February 1896

1 February 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, February 1, 1896.

In company with Brothers Brigham Young and John Henry Smith, I started for Heber City to attend the Wasatch Stake Conference. We were met at Park City by Bishop Duke and a young man by the name of Macdonald, who drove the sleigh that carried us. We were taken to Heber City, Sister Fanny Woolley, sister of Brother Abram Hatch, was with us. We had a very pleasant though cold ride to Heber City, and were taken to Brother Hatch’s and welcomed by him. We partook of an excellent meal, and then went to conference. The afternoon was occupied by Brothers John Henry Smith and Brigham Young. There was a larger attendance than is usual on Saturdays.

In the evening there was a priesthood meeting, to which all the people were invited, and I occupied the time. speaking about 80 minutes.

2 February 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, February 2, 1896

The house was comfortably filled this morning. Brother Brigham Young spoke about 70 minutes, and Brother John Henry Smith the remainder of the time.

In the afternoon the authorities were presented, the sacrament was administered, and I spoke about 70 minutes.

3 February 1896 • Monday

Monday, February 3, 1896

We arranged this morning to reach Park City before noon. Brother Smith went last evening and held meeting at Park City.

Brother & Sister Hatch have done everything in their power to make our stay pleasant. They are very hospitable, and they live with considerable elegance for a country place. They set about as good a table as I ever sat down to in the country.

We reached Park City about 11:30[.]

Mr. Thomas Kearns, who is one of the proprietors of the Silver King mine, was very desirous, that I should stop and visit the property of which he is the Manager on my return from Heber City, and we drove in our sleigh up to the mine, which is a very difficult climb, being about a mile and a half from Park City. We found Brother John Henry Smith and Brother Allen there awaiting us, also Mr. Kearns. After dinner he took us through the mine on the 800 ft. level, and gave us some fine specimens of ore. There is an immense quantity of ore in sight in this property. They pay $37,000 every month as a dividend, and they must have vast bodies that they can take out whenever they please; but they are prospecting all the time for new bodies, so that they keep a large amount on hand.

We returned to Salt Lake City at 5:15, and I was met at the train by my son Angus. I found my family in good health.

4 February 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, February 4, 1896

A request has been made from Washington by our Representative for a statement from the Receiver of the properties in his hands belonging to the Church. Bishop Winder, who is the Receiver, came up with a list in company with Brother F. S. Richards, and we talked the matter over, and President Woodruff and myself decided the form that the report should be made in.

This is Brother C. W. Penrose’s birthday, and he desired to be set apart for his new duties. President Woodruff, Brother Brigham Young and myself laid hands upon him, and at President Woodruff’s request I was mouth in blessing and setting him apart.

5 February 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, February 5, 1896

This morning there was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co., which lasted from 10 till 12:30. My son Abraham had drawn up an exhaustive report of the condition of affairs. I am exceedingly anxious to have the business of this concern settled in some way so that I shall know how much I am responsible for. As it is the debts are of such a nature that unless something is done it may bring us serious loss. Before we closed it was decided that Brother Heber J. Grant should go to San Francisco for the purpose of securing a loan on reasonable terms.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Saving Bank.

President E. D. Woolley, of Kanab, came in and had quite a lengthy conversation with us about the affairs of the Stake.

6 February 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, February 6, 1896

President Woodruff and myself had an interview this morning with my son Abraham and Mr. Allen, who comes here in the interest of Mr. Meyer in connection with our southern railroad project. He has come prepared to stay a week, a month, a year, or if necessary five years, he says. They are very desirous to push this matter through, and Mr. Allen set forth in a very emphatic manner the advantages that would accrue from the construction of a railroad and the peril that we in Utah are in of having the same results occur to us that have already been brought upon California by the monopolization of railroad transportation, by which we could be in fetters to such a man, for instance, as Mr. Huntington, who is laying his plans apparently to capture the trade of this whole western country. I could not help but concur in his views. I feel very careful about permitting ourselves to be loaded down with burdens.

At 11 o’clock we met in the Temple with the Twelve. There were present, beside President Woodruff and myself, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. President Woodruff was suffering from a severe headache and we administered to him.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of the Sunday School Union at the office, which I attended.

7 February 1896 • Friday

Friday, February 7, 1896

A meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. was held this morning at the Lion House, at which the members of the Board were present and a number of the widows of President Brigham Young. Sister Amelia F. Young had an interview with me some weeks ago in which she expressed some dissatisfaction at remarks which had been made to her concerning the rights of the widows in the property that had been left for their support, and at the same time she had several enquiries to make as to the condition of the property. I told her that I would be very glad indeed to have herself and the rest of President Young’s living wives meet with the Board and I would call a special meeting for the purpose of laying before them the situation of affairs and they could have an opportunity of asking questions till they were satisfied. I wanted, however, Brother Brigham Young to be present as well as Spencer Clawson, and as soon as they came back to the city I would call a meeting. It was for this object that we met this morning, and we had a three hours’ conversation, in which full explanations were made and each of the wives expressed herself as being satisfied and relieved in her feelings concerning the business. They had got the impression that their living was jeopardized, and that in consequence of the property being mortgaged they were in danger of losing their income. I gave a statement of what had led to the organization of the corporation and what I had done personally to bring it about. I had embarrassed myself for the sake of purchasing the interests of those that were disposed to give us trouble and to prevent the incorporation, and I had urged on every heir the importance of retaining his and her stock; but despite this, many had parted with their stock and some of us had been compelled to buy it to keep it out of the hands of those who were not of us. I was greatly pleased with the result of the meeting.

I met with the Literary & Scientific Association and attended to some business.

I also attended a meeting of the Board of Education of the Church.

8 February 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, February 8, 1896

I went home last evening with the expectation of returning to the office today and spending the day in work that I had laid out; but just as I was on the point of retiring to bed I got word that the Summit Stake Conference, instead of being held on Sunday and Monday as I expected, would be held tomorrow and Sunday, and I had to make my preparations at once to get up early, as the train leaves at 6 o’clock in the morning. I arose at quarter past four, and my son Angus took me to the train.

I reached Coalville about 11:30. To my surprise, when I reached there I found that the conference was not held today, and I had lost my days’ work.

I spent the remainder of the day in going up Grass Creek Canon and visiting the coal mines. It was a pleasant sight to see the ties for the road to the Cullen mine all laid and everything ready for the laying of the rails. I was gratified that I made this trip, as it was something I have been wanting to do for some time.

9 February 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, February 9, 1896

I was entertained last night by Brother & Sister Cluff, and I spent today principally in meeting. We held three meetings. The forenoon meeting was cold and apathetic while two or three of the brethren spoke. I followed and spoke for 35 minutes, and got thoroughly aroused, and roused the people, and the other meetings were delightful. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon me with a good deal of power, and I occupied all the afternoon and the evening also.

10 February 1896 • Monday

Monday, February 10, 1896

Held a meeting this morning at 10 o’clock and again spoke.

I left the meeting house at 11:30 and rode with Brother Branch to Echo, where I took train for the city, which I reached about 3:30.

I feel excellently about this visit, and that the Lord has blessed me exceedingly.

11 February 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, February 11, 1896

A very stormy day.

At 12 o’clock I went down to the Commercial National Bank for the purpose of attending a meeting to incorporate what is called the Wonder Mining Company. This is a part of the property that my brother Angus and family own. I also have some interest in it. Mr. Donnellan, the cashier of the bank, and a Mr. Quealy have agreed, for a certain portion of stock, to advance $30,000 in money for the purpose of opening this property. They have very high and glowing expectations concerning it. It is next to what is called the Golden Gate, which is a very rich mine, and an examination of the workings of this latter mine convinces them that the group of mines called the Wonder will be very valuable, and they have decided it ought to be incorporated for five millions of dollars. I was averse to my name being used in connection with the organization; but they had got the articles of incorporation all out and my name was put in as President, and it would require or cause considerable trouble to change them; so I consented to act. There were present at the meeting, Angus M. Cannon, John W. Donnellan, Mr. Quealy, Geo. M. Cannon, John M. Cannon, Lewis M. Cannon and myself. We adopted some bylaws.

I might say here, it is remarkable the manner in which gold properties are being opened. Expectations are wonderfully high concerning the future of all this region where this property is situated. Whether these expectations will be realized or not is quite questionable; but it is surprising to see what hopes are indulged in concerning the future of all the Mercur and Camp Floyd district. It is believed there will be a great boom here in consequence of these discoveries. Land that formerly was trodden over and deemed of little value is now turning out to be very rich in gold ore, and gold is being discovered in places where its existence never appeared to be dreamed of. The story comes from Skull Valley, where our Hawaiian Colony is located, that gold is being discovered all around their farm. I am reminded by these developments of a conversation which President Taylor had with me. He was endeavoring to convince me that mining for the precious metals was quite legitimate. I had been opposed to mining because it had been generally felt by the leading men of the Church, especially President Young, that we had better turn our attention to agriculture and manufacture, instead of running around the country wasting time and means trying to find gold and silver; and this had been the policy that had been urged upon the people. President Taylor felt, however, that there would be a great deal of money made by mining, and reasoned with me upon the subject to convince me that there was no impropriety in our going into the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co.; and in conversation one day he spoke of what had been shown to him of the development there would be in minerals west and south of Salt Lake City, and he made a motion with his arm, extending it in the direction of th[e] very places where now these gold discoveries are being made.

12 February 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, February 12, 1896

President Joseph F. Smith returned this morning from the east, where he has been for three weeks. He comes back in health and has enjoyed himself. He visited Washington and left there last Friday.

Abraham was in and read to the Presidency correspondence which he had received from Brother Orson Smith, Jerry Langford and my son Hugh concerning the Sterling properties. He also described the situation of affairs connected with business matters.

President Woodruff told me that he had something to communicate to me and I would have to decide. He told me he had quite a strong desire to go to California and spend two weeks there, away from business and from all care, where he could eat oysters and be by the seashore, and see if he could not obtain an improvement in his health, especially in sleeping. I told him I was very glad to think that he had made the decision; for I felt that it would do him good to be absent for awhile. He thought of staying there two weeks. He wanted to know if I thought he ought to go.

I dictated to Brother Winter articles for the Juvenile Instructor and some correspondence.

I was invited to go down to the Mutual Improvement League at the Social Hall to dedicate the place for the uses to which it had been set apart. I went there at 6:30 and in the presence of about 25 persons offered the dedicatory prayer. The general public were admitted shortly afterwards. This building is very well arranged for the purpose for which it is now to be used. There is a fine room for athletic exercises; there are baths; there is a reading room and library, and other conveniences which will make it a very desirable place for young people to go to. The object in starting it is to furnish a place of this kind to our young men, many of whom, I am informed, have joined the Young Men’s Christian Association in this city to obtain such exercises and amusements as this building is now to furnish. There was a great jam of people, and they were so numerous that it was difficult for the programme of exercises to be carried out. I remained there till nearly 9 o’clock. They had invited my children with their mandolins and guitars to play for them.

13 February 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, February 13, 1896

I felt deeply impressed the night before last that I ought to do something towards assisting Brother Lorenzo Snow who is in deep water at the present time financially, owing to the co-operative store at Brigham City, in which he and his sons are large owners, being turned over to a Receiver. There has been a great sacrifice of their goods, and President Snow is heavily involved. He had a conversation with me yesterday afternoon in which he desired to get help from the Church. He has not drawn anything for a long time, and there is quite a large amount to his credit, and he wanted to know if there would be any objection to his drawing some now to assist him in his extremity. I told him anything I could do would be done freely. If the Church had funds I should certainly be in favor of his getting the help that he asked for. I then told him what the Lord had put into my heart, and that he had put it there I felt convinced from this conversation; it was that I should make an exertion to give him a thousand dollars. I am considerably in debt and carrying heavy loads, but I feel that it is my duty to help my brethren, especially in a case like this, which he told me was the greatest trial of his life. He is 82 years of age now and has always been a man who has managed his own affairs well, and been independent. I told him that I would make the checks payable three months from date, but would have them accepted at the bank, so that he could negotiate them now. This morning I had Geo. M. Cannon write upon the face of five checks which I drew out for $200 each, “Accepted[”] giving the date, and signing them as cashier of the bank. President Snow was very deeply touched with my offer. I did it as delicately as I could, because I know how sensitive he is on such matters. I told him I hoped he would not be offended, and that he would accept it in the spirit in which it was given. It was to do to him what I thought we ought to do to each other when we stood in need.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple and remained there about an hour and a half. There were present, beside the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon. We were engaged for about half an hour in discussing the case of Brother B. H. Roberts, whom the Twelve have summoned to appear before them in company with his colleagues of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies. The object is to find out where Brother Roberts stands, and to have him make amends for the course that he has taken and the wrong impressions that he has made among the people concerning the Priesthood and the rights of the Priesthood. The remarks that were made will I think have the effect to impress the brethren of the Twelve with the gravity of this case. I have felt it very deeply, and I have thought that perhaps some of my brethren regarded me as being extreme in my feelings; but the situation to me is an exceedingly serious one. We have been told time and again by the brethren that in nearly all the Stakes of Zion, particularly in Cache Valley, there is a very strong feeling of prejudice, not to call it by any stronger word, against President Smith and myself caused by the agitation of politics. Now there is a cause for this feeling, and it is felt that the course taken by Brother B. H. Roberts and other Elders has contributed to bring about this dangerous condition of affairs. As soon as we withdrew, the Twelve called in Brother Roberts and the other Presidents of Seventies. Brother Geo. F. Gibbs remained to take a report of the proceedings.

President Woodruff told me this afternoon that he would not go to California so soon, as Mr. Banigan is likely to be out here before long, and he would like to be present when he comes.

14 February 1896 • Friday

Friday, February 14, 1896. Sisters M. Isabella Horne and E. H. Woodmansee called this morning and had an interview with President Woodruff and myself, in which they made a statement concerning the situation of the Woman’s Co-op Store. They wanted to borrow $100 for three months. After listening to them, I proposed to loan them $100 for 90 days without interest, and if they failed to pay, I would take a cash tithing receipt for the amount. They signed the note as President and Secretary.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I.

Brother Joseph H. Felt has had some conversation with the First Presidency concerning the selection of Brother B. H. Roberts as a lecturer before the Mutual Improvement League, and called today to know what conclusion had been reached concerning this. President Woodruff told him that under the circumstances he did not think it advisable for them to ask Brother Roberts to lecture, and that the engagement should be cancelled.

Judge L. W. Shurtliff called to see me about irrigation matters.

My son Abraham had an extended talk with Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself about business affairs.

15 February 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, February 15, 1896

There was a meeting of the Sugar Company at 9 o’clock this morning at the office, and after that a meeting of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway.

16 February 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, February 16, 1896

President Smith and myself and Brother Arthur Winter took train this morning at 6 O’clock for Morgan. President Smith and myself had a wife each. We were met at Morgan by Prest. Richard Fry, who carried us in his carriage to his house, where we breakfasted and then met with the saints at 10:30.

President Smith occupied the forenoon and delivered excellent counsel.

In the afternoon, after the sacrament was administered, I spoke and felt excellently in doing so.

In the evening we had another meeting, which was occupied by President Smith and myself.

Between the afternoon and evening meeting we visited Sister Gibby, who is demented. She has been confined of her firstborn child, and has been crazy ever since, most of the time violent and wearing out everybody of the neighborhood waiting upon her. President Smith anointed her, and President Fry, Bishop Turner, President Smith, Brother Winter and myself laid hands upon her, and I was mouth.

Myself and wife slept at President Fry’s.

17 February 1896 • Monday

Monday, February 17, 1896

We were gratified this morning to see the meeting house so well filled. Myself and President Smith occupied the time.

The people seemed greatly pleased with our visit, all the officers expressing their gratification at the excellence of the meetings.

We got in a carriage immediately after the meeting and drove to the railroad station and took the train for home a little before 1. We left the brethren to attend to business matters in the afternoon meeting. We had to do this or be detained a day. We reached the city at 3:10 in the afternoon. I found my family in good health.

18 February 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, February 18, 1896

The First Presidency had an interview this morning with Brother B. Cluff, Jr. & Reed Smoot concerning the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, and after listening to statements from them it was decided that the Academy should become a Church institution. The reasons advanced for this were cogent in our minds, and we adopted a resolution to that effect.

A letter from Brother B. H. Roberts was read today, addressed to President Woodruff, in which he stated that he had cancelled all his engagements to lecture at various places, as he judged by the notice he had received concerning his proposed lecture before the Mutual Improvement League that this was President Woodruff’s wish. President Woodruff expressed himself gratified with the action, as he thought it was very proper under the circumstances.

19 February 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, February 19, 1896

The Presidency of the Box Elder Stake came to see us about getting help to rebuild the Tabernacle at Brigham City which had been burned down. They expect it to cost $12,000, and they asked for about half that amount. We appropriated $2500, and said that if everything moved along as we hoped it would we should appropriate a like amount next season.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

I received a letter from Mr. McKaig, the husband of Martha Hardy, (he is not in the Church) asking me to name and bless a little daughter that was born to them a few days ago, which he says is the first daughter that has been born in the McKaig family for 100 years.

I had an interview with Bishop McKay, who is chairman of the Committee on Agriculture in the Senate, and Brother Murdoch, who is chairman of the House committee, on irrigation matters.

I went to McKaig’s and blessed their child and named it Margaret McKaig.

I had an appointment to meet at 7:30 with the joint committee of the legislature on irrigation. We remained together till nearly 11 o’clock, and had a pretty full discussion of the best plans to manage the waters and to secure the rights of those who had rights to the water of the different streams. There were a number of persons present who had been invited by the committee and I was given considerable prominence in the discussion, as it was supposed that I had bestowed a good deal of thought and had some experience on this question.

20 February 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, February 20, 1896

We had a call this morning from Brothers Reed Smoot, B. Cluff, Jr. and Willard Young and Sister Susa Young Gates. The object in the two latter coming with the others was to give us their views concerning the proposed change in the Brigham Young Academy. They both expressed themselves, as heirs of President Young, as entirely satisfied with the proposal to make it a Church institution, and they thought that all their brothers and sisters would feel the same.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple and met with President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Geo. Teasdale, John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve. I found myself under the necessity of leaving the Council for about half an hour to go down to the depot to see my wife Sarah Jane, who started this morning for Los Angeles in company with Brother James Jack and wife. I had secured her a pass from the Southern Pacific Railroad, and by some mishap she had lost it, and she was much worried about it. I had to get her another ticket. After I returned to the Council the case of Brother B. H. Roberts came up, and it was decided to have a meeting of the Twelve and the Seven Presidents of the Seventies on Tuesday, March 3rd, in order to take action on the case, either to have Brother Roberts acknowledge that his position was not a correct one or to deal with him [in] the event of his maintaining his present attitude.

21 February 1896 • Friday

Friday, February 21, 1896

There was a Sugar Co. meeting at the office at 9 o’clock this morning.

I had an interview with Brother S. S. Jones, who had made an appointment to meet me today.

A man by the name of D. W. Jones is in Washington and conveying the impression that he is representing the Mormon people and is seeking for concessions from the government on the Uintah reservation. He is a man in whom we have no confidence. Frank has written to President Woodruff to know about this, and we had John Q. today at the office to talk over this subject, and it was suggested that an article should be written for the News which, without calling this man by name or in any manner giving him an opportunity to allege anything libelous, would let the people know that he was only a pretender. We understand that he has collected money from people on the plea that he is going there to secure them lands.

I had an interview with Mr. John E. Dooly today, at his request. He seems to lack confidence in the Mayor of the city, James Glendinning, and wished the authority taken from him and given to the governor to appoint the fire and police commissioners.

22 February 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, February 22, 1896.

This is a holiday, being George Washington’s birthday.

Brother Arthur Winter kindly consented to come down to the house, and I dictated to him my journal and other things.

23 February 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, February 23, 1896

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. My son Abraham was called upon to speak; he occupied about 40 minutes, and I occupied the remainder of the time in addressing the congregation.

24 February 1896 • Monday

Monday, February 24, 1896

The First Presidency had a call this morning from Mr. Wood, member of an eminent firm of organ builders, who called upon us accompanied by our organist, Brother Daynes. He described to us the additions which our Tabernacle organ needed to make it a first class instrument possessing all the late improvements that had been made in organ building. He described the tone of our organ as being very superior. It would cost probably $15,000 to make the improvements. Electricity is used now very largely in organ building and adds greatly to the efficiency of the instrument and the control of the organist over it.

We had an interesting conversation with Dr. Harry Young, a son of Brother Lorenzo D. Young, who has been in the east for five years, three years at a medical college and two years engaged in hospital practice. He seems a very intelligent young man.

We had a meeting with my son Abraham and other brethren in connection with the enterprises that we have in hand.

We are all saddened by the reports which we hear concerning the precarious condition of the health of Brother Heber J. Grant’s only son. He has been suffering from hip disease, and it seems as though this is likely to have a fatal termination. Brother Grant was in conversing with us upon the situation to-day, and we said such words of consolation as we could to him.

25 February 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, February 25, 1896

Mr. Joseph Banigan, with whom we are negotiating for funds with which to carry out our plans in connection with the Pioneer Electric Power Co., is expected here now, and I have been busy all day with Judge Le Grand Young and others getting papers in a condition that when he comes he will not be delayed, as his time is very valuable. I received a letter from Frank concerning his visit, suggesting that we do certain things to make his stay agreeable here. He informs us that he has just resigned the position of President of the Woonsocket Rubber Company, for which he has been paid a salary of $50,000 a year.

Application was made to us to-day by some of the brethren to suggest to some of the Twelve that they take some interest in legislative matters, so that we might not have legislation that would be injurious passed through the machinations of designing men. It was suggested that perhaps Brothers F. M. Lyman and J. H. Smith, also Brother C. W. Penrose, might be asked to take some interest in this business. There appears to be a determination on the part of the ex-Liberals, of whom the Mayor is one, to get everything into Liberal hands and to control the city.

26 February 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, February 26, 1896

Mr. Banigan came to the office this morning, much to my surprise, for I supposed from his letter that he would stay in Ogden and would not be down here till Saturday; but it seems he came straight through to Salt Lake and arrived here yesterday afternoon. I spent the day with him in trying to get at our business. Had interviews with Judge Le Grand Young, and Thomas Marshall, whom Mr. Banigan had employed as his attorney[.]

27 February 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, February 27, 1896

I had a call this morning from Brothers Samuel and John M. Whitaker about their brother, who has been a missionary to Germany, and who before going, it is now alleged, committed arson in setting fire to the meeting house in the First Ward of Ogden. These brethren feel pretty hard at Bishop Moroni Brown, and think that he has indulged in a little persecution of their brother. I expressed my regard for Brother Brown and told them that I thought he would do nothing knowingly to injure anybody. They talked of instituting criminal proceedings to vindicate their brother[.] I suggested that that would be a bad plan. The better course for them to take was to wait upon Bishop Brown and the others against whom they felt aggrieved, as Latter-day Saints, and give them an opportunity of knowing what their feelings were and hearing what these brethren had to say in their defense. This was altogether preferable to taking any legal measures, because that would only make matters worse.

Today is the usual meeting of the First Presidency with the Twelve Apostles, but we were so busy with Mr. Banigan that we did not attend the meeting.

28 February 1896 • Friday

Friday, February 28, 1896

Bishop Preston related to the First Presidency his straitened condition; that he had signed a note for $10,000 with some others, and those in whose favor the note was given demanded payment, and he came to see us to know if he could have the use of two notes of $5000 each given by the Blackfoot Cattle Company to the Church, as he thought he could take up this $10,000 note with them. President Woodruff consented for him to have the use of these notes as a loan.

I was busy with Mr. Banigan all day.

Today is the anniversary of the birth of my mother-in-law, Emily Partridge Young. She is 72 years old today. I have been contemplating for some time inviting the widows of President Young to my house and show them some attention, and my wife suggested that this would be a good occasion; so I broke off from business and went down home. We had dinner at 3 o’clock. There were eight of President Young’s wives there - all excepting Sister Harriet Cook Young. President Woodruff and wife, President Jos. F. Smith and wife. The daughters and daughters-in-law of my mother-in-law were also present. We had a delightful afternoon and evening. My children contributed to the amusement by their playing and singing. I had the wives carried backward and forward in my vehicles. They expressed great pleasure at being together and in the society of the Presidency.

29 February 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, February 29, 1896.

There was a meeting this morning of the Brigham Young Trust Co.

At 12:15 Colonel John R. Winder, A. H. Woodruff, Wm. H. King and myself, in company with Mr. Banigan, took train for Ogden. President Jos. F. Smith had preceded us in the morning. We were met at the station and taken in carriages to the City Hall, where a meeting was held of members of the Chamber of Commerce and other citizens, over which the Mayor presided. Judge A. B. Patton laid before the meeting the object of calling them together; that Mr. Banigan was here as well as myself, and would like to hear expressions from them as to what they proposed to do and how they felt towards the Pioneer Electric Power Co’s enterprise. There was a general expression from all the leading men present favorable to the project, and they promised to do all in their power to assist, and offered a bonus of $10,000 in cash and 160 acres of land, and other franchises, which were to be given to the Company upon the completion of a certain portion of the work.

From there we proceeded to Mr. Bannister’s office and held a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Co., Judge Le Grand Young and Attorney Marshall being present.

We returned in the evening to Salt Lake City.

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February 1896, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1896/02-1896