September 1888

1 September 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 1/88. Bro. Wilcken called for me at 5 o’clock this morning, and took me down to the river. I found my wife Martha somewhat improved in her health.

My son William was brought home to-day very seriously injured. I have felt impressed for some days to send a caution to him that he should take care of himself and exercise faith to escape accident. He is working on the contract which his employers have secured for the erection of the Agricultural Fair building on the 10th Ward Square, and they are engaged in framing and lifting very heavy timbers. A crowbar that is used for moving heavy pieces of timber fell yesterday within 6 inches of his feet and came with such force that it buried itself in the ground so that they could not pull it out. It would have killed him instantly if it had struck him.

To-day, two planks that they were lifting endwise fell; one struck him on the shoulder and another on the breast. He was knocked senseless, and his companions thought him killed; but before they carried him to the hospital, which they designed doing, he recovered sufficiently to tell them he wanted to be brought home. I have administered to him several times. I have more confidence in the ordinance than I have in doctors, as I have seen wonderful results follow in my own family, as well as elsewhere.

2 September 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 2/88. As this was Stake Conference, a number of my family went to town to attend it. I had, therefore, no Sunday School and no meeting, and I missed these occasions very much.

My son William felt better to-day; but in the evening, when I had started off with Bro. Malin for the city, my son Reed ran after me and told me William was worse. We turned round and went and administered to him. He seemed quite nervous and said that every time he breathed, his lungs were bleeding internally. I had Lewis stop with him overnight. My son Willard has been suffering from headache for some time, and to-day I noticed that he had considerable fever. I administered to him in the morning and told him that if his fever continued I would baptize him for his health in the afternoon. I administered this ordinance to him, and also re-baptized my daughter Grace. I confirmed and blessed them both at the water’s edge.

Bro. Malin carried me to Bro. Wm. White’s, our old stopping place in the 17th Ward, where I found Bro. Jos. F. Smith. They treated us with their old kindness and hospitality and made us very comfortable.

3 September 1888 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 3/88. President Woodruff came this morning. I kept myself busy attending to public correspondence.

4 September 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 4/88 Busy attending to correspondence; dictated a large number of letters to Bro. A. Winter.

Read proof of my History of Joseph. President Woodruff, Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself went to the office and had a meeting with Prest. Horton D. Haight, of the Cassia Stake, concerning their situation and the need they had of an increased water supply. They are desirous of purchasing from a man named Chafin 320 inches of water and 400 acres of land which he has for sale. It is thought that if they could buy this quantity of water, it would relieve our people in that settlement from the difficulty under which they now labor, because of the scarcity of this important element. Chafin asks $10,000. for the land and water claim, and Bro. Haight desires to know whether the Church can advance the money. He was told to go home and see what they could do, and after he had learned what could be done and made such arrangements as would be necessary, to let us know what help they wanted and we would endeavor to extend it.

Bros. Winder and Jack were also present, and some business matters were attended to with them.

5 September 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 5/88. In the night I had a very severe attack of cholera morbus. The weather is oppressively hot and I fancy I have been working too hard. I have been careful about my diet. To-day I have been exceedingly busy, preparing manuscript for the History of Joseph, for which my son Abraham is very anxious, as he desires to get the book out by the time promised – the beginning of next month. I felt incapable of doing the work, but I stuck to it and was greatly blessed in accomplishing it. I also dictated public correspondence to Bro. A. Winter.

Bro. Wilcken came and gave me a very refreshing bath, sponging me off with water and then washing me with alcohol. This, with a change of linen, made me feel refreshed.

I sent for my son Abraham and had an interview with him.

6 September 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 6/88. This has been another very busy day. I have been pushed for copy of my History and to read proofs, and though not feeling well I have been much blessed in my labor.

This evening, just as I was about to retire to rest, a note came to Bro. Jos. F. Smith from his wife, informing him that Bro. Albert W. Davis had called at their house and told her that I had been seen at the window of Bro. White’s house by a passer-by, and that he had watched the house and seen messengers come and go, and he knew we were there. As we did not know how many might have seen us, or to how many this man might have told what he saw, we decided it would be well for us to move, and a note was written to Bro. Sudbury to find Bro. S. Bateman and have him bring the carriage for us. It was with great regret that we made this move; but in conversing with the family afterwards we found that the girls had seen both Brothers Woodruff and Smith at the windows, so that others may have got track of our being here. We were carried to the Gardo House.

7 September 1888 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 7/88. Busy preparing matter for my History of Joseph. Attended to public correspondence; dictated answers to letters. Had an interview with my son Frank concerning work that he is doing for me.

In the evening we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank; after which I was taken by Bro. Wilcken to my wife Carlie’s. I found the family all sick, but herself and daughter.

8 September 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 8/88. My son William is much improved in health. He spent most of to-day with me and rode around a little on horseback. My son Willard suffers from fever. I administered to him and he felt better. My wife Martha’s health is a little improved.

I was kept busy to-day reading proof and working on manuscript of my History of Joseph. I took a swim in the river with my boys and enjoyed it very much, as I do every time I come down.

9 September 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 9/88. Held Sunday School and Sacrament meeting.

In the evening Bro. Wilcken called for me and took me to the Gardo House.

10 September 1888 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 10/88. Very busy reading proof and preparing manuscript for the History of Joseph. I attended to public correspondence; dictated letters to Bro. Winter.

11 September 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 11/88. Still busy as yesterday. My son Frank called to-day and informed me that he had a long conversation with his cousin, Franklin S. Richards, in relation to my case, it having been understood between us that he should talk with him and see how he felt. I thought, if he entered into the subject with earnestness, I should like to talk with him upon it, but if he received the proposition coolly I did not care about going any farther with him. Frank tells me that he entered cordially into it and manifested much kind feeling.

I retired to-night at 8 o’clock, being quite weary.

12 September 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 12/88. I had about 10 hours sleep last night and feel better this morning. Had quite an interesting interview with Bro. Franklin S. Richards concerning my case. I told him my views and the feelings that I had. He seemed to enter into the spirit of it and said he would do everything in his power. He will see Peters at an early date, and also the new judge, Sandford. I told him I did not wish to complicate matters in the settlement of the Church suit and in his conversation with him I wanted no favors asked. All I asked was a fair trial. I do not wish to be discriminated against because of my prominence; neither do I wish to be treated more rigorously, if sentenced to prison, than other prisoners. Beyond this I had no favors to ask. Of course, if they choose to extend kindnesses, I have no objection; but I do not wish to be put in the attitude of a supplicant. I am ready to go into court and meet the issue, and the sooner it can be done safely the better I would be pleased.

Busy to-day reading and arranging manuscript for my History of Joseph. I dictated public correspondence, also “Topics of the Times”.

Mr. Peters, the Prosecuting Attorney, and Mr. Dyer, the U. S. Marshal, seem determined to obtain blackmail from us. They are throwing obstacles of the most serious nature in the way of settlement. My soul revolts at the thought of submitting to the extortion of these wretches. Yet President Woodruff feels that we are in a position that we must comply with some of their demands. He cited to-day the fact that Joseph the Prophet used means to extricate himself from prison in Missouri and to get a horse and other conveniences by which he might escape to Illinois; and mentioned the fact that if we can save our people from paying so many fines it will be cheaper to give something to these men, if it will satisfy their greed and make them relax their severity.

I felt this morning, in bowing before the Lord, to thank Him with all my heart that during my long service in Washington as Delegate, notwithstanding the temptations and constant importunities that I had to meet to expend means in order to avert trouble, I never yielded so far as to do anything of that kind. The feeling I had then, I know, was a correct one. I often remarked that, the moment these wretches who were after money to aid in averting trouble in the shape of bad legislation, discovered that they could get money by doing so, they would be like a tiger, of which it is said that when it once tastes human flesh and blood it is not satisfied without it can get more. And I felt satisfied that if these men could make us “bleed”, they would continually contrive to use every artifice to extort money from us until they drained us. My trust then was in the Lord. And I still feel that He is the best to rely upon. Yet, while these are my feelings, there may be times and circumstances when the discreet use of money might avert serious evils. President Woodruff, Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself had quite a serious talk upon this subject this afternoon, and I stated that I would prefer sleeping on the matter before we came to any conclusion.

13 September 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 13/88. President Woodruff seemed to be quite clear in his mind this morning that we should pay these men some money. He did not ask either Bro. Smith or myself what our views were. After talking some little time upon it, and finding that it was decided, I said to him that I wished to make some remarks upon the matter, and they were, that inasmuch as I contemplated surrendering myself and going into court to be tried, I would much prefer that no money were given to these people until after I could have my trial. I did not ask any favors of them. I did not wish anything done that would prevent me from testifying that no improper influences had been used; and, it seemed to me, it would be better for them also, because they might be accused of having had money given them in treatment of my case. This was mentioned afterwards to our agent who is dealing with these people, and he thought it would make no difference with them, whatever it might do with me; that they would just as soon swear they had not received anything as not.

I felt that, having said this much, I had done all I could, under the circumstances. But I said, if there is anything of this kind done I wish to know nothing about it, so that I can truthfully say that I knew nothing about it. My feeling is that I do not wish to have any lighter sentence than my brethren who have been similarly situated. I do not wish the impression to go out among the Saints, if I go into court, that there had been some money spent in order to make it easier for me than for my brethren who are more obscure than I. I had much rather go to the penitentiary and serve the full term than otherwise. I have always felt to urge our people to stand up courageously to their principles. My counsels upon this point are well known. I have always taken high ground among our people, and I wish to maintain that character and to show my brethren that I am not afraid to meet the issue that I have encouraged them to face. At the same time, I am not anxious to become a martyr.

[Written on the front and back of a small scrap of paper] pg 122 Top “done at the Gardo Hs.” last words on 113 C.C. John Q. bottom 2/3 of pg 116 Last words “in Wash-”

14–17 September 1888 • Friday–Monday

Friday, Sept. 14/88.

Saturday, ″ 15/88.

Sunday, ″ 16/88.

Monday, ″ 17/88. The events of these days are all so mixed up, and I have been so exceedingly busy, that I shall not take time this morning, just on the eve of going to court, to dictate to Brother Arthur Winter, in anything like consecutive order, the events as they have transpired.

I had an interview with Bro. Le Grand Young on Thursday evening. He thought it was impracticable to get any of the indictments nolled until after the election. I told him that I would not consent to go in under any such arrangement. I would not have such a thing hanging over my head. I must have my terms – that an indictment be found up to date and the others nolled; and I urged Bro. F. S. Richards to be exceedingly firm on that point. I was yet a free man, so far as they were concerned, and I was not going into their hands unless I could have the terms that had been talked of complied with. Bro. Richards finally arranged with Peters that a new indictment was to be found up to date. I was to be tried on two indictments, and one would be quashed and the other nollied. Peters thought it might ease the matter down to have me tried on two indictments and have a full sentence given to me, covering 6 months. It was finally arranged that I should receive 6 months imprisonment and the fine. I have no objection to this; for I prefer receiving the punishment. I do not wish our people to imagine that because of my prominence I am making terms with these people to get a less punishment than I would if I were an obscure man.

Bro. Richards had a long interview with Judge Sandford and talked with him. The fact is, the Judge and the Prosecuting Attorney and the Marshal have had their instructions in Washington, in consequence of my son Franklin’s labors there, and they know that it is the desire of the Administration that my case should be taken up and settled upon terms something like these. A difficulty arose about getting an indictment without dragging in witnesses whom I did not want to appear. I was averse to any of my wives appearing. We decided that Bro. C. H. Wilcken, H. B. Clawson and my son Frank would be able to give the testimony necessary. On Saturday, the 15th, these brethren appeared before the Grand Jury and gave their testimony, and on that testimony an indictment was found up to that date. As a precautionary measure, I advised all my family to keep out of the way, so that in the event of some of the Grand Jury asking for them to be subpoenaed they would not be convenient for them to arrest. I have talked this matter over with Bros. H. J. Grant, F. D. Richards and F. M. Lyman, as well as with President Woodruff and Bro. J. F. Smith, and none of them seem to have any objection, though all think that the danger consists in putting myself in their hands and their springing some new accusation against me while I am in their possession. Of course, I have to rely upon the Lord for this. I felt the other morning, coming down stairs, a degree of pleasure that made me <feel> as though I was going to be married. Of course, in taking a wife, a man feels a shrinking, mingled with pleasure. This was my feeling. I feel that this is from the Lord. Every obstacle has moved out of the way, as I told the brethren it would do if it were from the Lord.

I have been very busy attending to my Life of Joseph and doing the public business, getting up my accounts and preparing so that I can transfer my accounts to the other members of the Committee – Brothers Woodruff and Smith; and I have not slept so well as I should, in consequence of having so much work to do. I got up a letter to the editors of our papers, a copy of which is attached herewith. **

[attached pages:]

** Private.

To the Editor of the [blank]

As I contemplate surrendering myself to the United States authorities to be tried under the indictments which have been found against me for unlawful cohabitation, I feel that it is proper that I should explain to you in this manner my reasons for doing so. There will naturally be considerable surprise and wonder indulged in and expressed concerning this action. I am desirous that there shall be no misconception of the motive which prompts me to take this step. There have been so many stories in circulation respecting myself and other public men since this crusade commenced that, in justice to ourselves and the people, there should be the fullest possible information given to the latter through the medium of the press, that they may not be left to indulge in all manner of speculations.

When I was arrested 18 months ago I fully expected to go into court and meet the issue. The persuasions and remonstrances of friends—some of whom were entitled to high consideration from me—caused me to take the course which I did. My determination not to appear caused me much painful thought, for it seemed to me that by not meeting this charge openly in court, I was sacrificing my reputation which I had earned among my co-religionists throughout my life. But with the obligations which rested upon me I could not consistently reject the advice which I received. From that day to the present I have felt that the time must come when, if I could have anything like a fair trial, I would deem it essential that I should go into court and be tried on the charges which had been found against me. The arrival of the new Judge has led me to the conclusion that now is the time, and although there have been no cases of unlawful cohabitation tried before him, still I think I am warranted in presuming that he will treat me fairly, and I have determined to take the risk. In fact, I prefer for obvious reasons not to wait to see how he will treat others.

My position is different to that of every other man among us. I have been in custody. I have been under bonds. I failed to appear in court. This being the case, I owe it to the class of men with whom I am associated; I owe it to the people who are the members of the church to which I belong; I owe it to my children and to myself that I should go into court and be tried on the indictments which have been found against me; for, failing to do this, I expose myself to the charge that I have been willing to urge others to do that which I dared not do myself; and my conduct might be made a reproach to every leading man.

In addition to these reasons there are others that have weight with me. I have hoped that if my case, being so prominent and notorious, in consequence of the circumstances which have surrounded it, could be settled in the court by my imprisonment, it might lead to a more lenient and humane administration of the law and make it easier for others who, at the present time, are evading process, to come into court and meet the charges against them. The present condition of affairs in the Territory among those who have gone to exile is a very serious one. Some effort should be made to effect a change and to relieve the people from the condition into which many of them have been forced. If there should be a more considerate and reasonable execution of the law, and a change be made in some of the absurd and cruel rulings of the court I shall feel that my surrender has been timely and not without avail.

In surrendering myself I ask no favors from the prosecution or the court or any other official. All I ask is that I shall have fair treatment, that I sh[a]ll not be discriminated against in my trial because of my prominence and be punished for that prominence, and that if I should be sentenced to imprisonment, that I shall not be <more> severely and rigorously treated as a prisoner than others of less prominence.

In this connection I may say that I have repeatedly said in public – at one time in conversation with General Grant who was then President of the United States, and another conversation with his Attorney General, Ex-Senator Williams of Oregon, and very many times with Members of Congress – that I had such confidence that the law of 1862 was in violation of the first amendment of the Constitution that I was quite willing to have my case made a test case. This was before Brother George Reynolds had been selected. I probably should have volunteered to have had my case made a test one at that time had not my marriages been barred by the statute of limitation[.]

In conversing with public men upon this question, I have invariably stated that our people were willing to bear all the responsibility connected with their action in these marriages, that all they desired was to be treated fairly, to be tried before unbiased judges and juries of their peers who were not packed for the purpose of securing conviction. I feel sure that this is the feeling which generally prevails throughout all our settlements upon this subject. But the manner in which this crusade was commenced, the vindictiveness, injustice and cruelty which were exhibited in the treatment of cases in the court, caused nearly every one to feel that it was far better to evade process than to submit to arrest and trial; at least until a change for the better should come when alleged offenders against the Edmunds-Tucker laws would receive the same treatment that other violators of law had a right to expect from the prosecution and the courts.

In writing in this manner to you I do not intend what I say for publication, but merely to explain to you the reasons for my present course, that if you think it necessary to touch upon the subject you may do so with, at least, a partial understanding of my views.

Your obedient servant,

[end of attached pages]

I had personal interviews with Bros. Penrose and Nicholson and Byron Groo, explaining the matter exactly; for I desire the people to get a correct view of this, that the people may not be left to think that there is some surrender of principle in this action of mine. I have seen all my wives and children and talked freely with them, and they feel resigned. I had Sacrament meeting for the last time, on Sunday, with my children, my wives not being present because I did not want to expose myself to any new indictment.

This morning (Monday, 17th) I have been attending to business with Brothers Woodruff and Smith. The arrangement is for Bro. C. H. Wilcken to take myself and two attorneys – Bros. Richards & Young – down to the court room, so as to be there at 10 o’clock, and I shall surrender and not ask for bonds, but for sentence, as I do not wish to be put under bonds, under the circumstances; neither shall I plead for time, but am prepared to go right out to the penitentiary, in custody.1

17 September 1888 • Monday2


Monday, Sept. 17/88. The carriage which Bro. C. H. Wilcken had provided (one of the finest barouches of Grant Bro’s. & Co.) and driven by Bro. Charlton Jacobs, and which had carried Bro’s. F. S. Richards, Le Grand Young, C. H. Wilcken and myself from the Gardo House to the Court Room, was accepted by Marshal Dyer to carry me to the Penitentiary. He and myself occupied the hind seat and Bro. Wilcken sat in front of us. Brothers H. B. Clawson and Jas. Jack followed in a buggy. The conversation on the way out was quite free and unrestrained and I enjoyed the ride. The Warden, Arthur Pratt[,] was at Provo. Mr. Jenney and Mr. Doyle, turnkeys, the first outside, the second inside, were at their posts, and I was introduced to them. The Marshal showed me through the main building which contains the cells and explained the method of opening and closing them. He spoke about my having my bed in the corridor, which is open and roomy, but thought I had better have a cell in which to keep my things. He assigned me No. 120 on the end of the row on the south and close to the lavatory. I told him and the other officials (including the Warden whom I saw upon his return) that I did not wish them to grant me favors that would embarrass <them> by calling forth attacks from our enemies. I preferred sleeping in my cell, wearing the prison clothing and conforming in other respects to the rules of the prison. I would like the privilege of sending out and receiving manuscript. This the marshal said I could do. The brethren and the Marshal then left me. At 12 noon dinner was announced; but as I had considerable manuscript to prepare by the time Bro. Wilcken returned with my bedding, &c., so that my son Abraham might get it, I dispensed with dinner. Bro. Wilcken brought an iron bedstead and a wire and woolen mattrass; but they filled up the cell. By putting the wire mattrass on the floor and making the bed on the floor, I did very well. We had supper at 5 p.m. The brethren bought me a pint of milk. We had oatmeal mush. I was hungry and ate two platesfull and enjoyed it. At 6.30 p.m. all the prisoners, except those engaged in special duties, were required to come in the building. There are three tiers of cells, one above another. Those who are in the two lower tiers are soon locked in their cells; but the upper tier where I am is occupied by “trusties” and our cells are not closed till about 8.45 p.m. The Warden gave me the privilege of keeping my cell door open if I <so> wished, a privilege which I accepted. Lights are permitted in the cells—candles—as long as the occupants choose I suppose. There is a large lamp burning all night; it throws light in the cells. At night nine o’clock p.m. at three taps of the bell, all conversation and noise must cease. I forgot to mention that, before the cells are closed of a night, a guard passes in front of all the cells and counts the prisoners, who stand at the door of their cells. There are two occupants to a cell as a rule, and as there are 120 cells, 240 prisoners can be accommodated. The cells are iron, 5 feet by 7 feet, and the front, including the door, is iron lattice- work. The prisoners sleep on strips of canvass, stretched the lengthwise in the cells, one above <another> and fastened at each <end> by leather straps. After being slept in, they assume a trough-like form, and are not comfortable the brethren say. A mattrass helps the sleeping very much, as it has a tendency to level up the hammock. Brothers A. N. Hill and his son Samuel and Bro. W. J. Parkin were sentenced to-day and came out to the penitentiary. The first had 50 days and a fine of fifty dollars; the second had 60 days and a fine of [blank] and the third had fifty days and fifty dollars. Quite a contrast between these sentences and those inflicted by Judge Zane. When these brethren arrived there were loud yells of “fresh fish” heard all over the yard; this being the mode of salutation with which all new arrivals at the penitentiary are received.

I escaped this reception, a fact that was commented upon by the brethren. My arrival created a sensation among the prisoners, especially among the brethren. They gathered around me and were desirous to know all that had occurred. I made full explanations, and while regret was universally expressed at my being in prison all felt that I had done right and the believed good results would follow. Thus is my own desire and hope.

It is two years and six months to the day, since the time I should have appeared in Judge Zane’s court and two years and seventh seven months to the day since I was put under $45,000 00/100 bonds.

18 September 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 18/88 I slept tolerably well last night; but I was feverish and the weather was warm. At 5 o’clock a.m. the guard came along in front of the cells and tapped at the doors of the “trusties[.]” When they were dressed the doors of the cells were opened and they marched off, Indian file, to their labor. At six o’clock a bell was rung a number of times and we had to arise and dress. In the corner of every cell there is a recess in which a galvanized slop bucket with a cover stands. On the bucket is painted in large figures the number of the cell. Smells from this recess ascend through a ventilating shaft; but I am told that bad odors come up from the lower cells through this shaft into the upper cells unless the iron door is kept closed. This slop pail is for the night use of the occupants of each cell. At 6:30 a.m. the bell taps and every cell door is opened and from each is borne the “dunnigan” as this vessel is called and is carried down outside and emptied. It is then rinsed out and is left in the yard till night. After this the prisoners are left to occupy their time, performing their ablutions, walking, as they please till breakfast time. When the taps of the bell are heard the prisoners march in Indian file into the dining room, where they stand on each side of the table until the bell taps, then they sit down. There are several tables in the room and there are waiters to each. All who do the work are prisoners. Through not understanding the best way I, twice to-day, had to sit among the “toughs” as they are called. This name is applied to all who are committed for other crimes and offences than for violating the Edmunds-Tucker law. I am told there are 22 of these in here, either convicted of murder, or awaiting trail for that crime. There are about 100 “toughs” and to-day about 50 of our people for living with their wives. The “toughs” are a most desperate lot of human beings, and the manner in which the profane the name of Diety is awful to the ears of the Saints.

No knives and forks are permitted to the prisoners. The brethren have improvised knives out of spoon handles and other scraps of metal they have got hold of and made wooden forks. Spoons are permitted. Breakfast this morning consisted of meat swimming in soup gravy in a tin plate, with some small potatoes in their jackets and about two thick slices of bred. Coffee is served to each, and if milk or sugar is used the prisoner must furnish it. I do not drink either coffee or tea. My appetite has increased out here and I enjoyed the meal. Dinner was about as breakfast except that we had a slice of corned beef. At supper, at 5p.m., we had a plate of mush and tea and bread. I have ordered milk like the other brethren and Bro. Winslow Farr has helped me to butter at each meal, which as I am not much of a meat eater, I have appreciated.

19 September 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 19/88. I enjoyed my sleep better last night than the night previous. After breakfast, which I enjoyed, though break and butter was all I ate; there was meat but I did not eat it; Bro. John Squires shaved me and insisted on cleaning my shoes. I worked at my Life of Joseph. I also had a good walk in the yard before and after breakfast and conversed with several of the brethren about their cases and their feelings and testimonies. Bro Wilcken and my son Abraham visited me, and brought me a nice vessel for my butter and also some butter, and a stone pitcher for my milk, and some peaches. They also brought a wire cot and woolen mattrass than better suited, because of being narrower, than they the bed I have; this latter they took back. I was permitted to converse with them half an hour, but missed my dinner by so doing. I preferred the conversation to the dinner. I was measured this morning by Bro. Burgon, one of the prisoners, for my prison suit. In the afternoon, Brother John Squires, A. N. Hill and his son Saml H. and myself had a visit from Brothers James Jack and O. P. Arnold. They brought me a small box of cigars for Mr. Doyle, the Turnkey, and a bag of grapes for each of us.

When a visitor comes with permission to see a convict the Turnkey outside informs the guard on the walls, who shouts the name aloud. This is taken up by the convicts and the whole place resounds with the name of the person desired. If more than one is asked for then all the names are called out. There is a line plainly marked in the yard which is called “the dead line.” This must be crossed in the face of a guard on the wall armed with a Winchester rifle. The rule is for the convict, who crosses the dead line to go to the gate, to throw up his hand as a signal to the guard <on the wall> who responds. The inside gate is opened from the outside. When the convict whose name has been called opens that gate, he finds himself between that and the outside gate. They are three or four feet apart. Then the janitor opens the outside gate and the prisoner emerges into the passage way. There is still another gate to pass through; but in the daytime it stands open. In a small wooden building the visitor sits waiting. All the conversation must be in the hearing of a guard. No writing must pass without his examination of it. Nothing is permitted to be carried in without undergoing scrutiny. I am told that I can go outside and read the local daily papers, but they must not be taken inside. Semi-weekly papers or weeklies, are the only ones admitted.

20 September 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 20/88 I walk before and after breakfast in the yard and am joined by some of the brethren, whose conversation I listen to with pleasure. I spent time to-day on my Life of the Prophet. Bro. Franklin S. Richards was brought out to-day by Bro. C. H. Wilcken. He had a long private conversation with me in the Warden’s Office concerning the plots of my enemies. Nelson and C. C. Goodwin of the Tribune had been before the Grand Jury to give testimony (hearsay I suppose) against me with the hope to get me indicted for adultery. The most of my wives had been got out of the way. Bro. Richards desired my views respecting my wife Carlie giving testimony to show she was my legal wife, having been married to me subsequent to the death of my wife Elizabeth. He left me till to-morrow to think about it.

21 September 1888 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 21/88 Had another visit from Bro. F. S. Richards and another private conversation with him. I told him to keep Carlie from giving evidence if it could be done without injury to my case; but if it appeared that matters would be worse if her evidence should not be forthcoming then for her to produced and go before the Grand Jury. Bro. C. H. Wilcken came up also. While they were in the yard a photographer, C. E. Johnson, took two photographs of myself, Bro’s. Richards and Wilcken and two guards, Mr. Jenney and Mr. Hudson.

My sons Frank and Abraham spent half and hour with me. I told them of a plan I had to get up a work in which the judicial proceedings of the Courts for the past three years would be set forth. I desired them to take it in hand as soon as convenient after the Life of the Prophet is completed.

I forgot to mention that at a little before noon to-day the Grand Jury visited the penitentiary. About six or eight of them called upon me—Mr. Simons, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hall, Mr. Parks, Mr. [blank], Mr. [blank] and one or two whose names I did not get. Brothers N. H. and John Groesbeck <visited me to-day.> Worked very hard to-day at the Ms. of my Life of Joseph.

22 September 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 22/88. Had a visit from Bro. John W. Young; afterwards another from Brothers C. H. Wilcken, Jas. Sharp and Rodney Badger. They brought me fruit and candy. Warden Pratt invited me out to his office to read the daily papers sent to me. He remarked that anything I wanted in the shape of food &c would be permitted to come in to me.

23 September 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 23/88

I sponged off with a wet towel this morning in my cell. Our dinner had an addition to-day in the shape of bean soup. Beans in some form are served every Sunday. At 3 p.m. there was religious service held a Swedish minister did the preaching. He read his discourse from Mss. I am told it was much better than the average discourse from the ministers, Methodist and Episcopalian, who come here. The subject was the resurrection of the Savior. The singing was by a choir, composed with one exception, of our people, and was led by Bro. Lorenzo Waldrom. The organ was played by a colored boy who is sent here for rape.

24 September 1888 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 24/88. My visitors to-day were my Son Abraham, afterwards Bro’s. Jas. Jack and O P Arnold and then Bro H. B. Clawson. I worked all my spare time at my Life of the Prophet Joseph. A new order was issued to-day concerning the closing of the cells on the tier where I was. They were closed at 6.45 p.m. instead of 8.45 p.m. Eight of the brethren Tuesday were released this morning: Hy. G. Boyle <of Payson,> Wm Bringhurst of Tokerville, S. G. Higgins of St. George, Bishop Funk of Washington, [blank] Hamilton of Spanish Fork, [blank] Lunsford of Provo, John Tanner of St. George and Hyrum Church of Panguitch.

25 September 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 25/88. Brother C. H. Wilcken and Charles Nibley came to see me to-day. I was kept very busy preparing Ms. for my Life of the Prophet Joseph. The brethren are all very kind in bringing me articles that I need.

26 September 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 26/88 My son Abraham and Bro. Webber came to see me to-day. Prepared Ms. for my Life of Joseph.

27, 28, 29, 30 September 1888 • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday—Sept. 27-30/88. During these days I have felt very well. My cell has seemed a heavenly place and I feel that angels have been there. I have had visitors each day—Bro’s. C. H. Wilcken, H. B. Clawson, Wm Budge, F. S. Richards, Le Grand Young, my sons Abraham, <Franklin, wife and son,> and Hugh, Brother Hy. Grow and a Real Estate Agent named Glassman who came with Brother Grow to see my about some disputed land over Jordan, the title of which is in Pres. B. Young’s estate. Bro’s J. Jack and O. P. Arnold called to see me. On Sunday I opened a Bible Class at 9 o’clock. There were fully 60 brethren present and a number of the other prisoners. We read the first five chapters of Matthew and then I asked questions concerning what we had read. We opened and closed by singing and prayer. A most delightful spirit prevailed and I felt—and this was the general feeling—that great good would be done by keeping this up.

At 2 p.m. we all had to repair to the dining room to attend religious services. Professor Talmage and Bro. C. H. Wilcken and two other brethren and three sisters had come from the City to hold meeting. The singing was very delightful and caused the tears to come to my eyes. Brother Talmage delivered an interesting discourse.

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September 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Pages 140 through 300 of the journal are blank.

  2. [2]Copy-text for the journal from 17 September 1888 to 12 December 1888 is the George Q. Cannon daybook located at Colorado College.