June 1875

17 June 1875 • Thursday

To-day Senator J. K. Kelly of Oregon who was en-route to the West called upon me. I had the buggy hitched up and took him to the Warm Springs and around town to various points of interest, among others to see the font and oxen for the St. George temple, which were being cast by Davis, Howe & Co.

18 June 1875 • Friday

Arranged for a special train to take Judge Field of the U. S. Supreme Court (who arrived last evening from the East) and Senator Kelly and a few brethren and sisters for company to Provo. Judge F. could not go, but his mother-in-law and her daughter (Mrs. & Miss Swearingin) went with the company. Afterwards took Senator K. up to the President’s Office, but Pres. Young was not in. Busy getting ready to go.

19 June 1875 • Saturday

I sat up till 3.15 this morning busy writing. Slept till 15 min. to 6, and after <my bath and> dressing and praying in my robes and getting ready I had no time to eat breakfast; but took a little lunch with me. John Q. (my son) and Geo. C. Lambert (my nephew[)] accompanied us to the end of the track. I gave them a number of directions about business which John Q. took down in short hand. Abraham H. (my son) accompanied me as teamster. Went to York by rail, that being the end of the track. A man who had got on the train at American Fork, and who had been sick, by the name of Robt Hunter, died suddenly upon our arrival at York. We had taken our horses and carriages on the cars with us. We hitched up and drove to Nephi; Bro. Brigham, Jr., rode with me and Abraham took his place in Bro. Pitchforth’s open vehicle. Stopped with Bro. Pitchforth, where Uncle Taylor also stopped.

20 June 1875 • Sunday

Had an excellent night’s rest. Met with people at 10 a.m. The President stayed at the house where he stopped (Bro. Knud Brown’s) to rest. Pres. Wells presided. I was called upon to speak. My thoughts were pretty clear; but I was not so much edified by my own remarks as I like to be. Pres. Wells followed. Ate dinner at Bro. Pitchforth’s. Met in afternoon at 2 o’clock. Elder John Taylor addressed the people, occupying 53 minutes. He was followed by Bro. Brigham Young, Jr., who occupied 40 minutes. Met with Sunday School at 6 p.m. I spoke to them and was followed by Bro. Musser.

21 June 1875 • Monday

We left Nephi at 9.30 a.m. Part of the bed for a narrow guage R.R. is surveyed and thrown up through the Canõn of Salt Creek. At Fountain Green the people were drawn up to do the President honor as he passed through. We stopped while the children sung a song of welcome and the President stood up in his buggy and addressed them for a few minutes. We then drove over to Moroni and I was invited to stop at Bro. Swenson’s, the first counsellor of the Bishop. The Female Relief Society held a meeting, at which Sister Bailey spoke, followed by Sisters Horne, E. R. Snow and Howard. Then President Young spoke.

22 June 1875 • Tuesday

Drove over to Mount Pleasant. Just as we reached a storm broke upon us. The people left the bowery and repaired to the Meeting House. Bro. John Van Cott spoke and was followed by President Young. In afternoon Bro’s. Wells and Taylor spoke. Then Pres. Young requested me to read a letter which had been written by David Candland and published April 21 in the Salt Lake Herald concerning the Indians in Thistle Valley. The spirit of the letter was that of the Gentiles who had murdered and driven the Indians. I spoke severely of it. Bro. Wells and Pres. Young followed. The latter was very pointed and severe in his remarks.

23 June 1875 • Wednesday

Met with Sunday School this morning at ½ past 8. Addressed the school at some length. Elder Taylor followed for a few minutes. Met under Bowery at 10 a.m. Bro’s L. and Erastus Snow and President Young addressed the Saints on the United Order. The success of Bro. Lorenzo Snow, as described by him, was very gratifying. Pres. Y., his wife Eliza B. and sons Joseph A and Brigham, Jr. and Julia Young, the President’s adopted daughter, dined at Bro. Peel’s, where Uncle Taylor and myself were stopping. In afternoon myself, Bro. Franklin D. Richards, Brigham, Jr., and Pres. Young spoke. I had a goodly flow of the spirit, and all, especially Pres. Y., spoke with power. Bro. John Taylor proposed to the meeting to disfellowship [first and last names redacted], which was done. Attended Relief society in evening: Sisters Barney and Snow spoke.

24 June 1875 • Thursday

Drove over to Spring City and stopped a short time at Bro. Orson Hyde’s; thence to Ephraim. I was assigned to Bro. Sorenson to be taken care of by him. He was the 24th person baptized in Denmark after the arrival of Bro. E. Snow there. A clean place and an excellent family. After eating a lunch drove around to look at place proposed for the erection of a temple. This was South of the city – a fine, sightly place with a substratum of hard pan and distant from the quarry of excellent stone; 3 miles. Abraham took Bro. Lorenzo D. Young over to Manti in my buggy. Pres. Young and Wells also drove over there.

25 June 1875 • Friday

We drove to Manti this morning, Uncle Taylor gave me a seat in his carriage. Pres. Young and the entire company drove to various points proposed for the Temple. We ascended the point of the mountain on top of the stone quarry. The view from this point was magnificent, and I felt here as at no other place that this was the spot for the Temple, nevertheless I am desirous that it should stand on the spot designated by the Lord. Ate dinner at Bro. Geo. Peacock’s. Drove back to Ephraim in time for Council meeting at 2 p.m. (see minutes)

Pres’s Young and Wells returned to Manti.

26 June 1875 • Saturday

Bro. Erastus Snow was the first speaker this morning. Meeting convened at 10 o’clock. Meeting House crowded full of people. He occupied 62 minutes and had good liberty. Pres. D. H. Wells followed, occupying 76 minutes. In afternoon Elders John Van Cott, John Taylor and Pres. B. Young addressed the people. Valuable instructions given. After meeting held a conversation with Bishop Wm Seeley of Mount Pleasant and the members of the Order who wished to withdraw therefrom. After supper <Pres Y.> held a Council meeting of the apostles. It was decided to have Bro. Erastus Snow remain in Sanpete and labor. Instead of going to St. George the President has decided to return from here to Salt Lake City. Bro. Wm McBride was ordained a patriarch at the council.

27 June 1875 • Sunday

Meeting House again crowded. Bro. Lorenzo Snow spoke.

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June 1875, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1875/06-1875