October 1852

1 October 1852 • Friday

We fasted and prayed to-day and had a meeting among ourselves.1 Bros. Kipp, [David] Rice, Winchester and Burnham with Bro. K’s wife returned <started> this morning to Lahaina. Bro. Lewis sent word by them to Sis. [Elvira] Woodbury [for her] to return home

2 October 1852 • Saturday

Bro. Hawkins and I came over to see about the Meeting House &c.; we found them at work like a lot of bees; they had been much blessed and their work had created surprise among unbelievers on account of its rapidity. They finished two sides and an end.

3 October 1852 • Sunday

Bro. Winchester brought a letter from Lahaina last night written by Sis. Hammond’s mother [Eliza Dilworth] Salt Lake City to Bro. & Sis. H. Things were progressing an emigration of ten thousand of the Saints from Kanesville [Iowa]. The Cholera was sweeping off the emigrants going to the gold mines at a tremendous rate. I was much disappointed at not receiving any letters. Preached this morning in the New Meeting House and had a good flow of the spirit.2 Bro. Hawkins spoke in afternoon and I followed and we were blessed with the spirit. In evening wrote a letter to my Brother Angus; also one to Elizabeth [Hoagland].

4 October 1852 • Monday

Wrote a letter to Bro. Perkins this morning and sent them into Lahaina by one of Bro. Napela’s house boys. Came over to Waiehu and after bed time Bros. Kipp and [John] Woodbury arrived from Lahaina and Bros. Burnham and Winchester from Makawao.

5 October 1852 • Tuesday

We held our Conference in a house of Bro. Birch’s at this place. Bro. Lewis was appointed as Pres. of the Conference—The propriety of Bro. Hammond or some other one going to Lahaina was discussed and it was thought best for him to go there. It was thought best for me to keep on with the Book of Mormon and call in whom I pleased to my assistance; and to travel and visit the various branches of the Church upon the Island as necessity calls requires and the Spirit directs. Bro. Woodbury desired to have a partner to labor—it was finally left to Bro. Lewis to say whether Molokai [Moloka‘i], the island upon which Bro. W. was laboring, should be annexed to this Conference. Bro. L. thought it had for the present. Bros. Farrer & Bigler were allowed the privilege of remaining upon this Island a few weeks to improve in the language and then to return to Oahu. Our Conference was a good one and we had a good deal of good instruction. In evening had meeting.3

6 October 1852 • Wednesday

Went over to Wailuku this morning and held Conference.4 The <se> house was completely walled in. I was appointed President. There was a representation of all the branches on this Island making in all 843.5 Bro. Farrer and Lewis represented Oahu 88. Bro. Woodbury represented Molokai 48. Bro. Napela made a statement of the Tithing funds—of the expenditures for the house and the debts &c.; which was entirely satisfactory. We had an hours intermission. In afternoon had an excellent meeting and we enjoyed it exceedingly. We adjourned until To-morrow. Eat supper at Napela’s and afterwards returned to Waiehu. In evening had meeting [among the missionaries] and had an excellent meeting time and a good flow of the spirit; Bro. Woodbury spoke in tongues and Bro. Hammond interpreted.6

7 October 1852 • Thursday

We again met in Wailuku to-day and we had a long excellent meeting; I was filled with joy and rejoicing and spoke by the spirit as well as all the rest of the brethren; we were loth to adjourn when we did but did not wish to weary the saints. We adjourned the conference until April 6th 1853 in this place.7 We all eat at Bro. Napela’s house who provided us a good dinner—Sis. Lewis & Hammond attended to-day. We returned to Waiehu in evening.8 May the Lord bless and prosper Bro. Napela for his kindness to us, for he has, and is, doing all he can.

8 October 1852 • Friday

Went up to a secret place behind the house and we spent the afternoon.

9 October 1852 • Saturday

Writing &c. Bro. Keeler left this morning for Honuaula. In afternoon I went to Wailuku. Found brethren there from Keanae—they had heard that the Conference was to be held on the 10th, and therefore did not come in time for conference—They say there are calls for preaching in Hana and in that vicinity.—There was one S thing I omitted to mention in Tuesday’s proceedings, that was the appointment of Bro. Keeler to the Seventies—we talked the matter and concluded that under present circumstances it was proper. The next morning (Wednesday) he was ordained and I was set apart and blessed for the translation of the Book of Mormon; Bro. Lewis being mouth. It was pronounced upon my head that I should be able to do it right and according to the mind of the spirit &c. &c.

10 October 1852 • Sunday

I caught cold yesterday evening and it settled on my lungs making it difficult for me to speak; Bro. Hammond took charge of the meeting but called on me to speak. I spoke although with some difficulty and done tolerably well and was followed by Bro. Hawkins. In afternoon had an excellent meeting. I was quite hoarse. After meeting Bro. Hawkins attended a meeting at Waikapu and we returned to Waiehu—on the road a Catholic Priest rode up and asked in native the best place to cross the creek, we answered him; he then asked which of us was George the Mormon teacher at Wailuku after being told he then said he had a question to ask me—he descended from his mule and commenced questioning in regard to which was the oldest church &c. this was the commencement of an argument which lasted from one to two hours; we agreed very well at the start but soon differed in our views—he seemed quite nervous. His favorite <& only> positions were—the Savior’s remark to Peter Mat. 16. 18 and last half of the 20 verse of the 28 chap. of Mat.—contending from these that if there had not been a pure organization from that time down to the present time—he (the Lord) had spoken falsely and was an unskilful workman; it was in vain to reason and show in what respect the church had fallen away &c. &c. he would dodge back to his original position. I endeavored to <get him to> take some plan and to answer me some questions as I said they way9 we are doing10 is not going to result in anything; but this he would not do—and it was very plain to be seen that he did not wish any comparisons made between his church and the scriptures—The native spectators had several laughs at his expence. The Lord blessed me with fluency in the language & I was enabled to speak plain—although after we parted I could scarcely speak in consequence of the effect of the cold on my lungs.11

11 October 1852 • Monday

Writing &c. Bros. Hawkins & Woodbury went to Hamakua

12 October 1852 • Tuesday

Writing &c. Bros. Hy. & Wm. went to Kula.

13 October 1852 • Wednesday

Writing &c.

14 October 1852 • Thursday

do. do.

15 October 1852 • Friday

Wrote a letter to Bros. [John] Murdock and [Charles] Wandell, Sydney [Australia], requesting them to make inquiries in regard to Uncles John and David [Cannon] also for David Philip Kaighen [Kaighin] and sent them all the news and requested them to write as soon as possible. The brethren returned all well from their trip to Kula. Raining these few last days.

16 October 1852 • Saturday

Went over to Wailuku; it rained this morning; The brethren afterwards came over with the exception of Bro. Lewis. There was a small party of the native brethren who eat dinner in the Meeting House; we afterwards held meeting.12

17 October 1852 • Sunday

We held meeting this morning and had a good attendance. I preached on the subject of Catholicism and its pretensions and was blessed abundantly with the spirit. In afternoon had an excellent time and I enjoyed myself much this day. I delight in the feelings caused by the spirit of the Lord and would not exchange the joy and feelings experienced by me in one week for one year <with a person living> amid all the luxury and wealth of the world. My feelings of gratification are not by any means lessened in regard to the glorious privileges I enjoy as an Elder in this kingdom and my constant prayer to the Lord is that I may be humble for I realise that I have this to contend with—feelings of pride &c.13

18 October 1852 • Monday

Engaged variously.

19-20 October 1852 • Tuesday-Wednesday

Bro. Hammond & family busily engaged in getting ready to start to-day for Lahaina; Bro. & Sis. Lewis concluded to accompany them on board the boat. Bro. H. requested me to accompany me <him> to help open up and pressed me in this respect as Bro. Napela could not at present accompany him.14 We rode in the cart to Kealia and there found the boat but we could not go this evening on account of the boat needing repairs and the wind blowing very strong. We slept on the mats until about two o’clock when we arose and found the wind the favorable, we loaded up and started accompanied by two natives. We had very dangerous sailing until about day-light; Bro. Hammond attending to the sail all the time; we were struck several times by severe gusts of wind and were in great danger of being swamped—the Lord in his merciful providence preserved us from the dangers of the deep for we all felt that our situation was a precarious one. I cried unto the Lord and I know he heard my cry; after daylight it lulled and we pulled in—the latter part of the time I was very seasick. We arrived at Bro. Kipp’s about nine o’clock. Sis. H. was also seasick.

21 October 1852 • Thursday

Variously engaged. Bro. & Sis. L. retd. to O [O‘ahu].

22 October 1852 • Friday

do. do. Bro. Keeler arrived this morning.

23 October 1852 • Saturday

do. do.

24 October 1852 • Sunday

We went up to the place of meeting and arranged seats &c. We held meeting and I preached and was followed by Bro. Uaua; there was not a very crowded attendance, very few coming. In afternoon again held meeting rather better attendance—I preached and Bro. Hammond bore testimony.15

25 October 1852 • Monday

Variously engaged. In evening Bro. Farrer arrived from Wailuku on his way to Oahu.

26 October 1852 • Tuesday

Bro. Woodbury embarked from <for> Molokai and Bro. Farrer for Honolulu;16 in evening Bro. Keeler and17 I started for Wailuku; we were invited by a white man of the name of Brooks to stay with him all night which we accepted.

27 October 1852 • Wednesday

Started before breakfast for Wailuku and arrived a little after ten; found Bro. Bigler and Bro. Napela and &c. &c., all well.

28 October 1852 • Thursday

Writing &c. Revising in company with Bro. Napela the manuscript translation of the Book of Mormon.

29 October 1852 • Friday

We started for Makawao about three o’clock this morning and arrived before breakfast—we found all well. Our reasons for going were to accompany Bro. Hy as he wished to see them before returning to Oahu, and as this week was broken I did not know that I would have a more convenient time. At Bro. Winchester’s until evening we then went up to Bro. Burnham’s.

30 October 1852 • Saturday

After supper started for Wailuku arrived about 11 o’clock—we had a delightful moonlight.

31 October 1852 • Sunday

Bro. Keeler spoke and I followed—in aftertoon attended to the Lord’s supper and confirmed two that I had baptised during intermission—we had a good time all day.

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October 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1852/10-1852


  1. [1]A conference for non-Hawaiian speakers that was scheduled for the day was postponed until October 5 since Woodbury had not yet arrived (Farrer diary, Oct. 1, 1852).

  2. [2]Cannon “spoke on the calamities that were daily coming upon the nations &c & shewed that the Lord had fortold all these things by the mouth of his servants the Prophets in these last days & that the Lord had threatened to send judgement &c upon the nations to scorge them” (Farrer diary, Oct. 3, 1852).

  3. [3]Minutes of the day’s meetings are included as Appendix 3, Item 3. During the conference, it was “proposed that Bro Cannon continue the translation of the book of Mormon into the native language,” following which he requested that he be “set apart for that work” (Lewis journal, Oct. 5, 1852). In addition to his work on the Book of Mormon, Cannon “was to continue as president of this Island” (Farrer diary, Oct. 5, 1852).

  4. [4]Minutes of the native conference held October 6–7 are included as Appendix 3, Item 4.

  5. [5]Written over 840.

  6. [6]Lewis reported additional details regarding Woodbury’s speaking in tongues: “Bro Woodberry spoke in tongues, and Bro Hammond had the interpretation in part which was in substance as follows, The Lord was well pleased with us, that this poeple [sic] were a remnant of Israel, that all opposition should be overcome, that temples should be built in these lands and that this poeple should be redeemed, and that the Elders were sent to these Islands through the prayers of their fathers who have gone to the world of the spirits” (Lewis journal, Oct. 6, 1852; see also Farrer diary, Oct. 6, 1852). In November 1919 the first Latter-day Saint temple in Hawai‘i was dedicated at La‘ie, on the island of O‘ahu. The fulfillment of Woodbury’s prophecy regarding multiple temples in Hawai‘i occurred in January 2000, when a second temple was dedicated at Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawai‘i.

  7. [7]Farrer reported concerning the conference: “[We] had some good instruction by the elders on the Second coming of the Savior, on the gifts & blessings of the Holy spirit & teaching the Saints to have faith in the ordinances of the gospel when sick instead of going for the Doctors. there was also some good instruction given to the native brethren with regard to their manner of living reccommending cleanliness in their persons & in their houses together with industry &c their was also some more remarks & instruction given in regard to tithing” (Farrer diary, Oct. 7, 1852). Farrer later added a note regarding Cannon’s preaching on October 7: “Elder C. said that the [Congregationalist] Missionaries . . . instead of learning them [the natives] to walk when they came they had carried them, coming with plenty of means they had built their schools for them & taught them &c & that when their support from the states failed they had fell down not being able to walk of themselves; but that we wanted to make them an independent people & to learn them to walk of themselves” (Farrer diary, Oct. 10, 1852).

  8. [8]Cannon baptized two individuals in the evening (Farrer diary, Oct. 7, 1852).

  9. [9]Written over were.

  10. [10]Written over going.

  11. [11]Four days later Farrer and Hawkins encountered this same priest. “He again took his old stand & we endeavored to prove to him that their had been a general apostacy & falling away from the ordinances of the gospel, & wanted to try his church with the new testament pattern in regard to officers ordinances &c & although he promised to we could not get him to it, but he stuck to his old text like a drowning man would to a stick thrown out to save him knowing that if he let go that he must sink” (Farrer diary, Oct. 14, 1852).

  12. [12]Farrer reported that “today having been appointed for a feast day by the brethren on account of their having built their meeting house at the invitation of Bro. C. we all except Bro. L. went there” (Farrer diary, Oct. 16, 1852).

  13. [13]Farrer added additional details about the day’s events. In the morning Cannon spoke “from Ex. 40, 15. & 1 Sam. 2, 30. Shewing that the Lords promises & blessings are on condition of obedience in the after noon had meeting again Bro’s H. C. & myself speaking shewing the reason why nations were left to wander in darkness &c that it was on account of their having rejected the light of revelation &c. In the evening went to Waiehu” (Farrer diary, Oct. 17, 1852).

  14. [14]Hammond recorded his concerns about undertaking missionary work in Lahaina: “This is one of [the] Strongest holds of Calvinism. . . . Started upon the Islands under the direction of [Rev.] D. Baldwin he has about 800 members well drilled and schooled in sectarinism and he has been buisy in filling the minds of the people [with] predijice against the truth” (Hammond journal, Oct. 31, 1852).

  15. [15]James Kipp had previously gone through town putting up notices in Hawaiian announcing the meetings (Hammond journal, Oct. 22, 1852). Hammond provided a more extensive account of these meetings, which were held “under some trees” near the Seamen’s Hospital: “Bro. Cannon preached from Acts 2:37, 38 had about 40 Natives to hear they payed ver[y] good attention. . . . 3 O.C. p.m. met again, had about 50 to hear Bro. C. preached from Ephesians 4:5. good attention but none offered themselves for baptism” (Hammond journal, Oct. 24, 1852). Two weeks later, however, six natives were baptized before “about 300 spectators” (Hammond journal, Nov. 7, 1852). The United States Marine Hospital, better known as the Seamen’s Hospital, was established some time before 1843 to care for ill sailors. A restored version of that building still stands in Lahaina, Maui (Maui Historical Society, Lahaina Historical Guide, 45–46).

  16. [16]Before Farrer left for Honolulu, he and Cannon “went to visit our old hostess [Nalimanui] & friends they appeared glad to see us, we had some conversation with them & Bro. C. set forth to them the first principles of the gospel . . . but they did not appear to want to understand it” (Farrer diary, Oct. 26, 1852).

  17. [17]At this point Cannon wrote the next day’s date and then crossed it out.