March 1864

1 March 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 1. 1864 Finished the letter commenced yesterday. Received this morning Mail from the Valley; I had a letter from President Brigham Young and Geo. A. Smith. From them I learn that Elders Ezra T. Benson and Lorenzo Snow of the Twelve Apostles and Elders W. W. Cluff, and Alma L. Smith had been appointed a mission to the Sandwich Islands. Captn Gibson is on the Islands and has been ordaining Apostles, High Priests, Seventies and Bishops, and Bishop’s counsellors, styling himself a Prophet and charging for ordaining Apostles

Brothers Benson and Snow will only remain, it is probable, for a short season, and then return home again; they were to start on the 1st of March, from home. Other Missionaries were selected at the April Conference; I am informed that Bro Joseph F Smith will then start. While I deplore the necessity of which calls for the appointment of these Elders, still I am pleased that the mission is to be favored with the presence of experienced men. My past labors in those lands, cause me to have a deep interest in the welfare of that nation and people. The President advises me that it is his intention to send down teams; but probably not so many as last year. He requires me to furnish me [him] semi-monthly the probable number of emigrants. Dictated a circular to the Elders on Emigration matters which I embodied in an Editorial. I was pleased to hear that the health of the Presidency was good.

2 March 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 2/64. Brother Warren S. Snow arrived in the night last night to accompany Brother Bentley to the States to act as Emigration Agent[s]. Revising discourse for the Star. Dictated a letter to the President. I went out to day for the first time for eleven days, though I felt very unwell all day.

3 March 1864 • Thursday

Thursday Mar 3. 1864. Balancing Cash account; dictating some items for the Star and engaged in other matters in the office.

4 March 1864 • Friday

Friday March 4./64. Had a very singular dream last night. I dreamed of being at home, in the company of C. W. West and his wife. I afterwards left them and went to another place and after a while my wife Elizabeth and two other females came in dressed from head to foot in white; they were radiantly white[.] there was a man with me whom I introduced to my wife and the other females who were also dressed in white. The effect was very singular upon me and I thought it remarkable in my dream. The rest of my dream was quite indistinct. When I awoke the dream was very vivid and it made a deep impression upon me.

I was very unwell this morning when I got up.

Busily engaged dictating letters, and instructing bros Snow & Bentley respecting their duties as agents

5 March 1864 • Saturday

Saturday 5th. I suffered a great deal in the night from cholic. I blessed bros Snow & Bentley this morning preparatory to starting on their mission; and they afterwards blessed and administer me. I have been administered to a number of times and have received benefit therefrom.

The brethren left the Office for the Steamer at 20 minutes to 8 a.m. Bro Shearman prepared me an injection this morning having a portion of composition and lobelia in it, the first administration of the kind I ever took, and I really thought it would be the last for my feelings for a while were deathlike, I was so dreadfully sick; I believe I should have fainted had bro Shearman not got me some water. After the sickness passed I felt much releaved from my cholic, though I suffered from it more or less from it all day. My pain was so great I felt quite incapable of work. I wrote a letter apiece to my wives.

6 March 1864 • Sunday

Sunday 6th Passed a much easier day to day. Received a letter from bro Jesse N Smith in which was conveyed the pleasing intelligence that he had made a contract for the carrying of the Saints from Copenhagen via Lubeck &Hamburg to Grimsby with Morris & Co of Hamburg. This intelligence gave me great relief; as up to this time, it has appeared somewhat dubious respecting the saints getting out of Scandinavia. Bros John Wright and John Anglesey called in to see me to day.

7 March 1864 • Monday

Monday 7th Went down to see Mr Smith first thing this morning about ships. He assures me that he will have all the ships we need he thinks the price will be the same as last year.

Wrote to bro Jesse N Smith, and corrected the report of my remarks at Birmingham for the “Star.” Dictated two or three letters to bro Geo Reynolds.

8 March 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 8th/64. Dictated an editorials to Bro. Graham and two letters home: one to my brother-in-law, Chas Lambert and my sister Mary Alice, and one to Bro. Wm H. Perkes. I felt a little better to-day. I intended to Wednesd have gone to Southport to-day for a few days in company with Bro Thos Taylor for the benefit of my health, thinking that change of air and scene, and freedom from the cares of business, might have a beneficial effect upon me. It stormed dreadfully all day.

9 March 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Mar 9/64. Wrote a short letter to Brother Brigham, Sen., and dictated a letter to Bro. Wm Clayton. Busy otherwise also. Started at 2.35 p.m., in company with Bro Thos Taylor to Southport. Put up at the Victoria Hotel. I felt much improved in my spirits and walked out for about two hours. Enjoyed an excellent appetite for my food afterwards.

10 March 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, 10th/64. Snowed heavily for this country last night. The sun arose bright and warm. We had a donkey carriage and took a ride out in the country to see some coursing — greyhounds in couples chasing hares. The <A> hare would be let free and started to run, and after it would be fairly underway, a man who would be holding two hounds in a leash would let them free and they would start after the hare and chase it until one of them caught it. It Rained in the afternoon. Was administered to by Bro Taylor in the evening.

11 March 1864 • Friday

Friday, 11th/64. A fine but windy morning. Rode and walked out. Hailed and rained in gusts[,] and the wind was dreadfully high during the afternoon.

12 March 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, March, 12th. A finer day than yesterday; rode and walked out.

13 March 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, 13/64 Left Southport this morning for Liverpool. I have felt much benefited by my visit to this place, though not yet free from pain, I am much stronger. Found Elder M McCune here, who has just come over from Ireland; He is visiting the various Conferences in the mission. Met in Confce with the Saints three times to day, I spoke twice and enjoyed the meetings very much. I received letters from President Young, my uncle John Taylor[,] Wm C. Staines, and my wife Elizabeth. The news in all was very good. The President informed me that his son Joseph A. and Brother Staines, accompanied by his son John W., were coming to New York to act as Agents in the business of the Emigration. Brother H. B. Clawson was coming down with them to make purchases and Bro Joseph W. Young to act on the frontiers in the management of the affairs of the Emigration there[.] Uncle wrote cheeringly, very encouragingly. Elizabeth expressed herself as being very anxious to see me, so anxious that she would gladly make the trip to England again, if she could be allowed, so that she might be with me.

14 March 1864 • Monday

Monday March 14/64 I felt very unwell today. Bro McCune, who is a homeopathic doctor, has such confidence that he could do me good that I was induced to try some of his remedies; I thought about them as the old lady said about the catnip tea:— “If they could do no good they could do no harm” — The doses are wonderfully small. I wrote a long letter to Brother Jesse N. Smith, attended to various matters in the office.

15 March 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 15th 1864. Correcting matter for the Star and variously engaged in the office. Received a letter from my wife Sarah Jane; she and Franklin were both well.

16 March 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 16th Dictated letters to President Young[,] Brother Wm C. Staines, and a joint letter to him and Joseph A. Young, and to Bro R. E. Miller of Parowan. Made a visit, in company with Brothers McCune and Thomas Taylor, to the Tilley family at Bootle, we spent a very pleasant afternoon and evening.

17 March 1864 • Thursday

Thursday March 17./6. My health is much improved under Bro McCune’s treatment. Dictated a portion of an Editorial to Bro Graham. Finished it myself. Spent the evening at Sister Spencer’s with Bro’s McCune, Taylor, Sears, & Graham, and Sisters Graham and McManus.

18 March 1864 • Friday

Friday March 18th 1864. Dictated several letters and otherwise busy in the Office. Wrote a letter to my wife Elizabeth.

19 March 1864 • Saturday

Saturday March 19th 1864. Bro McCune left this morning for Manchester. Bro Taylor also started for Copenhagen. Wrote a letter to Brother Jesse N. Smith for him to take. Finished letter to my wife; at 2.20 P.M. started for Glasgow, Scotland and was met at the Station by Brothers <Henson> Walker, Hood, John Sharp Jr [,] J. C. Brown, M. Lyon and R. Watson Jr and a number of other brethren. Brother Walker and I slept at Brother John Crawfords. I suffered great pain in my breast, all day.

20 March 1864 • Sunday

Sunday March 20th/64 had three meetings in the day in the Trongate Hall with the Saints in Conference. There was a large attendance and a good spirit manifested. All the Before mentioned brethren spoke[,] and I spoke for a short time after them in each meeting. Took dinner at Sister McGregors.

21 March 1864 • Monday

Monday March 21. Gave the Elders some instruction this morning. Took dinner at Brother Burlington’s and started at 4 O’clock for L’pool. I have felt pleased at the decrease of unpleasant symptoms in my health. This trip, under the blessing of God through the laying on of the hands of the Elders and the faith and prayers of the Saints, has benefited me. Arrived in Liverpool at ½ past twelve midnight and found Brother Paul A. Schettler, who had arrived at the Office about 9 Oclock this evening from Switzerland, by way of Holland.

22 March 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday Mar 22 1864 Busy in Office during day and spent the evening in company with Brothers Shearman and Schettler and some other Saints, at Brother Graham’s

23 March 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday Mar 23rd Busy in Office. Brother Schettler took his departure for New York on the S. S. City of London, to assist as Clerk in the business of the Emigration on the other side.

24 March 1864 • Thursday

Thursday Mar 24th. Busy in Office.

25 March 1864 • Friday

Friday. Mar 25th This is Good Friday and a holiday. I took a trip on the river down to New Brighton and back. In evening went to the Saints Chapel and partook of tea with them and listed to singing.

26 March 1864 • Saturday

Saturday Mar 26th <See Tuesday March 29.> (I forgot to mention on Saturday that I received two letters from Home, one from Brother Wilford Woodruff Senr and the other from my wife Elizabeth; both were very interesting.) Called on Mr Smith, of Tapscott, Smith & Co; to see him about chartering a vessel; not finding him at home, he afterwards called upon me. Wrote a letter to my wife Sarah Jane, and at 3.50 P.M. started in company with Brothers Bull and Graham for Sheffield. Met at the Station by Bros Gillet, Nicholson and Fowler and went with them to supper to Bro John Cutler’s. Slept with Bro Bull at Bro Favel.

27 March 1864 • Sunday

Sunday March 27th 1864. Bro McCune joined us this morning. Attended three meetings today. In Conference with the Saints, and enjoyed myself very much. All the Elders addressed the Confce, and I spoke <during> a portion of the afternoon and in the evening. Took dinner and tea at with the Elders at Bro John Stevensons and supper at Bro Charles Parkins.

28 March 1864 • Monday

Monday Mar 28. By invitation I visited Mr Siddall, a Knife manufacturer, &c, in company with Elders Bull & Fowler. He was at our last nights meeting by invitation of Bro Fowler who had formerly been one of his forgers. He insisted on making Brother Bull and Myself a present of some knives, my packet consisted of 8 Butchers Knifes and a pair of razors. We 3 afterwards visited a portion of the scene of the inundation caused by the bursting of the Bradfield Reservoir on Friday night, the or Saturday Morning early the 12th of March, through which whole villages were swept away and a tremendous amount of property amounting to upwards of half a million — was destroyed and nearly 300 souls swept suddenly into eternity. Mills, dwelling houses, <Iron & Stone> bridges, fences &c &c were swept away by the force of the flood, and in some instances scarcely leaving a vestige to mark the spot where they once stood. Boilers were carried for miles down the river Don[,] and a very heavy log, about 3 feet in diameter at the butt, was drifted into the centre of one of the main thoroughfares of the town of Sheffield. The large portion of the town near the river had been completely flooded[,] and in passing along the Streets, the traces of the current were plainly visible on the sides of the houses, in most instances being nearly up to the first floor. The Reservoir was situate about 8 or 10 miles above the town. Attended a Tea party of the Saints in the evening at the Temperance Hall and had a very fine time; but to the regret of the Saints, I was compelled to leave in company with Brothers Bull and Graham for L’pool, at 9. O’clock, and reached there awhile after midnight.

29 March 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 29. Busy in Office. Wrote several letters. Received a letter from Prest Young in which I received the very pleasing intelligence that I should be at liberty to return home in August next. He said, “So soon as my mind can rest upon the proper person I intend him to to send him to take your place. In the meantime make all preparation to come home, and you are at liberty to leave in August. In the event of no person arriving from here to take your place in time, arrange to leave the best man in your place until he is relieved.”

30 March 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday Mar 30./64 Wrote letters to Jesse N President Young, Brothers Jesse N. Smith, and Brothers Joseph A Young & Wm C. Staines, and busy about other business in the Office.

31 March 1864 • Thursday

Thursday Mar 31. Wrote several letters and an Editorial; — Spiritual influences and their effects.

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March 1864, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025