December 1887

1 December 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, December 1/87. The first day of winter, but a very beautiful day. I was busy to-day writing correspondence. Brother Lorenzo D. Young spent upwards of two hours with us and gave us, among other things, an interesting recital of the Crooked River battle in which he was one of the participants, and also of the departure from Far West of twenty-two brethren who were in that battle and escaped from General Clark and the Missourians, who threatened them with dire punishment. Brother Le Grand Young’s son Joseph came home this evening. Dr. Seymour B. Young, his brother, also called. Bp. H. B. Clawson paid us a visit to talk to me about B. B. & C. Co’s. affairs, and to President Woodruff and myself about other business.

Brother Young and his wife, with his son and daughters, favored us with delightful singing this evening. They are all very good singers. Miss Grace played the accompaniment on the organ.

2 December 1887 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 2/87. Snow fell lightly this morning. We read the public correspondence and I answered letters. Brother Jos. F. Smith came here early this morning; he had spent yesterday at home. We sent for Bp. J. R. Winder to talk over business – tithing blanks, the wants of Brother Folsom, of the Manti Temple, &c. We had some conversation about commencing to receive and disburse tithing at cash rates on Jany. 1st. I took this opportunity of explaining to the brethren my views on this question. I have no aversion to bringing our tithing to cash rates, but I have felt very strongly concerning receiving the people’s tithing at cash prices. I do not think it would be satisfactory; I do not think it would be fair and according to the intention of the Lord. I have explained my views with some fullness to the Council and repeated them to President Woodruff, Brothers Smith and Winder to-day. They were all favorably impressed by them. My point has been that everyone should receive credit for the tithing which he pays, not in cash, but in the article that he pays. Of course, the office could not be charged with an amount beyond its cash value; but the farmer who pays ten bushels of wheat in a remote settlement, I have said, should require equal credit with the farmer who pays ten bushels of wheat in a settlement near to the market, which he would not do if his wheat were valued at cash prices and he were only credited with the cash prices. And so with nearly every other article that is paid in as tithing. Those who paid a full and honest tithing in the remote settlements, if their tithing were credited to them only at cash prices, would appear to a great disadvantage as tithe payers, compared with their more fortunate brethren who lived near market, and who would receive the full market price in cash in credit for that which they paid in. President Woodruff expressed himself in favor of giving the brethren credit for that which they paid in, regardless of its cash prices.

Brother Wilcken called for me this evening about seven o’clock. It was snowing heavily; but I concluded to ride with him to my wife Carlie’s for a short visit. I stopped an hour and a half there and met Bp. Clawson, and then returned. President Woodruff had been to his farm while I was away and brought back his wife Emma. We had singing again this evening.

3 December 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 3/87. I received a certificate of membership from Brother Whitaker, the president of the Salt Lake <Stake> Library, the receipt of which I acknowledged. I attended to public correspondence. In the evening we separated. President Woodruff was taken to his farm by Brother Le Grand Young. Brother Wilcken took Brother Smith and myself. Brother Smith went to his home and I went to my son Abraham’s. We parted with Brother Young & family with much feeling of kindness. They expressed their regrets at our leaving and also the pleasure they had had in having us as their guests. They pressed us to come again; in fact, they wanted us to stay longer at this time; but I felt that short visits would be preferable under our circumstances, though we promised that we would make them another visit at some convenient time. I met my wife Emily at my son Abraham’s and was very pleased to see her, not having seen her for some time.

4 December 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 4/87. I spent a pleasant day in visiting with my wife Emily, my brother Angus, and Abraham and his family. I had a call, also, from Bp. Clawson.

Brother Wilcken called for me in the evening and went with me to Brother Jos. F. Smith’s and to President Woodruff’s. I arranged for us to meet at my son Abraham’s and stay there for a day and night, in order to meet our friends whom we expected in the City to-morrow evening. Brother Wilcken took me to my place on the river; but upon learning that there would be a number of workmen there to-morrow, I thought it unsafe to stay, and I arranged for my son John Q. to take me in the morning early to my wife Carlie’s.

5 December 1887 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 5/87. I spent the day at my wife Carlie’s. In the evening I was carried by Brother Wilcken to Abraham’s. Brothers Woodruff and Smith came shortly afterwards. Our friends arrived at 11 P.M. and we had a very satisfactory conversation of over two hours. Maude desired me to give the names of Members of <Congress and> leading men at Washington who were friendly to us.

6 December 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 6/87. Abraham made us very comfortable. I slept till about half past nine this morning – an unusual thing for me to do. My son Frank called and we talked to him about the tone which the Ogden Herald ought to assume at the present time. He is its editor. Brother Lorenzo Snow also called and we had a very enjoyable visit with him. Brother H. J. Grant came in towards evening and asked counsel from President Woodruff concerning the formation of a Life Insurance Co.

I dictated to Brother A. Winter a large number of public, and some private, correspondence. We had an interview with Brother Jack and talked over the situation of our financial affairs. I felt better satisfied respecting them after this conversation than I did before. Brother Wilcken called and I drove Brother Smith and myself to Brother John Clark’s, where Bro. Wilcken had preceded us on foot. President Woodruff was brought there by Bro. Sam. Bateman. Brother & Sister Clark made us very welcome. She is a daughter of Bro. Wm Empey. Their daughter Julia took upon herself to wait upon us and make us as comfortable as possible. She is the widow of David John Taylor, son of President Taylor.

7 December 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 7/87. I examined the Congressional Directory and selected the names of Members and Senators of the U. S. Congress who are friendly to us, and Bro. A. Winter made out a list of them, which was for the use of our friends, who were going to Washington. Brother Woodruff, Smith, and myself opened and read the public correspondence. I answered a number of letters. At 4 P.M. had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. and attended to considerable business. At 6 P.M. Presidents Woodruff, Smith, and myself went to the President’s Office and met with Bros. L. Snow & H. J. Grant, of the Twelve, and Le Grand Young and Messrs. Sheeks & Rawlins, attorneys, to talk over the propriety of getting out a writ of replevin to recover the books and papers which the Receiver had seized and carried off. After full consultation, it was decided that it was better not to attempt to get out this writ at present.

To-day the President’s Office and its contents, except the books, were turned back to us by the Receiver.

Bp. Clawson told me this evening that he had credible information that two detectives had been employed to find Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself and a reward of $200000/ for each had been offered for our arrest.

We returned to Brother Clark’s after our meeting.

8 December 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 8/87. Attended to the reading and answering of public correspondence. The Deseret News Co. met at noon and we transacted considerable business. Bp. H. B. Clawson called and we paid him $550.00/, to be disbursed on the State movement. We received to-day $200000/ from Brother H. J. Grant, for which we gave our signature as a committee. This is a part of the money that he and fellow-committeemen have been collecting to aid in securing a State.

9 December 1887 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 9/87. I received a letter from Thomas Taylor concerning his notes and <the> mortgage on the Iron Manufacturing Co.’s property in Iron County. He has given notes which mature from the day in <date on> which they were given in two, three, and five years, covering $55,000.00/. $35,000.00/ of this belong to the Church, $10,000.00/ to President Taylor, and $10,00000/ to myself, for which I paid him the money. He proposes now to take up these notes if they can be discounted at 6% per annum. We sent for Bp. Preston, James Jack, & Le Grand Young, who came, accompanied by Bp. Winder, to talk over the best method of getting at a settlement of these notes, and as we do not wish to furnish the Receiver with any clue to them, it was decided that I should write to Thomas Taylor, proposing to him, if convenient, to meet Bp. Preston and Le Grand Young at Milford. I wrote a private letter to Brother Paxman concerning a matter that he had written to Brother Jos. F. Smith about. It was in reference to my son Frank. I attended to public correspondence. In the evening Bro. Wilcken took me to my home on the river.

10 December 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 10/87. Busy until about half past one o’clock with my boys at work outside. Brother Wilcken, with Brother A. Winter, came down and brought the mail, which I attended to, and dictated “Editorial Thoughts” and my journal to Brother Winter. I also wrote a letter to Thomas Taylor, at Cedar, concerning the property of the Iron Manf’g. Co., on which we have mortgages for $55,000.

11 December 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 11/87. I had a very pleasant day with my family. In the afternoon we met, and I administered the sacrament and spoke and felt well. After the meeting I called Mary Alice, Hugh, Hester, Amelia and David together and explained to them that I had placed $100.00/ apiece to their credit in Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. I gave them some counsel respecting the proper course to pursue in being economical, &c. I would give William the same amount as the others, did I not wish to see what he would do respecting my counsel on the subject of his keeping breeding animals of his own.

12 December 1887 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 12/87. I arose early this morning to be prepared for the call of Bro. C. H. Wilcken to take me away. Before leaving I had conversation with my daughter Mary Alice about the work I wished done by the welldriver, Bro. Bishop. He commenced driving last Monday and went down 160 ft. and obtained a flow of 25 galls. to the minute out of an inch and a half pipe. The water is the best we have been able to get. I desire to drive another with some lighter pipe which I have till he strikes the same stream or another as good; then I wish him to drive this 1½ in. pipe, which is extra heavy and strong, for 300 ft., or until he meets a strong stream. I have always felt desirous to have a deep well, feeling confident that good, sweet water, and plenty of it, can be obtained by going a sufficient depth. Until now I have not been able to get anyone who would go as deep as I wanted. If I can, I intend to have a well driven at each house by Bro. Bishop.

Brother Wilcken carried me to Brother John Clark’s, where I met Brothers Woodruff & Smith, who are both in good health. They had just arrived. Brother A. Winter brought the mail, and after President Woodruff, myself, and Brother Smith had opened and read the public letters, I dictated to him replies.

In the evening attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I., at the office of the institution. There were present, President Woodruff, H. S. Eldredge, Jos. F. Smith, Moses Thatcher, H. J. Grant, Geo. Romney, John R. Winder, and myself, of the Board, and T. G. Webber, Sec’y. & Treas. Brother Moses Thatcher arrived on Friday evening from the South, whither he went in company with Brother E. Snow. He questioned me and we had considerable conversation concerning the B. B. & C. Co’s affairs. These questions I answered to the best of my ability, and he appeared satisfied.

13 December 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 13/87. Attended to public correspondence and wrote answers. My son Abraham called. I had to borrow $65000/ to pay for wheat which I had bought, and also some other debts. I shall have a little over 600 bushels of wheat, for which I pay 72¢ a bushel. Bro. H. B. Clawson called and I had conversation with him about the affairs of the mine; and the brethren and myself also requested him to telegraph to Maude about newspapers in the Northwest. Bro. Penrose had telegraphed to the effect that they could be secured if it did not interfere with our private arrangement.

President Woodruff went to his farm this evening, in company with Bro. Bateman.

14 December 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 14/87. President Woodruff did not return this morning, as his daughter was sick. Bp. Clawson and his son Rudger called upon us. The latter is just released from prison. Brother Lorenzo Snow wants him to preside over the Box Elder Stake; but President Woodruff thinks that this is too much to ask of him, unless there is some provision made for him to earn his living. He has been three years in prison and emerges destitute of funds; and to ask him to go up there without any means of support, he thinks, is too hard upon him. Bro. Rudger Clawson related a great many incidents connected with the imprisonment of himself and brethren in the penitentiary. Brother Smith & myself told him what President Woodruff’s views were respecting his appointment, and we requested him to communicate them to Brother Snow, whom he expected to meet on Saturday.

Brother C. H. Wilcken called for me this evening.

15 December 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 15/87. I attended to public correspondence with President Woodruff, who returned to us early this morning. I dictated answers to the public letters to Bro. A. Winter. Brother Jos. F. Smith went to his home this evening.

16 December 1887 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 16/87. We were awakened this morning at half past five by Bro. John Clark, as we intended to go to the President’s Office before daylight to meet with a number of parties, which we can do more conveniently there than at Bro. Clark’s. This family, consisting of Bro. Clark and wife and his daughter Julia, have been exceedingly kind to us and have done all in their power to make our stay pleasant. The rest of the family have not seen us. I feel deeply obliged to them for their kindness. They have been untiring in their labors. We were joined at the office by Bro. Jos. F. Smith. Between 9 & 10 o’clock Mayor Armstrong, Judge Elias A. Smith, B. Y. Hampton, Jesse W. Fox, Jr., John R. Winder, City Marshal Alfred Solomon, and C. H. Wilcken, met with us and we conversed with them concerning the movements of our enemies, and also to expose their wickedness. While I personally might have differed with them as to the methods which they employed to accomplish the ends they had in view, their motives were pure, and they risked their own liberty and spent means to accomplish the desired ends. Bro. N. V. Jones was also connected with them; but he was entrapped and is now in the penitentiary. These brethren have spent money which they have borrowed, and something, we felt, should be done to come to some arrangement that would be satisfactory in regard to this. After considerable conversation, it was decided to let them have $2500.00/ on the part of the Church towards the whole amount that they were indebted, at which they expressed great gratification.

We afterwards had a meeting with Zion’s Savings Bank and attended to business. Afterwards had a meeting with the Deseret Telegraph Co.

Brother Wm Budge came in and reported affairs in the North. We also had a meeting with Bishops Preston & Winder. I dictated my journal to Brother A. Winter.

Brother Jos. F. Smith and wife and myself and wife went back to President Woodruff’s to eat supper, the occasion being the marriage of his son Asael to Sister Naomi Butterworth. They were married this week at the Logan Temple. Yesterday they had a reception, to which we were invited, but we could not attend, as it would have been dangerous; so President Woodruff had us come down this evening. Besides ourselves, Bro. Wilcken and daughter Bertha, and Bro. Samuel Bateman, were present. We had a very pleasant visit. After supper Bp. Harrison Sperry and Bro. Butterworth, the father of the bride, came in and we spent some time together. Sister Naomi Butterworth is a sister of Sister Davy, who has lived with my first wife and children for several years. Naomi has also lived at my house a good deal and we entertain a very high regard for her. President Woodruff’s daughter Clara, the wife of Ovando Beebe, has been very sick for several days. He took us over to his house and we administered to her – that is, Brother Smith and, himself, and myself. She is improving in health. Brother Asael Woodruff has built him a very nice brick house of five rooms and has made a very good start. My wife Sarah Jane was with me, and my son Hugh came for us and took us down home. Found everybody in bed. It was a very cold night and stormed a little.

17 December 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 17/87. I was busy at home to-day. Bro. Penrose had telegraphed and written to us concerning overtures which had been made to him respecting certain newspapers in the Northwest who are willing [to] advocate our admission as a State. He did not know whether by engaging them there would be any interference with our private arrangement. In order to answer him intelligently, we had sent a dispatch to our friends to enquire of them whether the engagement of these papers would interfere in any way with them. They replied that it would not, and I wrote the following telegram, this afternoon, to be sent to Bro. Penrose, in response to his:

“Our friends approve action in securing newspapers mentioned. It will not interfere with their affairs.”

This evening Bro. Wilcken called for me and took supper with me, and then took me in his buggy to my wife Carlie’s. I was desirous to visit there, as two of the children have the measles. I administered to them, and, I think, with good effect. I had an attack of Ives [hives] myself this evening, which troubled me considerably.

18 December 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 18/87. I spent a very quiet day to-day. Administered to the sick twice and they seemed a little better. My wife is very much tired with waiting upon the children. Brother Wilcken called for me in the evening and carried me to my son Abraham’s, where we are going to stop this week.

19 December 1887 • Monday

Monday Dec. 19/87. President Woodruff and myself opened the letters, which I read to him and he signed the recommends. Afterwards I dictated answers to the public letters to Bro. A. Winter. I sent for my sons Hugh & David to talk with them concerning a party which I thought the children should have on the last day of the year. I wanted the boys to take hold of this and arrange for it; get up a list of guests and make the necessary arrangements for their transportation to and from there, and also in securing the music. In the evening we had a visit from Brother F. M. Lyman, who has just returned from a 65 days visit to the States. He has visited Independence and Richmond, in Missouri, and had an interview with David Whitmer; also visited Kirtland, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, &c. His description of his visits was very interesting. He accompanied his mother and spent a good deal of time among their relatives. I had a hot bath this evening and anointed myself with oil and drank some Jamaic Ginger tea, with a view of having a sweat, which I had been told by Brother Geo. Reynolds was his cure for this affliction.

20 December 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 20/87. I did not sweat any last night; but I feel pretty well this morning. The weather is very cold to-day; very piercing north wind blowing; said to be the coldest day we have had this winter. I had another visit from my sons Hugh and David to talk over the party arrangements. When the mail arrived President Woodruff and myself examined the letters and I dictated answers to Bro. A. Winter. In the evening President Woodruff went to visit ex-Judge Elias Smith, who is now confined to his house with old age. His mind, however, is bright and active. His trouble is rheumatism in his limbs. As I had heard that the sickness of one of the children – Vera – at my wife Carlie’s still continued, and she was a little worse if anything, I concluded to go there this evening. Brother Wilcken very kindly proffered to take me. I found the child in a very bad condition. I administered to her and felt that she would be relieved. Clawson is better than he was.

21 December 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 21/87. Vera had a better night last night than she has had for some little time. Brother Lehi Pratt called for me about half past five and carried me in his buggy to my son Abraham’s and afterwards brought Brother Jos. F. Smith there also, he having spent the night at his house. Bro. A. Winter brought our mail. President Woodruff and myself went through it, and I dictated answers to the public letters to Bro. Winter.

I had a visit from my wife Emily this afternoon and she remained here with me. The weather is exceedingly cold to-day. We arranged to leave here early in the morning to spend the day at the President’s Office.

22 December 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 22/87. I walked with Bro. Bateman from my son Abraham’s up to the office. It is delightful to get an opportunity to take this much exercise out of doors. It was very cold, and I was so muffled up that no one would know me, but we did not meet any person on the road.

A little after 10 o’clock we met together in council. There were present, President Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, and J. W. Taylor, of the Twelve, and Bishops Preston and Winder. After we had been in session a short time we were joined by Brother Lorenzo Snow, who had come down this morning on the train. A report of the organization of Cassia Stake, written by Bro. John W. Taylor, was read to the Council and was accepted. The condition of affairs at the St. George Temple was talked over and the appropriations needed for the ensuing year were considerably discussed. In view of the intended change in disbursing tithing at cash prices on 1st of Jan’y., 1888, it was felt that it would not be proper to appropriate the amount asked for, as it would be no more than just to reduce the wages correspondingly of those who worked in the Temple. As this could not be exactly reached, it was decided to appropriate $10,00000/ for the present. $230000/ was also appropriated to pay Temple hands who had worked some time previously, but who had received nothing for their services.

Appropriations were also made for the Manti Temple amounting to about $5000.00/, in Wheat, Factory cloth, Stock, &c. $200000/ were appropriated to pay David James & Co. on their bill, they having requested that amount to enable them to meet Eastern engagements. Bros. Jacob Gates and Henry Herriman, of the Seven Presidents of Seventies, are well advanced in years. Their cases were considered, Bro. Gates having applied for help. It was decided to allow him to draw $500.00/ per annum on the Tithing Office, to help him in his straitened circumstances. $25000/ per annum was allowed to Bro. Henry Herriman, his family being smaller than Bro. Gates’, the amount appropriated was smaller.

Brother Lorenzo Snow brought before the Council the appointment of Brother Rudger Clawson as President of the Box Elder Stake and gave his reasons for wishing him to fill that position. He had been valiant and his conduct in the penitentiary had been very exemplary. It was decided that he should be appointed to that position, and $500.00/ were appropriated to assist him, half in produce and half in better pay.

$500.00/ in cash were appropriated to assist ex-Judge Elias Smith, who is advanced in years, and whose case was represented to the Council by President Woodruff as one deserving consideration for his past fidelity and the losses he had been subjected to connected with his office.

I felt impressed to bring up the question of giving brethren credit for their tithing in kind and not reducing the tithing that was paid in to cash rates, for them to be credited at cash prices. Bp. John R. Winder took the same view that I did of this matter. The point that I desired to make was, that brethren who lived in extremely remote settlements would be credited with small amounts, because their products would only market at small figures; whereas their tithing was as honestly paid as the tithing, probably, of many who lived close to market. What I desired was, that every man should be credited with that which he paid, regardless of its market price.

A committee of three, consisting of Brothers Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, and John W. Taylor, was appointed to bring to Bro. A. M. Musser’s attention the injudicious articles that he has published in his paper called the “Palantic”. They afterwards reported that he was willing to conform to the wishes of the Council in respect to the tone of his papers.

A letter from a daughter of Bro. S. H. B. Smith was read, whose name is Florence M. Smith. She sets forth the injury she had received through having to milk while her father was in prison, by which one of her hands was paralyzed. It was not thought advisable to take any action in regard to her special case; but a committee was appointed, consisting of Bros. John H. Smith, H. J. Grant, and J. W. Taylor, to meet with Bro. S. H. B. Smith and find out the best terms upon which a settlement could be reached with him in regard to his difficulty with the Presiding Bishops.

The meeting was very satisfactory to-day. We did a great deal of business and did it promptly.

After the Council dismissed and darkness came on, we went down and viewed the butchers shop at the Tithing Office. It is one of the most elegantly arranged shops that I ever saw. It was an artistic display of fat beef, mutton, turkeys and geese, hogs, &c. One hog weighed nearly 700 lbs.; another nearly 500 lbs. From there I walked back to my son Abraham’s and found my wife Emily there.

23 December 1887 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 23/87. Attended to public correspondence to-day; dictated letters to Bro. A. Winter, advising various parties interested of the action of the Council on their cases yesterday. I also dictated a letter to Brother Schoenfeldt, President of the Swiss and German Mission, concerning my son Angus and his labors; also a reply to Brother Brigham Young to a letter which I had just received from him. I had an interview with my sons Hugh & David concerning the parties they have in contemplation.

At dusk we were carried to the house of Brother Heber M. Wells to eat a meal provided by the Carp Association. There were present, beside Brother Wells, Mayor Armstrong, Bp. O. F. Whitney, O. H. Wilcken, J. C. Cutler, E. M. Weiler, J. W. Fox, Jr., B. Y. Hampton, Geo. D. Pyper, A. J. Burt, and Samuel Bateman. The object in having the supper was to test the quality of the carp as an eatable fish. Reports had been circulated that it was an inferior fish for eating purposes. My son Frank had procured this carp at Ogden for Bro. Wilcken, and the services of Brother Ball were secured to cook them, and a very elegant supper was prepared. Sister Wells and Sister O. F. Whitney waited on the table. I enjoyed the meal very much, although, it being so late, I dared not eat much. But the carp were delicious, they having been cooked to perfection. We remained there till after 10 o’clock, when Brothers Woodruff and Smith were taken to their home by Bro. Bateman, and I was carried to my home on the river by Bro. Wilcken.

24 December 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 24/87. Bro. C. H. Wilcken brought the mail and I was busy looking through papers and attending to other matters of business. My boys Hugh and William were busily employed, with two Swiss brethren who are working for us, in putting ice in the ice house. I heard that my wife Carlie’s daughter Vera was very sick and I concluded to go there this evening. Brother Wilcken called for me in the evening and took me there. I found her in a very low condition, suffering from pneumonia; but I administered to her with considerable faith. My wife was very glad that I came.

25 December 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 25/87. I spent the day with my wife Carlie. There is a great improvement in Vera’s health to-day. She passed the best night that she had had since she had been taken sick. In the evening Brother Lehi Pratt called for me and carried me down to the river.

26 December 1887 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 26/87. I forgot to mention that on Friday night when I reached home I was informed that my son Sylvester had had a pitchfork run into his knee. I administered to him that night and the next day, and had it poulticed with bread and milk, which gave it some ease. I was very much concerned about the wound; for it is in a very dangerous place, and the fork penetrated considerable distance. I suspect that it was done by Ether Davy in play; but Sylvester carefully concealed the matter and rather conveyed the impression that it was his own carelessness.

The children were invited to eat Christmas dinner by my wife Martha, and Bro. Wilcken carried Sylvester over in his buggy when he brought down the mail. I went over also and spent the day at her house. We enjoyed our Christmas dinner very much. A number of the children and my wife Sarah Jane came in in the evening. We talked about the parties we are going to have. Brother Wilcken carried me to the office.

27 December 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 27/87. This has been a busy day for me at the office. I received a letter from Thomas Taylor, in response to one I had written him about Bp. Preston & Le Grand Young meeting him with the mortgage and notes which he gave on the Iron Manf’g. Co’s property for $55,000.00/ He said he had been waiting advices from California; therefore had delayed answering my letter; but that he would meet the gentlemen on Thursday on the platform, if they would come. We sent for Brothers Preston and Le Grand Young, and they made their arrangements to go. We had some trouble in finding the mortgage and notes, as they had been taken away from the office with other papers, and felt greatly relieved at finding them.

We had an interview with Brother J. R. Winder about our people in the city registering, and he assured us that every effort had been made to get our full strength registered. Brother George Reynolds read the public correspondence, of which there was considerable, and I was able to dictate some answers to Bro. A. Winter.

Brother Wm W. Riter called upon me on Sunday evening at my house and gave me a description of affairs at Washington. There is not that harmony between Brothers John T. Caine and John W. Young that should be, and the brethren there felt that someone in authority should go down and try and steady matters. He informed me that they had united in the wish that I could be spared to go down. They thought probably I could not be spared. They, however, felt it was necessary that someone should be there. Brother Riter returns with much more of a hopeful feeling concerning our prospects for admission as a State than he went away with. He finds that Utah has more friends and that her cause is listened to with more interest. I suggested to him that he should call upon us on Tuesday. He did so to-day, and gave a description of his labors and of the labors of the other brethren and the prospects as he saw them. I felt very unwell to-day. I was seized with vomiting in the night, and I refrained from eating. We left the office about 7 o’clock, and I made a hasty call at my wife Carlie’s; found Vera much better. I was then taken by Brother Wilcken to Bro. B. Y. Hampton’s, in the 20th Ward, where we got supper. He has been anxious for us to go and spend a little time with him. Bro. Wilcken gave me a hot bath to-night, which I enjoyed very much.

28 December 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 28/87. Had a very good night’s rest and feel much improved this morning. Brother Hampton and his wife make us very comfortable and wish us to feel entirely at home. Attended to public correspondence and dictated a number of letters to Bro. A. Winter, who came up from the office for that purpose.

By appointment, President Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith, and myself met “Maude” [Alexander Badlam, Jr.] and “Dellie” [Isaac Trumbo] at the President’s Office. We were carried there by Bro. S. Bateman. We had a very lengthy interview with them. They reported progress of affairs in Washington and the prospects that were before us for obtaining a State government. While they did not speak without qualification, they gave us grounds to believe that the prospects were very good, and the combinations which had been made in our behalf were likely to wield a powerful influence in the right direction. They intend to return to Washington as soon as Congress again meets and promise to keep us fully advised as to the results. We returned to Brother Hampton’s after the interview.

29 December 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 29/87. We have received letters from Bros. J W Young & C W Penrose, proposing to us to give the Gentiles in this city a share in the representation of the City Council. Bro. Penrose had written an editorial for the News, to be published if we should decide on doing anything in this matter. In the night last night it came to me that something should be done about this business at once, as our municipal election took place in February and if any movement of this kind were to be decided upon, immediate steps should be taken to prepare for it. I suggested to President Woodruff that we call a meeting to-day, at the office, of leading brethren and consult with them and see how they felt on this subject. He and Brother Smith thought it a good idea.

Brother Hampton carried me, disguised, to the office and he and Bro. Solomon afterwards brought President Woodruff and Brother Smith. In the meantime I had notices sent out for Mayor Armstrong, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, W. W. Riter, F. Cope, J. F. Wells, S. P. Teasdel, Members of the City Council; and besides these and ourselves, there were, John Sharp, J. R. Winder, and H. B. Clawson. President Woodruff, after stating that he had called them together to consult with them upon certain business, requested me to explain it to the brethren. I then stated that we had been advised by our own brethren who are in Washington, and also by friends who are not members of our Church, that it would be a good policy for us, at the present time, to give the minority representation in our City Council. I explained what we had done in this direction in the past, and that our overtures had not been received by the other party. Perhaps they would not be this time, though there was a different spirit now prevailing among some of these people to that which had formerly been exhibited. I stated that Senator Paddock had introduced a bill into the Senate which proposed to give to the Utah Commissioners the authority to re-district this city, which meant to “gerrymander” the city in such a way as to obtain, if possible, the control of the City Government. Our friends thought this might perhaps be defeated by giving the Gentile minority representation, and also amending our City charter so that each municipal ward would elect its own representatives to the Council. I said this was not a new policy for us to adopt. We had always, as a people, favored the giving of representation to others. I brought forward the case of the City Council in Nauvoo, when the Prophet Joseph was Mayor of the City; Daniel H. Wells, who was at that time not a member of the Church, and at least two more non-“Mormons”, were elected members of that body. After this was introduced the matter was thoroughly discussed and there seemed to be a unanimous feeling on the subject. Mayor Armstrong expressed himself rather strongly, but he did not seriously object to the policy, only he hated the idea of our people voting for members of the Loyal League and other open enemies of ours – a feeling in which all present, no doubt, shared. Brother Riter made the following motion:

“I move that it be the sense of this meeting that under existing circumstances we deem it prudent and advisable to grant to the minority in this city a representation in the City Council at the approaching election, provided it can be done without jeopardy to our own rights and privileges; and provided further that it may be done without admitting an uncontrollable opposition element.”

This was carried.

It was then decided, on motion, that the minority be tendered one Alderman and two Councilors, with the idea that perhaps they would ask for more, and that we could allow them two Aldermen and two Councilors, making four in all. This was carried by vote. Brothers W. W. Riter, John Clark and S. P. Teasdel were appointed the committee and sustained by vote, to make the overtures to the other party. It was suggested, however, that one only of this committee take any steps to begin with; that he should have interviews with the proper persons and obtain ideas from them as to how this proposition would be received; and in voting the feeling was expressed that this committee should call to their aid any of the brethren they might need or might think serviceable in approaching outside parties for the purpose of enlightening them upon this question and getting their adhesion to the proposition.

I was very much pleased with the unanimity that was manifested upon this subject. There seemed to be but one feeling in the meeting. The editorial that had been prepared by Brother Penrose was read, and it was felt that it would not be prudent for it to be published in the News at the present time, and it was questioned whether it would be prudent to publish it all or not in the News, as there is a jealousy of everything emanating from the News. If this appeared in the News, the thing would come out that it was a Church movement; but if the committee done this as individuals the proposition might be received with greater favor; and it was thought that if the editorial was published at all, it would appear to better advantage in the Herald. At this the meeting adjourned. Attended to public correspondence. Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. Attended to various items of business. Then President Woodruff and myself returned to Brother Hampton’s. Brother Smith went to his own home.

30 December 1887 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 30/87. Attended to public correspondence. Dictated a number of letters to Bro. A. Winter. President Woodruff and Brother Jos. F. Smith went to their homes this evening, and Brother C. H. Wilcken took me down to my house on the river.

31 December 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 31st/87. My children had arranged to have a party this afternoon in my schoolhouse. A good many small children were invited, and they were divided among my houses to take supper before they should return home. It snowed heavily all morning and it looked as though the party would be interfered with in consequence of the storm; but they had quite a good company and the afternoon turned out pleasant. They had excellent music; and though I was not able to witness their enjoyment I was told that they had a very delightful time and all seemed to be very happy. Dancing continued from two o’clock until six, when they stopped for supper. The musicians also took supper. My boys had arranged to have a wagon load of children brought down and taken back. At eight o’clock the young people who had been invited to a party in the evening came, and the house was quite crowded, and they had a very pleasant time. All expressed themselves that they had enjoyed themselves exceedingly. Refreshments were served, consisting of cake and lemonade about 10 o’clock in the evening.

Bro. Wilcken came down for me at about half past six to take me to the theatre. President Woodruff had expressed a wish that Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself should attend the theatre in his box, which he thought we could do with entire safety. Bro. Wilcken had arranged matters so that he thought we would be safe. It is the first time I have been in the theatre for about three years. The play was “Adonis”, Dixey’s company being the performers. I enjoyed it, though it is not a class of performance that I care to see very much – a great display of legs. Brothers Woodruff and Smith each had a wife with them. After the performance Bro. Wilcken took me back home in the sleigh in which he brought me up.

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December 1887, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024