain. To change them at the present time was equivalent to passing a vote of censure, I thought, upon them. An adjournment was taken till ten o’clock to-morrow. The Twelve met this afternoon, and attended to some business. Then we had a meeting of the Board of Z.C.M.I. It rained very heavily today.

15 March 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, March 15th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David[.]

I drove to town in time to meet with the Beck and Champion mining company at ten o’clock. Everything passed off very quietly this morning in the beginning of our proceedings. We elected Francis Armstrong, A. E. Hyde, and R. J. Taylor as an Executive Board. Brothers Clawson, Jack and Nuttall were not in favor of changing the Board of Directors, and they thought that as President Taylor’s heirs had two members on the Executive Board, they ought to be satisfied; but they were not. They insisted upon changing Brother Reynolds. They were desirous that I should remain as President, but I would not consent to this unless the whole board remained. They proposed Moses Thatcher as Treasurer, as Director and as Vice President, but I told them I would not consent to any change unless it should be the change which we agreed upon yesterday, but which Brothers Clawson, Jack and Nuttall would not consent to. I told them that it was not right for them to press Brother Thatcher in that way, as it made me appear to be opposed to him, whereas I was not. I was willing that he should be President of the Company, and that they should all have their wishes about the boards, so far as my stock was concerned. But if I acted at all I desired no change in the board. The question then arose as to who had the votes to elect. Brother Thatcher thought that President Taylor’s stock and mine and his would elect. Brother Clawson and Brother Jack and Brother Nuttall thought not. The question then arose about the dedicated stock, and Brother George J. Taylor thought that according to the By-Laws he, as his father’s executor, should vote the fifty-four thousand shares which stood to his credit on the books. This called forth an explanation from me to the effect that they only stood to his father’s credit because I did not wish to change them, but if he attempted to vote that stock I should bring in the document which his father signed transfering the stock to me. This caused him to pause. I believe they thought they could carry the election despite the rest, to organize the board to suit themselves. He made remarks about “our having the Superintendent,” as though this was a party arrangement, when in reality, as I told them, the Superintendent was not my man, it was their father who put him in; and I looked upon him as the Superintendent for the company. I said I was willing that each one should vote the stock that he had dedicated, and when George J. and John W. saw this, they percieved that they could not carry the election their own way. But they were very much dissatisfied I could see, at not being able to carry their point. The only change that they did not have was Brother George Reynolds as Treasurer. We had conceded everything else to them but this, and the brethren pointed out to them that they had ought to be satisfied with having two representatives on the executive board.

It seemed to me that under the pressure brought to bear upon them by their brothers and brothers-in-law, they had come to the meeting with a determination to have control of the board of directors, and with a view that nothing else would satisfy the family, and I believe that if they could have done so by their votes, that is, if they could have controlled the majority of the stock, they would have carried everything to suit them, regardless of the wishes of the others. We adjourned without date. This leaves the old board to act until another election is held. It would not surprise me, however, if they should still agitate this until some change is made. I have felt as though I never wanted anything to do with business of this kind again. I have had no end of annoyance with this property. During President Taylor’s lifetime I had the principal care of it, and since his death I have been compelled to keep close run of it, and have endured misrepresentation in consequence. I had a long conversation with Brother C. O. Card in which I explained to him everything connected with this investment which he had made in this property at President Taylor’s request. My son Hugh has injured himself by jumping from a wagon, and my son David got Dr. Anderson to go down to see him. He finds that he has broken one of the principal ligaments, and will have to be laid up for about ten days. Brother John W. Taylor, in some remarks at Nephi, two or three weeks ago, stated publicly that when John T. Caine had remarked at Washington that polygamy was a dead issue he had told a damn lie. This had been published. The Twelve had considered the matter, but had come to no conclusion respecting it, except to show, which Brother Joseph F. Smith did very plainly, the great injury such a remark would do our cause at Washington. He explained in what sense Brother Caine had made this remark, and justified it from his standpoint. President Woodruff this morning told Brother Taylor that he thought he ought to draw up some writing, in which the necessary explanation and acknowledgement would be made. Brother Joseph F. Smith had prepared a paper, at Brother Taylor’s request, for him to sign. In reading it today, he said, “I would just as soon be shot as to sign such a paper,” though he thought, himself, that something of the kind should be said. I told him that I for one did not wish him to sign any paper that he did not himself fully indorse. I had had experience once in helping prepare a paper for Amasa Lyman to sign, which he had afterwards said was a lie, that he had been pinched until he wrote it. Whatever Brother Taylor wished to say I desired him to say it for himself. This brought out considerable conversation, and he went away with the paper not entirely satisfied with it, but wishing to submit it to other brethren of the Twelve. Brother Robert B. Burton was tried <for unlawful cohabitation> and acquitted today, on the payment of a fine of $150.00. A case was appealed to do from Judge Judd’s court to the U. S. Supreme Court, which involved the question whether a man could be indicted for Unlawful Cohabitation and Adultery during the same period. I brought Mary Alice home in my buggy this evening, from the Court-House. Read a proof of the Book of Mormon, which kept me late, and Brother Wilcken gave me a bath.

16 March 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, March 16th.

I had to drive rapidly this morning, in company with my son Lewis, to reach the train at 7:40. Brother Seymour B. Young was there. When we reached Ogden I met my son Frank and Mr. Cumming, the agent of the U.P.R.R., who invited me into his private car, in which I rode to Collinston. There were in the car with me a Mr. Stacy, a Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Pat Lannan, of the “Tribune.” They treated me with considerable respect. I also met Mr. Parker, the freight agent of the U.P., who was on the car also. At Collinston Brother Hyrum Davis, a son of Richard Davis of Cherry Creek, met us and took us down to Sister Standing’s, at the bridge over Bear River, where Brother Young and him had dinner. I did not eat. The roads were very muddy, and it took us nearly five hours from here to reach West Portage. We got there at eight o’clock and stopped at President Hoskin’s. He himself is in prison. His counselors, Brothers Abraham Zundel and William Gibbs, and Bishop Harris came in and had conversation with us.

17 March 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, March 17th.

The house was not crowded this morning, bad roads and storm preventing many from attending. Brother S. B. Young occupied the principal part of the time, Bishops Harris and Harrison preceding him in some remarks. In the afternoon I occupied an hour and a half, and had excellent liberty. The Spirit of the Lord has been with us in our meeting. In the evening we held meeting at seven, and Brother Young and myself occupied about three-fourths of an hour apiece. He preceded me.

18 March 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, March 18th. <1889>

We held meeting this morning at nine o’clock. I spoke about an hour, and Brother S. B. Young about twenty minutes. We adjourned the meeting at eleven so that we might get off in time to catch the freight train at Collinston, which passed at 4:40. I had an impression, however, that we would connect with the passenger, which was due there at five minutes past one. Brother Azariah Moss, who lives at Brother Hoskin’s, took us with Brother Hoskin’s team and carriage to the station. We reached there before half past three, and within five minutes the passenger train came along. Mr. Cumming and Mr. Parker were in the former’s private car. Mr. Cumming met me and invited me to ride with him again, and upon introducing Dr. Young to him, he gave him the same invitation. The passenger train had left Ogden for the city when we reached, but through Mr. Cumming’s influence a passenger coach was put on the freight train and was run to the city in an hour and a half. We landed at seven o’clock. Dr. Young took me in his buggy to the Tithing Office, and I got my team and drove home. I have enjoyed this trip very much. The Spirit of the Lord has been poured out upon us and upon the people, and we have had a time of rejoicing, though the trip was somewhat fatiguing. I found my daughter Emily sick with a cold.

19 March 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, March 19th, 1889.

It rained heavily in the night, and this morning changed to snow. I dictated my journal to my son David. Held meeting with Brother F. D. Richards and three members of the late Apostle P. P. Pratt’s family to take into consideration the question of royalty for the publication of the “Voice of Warning,” and the “Key to Theology,” the copyrights of which they claim. I suggested that the family come to some conclusion as to what would satisfy them, and then we could consider the question, and probably arrive at some agreement. Most of the day afterwards was occupied in listening to the reading of letters which had accumulated. Brother Nuttall read, and President Woodruff, Brother F. D. Richards, Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself listened. One important letter signed by Elders Brigham Young and Jesse N. Smith described the condition of the land on which the towns of <Snowflake>[,] Taylor and Woodruff are situated. It seems that cattle companies have bought this land from [the] railroad, and in order to meet the first payments about Six thousand, six hundred dollars is required. We had to decide immediately whether we would pay this, or in the event of not paying it, go to law with the companies, or our people be driven from their homes. We decided it would be better to advance this money for the first payments, and telegraph Brothers Young and Smith to that effect. I had promised to go to Ogden to see John Q. and his wife, and a new born baby. I started at 4:40, on the D. & R.G. John Q. had not got word that I was coming. Frank saw me in the street-car, and took me to his house, where I had supper. I then went to the “Standard” office, and found John Q., who took me to his place. I blessed his wife and child. He had blessed the baby the previous evening, and gave it the name of Daniel Hoagland Cannon. John took me to Frank’s, where I slept.

20 March 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, March 20th

John Q. came with me down as far as the Hot Springs, this morning, where he got off for a bath. Read a proof of the Book of Mormon and spent the day with Presidents Woodruff and Joseph F. Smith attending to various matters of business. I also dictated answers to a number of letters which I had received to Arthur Winter. My time has been so closely occupied of late that my correspondence has been very much neglected.

21 March 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, March 21st

Dictated my journal and other matters to my son David. Dictated “Editorial Thoughts.” The news from the east today conveys the intelligence sent by Brother Caine that there are three men, enemies of ours, who are striving to get appointed to positions now held by Judge Carlton and General McClernand on the Utah Commission. Their names are, R. N. Baskin, a man named called Kentucky Smith and C. S. Zane, a son of Judge Zane. Kentucky Smith is a very dangerous man. He is the author of the Idaho test oath, and the chief manager of the late Ogden election. He is a man that, like Baskin, would resort to any means to gain advantage over the Latter-day Saints. We sent word to our friends in the west concerning the danger we were in, asking them if they could help us. Mr. <Fillmore>[,] Supt. of the Southern Pacific Railroad, had telegraphed that our enemies were active in the east, and suggested to Brother Clawson, to whom he sent the dispatch, that he had better go to Washington to counteract their efforts. At two o’clock I met with the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Companies, and at four had an interview with a committee that had been appointed to endeavor to get subscriptions for the manufacture of sugar. President Woodruff, Brothers F. D. Richards, Joseph F. Smith and myself were there, and of the committee Elias Morris, R. K. Thomas, _____ Stewart and Arthur Stayner. We were exceedingly busy today, matters of various kinds crowding upon us. A little after six I took President Woodruff in my buggy, and carried him to his son Ashael’s[.] There was a surprise party there, it being the birthday of Naomi, Ashael’s wife. I was pressed to stay, and did so. We had a very pleasant evening, Sister Naomi’s sisters and parents being present, and a number of other friends. My son David and daughter Mary Alice were also there. When I got ready to go home I found my team had broken the neckyoke. I had to lead the horses home sitting in my son David’s cart.

22 March 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, March 22nd, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. Dictated “Topics of the Times” to my David. I took President Woodruff to town in my buggy . We had meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Company. Brother M. W. Merril came in and we had considerable conversation about temple matters in supplying the building with more water from a higher elevation. I explained to him concerning the Bullion Beck and Champion Mining Co. arrangement. He had put in $1,000.00 at President Taylor’s request, but had never had any explanation made to him concerning the object President Taylor had in view in getting us to invest in this property. I explained it fully to him, and he told me that he wished me to do with his interest as I pleased for the purpose for which the investment was made. Brother Arthur Stayner had prepared a circular letter for the public concerning the sugar industry and reccommended it to the people, which he desired us who were at the meeting yesterday to sign. We altered a few words, then President Woodruff, Brother Joseph F. Smith, Brother F. D. Richards and myself signed the document. We held a meeting of the Deseret News Company in the afternoon, and I was kept very busy all day. Some of the Gentiles had prepared a petition to Judge Sandford which they proposed to sign in behalf of Brother Joseph F. Smith. There were statements in it which were somewhat broad respecting his position and attitude that he occupied in relation to the law. Brother Amos Howe and Isadore Morris had brought it to him to show to him, and he submitted it to me and asked my views about it. I told him it would be better if they had signed the petition without showing it to him, as there were points in it that did not state his true position. Of course they had a right to sign what they pleased and he would not be responsible for it unless he had committed himself to their views. He told Morris that there were some things in the petition which he could not endorse, and the reply that Morris made was that he was not responsible for what the signers of the petition said. We received a dispatch from Brother John W. Young which indicated that President Harrison was very bigoted on our question, that he seemed to punish <disposed to> punish polygamy with all the severity possible, viewing it as next to murder. We conversed about having someone go down to Washington to try and prevent bad nominations for officers, and I framed a dispatch to send to Brother Caine asking him if Brother F. S. Richards or anyone else could be of service, and if there was time. In speaking about this petition I remarked to Brother Joseph F. Smith and the brethren that my objections to having a pardon from President Cleveland were that I did not want to put it in his power to say concerning me that which he said about Brother Rudger Clawson, when he had heard that he had spoken on the principle of Plural Marriage at our General conference. His remark was, “Why could not the fellow [have] held his tongue, when I had pardoned him?” I did not want to come out of prison muzzled in regard to free speech.

23 March 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, March 23rd, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Had an interview with Brother James Jack and LeGrande Young upon my son John Q.’s case. He is indicted for Polygamy, and we have been trying to get Mr. Peters, the District Attorney, to dismiss the indictment, as he confesses himself ought to be done, but he appears to be afraid of the ring. He told Judge Sutherland in response to his remark, that if John Q. might wish to leave on business he would be at liberty to do so, but if John were to go to Turkey to fill a mission, to which he has been appointed, they would be very apt to forfeit his bonds which are heavy. Brother Jack is one of his bondsmen, and as Brother LeGrande Young appears to have influence with Peters, I wished to have him persuade him to consent to dismiss the suit or to withdraw the bonds. He promised me that he would do so. There was a meeting of the stock-holders of the Utah Central Railroad Co. at eleven this morning, and its charter was amended by vote of those present. Attended to various matters of business, and wrote letters to my wives Martha and Carly.

In the evening corrected proof of the Book of Mormon. Brother C. H. Wilcken came down and gave me a bath.

24 March 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, March, 24th.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at two p.m., and listened to a discourse of Brother C. W. Penrose. It was his first appearance there for more than four years. Bishop Pollard wished me to attend their evening meeting, and Brother Elias Morris invited me to eat with his family. My daughters Mary Alice and rose Annie and son William accompanied me. My brother Angus was also present. We had a nice visit before meeting, and I enjoyed excellent liberty in addressing the Saints in the evening. It was quite dark in driving home.

25 March 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, March 25th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Called for Brother Woodruff this morning and took him up to the Gardo house. It comes to light this morning that Pat Lannan and O. J. Hollister have learned that C. C. Goodwin, of the “Tribune,” was active in endeavoring to get the sentence of Brother Joseph F. Smith lightened. They took up a labor with him, and as a result he addressed a letter to Brother Joseph F. Smith asking him to repeat in writing that which he had said to Brother Amos Howe concerning his intentions connected with the law. Goodwin wanted this for his own defense with his partners on the newspaper. We had discussions to day respecting Brother Franklin S. Richards going to Washington to help in defeating candidates for office in this Territory who are our enemies. We had telegraphed Brother Caine on this subject, asking him whether Brother F. S. Richards or anyone else could be of assistance there, and he replied to the effect that the force they had was doing all that was possible. On this account I did not favor sending Brother Richards, though Brother Joseph F. Smith expressed the opinion that his services would be invaluable, and that no other man could do the good that he could. After receiving Brother Caine’s dispatch, I did not take that view, but it coming to light afterwards that the appeal comes up of Brother Hans Neilson on Habeas Corpus before the U.S. Supreme Court to test the question as to whether Unlawful Cohabitation and Adultery could be found against a man for the same period of time, could be forwarded on the calander, I expressed the feeling that Brother Richards should go to Washington, as it is important to us all that this case should be heard as early as possible so that this question can be settled. Brother Heber J. Grant wished to get the feelings of the brethren, Brother Woodruff, Brother Richards, Bro. Smith and myself, concerning the sale of his house to Byron Groo. He said that he had bargained with Groo for the house, but somebody in speaking to his wife about their selling their property, had said that they were selling their property to a Gentile, and she had been greatly troubled thereat. He described Groo’s position, which, however, we understood ourselves, and said that if we thought it unwise, he could forfeit something and be released from selling to him. He pressed us for our views. No one made an immediate response. I finally asked him if he wished to know my feelings on the subject: that while I would not wish to sell property to Byron Groo because of my position, and the comments that would be made upon such an action, I did not think there was the least wrong about it, and would not have the least feelings that he had done anything wrong in selling to such a man. Byron Groo had been brought up in this country, he had voted with us, and all his interests were identified with the Latter-day Saints.

I dictated a number of letters to Brother Arthur Winter, today, one of them an important letter to A. V. Gibbs concerning the transgression of his wife with his brother. I brought my daughter Mary Alice from town this evening in my buggy with me.

26 March 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, March 26th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Drove to the Penitentiary and had an interview with Brothers F. M. Lyman, W. H. Maughan, Arguyle, F. C. Hoskins, C. S. Hall and O. P. Borg. I had a very pleasant time with the brethren, and took up ten packages of oranges to be divided. <On my return> Listened to the reading of letters, in company with Presidents Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith and John Henry Smith. Brother C. H. Wilcken bought me $6.00 worth of the orange <peach> trees to send to Lieutenant Mullhall, of the Fourteenth Infantry, who is at home on sick-leave, at Falls River, Virginia. I sent them by express to him. In the evening held a meeting with the Sunday School Union. The “Salt Lake Tribune” came out in a very severe article on Bro. Joseph F. Smith. I never read their articles, and have never read an article since it first started, but I am told that it is very abusive. He received a request to write something to show Goodwin’s true position, and that he had grounds for advocating the circulation of a petition in his behalf. He had finally written a noncommittal note this evening.

27 March 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, March 27th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Brother C. H. Wilcken came down and took breakfast with us for the purpose of arranging for the purchase of trees and other things which I need for my place. Sister Christainsen brought complaint against Bishop Millen Atwood, to whom she had been sealed for eternity. He treated her with such neglect that she desired to be divorced from him. President Woodruff sent for the Bishop and heard his side of the story. It seems that it was understood that she was to keep herself, and should keep the sealing secret. She was still willing to keep herself, but she accused him of treating her with such coldness and indifference that she had lost all love for him. It was decided to give her a divorce. We held a meeting of the Bank Directors for the purpose of examining the plans of the building prepared by Brother Don Carlos Young. They were approved<,> of and it was decided to erect the whole building, stores and all, and the building committee were authorized to let out contracts for its construction. I dictated a number of answers to public correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter. I brought my daughter Mary Alice home from the Court House in my buggy, and my son William took her and myself to the theater to witness the performance of Henry Kernell’s Variety Company. Mary Alice and myself occupied seats in the Dress-Circle and William went into the box. Some parts of the performance were excellent. I never saw such exibitions of vantrilaquism and tumbling and jumping. There was some fine bell-ringing, also, as well as the performance by a young lady on a moving globe. Kernell’s walks and talks were very amusing. His mimicry and dancing were very remarkable.

28 March 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, March, 28th, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. Reading proof of the Book of Mormon. President Woodruff and myself had a visit from Sisters George Alder, T. G. Webber, John A. Groesbeck and Walter Beatie. They belong to the Woman’s Suffrage Association, and came to see us with a request that we should speak at their meeting, which would be held in the Assembly Hall at two o’clock on the day after Conference. We promised that if convenient we would be there. Not long after their departure we had a call from Sister C. I. Kirby, who has had a difficulty with the before mentioned Sisters; that is, they and others of the Association have considered themselves insulted by her remarks made at some meeting. She is the Corresponding Sec. of the Society. She informed us that they had waited upon her a short time before, and Mrs. Webber had demanded of her a public apology, and had threatened her with some powerful influence in the event of her refusal. She supposed that in making this threat she referred to the Presidency of the Church. Her reasons, she said, for not making anything public in the manner they desired, was that it would show the public that there was division in the ranks, which she thought would be hurtful. I regret that our Sisters cannot get along in a Society of this kind without feelings. Personally, I would much rather the whole business be dropped than to have it continue and have division. I was kept quite busy all day, as I am in fact every day.

29 March 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, March 29th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. I attended to some business in the Gardo house, President Woodruff having gone home last evening to spend today and to-morrow at his place. I have been promising myself to call to see the daughters of Sister Clara D. Young, the wife of President Brigham Young, who died recently. She is one of the women who came in with the pioneers, having accompanied her husband, President Young, from Winter Quarters to this valley. I called at her old residence and found her daughter Nettie there, and also Eva, whom she had raised after the death of Eva’s mother. I had a very pleasant visit there, and then went to Brother Spencer Clawson’s, whose wife Nabbie is another daughter. While there another daughter, Talula, came in, and the girls from the other house came up. They all pressed me to stop and take dinner with them, which I did. I also called upon Sister Lizzie F. Young, the wife of Brother Brigham Young, and spent sometime there, and from there I went to the residence of Sister Fannie Thatcher. She was not at home, but her mother, Sister Louisa <Lucy> B. Young, was there, and also her daughter Lutie Thatcher. I called at the office of Brother William W. Riter, whose wife, Prescilla Jennings Riter, came to me yesterday and told me her feelings, and how unhappy she was. Her trouble is that his two children, by a former marriage, did not pay her that respect which she thinks they should do, and she evidently has an idea that he thinks more of them, and believes them more readily than he does her. I promised her that I would see him. We had a long conversation in which he explained to me his position. I suggested a course to take which I thought would be of advantage in alaying all feeling. It is evident that she loves with great strength of affection, and where this exists it is a great power in effecting a reconciliation. I gave him some of my own experience in the manner I had arranged for the children of my deceased wife Elizabeth to live after her departure. The plan had answered, I thought, admirably, and I though perhaps something of the same character might be done in his case.

30 March 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, March 30th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Took my daughter Mary Alice to town with me this morning. She went to the Z.C.M.I. with me, and we selected cloth for a dress apiece for herself and my daughters Hester, Amelia, Rose Annie and Grace. Wrote a letter to my wife Carly. I returned visits today of the following ladies: Sister Susan Snively Young, Sister Julia Young Burton, Sister Heber J. Grant and Sister Seymour B. Young. Brother Young and wife insisted upon my stopping to dinner, which was about four o’clock. I afterwards called upon Sister Amelia Folsom Young. Had a very pleasant visit with her and her father and Sister Leonora Harrington. On my way home I called at my sister Mary Alice’s.

31 March 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, March 31st, 1889.

Was taken in my buggy at seven o’clock this morning from my home to the depot, and took train to Farmington. There was a Stake meeting of the Sunday School Superintendents at ten o’clock. Brother Goddard was also there. We were met by Brother Ezra Clark at the train, who took us to his home where I got breakfast. Brother Nathan T. Porter is the Supt. of the Stake. There was a full attendance at ten o’clock, all but one of the wards being represented. The forenoon was spent in listening to the reports of the various Schools, and Brother Goddard occupied the remainder of the time, about twenty minutes. There were present this morning Brother William R. Smith, President of the Stake, and Anson Call, one of his counselors. We took dinner at Brother Clark’s, and at two met again. The sacrament was administered, and I occupied about an hour and a quarter speaking to the people. I spoke principally upon children, and the training of them, and upon other matters kindred thereto. Brothers Goddard and Seymour B. Young followed. The people were greatly blessed with the instructions. When I returned to the city at half past five I was met at the depot by my son William, and we drove to the Nineteenth Ward Meeting House. At the time appointed, half-past-six, the house was crowded, a great many being compelled to go away for want of room. There were present, Brother John W. Taylor, my brother Angus, the President of the Stake, and his two counselors Joseph E. Taylor and C. W. Penrose. I had occasion to explain the difference between the world’s method and ours. With them it was Vox Populi, Vox Dei, while with us it was Vox Dei, Vox Populi. I described the course I would take if I were President of the Stake, in selecting the Bishop. I should carefully examine the Ward and select the name<s> most likely, and with my counselors would pray to the Lord to show us who the man was, and after being one in our minds and united, the name could be then submitted to the people for them to choose or reject. In this way the mind of the Lord could be obtained. Brother Alfred Soloman was chosen for Bishop, and Brother Andrew Kimball and Brother John L. Nebeker as his counselors. I was mouth in ordaining Brother Alfred Soloman a High Priest and Bishop. Brother John W. Taylor was mouth in ordaining John L. Nebeker as a High Priest and counselor. We deferred doing anything more about Andrew Kimball, as he is in charge now of the mission in the Indian Territory, and I thought it proper that the Twelve should take action upon his case before we set him apart in <to> these new duties. After this business was attended to I spoke about twenty-five minutes, and had great freedom and power.

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March 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024