June 1890

1 June 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, June 1st, 1890. Col. Trumbo, Brothers H. B. & Spencer Clawson called for me today with a carriage, and we called at Mrs. Bell’s and left our cards for Talulu and Grace Young, they not being in. From there we drove to Beresford Flat, near Central Park, to make a call upon Mr. & Mrs. Morris. He had been very desirous that I should see how they lived and the beautiful view there was to be obtained from their apartments. This building is a new one, very high and beautiful and occupying a commanding position[.] The view of Central Park is very fine. We entered the building and went into a place something like an office, where we found a young man. We told him whom we wanted to see. He communicated with Mr. Morris by means of some contrivance, and Mr. Morris sent word to show us up. We then went to the elevator and were lifted to the flat where Mr. Morris resided. He met us at the door of the elevator and gave us a very warm welcome. He then showed us the suite of rooms which he occupied. They were completely private and as secluded as if it were a distinct house. We passed into a lobby, on the right hand of which four rooms were situated. The first could be used as a bedroom, but as they had no use for it, they filled it with trunks and other articles. The next was the bedroom of their son -- a young man -- a very beautiful room. The next was the bathroom and water-closet, fitted up in exquisite style, and the next was their own bedroom, which we did not enter from the lobby. At the end of the lobby was the door of the sitting room or parlor, a most elegant room with a bay window, from which we had a very extensive view of the country and all of Central Park. The bedroom was also a large room. This suite of rooms they pay for at the rate of $100. per month, light, heat, attendance and everything of this character furnished. Close to their door was the door of the dining room, which we entered. It was a magnificent apartment, beautifully lighted, filled with separate tables, every family in their place at their own table. For this each person paid a dollar a day, and Mr. Morris told me that the only fault that he had to find was that there was too great a profusion of food. We went into the kitchen, which was on the same floor, and a very fine affair it was. The waiters were young girls, neatly dressed, and everything was in the best style. In conversing upon the perfection of comfort which they had in these apartments, Mrs. Morris said that she could not think of anything better except heaven. They are old people, and certainly, as far as earthly comfort is concerned, I cannot imagine any better situation that they could be in. They have abundant means, and for the elegance that they have I think the cost is very cheap. The three pay at the rate of about $742. apiece. Of course, four could live just as easily in the same apartments, and there would be only the addition of $365., which would lessen the amount per capita. These people are entirely relieved from all anxiety about help and everything of this kind, which is so annoying to housekeepers generally. Looking at this method of living, many old thoughts that I have had in former days came back to me concerning United Order, and how much people could do for themselves in the way of comfort if they were disposed to be united. Many of our people thought that it was a great sacrifice to live in any manner where they would be united like this, and yet here were these Gentiles adopting this method of life as the best and the one which would furnish the most comfort. The Lord has given unto us a beautiful earth and plenty of the elements to contribute to our happiness, so that all should have plenty and all be happy -- that is, so far as earthly comfort makes happiness; and yet through our traditions, and through the circumstances in which we are placed in consequence of bad management as nations, as families and as individuals, we are deprived of many enjoyments that we might have, and live in a way to bring care and anxiety, trouble and perplexity upon us, all of which might be avoided by using wisely the opportunities that we have.

We had a very pleasant visit with Mr. & Mrs. Morris, and then went to Riverside, where the tomb of General Grant is; then back through Central Park.

The ride was a very delightful one.

2 June 1890 • Monday

Monday, June 2nd, 1890. I wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Immigration and one to Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

I have used my son Abraham as my amanuensis. He has come down from home to consult surgeons in relation to his right leg, which has been badly affected since he had the typhoid fever. Through mismanagement on the part of those who had him in charge when he was sick, the disease settled in that limb, causing it to be enlarged. He has suffered with it to a greater or less extent, from that time; and fearful that it might become worse, he has been desirous to consult with men of eminent skill concerning it. When he first came down, one of the Presidents of a College of Surgeons urged that he should have his leg opened. The next President of a College he consulted said that would be very bad, and these eminent men differed in their views as to the proper treatment. He wrote to me at Washington upon the subject, and I suggested to him that he must be very careful and become thoroughly satisfied before he adopted any plan in relation to it. I mentioned the name of Dr. Sayre as an old friend of mine, who had now retired, I believed, from practice, but who consulted with his son, who was also an eminent surgeon. Abraham called upon Dr. Sayre, and he examined him, and said there was no need for any cutting; that what he needed was the massage treatment, to get his blood to circulate properly, and he said that there was but one man that he knew of in New York who understood that treatment properly, and he felt satisfied that he could effect a complete restoration of the limb. He introduced Abraham to the man, whose name is [blank][.] This gentleman is a Swede and is very skilful, having been thoroughly trained in this method of treatment for seven years before he was permitted to practice. He examined Abraham’s limb and said that in the course of six weeks he could have it thoroughly restored, so that it would be impossible to distinguish one limb from the other. He is here now receiving this treatment.

3 June 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 3rd, 1890. We thought it better, as Col. Trumbo had not seen Mr. Milholland, to have him meet with him and give him his views politically concerning the immigration question. I therefore let them have my letter to carry to the Barge Office, and they had a satisfactory interview with Mr. Milholland, who was much taken with Col. Trumbo.

I wrote some letters today.

4 June 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 4th, 1890. The steamship “Wisconsin” arrived with the immigrants today, and as I was anxious to get back to Washington I sent Abraham to see if all was right with them before they started. He joined me at the B. & O. station, and I left at 11:30 for Washington, where I reached at 4:30. Brother Haines, the mayor of Logan, was on the train, but did not speak to me till we were approaching Washington.

I found my son Frank at Brother Caine’s. He had come from Chicago, having been telegraphed to by Brother Caine to make the argument that Mr. Struble had suggested before the Committee on Territories in the House. His argument was very well spoken of by Brother Caine, who also told me what others had said concerning it. It seemed to have made a good impression. Mr. Struble had taken considerable pains to get all the members of the Committee there. There were six Republicans and three Democrats, and they had met while the House was in session.

5 June 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, June 5th, 1890. Frank left for Chicago this morning.

Brothers Spencer Clawson, W. H. Rowe, T. W. Jennings arrived from Philadelphia. We looked through their letters of introduction and assorted them, and suggested to them the best plan of operations for them.

My health is not good. I was not well all the time I was in New York. I suffered from fever and my thirst was insatiable. Since I have got back here I think I am affected with malarial fever.

I received two letters from my son David, which I answered today. I also dictated a letter to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, which Brother Nuttall wrote.

6 June 1890 • Friday

Friday, June 6th, 1890. The brethren mentioned yesterday made calls on one and another and they were quite pleased with the result.

My health is still very poor. The heat yesterday and today has been exceedingly oppressive. It is said to be the hottest weather that has been known in Washington for five years, at this time of the year. I am almost homesick.

Brother T. V. Williams and wife arrived today.

7 June 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, June 7th, 1890. I wrote some letters home, after which I called on ex-Senator Pomeroy concerning the project for a railroad across Central America which he had mentioned to me on my former visit, and which he was desirous to have some of our people take hold of as contractors in building. It seems that the project has not taken the form he thought it would.

I called on Mrs. Ritchie, a woman of whom my wife and myself had rented apartments several seasons in Washington. She and her daughter were well. William Johnson, the colored man who used to wait upon me, was well also.

I dictated my journal to Brother L. John Nuttall.

Brother Clawson and Col. Trumbo had been detained in New York trying to make things safer for our immigration through Mr. Milholland and others, and I received a letter from Brother Clawson informing me of this.

8 June 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, June 8th, 1890. Brother John T. Caine proposed that we take a sail on the river today, the weather being very hot. We started on the “Charles McAlester” at 6 o’clock in the afternoon and sailed to Marshall Hall, where we remained 45 mins. and returned to Washington at 9 o’clock. The scenery was very beautiful and we had a delightful sail. There was quite a crowd returning on the steamer, but there was ample room. They used the calcium light on the steamer, which made everything very distinct. I received word, by letter from Brother Wilcken, that my wife Carlie had been threatened with miscarriage, through exerting herself waiting on Clawson. He wrote in such a manner that I felt quite concerned. Her own letter, however, which was written the next day, seemed to speak more cheerfully of her situation. I telegraphed Brother Wilcken, asking him concerning her condition.

9 June 1890 • Monday

Monday, June 9th, 1890. I wrote letters home to my family.

Brother Mel. Cummings and wife and daughter, and Geo. T. Odell and wife and daughter, and W. H. Rowe called on us this evening. We happened, however, to be out at the time.

10 June 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 10th, 1890. I sent a dispatch to my son Sylvester today, it being his birthday.

Brother Clawson and Col. Trumbo arrived from New York this morning. They have been quite successful in matters which had detained them, and Mr. Milholland felt like doing all he could, under the circumstances, to help our immigration through; but he thought that we ought to see some of the Committee on Immigration in the House, so that he would have some backing. The Colonel had an interview today with Secretary Blaine and received a document from him to take to Judge Estee. I succeeded in getting a copy of it. It is as follows: [The rest of the page is blank.]

Secretary Blaine’s view is that as things now are there is constant danger of one Member or another introducing some measure against the Mormon people, and that until something definite was done this will continue. He therefore suggested that Judge Estee draw up a bill of a suitable character to introduce into Congress, on the basis of the ideas that he entertains concerning the admission of Utah. I suppose this document that he sends is something that he expects Judge Estee would bring to our attention and to have us sign in order to make the plan complete. Of course, this is out of the question. We cannot sign any document that would contain two such paragraphs as these last are. He insists to Col. Trumbo that though considerable has been done here, yet nothing really of a definite and permanent character has been accomplished, because while it may be that the present bills of Struble and Cullom are stayed and perhaps beaten, no one knows but others, at any moment, may be introduced. He says he is in full accord with Judge Estee and his ideas of the situation, and with his proposed method of solving the trouble, and he is very kindly disposed.

We saw Gen. Geo. E. Williams in order to get Col. Trumbo introduced to Mr. Wm. D. Owen, who is Chairman of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. It turns out that Gen. Williams is intimately acquainted with Mr. Owen and will take pleasure in introducing Col. Trumbo to him.

Brothers Rowe, Cummings, Odell and their companions left this afternoon for New York. T. V. Williams and wife left this evening for home.

I received a letter from President Jos. F. Smith, and one from Prest. Geo. Teasdale, and answered them both.

11 June 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 11th, 1890. I breakfasted with Brother Clawson and Col. Trumbo at the Arlington, and from there we went to the office of Gen. Geo. B. Williams. From there Col. Trumbo and he made a call on Mr. Owen and had a very satisfactory interview with him. It seems that Mr. Owen, as Chairman of this Committee, had a bill in preparation to exclude the Mormon immigrants. He said that this was the most simple way of dealing with the matter, because if they were going to be legislated against after they came here it would be better to prevent them coming. Col. Trumbo described the situation politically, and it is remarkable what an effect this had upon this gentleman. He had voted for the Edmunds-Tucker bill of confiscation; but he said if he had it to do again he did not think he would do it, because he thought it a bad measure. He appeared to be entirely opposed to the religious side of Mormonism and seemed to be ready to do anything to check the people; but when it was suggested that they might be of use politically, he exclaimed, Well, if it is going to be a matter of politics, that changes the affair entirely. Before they got through their conversation he promised that whatever bill was prepared he would submit it to the Colonel before introducing it.

This illustrates the effect that the presentation of the political situation has on politicians. The impression has gone out that we are hopelessly Democratic, and the Republicans have considered that we had no interest in them and that our votes might be counted upon as against them. Since, however, the view has been given them that there is room for hope that Utah might be Republican, it has had a marvelous effect among them. Many of them have been impenetrable as a stone wall to any arguments concerning the wrongfulness of these proceedings; but no sooner do they get the idea that perhaps their party might be profited by treating Utah kindly than they are ready to consider that view of the situation.

President Harrison has been seen by Col. Trumbo, who lunched with him, and he has considerably modified his views and feels much more kindly disposed. He has remarked that those whom he thought knew, and from whom he received his information concerning Utah affairs, had given him wrong information. Of this he had become satisfied by interviews with western men. One of his principal informers has been Gen. M. M. Bane, one of our most bitter enemies while he was here in an official capacity.

In leaving Washington I feel very well satisfied with the labors that have been performed here. I did not feel very sanguine when I came down, but the Lord has opened the way in a most wonderful manner, and in taking my departure now I feel that I can do so with some feeling that matters are pretty safe at present. Brother Caine regrets very much that I have to return, as while I have been here he has felt that I was bearing the responsibility, and it has been a relief to him. I sympathize with him in this hot weather and in the position that he occupies. I know how trying it is. I bade him and his family and Brother Nuttall good bye this afternoon, and at 3:50 I took train for New York.

I went to the Astor House, but found they had no rooms vacant, and went to the Metropolitan.

12-16 June 1890 • Thursday to Monday

Thursday, June 12th, 1890. Returned to the Astor House, as I had arranged for my trunk to be sent there and for Abraham to meet me there. Abraham met me, and I gave him letters of introduction to Col. J. B. Weber, Commissioner of Immigration, and Mr. Milholland, Inspector, so that in the event of it being necessary for something to be done concerning this incoming company, he could be introduced.

At 3:30 I took the train at Jesey [Jersey] City, Abraham accompanying me to the train, for Chicago, via the Erie and Chicago & Atlantic. I arrived at Chicago at 8:30 on Friday evening, and after securing my sleeper and waiting at the depot, I met Col. Trumbo, he and Brother Clawson having arrived that morning from Washington. We went west from Chicago on the same train. We reached Salt Lake City about 3 o’clock Monday morning, having had a very pleasant trip. I feared I would have to travel without any acquaintances, but in their company I felt the time slip off very pleasantly.

I walked up to the Cannon House, where may [my] wife Carlie is living, and succeeded in effecting an entrance, and to my astonishment found that she had been confined on June 13th of a little girl. They expected the baby to die, and her brother Don Carlos had blessed it and called it Anne Young Cannon; but the babe seemed to be doing well, and Carlie herself was feeling very well. She says that the baby came some five or six weeks before its time. I was very thankful to find that matters were as well as they are, and I have hopes that both will recover and the babe continue to grow and have long life.

I went to the Gardo House, stayed two hours, and then was ridden down home by Brother McHenry. I found my family on the river all well and very glad to see me. My return was a surprise to them, as they expected I would telegraph them when I was coming.

I returned to the office and met with Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother Reynolds. I was very glad to meet the brethren, as they were me, and to find them enjoying good health.

Before noon Col. Trumbo came in and we had a free conversation over the situation. I told the brethren before he came how devoted he had been to our interests and the zeal that he had manifested. I think that we are under obligations to him for the thoroughness with which he has taken hold of our affairs, and he has not thought about himself nor his own trouble, nor even stopped at expense. I have been greatly pleased with his conduct. Brother Clawson also has labored very diligently and has been a great help. I had written to Presidents Woodruff and Smith concerning that which had been effected with the Supreme Court. It seems that the attorneys here had taken a different view of the matter, and articles that appeared in the News mislead the people. I felt mortified at this, because I thought that, being there and on the spot and having effected what had been done, more credence should have been attached to what I said. I had obtained from McDonald, Bright and Fay, our attorneys at Washington, a letter which gave their view of the exact status of the case. Brothers Richards and Young were sent for and this was read to them. They expressed great surprise at it, and I said that I thought what I had written ought to have had more attention paid to it.

I brought to the attention of Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brothers Jack and Spence the facts communicated to me by Mr. Traynor, Baggage Master of the U.P.R.R. concerning the manner in which our immigrants’ baggage was carried on some part of the route that our people are now traveling. Brothers Jack and Spence were instructed to take steps to have this brought to the attention of the proper parties and have the evils corrected.

17 June 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 17th, 1890. I was busy at the office with Presidents Woodruff and Smith all day.

The question of whether we should divide as a people into the national political parties had been brought before Presidents Woodruff and Smith during my absence and a decision concerning it had been postponed until my return. A meeting was held this morning at 11 o’clock in the parlor of the Gardo House, and members of the County Committees of Salt Lake and Weber were present. I was desirous to hear the reasons that were urged why we should divide politically. They were that by doing so we could beat the Liberals, by effecting a fusion with the Democratic Gentiles. Several of the brethren spoke and presented this view. President Woodruff desired me to give my views. I said that under present circumstances I would look upon it as suicidal for us to do any such thing. We were under no obligations to either party. That which we ought to look to was our own safety; to take no step that would injure ourselves, but any step that will be of benefit to us. The Democratic party today is helpless. If we come out and join it, they can be of no benefit to us, for they are not in a position scarcely to defend themselves; and I would look upon it as an act of great folly for us to allow our young men to be drawn into the Democratic ranks and into clubs before they had an opportunity of knowing that which would be best and of understanding the other party’s principles. The Democrats were working now in this field, and had been. The Republicans had done little or nothing. I dwelt on the past history of the Democratic party and its treatment to us, and also the Republican party.

I then requested President Woodruff to let Frank make a statement of his labors, he being present at this meeting as a member of the Weber County Com. He made a very clear and succinct statement, which impressed all present. All saw, I think, the prudence of keeping aloof from both parties for the present; and I moved that we stand together as a People’s Party and carry our flag, even though we should be defeated in this pending election, which motion was carried.

18 June 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 18th, 1890. I came up this morning to the Gardo House and held a meeting of the Deseret News Co.

At one o’clock there was a meeting of the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co.

19 June 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, June 19th, 1890. Attended to various matters of business.

At two o’clock the First Presidency and Brother F. D. Richards met. We had prayer without being clothed. I was called upon to be mouth

20 June 1890 • Friday

Friday, June 20th, 1890. We thought it proper to have an interview with Brother C. W. Penrose, the editor of the Deseret News, and lay before him the political situation and the course we were taking. I was requested by President Woodruff, being familiar with the whole affair, to make the explanations. Brother Penrose saw the force of our suggestions and approved of our course as wise.

We afterwards had an interview with Bishop O. F. Whitney concerning the writing of a history of Utah in connection with a Dr. J. O. Williams.

Elder B. H. Roberts is about to visit the Beaver Stake. I took the opportunity of telling him to counsel our people to hold together as a People’s Party, and not stray off and identify themselves with any factions nor with the Democratic party.

We had an interesting interview with Bp. Booth of Provo and Geo. M. Brown of Mexico. Brothers Booth and Brown were formerly partners in law business in Provo. Brother Brown, having more than one wife, had been compelled to go to Mexico. He called our attention to the fact that there was danger of an international difficulty arising if it should be known that our people were performing marriages on Mexican soil that were forbidden in the United States. He said that the American people were only wanting an opportunity to jump on to Mexico. Should it become known that there were people in Utah conspiring together to break the law of the United States, or to go to Mexico and do on Mexican soil that which was forbidden in the United States and going back into the country to live, it might lead to serious complications.

I was quite impressed by his presentation of this view of the case and felt that it requires the greatest care, under our present circumstances, to avoid entanglements.

Shortly after they left I had an interview with John Beck. He is anxious to marry a German young lady that lived at my house for awhile. While I was absent at Washington he had an interview with President Woodruff on the subject, and President Woodruff peremptorily told him that he was not in favor of it and talked exceedingly plain to him. I gathered the idea that Beck thinks I am the block in the way, and he came to see me today to know if he could not have this girl and the marriage could not be solemnized. I told him I did not see how it could be done; that our Representative in Congress, as well as others who spoke before Committees, asserted positively that plural marriages had ceased in Utah, and President Woodruff was exceedingly positive on this point. Then he wanted to know if it could not be performed in some adjacent State. He could live, he said, at Denver with his wife, or San Francisco, or some other place. I told him that that would be very dangerous, because if it should become known that we were solemnizing marriages in a State contrary to the laws thereof, we would bring down upon us the anger of the State, in addition to the anger already existing on the part of the United States. He spoke then of having it performed in Mexico. I told him that we had just been considering that subject and we felt that any one who wished to do this at the present time would have to go where it was permitted.

I had first felt that I did not wish to see this man, but in thinking about it I had concluded that I had better do so. I am very much opposed in my feelings to his taking another wife and was glad that I could give this reasons, without being under the necessity of telling him plainly that I did not believe he ought to have one. President Woodruff has told him this, and that ought to be sufficient.

Elders Hafen, Pratt and Fairbanks bade me good bye today. These are young men who are going to Paris to studay [study] art as painters. I had obtained permission from Presidents Woodruff and Smith to raise money enough to pay their passages and to sustain them for one year there, with the liberty of crediting the parties who subscribed the amount on their cash tithing. When I left for Washington I left this business in the hands of Brother Winder. I paid $500. myself towards it.

I learn that my son Angus is in the company which is coming. He may be here next Wednesday or Thursday. My son Abraham telegraphs me that he is improving.

After dark I had Brother Wilcken take me down to my wife Carlie’s and I blessed the baby myself, she having entered upon the eight day. I confirmed upon her the name that had been previously given -- Anne Young Cannon. The baby seems to be thriving, and Carlie herself feels very well. My daughter Mary Alice was present when I blessed the child, and I rode home in the carriage with Emily and her.

21 June 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, June 21st, 1890. I spent most of the day dictating my journal &c.

22 June 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, June 22nd, 1890. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. The congregation was not so large as usual, though the house was tolerably well filled. I occupied about 55 minutes in speaking to the people. I was under the necessity of punishing one of my sons this evening for disobedience to his mother. I called the children all together and had some very plain talk with them about their duties. We prayed together before we separated.

23 June 1890 • Monday

Monday, June 23rd, 1890. I have been wishing for a long time to get a piano for my twin daughters, Hester and Amelia, and while in New York I made arrangements for one, which was sent through Brother Dan Calder. I went down this afternoon to hear it played upon by Mr. Krouse, who pronounced it an instrument of very fine tone.

I was busy at the office through the day, and dictated letters to my sons Abraham and David.

In the settlement with our California friends for the 25000 shares of B. B. & C. stock that they were to have, 3000 shares were withheld by Alonzo E. Hyde, and an arbitration was to decide what the value of these shares would be, and he as Trustee for President Taylor’s heirs was to elect whether he would surrender the stock or pay the price agreed upon. Brother Jos. F. Smith was chosen as arbitrator by the California people, and A. E. Hyde and those with him chose Moses Thatcher. The latter afterwards declined to act, and the arbitration fell through. Since Col. Trumbo’s return from the east, as the time has expired he has been desirous to get this stock, that being the understanding that it should be surrendered within a certain time; but they have put him off in various ways. He reported to us today the condition, and I felt very much exercised over it. I thought that as the First Presidency we ought to interpose. This gentleman has spent weeks of valuable time and a good deal of money in our interest, trying to assist us and to relieve us from threatened evils, and it seemed to me that we should do something to help him in the present case. We sent for Brother Hyde, and President Woodruff made some few remarks, opening the subject. I appealed to him and gave him some idea of what Col. Trumbo had done and what we still expected from him, and how this delay in delivering the stock interfered with his movements. I said to him, why cannot you surrender this 300 and get it afterwards from the heirs in the way that you now propose. Well, he said, he was willing to do this; but he wanted a guarantee from them that they would not go into the market and try and buy the stock that he would have to sell to replace it. The 3000 shares now in escrow belonged to John Beck, and if this were surrendered he would have to sell 3000 shares belonging to the heirs to replace it. I said there would be no trouble about that, I thought. Well, he replied, if you, Brother Cannon, will give me your word that they will not, directly or indirectly, try and buy this stock in, I will surrender the stock today. I said I would give him my word with pleasure; for I knew they would not attempt any such thing. Presidents Woodruff and Smith said they also would join in guaranteeing this. So he wrote out an order on Lewis S. Hills for the 3000 shares.

We were all greatly relieved at this, because it is the termination of a very unpleasant affair. Col. Trumbo secured the stock and the dividends and started for California this evening.

24 June 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 24th, 1890. I was met upon my arrival in town this morning by Brother H B. Clawson, who told me that Col. Trumbo had offered to Brother Jos. F. Smith last evening 200 shares of stock, or $500. in cash, as pay to him as arbitrators, and Brother Smith had declined to receive it and would not do it until he had conversed with President Woodruff and myself upon the subject. This matter was afterwards brought up by Brother Clawson.

I stated to President Woodruff my feelings, that as one of the First Presidency I would feel that we should not accept a cent from these people; for they had been so kind to us and had done so much for us that I could not conscientiously take anything from them; but if they felt to give Brother Joseph something, I had no objections to that. I would think, however, that it would be very unwise for him to accept stock; for he could not hold it without it being known, and a number of the members of the company might say that this was the cause of his showing an <the> interest which he had on the side of the California people. Besides, I felt that if anything were done of this kind, it should be divided between Presidents Woodruff and Smith, as the former had taken as much pains and done as much work as Brother Smith had.

The matter was afterwards talked over. President Woodruff expressed himself as I had done, and Brother Smith accepted that counsel; if he received anything it would be money.

I went down in the afternoon to visit the Temple, in company with President Woodruff and the Architect and Bishops Preston and Winder.

President Woodruff and myself met with the members of the Board of Education of Weber County, who submitted a plan of an academy building to be erected in Ogden. We appropriated $5000. to assist them. Brother Maeser was also present.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with a Mrs. Miller and a young lady, a daughter of a brother of Israel Barlow. Her mother was a Beebe, sister of Geo. Beebe and of Porter Rockwell’s first wife. The object of their coming to visit us was to communicate to us a message which Mrs. Miller says she has received from the Lord, she having been commanded to come here and declare the word of the Lord to us, and through us to the people. She is a daughter of James Blakeslee, an Elder whom I knew when I was a boy. He was quite a noted preacher at one time. I remember his preaching in Nauvoo, in the grove west of the Temple, and in the afternoon he went and joined William Law, he who had been Joseph’s Counselor, but who had become his enemy. Afterwards, when young Joseph endeavored to start the reorganized branch he joined him and died a member of that organization. He has a son now connected with that body. This woman professes to be a member of our Church. We had a very plain conversation, and I expressed myself with great plainness to her, thinking it proper to relieve President Woodruff from the labor of doing so. I am satisfied that they are spiritualists, and that their communications, as I told them, are from a wrong source. There was nothing unpleasant occurred in the conversation; but they were disappointed in not being able to induce us to furnish a place and congregation for them to address.

25 June 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 25th, 1890. I went to Ogden this morning to meet my son Angus. John Q. and Frank met me at the depot. John Q. was on the point of starting east, to be gone several days. Frank carried me around to see John’s wife and children and his own. Angus and his cousin, W. J. Hansen, came in with the company of immigrants, and we rode together to Salt Lake City. I see but little change in the boys. They are much improved in self-possession and have got rid of a great deal of diffidence and awkwardness. Angus has not grown any, but looks more mature. Hugh and Preston met us at the train.

I got back in time to attend a meeting of the Board of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

President Woodruff and myself, Brothers Reynolds and Wilcken went to the depot of Brother John W. Young’s railroad and joined a party of excursionists who were going up to Mountain Dell, a little beyond what was formerly called Hardy’s station. They were a very nice party of people. We had an excellent lunch and enjoyed ourselves. We returned to the city a little after 7.

26 June 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, June 26, 1890. I came up from home this morning at 9:30 and kept an appointment with Brothers F. S. Richards and LeGrand Young.

The First Presidency listened to dispatches from Washington and consulted as to the best suggestions to make to Brother Caine concerning the Edmunds bill which provides that our funds should be used for common schools. We had quite a lengthy conversation upon this and other subjects.

At 4 p.m. I attended a political meeting at the Social Hall, in which I invited all present to speak freely concerning their views as to the proper course to be taken at the present juncture. The reason for holding this meeting was that we had been informed that there was considerable apathy and indifference among the brethren concerning the approaching election. There were two or three classes. One class believed that we ought to divide on the national party lines; another that we ought to make no effort in the approaching election; and another that we should cling to the old party -- the People’s Party -- and maintain its organization. A great many spoke at the meeting, among them being Col. Winder, N. V. Jones, James Sharp, R. W. Young, L. G. Hardy, Geo. M. Cannon, Don Carlos Young, Elias Morris, John N. Pike, S. A Kenner, C. W. Penrose and several others. After they had expressed themselves, I spoke for about half an hour and was greatly favored in expressing my ideas. I described the condition of affairs at Washington, and how unwise it would be at the present time for us to allow our young men to be drawn into the Democratic ranks, without the other party being in the field to explain its principles. The meeting took the view that I presented; and after Geo. M. Cannon had withdrawn his motion, which E. A. Smith and L. G. Hardy had seconded, that we remain passive for this approaching election, John N. Pike moved that the People’s Party maintain its organization and get out a ticket for the approaching election.

I felt much gratified at the result of this meeting.

In the evening I took my daughters Mary Alice, Hester, Amelia, Rose Annie and Emily, and my sons Angus, Lewis and Preston to Calder’s Farm, having been invited there, in company with Presidents Woodruff and Smith and the Presidency of the Stake. We had a very interesting sail on the lake in a small steamer that he had recently obtained. I enjoyed this visit very much. It is the first time I have been there. Before we separated we were invited into the room, and Presidents Jos. F. Smith, myself and President Woodruff spoke, and we had singing and music, with refreshments in the shape of soda water and cake. It was half past twelve when I returned

27 June 1890 • Friday

Friday, June 27th, 1890. I am not feeling well today. I dictated my journal to Brother Winter and attended to various matters of business.

I dictated a letter to Brother Geo. Teasdale, who is now presiding in the European Mission, informing him that we had called Brother A. H. Lund to go to England to take the Presidency, and release him from the labors thereof. I also dictated a letter to Brother A. H. Lund, informing him that we had decided to have him take this mission. While I was absent from the office a day or two ago this question came up, and Brother Jos. F. Smith suggested the selection of Brother Lund for this position. When President Woodruff submitted it to me, I acquiesced in it.

Brother C. H. Wilcken and myself drove to my farm in the West Jordan Ward. We reached there at dusk.

28 June 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, June 28th, 1890. I had a very delightful time this morning in looking over the farm and its crops. I never saw such heavy Lucerne as is now being harvested here. The grain looks excellent also. Apples will be abundant if the boys don’t take them. There will be no peaches, many of the trees having been winter-killed. I shall be under the necessity of fencing this place, as the boys in the neighborhood make a common practice of taking whatever fruit they think they need. A fine cherry tree has been stripped of all its fruit, and they are eating everything nearly as fast [as] it comes. The man that I have employed here is a very industrious, reliable man. I felt to speak words of encouragement and praise to him for what he had done.

From there we drove to Brother Wilcken’s farm, and from there to the Church pasture, where I have some stock, and from there home.

I have not been well for several days, and the heat of the sun affected me unfavorably today.

Brother Wilcken stayed and we had dinner, and when twilight came he drove me to my wife Carlie’s and spent an hour there. He took me back home.

29 June 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, June 29th, 1890. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Called upon Brother Duncan McAllister to speak, there being none of the Presidency of the Stake present. Brother Henry P. Richards officiated until Brother Penrose arrived. Brother John Morgan followed Brother McAllister.

30 June 1890 • Monday

Monday, June 30th, 1890. I was greatly surprised this morning, upon arriving in town and calling at the Juvenile Office, to see my son Abraham there. He had arrived this morning at 4 o’clock from New York. I was almost displeased, because I had written to him, urging him to stop until he was thoroughly restored. He explained to me that he had consulted the man who was treating him, and he told him he could return in safety. His affected limb, has been greatly reduced, so that in size it is the same as the other; and he said that he had never walked more in his life than he did in New York in relation to immigration business.

Brother Daniel H. Wells had a conversation today with President Woodruff concerning Brother A. H. Lund, and urged that there were others of the Twelve who could be better spared to take charge of the European Mission than Brother Lund, for the reason that Brother Lund was eligible for office, and if our people should not be disfranchised, he would make a most excellent member of the Legislature, being very popular and also very capable. He is also a member at the present time of some Board, to which he was appointed by the Legislature. For these reasons Brother Wells thought it might be worth considering whether some other one of the Twelve could not be better spared than he. President Woodruff mentioned it to me, and we concluded to take the matter into consideration, and a dispatch was sent to Brother Lund requesting him not to take any steps towards carrying out the appointment that had been sent to him in the letter which was written a few days ago. My brother Angus is compelled to be secret, as there is an indictment against him for adultery, and I have felt as though it might be a good thing for him to go on a mission to England, and occupy his time in a more profitable manner than remaining concealed here. There are some reasons why I would like to see Brother Brigham Young go to Europe and take charge of the Mission, as at the present time he is compelled to labor in remote places, if he labors in the ministry at all, or to remain confined; but there seems to be a fear in the minds of some that in the present financial condition of the Mission his ways would not be economical enough. I suppose that if his father’s estate is settled up he will have some means of his own that he can spend if he wishes.

The question of what course to take in relation to plural marriages came up for serious consideration this afternoon. President Woodruff has felt very clear that no plural marriages shall be solemnized in the Territory. He has not felt very favorable to marriages being solemnized at all; but has consented to some few being performed in Mexico. Soon after I returned from Washington, Brother Jos. F. Smith informed me of the danger there was of something being learned concerning marriages of this character being performed at El Paso. He said the last few who had gone down there to meet Brother Macdonald had attracted considerable attention, and some of those who were of the party thought it exceedingly dangerous and were afraid that the knowledge of these transactions would come to light. The question has also arisen whether there is not danger of international complications arising over it. All these matters were carefully considered, and we concluded that, for the present, there should be no more marriages of this character solemnized, unless the women who enter into this relation remain in Mexico and take up their abode there.

I took pleasure in going through the Temple Block this afternoon, viewing the improvements which have been made. I feel reproached for my inattention to those public buildings and works, as I think we should, as the First Presidency, bestow attention and thought upon these matters, and make suggestions where they are needed, and not trust everything to the workmen.

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June 1890, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1890/06-1890