February 1856

5 February 1856 • Tuesday

On Tuesday, the 5th of Feb., 1856, it being the eighth day from his birth, we made a feast and invited the brethren and sisters of the branch and we attended to the blessing of the boy. After we had eaten dinner (about thirty being present) we assembled in the sitting room and sang a hymn, the 66th, “O Lord, our Sovereign King, Our infant charge now bless;” &c. I prayed, and, after speaking for a short time on the principle of blessing children, illustrating my remarks by reference to the Scriptures, I took the babe up in my arms and blessed him as follows: George Quayle, in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood which I have received, and by the right which I possess as thy father, I take thee up in my arms to administer unto thee a father’s blessing; and I pray unto thee, O God the Eternal Father, that I may possess thy Holy Spirit, even the spirit of revelation and prophecy, by which I may be enabled to speak and pronounce such blessings upon this infant as shall be approved and ratified by thee, and as shall hereafter be realized by him; I ask these mercies in the name of thy son Jesus Christ. And I say unto thee, dear George, that thou shalt be blessed, for I do bless thee; and thou shalt be filled with the Spirit of the Lord from thy childhood up, and thou shalt grow and increase in body and in mind; and the visions of eternity shall be made made manifest unto thee even in thy youth, for thy mind shall be carried away in the visions of eternity, and thou shalt see and understand the things of the Kingdom of God, and the Lord will be with thee, and will bless thee, and His Holy Spirit will fill thy heart, and His Holy angels will be round about thee continually, for He will have respect unto the cries of thy fathers. Thou shalt be an honored instrument in the hands of the Lord of doing much good in thy day and generation, and shalt hold the Holy Priesthood to which thou art <heir,> being a descendant of Israel. Thy voice shall be lifted up in defence of the principles of salvation which the Lord has revealed in these days, and thou shalt go from land to land, and from nation to nation, declaring and bearing testimony to the truth of these principles; for thou shalt be mighty, and none shall stay thy hand. Thou shalt behold the face of thy God, and walk and converse with him, and delight in His presence; His angels shall minister unto thee, and thou shalt behold them, and they will delight to honor thee with their presence. Thy seed shall be innumerable, and thou shalt be the father of multitudes. Thy parents, and all the people of God, will rejoice because of thee and thy goodness, and the correctness of thy walk, conversation and works before the Lord, and before his people.1

[Undated miscellaneous notes]

Pres. John A. Ray of Fillmore wishes to get 20 copies of P. P. Ps. Key which if he will forward to him he will vouch for the pay & shall be paid over to whom he wishes.

Bro. Lorenzo D. Young sent $10 by me to John R. Young on the islands. Also Bro. Brigham told me that if I found he needed any more at any time if I would send it to him he (Bro. Brigham) would refund it to me by draft or otherwise.

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February 1856, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1856/02-1856


  1. [1]A page was torn from the journal after this entry.