October 1881

1 October 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, October 1st, 1881 My son, I think, is better this morning than he has been, though his fever is still very high. At the office, engaged revising sermons, reading proof for Faith Promoting Series[.] Dictated my journal to Bro. Geo Gibbs. A list of the names of persons who work for the Church, who have to pay taxes was read with a view of advancing the money to pay the taxes. It was decided the Trustee-in-Trust advance the means.

John Meldrum, of Provo, came in to see about his mission to the Sandwich Islands. He was short of means; but it was decided that he should go, and that the Ward should assist his family. Prest Taylor offered some suggestions about Bro. Bernhisel’s family as to what should be done to get them a home, they having lost their home in consequence of mortgages he had placed upon it. Bro. John Smith, patriarch, came in to have some means advanced to him to help him in his building.

Elders M. H. Brady and Wm. B. Cole of Union Fort, called and laid the case of [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] before Prest Taylor. He had seduced two girls, one of them the daughter of Bro. [last name redacted], whom he promised to marry. Both of them had had children by him, and one of them he had married, the ceremony having been performed by a justice of the peace. He is living in [location redacted], and the two girls live with him, one as his wife and the other as his care; but it was stated that he kept himself free from her. The parents called to know what should be done about the case. Prest Taylor said he would think about the matter and inform them. He was willing to marry both the girls, and they were both willing to be married to him, if it can be permitted. Prest Taylor said to the parents that the crime he had committed was a very serious one, especially as he had had his endowments.

My son’s health is still very poor; but I think it is better today

2 October 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 1881 Attended meeting in the Tabernacle today at 2 P M[.] Elders J. H. Smith and T. B. Lewis addressed the congregation[.] After the meeting, we met in the Endowment House there being present the First Presidency, Elders W. Woodruff, J. H. Smith, F. M. Lyman and D H. Wells. After attending prayer there[,] we repaired to the residence of Bro. Orson Pratt and found him very low[.] He was apparently sleeping, and only took notice when aroused[.] He said that he recognized us, but said he could not shake hands with us. He is evidently dying.

3 October 1881 • Monday

Monday, October 3rd, 1881 I had a dream last night that caused me to think there was trouble ahead, and when I awoke in the night, I feared, as my son and his mother were quite sick, that it might be a premonition respecting them. I prayed to the Lord to put away evil and trouble from us. When I reached town this morning I had the explanation of my dreams. A despatch was received from Elder Moses Thatcher dated at New York informing us that Elder Feramorz L. Young had died at of typhoid fever last Tuesday, 100 miles this side of Havanna, and was buried at sea the following day. About the time that Bro. Pratt died, his wife Juliet had the most of her household furniture in the barn where they had been removed for the purpose of giving room in the house for repairs; which, together with the barn, was destroyed by fire. And this afternoon one of the brethren named Wm. Pullen, of Bountiful, Davis Co, fell from the walls of the temple into the basement and died shortly afterwards. All these occurrences made the day a memorable one; and I was very much affected, especially as I had to carry the intelligence, at the request of Prest Taylor, of Bro. Young’s death to his mother and the family. I went and got Bro. Feramorze Little to go in with me to break the news. It was almost heart-rending to see the grief of the family. It was only last night that his youngest sister had gone to the depot to meet him, he having written that he would probably get home by that time. His mother had prepared his room, and had even made some preparations in the shape of food for his arrival. The blow fell with great weight upon his mother, as she had looked forward to his being a prop to her in her dying years declining years, her other sons having addicted themselves to bad habits. I said all I could to comfort them, but words seem very very feeble upon such occasions.

In the afternoon Prest Taylor and I went down to see the body of Bro. Pullen. The brethren were then engaged washing it, stretched out on a table. The sight of the naked body, now cold in death, which a short time before was so full of life, made me sick at heart, especially in thinking about his family—a wife and four children His wife had been confined only a few weeks, and had lost one child a short time ago[.]

I expressed my feelings very strongly, that I did not want to see another stone laid on that Temple until something was done to secure the workmen from falling off the walls, there being no scaffolding outside nor inside. To me the through thought was horrible of having our brethren lose their lives in building a temple to the Lord, if by any means in our power accidents could be prevented. Prest Taylor expressed himself similarly.

The men requested the privilege of not working until after conference. They were very much moved at the death of their fellow workman, and appeared to be unnerved[.]

I was called out of Sister Young’s to attend a meeting of the Twelve respecting the obsequies of Bro. Pratt. It was decided to attend to them at one o’clock on Thursday, the 6th, and to adjourn the meeting in the morning at 11 o’clock, so as to give all the Saints an opportunity of viewing the body. It was also decided—Prest Taylor having himself gone to see Sister Young upon the subject—to hold memorial services for Bro. Feramorz L. Young after the funeral services of Brother Pratt, without having any break in the services.

At 12 o’clock I drove to the Territorial Fair, and delivered the opening address, which was followed by a few remarks from Prest Taylor. I was not in a very good mode to deliver an address, but I got through with it better than I could have expected[.] Gov Murray was there, in company with Gen. Eaton, Commissioner of Education, and Gen Eaton’s brother from Tennessee, and another young man. Gen Eaton and companions expressed great satisfaction at what they saw. Col. John Winder took them through the fair and showed them the various objects of interest, the live stock, etc.

At four o’clock Prest Taylor, Apostles Woodruff, Richards, Lyman, John Henry Smith and I met in council and took into consideration the request of the wives of Bro. Orson Pratt for means to assist them to purchase articles necessary for themselves to make a creditable appearance at the funeral. An amount was appropriated to each wife sufficient to cover the request, and $50 was appropriated also for the family of Brother Pullen, who had fallen from the walls of the Temple.

4 October 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct 4th, 1881 This was the day to which we adjourned last conference. The aha kamalima [Council of Fifty] met at 10 and 2 and much instruction was given.

5 October 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 1881 Architect T. O. Angel, Jr. engaged on the Logan Temple, submitted plans for the arrangements of the celestial room in that building, Prest Taylor, Bros. Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Jos. F. Smith and myself being present. It was decided to put an elevator in the Temple.

At two o’clock Prests Taylor, Smith and myself attended the stockholders meeting of Z.C.M.I. at the Council House. Reports were read, and the officers were elected, the old board of which we were members, were again elected. A dividend of four per cent was received with pleasure by the stockholders, and a general feeling of gratification at the condition of its finances was felt by all. We had some little talk over the best manner of reaching the tithing[.] Brother A. Miner was very desirous that it should be called tithing while some of the others thought it should be called a voluntary donation. Brother Miner was quite technical, but his motion did not prevail, no one seconding it. After this meeting, we went to the Endowment House, where the Twelve were awaiting us. Brothers Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Richards, Lyman, John Henry Smith, Wells, and John Smith were present. They had finished prayer when we reached there. I read a communication that I had just received from Doctor E. B. Furguson, enclosing one from Mrs. Harriet Beecher Hooker, Sister to Henry Ward Beecher. These letters are very interesting. Mrs. Hooker I had met at Washington, and was somewhat intimate with.

Bro. Woodruff brought before the Presidency the propriety of filling up the quorum of the Twelve. He said there were not enough now to form a quorum. Prest Taylor made no direct reply to this. The question of appointing someone as one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventies, there being a vacancy by the death of Prest Jos. Young, was also mentioned. Prest Taylor stated that he had received a communication from Elder John Van Cott, who had been requested by Bro. Jos. Young before his death to promise that he would, in the event of his death, bring before the Presidency and the Twelve, the name of his son, Seymour B. Young to be ordained to this position. The name seemed to strike very pleasantly, and I think myself he may be a very excellent man. But there were two things that I should mention, and I did so, one being of as much importance as the other. I stated my feelings frankly, that while I did not wish to say one word against Bro. S. B. Young or any other good man whose name might be mentioned for position, there was one qualification which I deemed of the utmost importance, namely that a man should be a firm believer in the doctrine of plural marriage--that if my feelings were to be answered no man should be ordained to hold the office of Apostle or that of one of the first seven Presidents of the Seventies unless he were living in plural marriage; the next point was that I was a little afraid in my feelings of the idea getting out that because of a man holding a position, his son must thereby succeed him in the same priesthood. This, however, was a matter I thought of minor importance, if a man were qualified in other respects. When I mentioned this matter of plural marriage the brethren generally expressed themselves as I had, and were glad that I mentioned it. I look upon this as a crucial test, and while I did not know anything respecting Bro. Seymour B. Young’s feelings or family relations I desired that this should be taken into consideration. I am glad that Prest Taylor does not feel hurried about filling up the quorum of the Twelve. As for myself, my mind has not been clear; the Spirit has not indicated to me with any impressiveness as to who should be chosen; and I really have felt gratified that Prest Taylor has not pressed the matter. There are a number of brethren whose names have been mentioned, any one of whom I should not object to if the Spirit indicated that he was the man. I have no pre-possessions for or against any of the brethren whose names have been mentioned, but I have no clear manifestation of the Spirit thus far respecting them. A list of missionaries was read and approved, to be presented at the general conference.

6 October 1881 • Thursday

October 6th, 1881, Thursday A large congregation met at the Tabernacle this morning, unusually large for the opening day. The death of Bro. Pratt called the people together and our conference opened more largely attended than any that has been for years[.] There were more people in the city, I am told, than has ever been known to be before. One hundred and ten car loads,—between six and seven thousand people—came over the railroads

The casket containing Bro. Pratt’s remains was placed in front of the stand, on an elevation in sight of the congregation. In the upper stand were Prest Taylor, myself and Prest Jos. F. Smith, and Bro. L. J. Nuttall, private Secretary to Prest Taylor[.] In the middle stand Apostles Woodruff, L. Snow, Richards, Lyman and Counsellors; also Stake Prest Angus M. Cannon and Counsellors. Prest Taylor opened the conference by giving out a hymn, and Elder Richards offered the opening prayer. After singing again, Prest Taylor spoke about ten minutes, alluding in a feeling manner to the death of Bro. Pratt, and announced that the conference would adjourn at eleven o’clock that the remains of Bro. Pratt might be viewed by all who desired to look upon them; and that the funeral services would commence at one o’clock. Brother Woodruff also spoke, giving directions as to how the proceedings should be conducted in viewing the remains. The conference adjourned until one o’clock in the afternoon, Bro. Jos. Smith pronouncing the benediction. Five of the brethren of the Twelve whom I have mentioned above with Bro. D. H. Wells, were pall-bearers. They lifted the casket down from its elevation and placed it where it could be viewed by the congregation. The congregation remained seated in their places while the First Presidency and Twelve and others viewed the remains.

At one o’clock Prest Taylor gave out the hymn, “Hark from afar a funeral knell,” etc., and Prest Jos. F. Smith offered prayer. The choir then sang “Thou dost not week [weep] to week [weep] alone.” These hymns were beautifully and pathetically rendered. Prest Woodruff was the first speaker; he occupied about twenty-two minutes. He was followed by Lorenzo Snow, who spoke about twenty-one minutes; and then Bro. Richards spoke for 19 minutes. Prest Taylor then spoke for ten minutes. It had been arranged that the older members of the Twelve who had been longest associated with Orson Pratt in that quorum should make remarks upon his death; and Bro. Taylor had expressed the wish that I should speak upon the life of Elder Feramorz L. Young[.]

It had been arranged that Brother Pratt’s <family> should occupy the north side of the main aisle, in seats reserved for them as mourners; & that the relatives & friends of Brother Feramorz L. Young should occupy the seats on the south side, as mourners.

I occupied 30 minutes in speaking on the subject assigned to me, during which I read extracts from two letters that the deceased had written. I enjoyed a good flow of the Spirit. I requested the congregation to remain seated until the families of Elder Pratt, & the relatives of Elder Young & the First Presidency leave the Tabernacle.

The Choir sang, “Mourn not the dead” etc.; & Brother Wells pronounced the benediction.

The house was crowded with people, & solemnity prevailed. A very long procession of carriages accompanied the body to the tomb. I rode in the carriage with Presidents Taylor & Smith & Bishop Edward Hunter. There were no proceedings at the grave excepting brief remarks by Brother Woodruff, thanking all, in behalf of the family, for the interest that had been taken in the proceedings. The only ones that pressed forward to see the face of the dead at the tomb were the sons of Brother Pratt by his first wife, & their wives. These were all apostate in their feelings, excepting one son, Laron, who is deaf & dumb & who is a faithful Latter-day Saint. These apostate children, I think must have joined the procession after it started as I did not see them in the Tabernacle. The names of the three sons are Orson, Harmel & Arthur.

7 October 1881 • Friday

FRIDAY, Oct. 7th. Brother & Sister <Card> & little daughter spent the night with us, at my wife, Elizabeth’s.

I attended the Conference. The opening prayer was offered by Brother Lorenzo Snow. Elder Lyman spoke 40 minutes; & Brother Penrose followed him occupying about the same time.

At 2 P.M. the conference again met. Brother George Teasdale prayed; & Presidents Taylor & Smith addressed the Conference; after which I read the Statistical Report. President Taylor then addressed the Conference again, speaking about 23 minutes. I also gave notice of a meeting of the Priesthood, at 7 o’clock this evening in the Assembly Hall; & Brother Woodruff pronounced the benediction

At 7 P.M. a Priesthood meeting was held at the Assembly Hall; & President Taylor occupied the entire time, giving a most interesting account of the ordination of the Twelve, & the reason that he occupied his present position. I stayed in town all night.

8 October 1881 • Saturday

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th; I drove down home this morning, & returned in time for meeting. Brother Canute Petersen prayed. Elder J. H. Smith spoke for 30 minutes; & Brother Woodruff followed occupying about the same time. I read the Report of the Relief Society for the last half-year, also the Report of the Logan Temple. Afterwards Brother Card stated to the congregation the condition of the work upon that building. I then read the Report of the Manti Temple; & was followed by the Assistant Superintendent, Brother Canute Petersen, who reported its condition. After submitting these reports, it was moved that they be accepted, which motion I put to the Conference & <it was> carried unanimously. President Taylor spoke afterwards, making some very encouraging remarks on the condition of affairs generally. Elder Milo Andrus pronounced the benediction. Took dinner with my wife, at her sister’s.

At 2 o’clock Conference met. Prayer was offered by Brother Henry Eyring. Elder Richards occupied some time in speaking. I then presented the names of missionaries, all of which were unanimously sustained. And at the request of President Taylor, I spoke making some very pointed remarks about the duration of missions; also upon the subject of illicit commerce of the sexes. I had an excellent flow of the Spirit, & enjoyed my own remarks.

At 7 o’clock in the evening a meeting of the Young Men’s & Young Ladie’s Mutual Improvement Associations was held in the Assembly Hall. I went there & remained until it was time to go to the train due from Ogden, hoping to meet Brother Moses Thatcher; but he did not come. I returned to the meeting & spoke a few minutes. I remained in town all night.

9 October 1881 • Sunday

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9th: Conference met at the usual time. The congregation was very large this morning. Prayer was offered by Elder Lyman. Elder Snow spoke for about 37 minutes. I followed occupying about 57 minutes. L. J. Nuttall dismissed the meeting.

At 2 o’clock Conference again assembled. Elder Moses Thatcher had arrived this morning from Ogden from his mission to Mexico, having been absent nearly 12 months. He now wears a full beard, & looks thin & a little hollow eyed. His health has not been good during his absence. He opened the meeting with prayer; after which I read the semi-annual Report of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association; also a list of missionaries, & presented the general Authorities, all of whom were unanimously sustained. Brother Thatcher then spoke, occupying 34 minutes; he gave a report of his mission which was very interesting. He was followed by President Taylor who spoke for 50 minutes with considerable power. Conference was adjourned until April next, 6th. day, at 10 A.M.. Benediction by Patriarch John Smith.

At 7 o’clock I met with the Sunday School Union in the Assembly Hall, a very large congregation being present, & delivered an address on the best manner of conducting theological classes. I had made no preparation for the lecture, having been so busy since I was requested to deliver it.; but I was pleased with the good flow of the Spirit, enjoying my own remarks, which occupied 45 minutes. Brother Thatcher then spoke, giving some very interesting items. Drove home with my nephew, reching [reaching] home a little after 11 o’clock.

10 October 1881 • Monday

MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th: My son’s <Sylvester’s> health, which has been very poor, as well as his mother’s – my wife Elizabeth – is somewhat better; though this morning I felt quite concerned about him as he had so much fever[.] His head was swelled & tender as though he might be threatened with eryesipelas. I was at the Office to-day at 2 o’clock. The Brethren of the Legislature who were present in the City met at President Taylor’s Office, to confer upon the subject of officers for the ensuing Assembly. There were 13 of the House & 7 of the Council, present. Upon motion of Brother L. Snow, who had been President of the Council for a number of years past, Brother Jos. F. Smith was sustained to occupy that position at the next session. And on motion of Brother William B. Preston, Brother Lyman was sustained to occupy the position of Speaker of the House for the next session. L. J. Nuttall was sustained as Chief Clerk of the council, with W. W. Taylor as assistant clerk. The election of other officers was deferred; after[,] however, Arthur Stayner had been elected Chief Clerk of the House. At this meeting President Taylor made a few remarks, & I called attention to the importance of the presiding Officers arranging their committees so as to give the counties a fair representation on the various committees

11 October 1881 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th.: Zion’s Central Board of Trade met to-day; I attended the meeting in the evening. Afterwards Prest. Taylor, Brother L. Snow & I arranged a programme of travel for a visit through Box Elder Stake. Received a very interesting letter from my son, John Q., who is travelling with Bro. M. Brown of Ogden, in Essex, Eng.

12 October 1881 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th.: At 10 A.M. a meeting of Presidents of Stakes & their Counselors, was held at President’ Taylor’s office. The meeting was opened by prayer by Elder Woodruff, after which Prest. Taylor brought to the attention of the brethren present some matters pertaining to the Temple[’]s nearing completion; to the importance of keeping correct Church records; to the work to be accomplished amongst the Lamanites; to the necessity of the Presidents of Stakes sustaining the High Councils, & concluded by exhorting the brethren to faithfulness. Remarks were also made by myself & Prest Smith

13 October 1881 • Thursday

THURSDAY, OCT. 13th.: At Office. At 11 O’clock attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution. Among other things done, was the electing of a Superintendent for the ensuing year – Brother William Jennings.

I had been requested by my wife’s (Martha) adopted sister, Cousin Nina Beebe, to perform the ceremony of marriage between herself & John Abram Coltrin. I went to the Endowment House for this purpose. President Taylor also went there; & we ate dinner together. He had a very long conversation with Brother Joseph F. Smith & myself respecting marriage. This is a matter upon which I have felt very much exercised; & I have taken occasion several times to allude to it, feeling as I have done that marriage should be made easy among us for our young people, & that every facility should be put in their way. I was therefore much pleased with the remarks of President Taylor upon this subject, that he had taken the matter under consideration, & that we are likely to have well matured counsel upon the subject. I performed the ceremony for the couple mentioned above, my wife Martha, & Brother Alma Pratt & his wife, Rebecca Beebe, being present. They invited me to eat supper with them at Brother Pratt’s house. The day is exceedingly disagreeable, the wind blowing very violently & the dust flying in clouds.

There being some difference of opinion, as to the best method of making a platform on the Temple walls to secure the workmen from falling, President Taylor appointed a meeting of the architect, T. O. Angel & Thomas Jones, Brothers Henry Grow & James Moyle, at the Architect’s office, to take into consideration various questions. Brother Angell had been adverse about <to> doing any thing in this matter, until he heard that the First Presidency had expressed themselves in favor of it. After considerable discussion, a plan was decided on for which we all voted.

At the request of Brother William Budge I presented a matter that pertained to him to the First Presidency. A collection had been made for him when he was in England in 1860, to assist him to emigrate. He drew part of this & left part in the Liverpool Office, in consequence of certain remarks that had been made respecting the financial management of the mission, he having been at the time counseled to by President Asa Calkin. He expected then to have the matter settled when he got to Zion, & had some conversation with President Young about it, President Young promising him that it should be arranged. He had called once or twice to the President’s Office expecting to here [hear] more about it; but as it was not mentioned by the President he did not mention it, & hence the matter had remained unsettled. The amount was 126 pounds, 10 shillings. President Taylor proposed, after hearing all the evidence, to pay him the amount, half in cash & half in tithing office pay, the latter to be drawn in Bear Lake, which was satisfactory to Brother Budge.

On Tuesday last my wife (Eliza’s) mother, Sister Tenny, started on a visit to Payson, with her daughter, Sister Jane Symons. While I was bidding her good-bye, & expressed my hope that she would soon return, a conversation ensued between my wife, Eliza, & her sister about polygamy. And my wife made some very severe remarks & spoke in a tone of voice that was evidently intended for me to hear what she said: her remarks were to the effect, that if she was in the position that she was before she <was> married that no one would get her to enter polygamy. I felt very much grieved at her remarks because nothing had occurred that I knew of to call them forth. I felt insulted in my feelings by them being made at such a time, & in the presence of one of my sons, & her mother & sister, being all of whom were seated in the carriage. I made no reply, but bade them good-bye, & started off. I felt so grieved that I could not go to her house; but this evening I did go there after I had returned home, it being quite late, as I had gone to Brother Pratt’s to eat supper, & brought my wife, Martha, home. I was not very talkative, but I saw that she was very much exercised; & she remarked to me, after I had sat awhile glancing over a book, that she supposed I was vexed with her. I told her that I was not vexed, that that did not cover it; that I was very much ashamed & thought her remarks were very cruel, because I was not in a position to put her back where she was when she married me. She wept bitterly, & asked my forgiveness. She said that she had been very unhappy ever since she made the remarks; that she did not mean what she said, she being angry at the time at something that her sister had said, who was a little inclined to be lecturing her; that she had never loved any one but me, & that if I withheld my love from her, she would rather die than live. I told her that I would willingly forgive her, that I had no feelings at all except those of sorrow that she should indulge in such exhibitions of feeling. I learned the next morning at breakfast, that she had not tasted anything except water from the time since this occurred, & that she had said she was determined never to taste food again until she had made this matter right. She felt very humble & broken-spirited.

I forgot to mention in my journal for Wednesday, that Brother Lyman accoimpanied me home in the evening, & took supper with me, he being desirous to get my assistance to arrange <in arranging> the Committees of the House. We sat up until after 12 o’clock, & I think that the arrangement will prove very satisfactory. I took him up early this morning to the Utah Western train, as he wished to go home.

14 October 1881 • Friday

FRIDAY, OCT. 14th.: At the Office this morning. After attending to various matters of business, went with President Taylor through the Gardo house; & afterwards visited various persons that had the charge of fitting it up, in order to hurry the work along. We selected some samples which Spencer Clawson had brought from the East; also some carpets that David John Taylor had purchased before his death for the house, while in the East.

Bishop E. D. Woolley died this morning at about one o’clock. Two of his sons called to arrange about the funeral services on Sunday. President Taylor & I expressed our regret that we could not be present; but suggested that they see Brother John Henry Smith & Brother Wells, & invite Brother Lyman to come in from Tooele to attend the services, which ought to be held in the 13th Ward Assembly Rooms.

Presidents Taylor, Smith & I had some conversation respecting Brother Pratt’s family; it was decided to allow them for the present, half the amount that had been drawn by Brother Pratt, which half would be at the rate of 1800 dollars a year. Dictated my journal to Bro. Gibbs. Since doing so I have had an interview with Secretary Thomas, in company with Bro. Nuttall. We have been appointed by the Council to arrange information to be given him to fill up his schedules – census schedules, in connection with the Income & Expenditures of the Church. The day has been cold & wintry. Left the Office at half-past 7 o’clock. Elizabeth accompanied me home.

15 October 1881 • Saturday

SATURDAY, OCT. 15th.: I arose early this morning & attended to business matters which I had to finish before starting on the trip through the Box Elder Stake, which will be extended over some 5 or 6 days.

My wife’s nephew, Thomas K. Little, intends going through the Endowment House next Thursday, & is desirous that I should seal his wife to him. But our arrangement to visit the Box Elder Stake will not admit of my doing so. They were very desirous that I should get back to Ogden in time to take dinner with them, at the house of the bride’s father, Brother David M. Stuart, on Thursday evening. My wife, Elizabeth, said if I could get back, she would join me for if her health would permit. I wrote a note to Brother D. H. Wells to let him pass through the House as early as he could so as to enable him to come up on the 3.40 train. My so wife, Eliza, sent me word that her <our> son, Read, was taken with fever. I went & administered to him. My son, Angus, drove me to the Depot; I had not time to eat breakfast, & had to take a bite in my hand. I arranged with Brother John Sharp for passes for my wife, Sister Emily & children to Ogden & return. On my way to Ogden I revised a sermon. We found a special car on the Utah & Northern, which Superintendent Geo. W. Thatcher had arranged for us to occupy. Brother F. D. Richards accompanied us from Ogden. We got off the train at Willard, where we were met by Bishop George W. Ward. At this place we were joined by Brother Lorenzo Snow, & Oliver G. Snow, President of the Stake[.] Our party consisted of President Taylor & wife, Mary; myself & President Joseph F. Smith; Elders Geo. W. Hill, Geo. Reynolds & Geo. F. Gibbs , with those already mentioned. We met at 11 o’clock with the people. President Taylor, myself, President Jos. F. Smith & Elder F. D. Richards spoke[.] The house was crowded. Brother George Reynolds opened with prayer; & Brother O. G. Snow closed. I dined with President Taylor & wife at the Bishop’s. I wrote from here to my brother-in-law who is in charge of my business, about getting potatoes to supply my family. We administered to the Bishop’s wife who has been ill for some time, having had an attack of typhus fever. President Taylor sent his carriage from Salt Lake; it reached here while we were in meeting. The rest of the party rode in vehichles provided by the Saints. Brigham Morris Young, son of President Brigham Young, carried me in his buggy to Brigham city. I was invited, in company with Presidents Taylor & Smith, to stop at his house. <Brother Lorenzo Snow’s.> We were entertained by him at his new residence which he has erected of brick – one of the most elegant I have seen in the country, & is very well furnished. It is occupied by his youngest wife, Minnie Jensen Snow. The weather was very cold; we found the fire quite agreeable.

16 October 1881 • Sunday

SUNDAY, OCT. 16th. 1881: I had a good night’s rest. Brother Woodruff, who arrived here this morning from Smithfield, Cache Valley, is quite sick suffering from one of his old attacks of pain in the bowels & stomach. These attacks have been very frequent of late; at his time of life I think them somewhat dangerous. They arise, I imagine, partly from his want of care of himself; he does more than a man at his time of life should do. Brothers Snow, Smith & I walked to the Hall which is at the south end of town, the interior of which is beautifully finished & very commodious. The choir at this place is excellent. In the fore noon meeting President Smith, myself & Apostle F. D. Richards occupied the time. In the afternoon President Taylor spoke 80 minutes, Brother Snow following by his request speaking 10 minutes. After meeting Brothers Smith. Snow & I went to see Brother Woodruff, at his daughter’s Pheobe’s, who is wife of Brother Snow. We found him in bed, but somewhat improved. We administered to him, Brother Joseph F. being mouth.

After this meeting was held, President Taylor, and I were at the house of Brother Snow, also Brothers Snow, his son, Oliver G. <and> his counselors, Bishop Nichols & the members of the High Council, to talk over the case of Brother Moroni Falkner, who had been disfellowshipped. The chief cause for this action was that he had worked for some apostates who were building a store there. The Teachers & others had visited him to inquire respecting his faith, & he had treated them with some degree of defiance, & had manifested a bad spirit; & Brother Snow said that he ought to be cut off the Church for his conduct. Upon inquiry, Bishop Nichols said that the United Order there had decided not to work for any apostates, & that whoever should do so should be disfellowshipped, & that all had agreed to this. And in consequence of this action they had taken up the case of Moroni Falkner & others who had worked for those people. Others had confessed their wrong in this matter & had asked forgiveness & had been forgiven; but Moroni Falkner had refused to do that, claiming that it was his right, as an American citizen, to work for whom he pleased, & especially as he had in times past worked for one of those men (Willis Booth) he thought he had a right to do so, & thought that it was not a matter that affected his fellowship in the Church. For this they had taken action upon his case, refusing him the privilege of partaking of the Sacrament etc. He appealed to the High Council; a time was appointed for the hearing of his case, but they failing to appear nothing further had been done. President Taylor expressed his views plainly but kindly on this subject; & said, that a man working for people not members of our Church was not a good cause for disfellowship<ing him.>. He called upon me to speak. I said that I regretted, this man having the character that they described, that they had not a better cause for action in his case than the one they had; especially, seeing that he appealed it, I did not think the action was justifiable. All that was necessary, it seemed to me, in such cases was to bear with them long enough, when they would generally furnish good cause for action in themselves; but they had laid down a rule, & put themselves in a wrong position, & furnished him an apparant justification for refusing to comply with their request. Brother Snow agreed with my view after I had stated it, & said that he had not sanctioned the cutting of men off for such a cause. I remarked that if this case were carried up to the First Presidency, & we were to sustain it, we would place ourselves in a curious position; for President Young had encouraged the brethren to work for outsiders, saying, that it were better for us to do the work than that they should import people that were not of our faith to do it for them; & that it wa[s] a common practice in Salt Lake & in other places for members of the Church to work for apostates & for men who had never been members of the Church.

We did not eat supper until we had this interview; & it was about 9 o’clock.

17 October 1881 • Monday

MONDAY, 17th.: The morning was rather gloomy. I slept well. At breakfast this morning a child came in & handed a note to President Taylor which he read & then handed it to me. It was a brief note from Brother O. G. Snow, tendering to President Taylor his resignation, as President of the Box Elder Stake of Zion. After I read it he handed it to Brother Joseph F. Smith, & after breakfast to Brother Snow, who said that he had never been so much surprised at any thing in his life, as he was at that note. He could not account for it. When his son left last night it was with the understanding that he would accompany us on our journey to Malad to-day in his buggy. I can only account for it on the idea, that something was said last evening that made him feel that his policy had been interfered with by our remarks, or <and> that he felt that it was the better way to resign; while there was nothing said that could be construed into severity or harshness or reflection <upon him;> on the contrary, every thing was conducted in a kind spirit. His father said that he could not recall anything that could be the slightest justification for such action. I felt grieved at such a step, because I think it very unwise. A man ought never to resign a position to which he had been appointed by the Priesthood unless requested to do so. By this step he leaves his father in an awkward position, for President Taylor is under the impression – I can see very plainly – that Brother L. Snow’s policy in Box Elder has been too rigid, & that he has permitted tyranny to prevail here to a greater extent than he should have done. A young man, by the name of <Elder> Eli H. Peirce, who<se> step-father is the person for whom Moroni Falkner worked, is in membership in the Church, has been talking freely with Brother Joseph F. Smith, also to President Taylor. He represents the condition of affairs in Brigham city as being such that men do not have their free agency. I can see that President Taylor is much impressed with what he has heard about the condition of affairs; & I think that Brother Snow’s policy, as he understands it, does not meet with favor in his sight.

The carriages in which we were to ride from Collinston to Malad, left here about 8 o’, clock; & we went by rail at 11 o’clock. I sent a despatch to Elizabeth stating that I should be back at Ogden on Thursday night; also to George Lambert about some work on my wife Martha’s house. Carriages met us at the station. I rode in Brother L. Snow’s carriage, in company with himself, Geo. F. Gibbs & Bishop Ward. Stopped at Brother Standage’s, at the bridge of Bear river, two miles from the station, who, <he and> his wife had prepared dinner for the Company. This bridge is a toll bridge, & is the property of Brother Standage. After crossing the Malad by fording, we reached the place occupied by the Indians, who are in charge of Bishop Isaac Zundell. We found here two good brick houses which had been built this season; & a large number of Indians who had assembled for meeting. They had arranged seats, & had taken down some of their lodges, & with the cloth had made a large inclosure in which meeting was held. Brother Zundell is living here, with his wives & children, & is doing what he can for their benefit in teaching them. The improvement that this people have made is very encouraging. They looked clean, & many of the women, if their faces had been concealed, might have passed, so far as dress was concerned, for white women. They have about 2000 acres of land under fence, & have raised in this place & upon another farm they have near Bear river some 4784 bushels of grain. They plow & drive team & work very well, surprisingly well, so the brethren say, considering their past training. They burnt the brick with which these new houses are built, also the lime, & they helped to lay the brick. And they have plowed 100 acres since harvest; & have threshed about 11000 bushels of grain for themselves & other people, which has enabled them to pay their share for the threshing machine. It is interesting to see this people emerge from berbarism & assume the labors of civilized people. Our meeting was opened by their singing in their own language, & prayer by Indian John – one of their principal men. Another song was sung by them; & then President Taylor spoke, & an Indian by the name of Alme, <a> Shoshone, & full blooded Indian, interpreted. The interpretation, Brother Zundell & also Brother Hill said, was very good. Brother Taylor spoke for some time & stopped occasionally to allow the interpretation to be given. As darkness was approaching when he called upon me, I did not speak very long, but had some freedom in speaking. Brothers Joseph F. & Richards also followed. Alma, the Shoshone, dismissed by prayer. The Indians that are here manifest considerable aptitude in learning to speak & write the English language; & they are eager to learn. There are, when all are here, 250 souls; but a number is now away hunting, as they procure their clothing by the sale of buck skins which they get by the chase. President Taylor & wife & I & Bishop Hess stopped here, & the rest of the Company went on to Portage, two miles distant. The report reached us soon <sometime> after they had gone, that two carriages, one containing Brothers Joseph F. Smith, Snow & Richards had not reached Portage. An Indian as well as other messengers was sent to hunt for them. They arrived there however after a while; & held meeting. Brother Hess & I slept together.

18 October 1881 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, OCT. 18th.: Breakfasted at half-past 7; & started in President Taylor’s carriage for Portage. Before leaving the Indians came to bid us good-bye. We were accompanied us. At Portage we found the other brethren, & I again rode with Brother L. Snow. We drove to Malad passing Samaris on our left, & crossing the Malad on the bridge. We saw one of the largest flocks of geese between Portage & Malad that I think I ever did see <saw> anywhere. It numbered thousands; & raised from the ground quite close to us. The Malad river had its name given to it because of its sickly & poisonous waters, there being , below Portage, several large springs in the river that are sickly in their character. Numbers of cattle & horses that have drunk from of these waters, without being accustomed to them, have died; they also poison the land on which they are turned. Malad is a good size town, & has a fine location. The climate, I am told, is not very severe, not as severe as Cache Valley[,] George Stewart is Bishop of this place. President Taylor & I stayed at his house. He had dinner provided for us when we reached. There are a good many apostates in this place; & it has been a sort of half-breed settlement for some years. Brother Stewart is very active, & is doing what he can to elevate the tone of feeling here. He was indicted a few years ago for polygamy, & President Young told him to defend himself & not employ any lawyer. He did so. During the trial one of his wives was asked, who the father of her child was; she told him, it was none of his business who the father of her child was. Brother Stewart got clear. After meeting we attended meeting; the house was crowded. President Taylor called upon me to speak, which I did for about 45 minutes enjoying a good flow of the Spirit; I was followed by Brothers Snow, Richards & Samuel Smith of Brigham city. This evening after meeting I had a conversation with Presidents Taylor & Smith, Brothers Snow & Richards respecting the practice quite common among the Elders, of repeating in a whisper, the words of a person who may be laying on hands, either in blessing, ordaining, or in administering to the sick. I have been many times annoyed at this practice of brethren; they whisper so loud as to disturb the current of thought; & I felt that there should be some understanding among us as to the propriety of this. This practice has grown up of late years; & some brethren are under the impression that it is adopted as the best means to keep their thoughts concentrated upon the ideas of the one who is spokesman. President Taylor said, he knew <of n[o]> reason for this practice. The one who is mouth gives voice to his own feelings, & of those who may be with Him, to which they all say, Amen. Brother Parley P. Pratt told me that in the first organization of the Church, it was the practice with the Elders not to speak aloud in confirming members of laying on hands, but to speak and repeat mentally. This was changed, however to the present method adopted. I slept at Bro. Stewart’s.

25 October 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 25th, 1881 Prest Taylor decided this morning to start on Thursday next on a visit to the Stakes south. I made up my mind to take my team and carriage, if I could arrange for one. I saw my brother Angus and he proffered me the use of his carriage, and consented for me to take his son Lewis with me as driver. He afterwards asked me if I could not take his daughter Wilhelimina to which I consented. The carriage is one made by Studebaker, and has a canvas cover with seats for four persons. I took my horses Warfield and Topsy. Was measured for a suit of clothes and overcoat today.

Collected dividends due my wives on their stock in Z.C.M.I.

26 October 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 26th, 1881 Was kept at home this morning, busily engaged in arranging my affairs so that I could leave tomorrow. I paid Bro. L: Johnson, the carpenter who works for me, $290.43 in cash and took his receipt in full up to date for work. This was money he had earned during the summer, which he had left in my hands until today, as so as not to be burdensome to me. I wished my wife Eliza to accompany me. The invitation gave her such brief time that she had difficulty in getting ready.

My wife Elizabeth had a new dress, and as Eliza was very much in need of one if she went, Elizabeth concluded to let her have it, if it would fit her, which on trial did.

My wife Martha accompanied me to town in the buggy. My other folks went up in Elizabeth’s carriage. I spent sometime at Z.C.M.I with them, making purchases. Afterwards went with Martha to get some furniture. I dined at my brother Angus’[.] Spent the afternoon in the office. Dictated the following letter to Hon T. M. Patterson, Attorney-at-law, Denver, Col.

Salt Lake City, Oct. 26th, 1881

Dear Sir:

Your favor of the 10th came to hand while I was absent on a visit to the northern part of our Territory from which I have just returned, and I hasten to acknowledge receipt. It would afford me pleasure to do anything of the kind that you request, but I feel to be a little cautious, as some of our friends who aided Mayor Magumes in his campaign have been indicted in Montana and some of the men are, I believe, now in your state, their trials having <been> postponed. If the enclosed letter should be of any service to you, you are welcome to it, and it would afford me pleasure, as I have said, to do anything in my power to favor you and your friends.

I am greatly obliged to you for the kind interest you have taken in my case. A more outrageous, high-handed usurpation of authority has never been witnessed in this territory than the act of the Governor in endeavoring to deprive me of the fruits of the people’s vote. Had he given the certificate to my opponent without accompanying it with a long explanation he might have given me a great deal of trouble; but he issued a certificate with qualifying clauses in it, and then accompanied that by an explanation which no clerk of the House with any regard to justice and in face of the statute could accept, especially as a certified abstract of files under the seal of the Territory showing my immense majority over my opponent was filed with him.

I remain,

Your Friend,

(sig) Geo. Q. Cannon

(Enclosure referred to in above letter)

Salt Lake City, Oct. 26th, 1881

Messrs Hammond and Smith.


Hon I. M. Patterson, who has represented the Territory of and State of Colorado in Congress, and an intimate friend of mine, and a fair-minded, honorable man, whose course in regard to Utah and her people has always won my regard, has written to me asking me, if not in my view improper, to give a warm personal friend of his—A. J. Bean, Esq, who is now the Democratic candidate for clerk in the county of Gunnison, in which you are, I understand, residing at the present time—a letter of introduction to you. I am sure Mr. Patterson would not ask me to reccommend Mr. Bean unless he were a gentleman of repute in whom you can have entire confidence, and who will worthily fill the office for which he is a candidate if elected thereto. I am not in a position to know how you and our friends associated with you are situated, whether you can do anything in his behalf or not; but if you can do so without embarrassment or in any manner complicating yourselves, I shall esteem it as a personal favor to myself; for if I could oblige Mr. Patterson by doing anything of this kind, it would be a great pleasure to me. You can also say this much to all of our friends associated with you.

I remain, Etc.

(Sig) Geo. Q. Cannon

I called on Sister Wells and saw my daughter-in-law Annie and my grandson, George Q., also upon my daughter-in-law Sarah, also at my wahine Hope’s [last wife’s]. I rode down home after dark

27 October 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, October 27th, 1881 I arose early this morning to get time to arrange my affairs. Afterwards was busy at the office till noon. Did considerable business in arranging for the payment of my workmen, to do which I had to borrow considerable means.

My team and the carriage left at seven o’clock this morning on the train for Juab, my nephew Lewis M. Cannon accompanying the horses. I drove down home and after eating dinner, bade the folks good bye. Before leaving, I blessed my wife Elizabeth whose health is very precarious. Bro. Sharp kindly consented for the train to stop for me at the point nearest my house. We took my son Read with us and left him at Payson with his aunt and grandmother.

Our party consisted of Prest Taylor, his wife Sofia, and daughter Ida, and his carriage driver Bro. Thos. Green; myself, my wife Eliza and my neice and nephew; Bro. Woodruff and his <wife> Phoebe, Bro. F. D. Richards, Elder L. J. Nuttall, Mrs. Barrett and her son Samuel. The ride to Nephi was quite pleasant. We were met at the station by carriages, which carried us to our several stopping places[.] I was assigned to ex-Bishop’ Bryan’s, who received us very hospitably. Meeting had been appointed and there was a tolerable attendance. I reached there first, after the singing, and addressed the meeting, followed by Prest Taylor and Bro. F. D. Richards. We heard here that Bro. C. C. Rich had had two attacks, which left him in a bad condition.

28 October 1881 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 28th, 1881 Had an excellent night’s rest. Quite rainy this morning. Bro. Bryan with whom we are now stopping, was formerly Bishop of this place, and always kept an open house for the brethren who were travelling. There was no place on the road anywhere where better meals were served than here, and the family were very kind and hospitable. They are Southern people. One of his wives is a French woman. His first wife is a [blank underline] Bro. Bryan is getting into years now. He was born December 1807, and is somewhat feeble, though able to go around and attend to business.

We started about half past eight o’clock for the train, the brethren furnishing a covered wagon to take us there. I called at Sister Pitchforth’s as I went down and paid my respects to the family. We went by train to Juab, where we found our teams and carriages. There was an extra wagon along to carry baggage. Myself, my wife, her neice and nephew made our load sufficiently heavy for my team, especially as the roads were in a very bad condition, and it was raining and snowing alternately. My mare Topsy was not in good condition for traveling, my man having sent her without examining her shoes. She had two off. Warfield pulled so heavily that he broke the stays and the double trees split after crossing the Sevier. I managed, however, to reach Scipio, a little after the company, and drove in the midst of a dreadful storm to Bishop M. Thompson’s, who sent me back to Bro. Jesse D. Martin’ to stop[.] Seldom have I seen such a heavy hail storm as that encountered on returning from the Bishop’s to Bro. Martin’[s], but we received a very warm and hospitable welcome at Bro. Martin’s[.] The fire on the hearth made of pitch pine was particularly grateful under the circumstances, and I enjoyed it. Our horses were glad to get shelter. I have stopped several times with this family and have always been treated with great kindness. Bro. Martin is nephew to Jacob B. Bigler, and his wife daughter of Samuel, prest of the 19th Quorum where I was first ordained a Seventy. I was intimate with her father and mother and her when she was a girl. I had my mare shod here and double tree repaired.

At six o’clock in the evening meeting convened. The house was full[.] Singing was very good. A young man by the name of Alvin Vance, who was father was killed during some Indian trouble in Sanpete, was the organist. He teaches school here. President Woodruff occupied forty-five minutes; myself and F. D. Richards twenty and thirty minutes respectively[.] I spoke with some considerable feeling upon the principles upon which Zion could be built up. I dwelt upon chastity and temperance. I described how strong I felt at Washington when I knew the people at home were doing right. I alluded to my approaching departure and asked the faith and prayers of the people

Bro. Edward Partridge and J. E. Robinson, counselors to the President of the Stake and Bro. Hincluffe and some others came over from Filmore. Bishop Stephens of Holden was also present at the meeting

29 October 1881 • Saturday

Saturday October 29th, 1881 Morning was clear and pleasant. We started at half past eight o’clock. Bro. Martin accompanied us on horseback. The roads were heavy and we drove slowly out of the valley to the top of the ridge. We reached Holden in the middle of the forenoon. My horses did very well. Bishop Stevens assigned myself and folks to Sister Johnson’s for dinner; after partaking of which we attended meeting. Prest Woodruff, Apostle F. D. Richards, myself, and Prest Taylor spoke. Our carriages were at the door ready for us to get aboard when the meeting closed. The roads to Filmore were very heavy. I was invited by Bro. Edward Partridge to stop at his house. His wife is a daughter of the late William Clayton of this city. Their daughter is living with them, who is the wife of Albert Kimball, who is the wife son of H. C. Kimball and Ann Sheen. In the evening I went up to Bishop Smith’s where Prest Taylor was stopping and spent the evening with him. We heard that Bro. C. C. Rich was better.

30 October 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, October 30th, 1881 This was another fine day. I sent dispatches to my wife Elizabeth, to my brother Angus, and to my sister-in-law at Payson, with whom we left our little boy Reed. I also wrote to Bro. S. Jensen about work on my wife Martha’s house. At ten o’clock we met with the people. There is a very small meeting house at this place. It has been standing for nearly thirty years, and is entirely too small for the wants of the people. It was very much crowded. Prest Woodruff occupied about thirty-five minutes; I followed, occupying the time till ten minutes past twelve o’clock. I enjoyed a good deal of power in my speaking. I dined with Prest Taylor at Bishop Smith’s and arranged a programme to Beaver. I have been anxious to have a programme of travel arranged, urging that it would be better for everybody; that the people would know we were coming and could make preparations, and the news would be circulated so that we should be likely to have a larger attendance, and it would be also better for ourselves; but Prest Taylor is averse to arranging programme before hand. He feels that it would be tying the people too much. We met at two o’clock and the afternoon was occupied by Apostle F. D. Richards and Prest Taylor.

Bros. F. M. Lyman and John Henry Smith arrived at noon today from the north. They had made a very quick trip from Bear Lake and the north end of Cache Valley to join us here. An evening meeting was appointed for them and they both spoke.

31 October 1881 • Monday

Monday, October 31st, 1881 We had been kindly entertained by Bro. Partridge and family and this morning we bade them farewell and started out a little ahead of the company in consequence of the condition of my team. My mare Topsy’s shoulders were sore. We took the lower road, which we found to be very good. The rest of the company took the upper road. We reached Meadow Creek at ten o’clock and stopped with Prest Taylor at Bishop Bennett’s. His wife is a sister of Elias Smith and is first cousin to the Prophet Joseph. At this place meeting was held immediately after our arrival. Bro. Woodruff, myself and Prest Taylor spoke. I became so interested that I occupied forty-five minutes forgetting about the time. Sister Bennett prepared us an excellent dinner.

We then drove to Kanosh, about seven miles, making about fifteen miles from Filmore in time for meeting at three P.M. Bro. F. D. Richards spoke twenty-five minutes; I followed and occupied about the same length of time. It is seldom that I have had a better flow of the spirit than I had for the short time I spoke here. I urged upon the people the necessity of assisting ourselves. If we do not do so who will sustain us. I dwelt upon the treatment we had received from the world, and what the world would do to us if they could. We should support our own schools, stores and everything of this kind and not support our enemies. It was the only way in which we could preserve ourselves in this land. Prests Woodruff and Taylor followed. We were very kindly entertained by Sister Baldwin Watts. He is absent with Bishop Kimball on the railroad. My mare Topsy was threatened with sweeney in consequence of having too large a collar.

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October 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1881/10-1881