November 1858

2 November 1858 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 2. Bro Eldredge and myself went to the office of Bro. Coward, found him well; visited Sister Van Horn also.

3 November 1858 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Novr 3rd. After breakfast Bro. Kesler and myself settled our bill at the Townsley House and took our baggage up to the Office of Bro. C. Went to dinner with Bro. Coward to Bro. Rowberry’s[.] Evening to supper at Sister Mc Kelley’s

4 November 1858 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 4th/58. Breakfasted at Bro. Gallagher’s; dined at Bro. Gordon’s, and after dinner called on Mr. Paschall, the editor of the Missouri Republican; after some little conversation he appointed a meeting at 9 o’clock in the morning, when he would have more leisure.

5 November 1858 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 5/58. Breakfasted at Bro. Gallagger’s; afterwards Bro. Eldredge and myself called on the editor of the Republican. After conversing awhile I handed him an article which I wished him to publish; it was one <that> I had been handed to me with my other papers. He said he would look it over, and if I would call again about 4 p.m. he would be that time have perused it and be able to say more in regard to its publication. At 4 p.m. I called again. He said he could not put it in as an editorial, as I had told him I would like him to do; but he would publish it as an appeal from the Mormons. I said it was not written as an appeal, as you have no doubt perceived. He said there were statements in it that, not knowing the facts, he could not endorse, which he would have to do were the article published as an editorial. I finally succeeded in obtaining a promise from him that he would publish it as a correspondence with editorial comments.

6 November 1858 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 6/58. I started this evening to Cincinnati at 4 o’clock. After a tolerably pleasant trip I reached there at 8 o’clock on Sunday morning. Met with the Saints on that afternoon; had a pleas good meeting. I stopped at Cincinnati until Wednesday morning when I took rail via Columbus and Bellair for Baltimore, which place I reached on Thursday evening. Stopped there that night, and at 8 o’clock next morning took rail for Philadelphia. I reached Philadelphia at 1 p.m. on Friday, the 12th of Nov. I stopped at Mr. Fenton’s, whose wife and daughter were members of the Church; Angus boarded with them while he lived in Philadelphia. They were very much pleased to see me. On Saturday I took Col. Kane’s baggage out to his place; he was unable to see me, being confined to his room, but appointed Monday to see me. They pressed me to stop to dinner, which I did.

14 November 1858 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 14th/59. Met with the Saints and had a good meeting. I spoke and was blessed with the Spirit; the Saints were much pleased to see me. Angus has left an excellent influence behind him, and is much beloved by the Saints.

15 November 1858 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 15th/58. Went out to Fern Rock, had a very pleasant and instructive interview with Col. Kane; he gave me a letter of introduction to a friend of his, Col. Forney of the Press, Philadelphia.

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November 1858, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024