May 1894

1 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 1, 1894 I thought it better not to go to G. A. Purbeck & Co’s offices until I should hear from Frank, who was making inquiries concerning the standing of the firm. He did not return until afternoon, and I decided to defer my call until tomorrow.

After all the investigations which Col. Trumbo has made as to the standing of G. A. Purbeck & Co, the result amounts to this: They have no rating in the commercial agencies, and the bankers do not seem to know much about them. That they had no rating I learned when I first made the acquaintance of the firm, for their business was such that they needed no rating. They did not pretend to loan their own money, but the money of others. There is a reason also why the banks should not feel favorable toward them; they do their business principally with European capital, and plow around the banks here. When I was in New York the last time and had made the acquaintance of this firm, I requested Mr. C. K. Bannister to make inquiries concerning the standing of G. A. Purbeck & Co. He did so in various quarters, and wrote to me after I reached home that all he heard about them was most favorable and confirmed what he had told me concerning them before I left for home. Frank also informed me this evening respecting the inquiries he had made, which I requested him to give me in writing, and which I shall insert in my journal.

I was gratified at Frank’s report, for I am prepossessed in favor of Mr. Purbeck. I said to Bishop Clawson at dinner that I thought it is clearly to our interest, as I viewed it, to secure the services of an active, ambitious, pushing man, such as Mr. Purbeck appeared to be, instead of trusting to multi-millionaires, such as our friends the General and Colonel seem to be looking for. These multi-millionaires would want large profits guaranteed to them before they would touch any enterprises of ours; but here is Mr. Purbeck, anxious to form a connection with us, and who sees in this connection a way of gaining profit and fame, ready to roll up his sleeves and do the necessary work to raise the means in Europe. I said to the Bishop, let me illustrate my view of this case by referring to the French soldiers and Napoleon. Napoleon encouraged the idea that every French soldier carried a Marshal’s baton in his knapsack. This hope helped to make every French soldier a hero; for if he should distinguish himself by brilliant deeds he was sure of promotion. Such an incentive brought to the front numbers of brave men, and Napoleon found himself surrounded by Generals and Marshals of skill and genius. But as time wore on and they attained high rank and bore the titles of princes, dukes and marshals of the Empire, they had no longer the motives which had prompted them in their earlier days to perform the deeds of reckless intrepidity which had brought them fame and honors. Their ambition then was to preserve the places and the dignities which they had won. So it is with the millionaires of today; they have made their money, and they do not have the incentives to do our work in a manner we want it done as well as some other men would do it. I talked in this strain to the Bishop because I knew he had great influence with Col. Trumbo, and he would be sure to present these views to him when he got him alone.

2 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 2, 1894 I went down to G. A. Purbeck & Co’s office[.] Frank had preceded me and had asked Mr. Purbeck for references. They had a very free, full conversation upon this subject, and Mr. Purbeck had given Frank names and a letter of introduction to a person to whom he could refer. I had a very full conversation afterwards, in which Mr. Purbeck explained to me his methods, with which I was quite satisfied. During our conversation today I mentioned for the first time the connection of Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo with the project for the building of the road from Salt Lake City to the Pacific.

I here subjoin Frank’s statement of the result of his inquiries which he made. I may say that Mr. R. G. Dun is one of the highest authorities in New York upon the subject of business men in commercial matters.

Plaza Hotel, New York, May 4th, 1894


Under date of April 29th, 1894 Bradstreet reported in response to some inquiry concerning this firm, that the members are George A. Purbeck, Arthur H. Coates and Joseph S. Coates, the two latter being sons of the late J. H. Coates; that G. A. Purbeck was the head of the firm and the active man; that the firm declined to give any statement of capital, as the firm did not buy goods on credit and did not ask for credit anywhere; that Mr. Purbeck had been in the dry-goods business and in the advertising business.

This report was shown to Gen. Clawson and F. J. C. by Col. Trumbo, but was returned to the Col. without being copied.

On May 1st, I went to the office of Mr. Franklin Post, 171 B’way in company with F. W. Lafrentz head of the claim department of the American Surety Co. and listened to a conversation of which the following is the substance: Lafrentz: “Mr. Post I have a friend out West who desires to place some irrigation bonds; he wants to know who would be a good man to do this. I have heard of G. A. Purbeck & Co. Do you know them?” Post: “Yes I know Purbeck, they are a good house.” Lafrentz: “Are they men of honor, business reliability and energy?” Post: “Yes, they are perfectly straight. If they cannot do a thing for you they will say so. They will not lead you on wasting time and money. I have had business with them, and if they could not do it for me they wrote me a gentlemanly letter stating that it would be a waste of my attention and cash to go on further with them, as they could not see their way to do what I wanted. If I had Irrigation bonds Purbeck is the only man I would go to in New York with them. He has connections abroad.”

On May 2nd, I asked Mr. Purbeck for references as to his honor and reliability. He stated that he would give me a letter to R. G. Dun personally, Mr. Dun being the head of the Company of R. G. Dun & Co. the conservors of credit. Mr. Purbeck stated that he had not received Mr. Dun’s permission to refer to him and did not know whether I could get access to Mr. Dun, and did not know what Mr. Dun’s reply would be, but that he had transacted business for Mr. Dun and was willing to have me see Mr. Dun or any other person with whom he had business association. Mr. Purbeck then gave to me a letter in substance as follows:

“R. G. Dun Esq.

My Dear Sir:-

I take the liberty of asking if you will tell the Bearer Hon. F. J. Cannon whether you consider me an honorable man and reliable in my business methods.

Yours very truly,

G. A. Purbeck & Co.”

I presented the letter to Mr. Dun personally. He replied, “Yes sir, I think Mr. Purbeck is an honorable man and a trustworthy man. I cannot say that he has any great pecuniary strength. But he has handled large sums of money for me without security, and I can safely commend him.”

I said, “it is not his pecuniary strength that we care about, Mr. Dun. My father, Mr. George Q. Cannon, of Utah, and myself are about to enter into some relations of a business character with Mr. Purbeck, and we merely desire to know whether the connection would be an honorable one, and whether Mr. Purbeck has the qualities of energy, business capacity and integrity which would be likely to insure success.” Mr. Dun replied, “speaking from my own experience I answer yes.”

[signed] Frank J. Cannon.

3 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, May 3, 1894 At breakfast this morning Frank communicated to Bishop Clawson and myself the result of his visit to Mr. Dun, which was very gratifying to us both. The report appeared to dispel whatever of lingering doubts—at least, respecting Mr. Purbeck’s honesty and integrity—which existed in Bishop Clawson’s mind respecting our entrusting him our financial business to the firm of G. A. Purbeck & Co; for after hearing Frank’s statement he said: “Well, that’s first rate; I don’t know that anyone could ask anything better than that.” I was glad to hear the Bishop say this, because being in constant communication with Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo he could not very well help being influenced by their views concerning G. A. Purbeck & Co. They clearly did not want this firm to finance our enterprises.

Frank and myself spent considerable time today at the office of G. A. Purbeck & Co., and a form of contract in the rough which had been prepared for the Pioneer Electric Power Co., was read and examined.

I took Bishop Clawson and introduced him to Mr. Purbeck and his partners, the two brothers Coates.

Bishop Clawson secured for Carlie and myself a stateroom on the steamer “Puritan”, which sails for Fall river at 5:30 p.m. At Fall river we take the rail for Boston. Mr. Tenbroeck, of the Union Pacific, had kindly procured for me and wife, as a personal favor to himself, a pass by this route to Boston and return. I found that we could visit Boston at probably a little less cost, having our passages free, than we could remain in New York during the time. Business was in such a shape also that Frank could do all that was necessary while I should be gone.

Yesterday, as I did not have time to write to Presidents Woodruff and Smith with the fullness I desired concerning the business I came to transact, I mailed to Brother Arthur Winter my journal, which Carlie had written at my dictation. Today I suggested to Frank that which I wished to say to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and he wrote my suggestions in the shape of a letter, which I signed and mailed to them. I had already telegraphed to them concerning the progress we were making and that I had written them fully.

The passage to Fall River was delightful. During the evening sailing up East river and the Sound, the scenery was quite interesting and we enjoyed it. We took dinner on the steamer.

4 May 1894 • Friday

Friday, May 4, 1894 We landed at the Park Square station at Boston at 6:30 a.m. My son Lewis joined us a few minutes after our arrival. We proceeded to his room, and left our satchels and went out to breakfast. As Lewis had some lectures to attend and we did not wish our visit to interfere in the least with his studies, we arranged to do our sightseeing alone till 1 o’clock, at which hour we were to meet him at the Public Gardens. It is very gratifying to know that Lewis is doing so well in his studies. I gather from all I can learn that he stands in the first rank in his classes. We went to the State House, after walking through the fashionable Beacon Street, and looked at the portraits, busts, war flags and other things of historical interest; and then, finding that the legislature was in session, we went up stairs. I learned that the Governor of the State, Hon. [blank] Greenhalgh, was in the Governor’s chamber, so I sent in my card. Though it was not his hour for receiving visitors, in a few minutes we were invited to step into his room. After introducing my wife, I said, hearing that he was in the building, we had called upon him to pay our respects to him. I had no intention of trespassing upon his time. He said he was very glad to see us, for it was a relief for some one to call who did not want something. As he was born in Lancashire, England, I mentioned the fact that I also was born there. He said Cannon was not a Lancashire name, was it? I told him that my ancestors were from the Isle of Man. He replied that his also were from there; that one of his ancestors, Captain John Greenhalgh, had been Governor of the Island in 1656 (?). He appeared pleased to know that my wife was a daughter of Brigham Young, and spoke of Professor Eliot’s visit to Utah and his comparison of the pioneers of Utah with the pilgrim fathers of New England.

From the State House we went to Fauneil [Faneuil] Hall, called the cradle of liberty. A fair was being held in the hall when we examined it. There is a market place underneath the hall. This is in keeping with the original design of the donor. Mr. Peter Fauneil. We visited the King’s Chapel, the old South Church, and the Boston Common.

At 1 o’clock we met Lewis, and after taking lunch together we went to Bunker Hill monument, and traveled through the principal streets. By this means we obtained a good idea of the character of the city. Boston reminds one of a town in the old countries, the streets generally being narrow and crooked. The place was interesting to Carlie especially, because of its historical associations, and the further fact that all her grandparents and other generations of ancestors had Massachusetts for their native state. I bought tickets for the comic opera, Girofle, Girofla, in which Lilian Russel plays the principal character. The performance was a good one; but I was very much ashamed for taking my wife and son to, and being myself at, such an indecent exhibition of women’s forms as was to be seen at this opera.

I received a dispatch today from Frank at New York, informing me that G. A. Purbeck & Co. had expected to receive the $3800 for fees, etc., on the Pioneer Electric Co’s contract, and asking me to send a check for the same. I wrote him a letter and enclosed the check.

5 May 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, May 5, 1894 Lewis joined us at breakfast at the Thorndike Hotel, where we roomed last night, and he then took us out to Cambridge, where we met Brother John Widtsoe and Richard Shipp. The former will graduate from Harvard this summer, having compressed his four years’ course into three years. He has greatly distinguished himself in the science of chemistry. Brother Shipp is here studying psychology. Under their guidance with Lewis, we visited various buildings of the University and other points of interest, among them the old elm under which Washington took command of the army of the Colonies, and Longfellow’s home, which had been Washington’s headquarters.

Bidding the brethren adieu, we left Cambridge, and were taken by Lewis to what is known as the tea wharf, where the women of the revolution threw the tea into the harbor. Afterwards, we took the ferry at Rowe’s wharf and crossed to East Boston and returned, our object being to get a good view of the harbor.

After dining together, we bade Lewis good bye and left Boston at 6 p.m. for New York by the same route we came. The steamer from Fall River was the Providence. The fog horn was kept blowing all night, as the fog was so dense that nothing could be seen a few yards away from the vessel.

6 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, May 6, 1894

We landed in New York about 10 o’clock, having been detained near three hours by the fog. We went back to the Plaza hotel.

Frank, Carlie and myself called upon my cousin William Qualey and family this afternoon at Brooklyn. We remained till nearly 8 o’clock, ate a meal with them, and had a very pleasant visit.

7 May 1894 • Monday

Monday, May 7, 1894 Frank and myself spent some time at the office of G. A. Purbeck & Co., and among other things, read over a rough draft of the contract between myself and associates and them for the financing of our enterprises. It was arranged that when myself and wife and Frank should return to Utah, Mr. Purbeck, Col. King, the engineer, and Mr. Loss, the contracting engineer, should accompany us, and that we should leave Chicago together on the evening of Friday, the 11th. As it would save expense for Frank, and there was no longer any business to keep him here, he decided to leave New York for Corning tonight to visit his wife’s relations.

My agreement with Mr. Purbeck requested the payment by me of $8,800, $5000 for G. A. Purbeck & Co. retaining fee, $3000 for engineers’ fees, $300 for incidental expenses, and $500 for traveling expenses. I expected to give them a check on the State Bank of Utah for this amount, but this did not suit their purpose. They desired the funds here in New York. So I telegraphed to Brother James Jack to have the amount telegraphed to my credit to some bank in New York.

8 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 8, 1894 Sister Viola Pratt lunched with us.

Late in the afternoon I received a reply from Brother Jack to the effect that $8,800 had been telegraphed by the State Bank to the National Park Bank in New York.

9 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 9, 1894 I went to the National Park Bank, accompanied by Mr. Coates, of Purbeck & Co., and was very warmly received by Mr. Wright, the president of the bank, and introduced by him to the leading officers of the bank and other gentlemen who were in the bank, and was invited to occupy, whenever I wanted, a private office, and also to have my letters addressed there. I received a certificate for the money which had been telegraphed and transferred it to G. A. Purbeck & Co., and took the receipt of the firm therefor from Mr. Coates.

At 3 o’clock Carlie and myself took the train at Jersey City on the Erie road for Chicago.

10 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, May 10, 1894. We reached Chicago at 7:55 p.m. and put up at the Auditorium Hotel.

11 May 1894 • Friday

Friday, May 11, 1894 We busied ourselves writing up journal and looking around.

14 May 1894 • Monday

Monday, May 14, 1894 We reached Salt Lake City about 3 o’clock in the morning, but did not leave the cars until about 6. Messrs. Purbeck, King and Loss and my son Frank got off at Ogden. I found my family enjoying good health and was glad to see them once more. They noticed that my health had improved during my absence. The first news that we received almost after my boys joined us at the car with the vehicles was that my daughter Ada had sent for the midwife to attend her. The fact that she was likely to be confined before we returned was the chief cause of the reluctance of my wife Carlie about leaving home to go with me, as she felt that she ought to be with her daughter on such a trying occasion. The baby was born at 23 mins. past 8 in the evening. I administered to her several times and she had a very good delivery.

I reported myself at the office about 10 o’clock in the morning, and found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there. I took much pleasure in relating to them what had taken place during my absence—the business arrangements that I had made and the prospects before us; all of which they expressed themselves pleased with. I explained also to Bishop Winder, who is one of the stockholders in the Pioneer Electric Co., what had been done.

Brother Benjamin Cluff called to see us today on some business connected with the Brigham Young Academy. We consented to his suggestion that the issuance of certificates after two years’ attendance at the school to the normal students should be done away with, and three years be substituted, at the end of which time they could receive their certificates as teachers. The object in this is to raise the standard of excellence.

15 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 15, 1894 Brother Joseph H. Merrill, who had been on a mission to Samoa, called upon the First Presidency at the office and reported himself and his missionary labors.

I had a long conversation with Bishop Winder and my son Frank today, and Frank also, at my request, gave to the First Presidency and Bishop Winder, a full account of our negotiations with G. A. Purbeck & Co. and the prospects before us, which threw a great deal of light in the brethren’s minds as to our position and that which we expected to accomplish.

16 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 16, 1894 I went to the office this morning, and we had a call from Brother W. H. Seegmiller, President of the Sevier Stake, who informed us that his first counselor, Geo. W. Bean, had resigned, and asking that some of the Twelve should go down and attend the Conference next Sunday. President Jos. F. Smith addressed some very pointed questions to Brother Seegmiller to draw from him the causes which had operated upon Brother Bean to prompt him to tender his resignation.

A telegram was received from Bishop Clawson at Washington today, which informed us that the bill for the admission of Utah had been reported to the Senate by the Committee on Territories and had been placed on the calendar. There had been two amendments made, one diminishing the quantity of land to be given to the new state, and the other deferring the seating of the new Senators until March 1896. These amendments will require the bill to be returned to the House for its action, and there is danger that there may be some dispute between the two Houses and the bill be referred to a Conference Committee. It lessens one’s confidence in the success of the measure, because there are so many chances of a bill being laid on one side and delayed by technical advantage being taken of the rules. I think there are well-grounded reasons for believing that the Democrats are not at all anxious to have us admitted, this feeling probably having its origin in the fear that the State would become Republican.

17 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, May 17, 1894 This morning, upon coming up town, I called and saw Mr. Purbeck, and he accompanied me to the office[.] I introduced him to Presidents Woodruff and Smith and several of the Apostles.

While we were in conversation, Mrs. Judge Sanford, of New York, called and paid her respects to me, and I introduced her to the different gentlemen, including Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

I had Brother Clayton arrange for us to go out to Saltair at 12 o’clock today. A small party of us went, accompanied by Mr. Purbeck. We returned at 2:30. He was greatly pleased with what he saw of the railroad and the pavilion. It was beyond anything he had expected to see, in elaborateness and in strength, and he seemed to be deeply impressed with the beauty and the value of the property. I had taken pains to avoid saying anything that would give him too high an impression of our properties, preferring to have him disappointed in that direction than to be under the necessity of discounting the reports that had been made to him. He expressed himself to the effect that instead of having to take my statements at one-half the value, as was usually the case with people who came to him as a financial man to represent their properties, he found that he had to add a little to my description; that I had not said enough in their praise.

18 May 1894 • Friday

Friday, May 18, 1894. We spent this forenoon and afternoon with Mr. Purbeck, going through our business affairs.

During the day Mr. Telang, a high caste Brahmin from Bombay, who had been to the World’s Fair, called upon us with a letter of introduction for me from Professor Jordan of the Leland Stanford University in California. I introduced him to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and as he desired to deliver lectures here I had Brother L. John Nuttall take him in charge and introduce him to the Presidency of the Stake and see that proper steps were taken to secure him the opportunity he desired.

19 May 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, May 19, 1894 We were busily engaged all day going over our affairs in company with Mr. Purbeck.

20 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, May 20, 1894 I had a meeting with my children this morning, and in the afternoon attended meeting in the Tabernacle. I did not feel like speaking, and told Brother Jos. E. Taylor, who was presiding, to call on Brother Samuel Jenkinson, who spoke about half an hour, and the spirit rested on me and I occupied about 40 minutes.

21 May 1894 • Monday

Monday, May 21, 1894 We had long conversations with Mr. Purbeck this morning.

Mr. Meyer and Mr. Burfeind called to see me. These gentlemen have a project in view of building a railroad from their sulphur properties in the vicinity of Cove Creek to St. George, taking in the iron and coal fields. The object they have in view, as they said, is to get their sulphur products to market. At the present time this they cannot do. They would like us to engage with them and put our coal and iron properties in with them. They have brought their project to the attention of some of the Twelve, and through them to the First Presidency, but it had been put off till I should return. I had quite a lengthy conversation with them, and requested them to put their propositions in writing.

22 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 22, 1894 Presidents Woodruff and Smith, Bishop Winder, A. H. Woodruff and myself went to Ogden, a meeting having been appointed of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. We spent the day at Mr. Kiesel’s house. He is the vice president of the Company. We ate lunch and dinner there. Before going there we breakfasted at my son Frank’s. The day was spent in attending to business connected with the Pioneer Co. and the discussion of a contract which had been prepared by my son Frank and submitted to Mr. Purbeck, and which, with a few amendments, was accepted. In the afternoon we returned to the city. Messrs. Purbeck, King and Loss returned with us.

23 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 23, 1894 The First Presidency spent all forenoon with Mr. Purbeck at the office.

H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, who had been appointed to go to the Sevier Stake Conference, reported the result of their visit. The resignation of Brother Geo. W. Bean had been accepted, and W. H. Clark, the former second counselor, had been appointed to fill Brother Bean’s place, and Bishop Joseph Horne had been selected and set apart to be second counselor.

24 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, May 24, 1894 My wife Carlie is suffering from cold and sore throat.

Upon my arrival at the office this morning, Brother Arthur Winter handed me a note from Mr. Purbeck, asking to see me alone at his room at the Templeton hotel. We had a lengthy conversation, in which he related to me his feelings concerning the interview between himself and his engineers and Nephi Clayton, James Jack and my son Frank. He appeared grieved; his self-love had been wounded at that which had taken place. He seemed very much averse to having any discussion or anything of the character of contention over the agreement. He had prepared it with the greatest of care, and that which he had done had been based on his experience. He thought that these young men were too technical, and that he feared that they entertained a lack of confidence; in fact, he said that he judged Mr. Clayton and Mr. Jack had no confidence in him, but looked upon him as an adventurer. He said that Frank did the most talking and the others set back. But Frank was very polite, and nothing had taken place that was offensive.

I repeated to him what I said yesterday, that I was quite satisfied with the second article, about which the most fault had been found; that I wanted supervision, and of the strictest character. I said the only feeling that I had was that as the First Presidency we did not wish to part with our control of affairs; but beyond that, I had no feeling but one of confidence in him, and was willing to grant him all the powers that he could ask for in reason.

My conversation had a soothing effect upon him. I said to him concerning Frank that he doubtless felt somewhat zealous for the reason that after he (Mr. Purbeck) had withdrawn yesterday from the meeting, President Smith had said that he knew nothing about this contract any more than a child, and he did not wish it to be adopted on his say-so, and Frank had remarked to me that it placed me in a very responsible position, because President Woodruff relied upon me, and President Smith disclaimed any knowledge as to whether the contract was a proper one or not. On this account, I thought, he felt that he ought to say and do more than he would have done under other circumstances.

After our conversation we proceeded to the office of the First Presidency, and I was glad to see him feeling so well. We went through the articles of the contract, and he expressed his willingness to sign the contract as it had been arranged between them last evening. There were a number of things eliminated from it that he desired in it. A remark was made about his being satisfied with it. I answered that Mr. Purbeck was willing to sign the contract, but had told me that he was not satisfied with it. The question arose as to the profits that he should have, and he suggested that he should withdraw while that was being discussed.

We had considerable discussion over this point, and in order to test the sense of the meeting, I moved that we make his commission 15 %. This would be, if a company of ten millions were formed, one million and a half for him. 10 % had been spoken of; but after discussing it pro and con, the conclusion was reached that if he could do what he said he could, it was worth more than this. If he could not do it, he would not draw anything; all that he would have would be what he had already received, which he had nearly expended now, and the proposition is that he shall only draw stock as his share as he furnishes the money, it being the design to pay him in installments. I felt myself that we could afford to be liberal with him, because the whole thing depends upon his ability to finance it. Brother Jos. F. Smith suggested 12 1/2 %; but Brothers Clayton and Jack and President Woodruff (the latter was very emphatic upon that point) were in favor of 15 %. When the motion was seconded and all were asking for the “question”, I said to President Smith that I did not like to call this vote and not have him satisfied. Well, he said, he thought 12 1/2 was enough but he would vote for 15. I pressed him to state his objection if 15 % did not suit him. He said he was willing to have 15 % go, though I gathered from his remarks that he was more in favor of 12 1/2. So the 15 % was voted for, and I went out and invited Mr. Purbeck in and informed him that 15 % had been agreed upon as the remuneration which he should have for raising the money.

At 2 o’clock we went to our meeting in the Temple and attended to different matters of business.

President Jos. F. Smith brought forward the subject of a discussion which had been agreed to be held between one of our Elders, who presides over the Northern States Mission—Elder David Stout—and the Josephites, as they are called. They have been doing their best to get up a discussion, challenging our Elders and taunting them, and Brother Stout has felt himself compelled to accept this challenge. When I was told of it I felt that it was an unwise step. The questions proposed to be discussed are such as to make the decision, if made against us, very embarrassing, and I said to the Council, when the subject was broached, that I for one would never submit the question of my apostleship and my authority, neither would I be willing to have that of President Woodruff and the authorities of the Church submitted to the arbitration of any two or three men. We were dignifying these people by entering into discussion with them. The remark was made, “But we are in it now, and should we not take steps to have some skilful Elder and fine speaker take our side?” I said I was decidedly in favor of repudiating the whole thing and making some public announcement to the effect that our Elders were counseled not to have anything to do with such matters, and that in this instance we would not consent for such a discussion to take place. Every one of the brethren excepting Brother Grant (and he had no objections to offer) were cordially in favor of taking that course. I think President Smith did not see it quite so strongly as the rest, and perhaps favored the idea of a discussion; but when he heard the expressions of the brethren, he withheld any remarks and approved of the prevailing feeling. There were present at the Council, besides the First Presidency, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and M. W. Merrill.

We did not clothe. President Woodruff called upon me to pray. Among other things which was brought up was the condition of a room in the Annex which had been designated for the storing of our records. President Snow expressed himself very emphatically against the manner in which this was being done, and in consequence he and Brother Franklin D. Richards and Bishop Winder were appointed a committee to decide on the best plan and the amount that it would be likely to cost.

25 May 1894 • Friday

Friday, May 25, 1894. The First Presidency were engaged with Mr. Purbeck all day.

26 May 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, May 26, 1894 Busy with Mr. Purbeck, and at 2:40 I took the train for Logan for the purpose of delivering on the morrow the baccalaureate address to the graduating class of the Agricultural College. Before starting, I telegraphed to Prof. Sanborn, in reply to an invitation that he had given me to be his guest, that I would accept. He had his carriage meet me at the station at Logan, and himself and wife welcomed me at their residence. There was a banquet given by the College club, to which I was invited, and I spent the evening there, and was called upon to respond to the toast “Utah”. It was about midnight when the banquetting broke up.

27 May 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, May 27, 1894 At 10:30 a large company had assembled in the auditorium of the College, which has a seating capacity of 1800. The Logan choir sang a hymn, Brother Moses Thatcher made the opening prayer, and I followed in the baccalaureate address, which occupied about 45 minutes. After another anthem by the choir, we adjourned.

Brother Orson Smith, the President of the Stake, took me in his buggy to the city. Professor Sanborn consented to my going as the people desired me to speak in the Tabernacle.

We took lunch at the house of Brother Isaac Smith.

I enjoyed my own remarks exceedingly in the Tabernacle. I had excellent freedom, and I believe the people were deeply interested.

I called upon Brother Moses Thatcher, who is quite feeble through his stomach trouble.

I took dinner at Dr. Ormsby’s, who pressed me to be his guest for the night. Brother Orson Smith had arranged this, because he found that his family was under quarantine, some of his children having had the scarlet fever.

There was a meeting at the Tabernacle in the evening. Bishop Preston occupied about 20 minutes, and I spoke about 45 mts.

28 May 1894 • Monday

Monday, May 28, 1894 I was taken by Brother Orson Smith in a buggy to the train, which left at 6:40[.]

Reached the City at 10:10[.]

We were busy most of the day at the office considering the contracts with Mr. Purbeck.

I found my wife Carlie suffering very severely from quinsey.

My son Lewis arrived from school this morning and was received with great joy by all of us. This is his mother’s birthday, and we had a delightful musicale at her house in the evening, at which most of the family were present.

29 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 29, 1894 The First Presidency at the office.

Our contracts with Mr. Purbeck were signed.

I dictated this morning a “Card to the Elders”, for the First Presidency, to be published in the News, advising our Elders not to accept challenges from those people who are so anxious to crowd them into controversy.

There was a meeting today at the office of the Brigham Young Memorial Association.

Mr. Pinkerton, the famous detective, called upon us in company with Mr. Ryan.

30 May 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 30, 1894 This day also was spent in company with Mr. Purbeck attending to business.

The First Presidency accepted an invitation to dine with Mr. Purbeck at the Alta Club rooms at 4 o’clock this afternoon. We had a private room. When we went in we met Governor West, Chief Justice Merritt, Mr. Treweek, Mr. Adams, and several other gentlemen, and all expressed the pleasure they had in seeing us and commented on the change that had taken place, which permitted us to visit those rooms. The dinner was a very elaborate one. We bade Mr. Purbeck good by, as he expects to start in the morning for New York. I had introduced to him Don Carlos Young and my son Lewis. He desired to get ideas from them concerning a Terminal station, for which he wished some one of our people to be the architect.

31 May 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, May 31, 1894 Brother Penrose called to see us in regard to his going to Emery County to heal some dissensions in the Democratic party. He appeared to be doubtful about the expediency of his going lest it should interfere with the counsel we had given about men of prominence in the Priesthood interfering in politics. Brother John T. Caine called also to talk upon the same subject.

After their call, there was a meeting of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society stockholders.

We also had a meeting and long conversation with Brothers Orson Smith and J. E. Langford.

At 2 o’clock we had our usual meeting in the Temple, there being present, beside the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. Brother Snow was mouth in prayer, and Brother Jos. F. Smith in the circle.

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May 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024