April 1893

1 April 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, April 1st,

I arose this morning feeling that I had caught cold during the night. I had slept in the room without noticing that one of the windows was wide open. I felt very stupid all day from a cold and sore throat. It being Arbor Day, Brother Wilcken had provided a lot of ash trees to have planted. I went over by the river to the place which had been selected, and my sons and the hired help dug holes and planted the trees. They planted about seventy.

I wrote a letter to Dr. George L. Miller, of Omaha, in response to letters which he had sent to me. He appeared anxious to have an interview on political matters and to learn what our plans were in relation to bringing the question of the admission of Utah before Congress and the President.

2 April 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, April 2nd,

My throat was very sore to-day, but I went to meeting. Brother George Teasdale occupied about an hour and twenty minutes. His discourse was on the first principles of the Gospel, and he read a great deal of scripture from the Bible, Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price. Brother Penrose followed and made some remarks, occupying about seven minutes. Brother Stephens, leader of the Tabernacle choir, requested the congregation to wait after meeting was dismissed, that he might give them a little training in congregational singing. It was a rehearsal of something to be sung during Conference and the Dedication of the Temple.

3 April 1893 • Monday

Monday, April 3rd,

I am still suffering very much from a sore throat. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and myself were at the office most of the day. I finished signing the bonds for the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railroad. There are three hundred of them of $1000.00 each. Brother N. W. Clayton and James Jack had an interview with President Woodruff and myself about taking steps to secure a bonus for a continuation of the road. There seems to be great anxiety among leading Gentiles in town to have us push this railroad on to Deep Creek, and they propose to assist if we will do so. We conversed upon the subject, and I suggested, as president of the road, that Brother Clayton find out from them what they were willing to do in the shape of a bonus to assist us. Col. Trumbo is quite interested in this enterprise and proposes that we get prominent eastern men interested in it, which strikes us very favorably if we can only retain the control. My suggestion this morning was if we find out what these people here are willing to do toward assisting us, Brother Clayton could go down with the Colonel to the East and see what could be done there. I have a great desire to see our people get some control in the transportation of this country. I have always been averse to letting the railroads slip out of our hands, as I have felt that it would be a great injury to us. We have proved it to be so. Our people are deprived of all employment on the railroads, whereas if we had control every place might be occupied by Latter-day Saints.

A number of the brethren who came to attend Conference called on us, and we were kept very busy.

The First Presidency went down to the Temple and spent between one and two hours there deciding about the seating of the Priesthood in the large assembly hall. The house is very elegantly furnished. There is yet a great deal to do, but Bishop Winder feels confident that it will be done in time.

I was invited to take dinner with my son Abram and his wife Mina. I had a very pleasant time with my brothers Angus and David and my sisters Annie and Mary Alice. David had his son Angus and daughter Alice with him. My sister Leonore’s son, George C. Gardner, my brother Angus’s son Angus and his wife, his son Charles and wife, his son Lou and wife, my daughter Mary Alice, and some of the other children were also present.

4 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 4th,

I came to the office and dictated some of my journal to Arthur Winter. I rode with President <Woodruff> to the Tabernacle and opened the Conference at ten o’clock. There was a crowded house. President Woodruff spoke about forty minutes. My throat is some better but I felt weak, and in attempting to speak I told the people that I would not attempt to do so unless I was aided by their faith and prayers. I was greatly blessed with the Spirit and occupied an hour and ten minutes. The brethren felt to praise the Lord on account of the way I was led to speak.

This afternoon the time was occupied by Brothers Joseph F. Smith and Lorenzo Snow. I never heard the latter speak better in my life than he did at this meeting. After the meeting was dismissed I asked President Woodruff if his mind had rested upon anyone to act as president of the Salt Lake Temple. I said that of course as President of the Church he was president of the Temple, but he had duties to perform which would preclude his spending much time in the Temple. He said that his mind had not rested on anyone, but he thought that it should be one of the Apostles. I also felt that one of them should have the place, and told him that while I did not want to say, I would suggest that Brother Lorenzo act in this capacity. President Woodruff was much pleased with the suggestion and thanked the Lord for it. He said he relied a great deal on me in these things, that I had a great many revelations and was his counselor, and he wished me to freely make suggestions.

I had made arrangements for my family to go through the Temple this evening at five o’clock, as I thought that they would have a better opportunity of seeing the building than they would when it was so crowded. They were all delighted with what they saw.

5 April 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 5th,

The congregation at the Tabernacle this morning was so large and there were so many who could not get seats that it was decided to hold an overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall. Some of the Seven Presidents of Seventies and Apostle F. M. Lyman were requested to go there and meet with the people. Brothers Franklin D. Richards and Brigham Young, Jr., occupied the time in the Tabernacle. Excellent instructions were given, Brother Brigham being particularly strong in his testimony.

Brother William H. Seegmiller, president of the Sevier Stake, had written me in reply to a letter which I had addressed to him making an inquiry of him concerning statements which it was alleged that he had made respecting my son Frank’s character and asking him his authority for making them. This letter had caused me much grief, for it was written in a bad spirit. My letter to him had been submitted to Presidents [Woodruff] and Smith before it was sent and Brother Woodruff thought it was entirely too mild. But I preferred sending a mild letter, as I did not want to provoke any controversy with him. I felt after receiving his letter that I could not fellowship him in his position, as I felt that a man who would answer a member of the Church in the spirit in which he answered me was not a suitable man to preside over the people. I had an interview with him this morning. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and several of the Twelve were present. His remarks were so unsatisfactory to President Woodruff that he forbid him crossing the threshold of the Temple. We did not finish the conversation, as the time for meeting arrived, but he came to the office after the afternoon meeting. President Woodruff had gone home, but the greater number of the Twelve were present. Brother Seegmiller asked forgiveness, said that he had done wrong in writing the way he did, and he could now see where he had acted improperly. He said that he would not have written the way he did, but that he was under wrong impressions. We forgave him.

Before we went to meeting in the morning, the First Presidency and several of the Twelve, Brothers Lyman, John Henry Smith and my son Abraham, were together, and I moved that Rulon S. Wells be ordained one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Brother Jacob Gates. This was carried unanimously, and he was ordained to this office after we got through with Brother Seegmiller’s case. Brother Woodruff was not present, and I called upon Brother Lorenzo Snow to ordain him, but he preferred that I should do so. I was therefore mouth.

The first business of the afternoon session of the Conference was presenting the authorities. The only changes were the releasing of Brother Joseph Don Carlos Young from the position of architect, the Temple now being finished and his services in that respect will not be necessary. I spoke in praise of his work and mentioned the Annex as one of the most beautiful buildings of its size I had ever seen. It was moved and seconded that we tender him a vote of thanks and esteem which was unanimously carried by the Conference. Another change was the accepting of the resignation of Brother Amos Howe and the selection of Brother Joseph F. Smith to fill his place on the General Board of Education.

6 April 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, April 6th,

My sleep was interrupted a good deal last night through my anxiety to get moving early that we might not be behind in reaching the Temple. I had arranged for the first bell to ring at half past five and the second at six o’clock. Some of the folks went up to the Temple with the car, while others went with teams. We reached the east gate before eight o’clock and were arranged in the form of a procession, President Woodruff’s family leading and mine and Brother Smith’s and the families of the Twelve following[.] I had forty-five in number, not counting myself. Some of the family had missed going through as I had arranged last Tuesday afternoon, and they as well as those who had gone through enjoyed the sight of this glorious structure and its furnishings very much.

We had been led in response to numerous applications received from Gentiles to decide yesterday that invitations should be sent to a number of Gentiles, some of whom had been our bitterest opponents. Accordingly at five o’clock last evening quite a number of prominent outsiders went through the Temple, and they were filled with admiration at its beauty and so expressed themselves. I understand that the Tribune had a very excellent article upon the subject and had also a description of the interior of the house which was published in the Deseret News last night. We felt that permitting these people to go through would have a good effect upon their minds, as the invitation was so unexpected.

This morning it took a long time for the people to get into the hall and get seated. A great many had to stand for want of room. There was a choir of three hundred voices under the direction of Brother Evan Stephens, and the singing was very delightful. In the stand of the First Presidency there were on the centre seat Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself of the First Presidency and Brother Lorenzo Snow, president of the Twelve. There were four chairs placed in the stand in which Brothers F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher and Patriarch John Smith sat, there not being room on the seat below for all the Twelve to sit. On that seat were the presidency of the Salt Lake Stake and eight of the Twelve. Brother Grant having reached here early this morning and Brother Thatcher having come down late last night, all the Twelve were present, something which rarely happens.

The Twelve held a meeting last evening, at which Brother Thatcher was present, and after a full expression of views on the part of the Twelve concerning his position he finally, towards midnight, yielded, and they had a very happy time. This morning the brethren told the First Presidency the results of their meeting with much gratification. We also were greatly gratified to think that Brother Thatcher had been brought to the see his true position. President Snow said that the ten of the Twelve who were present stood solidly together, and when Brother Thatcher saw this it had great influence with him, and he found that if he would be one with them he must yield.

Today Brother Thatcher expressed a desire to converse with the First Presidency, and the conversation took place in the vestry of the Melchisedec stand. Besides the First Presidency, all the Twelve were present. Brother Thatcher then made a statement. He remarked that he had not at any time intentionally used any influence against the First Presidency. He had therefore nothing to apologize for on that point. But as the brethren of the Twelve had all expressed themselves to the effect that his course had been of such a character as to be in opposition to that of the First Presidency, and accepting their judgment, he desired to make acknowledgment to that effect and to ask forgiveness. He made a number of remarks in this strain. President Woodruff grasped his hand and they embraced. President Woodruff said he forgave him. He then turned to me and grasped my hand and we embraced, and I told him I forgave him. He then went to President Jos. F. Smith and they embraced, but President Smith remarked, “Brother Moses, I would like you to not only do this on the judgment of the brethren, but to feel yourself that the course that you have taken has been in opposition to the First Presidency.” I was much pleased that President Smith made this statement, because I was not fully satisfied in my feelings with the expression that Brother Thatcher made concerning his feelings. My desire has been all the time that he himself would see that he was in the wrong; but this was the thought that I had on the subject: if the Twelve can accept this, in view of past occurrences and the feeling that Brother Thatcher has had against me I will not say a word. I do not think there can be thorough harmony unless we see alike and feel alike, and not acquiesce in a certain course or in certain views because all the rest have that view.

My feelings have been very peculiar during these whole proceedings. I have been profoundly impressed with the goodness of God to me. I feel that He has vindicated me abundantly and has heard my prayers, for in the depth of my affliction I cried unto Him to deliver me from what seemed to be a combination against me, and I asked Him that that combination might be broken. It has taken time, but it has come to pass. I have pitied Brother Thatcher. I have prayed for him most earnestly, for I did not want to see him or any of my brethren take a wrong course. All I have asked in all these difficulties and misunderstandings has been that each of us might see himself in the light of the Holy Spirit. I knew that if I received the Holy Spirit I would see where I had done wrong and I would repent of it, and it would be the same with all the rest.

The hall presented a beautiful appearance this morning, and the congregation was exceedingly pleased with it. An anthem was sung by the choir, when President Woodruff arose and spoke beautifully for some little time. He then read the dedicatory prayer after which President Lorenzo Snow, at the request of President Woodruff, instructed the congregation as to the manner of crying “Hosannah, hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb. Amen, amen, amen,” and the hall resounded with the cry of the host that was present in following him in these words. It was a grand sight and one that is not soon to be forgotten to see the people standing on their feet and waving their handkerchiefs in unison at each cry and uttering a volume of sound which might be heard a long distance. After this, the choir sang the anthem “Hosannah” and the people joined in singing “The Spirit of God like a fire is burning.” When this was finished President Woodruff called upon me to speak, and when I did so my feelings almost choked me. My words were entirely too feeble to express my thoughts. After speaking a few minutes, however, I obtained control of myself. I touched upon a number of subjects which I thought needed mentioning. I felt to praise the Lord for the union He had given us and the results of the course which the First Presidency had taken in asking the people to fast and pray. I then related a little of our experience in counseling the people. The First Presidency knew by the Spirit of the Lord which He had revealed to them that the course they had taken was from Him, and that they had been guided by the revelations of Jesus in taking it. After I got through, President Woodruff spoke excellently, after which President Jos. F. Smith spoke with great power and under the influence of the Holy Ghost.

After the meeting we went down to Sainsbury & Johnson’s art gallery and sat for a number of portraits.

In the afternoon the services commenced at half past two o’clock. The choir in this meeting was reduced to fifty, but did excellent service. The prayer was read by myself.

After the Hosannah shout and the singing, President Woodruff called upon me to speak. I only occupied about ten minutes. He followed, and after him Brother Lorenzo Snow spoke. We all enjoyed the meeting very much.

This has been a most delightful day for every Latter-day Saint who participated in these services.

7 April 1893 • Friday

Friday, April 7th. I came to the office this morning, and the First Presidency went from there to the Temple, where the meeting commenced at 10. The choir was under the leadership of Brother A. C. Smythe. It was the Manti choir, and their singing was very sweet. The people present this morning were from Mexico, Star Valley, San Luis, St. Joseph, Millard, Morgan, Summit, Bear Lake, Sevier and Sanpete Stakes. The dedicatory prayer was read by Brother Joseph F. Smith. The shout of Hosanna was led by Brother Lorenzo Snow and was given with great vigor. President Woodruff then arose and said the Lord had made it manifest to him that there was gladness among the sanctified in heaven and that all the prophets of this dispensation, Joseph, Brigham and John Taylor, and the prophets of ancient days among the Nephites and Israelites led by the Son of God all rejoiced exceedingly at the dedication of this Temple, and it was accepted of God. The Spirit accompanied this testimony and filled every heart. After he had spoken he called upon Brother Franklin D. Richards who occupied about twenty-five minutes. Afterwards he asked me to speak, and I occupied fifteen minutes, thinking the time would be divided between myself and Brother Joseph F. Smith, but President Woodruff thought it best to bring our meeting to a close. There was an excellent Spirit in the house, and all rejoiced.

In the afternoon the same order of cermonies was observed as in the morning except that President Lorenzo offered the prayer. After the cry of Hosanna had been given, President called upon Brother Joseph F. Smith to speak which he did with great power, occupying about twenty minutes. I think every heart must have been touched by his words. Brother Woodruff then followed and made some remarks which gladdened the hearts of the people, and at his request I spoke and occupied fifteen minutes and enjoyed a great amount of the Spirit. After this the meeting was dismissed.

At seven o’clock the First Presidency repaired to the Temple again. The congregation was not so large as usual, and we felt to regret that notice had not been given to the Saints to go in and fill up the house. The proceedings were conducted as usual, except that Brother Franklin D. Richards delivered the dedicatory prayer. The speakers were Brothers Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, President Woodruff and myself, and all enjoyed the Spirit to a great extent. The remarks were very interesting.

After meeting Brother Wilcken took me in a carriage up to Bishop Clawson’s in the Twelfth Ward. Brother Clawson had a company of his wife’ Emily’s relatives, and they being also relatives of my wife Carlie’s were desirous of seeing her. I stayed there a little while and then Brother Wilcken, Carlie and myself drove down home.

8 April 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, April 8th,

The First Presidency went as usual to the Temple, and the proceedings were conducted as yesterday. Brother Brigham Young delivered the dedicatory prayer. President Joseph F. Smith addressed the congregation for about forty minutes and spoke with great power. He was followed by President Woodruff and myself. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us and upon the people.

Between the meetings I went to the art gallery of Sainsbury and Johnsons and sat for a group with my two brothers, Angus and David, and my sisters, <Mary Alice,> Annie; Leonore and Elizabeth. Two or three different sittings were had. This is the first time in our lives that all my father’s children were together in one room.

In the afternoon we went to the Temple again, and the same order of proceedings was followed. Brother F. M. Lyman read the prayer. President Lorenzo Snow addressed the congregation and occupied about twenty minutes. He was followed by President Woodruff who spoke about half an hour. The instructions of both were very delightful and were appreciated by the people. It is remarkable how much vigor and freshness of spirit Brother Woodruff manifests. He surprises everybody. I was called upon to follow him.

During his remarks Brother Snow said that the Lord would reveal unto the Twelve in case of a dissolution of the First Presidency the men He wished to preside over His kingdom here on earth just as He had done from the beginning. He felt that in case of a death occurring in the First Presidency the Lord would very soon call men to that position. These remarks of Brother Snow called forth the following from President Woodruff: “I want to say one thing in connection with what Brother Snow has said. I want to give counsel to my brethren the counselors, to these Twelve Apostles and to these men of Israel, that when ever I pass away do not let this Church stand without a Presidency one year nor ten months, but go to and organize the Presidency and keep it, and it should be kept in this Church and kingdom until the coming of the Son of Man.”

9 April 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, April 9th,

My son Willard drove me up this morning. We met as usual in the Temple. John Henry Smith offered the prayer. After the shouts of Hosanna were given, the Salt Lake choir sang. I was called upon by President Woodruff to speak and was blessed with a good flow of the Spirit of the Lord. I was followed by President Woodruff, after which President Joseph F. Smith occupied considerable time and spoke with a good deal of power. President Woodruff again spoke for a few moments.

In the afternoon the prayer was delivered by Brother George Teasdale, and the proceedings were conducted as in the forenoon, the Salt Lake choir doing the singing. President Woodruff addressed the congregation and spoke with a good deal of the Spirit. He seems to be improved in health by the fatigue which he endures. He called upon me to speak, and I occupied the remainder of the time. In the course of my remarks he asked me to speak in the Sandwich Island tongue, quite a number of the natives being present. I did so and asked them a number of questions to which they responded.

There was quite a gathering of relatives at my house this evening. I had four sisters, two brothers and several of their children. Angus and David had their wives with them, and there were several other visitors besides the family. We had an excellent dinner, my wife Sarah Jane having provided it, and afterwards we repaired to her house where we had music from the children on their mandolins and guitars as well as piano playing and singing. My brothers Angus and David spoke, and they were followed by my son Abram, and I closed. There were some very delightful remarks made and all enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord to a great extent. One fact impressed me very much, perhaps I have mentioned it before, that out of all my fathers and mother’s descendants, numbering considerably over two hundred every one is in the Church. This is very pleasing to contemplate, and I feel that our family has been greatly favored of the Lord. Some of the folks had to be sent to the city, and two of the boys drove them up. The others remained with us all night.

10 April 1893 • Monday

Monday, April 10, 1893. My brother David and myself drove to the city this morning.

The services at the Temple were resumed. The Ogden choir did the singing, and it was excellently done. Brother Heber J. Grant offered the prayer. One of his daughters has been attacked with diphtheria. I feel very sympathetic for him because of his afflictions. President Woodruff called upon Brothers John Henry Smith and George Teasdale to speak. They each occupied about ten minutes, after which President Woodruff read the 49th chapt. of Isaiah and addressed the saints. The Spirit of the Lord was powerfully poured out upon the people. I enjoyed it very much—in fact, melted under its influence. He afterwards called upon me to speak, which I did and occupied about twelve minutes, having a good flow of the Spirit and speaking with some power.

After this meeting, President Lorenzo Snow came up to the office and desired to have a private conversation with the First Presidency. We went into the back room, and he then stated that it had been suggested to him that we should have a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve, the Presidents of Stakes and Counselors and the Presiding Bishops in the Temple, and clothe in our Temple apparel, and after the First Presidency giving their views and explaining matters, that there should be a general expression from the brethren, and that afterwards we should partake of the sacrament. The suggestion struck the Presidency very favorably, and we decided to hold such a meeting, in the room of the First Presidency in the Temple.

After we got through this business, our conversation turned on what had occurred, and President Smith spoke of the expressions of Brother Moses Thatcher when he asked forgiveness, and said that he had endeavored to save that point, namely, that Brother Thatcher ought not to do what he did on the strength of his brethren’s judgment and views, but to see it and feel it himself. President Snow said he hoped that we had not noticed that point, though he was satisfied we must have noticed it. He said he was not satisfied himself with that expression.

In the course of the conversation I referred to the wonderful change which had taken place, and I was moved to tears in talking to the brethren upon what we had gone through, and what I especially had suffered after the death of President Taylor. I told them it made me exceedingly happy to have such a condition of feeling as now prevailed among the brethren, and to see the harmony and the love, and I felt to praise the Lord with all my heart that while the First Presidency and the Twelve were solidly united, any one man stood but little chance to prevail against them.

President Woodruff alluded to Brother Erastus Snow. He said he wanted to testify to us before the Lord, and the Lord had revealed to him, that Erastus Snow might have been alive and in the flesh today if he had not taken the course which he did at that time; that his influence and his experience were such that if he had taken a proper stand much of that feeling might have been checked; but he joined in with it and lent his countenance to it and for this reason he had not been permitted to remain. I make mention of this because it was uttered in a very solemn manner. I have heard President Woodruff make this same remark more than once before this, but I do not think I have mentioned it in my journal. Brother Lorenzo Snow expressed himself as having the same view of Brother Erastus Snow’s conduct.

We again met in the Temple at 2:30, and the proceedings were conducted as usual. Brother John W. Taylor read the dedicatory prayer. The Ogden choir sang and were listened to with much pleasure.

The speakers this afternoon were Brothers Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, President Woodruff, myself and President Jos. F. Smith. I enjoyed a good deal of the Spirit in my remarks.

It has rained considerably all day, and in the evening stormed violently.

I was at the office until after seven o’clock at a meeting of the Salt Lake and Deseret Irrigating and Manufacturing Company. A proposition has been made to sell the land which has been taken up under the desert entry to a colony of Jews, and this was partly decided upon before I returned home from Washington. The proposition has not struck me favorably, and I so expressed myself; but as Presidents Woodruff and Smith seemed in favor of it I would of course offer no objection.

I drove home accompanied by my son Brigham through a heavy storm of rain and sleet.

11 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 11, 1893. I drove to Bishop Preston’s this morning, where a meeting of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co. was held, and I qualified as a director, to which office I had been recently elected. The business was a resolution that the Manager consult with the attorney and make a protest against the issuance of a patent of the Caroline mine to John Beck.

We met as usual at the Temple at ten o’clock, and the proceedings were conducted in the usual order. Brother M. W. Merrill offered the dedicatory prayer. The Logan choir did the singing and it was excellently done. President Woodruff announced to the speakers that they would be allowed ten minutes each. Brother A. H. Lund spoke first and occupied ten minutes. Brother Jos. F. Smith spoke next and occupied fifteen minutes. I occupied ten, and President Woodruff took up the remainder of the time. I felt a little hurt in my feelings and did not enjoy myself as as I do sometimes, although I spoke quite freely.

We met again as usual in the afternoon. Brother Anton [Anthon] H. Lund offered the prayer. The speakers were Brother M. W. Merrill and the First Presidency.

12 April 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 12th,

The assembly convened as usual in the upper room of the Temple, and the proceedings were conducted as they had been on previous days. My son Abram H. Cannon offered the prayer. Brother John D. T. McAllister spoke ten minutes, and I then spoke for twenty minutes and did so with a great deal of freedom and power. President Woodruff then followed and spoke very interestingly.

In the afternoon I was called upon to offer the prayer. Brother Joseph F. Smith spoke with a good deal of the Spirit of the Lord.

After meeting I held a long conversation with Brother William H. Rowe and my son Frank concerning some land on the Bear River Canal.

13 April 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, April 13th,

I attended the dedication services at the Temple as usual this morning. President Joseph F. Smith read the dedicatory prayer. The Union Glee Club of Salt Lake City did the singing. They were all male voices and all good singers, but I missed the presence of the sisters in the choir. President Woodruff desired me to speak which I did and enjoyed a very excellent flow of the Spirit. I was followed by President Woodruff, and he was followed by Brother Joseph F. Smith who made a few remarks to the congregation and called for an expression from them as to whether they felt to accept the house or not, to which there was a universal response of aye. Brother John Morgan dismissed the meeting. We were kept very busy at the office between and after the meetings. I prepared an article for the Juvenile which I had dictated to my son Hugh. I also wrote a letter of introduction to Hon. J. Stirling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, for Major J. M. Langsdorf, of Ogden, who is desirous of getting the appointment of consul at [blank] Mexico. Mr. Langsdorf is a man of excellent character, and I wrote him a good strong letter.

At half past two, we went again to the Temple, and the proceedings were as usual. Brother Evan Stephens with one hundred voices from the Salt Lake choir did the singing which was very much appreciated. President Lorenzo Snow read the dedicatory prayer. After the shouts of Hosanna had been given and the singing of the choir in which the congregation joined “The Spirit of God like a fire is burning”, Brother Joseph F. Smith spoke for about twenty-five minutes. He had a good flow of the Spirit. President Woodruff requested me to follow which I did and occupied about twenty minutes. It is seldom that I have felt more of the Spirit of the Lord than I did on this occasion. President Woodruff occupied the remainder of the time. After the meeting I had an interview with Mr. Ed. Exum who is a candidate for the office of U. S. Marshal. He came to the office accompanied by my son John Q. and Ben E. Rich. I think if he gets the office that he will make a very good marshal. He desired me to use my influence to get him the position.

I afterwards attended a meeting of the Co-operative Wagon and Machine Company at the President’s office.

My son Hugh, who is now acting as my private secretary, engaged to-day with Brother Wilcken in planting trees for me.

14 April 1893 • Friday

Friday, April 14th,

The assembly met as usual in the upper hall of the Temple this morning at ten o’clock. The Provo City choir was there and did the singing. The proceedings were as usual. Brother Franklin D. Richards offered the dedicatory prayer which seemed to tax his strength very much. He felt somewhat faint. After the shout of Hosanna and the singing of a chant by the choir, Abram H. Cannon occupied about ten minutes. He was followed by Brother Joseph F. Smith who occupied about twenty-five minutes. President Woodruff then spoke for about ten minutes, and I made a few remarks before calling upon the choir to sing. The proceedings were quite interesting, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon the people. At one o’clock I met with the Sunday School Union to arrange about the children going into the Temple. A committee consisting of Brothers George Goddard, Joseph W. Summerhays and Thomas C. Griggs, together with the secretary of the Union, John M. Whittaker, was appointed to arrange the details for the admission of the children belonging to the Sunday School to the Temple on Friday and Saturday of next week.

At half past <two> we again met with the Saints. The Provo choir was again present and did the singing. The proceedings were as usual. Brother Brigham Young delivered the dedicatory prayer. I was called upon to speak and occupied some time and enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord. Brother Woodruff also spoke and was followed by Brother Joseph F. Smith who called for an expression from the people concerning their acceptance of the house[.]

15 April 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, April 15th,

President Woodruff was not able to come to the meeting this morning. President Joseph F. Smith and myself were there, and I presided. After the choir had sung, Elder F. M. Lyman, one of the Twelve Apostles read the prayer. Elders Franklin D. Richards and Brigham <Young> spoke, and I followed. President Joseph F. Smith then took an expression from the people concerning their acceptance of the house and of their feelings concerning whether the Lord had accepted it. They responded affirmatively that they accepted it and that they felt that the Lord did so. He occupied about twenty minutes.

I drove down to President Woodruff’s this evening and administered to him after I left the Temple.

In the afternoon Elder John Henry Smith, of the Twelve, offered the dedicatory prayer. Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman, Joseph F. Smith and myself spoke. I enjoyed an excellent flow of the Spirit as did the other brethren. I called upon Bishop John R. Winder, one of the Presiding Bishopric and who occupied the Aaronic stand, to dismiss and requested the congregation to turn their faces toward that stand.

Brother and Sister Crockett, of Preston, spent the evening and night with us. Sister Crockett is a daughter of Brother Clarkson whom I knew in New York. Sister Crockett also lived with my wife Elizabeth during her lifetime, and we formed a very high opinion of her. Brother Crockett is a son of Alvin Crockett who was an intimate acquaintance of my boyhood.

16 April 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, April 16th,

My son Brigham took me to the Temple this morning in the buggy. President Woodruff was not able to come up, though he was some better. The Salt Lake choir did the singing both at the morning and afternoon services. After the singing Elder George Teasdale, one of the twelve Apostles, offered the dedicatory prayer. I called upon President Joseph F. Smith to speak and remarked that some of the other brethren and myself would also speak to the people, but he forgot himself and became so interested that he did not conclude until four or five minutes before Twelve o’clock. He felt annoyed at himself at having occupied so much time, because he had announced that he would only occupy a short time and some of the rest of the brethren would speak. I called upon Bishop Burton who was in the Aaronic stand to dismiss, and the congregation faced that stand.

In the afternoon Elder Heber J. Grant, of the Twelve Apostles, delivered the dedicatory prayer. After an anthem had been sung, Elder John Henry Smith spoke for a short time with much spirit. Elder Teasdale followed and made a few remarks, and President Joseph F. Smith addressed the congregation for a short time and took a vote from the people concerning their acceptance of the house and their feeling as to whether the Lord had accepted it or not. I occupied the remainder of the time and felt excellently in speaking. The congregations to-day have been somewhat mixed. A great many persons were there, especially in the morning, whose presence surprised a good many of the brethren because they were considered as not being connected with us; but in consequence of the ruling that every one whose name was on the books and had not been disfellowshipped could get a recommend, these people had come forward and claimed the recommendations which had been given to them. I trust that the teachings that they have receive[d] will have a good effect upon them. They have certainly heard nothing but what is good. Rulon S. Wells, one of the seven presidents of seventies, dismissed the meeting.

I drove down to President Woodruff’s and found him better but still weak, and I administered to him.

17 April 1893 • Monday

Monday, April 17th,

We have constant communication concerning Elder Moses Thatcher’s condition. His symptoms are more favorable than they have been. President Woodruff had improved sufficiently to come to the Temple again this morning. After the singing by the Salt Lake choir, Elder John W. Taylor, of the Twelve, was called upon to offer the dedicatory prayer. The shouts of Hosanna were given as they have been at all of the meetings, President Snow leading in the shout. Elder H. J. Grant spoke spiritedly for a few minutes. President Woodruff called upon Brother Joseph F. Smith to speak and afterwards upon myself. I enjoyed a good flow of the spirit. President <Woodruff> also spoke for a few minutes. The meeting was dismissed by President Lorenzo Snow.

After this meeting President Woodruff returned home, as he did not feel strong enough to stay to the afternoon services, and I had to take charge of the proceedings. After singing by the choir[,] Elder M. W. Merrill delivered the dedicatory prayer after which President Lorenzo Snow taught the people how to shout Hosanna. Elder John W. Taylor was called upon to speak, and during his remarks he offered prayer in behalf of Elder Thatcher and spoke about his condition. President Lorenzo Snow in his remarks gave some instruction concerning the praying for the recovery of the sick. I thought his remarks very timely in view of what had been said by Elder John W. Taylor. President Joseph F. Smith also said something in his remarks upon the subject, the Spirit evidently leading the brethren to do so to remove any incorrect impression which they might have received from the previous remarks. Brother Smith spoke with a good deal of power. I also spoke and had much of the Spirit. Brother Edward Partridge who was occupying a seat in the Presiding Bishop’s stand dismissed the meeting, and the congregation faced that stand.

18 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 18th,

President Woodruff came up this morning and felt some better. We met as usual in the Temple and after the singing Elder A. H. Lund of the Twelve Apostles offered the dedicatory prayer. President Snow as usual led in the shout of Hosanna. Elder M. W. Merrill was called upon to speak and occupied about seventeen minutes, and President Woodruff followed, occupying about twenty minutes. I also spoke for about twenty minutes and felt exceedingly well, after which Brother Joseph F. Smith called upon the people as usual for their votes as to their acceptance of the house which were given unanimously in answer to both questions.

In the afternoon the Salt Lake choir sang as it did this morning, and prayer was offered by Elder Abraham H. Cannon, one of the Twelve Apostles. President Woodruff made a few remarks before Brother Lorenzo Snow called upon the people to shout Hosanna. Bishop John R. Winder spoke from the Aaronic stand for ten minutes. Brother Joseph F. Smith spoke a few minutes and called for the usual vote from the people as to the acceptance of the house. I followed and was truly blessed, for I felt full of the Spirit which burned within me—in fact, I have never felt so well at any meeting as I did at this. President Woodruff followed and made remarks as follows:

“The promises that the God of heaven has made to us are of vast importance if we can only comprehend them. If the sixty thousand Latter-day Saints who have or will probably enter into this building at the dedication of this building Temple will humble themselves before the Lord and repent of their sins, the Lord will forgive their sins, has forgiven them and will accept of this people, and they will find their records clear when they come before the judgment seat of God. They will find records clear and their sins blotted out of the book of remembrance and remembered no more against them forever. This one principle itself is worth more than all the labor that any man or woman can pass through in this world. And then consider the blessings that follow in its train. The prayers of the Saints are answered, their work is received. The offerings of those who have contributed to this Temple are accepted, and the Spirit of God will be with them, and the Lord will assist them from this time henceforth and forever if they will only do their duty and live their religion.”

19 April 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 19, 1893. At 10 o’clock we met in the room of the First Presidency in the Temple. There were present the following brethren:

Wilford Woodruff:

George Q. Cannon:

First Presidency

Joseph F. Smith:

Lorenzo Snow:

Franklin D. Richards:

Brigham Young:

F. M. Lyman:

John H. Smith:

George Teasdale:


Heber J. Grant:

John W. Taylor:

M. W. Merrill:

A. H. Lund:

A. H. Cannon:

John Smith:


S. B. Young:

C. D. Fjelsted:

John Morgan:

B. H. Roberts:

First Seven Presidents of Seventies

Geo. Reynolds:

J. G. Kimball:

R. S. Wells:

W. B. Preston,:

R. T. Burton:

Presiding Bishopric

J. R. Winder:

Presidents of Stakes

T. E. Ricks

Bannock Stake

W. F. Rigby

J. E. Steele

C. O. Card


Geo. Osmond

Star Valley Stake

W. W. Burton

A. V. Call

Wm. Budge

Bear Lake Stake

J. H. Hart

W. L. Rich

G. C. Parkinson

Oneida Stake

S. H. Hale

M. F. Cowley

Orson Smith

Cache Stake

S. M. Molen

Isaac Smith

Rudger Clawson

Box Elder Stake

A. Madson

C. Kelly

L. W. Shurtliff

Weber Stake

C. F. Middleton

N. C. Flygare

Richard Fry

Morgan Stake

Samuel Francis

W. H. Rich

W. W. Cluff

Summit Stake

A. Eldredge

W. E. Pack

C. C. Hoskins

Malad Stake

W. H. Gibbs

W. R. Smith

Davis Stake

J. H. Grant

A. M. Cannon

Salt Lake Stake

J. E. Taylor

C. W. Penrose

H. S. Gowans

Tooele Stake

G. F. Richards

A. O. Smoot

Utah Stake

D. John

E. Partridge

Abram Hatch

Wasatch Stake

T. H. Giles

H. S. Alexander

S. R. Bennion

Uintah Stake

A. R. Smith

San Luis Stake

Wm. Paxman

Juab Stake

C. Sperry

J. W. Paxman

C. G. Larsen

Emery Stake

O. Seeley

W. Howard

C. Peterson

Sanpete Stake

H. Beal

J. B. Maiben

I. N. Hinckley

Millard Stake

D. Thompson

D. R. Stevens

W. H. Seegmiller

Sevier Stake

G. W. Bean

W. H. Clark

C. D. White

M. L. Shepherd

Beaver Stake

J. F. Talton

J. W. Crosby, Jr,

Panguitch Stake

M. M. Steele

D. Cameron

U. T. Jones

Parowan Stake

E. D. Woolley

Kanab Stake

T. Chamberlain

D. Seegmiller

F. A. Hammond

San Juan Stake

W. Halls

A. W. Ivins

St. George Stake

E. B. Snow

J. N. Smith

Snowflake Stake

L. H. Hatch

D. H. Udall

St. John Stake

E. N. Freeman

A. Gibbons

C. I. Robson

Maricopa Stake

C. R. Hakes

A. F. Macdonald


H. Eyring

Bishop S. Claridge

represented St. Joseph Stake

J. D. T. McAllister

St. George Temple

D. H. Cannon

J. G. Bleak

W. H. Thompson

Lorin Farr

L. John Nuttall

John Nicholson

Clerk of Conference

Arthur Winter


As the First Presidency entered the room all the brethren arose to their feet and remained standing till we had taken our places.

We had singing, and prayer by Brother Brigham Young.

President Woodruff said to me that he would have to leave the meeting in my charge, as he did not feel able. In his remarks afterwards he announced to the brethren that he threw off everything he could on to his Counselors, and that they would manage this meeting.

We deemed it advisable, as the Twelve had all spoken during the Temple services, to call upon the remainder of the brethren to express their feelings upon the dedication of the Temple, the spirit that had been manifested there, and concerning the teachings that had been given. I called upon Prest. Thomas E. Ricks to speak, and he was followed by his counselors. Instead, however, of going on with the Presidents of Stakes, I called upon Patriarch taking the Presidents of Stakes and Counselors from the north, we went down the list to the extreme south.

We had an adjournment between 12:30 and 2, the meeting being dismissed by singing, and prayer by Brother Lyman.

Before we dismissed, however, President Woodruff spoke, and his remarks were of a very feeling and interesting character, and they touched the hearts of all present.

In the afternoon session, when we walked in the brethren again arose to their feet and stood while we took our places.

In addition to those there this morning, Brother Geo. B. Wallace was present, by invitation.

After singing, and prayer by Brother John Henry Smith, the brethren resumed their remarks.

About 4 o’clock I had Brothers Nicholson and Winter ascertain how many had spoken and how many there were yet to speak. We found that there would not be time enough for all to speak unless we had a very protracted meeting—that is, if they occupied on an average as much time as those who had spoken; and I suggested to President Woodruff that perhaps it might be well to have an evening meeting, and that if he did not feel able to come to it, he could stay home. This however, did not seem to strike him favorably; he said he would be able, he thought, to come to the evening meeting. But as the brethren continued their remarks he said we might as well keep on until all had spoken. Some of the brethren were rather diffuse in their remarks, and I did what I could to remind them of the necessity of brevity, without talking so plainly as to offend them; but I felt towards the close of the meeting that we were overtaxing President Woodruff, and I became very uneasy. He told me after awhile that he had some pain, and I felt so uneasy that if I had been sitting on a hot stove I could scarcely have felt more uncomfortable; but the brethren felt so well, and the Spirit of the Lord was enjoyed to so great an extent, that time was almost lost sight of by some.

After all the brethren had got through speaking, President Woodruff said he desired to speak, and he also desired myself and Brother Smith to speak. He made some remarks, and the Spirit of the Lord was powerfully poured out upon Him.

After he had got through, I arose. I was reluctant to do so, because I felt that it was trespassing upon him by keeping him. I was so overcome by my emotions that I had to stand for some little time before I could say a word. I felt excellently when I did speak, but I made my remarks as brief as possible.

President Jos. F. Smith then followed, and he spoke at some length. President Woodruff became quite wearied and he said to me he wished that he would stop, and I ventured to pull Brother Smith’s coat-tail, for which I afterwards apologized to him by explaining to him what President Woodruff had said and how anxious he was for the meeting to close.

It was after 6 when we got through. President Smith offered the dismissal prayer.

All the brethren felt excellently and spoke in a manner to touch our hearts and to soften our feelings. It was indeed a love feast, and gladdened my heart to an extent impossible for me to describe. I had desired with an exceeding great desire to see this spirit poured out upon the brethren, to see union and harmony restored, and to have love prevail, and my desire has been granted to me, and I feel to praise the Lord therefor.

20 April 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, April 20, 1893. Instructions were given yesterday that all were to come to the Temple this morning without eating breakfast and to bring their Temple robes with them.

One of the brethren that was here yesterday was absent today—W. W. Burton, of the Star Valley presidency; and one who was not here yesterday was here today—John W. Hess, counselor to Pres. W. R. Smith. With these exceptions and the absence of President Woodruff, all who were here yesterday were present.

It was a matter of great sorrow to me this morning to find that President Woodruff was unable to come up to this meeting. He dropped me a note stating that his condition was such that he could not come. I have never felt his absence more than I did this morning, because it seemed to me that this meeting was the culmination of all our meetings, and I knew that he had counted very much on it, and we all had desired exceedingly that he should be present with us.

We decided that we would call upon the Twelve to speak, and that they should speak briefly. There were eleven of them present, and they occupied about an hour and a half.

I then called upon President Jos. F. Smith, and he occupied some time. After which I followed.

Among other remarks which I made was that it was set forth that we should be united in temporal matters as well as in spiritual, and that we should combine our interests, and seek with an eye single to the glory of God to build up Zion and remove selfishness from our hearts, and if we would do so, that wealth would be poured into our laps and we should become a very influential people; that a better day is dawning upon Zion, and I felt much impressed to predict good concerning Zion and her future. The only requisite was for us to be united and follow the counsel which God gave to us. I dwelt some on political matters and showed the difficulties of our position; that we must be guided by the Lord; that without that we would be sure to be involved in trouble; but with that we would steer clear of snares and become triumphant.

We then took a recess of ten minutes.

Brother Heber J. Grant was called upon to speak in regard to the sugar factory and the necessity of our people taking hold of that institution and sustaining it. He spoke very vigorously.

After his remarks and benediction by Brother John Smith, we adjourned to clothe ourselves in our priestly robes, and then went down into the Celestial room, where we formed a circle--the largest circle of men that I ever saw formed for prayer, and perhaps the largest circle that has ever been formed in this generation dispensation; at least, no one present had ever seen so large a circle. It required the entire floor space of the Celestial room, as well as the platform [9 words redacted relating to sacred information], to hold the circle. There were 115 in the circle. I had asked President Lorenzo Snow to be mouth in prayer, but he preferred that I should be. [28 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance.] The altar was moved into the middle of the room, and I called upon President Jos. F. Smith to open by prayer. [13 words redacted related to a temple ordinance], I knelt at the altar and was mouth in prayer. It was a most impressive occasion to see so many men bearing the Priesthood, clothed in Temple robes--a sight never to be forgotten by those who participated in it. After prayer was delivered, we marched in single file back to the room of the First Presidency, where Bishop Winder and assistants spread bread and wine on tables which had been prepared for the occasion. The company sat down to these tables, President Smith and myself sitting on the raised platform on which stood three chairs with table in front. President Woodruff’s chair was vacant. I instructed Bishops Preston and Burton to sit at the extreme end of the tables, opposite us, and I called on Bishop Preston to bless the bread. This was broken and distributed, about half a loaf to each person. Before the bread was eaten, however, the wine was blessed by Bishop Burton and was distributed in glasses to the brethren. There were two who were not dressed in their priestly robes—Brother Rigby, Counselor to Prest. Ricks, and Bishop John R. Winder, who did not dress because of his duties in making preparations. We had as attendants, Brothers B. Y. Hampton, Wm. Salmon and H. C. Barrell. Such a sight as this room presented I never witnessed, and I doubt whether there has ever been anything like it in this dispensation. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out in power, and our hearts glowed with happiness and thanksgiving to the Lord. There was pleasant conversation, and after we had partaken of the bread and wine, Brother Lorenzo Snow desired to know how many there were present who were in Kirtland and knew the Prophet Joseph and had heard him speak there. About seven persons arose. There were four <eight> present who had eaten with the Prophet at his table, one who had been baptized by the Prophet, eighteen <twenty seven> who had been personally acquainted with him or had seen him, and twenty-two <thirty> who had been present at the laying of the corner stones of the Salt Lake Temple.

I felt anxious to have the meeting close, as I desired to call at President Woodruff’s on my way down, but it was six o’clock before I could get away. I found him in a very bad condition retching and vomiting and in a great deal of pain. I administered to him, and he became easier. I stayed about two hours, and then as he was feeling better I concluded to leave for home. I left with the request to Sister Woodruff that she should send for me in case he grew worse. My son Brigham drove for me.

21 April 1893 • Friday

Friday, April 21st,

My son-in-law and nephew Lewis M. Cannon drove me over to President Woodruff’s early this morning and found him quite indisposed. I had to go to the city, as the Sunday Schools had been notified to come to the Temple, and I desired to preside on the occasion. We had two meetings of the Sunday School children. The first meeting was a very large one. It was estimated that there were three thousand children present. The other was not quite so large. Our proceedings were quite simple, as we did not wish to tire the children out. All of them joined in singing the hymns, and the occasions were most interesting and delightful. They sang with spirit under the direction of Brother Griggs. We had a short prayer and Brother Lorenzo taught the children how to shout Hosanna, and then myself and Brother Joseph F. Smith were introduced as members of the First Presidency, and I introduced each of the Twelve and each made brief remarks. I told the children that there were ten of the Twelve present. The two who were absent were Elders Moses Thatcher and M. W. Merrill. I told the children to remember all that had been said to them and all they had seen and to endeavor to partake of the spirit that was in the house. It was surprising how quickly they learned to shout Hosanna and with concert they responded.

While we were waiting for the next company Brother Clawson came in and said that Brother Woodruff was in a condition which he considered dangerous, and he suggested that some of us go down. We got a carriage from Grant Brothers’ stable and drove down and found President Woodruff quite feeble. We administered to him, and he was relieved. Dr. Joseph Richards was there and said that he considered Brothers Woodruff’s condition serious. We remained there until after four o’clock in the afternoon. At five o’clock the rest of the brethren came down and we administered to him again. Sister Woodruff asked me whether it would not be best to send for the rest of the family, but I thought no unless his condition became more serious.

Hon. Henry A. Herbert, the new secretary of the navy, sent me a letter of introduction by Prince Roland Bonaparte. It was delivered last night by his private secretary, and this morning I sent for John Q. and explained to him my position. I could not be away from the Temple, and I wished him to go and introduce himself to the Prince and explain my reason for not calling and requested him to show them all the attention he could. The Prince was very anxious to see me, and I made an appointment to meet him at half past two, but could not keep that appointment, but some of the other brethren remained there. They told me afterwards that he desired to be remembered to me. They all spoke well of him. He is a large man and seemed very intelligent and is upwards of forty years of age. John Q. was quite pleased with him.

22 April 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, April 22nd,

I dreamed last night that President Woodruff had recovered and was around again, and then I dreamed that he was around but his face was somewhat discolored. I drove around to his house early this morning and found him much improved. He had slept seven hours and seemed quite natural.

We held two services again to-day for the children which were conducted as usual. We estimated that there had been between twelve and thirteen thousand children with their attendants yesterday and to-day at these services. A number more would have been present had the railroad charge not been excessive. The children from Weber and Utah counties did not come on this account.

As we had finished our second meeting by one o’clock, I proposed to the brethren that we should go out to Saltair, as a train was going out at two o’clock. President Joseph F. Smith and myself went as well as the Twelve except the two who were absent, Moses Thatcher and Mariner W. Merrill. My brothers Angus and David and my son Hugh were also among the party. We had a very nice trip and a good lunch when we arrived there. The pavilion which the Saltair Beach Company is building is going to be a magnificent structure and is progressing very well, considering the drawbacks caused by inclement weather.. All those who went out were greatly pleased. Brother Nephi W. Clayton, manager of the road and president of the Saltair Beach Company, arranged the affair to make it agreeable to us.

This evening after our return from the Lake I drove down to President Woodruff’s and found him considerably improved but still quite weak.

23 April 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, April 23rd,

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning. My son Willard drove my buggy. I found him still improving. I attended services in the Temple at ten o’clock. The Salt Lake choir did the singing to-day. I read the dedicatory prayer, and Brother Snow followed with the shout of Hosanna. Elders A. H. Lund and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve, and President Smith and myself spoke. Bishop William B. Preston was called upon to dismiss from the Aaronic stand, and the congregation turned their faces in that direction.

We again met in the Temple at half past two this afternoon, and after singing by the choir President Joseph F. Smith offered the prayer and President Snow led in the shout. I called upon Elders M. W. Merrill and F. D. Richards to speak. The first occupied fifteen minutes and the next twelve. President Joseph F. followed and occupied about twenty-three minutes, and I occupied half an hour and enjoyed my remarks as I had the remarks of the other brethren very much. The choir and congregation then sang, “Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation.” It was storming very heavily, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon the people in power, and they were loth to leave the hall. I called upon the choir to sing the anthem, “The angels swept their harps of gold.” I again called upon them to sing the anthem, “Father in Heaven” in which there was some fine solo singing all of which was very pleasant to the congregation. By the time we got through with this the storm had nearly ceased.

Some time before I went East my brother David wrote to me that he and his wife Wilhelmina were greatly impressed that it would be right for their daughter Amanda who had died not long ago to be sealed to my son David recently deceased. Brother Helamen Pratt who is here with his wife from Mexico has also expressed a similar desire concerning a daughter of theirs who died not long since and who was said to be a very admirable girl. They had been deeply impressed with the feeling that it would be right to have her sealed to him. I desired my son Abram to act for his brother David, but it occurred to me afterwards that perhaps John Q. being heir ought to officiate. I spoke to Abram about it, and he pushed out to find John Q. I did not wish to have him go because I did not know how long it would take, but he said it would not take long. We waited for them an hour and a half in the Temple, but as neither of them came I asked my brother Angus to dress and officiate for my son David. There were present besides the parents of the deceased girls: My brother Angus and some members of his family, my brother David’s and some of my children and President Joseph F. Smith. I performed the sealing ceremony. This was the first sealing for the dead that has been done in this Temple. The names of the girls who were sealed were Amanda Mousley Cannon and Aurelia Pratt. The girls[’] mothers acted for them.

24 April 1893 • Monday

Monday, April 24th,

I called on President Woodruff this morning on my way up and found him still improving though still quite weak.

Services commenced at the Temple at ten o’clock. Besides myself and President Smith, there were ten of the Twelve Apostles present, Elders Moses Thatcher and John Henry Smith being absent. After the singing by the Salt Lake choir Brother Snow offered the prayer and also led in the shout of Hosanna. I called upon Elders Brigham Young and Francis M. Lyman to speak. The first occupied twelve minutes and the next sixteen and both spoke very well. President Joseph F. Smith then spoke twenty-two minutes and called upon the people for an expression of their feelings as he had done on previous meetings. The responses were unanimous to both questions which he propounded. I followed and occupied seventeen minutes and enjoyed my remarks exceedingly.

After we went to the office, Sahei Ohashi, a Japanese who is the head of the <largest> publishing house in Japan at which there are several thousand men employed, came to call upon us accompanied by an interpreter and another young man. There were a number of the brethren present, and we had an interesting conversation with them through their interpreter who speaks English perfectly. They are from Tokio.

After this I had a call from Mr. Whitman of the Chicago and North Western Railroad. He was accompanied by Messrs. Ritter and Williams and several ladies.

At half past two we again went to the Temple. The Harmony Glee Club sang “O my Father.” Elder Franklin D. Richards offered the prayer and President Snow led as usual in the shout of Hosanna. After an anthem by the choir and the singing of the “Spirit of God like a fire is burning” by the congregation, I called upon Elders George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant to speak. Brother Teasdale occupied eight minutes and Brother Grant occupied three. He read an extract from the 76th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. John W. Taylor then spoke for nine minutes and was followed by President Joseph F. Smith who spoke for thirty minutes. I then arose to speak and read some extracts from the Pearl of Great Price[.] I felt the spirit of speaking to the people, but a number became uneasy and started to go out to catch the train. This checked the spirit, and there was so much of this that I did not attempt to proceed. Quite a number withdrew as soon as I stopped. On motion of Franklin D. Richards the conference adjourned for six months. The choir sang the anthem “The angels swept their harps of gold,” and the closing prayer was offered by Patriarch John Smith.

This has been the longest and most interesting conference I suppose that has ever been held by the Latter-day Saints in this dispensation. At least we have no account of any conference being held at such length. It is three weeks to-morrow morning since conference opened in the Tabernacle. The proceedings there occupied two days, April 4th and 5th, We then commenced the dedication services in the Temple on Thursday the 6th of April. This afternoon makes the thirty first congregation of Adults who have taken part in the dedicatory services in the large assembly room. Besides these thirty-one meetings[,] five meetings were held for the children, and the presiding priesthood held three meetings on Wednesday and Thursday the 19th and 20th, so that altogether we have held thirty-nine meetings in the Temple since the 6th of April. On the 4th and 5th we held four sessions in the Tabernacle during the day and one priesthood meeting in the evening. Two overflow meetings were held in the Assembly Hall on the 5th, making an aggregate of forty-six meetings that have been held. I have attended all these meetings with the exception of the overflow meetings and one meeting in the Temple during the last three weeks. This exception was the children’s meeting on Friday from which I was called away by the sickness of President Woodruff. At all the services held in the Temple I have presided during his absence. We estimate that there have been sixty-two thousand people who have attended these public services during the thirty-one meetings. In this average of two thousand each meeting, there has been allowance made for those who were present at all of the services, such as the priesthood, choirs, etc., in the numbers that were in excess of the two thousand; for on one occasion there were thirty-seven hundred, and there have been twenty-four hundred on several occations. This, with the children who have attended would make an aggregate of about seventy-four thousand. I have never felt so powerfully impressed to speak to the people concerning their sins and the gifts which God is willing to bestow upon the repentant and those who will seek Him as I have during these services, and I feel to thank Him for this. I have had a very strong desire for some time back that the Lord would make this dedication an occasion for magnifying His servants in the eyes of His Saints. I wanted the First Presidency of the Church to appear to the Saints in their true light as servants of the Lord and that He would accompany their words by such power that they would know that the officers were what they professed to be. I think now that the authorities stand in their true light and are recognized as servants of the Lord by the people. There has been a disposition to treat lightly the authority which they held. There are many causes for this. One cause is probably found in the fact that for some years the leading authorities were on the underground and away from the sight of the people. Another cause is found in this political division. Many of the speakers have led the people to believe that the First Presidency had disclaimed the authority which they had once held and did not attempt to give counsel to the Saints. These causes have led to serious results, and I have felt deeply impressed with the importance of these things being corrected. I felt impressed in Washington that this occasion should be taken advantage of to restore that harmony and that respect for the priesthood which I felt ought to exist among Latter-day Saints. I feel exceedingly thankful to the Lord that He made manifest to me the course to take and also that when I mentioned this to President[s] Woodruff and Smith as one of the council of the First Presidency that the Spirit bore testimony to them both that it was right that we should have a fast day, a day for confessing sins, repenting of them and for the forgiveness of sins, and that the address which was then framed and which I prepared at the request of President Woodruff has had such an effect upon the hearts of the people. The Lord has poured out His holy Spirit in great power in uniting the hearts of the Saints as well as the hearts of the officers of the Church, and we have melted as it were under its holy influence. We have appealed to the people in the strongest manner, for all that have spoken have done so by the power of God and have implored the people to put away their sins and come before the Lord with broken hearts and contrite spirits. I felt on Sunday to speak with great power on this point, showing the people that this Temple had not been prepared for burnt offerings, trespass offerings and sin offerings such as the law of Moses required previous to the coming of the Lord Jesus in the flesh. But the offerings <offering> which we were required to bring to this holy house was the offering of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and I promised them as a servant of God in the name of the Lord Jesus that those who would do this should have their sins forgiven them, and they should be blotted out. I dwelt upon this with greater emphasis than President Woodruff had done in his remarks. The spirit has moved on me on several occasions to make these promises. This has been a great cause of gladness to me, for it is the fulfillment of my desires. I have yearned exceedingly to have love and harmony restored, to have everything of an unpleasant nature banished and to have all hard speeches and hard acts that have been uttered and committed forgiven, and the Lord has heard my prayer. The teachings, as I remarked to the Saints at one of the meetings, have been of a mild and pleasant warning character. I do not recollect a harsh word which has been spoken by one of the elders in their remarks. The Lord has poured out upon His servants the spirit of entreaty and of kindness and love, and I am sure that many hearts have been touched in this respect.

I have considered it a wonderful blessing for me to be honored of the Lord as I have been during these services. He has placed me in a position where I have been honored by my fellow-servants and the Saints to an extent beyond anything I ever anticipated. President Woodruff has testified several times about myself and the spirit of revelation and prophecy which he said I had, and some of the Twelve have done the same, notably Brother F. M. Lyman. President Woodruff announced to the congregation that I was a man full of inspiration and revelation. Last Tuesday afternoon Brother Joseph F. Smith said that I had been filled with the spirit of prophecy concerning the great change in the midst of the people when no one else seemed to have that spirit. I felt grateful to the Lord for this evidence of His goodness and mercy, for when I compare this influence and this respect and honor which I have received with the occurrences of five years ago, I feel to praise the Lord, for He does not forget His servants, neither does He neglect them.

For several days preceding the opening of the conference I was suffering greatly from la grippe and sore throat, so that I could scarcely speak, but the morning that the conference opened I spoke for an hour and ten minutes, and I have attended all the meetings and have continued to improve notwithstanding the fatigue until my health is fully restored.

25 April 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 25th,

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him still improving.

I had an interview with Brother and Sister [9 words of identifying information redacted]. She related to me the loss of love for her husband, that she could not live with him as a wife. What love she had had died out through his indifference. He listened patiently to her statement, and after she got through he partly acknowledged that he had been cold but attributed it to his financial difficulties which had been troubling him now for several years. I suggested that instead of getting a divorce they should try and live away from each other as far as marital relations were concerned and endeavor to revive the old love when they could resume their old relations. This she said would satisfy her, and after some talk he said that he would be satisfied. Such things are said t very sad, as I believe that they mean to be good people. She has always impressed me as being an excellent woman. She is one of our best singers.

After this interview President Smith and myself went down to the Temple to consider the arrangements which were to be made before the house was opened. We returned from there to meet an appointment at eleven o’clock with the Twelve Apostles. After the adjournment last evening at the Temple I had called the Twelve together to submit to them financial questions connected with the sugar factory; and as we did not finish the business, an adjournment was made until eleven o’clock to-day. We resumed our conversation, and the result was that a motion was made by Brother Lorenzo Snow that the Church assume the business of the sugar Company and that enough money be borrowed to purchase sufficient of the capital stock to meet the obligations. This was carried unanimously. While we were in this meeting Mr. Lawrenceson, proprietor of the Chicago Daily News, called, and I introduced him to the brethren. After this Brother Charles H. Robinson came in and submitted a question concerning the carrying of the sacrament to the people after it had been blessed. Some of the brethren made remarks on the subject, and I suggested that in passing the sacrament they should not confine themselves to the deacons. We saw no objections to them doing it when asked to do so by their presiding officers, but their [there] could be no question about elders and priests doing it. After this we held a meeting of the Mexican Colonization Company and Mr. Frank J. Carpenter, the noted newspaper man called by appointment to see me. I made his acquaintance some years ago in Washington. After I had introduced him to the brethren, he and I had a private talk in which he asked me to furnish matter which he could insert in one of his letters. He would like to have something interesting written upon our question to lay before the public. In the evening I attended a lecture which he delivered in the theatre. I went with my son Abram who gave me tickets in one of the stalls. Brother Brigham Young was also invited to sit with us, and as my wife Carlie, his sister, was in the box[,] Abram brought her down to sit with Brother Brigham, and I sat back in the stall.

This afternoon I brought up the question of money with which it was decided to buy sugar stock, and after a discussion the brethren all felt that I ought to go to England with Brother Grant to accompany me for the purpose of raising the necessary means. Brother Grant was very pointed in his remarks concerning my going. He said that I was a man of national and even world-wide reputation and that my influence would be greater than that of any other man, as I had so many acquaintances there. After hearing his remarks the brethren all voted that we should take this trip, of course subject to the decision of President Woodruff. In my own feelings the thought of my going to England was not pleasant to me. I dread such a journey and fear that the brethren are too hopeful about me and the influence I would have in raising money. I desire, however, that the Lord’s will should be done in this matter. If it is His will, I hope that the way will be opened and made plain, but if it is not His will and the journey will not be a benefit, I pray that He may throw obstacles in the way and impress President Woodruff against my going. One reason for my desire to stay at home is his condition. I think he needs both of his counselors here to assist him in the labors of the Presidency. I am content, however, to do as my brethren of the Lord signify.

26 April 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 26th,

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him better. The wife of Henry Dinwoodey, Jr., called this morning to ask about the propriety of her going to England with her husband who is going on a mission. She desires to go to France <or Germany> to study music. I am opposed to elders taking their wives unless they are going to occupy fixed positions or unless they are going to the Pacific Islands, as my experience is that where elders take wives with them they are hindered in their labors. As she is not going to be with her husband, however, President Snow and myself thought that she could go with propriety.

At ten o’clock I met with President Snow and we were afterwards joined by President Joseph F. Smith and Brother John D. T. McAllister and talked over the positions in the Temple which would have to be filled, and we selected a number of persons for the various positions. I think I mentioned the fact that while President Woodruff was sick a conversation came up about the Temple and I asked him if he had arrived at any conclusion in his mind as to who should preside. He said that since our conversation he had thought that Brother Snow was the man and wished to have me mention it to him. The brethren of the Twelve seemed to be suited with the appointment. Brother Grant remarked that he had been canvassing in his own mind the men who could take charge here but could think of no one until he heard of Brother Snow, and he felt that this was just the thing.

Brother Fred Simmons accompanied by his brother Joseph F. Simmons called at the office this afternoon. He has been called to go to the Eastern States on a mission, but he was told that it would require six dollars a week to keep him while on this mission, and while he was willing to go, he could make no arrangements to have this amount of money, as he was in debt and must leave his family dependent upon his wife and children for support. We did not give him a decided answer, as President Smith and myself desired to think the matter over. To me it seems ridiculous to tell an elder as he has been told that he will be required to pay six dollars a week while preaching the gospel. I have not changed my views as to men gong out without purse or scrip. I think it can be done very well if they will only rise to that degree of faith.

There was a meeting of the Church University at which I was elected chairman of the board. We did not finish the business and adjourned until eleven o’clock to-morrow. We also held a meeting of the Literary and Scientific Society.

Brother George Teasdale, Bishop William B. Preston and A. F. McDonald had a conversation concerning a tract of fifty thousand acres of land lying near our land in Mexico. We decided to buy it at a cost of about five thousand dollars in our money. Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself had a long conversation with Brother Holden concerning the use of a storage for electricity for the Temple.

When I arrived home this evening I found Brother J. C. Naegle and wife there and also a Brother Schultz who has just arrived from Germany. He is one of those that David baptized and is the man of whom David made mention in his letters who had given him his overcoat.

27 April 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, April 27th,

Called at President Woodruff’s and found him not quite so well due to sleeplessness last night and troubled with his urine. After reaching the office President Joseph F. Smith and Apostles Snow and Grant and myself had an interview with Bishop Clawson regarding the hospital.

At eleven o’clock the Church University Board met and transacted quite an amount of business. Among other things we decided to open the University in the fall with four courses. Captain Young estimated that it would take from ten to twenty thousand dollars to do this.

Brother Joseph F. and I went down to the Temple and had a conversation with Brother Winder about what should be done there.

Dictated some of my journal to Arthur Winter and some to my son Hugh.

28 April 1893 • Friday

Friday, April 28, 1893. After I reached the office this morning Governor Thomas called in and had some conversation with me concerning his length of service in the Territory and the various offices which he had held, and desiring to obtain a favorable notice of himself in the “Deseret News”, to be published the day that he would vacate his present office as Governor, and in order that there might be correct data he had written a number of points out himself.

I had a call from Brother F. S. Richards, who informed me that he came as a committee to wait upon me to learn whether I would not be present at the reception of the Trans-Mississippi Congress to be held at the Knutsford Hotel this evening, at 8:30, and make some remarks in response to the toast of the Pioneers. I felt very reluctant to consent to this, as I have an aversion to making speeches on such occasions; but on second thought I felt it might be construed as discourtesy to the visitors and I consented to go.

Shortly afterwards, Hon. Thomas M. Patterson, of Colorado, who served with me in Congress, called upon me, and we had a very interesting conversation. He made a very fine speech in favor of the admission of Utah as a State, at the Congress yesterday at Ogden. He is an excellent speaker and a famous man. He was very complimentary in his remarks to myself and, I was informed, in his speech yesterday designated me as Utah’s most gifted son. He had heard that I was going to speak this evening and expressed his regret that he could not be present; he was compelled by business to leave for home this afternoon.

About 12:30 I left the office to go to my farm Westover, as some disposition had to be made of my stock there. I called at President Woodruff’s on my way down there. Brother Wilcken was there awaiting me, as he desired to accompany me, also Brother Brigham Young and his son Howard. I found President Woodruff suffering from pain in voiding urine.

While we were there the question came up as to who should be appointed to take charge, as the President, of the European Mission. Brother Brigham Young, before my arrival, had told President Woodruff the views that he had heard me express on the subject, namely, that Brother Anthon H. Lund, who had once been appointed to go to fill this mission, and for whom Brother Brigham Young had been substituted, would make a good President of the Mission; and that Brother J. D. T. McAllister, who was now presiding at the St. George Temple, might be spared from there, inasmuch as the work was not very crowding, to take charge of the Temple at Manti, in Brother Lund’s place and during his absence. When I came in, President Woodruff spoke of this, and we talked the matter over, and he fully agreed that this would be a good thing to do, and desired me to take the necessary steps to have it carried out.

While at Westover I selected a heifer and made it a present to Brother Brigham Young, as I learned he stood in need of a cow. He was averse to taking it without remuneration, but I could not accept anything from him for it.

Upon my return I again called at President Woodruff’s, and they had just drawn some water from him with a catheter. Brother Andrew Smith, who is waiting upon him, showed it to me. There was only a small quantity of urine, but nearly half a teaspoonful of what appeared to be sand in the bottom. I had them bottle this, in order to have it submitted to Dr. Jos. Richards.

I called upon my sister-in-law, Josephine Young, the wife of A. C. Young, and administered to her baby, which is very sick.

At 8:30 I had my son Reed drive me to the Knutsford. I found it quite crowded with spectators and with the members of the Trans-Mississippi Congress and prominent citizens. I did not eat any of the lunch which had been prepared, but after lunch was ushered into the large room, where the people were assembled to hear the speaking, and was given a seat at the head of the room. Judge C. W. Powers was master of ceremonies. Governor Thomas made the opening speech. He was followed by Mayor Baskin, who occupied a long time in a very rambling, badly-delivered speech, towards the close of which he entered into a defense of his conduct and of affairs that had occurred in the Congress. A great many of the delegates, I could see, were quite disgusted with his talk. After he got through, I was introduced and was received with a great deal of applause. I spoke about 20 mins. Before commencing, I asked Judge Powers how long I could speak, and he said, “Take all the time you desire”. My remarks were quite simple and without any effort at oratory. I described some of the scenes connected with the early settlement and was listened to with great attention, and when I concluded the house rang with applause. Judge C. C. Goodwin followed, and I was surprised at his effort. He is not a good speaker. His effort forte is humor, but although he got off a good many jokes, he did not raise a hearty laugh. It was nothing more than drivel. He was followed by Brother John T. Caine, who had prepared his speech and read it from manuscript. It was very well delivered, but was lengthy and seemed to me inappropriate to the occasion. After he got through, Mr. Glen Holman, of Oregon, succeeded in getting the floor, and read a resolution that had been adopted by the delegates expressive of their appreciation of the kindness that had been shown them. After he had introduced his resolution, he took up some of Judge Goodwin’s remarks; said he was led to conclude from the tenor of Judge Goodwin’s remarks that a very happy condition of affairs existed here, and that all were living in peace and harmony, needing no outside help or interference in any manner, and he could not for his life see why Utah should not be made a State if this were the condition. This was a rap at Goodwin, for Goodwin had opposed the admission and Holman was very much in favor of it.

There was a general desire to be introduced to me. A great many gentlemen and ladies came forward and asked for introduction to me. I was treated with a great deal of respect, and I might say honor, and a number expressed their gratification that I had not taken up anything Judge Baskin had said, but had passed it by in silence.

29 April 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, April 29, 1893. I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and was told that the Doctor had come down last evening and had washed his bladder out, hoping to give him ease, but this had not had the effect and he had passed a very poor night. I am not pleased at President Woodruff’s condition. At his time of life, an illness of this kind, which confines him to his bed, and from which he appears to recover his strength so slowly, is a very serious thing. Brother Wilcken told me that the Doctor had examined President Woodruff’s urine and had said that the indications were that he was affected with Bright’s disease. He did not speak positively about this, however, as he hoped to be able to give it a more thorough test.

I again called at my sister-in-law, Josephine’s, and administered to her baby, which appears to be a little better.

I was very busy at the office today.

I dictated articles for the Juvenile Instructor to my son Hugh.

Had calls from various persons; among others, from ex-Postmaster General Wannamaker, with a large company, part of them being his family. They called to pay their respects to me.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

30 April 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, April 30th,

I drove to President Woodruff’s at midday accompanied by my sons Brigham and Sylvester. When I saw him I was alarmed at his condition. He seemed to me almost in a comatose condition, and I regretted that I had not had word sent to me. The reason word had not been sent Brother Wilcken said was that my son Abram and my brother Angus had been there and had administered to President Woodruff and Abram had told them he had heard that I was coming over, so they were looking for me. I took Andrew Smith and Brother Wilcken out into another room and enquired of them concerning President Woodruff’s condition during the forenoon. They told me that he had been quite rational and that this sleep and seeming coma was due to morphine which had been inserted into the rectum in a capsule. When I learned this my fears were somewhat allayed, as that explanation accounted for that which I feared was coma. In a short time President Woodruff appeared easier and seemed more natural, but towards evening his sleep became more labored, and he seemed to be entirely free from pain. About six o’clock Sister Woodruff expressed fear about his lengthy sleep, and she thought it a very unfavorable symptom that he should be so free from pain and sleep so soundly and heavily. About this time Dr. Joseph S. Richards came, and upon Sister Woodruff’s fears being mentioned to him he laughed them off. But afterwards when he felt his pulse he announced to me that President Woodruff was falling into a comatose condition and that he was suffering from ureamic poisoning which produced this coma. This announcement to the family caused quite a sensation, and in response to my enquiries as to whether he considered his condition dangerous, he replied that it was dangerous. I told him then that if this were the case I must telegraph to the Twelve and members of the family. He advised me to do so. Brother Heber J. Grant and Abram H. Cannon were then there, and I gave them dispatches to send to President Lorenzo Snow and the other members of the Twelve who were within reach and also to members of President Woodruff’s family that were not in the city. All the family who were in the vicinity passed the night there under a good deal of excitement, as they all thought that he was dying. I had made up my mind to sit up all night with him. Dr. Richards who had returned home in the evening returned again between nine and ten o’clock and was accompanied by his partner, Dr. Wilcox. They both examined the President and said that he was sinking. They both appeared to think, and especially Dr. Wilcox, that the end would come in a comparitively short period of time. For myself, I could not see the changes which they described yet I supposed that he was in a comatose condition and would probably not rouse again. We were all mistaken, however, in this opinion. He was exhausted doubtless for want of sleep, and his sleep was a natural one; for about a quarter past one in the morning he awoke, and I introduced Brother Franklin D. Richards to him. He was fully conscious, knew Brother Richards and myself and then dropped off to sleep again. In the morning at daylight he was quite himself again, and I felt greatly encouraged. His urine was very bad, and it was this that had prompted the doctor to conclude that coma had been induced by ureamic poisoning.

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April 1893, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1893/04-1893