March 1883

1 March 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, March 1, 1883. I received a letter from Bro. Joseph F. Smith. Wrote to my wifes Sarah Jane and Martha and my last wife.

I was at the House during the day and in the evening. In the evening session Van Voorhis of New York used such disgraceful language that a motion was made to expel him. He made two apologies before he satisfied the House.

Bro. Nuttall telegraphed me that the Supreme Court of Salt Lake City had granted a writ of error and supersedeas in Judge F. D. Richard’s case.

2 March 1883 • Friday

Friday March 2, 1883. At the House. Edmunds not disposed to let his bill remain without being acted upon. The chances for it to become law are becoming more dim each hour. It is a good time to watch and pray, however.

At the House in the evening. Frost of Mo. was unseated and Sessinghaus seated.

3 March 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, March 3, 1883. At the House. One of our enemies, Neal, Governor of Idaho, has received the Coup de Grace, a man of the name of Irwin, of Iowa, is appointed & confirmed Governor & Curtis as Secretary, gaining the appointment over Onderdonk, the anti-Mormon applicant for the place. The case of Secretary vs Richardson of S. C. was taken up by the House. But upon a test vote, the Democrats saw the Republicans were going to seat Lee against whom the majority of the Comtee on Elections had reported and they fillibustered all evening and night

4 March 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, March 4, 1883. Bro. Caine and self remained in the House until 6.15 this morning when we went to our rooms and slept about two hours and got back to the House about 10.30. The House adjourned fifteen minutes after we left. No business could be done except the reports of Conference Committees & enrolled bills, and at 12 m the Speakers gavel fell & the 47th Congress had expired by limitation of law. Keifer’s speech was self laudatory and contained falsehoods. Kept busy getting ready to go N.Y. on 4.20 p.m. train. Recd the following despatch in cipher from Prest. Taylor: – (insert). At 4.20 p.m. Bro Caine & J W. Young and wives & self took cars, they for New York, I for Philadelphia. Called upon General Kane who had retired, but who came down upon learning it was I. Was cordially received by Mrs Kane and children and by the General. Had a very interesting visit of two and a half hours with him. He has evidently kept posted upon our affairs & has been working quietly for us. He had been advised by his friends of status of Edmunds bill & how much probability there was of its passing. He referred to letter written last summer respecting delegateship. He wrote while suffering from great pain and under clear and well defined impressions urging him to do so. He says he has not changed in his views. He says we missed a grand opportunity of maintaining our principles under the constitution. I should have been sent back to Congress. The issue should have been fought out. The results would have been grand for us and grand for the nation. He seems to think that lovers of Constitutional Government would have rallied to our support and the nation would eventually have recognized our rights. But the opportunity has passed. We have evaded the issue and we should probably have peace for awhile; but he did not know what the result would be as to plural marriage. In the event of my being again nominated he had intended to go to Washington City with his wife (who felt one with him in this) and kept guard over me; for he did not know but that attempts might be made on my life. Put up at the Continental Hotel.

5 March 1883 • Monday

Monday March 5th 1883. Reach New York a little before 10 a.m. Met Bro. R. S Watson at Byrne’s the Tailor, 11 Ann Street. Ordered a suit of clothes. Called at Union Pacific Office. Saw Bros Sharp and Little there. Mr Dillon had sent a request to me to call upon him. He desired me to use my influence for their road. They had stood by us. He wanted us now to stand by them.

Was accompanied by Bro. Watson to look at some goods. Bought some gloves and neck ties and examined some carpets with the view of sending the measure of the parlors of my houses to get the carpets made. Lunched with him. Met Bro Caine at Grand Central Hotel, and we waited upon Mr Hurlbert of the World to whom I showed a copy of Prest. Taylor’s dispatch. He was shocked and made thoroughly indignant upon reading it. Robinson and Ballantine had no right to ask for any pay till the work was done, and he expressed deep regret that anything should have been paid them. He gave a relation of the expenses he had been to in connection with this business and the calls that had been made upon him by Mr R, and since his departure by Mrs R. Upon enquiry he had found that $200 had been borrowed by R. of his business manager to be repaid out of his salary. At the same time Mrs R. was writing to him for means, and he had promised to pay her her husbands salary in advance; though she had written to him for £100 which she said her husband had told her he (Mr Hurlbert) would let her have – a sum of which he (H) had never heard mention. He was dreadfully annoyed at the turn the affair had taken, and seemed very anxious that our folks should know exactly what his action in the matter had been. We wrote the following dispatch, partly in cipher, to Pres. Taylor which I signed: – (insert).

6 March 1883 Tuesday

Tuesday March 6, 1883. Snowing heavily this morning. Went with Bro. John W. Young to Van Tassell & Kearney’s auction place and bought two black Bear robes and ladies’ saddle – all second hand. Telegraphed Hon G. Landers, at New Britain, Conn. that I would start to his place to make the long desired and promised visit. (Mr Landers was member of Congress for four years during which period we sat together and became very intimate and he appeared to be much attached to me. With his wife he visited Salt Lake City and myself and family showed them attentions which they appreciated. He and his wife have been pressing me for years to visit them.) He met me at New Haven and thence to New Britain we were together. The snow was very deep, but the warmth of the reception he and his wife and her sister, Mrs Stanley, made up for the weather. Their house is an old one, but very cosy and comfortable. My bedroom was the best in the house and I slept excellently. The evening was passed in interesting conversation about Utah & the Mormons.

7 March 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 7, 1883. After breakfast, though it was cold and blust[er]y, Mr Landers got a cutter and we drove over to Farmington, – seven miles distant – to see Bro. Woodruff’s birthplace and the mill which his father owned, & where he had worked when a boy and young man. To me the ride was very pleasant; but I feared the effect upon Mr L. who is 70 years old; but he seemed to enjoy the trip. We found the house and mill. The latter was closed, but Mr L. split a sliver off the outside boards for me to bring away with me as a souvenir of my visit. In the summer this must be a beautiful place, and I looked with interest on everything I saw, especially the river in which I had heard Bro. Woodruff often describe catching fish. Some of the houses in the village are large and look well and in their time must have been thought elegant. There is a famous academy for girls here now, the teacher of which is Miss Porter, a sister of the President of Yale College. The streets of the village are lined with large trees. We returned over the mountain and not by the same road we came. After dinner at Mr Lander’s he took me through the factory, of which he is, I suppose, principal stockholder – the Etna Works – Landers, Fray & Clark. I am amazed at what I see. They manufacture all kinds of table cutlery & hardware, and the perfection to which they have brought machinery in its manufacture is simply marvelous. Very little skilled labor is required and machinery does it all. With cheap food, light taxes and raw materials convenient this factory could compete with the world. After this he took me over to the Stanly rule & level factory and we spent an hour there, Mr Stanly kindly going with us through the shops. After supper he took me to hear readings by a Professor of Elocution, a native of New Britain, in the Methodist Church. The character readings were very good.

8 March 1883 • Thursday

Thursday March 8, 1883. Mr Landers took me over by rail to Hartford this morning. He hired a carriage and we drove through the principal streets & past many elegant residences, among others Mark Twains. Hartford if not the richest city is one of the richest cities in the U. S. in proportion to its population. The legislature being in session we drove to the new State House which has just been erected at a cost of two and a half million of dollars and has not exceeded the appropriation – a fact of which all speak with pride. The building is most elegant – being chaste, harmonious, and yet grand and imposing. It is built of hammer faced Conn. marble, and the columns inside are principally of polished granite. I would like to see a temple built some day with some of the admirable features of this structure – its columns and grand arches &c. I had a very pleasant conversation with the State Librarian, Mr Hoadley, who took considerable pains in showing me the rare books and MSS which they had in the collection. A set of the first laws passed by Congress, printed separately and on one side only, authenticated by the actual signature of Thos Jefferson, Sec. of State, was very interesting. He also showed me letters of Charles II[,] James II, William & Mary, Anne, and of the Georges to the Colonies with their sign manuels and seals attached; also letters of the ministry announcing the death of Charles II &c. The Charter of the Colony under which they lived till quite recently (I think 1818) and which was hidden in Charter Oak to keep it out of the hands of Gov. Andross is preserved in an oak frame, very reverently in one of the rooms. The Senate was in Session and upon our entrance into the Chamber the Lieut. Governor, George Sumner, who knew Mr Landers, and had met me in Washington, sent his page & invited us to take seats beside him at the desk of the President of the Senate. We remained there till the Senate adjourned, and I was then introduced to members of the Senate. A large arm chair elaborately carved stood on the platform for the use of the Lieut. Governor. It was made out of Charter oak. I had reason to be gratified at the attention & respect that was paid to me while in this building by the officials and by the papers in noticing our visit. The House was also in session. Mr Landers took me to the Albyn House for dinner. We then took cars for Meriden and with a Mr Chamberlain, a banker there, whom we met at Hartford, we went through the Meriden Brittainia or Silver Plating works. Mr Wilcox the manager was absent, but his son took us through. The elegance of the work done here – glass and metal will compare with anything of the kind done anywhere. Upon our return to New Britain we went to Mr. Lander’s son’s house & took tea. He is treasurer of the Etna Works and has a salary of $6000 – Mr. L’s only son. He is on a trip in the West including Salt Lake City and is expected tomorrow evening. His residence is very elegant. Besides Mr & Mrs L. & Mrs Stanly and myself, there were Mrs L. Jr’s brother & wife & daughter, Mr Judd & young lady friend. They listened very attentively till after nine to my explanation of our doctrines and Mrs L. Jr would have liked us to stay much longer.

I forgot to mention that we went through a factory of knit goods – “American Hosiery Co.” – Mr Davidson took us through. I afterwards had pleasant conversation with the principal manager Mr [blank] Mayor of New Britain.

9 March 1883 • Friday

Friday March 9, 1883. Went with Mr Judd through their saddlery hardware factory. What is done with so many buckles? Buckles of every size and shape by the hundreds of thousands. Mr Landers then took me through Russell & Erwins factory – Mr Will Russell being our guide & making explanations. After dinner Mr. L. got a carriage and drove me around town, and then up to the reservoir, and we also visited the screw factory of Russell, Erwin & Co. (Mr Post Manager) and wrought hinge & butt factory (Mr Parker, Manager) who patiently went all through with us. Afterwards bought cutlery &c at Etna. Mr Chas Landers arrived from the west this evening, and he and his wife and son took supper at his fathers. Had pleasant visit with him. Then they accompanied me to the station, where I took train for New York. This visit has been a very delightful one to me, and I have been much amazed at what I had seen. I thought I had some idea of the extent to which machinery is used and its perfection, but the half had not been told me. Machines do everything and some of them almost seem to be endowed with the power to think. I feel under many obligations to Mr Landers & his family. No one could be more kind than they have been, and they were urgent for me to stay longer. Reached Grand Central Hotel after midnight. Despatch from Pres. T. <saying> come home when convenient. One from Bro. Caine hoping I would stay so as not to reach Omaha before Wednesday as he had been detained.

10 March 1883 • Saturday

Saturday March 10, 1883. Went around with Bro. Watson this morning to tailors, hatters & collar makers, & to see lamps. Called upon Bro. Sharp who had submitted to surgical operation for extirpation of tumor – successful, said to be. Administered to him. Had conversation with Bro. Hart, who has just arrived, about emigration. I had previously called upon John N. Abbott Esq. Passenger Agent, of New York & Erie R. R. for pass, which he gladly gave me over the Great Western R. R. from Niagara Falls to Detroit. Tried hard to see Mr Hurlbert but failed. One p.m. tomorrow designated for interview. With Bro. Watson went in the evening to Union Square Theatre to see Parisian Romance. Had conversation during day with Bro. John W. Young who had purchased two robes for me, and had got me engraved visiting cards.

11 March 1883 • Sunday

Sunday March 11, 1883. Arose early & took elevated railroad to battery and there took steamer to Governor’s Island for the purpose of visiting Lieut. Richd W. Young & wife nee Nervie Richards. The wind was blowing strongly & spray dashed over hurricane deck. Spent about two hours very pleasantly there. Met Mr Hurlburt at his rooms at one p.m. He had desired me to remain until this time and not go home as Robinson had telegraphed him that he had written full particulars, but they had not reached – nothing but a telegram in which he charged failure in local timidity. Mr H. asked me to write freely to him & furnish him at any time with information upon which he might base articles to help us. I am to write to him under cover and he is to write me the same. Mr Hurlbert told me some queer things about Garfield. He said (that which I have heard before) that his wife and himself lived most unhappy lives, and he had it on undoubted authority that from the time he was shot until his death she never crossed the threshold of his room. Incredible as it may seem it was nevertheless true, and yet, said he, what a fabric of falsehood was built up concerning her love and devotion before the public. He was unsparing in his denunciation of the meanness of his character, his venality, selfishness, cowardice & hypocrisy. One of the surgeons told him that after the first operation which was performed on Garfield, he met his oldest son in the corridor and told him how well his father had borne it. He received the news with indifferent coolness as though it was a matter of no interest to him. Speaking to Sam. Ward, the King of the lobby, respecting Garfield, he said to him, “now, Sam, it is no use to try and deceive me, tell me the truth, was Garfield one of your cheap or one of your dear men?” Sam replied: “He never could resist the temptation of a one hundred dollar bill.” Hurlbert told me, what I had heard before, that Garfield was corrupt with women; and he commented upon the loathing his wife must have had to him in sitting and listening to his inaugural in which he attacked and denounced us. He then spoke of our people’s feelings about these attacks from such people, & said he did not wonder at our being disgusted with them and feeling contempt for such attacks from men of such character. He said, speaking of Garfield, that Blaine was bad enough, but he was far the superior of Garfield & held power over him. He had it, he said from the Ames (Oakes Ames) people) and from other reliable persons that Blaine while teaching school in Kentucky seduced his wife. There was a Colonel, whose name he could not recall, residing in the place who was a friend of the young lady’s father who was dead. He, learning what had occurred, went to Mr Blaine and told him unless he married the young lady and made her all the reparation in his power he would take him out and horsewhip him and would kill him. He married her. I said to him they were a nice lot to be making war upon us for our marrying women. But my experienced has proved to me that the greatest enemies there are of plural marriage are the men of impure and corrupt lives.

Called upon Bro. Sharp who is improving. At 6.15 p.m. left the Hotel and took the cars for Niagara Falls.

12 March 1883 • Monday

Monday, March 12, 1883. Stormy weather. Changed on Canada side.

13 March 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 13, 1883. Ground bare of snow. Reached Chicago after 9 a.m. Telegraphed Bro. Cain at Keokuk and Council Bluffs that I hoped to meet him and folks at train tomorrow at 12 noon. Left on C & N. W. RR. Busy writing Journal & correcting sermon.

14 March 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 14, 1888. Beautiful morning. The meals on the dining cars on this road are very good, but being alone & having been confined without exercise since Sunday evening I have but little appetite. Found Bro. Caine and wife & baby at Council Bluffs and Bros. F. Little and George Romney at Omaha. We all secured berths in same car. Mr Post, delegate from Wyoming, & wife were in the same car also. Telegraphed to Prest. Taylor that we expected to be home Friday evening. Weather very delightful for the season.

15 March 1883 • Thursday

Thursday March 15th 1883. Still progressing. Weather fine. Enjoying company of the folks. Corrected discourses for press. Took breakfast at Sidney and dinner at Cheyenne, where Mr & Mrs Post stopped.

16 March 1883 • Friday

Friday March 16, 1883. Weather still continues pleasant. Breakfasted at Green River. Was met at Ogden Station by the band and Mayor Peery, F. S. Richards, and leading citizens. My son Frank also was there. Prest. Joseph F. Smith, Bro F. D. Richards & L. J. Nuttall came up on the train from the City. At Kaysville my son Abraham, W. W. Taylor & Bro. Jennings came on the cars. At Salt Lake City there were two bands of music – the Fireman’s and the Ward Mutual Improvement band on the platform. There were crowds of people also. Abraham drove me in my buggy to Prest. Taylor’s, with [whom] I conversed about half an hour. I called upon my brother Angus. Wilhelmina, his daughter, my son Abraham’s second wife, had a son born unto her on the 9th. They called him Claude Quayle Cannon. I found my son Sylvester quite sick at his Aunt Emiley’s. He is affected with something like pneumonia. I am greatly concerned about him. Abraham and myself administered to him and I felt well in doing so. Remained in town all night.

17 March 1883 • Saturday

Saturday March 17, 1883. Abraham drove me down to my home early in the morning. Found all well in my family, and Lewis’ leg is better than could have been expected from the reports of the doctors. We were all happy to meet again once more. I feel thankful to the Lord for his goodness to myself and family. At the Office. Dined with Prest. Taylor. At Matinee – a children’s concert under Bro. Stephens. It was a very delightful entertainment. Called upon my daughter-in-law, Annie Wells Cannon. It is the anniversary of her wedding day. She was not at home; but her son, George Q. was. Sylvester is better today his Aunt Emily and my daughter Mary Alice, who is up with him, thinks.

18 March 1883 • Sunday

Sunday March 18 1883. Very unwell today. The drive to town helped me. I spoke to the Congregation 55 minutes and Bro. Caine followed for about 20 minutes. Congregation paid marked attention. At prayer circle. Took dinner at 6 oclock with my children – David & Emily – whom I had brought up and Mary Alice and Sylvester and Abraham at Aunt Emily’s. At 6.30 P.M. met with Saints at 15th Ward. Had excellent freedom. Bro. Woodruff followed me. My brother Angus and son Abraham were also present. I stopped at my room in town. Sister Shipley of American Fork, to whom I had written and asked to come up & nurse Sylvester, reached here by this evenings train. She had promptly responded.

19 March 1883 • Monday

Monday, March 19, 1883. Feeling better this morning. At the Office. Dined with Prest. Taylor.

20 March 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 20, 1883. Met with Mr Phil. Robinson. At the office during the day. Dined with Prest. Taylor. Feeling quite unwell, he induced me to lay down for an hour and a half. After which we had a lengthy conversation upon administration policy as he viewed it, and had carried out. My wife, Sarah Jane, came up with me. Sylvester is improving. Drove down home, and back to attend lecture in Theatre of Mr Phil Robinson upon the experience of a war correspondent in India, Zululand and Egypt. Very interesting. Stopped at my room.

21 March 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 21, 1883. Selected a heavy draft mare recommended by my brother Angus, at Mulloy & Paul’s livery stable. Bought a sulky plow of Bro. H. B. Clawson. Pres. Taylor gave Mr Phil. Robinson and a company of brethren in the office a vivid description of the massacre of the Prophet & Patriarch Joseph & Hyrum Smith and the shooting of himself by the mob at Carthage Jail.

At the council in the afternoon. Mare did not prove such as I wanted.

22 March 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, March 22, 1883. Sylvester & Sister Shipley were driven by my son Abraham to our home yesterday. I find him better this morning. Busy early in morning arranging with my boys to cut feed in cutting machine for horses & cows, which look to me half starved. Telegraphed last evening to Sister Jane Simons informing her of the feeble condition of her mother, & asking her if she could not make an arrangement to spend a few days with her. She replied that she would come tomorrow morning. Sister Simons is the sister of my wife Eliza, whose mother, Sister Tenney, lives with us.

At the Office. Corrected discourse of last Sunday, for pub-lication. My children came up to Bro. Stephen’s school today.

23 March 1883 • Friday

Friday, March 23, 1883. Busy with my sons cutting feed early this morning. At the Office. Busy arranging my accounts. Sister Simons came to my house accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs Wm Luce, and son.

Meeting of the Presidency to listen to report of Bro. A. M. Lyman and Bros Wm Lee & W. C. Rydalch respecting land & improvements at Deep Creek, the purchase of which had been suggested for the use of the Indians. It was decided to buy 900 acres from three Bro. Worthingtons and Bro. Everill with houses, improvements, water rights, and some farming implements, for $8,600 cash, less such tithing as they might feel to pay

24 March 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, March 24, 1883. My health has not been so good as usual since my return. Am not well today. Had further conversation with Bros Lyman & Lee respecting Indians, Pres. Taylor proposed to ordain Bro. Lee Bishop to look after the Indians. He is to go up to Washakee and obtain all the information he can respecting the best method of organizing them and arranging for their labors by a visit to Bishop Zundell & the Indians under his charge there. Dined with my brother Angus. Closing my accounts for expenditures at Washington 1881–82 & 1882–3.

25 March 1883 • Sunday

Sunday March 25, 1883. The train stopped for me at the street leading to my place. My son Angus drove me there in my buggy. Bro. A. M Lyman was on train going to Spanish Fork. Bro. Wm W. Taylor and my son Abraham of Presidency of Seventies were also on the train. I accompanied them to Nephi. Met by Bro. Teasdale, and with Bro. Paxman we went to Sunday School. I addressed the children. Attended circle meeting and gave some instructions. Put up at Bro. Bryan’s. At 2 p.m. met with saints. House crowded. Bro. Dalton of Willard City – Bro. Teasdale’s fellow missionary to Indian Territory – spoke, followed by Bro. W. W. Taylor and then myself. The Seventies afterwards had a meeting. In evening held meeting and my son Abraham and myself addressed the people, followed by Bro. Teasdale in few remarks. I have enjoyed these meetings very much, and have had a good flow of spirit.

26 March 1883 • Monday

Monday March 26, 1883. I gave Bro. Teasdale $20 last evening to help him on his mission. Arose early this morning so as to reach train by five oclock. Angus met me at train with my buggy. I think Sylvester does not improve as he should. At 4 p.m. met with Board of Regents at Deseret National Bank. The question was whether the old Board of which I was Chancellor should hold on, or whether the new Board should qualify. Bro. Jas Sharp was requested to see the lawyers and talk subject over with them. My son Sylvester was anointed and administered to by me. Sister Tenny is quite low.

27 March 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 27, 1883. Had lengthy conversation with Pres. Taylor respecting my connection with Bishop Taylor in Iron mines. We had a full interchange of views upon this and other topics. At the Office all day. Attended lecture of Mr Phil. Robinson at Theatre in the evening. Stopped in town all night.

28 March 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 28, 1883. At the Office. Bishop Thomas Taylor called and had conversation with Pres. Taylor respecting the Iron mines at Iron Co. The object of the conversation was to learn his mind respecting the course to take. We are preparing to make iron, but as Prest. Taylor has expressed the opinion that there should be but one company, we offer to place our interests at his disposal to be governed by his counsel. In reply he said he did not have anything to say upon the subject. I am owing $4000 to Bishop Taylor on a note. He said if I could pay him that amount he would proceed to Cedar City and pay balance due on a place he had bought of Homer Duncan and on which he had paid $500, which would be forfeited if the remaining 2000 were not paid on the 1st of April. At 2 p.m. met with First Presidency & Twelve at Endowment House. Afterwards selected carpet & wall paper for Presidents Office in company with Prest. Taylor and Bro. Nuttall at Z.C.M.I.

29 March 1883 • Thursday

Thursday March 29, 1883. At the Office. Glad to meet Bro Erastus Snow who has just arrived in somewhat improved health from the south. He has been suffering from an affection of the kidney and the whole right side of his body. Elder B. H. Roberts was set apart by Pres. Taylor, Elders Erastus Snow and F. D. Richards and self as assistant President of the Southern Mission, to act under Prest. John Morgan.

30 March 1883 • Friday

Friday March 30, 1883. At the Office. Wrote to Bro. R. S. Watson, New York, to send me four carpets – one for each of my folks, the patterns of which I had selected when in N. Y. Called upon Bishop John Sharp, who has just returned from New York. He has undergone an operation – a tumor near his eye having been cut out

31 March 1883 • Saturday

Saturday March 31, 1883. Went to Provo this morning with Prests Taylor & Smith. Was carried in Bro. Smoot carriage to Tithing Office where a meeting of the Provo Manufacturing Co. was held. A dividend of 2 per cent was declared. After dinner at Bro. Smoot’s was driven around to see lots that would be suitable for Tithing Office. Returned home at 4 p.m. Stormed <heavily.>

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March 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024