February 1894

1 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 1, 1894 My wife Carlie is 43 years old today. Bishop Clawson had been to Claflin’s looking at some fur capes. He told me that he found two there (the only two) either of which would be large enough for his wife Emily. I thought them reasonable in price, and as it was Carlie’s birthday and the other would fit her, I bought it. I made a few other purchases, napkins, towels and stockings.

Met Brother J. F. Wells by appointment to attend to Cannon, Grant &Co’s affairs.

In the afternoon Bishop Clawson and myself called upon Mrs. Trumbo at Dr. Hellmuth’s hospital. She has been at this place for a number of weeks. She has undergone surgical operations for womb troubles. She feels in good health and spirits now.

Went to the theatre and saw “Country Cousins”.

We met Senator Hobart and Mr. Drinker on Broadway and had about half an hour’s conversation in an office on corner of Wall Street upon the business that had brought me down. I explained to them the decision we had reached at home concerning the building of a R.R. to Coalville and gave them a pretty good idea of the project. They were anxious to know whether the building of the road westward was abandoned. I replied to their inquiries that this would be part of the same system and would be a great advantage to the line which would be pushed westward; in fact, we felt that it was indispensable, because without it we would have to depend upon other roads for our coal, and this would be a sorry position for a great railroad to be in. We separated with the understanding that we would meet together tomorrow, as we had already agreed, at Philadelphia, at noon[.]

I called upon Mr. Lamson, Secy. of New York Security & Trust Co. and had a pleasant conversation with him.

2 February 1894 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 2, 1894 At 8 o’clock this morning Brother Clawson and myself rode to Philadelphia. We met with Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo at the Lafayette Hotel, they having come from Washington this morning. We repaired to the offices of the Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. and met Mr. Drinker and Senator Hobart. Since our conversation with these gentlemen yesterday I have reflected much on the subjects upon which we conversed. In the night my thoughts troubled me and kept me awake. A dread of the meeting to be held today took possession of me and I could not sleep. This is the second night of the kind I have passed in New York while engaged in this business. I cried earnestly unto the Lord on the former occasion and He heard my prayers. Last night I again besought Him earnestly to help me and not leave me to myself to make a misstep or to walk into any snare that would lead to embarrassment or trouble for the Church or myself. Either my perturbation of mind or some other cause made me quite sick this morning and I had to lay down during the early part of the interview. I read to them of reports concerning the coal beds, the condition of the different properties— the railroad, the Saltair Beach and the Salt Works—financial and otherwise, and gave them full particulars concerning the proposed railroad to Coalville. Messrs. Hobart and Drinker invited us to eat lunch, but as Messrs. Clarkson, Trumbo and Clawson had just come from table at the Lafayette Hotel and I was sick, we remained together while they went to their meal. Remarks were made by Col. Trumbo to the effect that this proposition we now offered was a complete change of play, and it deranged the plan which the Bethlehem Iron Co. people had agreed to, and which they were ready to carry out. Gen. Clarkson seemed to take the same view. When the two gentlemen came back from lunch, Gen. Clarkson, Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson continued the conversation with them, while I remained silent and recumbent on the sofa. I had explained to Messrs. Clarkson and Trumbo that the idea of building to the Pacific was not abandoned. We still expected to push that through, but felt this road to Coal[ville] was necessary first; besides it could be pushed pending the organization of the State, and if built would be likely to have such an effect, it being a popular want, that the endorsement by the State of the bonds would be more readily secured. This new proposition was not adverse to the general scheme, but an addition to it and would bring strength to the through line. This was fully explained to Messrs. Drinker and Hobart upon their return from lunch. After the conversation had reached a point where I thought I could with advantage present the wishes we entertained and ask some questions, I shook off as well as I could my sickness and I explained to them that in the first place we wished them to help us market our $300,000 of railroad bonds upon which we would give the endorsement of the Church; we would like to have them form such an alliance with us as had been proposed, that is, three-fifths of their friends—Mr. Sayre for one—become members of the Company which we should organize. We would build the railroad to the coalfields as a part of the general scheme, and also push westward as fast as possible, and as we built[,] issue bonds to cover and get their help to dispose of them. I felt greatly blessed of the Lord in making these explanations. My mind was very clear and my words were impressive and to the point.

This drew from Mr. Drinker the statement that upon examining the bonds and the statements we had brought he did not think it would be “good business” for the Bethlehem people to take them for the steel or for us to attempt to sell them. He and Mr. Hobart both joined in stating that the bonds could not be marketed. The railroad only ran to a watering place, and was only used a short time in the year, and there was another railroad and another watering place; besides the railroad did not own the pavilion and bathing resort, and Senator Hobart cited an instance of a similar character, in which he had been a sufferer, wherein a railroad built to a watering place was bankrupted by the watering place throwing off on the railroad. I told him such an occurrence could be prevented in our case, for the owners of both properties were the same. He advised that, even as that is the case, there should be some arrangement made between the railroad and the Beach Companies to prevent the possibility of such a result occurring. Mr. Drinker said (and Mr. Hobart agreed with him) that the only terms upon which we could accomplish that which we had in view would be for the Church (or some other parties) to buy the steel rails. The terms would be 50% in cash and 50% in good paper properly secured. The railroad bonds would be good as far as they would go. The proposition to Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo had been one-third in cash and the two-thirds properly secured. Notes would be drawn payable in three months and could doubtless be renewed at the expiration of that period for the 50% unpaid. The reason that one-third had been proposed to be taken before was that the railroad bonds to be given in security were supposed to be better than an examination proves them to be. This statement changed in my mind the whole position and the proposed relationship between the Bethlehem people and us. But to get this set forth clearly, and especially in view of the feeling which I thought I perceived as existing in the minds of Messrs. Clarkson and Trumbo, that we were undoing their work and the alliance which they had been at great pains and trouble to form, I asked a number of questions. It is not necessary that I should give them in detail, for they and I made a number of explanations; but I can give the result in brief. I inquired: “Let us suppose the State is admitted and we organize the Salt Lake & Pacific R.R. Co, and have the three gentlemen of your friends who have been spoken of on the board of directors, and the legislature of the State does not convene (and of course does not endorse the railroad bonds) until September, on what terms can we get rails &c. in the interim, that is, between say the 1st of March and September? The reply to this inquiry (put in different forms so as to get definitely a clear understanding) was explicit that we would have to buy the rails &c. on the terms which had been stated; in other words, that such an organization would be of no benefit to us in carrying the burden of building the railroad until the bonds could receive State endorsement. It is evident they do not think the endorsement of the Church would float the bonds. In order to remove the feeling of which I have spoken from the minds of Messrs. Clarkson and Trumbo, I asked a number of questions and drew from the gentlemen the following replies: That they considered the new proposition (the building of the railroad to coal) as adding strength to the general scheme and as an advantage. That the only difference between the conclusions now and the conclusions reached in their previous conversations was that the railroad bonds were not as valuable as they had thought and therefore instead of asking one-third down in cash for rails they now asked one-half down.

It is clear to me that until my inquiries brought out the statements which Messrs. Drinker and Hobart made as to terms, neither they nor Messrs. Clarkson and Trumbo had fully considered the manner in which the materials (the steel and iron) for the railroad would be obtained during the six months which would elapse before the State should be admitted. Another point is made clear, that until the State shall be admitted and the bonds are endorsed by the legislature, these gentlemen do not consider the bonds as of any value.

This is all very different to that which we had supposed. We supposed that whatever cash would be needed for the purchase of rails &c. would come from the sale of bonds already in hand, and that as the work proceeded, other bonds would be issued and sold, and in that manner funds would be raised with which to prosecute the enterprise. This I supposed would be the advantage which the alliance mentioned would bring.

This conversation brought the greatest relief to me. We were out of the fog. We knew where we stood and the nature of the obligations we should incur if we undertook to build the railroad. I felt exceedingly thankful to the Lord for His blessing; for I know He has relieved me and cleared up matters to my satisfaction, and Messrs. Hobart and Drinker expressed themselves similarly. Not the least of my satisfaction is that Messrs. Clarkson and Trumbo have no cause to feel that anything I have said or done in these interviews has had the effect to hurt the work which they had done, unless, indeed, the explaining of our affairs has done so. I was particular to state in making some of my inquiries that one of my objects in being so explicit was to remove any feeling, if any existed, from the minds of Messrs. Clarkson & Trumbo as to the effect of the new proposition upon the general scheme.

Both Mr. Hobart and Mr. Drinker, in our journey to New York together, took occasion to say that, while they esteemed Messrs[.] Clarkson & Trumbo as gentlemen and very useful in their labors in this enterprise, they looked upon them as “promoters” and upon us (the Latter-day Saints) as the responsible parties. They were not the ones who would have to bear the burden financially.

We separated after our conversation, Messrs. Clarkson & Trumbo to go to Washington, and Messrs. Drinker & Hobart and Bishop Clawson and myself to go to New York.

3 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 3, 1894 Had interviews with Brother J. F. Wells about Kaibab and other business.

Wrote up my journal, and went with Bishop Clawson to Claflin & Co’s store and other stores. In the evening saw “Mr. Potter of Texas”.

4 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 4, 1894 A stormy, disagreeable day. We remained at the hotel all day.

Had a call from Brother Wells, who took dinner with us.

In the evening my son Frank arrived from home. Had long conversation with him about affairs. Mr. Bannister also dropped in and we had conversation upon Pioneer Electric Co’s affairs.

5 February 1894 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 5, 1894 Drafted letter for Bishop Clawson to send in reply to Col. Trumbo’s dispatch asking [three thousand dollars to hire fellow counselors to reject the claim]1 of Government for expenditures in the Territory. I cannot see how we can do this.

6 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 6, 1894 Had a call from Brother J. F. Wells, who desired me to go down to his office to attend meeting of stockholders of Kaibab Company for the purpose of electing officers. I attempted to get ready to go with him, but I was so unwell I had to give it up. I have not been well all day, and did not go out till evening, when Mr. L. C. Hopkins called, he having seen me in the morning, to take Bishop Clawson and myself to Harrigan’s to see the Leather Patch. It was a rollicking Irish piece and there was considerable singing in it, and it was quite good. Mr. Hopkins insisted upon taking us to a restaurant and we each had a “golden buck”—a dish very like a Welsh rarebit.

7 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 7, 1894 In company with Brother Wells I called at the Western National Bank to see Mr. Brayton Ives, its President, concerning the election of the officers of the Kaibab Co. Some of the officers of the Bank are officers of the Co. My object in seeing him was to ask him to permit them to remain as officers—say two weeks—till I could go home and make arrangements for the organization of new Co. He was averse to the suggestion. He wanted them to be allowed to resign and new officers to be elected. The stockholders met and adjourned for two weeks. This does not cause any failure of the organization and gives us the time I asked for and permits his people to tender their resignations if they wish to do so.

I afterwards called at the New York Security & Trust Co., but Mr. Lamson, the Secretary, and Mr. Fairchild, the President, were out.

Called upon Mr. Whittridge, of Carey & Whittridge and conversed about [the] loan Cannon, Grant &Co. were to obtain through their Mr. Frazer in England.

Afterwards joined Bishop Clawson at the Claflin Co’s store.

A dispatch from Col. Trumbo said he would be in New York to see us at 10 o’clock this evening. Had a long talk with him upon statehood movements at Washington.

8 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 8, 1894 Called with my son Frank (joined afterwards by Mr. Bannister) upon G. A. Purbeck & Co. and had long and interesting conversation with Mr. Purbeck, and afterwards with him and a consulting engineer of theirs—Col. King—concerning the bonds of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles R.R. and the Saltair Beach Co. This firm represents large European capital and our conversation impressed Mr. Purbeck very favorably. He spoke to me on one side about my brilliant son, referring to Frank, who had had conversations with him.

Had interview with Brother Wells upon Kaibab matters. Called with him upon U.S. Assistant Treasurer, Mr. Conrad Jordan, and had conversation with him about financial affairs. He took me into a vault where they kept their greenbacks. There is an immense amount there. I was handed a small package containing one million dollars. There were treasury notes each representing ten thousand dollars.

Col. Trumbo took us to see comic opera 1492. He left for Washington at Midnight.

9 February 1894 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 9, 1894 Had an interesting interview with Mr. Purbeck this morning. I had another in the afternoon. I spent about four hours with him altogether. I mentioned in confidence to him our railroad plans. I was a little surprised to find him so well prepared to receive them and to appreciate their importance. Respecting a through railroad to the Pacific he answered promptly that he could readily sell the bonds for such an enterprise if he could have assurance that it would be built honestly, thoroughly and free from peculation— a good substantial road built in the best manner. In reply to my statement concerning my willingness to pledge myself and the Latter-day Saints that if we attempted to build a railroad it would be built in that manner and my question as to the kind of assurances that he would need, he said that such an assurance would be sufficient. He would sell the bonds in Europe. In further conversation he spoke of the sale of the bonds for a through road with more qualification than he did at first. Respecting the road to Coalville he thought that such a road would be an enterprise which would greatly add to the value of our present railroad bonds and make them readily saleable. We talked about the Bamberger road. I may here say that in conversation with Mr. Bannister I learned that he had all the surveys and profiles of a railroad by way of the Weber river to Coalville. Mr. Bamberger, he said, had gone into the Land Office and availed himself of all these—appropriated them—and now contemplated building on that line. His road is in difficulty and Mr. Bannister thinks it can be bought. I have been impressed with the idea that perhaps this is a better route than through the mountains east. Mr. Bannister says it is and that it can be built to Coalville in 60 1/2 miles, and the difference in the gradients by that route is sufficient to more than compensate for the difference in distance between that and the route through the mountains from Salt Lake City eastward. The result of my conversation with Mr. Purbeck are these conclusions: That there should be a consolidation of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles R.R. interests with the Saltair Beach interests; certain improvements should be made on the railroad and terminals in Salt Lake City should be secured; the coal properties should be secured; the line to them be decided upon and projected either by the purchase of the Bamberger line or the laying out of another line; railroad bonds and the Saltair bonds should be taken up and a new bond be issued (a corporation having been first formed in the stead of the present railroad corporation) in the name of the Salt Lake & Pacific Railroad Co.; this bond to be a five percent. bond. When this is all done and the proposed line to Coalville and our present properties have been examined and passed upon by a responsible and well known engineer (Col. King perhaps) then we can issue at least $100,000 and perhaps up to one million dollars in bonds instead of the half million dollars which is the amount of the bonds already issued by the Railroad and Beach Cos. As the road to the coalfields is built further bonds can be issued on that also.

I requested Mr. Purbeck to write a memorandum of these points, the subjects of our conversation, and I led him to understand that I thought favorably of his suggestions and of his being our financial agent in this business.

I had another interview with Brother Wells, who accompanied me to see Mr. McLean, the attorney who had had the Kaibab business in hand. We made an appointment to meet tomorrow, as he had an engagement then which called him away.

My son Frank is to sail on the Umbria tomorrow and he and I had a long conversation over affairs this evening.

Bishop Clawson took me to see “A Woman’s Revenge” at the American Theatre. It is an exceedingly well written play and I enjoyed it very much better than I expected. Ada Dwyer, a daughter of Brother James Dwyer, appeared in one of the parts and did very well. We have gone more to amusements in New York than I have done in years at home. I believe doing so has been of benefit to me, as the effect has been to relax the mind, which in my case has been overtaxed. In leaving home this time I felt the necessity of relaxation. I had been over-worked, and this change in coming here and in seeing these amusements has had a beneficial effect.

10 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 10, 1894. Frank sailed for England on the Umbria. He hopes to return by April 1st.

Had another interview with Mr. Purbeck and his partners and Col. King. The latter I was acquainted with 20 years ago, and our conversations then caused him to take interest in our people[.] He has subsequently visited Arizona and Utah and has very favorable views of us and our future possibilities. His description of what we might do agrees exactly with my views as to what we ought to do. He informs me that he has been approached at least three times upon the subject of another railroad from Salt Lake City to the Pacific; and one of these propositions has been made but about twelve months ago. The building of such a line is and has been in the air, and Mr. Purbeck expressed the pleasure he felt at meeting me, for he had been desirous of getting acquainted with us, for we were the element needed to make such a road a success. I have reason to believe I have impressed him and his associates very favorably. I thank the Lord for giving me favor in their sight and the influence which I have; for wherever I have gone I have seen that people have been impressed in my favor.

I had an interview with ex-Secretary of the Treasury, Chas. S. Fairchild, who is now President of the Security & Trust Co. It was very pleasant and interesting.

I also kept my appointment with Mr. McLean.

Upon my return to the hotel, and while packing up, Mr. H. K. Burras called.

At 7:45 p.m. Brother Clawson and myself left the hotel and took train for Chicago. We traveled on the Erie. Mr. Stokes of the hotel insisted on my taking a bottle of best brandy which he gave me. In reply to my remark that I did not use it, he said it was always good to have in case of sickness in traveling[.]

11 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 11, 1894 The day passed quietly.

12 February 1894 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 12, 1894. We reached Chicago in a blizzard. It increased in violence, accompanied by snow, until the wind reached the rate of upwards of 100 miles an hour.

We put up at the Auditorium Hotel.

I wrote a number of letters, of two of which—one to Gen. Clarkson and the other to Mr. L. C. Hopkins—the following are copies:-

“My dear General:

We reached here at 8 o’clock this morning in the midst of a blizzard. Very fortunate we were in getting here as we did; for now (11 o’clock) the wind is blowing, accompanied by snow, at the rate of about 100 miles an hour and increasing in violence. Today is a legal holiday here, being the anniversary of the birth of Lincoln. The streets are deserted; neither man nor beast can face such a storm. Whether we can proceed this evening appears somewhat questionable at present, as it may be impossible for trains to run.

I hope it is needless to say to you, General, that yourself and the Colonel have our deepest sympathy in the heavy and trying labor which you have undertaken to secure full liberty for the people of Utah. That which you are doing is intensely interesting to us. The greatness of the results, should you be successful, can scarcely at present be measured. They will be felt in every department of human life and activity. How much they will affect the people can be partially understood by citing one case of a family with which I am acquainted. A newly married couple came to Utah in the early days. They had sons who have risen to prominence in this Territory. One of these sons has sons who are married (one of them being a practicing lawyer) and these sons have children who are growing to manhood. Here then are three mature generations, and the fourth on the way to maturity, who have never had the priceless privilege of exercising the full rights of American citizenship. They have had no voice in the selection of judges, governors, presidents, or other important officers in whose official actions they have had the deepest concern. Even the legislators whom they have contributed to elect have had no power to enact any measure, however important or necessary, unless an imported Governor, in whose selection they had no voice, should consent for it to become law. And all this in free America and under republican forms and institutions! And this case is not an isolated one. There are hundreds of such in Utah. When I think of these conditions, and remember the long years during which they have prevailed, it starts the blood to dancing in my veins, as it does in hundreds of others. We do all in our power to foster loyalty in our children, to have them understand that ours is the best form of government on the earth; but while they do have these feelings and are devoted to republicanism, it requires great self-control to bear patiently with the acts of those who in the exercise of power withhold from them those rights which are theirs through birth and their descent from a free ancestry.

Referring to our interviews with the Bethlehem people, it appears clear that all negotiations with them, except as purchasers of their rails &c., have ended. This was so definitely stated that I can see no possible basis of alliance with them until, as they stated, we could have bonds to offer which would be guaranteed by the State. On one account especially I am glad that their decision on this was so unequivocally expressed. For I may say to you, General, that the suggestion to guarantee the Bonds, either by us or the State, has been very unpleasant, not to say repugnant, to me and to our friends generally. We cannot see, notwithstanding Mr. Drinker’s views (the reflection doubtless of the Co’s financial people) why such an enterprise cannot present sufficient advantages and security to the investor to satisfy him without any further guaranty. This was our original idea, and I am far from convinced that it is not right. Inasmuch as the Bethlehem people are the only ones with whom there has been conversation concerning a guarantee of the Bonds, we hope all necessity for the further mention or suggestion of this has passed. I am sure this will be the feeling of our friends at home. It is my settled conviction that the enterprise is sufficiently worthy and attractive and to secure the needed capital to push it through on its own merits and without anybody’s guarantee. If so, what an amount of responsibility, care and anxiety it will relieve us of!

With kindest regards to yourself and the Colonel, in which Gen. Clawson joins,

I am, very respectfully,

Geo. Q. Cannon.

My dear Mr. Hopkins:

After the interest you have taken in me personally, and in Utah’s vindication and affairs generally, in securing me the distinguished honor of an opportunity of being one of the speakers at the approaching Ohio Banquet at New York, I feel ashamed to have to write to you as I am now doing. I never in my life deserted any post to which I had been assigned, and therefore scarcely know the feeling which a deserter has; but I imagine that in writing to you now I have somewhat of that feeling.

When I saw you last I fully expected to start home the next day; but I found that I could not. The next day passed and the next, until the week had gone and it was Saturday before I left. My business was not my own personal affairs, but was public and important, and I could not, therefore, act with the freedom which I might have taken had it been private. The business is so urgent that I could not possibly stay in New York till the 17th. When I saw you I expected to reach home and have two clear days there, and then have time to be back in New York on the evening of Friday, the 16th. That would allow the needed time for rest, I thought.

Now, my dear friend, what can I say to you to atone for this disappointment and to show my own appreciation, as well as that of our people, for your active zeal and kindness in securing for us this exceedingly valuable and, I may say, unique opportunity of telling our own story before so influential an audience? It is the first time, so far as I know, such an opportunity has been offered, and I regret very much that we cannot avail ourselves of it.

Thanking you most heartily for all your kindness, and with kindest regards to yourself and son, whose acquaintance it gave me pleasure to make, in all of which Mr. Clawson joins,

I am, very respectfully,

Geo. Q. Cannon.”

When we left the Auditorium Hotel in the evening for the train the storm was still raging, but with decreased violence. I have no recollection of seeing so violent a storm as this has been; and this is the comment of every one whom I have heard speak of it. The train was about 40 minutes late in leaving.

13 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 13, 1894 A beautiful day. We reached Council Bluffs less than an hour behind time.

14 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 14, 1894 Another beautiful day. We are now on time. The snow has decreased as we have traveled westward.

15 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 15, 1894 Reached the City at 3 o’clock this morning, but did not arise until 6:30. Brother Wilcken came to the train, accompanied by my sons Abraham, Hugh, Joseph and Sylvester. Upon arriving home I found my family in usually good health. My wife Martha has improved during my absence.

At the office afterwards I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith both enjoying good health. I was very glad to see them and to be back once more. There were various matters of business came up, and as soon as we could get the room clear I sent for Brother Clawson and I reported to the brethren the results of my trip and what had been accomplished, and read to them the correspondence. They both were very much pleased, and President Woodruff’s eyes filled with tears, which, as he afterwards explained to me, were tears of gratitude to the Lord for having heard his prayers. Our joy and satisfaction were very great, because of our having been released from the necessity of guaranteeing bonds, which had been a painful thing to all of us.

At 11 o’clock we had a meeting with the Board of Z.C.M.I.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency met with Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve, I went over the whole business again to them, and I was greatly pleased at the satisfaction expressed by the brethren at the result of my labors.

16 February 1894 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 16, 1894 There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co and we attended to a lot of business connected with the Kaibab property, concerning which I brought explanations and papers from the East.

Brother W. W. Cluff came in and reported the result of a trip that he had taken to Cedar City. A company had been organized down there to secure the right-of-way up the canyon to our coal beds and also to secure terminals in Cedar City. He had drawn a petition up to present to the City Council and left it with the Mayor, who expressed himself to the effect that there was scarcely any doubt but the right-of-way would be obtained for a railway through the City. He brought specimens of coke which he had made out of the coal, showing that the coal is capable of coking. He reported Thomas Taylor as being very much excited about that which he (Brother Cluff) had been doing, and that he had used his influence with the City Council to prejudice them against his propositions and had had influence with them. This, however, had been counteracted by Brother Cluff.

We had a call from Brother Penrose. Brother Grant came in at the same time, and the question of letting the “Herald” go out of the hands of our brethren, who own 49/100 of the stock, came up. Brother Grant informed us that he and his associates were all in favor of letting the property go by accepting $5 a share from Brother A. W. McCune, which would be a loss of $95 on the share. The “Herald” however, is running behind. He was desirous of getting my views on the subject, because of my experience in newspaper business. I expressed myself very freely on the subject; that I never had but one thought about newspapers, and that was for us to retain all we could, and seek by every means to secure control of organs of public opinion; but, of course, whether we could do so financially or not, was a questions that they must decide themselves. He said, Could not the Church assist in the matter? I said as far as I was concerned, whenever the Church had the means to spare they could always count on my vote being in favor of helping the press.

Brother P. T. Farnsworth called to see me to explain the situation of the B.B.&C. property. He told me he had bought out all the brothers Thatcher’s interest in the syndicate that they had formed, and that he had succeeded in securing all excepting that of Wm. B. Preston, A. E. Hyde and R. J. Taylor. Brothers Preston and Hyde are averse to receiving their money which they had invested in the syndicate; but he had proffered it to Brother Hyde, who had taken till 4:30 to decide. He intended to take the same course with Brother Preston. Brother Preston however, was very reluctant about it and was endeavoring to prevent the organization of the new syndicate. He said that if they did not accept he should take legal proceedings and replevin the stock that they held of John Beck’s as security. I learned from him that Brother Moses Thatcher and Brother Preston both had talked unwisely about me and said things about me that Brother Farnsworth told President Woodruff and myself if they were repeated they would perhaps result in his being cut off the Church, because they would deny having said such things; but Brother Thatcher especially, he said, was very outspoken. I said I did not wish to hear anything that had been said. He replied that he would not like to tell me either. I told him that my prayer constantly was that they may see the error of their ways and repent. If they did not, I was satisfied that the Lord would withdraw His Spirit from them. I had done them no wrong. I could defy, if it were necessary, anyone to produce the least evidence that I had, in thought, in word, or in act, ever done anything to injure in any manner either of these brethren, and it was a cause of sorrow to me that I should be talked about. He said that Brother Preston was much more guarded in his conversation than Brother Thatcher. I expect that I am blamed for all that is now being done. In reality I have not been consulted, nor had anything particularly to do with it. Of course, I have taken some interest in the matter, because I have a great deal of property involved. The proposition now is, as I understand it, to form a new syndicate to furnish money for Beck to meet his obligations and to take 51,000 shares of the stock as security. This stock is to be voted, as I am told, by three persons—Philo T. Farnsworth, Simon Bamberger (who is one of Beck’s large creditors) and myself; and there are certain conditions imposed upon us, limiting the exercise of the voting power to certain ends, one of which I am not pleased with, that is, that John Beck is to be the Manager of the property. I have not had a chance to obtain an explanation of this. I have not been consulted as to my wishes, whether I would accept this trust or not; but I shall have something to say in regard to his being chosen. I have not confidence in his judgment. If, however, he will be governed by other men who have judgment and will submit to counsel, he may do tolerably well.

17 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 17, 1894 I had an hour’s conversation this morning with Brothers C. W. Hardy, N.W. Clayton and James Jack concerning our railroad project, and I instructed Brother Hardy to examine a new route to Coalville which he suggested.

I dictated my journal and other matters.

18 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 18, 1894 A very stormy morning; snow fell heavily. I did think of going up to hear Brother Talmage lecture, but it stormed so that I concluded I had better stay at home. It cleared off, however, by about quarter to two, and I had my sons get my sleigh ready and I drove to meeting. I thought the sacrament would be through when I got there, but I reached there just as the last hymn was being sung. My brother Angus desired me to speak to the people. I did so and felt considerable liberty and occupied about an hour.

I drove home, ate dinner, and then drove back to the 21st Ward, there being a new Bishop to ordain for that Ward. The house was crowded, and while the Presidency of the Stake were holding an interview with the two counselors of the deceased Bishop, Brother Allen, I addressed the congregation. After they returned into the meeting, my brother Angus proposed Brother Marcellus S. Woolley, the second counselor of the deceased Bishop, as Bishop of the Ward, and Brother Herbert J. Foulger as first and Brother Maxwell as second counselor. He spoke to the people, explaining the situation, and commending Brother Foulger, the first counselor. After he had finished, we ordained the brethren, I being mouth in setting apart Brother Woolley as Bishop. Brother Josiah Burrows was also set apart as Supt. of the Sunday school, in place of Brother Maxwell. My wife Carlie accompanied me to the meeting and my son Sylvester drove us in my sleigh.

19 February 1894 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 19, 1894 A brother of the late Bishop Reuben Miller called upon the First Presidency this morning, he having visited us last year. He was not in the Church at that time, but very favorable. He has been recently baptized, however, and it was proposed by President Woodruff that we should ordain him a High Priest, which we did, I being mouth at President Woodruff’s request.

In the afternoon, in company with Brother C. H. Wilcken, I drove to Westover and examined the condition of affairs, with which I was quite well pleased. My horses and cattle look very well.

I had an interview today with Mr. Critchlow, of this city, and Judge Boyle, of Chicago, concerning the Bullion-Beck affairs[.] They said that there were some steps necessary to be taken to have Brother Hyde removed from the board of directors, on the ground that he was not a holder of stock in his own right in the Company, and if this were done it would be necessary that I should take some part in it. I am reluctant to do anything of an aggressive character in connection with this. I have refrained from this for a long time, although there has been provocation enough on various occasions for me to take some strong stand.

We had a call today from a Dr. Blaine, who is in charge of the Keeley Institute at Dwight, Illinois. Dr. Blaine is under Dr. Keeley there. He gave some interesting information concerning the operations of the Keeley cure. He is a distant relative of Hon. James G. Blaine.

20 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 20, 1894 Came to the office and found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there.

I have heard that Bishop Preston has made remarks concerning myself to the effect that I was in some way promoting and connected with the suit that Brother Beck had instituted against A. E. Hyde. This has come to me from more than one source. I have heard from my son Abraham that he believes that Brothers Thatcher and Preston both entertain the idea that I did derive some benefit from the stock which was transferred by us to the California people. I said to Abraham, in reply, that I could not credit that they could entertain that view, because I had told them plainly and positively that I had no interest in it in any form, contingent nor direct; that, in fact, I did not know the persons who held the stock, or who received it, only by name; that if they believed this, they must think that I had lied to them and deliberately deceived them, and I could not reconcile that with their sustaining me in my office and calling[.] I felt it proper to see Bishop Preston and talk with him upon these points, and I therefore sent for him today. He came up and I told him what I had heard. We had quite a full conversation. I said that I wanted him clearly to understand, and I told it in the presence of the brethren, that I had nothing to do whatever with promoting this suit against A. E. Hyde, nor any part in it whatever; that Mr. Ryan had endeavored to have interviews with me on several occasions, which I declined, for I did not want to become mixed up in this affair, nor to give color to the idea that I was a party to it. I am, however, deeply interested in this matter, because my own property is to some extent affected by these proceedings, and I have been desirous to know all about the transaction, so as to take steps, if necessary, to secure myself. I said to him also in relation to the other matter that I wanted him to clearly understand, so that there might be no further doubt if any now existed, concerning my relationship to the California people.

The Bishop admitted that he had made remarks that I was in the habit of paying more than my tithing, and that this must come from some stock that I must have. It was a partial admission, at least, that he had been making remarks upon this subject. I explained to him that the money I paid in more than my tithing belonged to my dedicated stock.

The interview was not unpleasant. I talked with some degree of plainness, showing the way the property had been managed. He did not exhibit any temper.

After this conversation I went down to the office of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co. There were present, John Beck, W. B. Preston, A. E. Hyde and myself. John Beck, in the absence of President Thatcher, presided at the meeting. After the meeting was opened, he produced a letter which he handed to the Secretary to read, written by P. T. Farnsworth, to the effect that he had learned that A. E. Hyde was not a stockholder in his own right, and therefore on his own behalf and the behalf of other stockholders, he protested against his sitting on the Board as a director. After this was read, Brother Beck produced a resolution which proposed to remove A. E. Hyde from the position of director and to have P. T. Farnsworth appointed in his stead. He presented that resolution, and I seconded it. This brought Brother Hyde to his feet. He protested against it; said that he did have stock standing in his name on the books, and that this being the case, his right to a seat could not be questioned[.] We sent for the constitution and had that part of it read which speaks of the qualifications of a director. It clearly said that he was to own it in his own right, but it also says, “as appears on the books”. On this point Brother Hyde dwelt, as did Bishop Preston afterwards, and said that independent of this he had an interest in the company. He claimed that he had because of his having loaned money to John Beck and being the trustee of the stock that was pledged for this money. John Beck said to him, “You know you don’t own any stock, because the stock that stands in your name is mine”. This Hyde did not dispute. Brother Preston took the same line and said he thought it was very improper for us to decide on a question of this kind without further examination and he was opposed to any action being taken on this resolution at the present time. I said that I was in favor of action now, and the motion was finally put. Just before it was put, however, Brother Hyde went out of the room and tried to get Brother Preston to follow him, the intention being evidently to break the quorum. But I said to the Bishop, “You had better stop”, and in the meantime John Beck, the Chairman, put the motion, and he and I voted for it. Bishop Preston did not vote; but when the motion was put Brother Hyde ran back into the room and voted No, and called on the Bishop to vote No. Now, says he, there is a tie—two against two. No, John Beck said, it is two against one; I cannot recognize your right to vote, and I declare the motion carried. Brother Hyde said, Well, I want my vote recorded No. I said I thought it was right that it should be recorded; at the same time the secretary should record the fact that the Chairman had refused to recognize his right to vote. A motion was then made to adjourn, and as Brother Preston was rather slow in getting out of the room, Brother Hyde took him by the sleeve and almost pushed him out of the room; he seemed to be afraid that something else would be done.

At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Critchlow, Beck’s lawyer, was present, and Brother Beck had said to the board that he had requested him to be present; but this was objected to by Brother[s] Preston and Hyde, and Mr. Critchlow withdrew.

After I returned to our office I received notice that there would be a meeting at 5 o’clock and requested my attendance. At 5 I went down and found John Beck and P. T. Farnsworth, and Mr. Critchlow. Mr. Boyle, of Chicago, afterwards came in. The meeting was called to order. I then asked the secretary if Bishop Preston had been notified of the meeting. He said he had, but that he had told him he would not attend. We proceeded with the business. P. T. Farnsworth notified us that he had taken the oath of office and given bonds and was fully qualified as a director of the board. A motion was introduced by me to the effect that A. E. Hyde be dismissed from the position of Manager of the Co, and that he be required to turn over all the funds, books, papers and other property belonging to the Co. to P. T. Farnsworth. This was seconded by John Beck and carried. A motion was made instructing the men at the mine to not send any further reports to A. E. Hyde, but to make the reports to P. T[.] Farnsworth. A motion was introduced dismissing the attorneys of the Co.—Marshall & Royle, Wm. H. Dickson, and Brown & Henderson, and another motion employing Critchlow & Rawlins was carried. A motion was passed also instructing the State Bank not to pay any drafts of A. E. Hyde’s, unless countersigned by the Secretary, and the Secretary was instructed to notify all parties with whom we had dealings of the change that had been made. This done, we adjourned.

I saw Bishop Preston as I was passing the State Bank, sitting in the bank. It was then almost dusk. I said to him, “Bishop, you did not meet with us. I suppose you are displeased with what we are doing”. He said it was an illegal meeting, and he therefore did not want to meet. I then explained to him why I had taken the course I had. I said it was very painful to me, but it was one of the necessities of my position on the board that I should take this stand, as without I did take it the business that we intended to do could not be accomplished. I said it no doubt seemed strange to him that I should press for the motion to be carried as I did, when it would look as though it would be only common fairness to have it delayed until investigation could be had as to whether A. E. Hyde was legally a director or not; but I knew that if that were deferred, in less time than half an hour after the meeting had closed A. E. Hyde would have obtained the necessary stock to his name on the books as his own that would have qualified him to be a director, and I did not want him to have the opportunity of doing that. Therefore, I pushed the motion. Now, I said, he has the opportunity of showing whether he really has been acting on that board legally. No one would be more pleased than I to find that I had been mistaken in this matter; for I did not want to have the feeling that I have had about it, and I should welcome any explanations that will clear this up. If it is an illegal meeting, then, of course, that will nullify the proceedings. I said further, that if I had taken any wrong step in the matter I was willing to make any amends that would be necessary.

I received the painful intelligence today that my sister Anne had been tripped and had fallen with her whole weight on her ankle and had received a very severe fracture of the ankle, and was confined to bed. What adds to the pain of the situation is that she is in narrow circumstances—a widow with children dependent upon her. I concluded to send her $100, as she is a very dear sister, and I shall never forget the love and affection that existed between us in our early life. She never could make too many sacrifices for me.

21 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 21, 1894 At 10 o’clock the First Presidency had a meeting with Prest. Rudger Clawson and his counselors, of the Box Elder Stake. They brought before us a case which was an exceedingly filthy one, and probably the most extraordinary one that has ever been in the Church. Two brothers accused another brother of the vilest conduct, and all three have stated in the most solemn manner before their brethren and the Lord that their statements are true, the two affirming that he was guilty, and he denying his guilt. They are the sons of [first and last names redacted.], deceased, a man who stood exceedingly high in the community. The accused is a man of exemplary life and there is nothing in his life that would give the least color to the charges that are made against him. One of the brothers has acknowledged that he has lied about other matters, and that he loved the accused’s wife and had proposed to her to elope with him. The other brother, it was proved, is a liar and a rough boy, being addicted, to some extent, to drinking. Another brother, older than these two, by the name of [first name redacted], is evidently the enemy of his brother [first name redacted], who has been accused, and it appeared that there is feeling in the family against [first name redacted] since the death of the father, because the father entrusted his affairs to [first name redacted]; and upon the face of that which we heard it appears as though [first name redacted] and these two boys had combined to make these accusations against [first name redacted]. We listened very patiently to all the details, which were voluminous and excellently taken by Brother [last name redacted]. He had written a complete history of the whole case, from its inception to its close, so that we had an excellent opportunity of getting a very clear idea of the details. We confirmed the decision of the High Council, which was that [first name redacted] was innocent, and the brothers were guilty of falsehood and conspiracy. The Bishop’s Court had condemned the accused as guilty.

Other matters were brought up after this case was ended. In a case in which R. H. Jones had appealed against the decision of the High Council of the Stake, we decided that the ground he had taken in protesting against the Bishop and the High Council trying him under the circumstances was correct. The plaintiff in the case was the co-operative store; he was the defendant. He took the ground that the co-operative store could not be dealt with by Church action, and therefore he was at a disadvantage. We decided that this position was correct; for it has been our counsel a long time to the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake not to entertain charges where a corporation was one of the parties, as the decision of the High Council, if adverse to the corporation, could not be carried into effect.

I had been solicited to attend the funeral of Sister Belinda Marden Pratt at the 14th Ward Assembly Hall; but owing to this case being heard, I could not go, and sent my son Abraham to apologize for me and to act in my place.

The First Presidency met with Brothers Sears, Stanford and Stoker, members of the Legislature, and gave them our views concerning taxation; that they should use every exertion to keep taxation down and not increase the burdens of the people.

I had a conversation before I left the office with Brother Heber J. Grant concerning our action in the Bullion, Beck & Champion Co. matter. I explained to him why I had taken the course which I did. This was because he related to me some of Brother Preston’s feelings and expressions. Bishop Preston had characterized the proceedings as unbrotherly and highhanded, &c. He said also that if I would allow Brother Hyde to meet me and talk the matter over, he thought affairs could be settled. I said to him that I was quite willing to meet Brother Hyde at any time, but not alone. I would meet him before the First Presidency or before the First Presidency and the Twelve, or before the High Council, or any tribunal that he might select; and if I had done wrong to him I would make the proper amends. I desired him to say that much to Brother Preston.

I had received a complimentary invitation to attend the Legislative Ball at the theatre this evening. I took my wife Carlie and three of my daughters—Hester, Emily and Carol. The theatre was very much crowded at first, but it was a very brilliant scene and the dancing was quite lively. I danced with each of my daughters, and about 12 o’clock we returned home.

22 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 22, 1894 I have felt for some little time back that I would like to gather my family together and give them some of my views concerning the kind of life that we ought as individuals and as a family to lead, and as today is a holiday I thought it better to have the meeting to day. It is five years ago today since I was released from the pen.—a day full of happiness to me. I found that my household, including my daughters-in-law and two sons-in-law and my grandchildren, numbers 71 souls. Frank is absent in Europe and his four children are in Ogden. Hugh’s son is sick and therefore his wife could not come. Lewis is absent at school, and four of Abraham’s children could not come. This made in all 11 that did not meet with us. There were 60 souls present, and only two of them that did not bear the name of Cannon. My feelings on this occasion can be better imagined than described. I was filled with thankfulness in contemplating my life, and in my remarks to the family I alluded to my childhood and early life, and contrasted our almost desolate condition after the death of our parents with my present surroundings, and drew their attention to the wonderful goodness of the Lord to us as a household and to me as an individual. I dwelt upon the principle of tithing; that I wanted them to be tithepayers. I wanted them to devote themselves and all that they had to the building up of Zion; to be unselfish, and to have constantly before them the welfare of the work of God. I gave them instructions concerning frugality, and the proper course to take in the management of property, to keep out of debt, and to make the Lord their friend. I spoke for upwards of an hour and enjoyed a good flow of the Spirit, and they were deeply interested. After I got through I requested them to ask any questions they desired. A number were asked by one another, which I asked answered. I then called on John Q. and Abraham to speak. None of the rest of the children seemed inclined to speak. We had opened by singing, I had prayed, and we closed by singing the doxology. To me it was a most interesting meeting, and to every member of the family I think it must have been also. John Q. and his wife and children and Abraham and one of his wives and little girl stayed and took dinner with us.

23 February 1894 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 23, 1894 The First Presidency had a meeting with the Deseret Telegraph Co. and attended to business.

We afterwards had a conversation with Bishop Clawson and talked over the propositions of which he was the bearer to us in connection with the admission of the Territory. Money was required for a certain purpose ($3000) and he was requested to say to his kinsman, Col. Trumbo, that we would be responsible for it, but we had not the money here.

President Lorenzo Snow came in and brought to our attention the case of a man by the name of Willoughby, who had been a member of the Church and died and left a widow and some children[.] The widow had afterwards married a man by the name of Moore, and she had borne five children to him, and he had died. The question now arises. How can these children be sealed to their parents? The woman is sealed to Willoughby for eternity, and his children could be sealed, of course, to their father and mother; but what to do with Moore’s children is the question. I illustrated my views by quoting the case of President Young. He had married some of the Prophet Joseph’s wives. He had also taken a wife that belonged to a man named Whitehead, and Mrs. Whitehead (Margaret Pierce) had born President Young a son. President Young, as I understood, recognized this son as belonging to Whitehead, and his wife Margaret as Whitehead’s wife, he having married her only for time. I suppose that he took the same view concerning the wives that he had belonging to the Prophet. In this case, if Sister Willoughby had been sealed to her husband before his death, the children would have undoubtedly been his, and if Moore then had taken her she would have been sealed to him for time, and the children would have been born in the covenant and would require no ordinance to have settled as to where they would go. According to my view, they would belong to Willoughby. Still the Lord would decide this in His own due time. But it appeared clear to my mind that when a man married a widow of a worthy man, to whom she had been sealed for eternity, he raises children for the dead man. The brethren all took this view, and Brother Snow seemed very gratified at the decision.

We had quite a long conversation with a divorced wife of Brother Warren Smith, and we explained as well as we could her position to her.

Brother S. W. Sears came up to see us about some legislation that is pending.

The First Presidency listened to the reading of a lecture by Dr. Talmage.

I borrowed $75 today to send to my son Lewis, he needing the amount to complete his schooling.

24 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby, 24, 1894 Brother Wilcken called for me this morning and we drove to the Hot Springs and had a bath.

I have been so crowded since I have returned that I have not had time to examine the correspondence that had accumulated. I occupied myself till 1:30 with that, and then attended a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co. We had a conversation with the Secretary to know what his views were concerning our position. It may be that as Brothers Preston and Hyde are making a stubborn fight and have sent for Brother Thatcher to come from California[,] an attempt will be made to exclude Brother Farnsworth from the Board and recognize Brother Hyde as the legal director, and we wanted to know how Brother Beatie would feel under such circumstances. After considerable conversation, he said that he could not serve two masters and he thought that our position was the correct one. I was pleased to learn from Brother Farnsworth that he had possession now of the property, and that Mr. Critchlow, in order to be perfectly sure that what had been done was legal, though he had not doubt about it in his own mind, had submitted the matter to Judge Harkness, who fully approved of what had been done and said it was right. I hope Brother Thatcher will not come back to make any trouble. I find that Brother Farnsworth has conceded every point to Brother Hyde and Preston and has offered to pay the money to them even upon matters that he thinks ought not to have been paid, in order to effect a settlement. The position now taken by Hyde is that he wants as a condition that the suit against him by Brother Beck shall be dismissed, and that Brother Preston will not agree to settle until this is done.

25 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby, 25, 1894 At 12:30 I attended Dr. Talmage’s class in the Assembly Hall. The lower part of the building was crowded. From there I went to the Tabernacle and suggested to my brother Angus, who presided, to call upon my son Abraham and Brother Heber J. Grant to speak. They occupied the time of the meeting, and both spoke very well and instructively.

26 February 1894 • Monday

Monday, Feby, 26, 1894 The First Presidency had interviews with Brothers Clark and Ivins, members of the Legislature. This occupied our time until nearly one o’clock.

The First Presidency went to the Temple. President Woodruff’s eighty-seventh birthday occurs on the 1st of March, but as that happened to be on Thursday and it has been desired that the celebration of the anniversary should be held in the Annex of the Temple, it was decided to hold the meeting today. The President invited nearly 300 persons to be present. We found those that had got together seated in the Annex. The seats there soon filled up. I had known nothing about the arrangements until I reached the Temple. Upon inquiry I found that no programme had been arranged, and I took Brothers J. R. Winder and C. J. Thomas aside and arranged one. President Woodruff desired me to take charge of the proceedings. There was singing by the Temple choir. At President Woodruff’s request, I offered prayer, and we had singing again. President Woodruff made some introductory remarks before the singing commenced. After the singing I made a few explanatory remarks concerning the proceedings. Brother Lorenzo Snow was then called upon to speak, followed by President Jos. F. Smith, the burden of their remarks about the life and character of President Woodruff. We then had some singing, and Brother F. D. Richards was called upon. A poem was read that had been written by Sister Emily H. Woodmansee. Sister E. B. Wells read it. I spoke a few minutes, but I was so overcome with emotion that it was difficult for me to say what I wanted to do. We then had some singing, and at 2:45 we proceeded to the reception room in the Annex. Bishop Winder asked a blessing upon the food that had been prepared, and a number of young ladies distributed it. Each one sat and ate off the plate that was furnished him and the food was handed around. After our return to the “Garden” the proceedings were continued. Sister Bathsheba Smith had spoken a few words before we went to partake of food. Sister Zina D. Young spoke. Brothers H. J. Grant, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve, made remarks, as also Brother George Goddard. There was singing by the choir, and a poem written by Henry W. Naisbitt was read quite effectively by David McKenzie. Brother Dunbar sang a song. President Woodruff made some remarks, and at his request I pronounced the benediction. Our proceedings lasted till about 5 o’clock. I think that all present enjoyed themselves very highly. To me it was very delightful.

From there I went to the office, where I remained to till 7:30, when I repaired to the house of Bishop N. A. Empey, of the 13th Ward, to join the saints there whose intention it was to give a surprise party to Brother Joseph E. Taylor, and we spent a very delightful evening there in dancing old fashioned dances. It was half past one when we reached home, Brother Wilcken driving the carriage for us. My wives Sarah Jane and Carlie were also present.

27 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 27, 1894 Had an interview this morning with Sister C. W. Penrose. She had been praying, she said, a good while in regard to her husband. She felt that his labors were absorbing him to too great an extent, and he was very much changed. She thought that if there could be some other employment that would be congenial to him provided for him, it would have an excellent effect upon him, and be more pleasing for the family. He was so driven now that he had little time to spend with his family.

After that we had interviews with Brothers Alma Eldredge and Orange Seeley, members of the Legislature, who wished to get our counsel upon some points.

I learned this morning that Brother Moses Thatcher had returned from California, and it was reported that he had endeavored to induce the Secretary of the B.B.&C. Co. to place the 51,000 shares of stock, which he held for the syndicate, on the books of the Co., but that Brother Beatie had resisted all his importunities and said he could not do it, as he thought it would be wrong. This is a most extraordinary proceeding, because Brother Thatcher’s interest has been bought up by Brother Farnsworth.

The First Presidency and Brother Heber J. Grant had a conversation this morning concerning Brother Thatcher of a confidential character, and we all felt that unless there was a change in Brother Thatcher’s course his condition was a most serious one. These feelings were not expressed because of anything connected with the B.B.&C. Co. President Smith said that he had no interest in that whatever, but he said the course that was being taken by Brother Thatcher in not meeting with us in our Council capacity, not coming to the First Presidency to ask for counsel, and doing things on his own responsibility, caused him to have feelings concerning him. Such a course, if pursued generally, would destroy all government. Brother Grant expressed himself similarly, though, he said, he had never given voice to his fears before. President Woodruff also expressed himself to the same effect. I said that it had been my great desire to avoid having anything that would appear like a collision with Brother Thatcher, because of things that had occurred in the past. For some inexplicable reason he had exhibited feelings to me of such a character that I have desired exceedingly that we might not be brought in conflict in any form, because it might be thought, if anything occurred to Brother Thatcher of an unfavorable character connected with his standing as an Apostle, that I had contributed to it. On that account I had desired that I might not appear in any form in any adjudication of affairs. I could say this in the presence of the Lord and to them: that I had not, in thought word or deed, done anything in any form to hurt Brother Thatcher, and I had refrained from saying many things that might have been truthfully said concerning his conduct because I did not want to place myself in a position where I could be suspected even of being prompted by an improper feeling toward him. I regret to have to take this view, and write it in my journal merely as a reminder; for it is a certain thing that no man can pursue a course that his brethren do not approve of, especially occupying the high position of an Apostle, without coming to trouble. He must repent of that, or he certainly will be involved in difficulty. This has been the case in the past, and it ever will be while the Lord has a priesthood upon the earth. I cannot express my regret that we should have occasion to feel and speak as we have done concerning this talented man --a man capable of great things, and highly esteemed in many quarters by the Latter-day Saints.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

28 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 28, 1894 The First Presidency wrote a letter to Professor J. T. Kingsbury, acting President of the University of Utah, in reply to his communication upon the subject of a union of the two universities. Afterwards we had an interview with Dr. Talmage and John Q. Cannon upon the same question, and an appointment was made for a meeting to be held with all the members of the Legislature belonging to the Church at 9:30 to-morrow morning.

Brother W. W. Cluff came in in relation to the matters that he has had in hand and brought propositions for the leasing or paying of a royalty to us from the Spriggs mine which had been bought. We had considerable conversation with him and Brothers Clayton and Jack upon the subject of the railroad and our interests out there.

At 3:30 the First Presidency went over to the house of Sister Emily Young Clawson, where we had been invited with a number of others to celebrate the 70th birthday of her mother, Sister Emily D. Partridge Young. This party had been got up by Sister Clawson and my wife Carlie, daughters of Sister Young. There was a goodly company there, and the afternoon and evening was spent very delightfully. A very nice repast was prepared, which all enjoyed. President Jos. F. Smith spoke upon the occasion and made some excellent remarks. My wives Sarah Jane and Carlie were present.

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February 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1894/02-1894


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: ekolu tausani mau kala e hoolimalima i na hoakuka e hoole aku i ka claim no na kala