July 1894

1 July 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, July 1, 1894 Brother Wilcken called at my place this morning at half past eight with a carriage, in which Presidents Woodruff and Smith were seated, we having made an appointment to meet with the saints at West Jordan at 10 o’clock this morning. We reached there a few minutes after ten, and the morning was occupied by President Smith and President Woodruff. The meeting was held in a bowery and was well attended.

After the meeting we drove to Brother Hyrum Goff’s and partook of dinner.

In the afternoon, after attending to some business, I spoke about 65 minutes and enjoyed most excellent freedom. President Woodruff follow in remarks of about 15 mins.

2 July 1894 • Monday

Monday, July 2, 1894. The First Presidency at the office.

I addressed a letter to G. A. Purbeck & Co. and attended to other business.

3 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 3, 1894 There was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co., at which some business was attended to.

Brothers Orson Smith and J. E. Langford came in, and we took steps looking to the organization of a company. The design is to incorporate with a board of five directors—Orson Smith, J. E[.] Langford, A. H. Woodruff, H. J. Cannon and Hyrum M. Smith. The last three represent the interests of the First Presidency. Orson Smith will be President, J. E. Langford vice president, Hugh J. Cannon secretary and treasurer. There will be six equal shares, the six interests being designed for the Church, and Orson Smith will be the trustee for this at the present. I have felt that whenever we entered into any enterprise where companies have to be formed and where there is a probability of profits, we should set apart some portion of the stock for Church uses, to be held outside of the tithing and to be used for purposes that if tithing were used might be questioned.

4 July 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 4, 1894 I spent the day very quietly at home.

5 July 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, July 5, 1894 First Presidency at the office.

I attended to various items of business.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co., and at 2 o’clock the usual meeting of the Council at the Temple. We did not clothe. Prayer was offered by President Snow.

6 July 1894 • Friday

Friday, July 6, 1894 The prevalent topic now is the stoppage of the railroads by the strikers, and it is cresting considerable excitement all over the country.

At 3:30 met with the Bullion, Beck & Champion Co. A dividend of 50¢ a share was declared. We did not get through with our business till 7 o’clock.

7 July 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, July 7, 1894 President Woodruff was not at the office today.

Mr. S. W. Eccles and Dan. Spencer, of the Union Pacific R.R., came to see me for the purpose of securing my good offices in inducing if possible our people who were on their road as engineers to refrain from striking. They were then in session. Of course, it could not be expected that we could interfere in this matter; but President Smith and myself talked about it, and I told them we would do what we could in a friendly way and advise them to refrain from taking any unwise step.

8 July 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, July 8, 1894 I attended the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock, but was taken sick on my arrival. I remained, however. Brother C. A. Carlquist, who has been presiding over the Scandinavian Mission, spoke for 15 mins., and Brother Jos. McMurrin occupied about 40 mins. and spoke very spiritedly. Although I felt quite unwell, I could not refrain from making a few remarks to our people concerning the present disturbances and advise them to refrain from doing anything that would lead to entanglement in these difficulties.

9 July 1894 • Monday

Monday, July 9, 1894 I felt a little better this morning, though not fully myself.

Spent the day at the office and attended to various business matters. Dictated my journal, also wrote a letter to G. A. Purbeck & Co. according to the usual custom.

10 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 10, 1894 The old folks had been invited to Saltair today and the First Presidency have been urged to accompany them. President Woodruff, of course, being over 87 years of age, was entitled to go; but he did not want to go without we went with him. My wives Sarah Jane and Martha went out. It was estimated there were about 3000 persons went on this excursion. The day was spent very pleasantly. Each of the First Presidency made remarks. Acting-Governor Richards also made an address.

11 July 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 11, 1894 Judge Patton came down from Ogden on Pioneer Electric Co. business and had an interview with the First Presidency and Bishop Winder.

I had an interview with Brothers T. G. Webber and Geo. M. Cannon on Cannon, Grant & Co’s affairs, they having drawn out 4 complete expose of the accounts, at my request. Our condition, owing to the depreciation of stocks, is a very serious one. It looks now as though I shall lose everything I put into that company ($100,000 at the value of stocks then), and this is the accumulation of years of saving, and if I lose it, it will cut off the greater part of my income; in fact, nearly all of it, excepting my mining stock.

Received quite an amount of correspondence from G. A. Purbeck & Co. and from my son Frank.

12 July 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, July 12, 1894 A dispatch was received this morning from Hon. J. L. Rawlins, Delegate to Congress, asking us to frame a bill and send it to him for him to introduce it into Congress, for the restoration of the Church property which had been confiscated by the government. This matter was brought to the attention of F. S. Richards, who promised to get it out and submit it to us.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon met in the Temple. Brother Merrill offered prayer and my son Abraham was mouth in the circle.

At 4 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Co-operative Wagon & Machine Co.

13 July 1894 • Friday

Friday, July 13, 1894 Col. McDaniel, who was Secretary of the Utah World’s Fair Commission, called upon President Woodruff and myself to request us to furnish for publication in the book of proceedings a copy of the remarks that each of us made on Utah Day at the World’s Exposition at Chicago.

I made an appointment with Messrs. Taylor, Romney and Armstrong at 1 o’clock. My reason for doing so is that I have been followed with a good deal of pertinacity by their collector, dunning me for the payment of interest and principal of a note which my son William gave to them for upwards of $4000, and which I endorsed. I deemed it necessary under the circumstances to talk plainly to these brethren and inform them of my condition and my inability to meet their demands at the present time. We had quite a lengthy conversation, in which I related to them my situation, and told them this is the first time in my life that I had ever had occasion to have such a conversation with anyone; that I had always met every engagement promptly; but I found it impossible to do so at the present time, and it was very humiliating for me to have to talk to them as I now had to do. I had been able always to carry my own loads, and would now be able to do so, but having endorsed for others and become responsible, I was embarrassed, and very seriously embarrassed. They said they would be quite content with the interest, and let it go on. I told them that was the trouble; I could not even pay the interest. I was paying interest now at the rate of upwards of $5000 a year. They all related their condition, especially Brother Romney, who did the principal part of the talking. He is the manager of the Co., and I felt that it ought to be an atonement for some of my sins to have to listen to his lecture on economy and good management, the proper way to conduct business, and for men to manage their families, etc., etc, etc. Brother Romney has a very oracular style of talking, which under other circumstances I would not stop to listen to particularly, but he being in the capacity of a creditor I felt that I ought to exercise patience and submit to it, as there was no alternative. I felt very badly to have to take this step.

14 July 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, July 14, 1894 At 10 o’clock this morning we had a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. and went through our affairs pretty thoroughly. We examined our debts and the security that our creditors had, and I felt somewhat relieved by the examination. I am so constituted that when I know the worst of anything I feel better than I do when I am dreading it.

I dictated to Brother Winter material for correspondence to Messrs. G. A. Purbeck & Co., and also my journal.

15 July 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, July 15, 1894 Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself, accompanied by Brother Arthur Winter, left the city for Ogden at 9:30 this morning to attend conference there. We were met at the station by Elders F. D. Richards and L. W. Shurtliff. They took us in carriages to the meeting. When we went in, Brother D. H. Peery was speaking to the people, and after he concluded, President Smith occupied about 65 mins. He spoke on home manufactures, and in the course of his remarks made some very close-fitting statements concerning Brother Peery. He used his name very freely and created laughter upon two or three points. It is evident that Brother Peery was very much mortified at what was said. He came to me and said that Brother Smith’s remarks concerning his taking mortgages were not true, and he would like them corrected. When Brother Smith concluded I told him, and he arose and corrected what he had said concerning Brother Peery holding mortgages, but he accompanied the correction with some quite severe remarks.

We ate dinner at Brother F. D. Richards’.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and at the request of President Woodruff I addressed the Saints. He desired me to speak for an hour if I wished; but after I had spoken 35 mins. I felt that it was almost wrong to keep the people together in the sweltering heat. Everybody was perspiring freely and the heat was almost intolerable. It is a badly ventilated structure and looks like the section of a railroad tunnel. President Woodruff followed and occupied about 20 mins., and the meeting was dismissed.

We went to Brother Shurtliff’s. He has an elegant house.

After partaking of a meal, we were carried to the depot and reached Salt Lake City at 8:10.

16 July 1894 • Monday

Monday, July 16, 1894 There was a meeting at the office of the First Presidency of the directors of Z.C.M.I. at 12 o’clock.

I wrote letters to Purbeck & Co. and also to my son Frank.

17 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 17, 1894 The First Presidency listened to the reading of considerable correspondence this forenoon. Brother L. John Nuttall did the reading.

We got the news today that President Cleveland had signed the Enabling Act for the admission of Utah as a State, and Messrs. Clarkson, Trumbo and Clawson sent the following dispatch to us:

“Statehood bill signed. Your people are free; and this ends our labor.”

Brother Wm. H. Seegmiller, one [of] the Commissioners of the University lands, came in to get our views concerning the values to be placed on the lands west of the Jordan which are to be sold under the law for the benefit of the University. He knew that President Jos. F. Smith and myself had land over there and that we were familiar with values. $12.50 an acre was in his mind and the minds of the other commissioners as the maximum price, and the law limits the minimum price to $2.50 per acre.

Brother Henry S. Tanner called to make a report of the labors of himself and Brother Sorenson, who had been appointed four weeks ago to visit Park City and to gather up all the scattered saints, obtain their names, etc. They had baptized 28, varying from the age of 9 to 18. His report of their labors was very satisfactory. He seems to be a young man of a good deal of ability and has a fine presence.

I had a visit this evening from Mr. E. H. Parsons, who had given us an option on land in Steptoe Valley, for which we had given him $1000. The option has about expired, and at a meeting of the First Presidency and Brother Frank Armstrong this afternoon it was decided that we should throw the matter up and not attempt to purchase it. We did not have the money and it would be very inconvenient for us to obtain it. Brother Armstrong had notified Mr. Parsons of this decision, and it was this that brought him to my house. He is very anxious that we should retain this in some form.

Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman and J. H. Smith have just returned to the city after some absence, and we were glad to see them.

18 July 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 18, 1894 The First Presidency spent considerable time today in discussing the organization of the Utah Co., and part of the time with Le Grand Young.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Brother Cyrus H. Wheelock, accompanied by Brother George Farnworth, called upon us to receive a blessing and if possible to get an expression from us that the Lord had accepted of his labors. Brother Wheelock is upwards of 81 years of age, and is now attacked with a cancer on the tongue, from which he has no hope of recovering. He expects his life is now about ended. We told him that we accepted his labors, and believed that the Lord had accepted them also, and we laid our hands upon his head and blessed him. President Woodruff was mouth. Brother Wheelock has been a very successful missionary, and at one time was probably one of the finest speakers in the Church, a man that had great power to reach the hearts of the people.

Mrs. J. Ellen Foster has been encouraged by Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo to visit Utah, and Gen. Clarkson wrote me a letter setting forth the advantages that would result from her visit, as she was a very prominent woman and had access to people whose opinion concerning us would be greatly modified by her statements. He therefore urged that we should use her in delivering lectures. Telegrams have also been received on the same subject from Brother Clawson. My health was so poor last week and I had so much on my mind that I told President Woodruff I wished Brother Jos. F. Smith could be induced to take hold of this matter, as he was a Republican, and she will doubtless lecture on Republicanism if she comes here. President Woodruff felt that Brother Smith was the proper person to take hold of this business and attend to it; but until today nothing has been done by him about it. Today, however, he had a number of Republicans meet and canvassed the propriety of her coming. I took the position that we ought either to send her and her friends word that her coming was inopportune or we should take hold and do something about this, and I suggested that it would be proper to call a number of Republicans of our own faith and lay the business before them, and then if it was thought advisable call a general meeting of Republicans of all classes. The general feeling appears to be that her visit is not a timely one at the present.

19 July 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, July 19, 1984 An interesting letter was received from Brother James E. Talmage, which the First Presidency listened to this morning. He was in Ireland at the time he wrote.

I had an interview with a committee of Sunday school missionaries, who wished to get my views and to give theirs also concerning a circular that had been got up for the government of Sunday schools and their teaching.

We had a call from Brother Abram Hatch, President of the Wasatch Stake. I had promised some time ago that if possible I would visit the Uintah Stake at the conference which is to be held the first Sunday in August, and had spoken to Brother Hatch upon the subject of going there. Brother Jos. F. Smith also had desired, if I went, to accompany me; but in conversation a day or two ago I found that President Woodruff felt that he could not spare us. So I informed Brother Hatch today that two of the Twelve would be appointed to go in our place. At the Council this afternoon Brothers Heber J. Grant and Abraham H. Cannon were appointed to make this visit.

At 2 o’clock we held our usual meeting in the Temple. Beside the First Presidency, there were present Brothers Snow, Richards Young, Lyman, Smith, Grant and Cannon. After singing, and prayer by Brother Lyman, and singing again, Brother Brigham Young was requested to be mouth at the altar. The prayers of the brethren were very fervent in behalf of President Woodruff’s health, and Brother Brigham Young especially was almost choked in his utterance.

20 July 1894 • Friday

Friday, July 20, 1894 We had a call from the President and first counselor of the Malad Stake, who represented the financial strait in which they were placed through assuming obligations for a building that was intended for a schoolhouse. They had assumed these obligations personally, in order to relieve some of the brethren, and had paid interest for a year or two upon them; but now they were urging them to pay the principal, and if this were enforced it would take all they had. $1200 from the tithing of that Stake was appropriated for their assistance.

We had a call from Elder Wesley Gibson, who with Brother Douglas had just returned from a mission to New Zealand. They were accompanied by a native of New Zealand and his wife and wife’s sister and their children. These people are very prominent among their own race and have been exceedingly kind to the Elders, the man himself being an Elder and one of the foremost of our people in that land. Brother Kinghorn, from the Samoan Islands, also came in with them. We had quite a lengthy interview with them.

We had a call from Prof. Kerr, who has been recently elected President of the Brigham Young College at Logan. He had a sketch of proposed work for the members of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association who should be selected to get normal instruction at the College. The proposition is to have each association send one pupil to be instructed in the best methods of conducting these associations. Brother Kerr has evidently his heart in this work, and his proposal to teach one pupil from each association in the north was considered a very excellent one and he was encouraged to go ahead.

We had a call from two gentlemen by the name of Caldwell and Silver. They came to invite us to participate in a meeting to be held tomorrow evening at the Young Men’s Christian Association rooms, for the purpose of taking steps looking to the organization of an association the object of which would be to select and vote for a better class of officers in the municipality. After some conversation, we said that we would have some of our people go and take part in the meeting, and I afterwards got Brother Penrose to put the names down of six Democrats and six Republicans, himself among them, and requested him to get word to them that they might attend the meeting to see what was being done, so that we might be advised of whatever movements might be made.

I brought my wife Carlie up from the farm this morning to her sister’s. It is the first time that she has ridden so far since her sickness, and after I attended a reception which was given by the Elders of the New Zealand Mission to this family of natives that has just arrived and partook of a repast with them, I called and took her home.

We had this afternoon a meeting of the First Presidency and the following Apostles; Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A[.] H. Cannon. Brothers Smith and Grant spoke to me this morning about the First Presidency or the Trustee-in-Trust endorsing the Grant Bros. Livery Co. paper for $35,000. I felt averse to giving an opinion respecting this loan, and I proposed therefore that we should have this meeting of the Apostles where the matter could be fairly considered. President Woodruff expressed himself very emphatically against the proposition, and I myself had no spirit of saying anything in its favor, nor particularly against it; in fact, my mind was not clear on the subject, and it was on this account that I had proposed that we should have a meeting of the brethren, so as to get their views. President Smith had little or nothing to say, either. Brother Snow expressed himself opposed to the proposition; but the other brethren, with the exception perhaps of Brother Young, were in favor of it, as they thought it would be disastrous to allow that institution to go down and go into the hands of a receiver, and it might bring an attack upon all our affairs financially. President Woodruff finally asked me for my views. I had sat up to that time without saying anything. I then told the reason why I had desired this meeting; that my mind was not clear on the subject. I could not recommend it in view of the emphatic manner in which he had spoken about it. Conversation continued, and finally it came to me to say to President Woodruff and to the brethren: there is another view to this that we may take, and let us look at that. The proposition is to give us real estate as security for our endorsement, and that with this endorsement the money can be obtained at 7% for two years. Now the real estate at the present time cannot be sold for anything more than $25,000, even if it can be sold for that; so that if at the end of the two years it cannot be sold for anything more than that, our loss would be $10,000 and the portion of interest that we will have help to bear. Now this is the question as it presents itself to my mind: Is it better for us to run the risk of losing this $10,000 and secure the postponement of trouble for two years, or to precipitate an assignment, as this company would be compelled to make an assignment unless something of this kind were done. Perhaps, I said, in the course of two years there may be a revival of business, and this real estate may go up in value, so that we may not lose anything. President Woodruff appeared to be struck with this presentation of the matter, and said that he was willing to sign this note with that view, and the Council voted in favor of it.

21 July 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, July 21, 1894 There was a meeting of a few members of Cannon, Grant & Co. this morning. They were Jos. F. Smith, H. J[.] Grant, J[.] H. Smith, T. G. Webber, A. M. Cannon and myself. The reason for this meeting being held was on account of expressions which I made yesterday to Brother Grant. It had been proposed that this mortgage, which the Church is to endorse, will be for $35,000, and with it it is proposed to pay the State Bank indebtedness of $20,000, which Grant Bros. Livery Co. owe, and to secure a loan of $15,000 more from the State Bank with which to liquidate other indebtedness. Now the Grant Bros. Livery Co. owe Cannon, Grant & Co. $47,000, and it has struck me as being an unfair proposition to secure the State Bank with the endorsement of the First Presidency of the Church, and leave Cannon, Grant & Co, by twice the heavier creditor, without any tangible security. I therefore pressed upon Brother Grant the necessity of having a meeting to consider this matter. I stated that this was no time for us to be mincing matters, and we should talk plainly. It struck me as decidedly unjust to leave as large a creditor as our firm was in the position that it would be left if this security were given to the State Bank. I looked upon the endorsement of the First Presidency as being as good as gold, and I suggested that as we were much the heavier creditor, why cannot this be turned over to us and we by some means assume some of this indebtedness that it is proposed to liquidate by a new loan from the State Bank. Our conversation was very pleasant, and it was finally decided that we would offer to the Grant Bros. Livery Co. to buy the northern part of their property, which is 50 ft. front, and upon which the stable stands, for $47,000; that is, take that in lieu of their notes to us. After looking at this in all its bearings, each of us felt that it was the best thing that could be done, although this is nearly double the price that we could obtain for it if we were to offer it for sale; but we felt that even this was better than the other proposition, as we would have something tangible, and if property went up we might possibly realize more than we could sell it for at the present time. We thought also that it was a good proposition for the livery people. Whether they will accept it or not remains to be seen. Brother H. J. Grant has been in rather an awkward position, being President of the State Bank and also connected with us, and in his anxiety to do justice to the State Bank and not to expose himself to any animadversion because of favoring Cannon, Grant & Co., he is leaning the other way. He admits this himself.

I dictated my journal.

22 July 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, July 22, 1894 Attended meeting at the Tabernacle and requested Brother Brigham Young to speak. He occupied about 40 mins., describing the situation of the saints in Mexico and in the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. Brother Geo. A. Smith, son of John Henry Smith, who returned a week or two ago from a mission to the Southern States, occupied about 20 mins. in describing the situation of the saints and the mission in the Southern States. He spoke very fluently and with remarkable self-possession for a young man.

23 July 1894 • Monday

Monday, July 23, 1894 Busy at the office. President Smith was absent. attending the Oneida Conference. We listened to a number of letters read.

24 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 24, 1894 Forty-seven years ago the pioneers reached this valley.

I had arranged for all my family to go and spend the day at Westover. I had invited Presidents Woodruff and Smith and their families also; but through the severe sickness of Sister Woodruff, President Woodruff was not able to be present, and President Smith was out of town. Beside my own children (all of whom, excepting Frank and his family, were present) there were, Brother Brigham Young and his wife Lizzie, my brother Angus and his wife Amanda, and his son Charles and wife, my nephew Geo. C. Lambert and his wife and children, and Brother Wilcken. There were some other young people also, that my children had invited. The day was spent very pleasantly. We had two meals. I think it was one of the most pleasant times we have ever had at Westover. We all reached home before dark.

25 July 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 25, 1894 At 10 o’clock President Woodruff and myself, and subsequently Brother Jos. F. Smith, met with Brothers N. W. Clayton, James Jack and Le Grand Young. Brother Young read to us the Articles of Incorporation of the Utah Co., and we discussed the entire question for several hours; after which he withdrew, and we had conversation concerning the disposition of the bonds of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Ry. It was decided that I should endeavor to secure a loan through Mr. Dooley of $100000 on those bonds, the rate of interest to be 6%, if possible.

Brother Joseph Barton called into see me in relation to a letter that he had written to me as to the propriety of advocating the Ancient Order of United Workmen as a society for our people to join. We had a lengthy conversation with him upon the subject and gave him our views as to the impropriety of our people connecting themselves in any manner with associations of that kind, which were outside of Zion, and which were not designed for the building up of Zion. It is our duty as Latter-day Saints to build up Zion, and not build up outside institutions in any form. Besides, there were many things connected with this Order that were objectionable for Latter-day Saints.

I afterwards had a call from Mr. Weiderman, an old resident of the Sandwich Islands, who knew me there as early as 1852 or 1853. He is now on his way with a party to Washington to represent what he calls the constitutional government—that is, the Queen’s government, in opposition to the proposed republic.

In the evening at home I witnessed a little operetta by my children, it being a rehearsal, at the house of my wife Sarah Jane, under the direction of my daughter Rosannah.

26 July 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, July 26, 1894 The First Presidency listened this morning to the written report of a committee of which Brother Brigham Young was chairman, and which was appointed to examine a large tract of land belonging to Garcia Brothers of Mexico. After listening to the report, we decided that we would take no steps looking to the purchase of this land or the removal of the Papago Indians on to it, which was the proposition made by Brother Macdonald. Brother Young brought a number of other business items before us; and then we had a conversation with Brothers John Henry Smith and Joseph Wilson concerning sealing and adoption. Brother Wilson’s mother left his father and was sealed to Brother Geo. A. Smith, and he and his brothers now are at a loss to know what course to take in relation to the law of adoption—whether they should go with their mother and be adopted in the family of Geo. A. Smith or with their father. There are ten children, five living, five dead. We said it would be impracticable to take the dead children from the mother; but the living children had their own choice, just as she had. She had elected to be sealed to Brother Geo. A. Smith; they had the right to elect to be sealed to their father or to go with their mother. This was a question for themselves to decide.

27 July 1894 • Friday

Friday, July 27, 1894 First Presidency at the office today.

Annie May Abbott, who has been giving exhibitions at Saltair Pavilion of her remarkable powers in different directions, and who, with her husband, called upon us some days ago, called today in order to give us a private exhibition of what she could do. She is able to do very remarkable feats and exhibits a strength which seems far beyond that of ordinary mortals. She is a small woman, and stated to us, in answer to questions, that she first became aware of the power that she has when she was seven years old, when she lifted her father in his chair. She informed us that Edison and Sir William Thompson, both eminent electricians, had attributed her power to electricity. She did not explain how it was exercised, but her exhibition was quite interesting and appeared to be genuine, though there were several present who doubted the genuineness of it and claimed that they were tricks. I failed myself, however, to perceive where the tricks were, as did, I think, all of the First Presidency.

Mr. C. K. Bannister called upon us on business connected with the Pioneer Electric Power Co.

28 July 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, July 28, 1894 I spent the day at the office attending various matters of private business.

29 July 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, July 29th, 1894. Bro. Charles H. Wilcken had secured a carriage to carry the First Presidency to the meeting at South Cottonwood Ward to which we had been invited by Bishop Rawlins. He called for me about half past eight in the morning, and we drove to President Woodruff’s and found him waiting for us. We reached the meeting house about ten minutes before ten. Besides ourselves from Salt Lake City, there were Bros. C. W. Penrose, of the Stake Presidency, S. W. Richards, and Arthur Winter, our reporter. The morning assemblage was about two-thirds composed of Sunday School children who paid remarkable attention to all that was said. I never saw children better behaved in meeting than they were. President Woodruff desired me to speak first which I did occupying about half an hour, I enjoyed an excellent flow of the Spirit. He occupied twenty minutes, and Bro. Smith spoke about forty minutes. The meeting was a very choice one in the character of the instructions given, President Woodruff’s remarks being reminiscences from his childhood days, and his anxiety through reading the new Testament to behold an Apostle or a Prophet. We took dinner with Bishop Rawlins and family. At the afternoon meeting the house was crowded; and at the request of President Woodruff I again addressed the congregation first, speaking half an hour with great freedom. He followed occupying nearly as long, and President Smith then spoke for fifty minutes, which made the meeting rather lengthy, it being twenty minutes to five when we closed. We returned home immediately after this meeting.

30 July 1894 • Monday

Monday, July 30th, 1894. The Presidency had a conversation this morning with Bro. J. D. T. McAllister and F. Farnsworth of the Manti Temple concerning ordinance work in the Temple. A serious question was present for our consideration. Bro. Farnsworth had an ancestor of his own name who married a widow, whose first husband’s name was Willard to whom she had borne five children. Before her former marriage was known, however, her descendant, through Bro. Farnsworth, had the ordinance performed in behalf of herself and husband and, and she was sealed to him, and was anointed to him as his first wife. She had borne him six children. After all this was done it was discovered that she had been the wife of Willard, by whom she had had five children. The question now presented to us was, To whom are Willard’s children to be sealed? Bro. Joseph F. was of the opinion that the eleven children should all go with the mother wherever she went; but the question arose whether the sealing, which had already been done in favor of Farnsworth, should stand, and if so, what should be done for Willard? To my mind this was a very serious question, which I thought should be very carefully answered. Bro. Smith said, of course we all aggreed that the woman should take the children. To this I replied, I did not concede that in every case, for while I, for instance, loved my mother devotedly; if I had my choice I would not wish to be adopted to another man in place of my father, as my name and my lineage through my father are very dear to me. It seemed to me that we should have more light on this subject and act with great care for, although we knew in the great hereafter everything of this character would be righter, still these are serious affairs, and the greatest light possible should be sought so that that which we do may be as near right as it is possible for us to make it.

We had an important meeting of Cannon-Grant company in connection with the indebtedness of the Grant Livery Stables. I thought their indebtedness to Cannon-Grant Company was enormous when I learned that it was about $47,000., but today I was startled by learning that their indebtedness of this concern to us was $55,000., for which there was no security. I moved that a committee consisting of Thomas C. Webber, H. A. Woolley and Geo. M. Cannon be appointed to take this whole matter into consideration, and see what terms can be made with this company to secure what they are owing us.

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July 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1894/07-1894