September 1889

1 September 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, September 1st, 1889.

At ten o’clock I met with the saints in quarterly conference, in the large Tabernacle. President Woodruff requested me to speak. I felt reluctant, for I had nothing to say, but the Lord blessed me very much and I occupied the time until 11:40. Brother John Henry Smith followed and spoke spiritedly for ten minutes.

I went to my sister Mary Alice’s to dinner, with my daughter Hester and Amelia and my son Sylvester. We had a very pleasant visit at my sister’s.

The afternoon meeting was occupied by President Woodruff and Brother H. J. Grant. I drove home. My daughters Mary Alice and Emily returned with me to the evening meeting. President Woodruff was not there. Elias Morris, C. W. Penrose and O. F. Whitney spoke. We had an excellent meeting.

2 September 1889 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 2nd, 1889.

Attended the Tabernacle at two o’clock. Statistical reports were read by Brother Penrose, and my brother Angus, as President, reported the condition of the Stake. He was followed by Brothers J. E. Talmage and Edward Stevenson.

During the time between the meetings I sat for Mr. Peterson to work at my portrait. In the afternoon the authorities were presented to the conference, after which I occupied the most of the time. President Woodruff followed in a short discourse. I enjoyed considerable power in speaking, as also did President Woodruff.

A Mr. Morrell desired to have an interview with me, and I called upon him at the Walker House.

Brother Wilcken drove me home in the evening.

3 September 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1889.

Brothers Nephi W. Clayton and C. H. Wilcken came down and took breakfast with me this morning. We crossed the River Jordan to see Brother David Clayton concerning some land that had been left by the river which I wished to arrange with him for, in order that I might obtain the soil to fill in between my houses. He seems to be unwilling on this point. I learn, however, that I have a right to this soil, as it is left on my side of the river by the river.

Brother N.W. Clayton carried me to the city.

I sat for Mr. Peterson to work at my portrait for three hours.

Afterwards held a meeting on political matters with President Woodruff, Brothers F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, F. S. Richards, A.M. Cannon and myself.

Brother Wilcken took me home this evening.

We have been in want of help to do housework and Sister Jane Hirons came from Sanpete, she being a sister-in-law of Brother Geo. Farnworth’s, to live with us.

4 September 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 1889.

I drove up to the office this morning. Found President Woodruff present. I sat for the portrait painter today.

At one o’clock I met with the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank.

Had interviews with a number of brethren; among them, Pres. F. A. Hammond, of San Juan Stake.

Drove home in the evening.

5 September 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 5th, 1889.

On reaching the Gardo House this morning I found President Woodruff and Brother Brigham Young there. Brother Brigham’s health is good. The deputies have been trying to capture him of late and have searched a place in Parley’s Park where they supposed they would find him.

Brother Lorenzo Snow called in today also.

We had a call from Brother Wm. Paxman, who has been in New Zealand for three years, on a mission, and has presided over that Mission.

The First Presidency and the Twelve held their usual meeting at two o’clock; there were present, besides President Woodruff and myself, Brothers L. Snow, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant. Brother John W. Taylor came in just as we were on the point of separating.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Dr. Hermann Dalton, from Berlin, who has been residing in Russia for some time, delivering lectures upon the Deity. He is traveling in the United States, and one object is to ascertain all he can concerning the evangelical sects, he says. I sent him a collection of our works to his rooms at the Walker House. I told him that I thought he ought to bestow more attention upon our system than he appeared to be doing. He complained that he had not time; but I think it is probably that he imagines he can grasp the whole subject in a few hours by running through the city as he is doing and perhaps write considerable concerning us.

This evening I went with Brother Wilcken to the Haun farm and spent the night there.

6 September 1889 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 6, 1889.

We started early this morning for the city, after giving directions about work which had to be done.

I dictated answers today to a number of letters.

Brother Fred W. Taylor, one of President John Taylor’s sons, came to ask counsel today about going to New York to study medicine. We gave him counsel upon the subject, charging him, if he did go, to be careful and not yield to the unbelief and wickedness which prevailed in the place where he would have to receive his instruction.

We had a long conversation with Brother Fred A. Mitchell concerning his financial circumstances, respecting which he desired to have counsel. President Woodruff considered that he would be justified in selling some lots that he had.

Pres. Wm. R. Smith, of Davis Stake, also called and reported the selection of a Bishop for the new Ward in Kaysville—Daniel B. Harris, with John L. Thornley and W. N. Nalder as his counselors. President Woodruff and myself informed him that we should be at the conference on Sunday and Monday in Davis Stake and could then attend to the ordination and setting apart of these brethren.

Mr. H. E. C. Peterson completed his oil painting of me today, and commenced a portrait of President Woodruff. Those who have examined my portrait are much pleased with it and think it a very excellent likeness.

I drove down home this evening.

7 September 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 7th, 1889.

I drove to the office this morning, though I had not intended to do so, as my own affairs require some attention, but there is so much public business to attend to and letters to be answered, that I felt I must attend to them, and I devoted a good portion of the time to answering public letters.

Held a meeting with the Convention Committee—Brothers Caine, Richards and Penrose—on political matters.

Drove home in the evening.

8 September 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1889.

My son William drove me to the depot this morning, where I joined President Woodruff and wife. We traveled on the cars to Farmington, and were met at the Station by Brother Ezra T. Clark, who carried us in his carriage to his house.

At 10 o’clock we attended meeting in the Grove, it being the Quarterly Conference of the Davis Stake. I occupied about one hour in the forenoon and had considerable freedom and enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord. President Woodruff spoke about twenty minutes and felt very well.

We had dinner at Brother John W. Hess’. In the afternoon President Woodruff spoke and I followed. Brother Seymour B. Young also occupied about 15 minutes.

This day’s meetings were attended by an excellent spirit and all rejoiced very much in the instructions given.

President Woodruff and wife remained as the guests of Brother Clark. I preferred returning to the city.

9 September 1889 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 9th, 1889.

I went to Farmington this morning on the 8 o’clock train, and was again met by Brother Clark at the station.

At ten o’clock we had our meeting in the Grove. The attendance was very full, considering how busy a time it is. There was but little difference between today’s attendance and that of yesterday, and we had most excellent meetings. Statistical reports were presented, and Brother Wm. R. Smith, the President of the Stake, and his Counselors spoke to the people. President Woodruff occupied the remainder of the time.

We took dinner at Brother Clark’s.

In the afternoon President Woodruff desired me to speak, which I did, feeling excellently in doing so. As I did not occupy all the time, Brothers Nathan T. Porter, Peter Barton and Joseph B. Noble spoke for a short time and bore their testimony, and they were followed by President Woodruff, who occupied about a quarter of an hour.

We have enjoyed these meetings splendidly, and the people have felt well. There has been a spirit of freedom enjoyed by all who have spoken, and the Lord has poured out His Spirit. I feel very thankful for the opportunity which I have of laboring in my calling, with freedom that I now enjoy. It is the more precious because of being so long deprived of it and the constant danger I am in of being assailed again on some pretext in order to deprive me of it once more.

In conversation with Brother Wm. R. Smith and his counselors, at the house of Brother Clark, Brother Smith asked President Woodruff the question, what he should do in cases where men wanted to get another wife. He would like to know, because he wanted to act intelligently in the matter. Should he sign recommends when he knew that that was the object? President Woodruff, in reply, said, in substance, that when the Lord commanded the Saints in Jackson County to build a temple and their enemies prevented their doing it, He accepted the offering and the consequences fell upon the people who would not let them obey that command of God. He said, “So it is now with this nation, and the consequences of this will have to fall upon those who take this course to prevent our obeying this commandment. I feel that it is not proper for any marriages of this kind to be performed in this Territory at the present time.” I do not give his exact language, but this is as near as can be. These were the ideas which he conveyed. He intimated, however, that such marriages might be solemnized in Mexico or in Canada. After making these remarks he said, “Now here is President Cannon, he can say what he thinks about this matter.” I made no reply; for I was not fully prepared to endorse these remarks, and therefore thought it better to say nothing, and as the conversation went on without my silence attracting any particular attention, I suffered the matter to pass without further comment. This is the first time that I have heard President Woodruff express himself so plainly upon this subject, and therefore I was not prepared to fully acquiesce in his expressions; for, to me, it is an exceedingly grave question, and it is the first time that anything of this kind has ever been uttered, to my knowledge, by one holding the keys.

We returned to the city, reaching there at ten minutes past seven. My son William met me at the cars with a buggy and took me home.

10 September 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 10th, 1889.

I drove to the city this morning.

Had a meeting with Brothers James Sharp, Elias A. Smith and John N. Pike concerning the part of the Platform of the People’s Party which had been referred to them. They wished to get my counsel on some points.

I had an interview with Mr. Charles Kraft, the husband of Emma Fenton, sister of Brother Brigham’s wife Lizzie, whom I had known very intimately while on my mission in the East in 1858–59–60. Emma is dead. I had a very pleasant conversation with him.

At 11 o’clock met with the Directors of Z.C.M.I. We attended to various matters of business. Before we adjourned I desired to call attention to two points that I wished to lay before the Board for their consideration. Some years ago I had brought to the attention of the Board the propriety of our giving our customers a share of the profits of the institution, but it had not been entertained at that time. Since then the Equitable Co-operative Association has started upon this principle, and I now desired to call the attention of the Directors to this subject that it might be considered once more. I did not wish any action taken upon it at this meeting, but submitted it for their consideration. Would it not be a good idea for us at the present time to adopt this plan? From the remarks made I gathered that several of the Directors did not approve of it. The other suggestion which I made was that the Church, having sold out its stock in the institution, was no longer interested in it financially. I have felt that it would be a good thing to give the Church some stock. I am willing to have any portion that may be decided upon taken from mine for this purpose. I feel that it would strengthen me, at least as an individual, in advocating co-operation, to have it known that the Church was interested. This I thought, would remove the ground for the statements which we hear occasionally that it was only a partnership, and that other partnerships which might be formed were as worthy of patronage as Z.C.M.I. I felt that by giving the Church this stock it would strengthen the institution in the minds of the people, and would make our stock that much more valuable. Another point that I mentioned as having been brought up by some allusion to tithing, was the taking of tithing from the amount allowed the Directors. I felt that this was a reflection upon us as members of the Church. I paid my tithing regularly and with some degree of strictness. I did not need anybody to tithe my income for me; I could do it myself, and I did not believe in that method. At the same time I recognized the propriety of the Directors being treated in that way as long as the hands employed by the institution had their earnings tithed before they were paid to them. It seemed to me that it had the effect to humiliate a person to have the tithing kept out of his wages; for it left him open to the feeling that he could not be trusted to pay his own tithing. I am satisfied, said I, that our tithing would decrease if this were not done; but is it not better to have our people trained to pay their own tithing and to trust to them than to take away their agency to the extend [extent] that we have to do it for them. I said if I had been present at the meeting when it was proposed that the tithing of the Directors should be taken out, I should have opposed it and should have stated my reasons as I now state them for doing so.

I drove home this evening.

11 September 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 11th, 1889.

Brother Wilcken and myself rode together to the funeral of Bishop Samuel Bennion, of Taylorsville, the family having requested me to attend. They also desired President Woodruff to be there, but he could not be present, and he wished me to go. The meeting was at ten o’clock. The house was crowded, and a number of people from different parts outside of the Ward were present. The first speaker was Brother Harker. He was followed by Brother Wallace, Brother Henry W. Naisbett and my brother Angus. I afterwards spoke about half an hour. There was much instruction given. There was no feeling of gloom nor of death in the meeting house. Had it not been for the presence of the casket containing the remains and the allusions which were made to the death of Brother Bennion, I could not have told from any feeling that there was death there.

I found my son Frank at my place when I returned, and as this is the fiftieth anniversary of his mother’s birthday he had come down and brought his wife and children to see her. He joined with me in purchasing a bookcase as a present for his mother. I wished to make her a present for her birthday, but have been so busy that I have not attended to it. The intention is to get up a surprise party for her this afternoon and evening, and in order that my sentiments might be known, Dr. Barney, who seems to be the head and front of the movement, wrote to me asking me to write something for an album that she was getting up, and in which a great many were writing sentiments. I dictated to Brother Winter a letter which I addressed to my wife, giving her a brief outline of my feelings and congratulating her on the anniversary of her birthday, and I sent the letter to Sister Barney.

I was detained in the city till my daughter Emily had got through with her music lesson and David and her rode down with me home. In the meantime President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Mr. Barclay, member of the British Parliament, and his Secretary, Mr. Bell. Mr. Barclay had written a very excellent article in the English magazine, the Nineteenth Century, which we afterwards published as a pamphlet. Our interview was quite interesting, and upon separating I thanked him for the kind words he had written concerning us and prayed God to bless him. Had a meeting also with the political committee, who submitted the draft of a platform to us. I suggested some changes, which they thought ought to be made.

There was a large crowd of people came down to my wife Sarah Jane’s house, numbering altogether about eighty, and they had a very delightful time there. President Woodruff was there and made remarks, as did my brother Angus and others. My letter was read and the sentiments that had been written in the album. My wife felt greatly honored by the attention she received. I thought it imprudent to go there. My liberty is so precious to me, not for myself alone, but for the Church, and my anxiety is so great to have liberty to exercise my calling, that I feel it imprudent to do anything that could be seized as a pretext by our enemies to attack me and to embarrass me. They may do it without having any basis; but I desire to be careful not to furnish them any apparent reason for such action against me. I was greatly gratified, however, that my family had such an enjoyable time as they described the occasion to be.

12 September 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 12th, 1889.

My daughter Mary Alice rode to the city with me this morning.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter and attended to various items of business. At two o’clock we had our usual meeting, at which the First Presidency and Brothers B. Young, H. J. Grant and John W. Taylor were present.

I had a conversation with Brother Joseph F. Smith today, as I have had previously with President Woodruff, concerning the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I feel that Conference is approaching and that we should take into consideration the filling of the vacancies which existed exist. To me it is a matter of very grave concern; for I am very desirous that the men whom the Lord wishes to hold the position should be selected, and it has been a matter of frequent prayer with me that He would point out to us in such a manner that there could be no doubt who the men are. I have no prepossessions, I hope I have no prejudices, in favor of or against any man that would be likely to be selected. I would like to know the mind of the Lord and to have His will made known. I think it very important, in view of all that has taken place, that great care should be exercised that men of the right spirit, men who are humble and obedient, men who are sound in doctrine, men who will not be lifted up in pride or be inclined to speculate, or make use of their position for their own advantage, should be selected. In the old Quorum, as it existed when President Young lived, there was the utmost harmony. We were a band of brethren, and we were of one heart. I never knew an unpleasantness to occur between brethren in the Quorum. I need not refer here to occurrences which have taken place since President Taylor’s death, about which I naturally feel somewhat sensitive. My experience, in some respects, has been exceedingly painful, and I desire that in the filling of the Quorum we should have men who will stand by the President of the Quorum and the President of the Church, be guided by them and be one of them. I mentioned two names that I had thought about to Brother Jos. F. He seemed favorably impressed with them. Afterwards we talked to President Woodruff upon the subject of having Brother Lorenzo Snow meet with us, and also that he should be instructed to converse with the brethren of his Quorum and learn from them the names that they had to suggest, and after obtaining from them these names, that he and President Woodruff, Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself should meet together and make this a subject of solemn prayer before the Lord and obtain from Him His mind and will as to who the men shall be. I feel that if we can be united as a First Presidency, and Brother Snow with us, our decision will be the mind and will of the Lord. President Woodruff is in favor of this, and a letter was written to Brother Snow, inviting him to meet with us as soon as we shall return from Bear Lake, to which place we start in the morning. We have secured the private car of Brother John Sharp, and we will take a cook with us. President Woodruff will take his wife, and Brother B. Young will go secretly in the car and take his wife. This will be as many as the car will accommodate. Brother John Sharp intended to have gone with us, but is prevented by an engagement with Mr. Sidney Dillon, who has just arrived. He will send one of the railroad men with us in his place.

Mr. Sidney Dillon, Mr. Cumming, the Asst. Mangr. of the U.P., Bishop John Sharp and Brother James Sharp had an interview with President Woodruff and myself and we had a very interesting conversation. Mr. Dillon is an old acquaintance of mine, and he expressed himself very warmly in favor of our people, and he feels very friendly to us.

Called for my daughter Mary Alice and took her home with me.

13 September 1889 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 13th, 1889.

My son David drove me to the train this morning. We started at 8 o’clock for Bear Lake. Brother Francis Cope accompanied us on behalf of the railroad. My son John Q. met me at Ogden. I had some conversation with him. We reached Granger at 4:54 in the afternoon and remained there all night.

14 September 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 14th, 1889.

The train coming from the East was late and we did not get away from Granger till late in the forenoon. We traveled very rapidly between there and Montpelier. Reached Montpelier a little after two o’clock. We were met by Brother Budge with several teams. The dispatch which we had sent to him concerning the number of the party and the time we should reach had not been received by him, and he therefore had brought more teams than were needed.

My eyes watered considerably between Montpelier and Paris, and after I reached there. Brother Cope and myself were invited to stop with Sister Stucki. After dinner I went over to President Woodruff.

My left eye troubled me considerably this evening and the nerves of my left cheek felt quite stiff. I felt very uncomfortable about it; for I fear from the feeling that there is a little paralysis.

15 September 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 14th [15th], 1889.

We attended meeting in the new Stake House, and at President Woodruff’s request I offered the dedicatory prayer. President Woodruff made remarks and was followed by Brother Parkinson, of the Oneida Stake, and Thomas E. Ricks, of the Bannock Stake; after which I was called upon to speak, which I did for about half an hour. In the afternoon the meeting was devoted to testimonies. Brothers Budge, Reynolds, Hart, Horton C. Height, Geo. Osmond, myself and President Woodruff occupied the time. President Woodruff spoke with a good deal of power. I bore my testimony to the truth of the gospel and felt very well in so doing.

The evening was devoted to a Sunday School meeting. All the Superintendents, teacher[s] and others interested were present. Brother Galloway took the lead of the meeting, under my direction. He and Brother Reynolds, President Woodruff and myself spoke.

16 September 1889 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 15th [16th], 1889.

We started from Paris at about quarter to eight this morning for Montpelier. We found our special car waiting, but we had to remain till the middle of the afternoon before the train for Granger came to Montpelier. Our car was attached to the train, and Brother Cope saw the conductor and engineer, and requested them to do what they could to keep our car steady by means of the air brake[.] The ride was rapid, but, on the whole, rather pleasant. We were too late for any train and had to remain at Granger all night.

17 September 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 16th [17th], 1889.

I had a very pleasant night’s rest. President Woodruff and wife, who had slept on the lounge in the main room, preferred sleeping in the berths, and Brother Cope and myself exchanged with them and slept together on the lounge. Brother Reynolds slept on the floor. He had taken the precaution to get the loan of some bedding from some of the brethren at Montpelier.

The train did not come along this morning until about eight o’clock, and we made a very rapid run to Ogden. Brother Wm. W. Cluff joined us on the train at Evanston and rode with us to Echo. I telegraphed to my sons at Ogden to meet me. When we reached Ogden John Q. came into the car and expressed great sorrow to see me in my condition. I told him that I thought it was an attack of facial paralysis. He proposed seeing two doctors of his acquaintance who were quite skilful, in Ogden, and ask them concerning it. I told him not to mention who was affected. He saw Dr. Perkins, a young man who is said to be very skilful as a surgeon, and Dr. Condon. Both said, from his description, that it was facial paralysis, and that the party affected must have been sitting in a draught. I attribute the attack, in part, to the wound on my eyebrow that I received when thrown from the train at the time I was under arrest. I have felt a weakness in that eyebrow, and my reading as I did on our way to Montpelier, with the car making such violent motions, brought on the attack, as I thought. But perhaps one cause also was sitting in a draught. We reached Salt Lake City at half past three, and my son Abraham met me and took me up town. Almost opposite the President’s Office we met Dr. Benedict. I stopped him and asked him if he would go into the office with me. He examined my face and said it was facial paralysis and advised me to do nothing but have it well rubbed, or to have the treatment that is now called Massage. He said he might give me a hypodermic injection, but he did not believe it would amount to anything. I spoke to him about using electricity. He did not think favorably of it.

My family felt very badly when they saw my condition; but I encouraged them. I omitted to mention that Dr. Benedict said it was only a local affection and would be inconvenient and might last for some months, but the muscles and nerves would resume their functions after awhile.

18 September 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 1889.

I deemed it better to remain at home all day today, with the exception of going to the Hot Springs, where I went accompanied by Brother Wilcken and my son Abraham.

I had my face anointed and rubbed well.

19 September 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 19th, 1889.

I came to the office and met with the First Presidency and Twelve in council. There were present, besides the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor. It was suggested to the Twelve that they present names of brethren of whom they thought favorably to be ordained Apostles to fill the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve.

I was administered to by the Twelve.

I forgot to mention that Brother Lorenzo Snow rode in the car with us from Ogden, on Tuesday, and we had conversation with him concerning the filling of the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve and suggested to him that he see the brethren of the Twelve and get from them such names as they had in their minds of brethren that might be eligible for the Apostleship. My son Abraham drove me home.

20 September 1889 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 20th, 1889.

I went again this morning to the Hot Springs. I think of taking a bath every morning and see what the effect will be.

I dictated answers to a number of public letters, to Brother A. Winter.

I had a meeting of over two hours duration with the Deseret News Co.

21 September 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 21st, 1889.

I went to the Hot Springs early in the morning with my son Abraham, and spent the remainder of the day at my home.

Brother Seymour B. Young visited me in the evening and gave my face a good rubbing, as he did yesterday at the Gardo House.

I had several visits today.

22 September 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 1889.

Went to the Hot Springs this morning with Brother Chas. H. Wilcken and my son David. I thought it prudent not to go to meeting today, being one of the first times in my life in this valley that I have not attended a Sunday meeting when I was able to do so.

Brother John T. Caine and Bp. Clawson called upon me in the afternoon. In the evening Brother Seymour B. Young came, after his return from Pleasant Grove, where he and Brother Jacob Gates and my son Abraham had been attending meeting. He gave my face a good rubbing again.

23 September 1889 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 23rd, 1889.

Went to the Hot Spring[s] this morning with my son Abraham. My daughter Mary Alice and son David accompanied me to town.

I listened to letters, in company with Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and dictated answers to a number of them.

There was quite an excited interview between President Jos. F. Smith and my brother Angus concerning a piece of land that Angus has held in his name. It is a piece a little west of the Lion House. I purposely kept away from the discussion which took place. There was considerable warmth of feeling exhibited on both sides. Previous to their interview Brother Jos. F. had spoken with a good deal of feeling and heat concerning certain matters, and some of his remarks, I thought, were scarcely just to my brother Angus, and I made some replies to them. I had intended to have abstained from all participation in the conversation respecting this property, and did so. Afterwards, Brother Moses Thatcher and Bishop Preston came in and conversation was continued concerning it, during which I was dictating answers to letters to Brother A. Winter and then went home, taking my daughter Mary Alice with me. My son Brigham drove me home.

Brother Seymour B. Young came down and rubbed my face again.

24 September 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 1889.

I went to the Hot Springs again this morning with my son Abraham.

I felt it my duty to say to Brother Jos. F. Smith this morning that if I had said anything yesterday to wound his feelings in my reply, I regretted it; that I did not think there should be a shadow of feeling between men occupying the position which President Woodruff and himself and myself held. Of all men on the earth we should be united. He said that he had no feeling at what I had said; never had any feeling against me; but he thought that a remark which I had made concerning the land was intended for him. It was to the effect that I told Angus that there were those that did not want him to have that land. He thought in that remark that I referred to him, and he desired to assure me that he had no feeling against Angus holding the land, if everything was satisfactory otherwise. I explained to him that I did not make that remark in reference to himself at all, but that I thought he had been influenced in his feelings and remarks by others who had that feeling. I said to President Woodruff and to him that I had perfect confidence in both of them and they had my love, and I desired to have their love and their confidence. It seemed to me that it would be a sorrowful day for us and for the Latter-day Saints if the First Presidency of this Church were not united. We had a very delightful interchange of feelings. Brother Jos. F. told President Woodruff his feelings concerning the manner in which he had been treating him; that he thought he had treated him with coldness, and that he only held the position of counselor to him because of my influence; that it had been my wish that he should be in that position. This surprised President Woodruff, and we both assured him that there never had been a word said concerning his appointment to the Presidency by either of us. I said to him that President Woodruff had never spoken to me upon the subject, as to who should be his counselors, until we were in meeting when the matter was decided upon. I think that these explanations which we had will result in good. We have been very united and I was not conscious of the existence of any feeling of this kind on the part of Brother Jos. F. Smith. I am glad, however, as he had it, that he spoke of it. President Woodruff expressed himself as being greatly pleased that Brother Jos. F. had told his feelings, as it enabled him to make explanations concerning them[.] President Woodruff spoke with great plainness about the conduct of some of the Twelve and the spirit that they manifested. He said he had been in the quorum of the Twelve upwards of fifty years and he had never seen such a spirit manifested in that body as he had since the death of president Taylor. He was not a member of the Twelve during the apostasy at Kirtland; but there had been nothing occur in the Quorum that gave him the pain which he had had on several occasions since President Taylor’s death. He spoke particularly in reference to the manner in which I had been treated and the course that had been taken by some of the brethren in regard to myself, confessing my sins and bringing charges against me that were utterly unfounded, and which were all proved to be baseless. He did hope, he said, that we should have union in that Quorum, and he hoped that in the selection of new men we should get men that would be sound in doctrine, full of faith, humble and obedient to counsel.

I dictated a number of answers to public letters, to Brother Arthur Winter; also my journal.

Called for my daughter Mary Alice and went home.

25 September 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 25th, 1889.

I went to the Hot Springs this morning, accompanied by my son Abraham.

I met with the Sunday School Union at 11 o’clock this morning.

At 1 o’clock attended a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

I dictated answers to public letters, also a private letter to Brother & Sister John McDonald, apologizing for not attending the wedding reception of their daughter Rachel.

26 September 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1889.

Brother C. H. Wilcken took me to the Hot Sprigs this morning.

Listened to public correspondence.

It was decided to cover the Large Tabernacle with a patent tin shingle, in place of the present wooden shingle. The architect, Brother Don C. Young, also suggested other improvements in the Tabernacle building.

We had a meeting of the First Presidency and seven of the Twelve. They were, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor. We listened to correspondence from Palestine and from President Geo. Teasdale, of the European Mission. After which we had prayer in the circle, and then spent about two hours conversing upon the filling of the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve. There was a most excellent spirit prevailed in our meeting, and I was very much gratified thereat. I was prayed for in the circle and administered to by the brethren.

I sent my son Brigham with the carriage to take my daughter Mary Alice home, and I stayed.

My cheek and face were rubbed by Brother Seymour B. Young, who has been doing this twice a day of late. I afterwards accompanied my son Abraham home.

27 September 1889 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 27th, 1889.

I went to the Hot Springs this morning, accompanied by Brother Wilcken. He used electricity on my face. This is the third application he has given me of this kind.

The First Presidency listened to public correspondence, and I dictated a number of answers.

I took my daughter Mary Alice down home with me.

28 September 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 28th, 1889.

Brother Wilcken called on me and took me to the Hot Springs. I returned to the Gardo House, and signed a number of recommends, in the absence of President Woodruff, and attended to other business.

I dictated some correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter.

The stockholders of the Deseret News Co. met at 11 o’clock. A majority of the stock was represented. We attended to considerable business; among other things, electing seven Directors, I being one of the number.

I had a visit in the afternoon from several of the brethren at my home on the river.

29 September 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 29th, 1889.

My sons Abraham and David accompanied me to the Hot Springs. We returned home, and about one o’clock I went in my carriage to the Tabernacle, accompanied by my daughter Amelia and my sons David and Sylvester. President Woodruff was also there. Brother B. H. Roberts was called upon to speak and delivered a very excellent discourse. I think him one of the finest orators in the Church, and he is quite powerful in his reasoning. At President Woodruff’s request, I occupied a short time afterwards, and was able to speak with great clearness, much to my gratification. My enunciation has been impeded somewhat by my affliction; but it had no perceptible effect while speaking aloud to the congregation today. There was quite a large congregation present. When I entered the building I noticed a great many of the saints whispering one to another, I suppose because of my appearance, that word having gone out that I had had a paralytic stroke, and other rumors being in circulation concerning my condition.

I spent the evening quietly at home.

30 September 1889 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 30th, 1889.

I went to the Hot Springs again this morning, accompanied by Brother C. H. Wilcken.

Returned to the Gardo House and found Presidents Woodruff and Jos. F. Smith there. We attended to various matters of business among others, giving counsel concerning the proposition that had been made by Bishop Thomas Judd, of St. George, for the Washington Factory, which he thought might be of great benefit to the country if properly managed. His proposition was to the effect that he would give a certain percentage for the Factory, with the privilege of running it five years and an option for another five, if agreeable to all concerned. We thought his terms appeared fair; but this will depend <upon> how much the property may be reduced in value by being placed on a cash basis.

We had some conversation with Mayor Armstrong and City Councilor T. G. Webber and City Attorney F. S. Richards, concerning the effect of a resolution introduced by Mr. Sowles in the interest of the “Liberal” party, and our counsel was desired regarding the proper course to take in dealing with it. We advised the brethren to not permit it to pass; or, in other words, to sit down upon it.

We also had an interview with Brother Elias Smith, one of the County Court, Wm. M. Stewart, Supt. of District Schools for the County, and Prof. J. H. Paul, a teacher. The question they had to submit was whether it would be advisable to divide the City into four districts, instead of having it as at present, divided into 21 school districts, as under the present system the poor districts have to struggle with great inconvenience. There are more children in them than in the rich districts, and in order to provide school accommodation heavy taxes have to be levied. This is an inequality which can be remedied by dividing the City into four districts or some similar number, and in joining the rich and the poor parts of the City together, so that the poor districts will have the benefit of the taxes derived from the wealthy portions. This seemed so clear a proposition to us that after considerable examination of the question in all its bearings we decided that it would be the better plan to pursue if it can be accomplished. The fear that is entertained is that we may be doing ourselves an injury politically, should the supremacy go out of our hands; but the view that we took is this: that it is for us to take a broad and liberal view of affairs and adopt a comprehensive policy and trust in the Lord to sustain it us, rather than to pursue a narrow, contracted policy for fear we should lose our influence. On this account, taking all these things into view, we decided as we did.

I drove home in the evening, feeling considerably tired with my labors. I did not feel very well in body.

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September 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024