December 1900

1 December 1900 • Saturday

Saturday. Dec. 1, 1900

I went around with Brother Spence to see railroad men and also arranged for our passage for our passage to the Islands. I paid $6250/100 for myself; the same amount for my wife and for my son Clawson and the same amount for Espy and Georgius who past [passed] as children at half fare, a total of $25000. This was for the round trip to and from Honululu. $6250 was the charge for board for the voyages; They did not charge me anything for passage. Sister Clawson and son payed $15000 and Brother Cluff and wife $22500. I met Mr Perley, the manage[r] of the Alice Neilson Opera Company and he was kind enough to offer me a box at the matinee performance. My wife, my three boys, Sister Clawson and son and myself. We enjoyed the performance very much. Sister Viola Pratt Gillette <is a member of this Company> had a part in this peice. She is a granddaughter of Aposle Orson Pratt.

2 December 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 2, 1900

Brother E. H. Nye who is president of the Californian Mission and Elder Steel who is laboring as a missionary in this state call[ed] upon me yesterday and informed and informed me as to the time of meeting at 10 o’cloak A. M. and meet with the Sunday School. At 11 o’cloak there was a public meeting at which I spoke. There was no afternoon meeting. Col. Trumbo sent his carriage and driver around and Sister Cannon and myself went for a drive in the park. Of the many fine equipages which we saw there was none finer than this of the Col. At 7.45 P. M. we meet [met] with the Saints again. Brother Cluff spoke first and I followed. There was a good sized congragation and they payed stricked attention. After the meeting Col. Trumbo, who came before it closed, invited my wife and her sister and myself to go into a noted resturant to have some refreshments

3 December 1900 • Monday

Monday Dec. 3, 1900

Called upon Mr. Goodman and [an] old friend greneral [general] passenger ajent of the Souther[n] Pacipic [Pacific]. Brother and Sister Nye and several of the Elders called upon us and with Brother Spencer, Col. <& Mrs.> Clayton, and Dan Spencer who arrive[d] hear [here] from home this <Sunday> morning came down to the Steamer and seen us start. We took [a] Carriage for the Steamer a little after 12 o’cloak. Steamer sailed a little after half past two. Although the sea was smooth the motion of the vessel made a number of people sick. Espy was the first of our party to be sick. He was followed by Sister Cannon and Georgius. Clawson and myself escaped[,] for which I was very gratful. I dreaded the sea voyage very much for fear of sea sickness

4 December 1900 • Tuesday

Teusday. Dec. 4, 1900

I past [passed] an excellent nights sleep. The day is very fine and the sea smooth. One of the passengers Mr Nicheus who with his wife is going to the Islands to live came to me and renewed his acquaintance with me. Twenty-five years ago he was in the clerk’s office of the House of Representatives. Espy still continues to be sick.

5 December 1900 • Wednesday

Wensday Dec. 5, 1900

Espy is better today. Weather is fine and sea is smooth. Wrote to John Q., my wife Sarah Jane and my daughter Mary Alice. Clawson did my writing.

6 December 1900 • Thursday

Thursday. Dec. 6, 1900

I did not sleep soundly last night and I felt quite sick though I did not have any inclination to vomiting. I did not take my place at the table this morning. I spent the day on the hurricane deck except at meal times and felt very well.

7 December 1900 • Friday

Friday. Dec. 7, 1900

A very fine day and we made good progress. I felt very well today. I have been sleeping in the state room next to the one in which my wife slept and we thought that Georgius should sleep were [where] she could watch him to keep him from falling out of his berth. I have had very poor sleep for the last few nights. To night I thought I would put Georgius in the state room with the other boys and I would sleep in the other state room. Espy is still sea sick.

8 December 1900 • Saturday

Saturday Dec. 8, 1900

I slept better last night. Espy was better to day. Scott Clawson, my wife’s sister’s little son, has been quite sick for a day or two. His heart troubles him. Brother Cluff and my self administered to him. The passengers had a lively time to day playing games on the upper deck. They created a good deal of amusement, and a purse was made up out of which to pay prizes to winners

9 December 1900 • Sunday

Sunday. Dec. 9, 1900

The vessel rocked very much last night and to day. The weather was showery and in consequence of the heavy rollers we did not make as good progress as usual.

10 December 1900 • Monday

Monday. Dec. 10, 1900

The ship rocked very badly last night. The weather was pleasant most of the day. There were occasional showers. The Captain anounced at noon to day that we were 93 miles distance from Honululu. In the afternoon we saw the island of Maui, Molokai, Hawaii, and shortly afterwards we came in sight [of] Oahu. At half past seven o’clock when we reached the mouth of the harbor we waited for a pilot and quarintine officer, then entered the harbor and drew up at the harbor wharf. There was a large crowd on the wharf among whom were President Wooley, of the Mission and Elders Waddups, Farr, Johnson, Bush, and Musser. Good carriages were provided and we were assigned our quarters. Myself, my wife and three sons became the guests of Brother Fernandez. Brother Fernandez father was a Portugese and his mother a Hawaiian woman. His wife is a native of Maui. Her sister, Sister Davis lives with them. They have five children, four daughter[s] and one son.** <**Their names are Madeline (Parker) married, Adelaide, Clara & Minerva and Edwin>[.] One of the girls is married. His son is a student of the Brigham Young Academy of Provo.

They appear to be a very fine family and live in considerable style. They have a very well furnished house of ample size, with modern conveniences. The house is furnished with bath room, closet and marble washstands. It is stands in the mist [midst] of spacious grounds. It is situated about two miles from the city. We were very kindly entertained and President Wooley stop[ped] with us all night. The mosquitoes were very bad and it seems to me that they were much thicker than when I was here before. Being protected by mosquitoe netting they did not trouble us during the night. The three boys and Brother Wooley slept in one bed and had plenty of room. It was the largest bed I ever saw.

11 December 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday. Dec. 11, 1900

The Japanese cooks of Sister Fernandez prepared for us a good breakfast and a carriage drove up to the door and took us to the mission house to a reception which was held there by [for] me.1 There were hundreds of natives who came and shook hands [with] us and they manifested great pleasure at seeing me. We staid there for several hours and Brother Waddups then took myself, wife and children in a carriage to a grill room for lunch and afterwards took us for a ride up Nuuanu Valley and then to Brother Fernandez where I dictated my journal to Clawson. I met Brothers Nymphus Murdock and wife and Edmond Eldredge and wife who came down about a week ago on a pleasure trip. A Mister Sam Massy came in and spent the evening with us.

12 December 1900 • Wednesday

Wensday. Dec. 12, 1900

Fifty years ago today I with the other elders ten in all landed at this place as missionary [missionaries] to preach the gospel. Of those ten three are still living, Jame[s] Keeler, Willian [William] Farrer and myself. I will here give the programe of exricises for the two days so as to give an idea of what was attempted. Though this programe gives but a poor idea of the entire prcedings [proceedings]. I may say here, that there were two things here which I dreaded very much upon leaving home, one was the sea voyage, the other was my inability to talk the native language. For 46 years had past [passed] since I left and I have done very little in talking the Hawaiian language since that time. The sea voyage through the blessing of the Lord and the prayers of the Brethern was a most pleasant one and furnished no cause for dread, the language also through the favor of the lord came to me in a manner to surprise me. When I was called upon this morning to speek I did so principally in English and spoke with great power. The spirit rested powerfully upon me but while speacking in English the spirit of the Lord would bring the Native Language back to me and I would break out in it to the surpise [surprise] of my self and the delight of the people for it was a great cause of wonder to them that I should be able to speak in their language a tall [at all] after so long an absence from the Islands. I was made to feel very happy through this blessing of the Lord upon me for He removed all my causes for dread. It was so every time I spoke during the two days of the celebration. The morning meeting past [passed] of[f] in a most gratifying manner. The people show a loving affection for me and I was honored to my hearts content. The meeting [meetings] were held in a building called the Orphium and the congression [congregation] was made very comfortable. The Brethern had secured the services of the Government Band, a very fine band and not excelled by any on the Coast. The leader would not take any pay for his services or make any charge. He said it might be well to give the boys of the band a little—Honolulu was stired [stirred] up to its centre by this jubilee. The papares [papers] were full of it. My picture appeared in one paper and in another it gave a representation of me addressing the odience [audience.] for days the saints have been preparing for this event. Oxen, sheep, chickens, and fish and every thing that sea produces were prepared in great abundance. Sweet Potatoes and other vegetables and Poi, for the native[s] and suitable diet for the white people were very plentiful. Every thing that could be cooked in native style was prepared in this manner and was delicious. The feast was a very grand one and and [an] invitation was extended to the saints and citizens to partake of it without charge. Those who know the Hawaiian people can realize their delight at being participents at this lulu (luau) for no nation or people enjoy gustatory performances more than do the Hawaiians[.] The Government Armory had been secured as the place for the feast. It is a large building and six tables were covered with food. Some estimated the first table as furnishing seats close on to 1000 people but I think there were at least six hundred and with the filling of the tables the seconds I think there must have been from 1500 to 2000 people fed. I was setted [seated] with my wife and children with President Wooley, President Cluff and the other elders and sisters at the table which ran across the hall at the head of the other tables. I was placed in the centre were [where] I could over look the whole scene. At the request of Brother Wooley I stood up and asked the blessing for the food and the people who had prepared it. I fine [find] my fondness like my knowledge comes back to me, and I have enjoyed it very much with good fish which had been provided. I was very fond [of] squid or hee and I relish it now as well as ever[.] the programe for the evening past [passed] off excelently and this ended a day of great enjoyment for me.

13 December 1900 • Thursday

Thursday Dec. 13, <1900>

Judge Estee who is cheif justice and he is anxious to show me great attention. I called upon him at the Hawaiian Hotel. He wished me to make an apointment to dine with him which I could not very well do at present. Other gentlemen have expressed a wish to show me similar attentions. Mister Sam Parker who is married to the daughter of my old freind Napela is a very wealth [wealthy] man and has expressed a wish that if I should go down to the Island Hawaii I would except [accept] the use of his house, servants, horses and carriages while I remain there[.] the morning program passed of [off] very well today. We ate lunch at the Union Grill. I occupied some time this morning in adressing the congregation in English and Hawaiian[.] I had great freedom [freedom] in both languages. I comenced in English but the spirit rested upon me and I broke out in Hawaiian. In the afternoon there were some varyations in the programe. The ex-queen, Liliuokalani, was present this afternoon and expressed a wish that I should speeck as she wanted to hear me which I did. I after-wards went to her seat and we had quite a lengthy conversation. In reply to my question as to her state of feeling she replied how could she feel other wise than well after such a blessing as I had given her (referring to Salt Lake). She said she hoped to see me at her resident [residence]. Several of the Brothren were introduce[d] to her. A[f]ter the afternoon meeting we went to the top of Punchbowl Hill. The Utah Elders and a large number of both saints of both sexes were there gathered. An inpretion [impression] has prevailed that it was upon this hill that the first ten elders who came here had erected an alter an [altar and] dedicated the islands. From the point where we stood we could see the place where the altar was erected and [where we] prayed and dedicated the land and our selves to his ministery on these islands. It is now called Pacific Haights. After singing I made explenations to the assemblage respecting the building of the altar and what we did on that accacion [occasion]. I pointed out as nearly as I could where this was done[.] another hym[n] was then sung and Brother Wooley [dismissed]. The ride up and down gave us grand veiws of all the surrounding country and the City and Ocean. And the sun set was ma[g]nificent. The evening programe was excelently rendered. I enjoyed it better <if anything> than that of the evening before. I was called upon to dismiss and I did so with the spirit of thankfulness and praise. These two days have been days of unalloyed happiness and enjoyment. I landed here 50 years ago yesterday with very little money a comparitive youth without experience and knolege of the world. When I commenced my ministery I was a stranger to the people and to the language and friendless and homeless. My lonely and friendless condition and the opposition and enmity I met with at the hands of those who waited the truth caused me to shed many tears but when the message I bore was received and obeyed then I was no longer with no one but God, my father, for in conformity with my promise to the people if they would obey the truth the Lord would give them a testimony and a knolege for them selves. He did bestow his spirit upon them and they became wittesses [witnesses] of the truth of the gospel as well as my self[.] in this way hundreds and thousands of friends were raised up. When I think of the goodness and mercy of God in sparing my life for so long a period and to wittness the grand results that God has caused to follow the planting of the gospel here[,] I am fulled [filled] with praise to the almighty father <for having prompted me> to do what I did. To him all the praise and the glory is due.

Payed to Brother E. H. Nigh[.] Sunday Dec. 13, 1901 [1900].2

14 December 1900 • Friday

Friday Dec. 14, 1900

I have secure[d] the service of one of the elders, (Barr Musser) to write a letter at my dictation to Presidents Snow and Smith for him to copy. I also dictated one to him my journal to my son Clawson.

15 December 1900 • Saturday

Saturday. Dec. 15, 1900

We have attended [a] meetting of the Relief Society over which Sister Fernandez and counselors preside and spoke to the meetting. My wife and Sister Cluff and Brother Cluff also made remarks. Sister Clawson’s little boy, Scott, seemed much better today. I called upon Judge Estee at the Hawian Hotel. The Judge feels very kind and friendly[.] he said today that though he was not a member of the Church that he was ready to do anything he could for us as though he was a member. He wished to be introduced to some of our people hear [here]. He has taken great intrest in our afairs since he has been here and appears to be well informed as to what we are doing. I dictated my journal to Clawson.

16 December 1900 • Sunday

Sunday. Dec. 16, 1900

Sunday School commenced at 10 o’cloak. After the classes went through their exersise they joined together in the meeting house. The [house] was pretty well filled with children and grown people. I talked at for some lenghth conserning the word of wisdom and the bad effects which follows its non observanse and how nessisary it is for young people to refrain form [from] the use of these articales so as never to acquire a taste for them. I spoke to the people in native and also in English which was interperted by Brother Wooley. I [In] the after noon at 2 o’clock we met again with the people and the house was very well filled. Brother Cluff spoke for a little while and I followed. I felt very much imprest to speak to them on subjects of marriage and of child bearing. I dwelt on the importance of thier doing every thing in their power to preserve the race from extinction[.] I had a great deal of the spirit of talking on this subject. Brother Wooley interpeted what I said in English. Though all the rising generation and many others understanding [understand] English it being taught exclusively in the public schools. it. <It> is seldom in my life that I have enjoyed meetings more than I did these. The spirit of the Lord was poured out on in power and I was filled with joyed. Brother and Sister Fernandez <invited> Brother Wooley and wife, Brother and Sister Cluff, Sister Clawson and Son to dinner. We spent a very pleasant evening together.

17 December 1900 • Monday

Monday. Dec. 17, 1900

The ex-queen Liliuokalani sent me word that she would like to see me at 10 o’clock to-day as she expects to sail to-morrow for Hilo. Sister Fernandez took me to the ex-queens residence in her carriage. She welcomed me very cordially and expressed the pleasure it gave her at meeting [me.] She also dwelt on the good my visit had done and would do, how the people’s feeling[s] had been aroused and their love awakened and strengthened by my visit. Many more remarks of this character were made by her and when I arose to bid her good-bye she said she would like me to give her a blessing a [and] led the way to another room. Before I was aware of what she was doing she was on her knees before my feet to receive the blessing. I felt very free in blessing her and the spirit rested upon us both. At 2 o’cloak I held a meeting at the Mission Chapel with the elders who were here. My object was to give the elders instruction and to impress upon them the nessity [necessity] of being diligent and thourgh [thorough] in their labors. Brother Wooley, and Brother Cluff also spoke. Are [Our] meeting occupied about and [an] hour and a half and the spirit of the Lord was with us. After this Sister Fernandez took Sister Cannon, myself and the children out to Pacific Haights[.] a new line of the electric cars climbs the Haights. The veiw from this point of the city and the surrounding country [and] the bay and the ocean was very fine. While I know it was on this side of the montain that we 10 elders built the alter and dedicated the land the day after we landed in 1850 and where we had a time of rejoicing, the gift of tongues and the interpretation thereof being given to us, I could not locat[e] the exact spot where we built the alter as the face of the ground has been much changed by attempted improvements. From this point we went down to the wharf. The steamer Alameada came in about noon today. Two elders of the New Zealand Mission were on board on their way home. They were Brothers Heber Aldis [Aldous] and Rufus Hardy, two grand sons of John Cay Kay. Brother Farr of this Mission is released to labor in California and he sails on the Alemda [Alameda] for the coast. We bid them good bye.

18 December 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1900

At 9 o’clock Brother Wooley called for us and took us in his carriage to Laie another carriage carried Brother and Sister Cluff, Sister Musserer [Musser,] Brother Davis and Moroni Wooley. The ride up that Nuuanu valley was most delightful, the scenery was grand and the tropical vegetation was most beautifu abundant and attractive. At the head of the valley we came to the Pally Pali, a tremendous precipice down which until recent years a difficult trail led, now however a very fine carriage road winds its way down the face of the precipice. This road has been constructed by the government at great expense and is a very fine work of engineering skill. It was at this pali that Kamahumaha the First fought the battle by which the conquest of this island was effected. Thousands of his enemy were driven over this precipices precipice or volantaryly saw death by jumping off. The sight which meets one’s eye when this Pali is reached is a sudden view of the sea, the valley and the mountains on that side of the Islands which is sublime beyond desciption [description]. No land on earth presents a combination which excels this in grandeur and sublimity for the few lands has [have] such a grand ocean view as this. On this side of the Island the montains are peculiar in that the ridges and peaks are all sharp and appear to have fine edges. We reached Laie a little after dark and received a warm welcome from Sister Wooley and the missionaries and their wifes who are here.

19 December 1900 • Wednesday

Wensday Dec. 19, 1900.

Brother Wooley took me out in his carriage this morning and this afternoon to see the plantation from the different points of view. The crop of cane is very promising. He expects to commence cutting by the middle of January. Their [There] are blank <368> acers [acres] ripe and ready to cut. The cost of striping the cane is about $9 per acer. When cutting commences there are about blank <120> men employed. The cane must be ground soon after it is cut and must <if it> stand [stands] as many as four days it begins to lose its value. A good stand of cane will yield about blank [6]3 <to 14> tons of sugar to the acer. The irrigation of the cane is very costly. We visited the pumping machinery to-day. Water is drawn from four wells. The engine employed for this purpose is 160 horse power though I think less than a 100 horse power is used. What is called the high lift throws the water into an uper ditch. The low lift throws it into a reservoir. From these points the whole of the fields can be irregated. The engine is capable of throwing out blank <3,500,000> gallons of water every twenty-four hours and consumes blank tons <5,000 lbs.> of coal per day. This coal costs about $12 a ton delivered here. The whole cost of preparing and <planting and maturing> [an] acer of cane for grinding is blank <100> dollars. As there is no mill the on the plantation the cane is taken from here to the mill on Ka Huku plantation three miles distant. The cane is ground there and every thing is done to prepare it for market for 40 per cent of its value. One planting of cane furnishes two crops. It takes from blank <12 to 18> mounths after planting for a crop to ripen. The first crop is taken of the trash left on the ground is burned but this does not injure the ratoon from which the second crop grows. A 263 acers of the plantation is leased to chinamen for the cultivation of rice. These chinamen make excellent tenents. One hundred acers of this land is leased at $17 per acer per annum. 135 acer [acres] at $20, 20 acres at $25, and 8 acers at $12.50. They pay all taxes and assesments but Brother Wooley furnishes a part of the water of the nessisary water for the cultivation of the rice. The Besides this rice land there are 35 acers of dry land leased to the for cultivation of cane to the Ka Hupu plantation for which they pay $6 per acer per annum and all taxes and assesments. There are about 6000 acers comprised in the Laie plantation. Although the liesing of the rice land pays a good income Brother Wooley informs me that the cane land which he cultivates yeilds a little better profit. At the present time the plantation is about responsible for $33,000 in debtedness about $10,000 of which however is due from chinese tenent and for which the security is ample. From his crop he anticipates under the blessing of the Lord to realize about $45000 and this seems to be so safe a return that it can be reasonably relied upon. My own observation confirmed by conversation with President Wooley leads to the conclusion that there are more sisters here than can be usefuly employed or than are nessisary. Brother Wooley pays to each Elder of which there are 234, $25 per annum, to each sister of which their [there] are six, $20 per annum and to each child of which there are eight and more a coming ten dollars.**

** Besides this allowance when elders are reliesed to go home they get $20 worth of clothing and $75 to defray their expenses home[.] out of this amount they can save twenty-five dollars. Where there are children money is advanced to pay the actual expences

The mission is clearly over stocked with sisters. There are several elders here who give no promise of mastering the language. I think it a waste of time for young men to spend years in this feild and not acquire a good use of the language. I have counseled President Wooley therefore when it becomes clearly evident to him that elders can not acquire the language with in a reasonable period to release them[.] if they are worthy men but do not have the gift of aquiring the language they can be transfered to the Californian Mission to fill out their time so that they may return home with out feeling in any way humiliated.

20 December 1900 • Thursday

Thursday. Dec. 20, 1900

Brother Wooley arranged to take myself and wife, Brother Cluff and wife, Brother Edmund Eldredge and wife, and Brother Nyphus Murdock and wife over to go through the mill of the Ka Huku company. The mill was not running in all its branches. It was only grinding cane. The manager was not there, but the chemist, Mr. Miller, showed us through the mill.

21 December 1900 • Friday

Friday. Dec. 21, 1900

Brother and Sister N. Murdock and wife5, Brother Eldredge and Sister Cluff went by team to Honolulu.

22 December 1900 • Saturday

** Saturday Dec. 22, 1900

Had a swim in the Ocean to-day which was very agreeable.

** Dec 24 <22>, 1900

I spoke attended relief society and adressed the meeting and there was a pretty good attendance, the largest they had had for some time.

23 December 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 23, 1900

Sunday school was held at 10 o’clock and meeting at 2 o’clock. There was full attendance at both meetings. I spoke in school and in the afternoon occupied the time of the meeting with [the] exception of a short time that Brother Cluff spoke and Brother Wooley in translating6 some remarks which I made in English and upon which he enlarged. I think I spoke more and better Hawian this afternoon than I have at any previous time.

24 December 1900 • Monday

Monday. Dec. 24, 1900

An old lady [blank] by name called upon me this morning and insisted on giving me two dollars. She can’t tell the year she was born in but judging by the things which she told me she remembered she must be <aged> 100 years or upwards. Her memory is good and her mind is clear but her hearing is defective. I gave Brother Wooley the two dollars so that he could aid her or some other neady person.

Monday. Dec. 24, 1900

The natives got up a surprise party this afternoon for the perpose of showing there [their] good will on the eve of my departure and also to show the way native feasts were conducted fifty years ago— a heavy storm broke on us this afternoon which prevented posponed the surprise feast two or three hours. The gathering was in an amusement hall which is used for dancing and other perposes. The utmost good feeling prevailed and in the remarks which were made by the native speakers I was mensioned in the most reverencial manner. I was the first called on to speak then Brothers Cluff and Wooley followed by native speakers. I am deeply impressed with the love and affection displayed by this people to me. They over throw flow with kindness and appear as though willing to do every thing in their power to show the love they entertain

25 December 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec. 25, 1900

Went early to the Ocean for a bath. Breakfast was posponed so that we good [could] have only one meal before starting. The natives crowded in to see me this morning and to bid me good bye. They displayed a warmth of affection which touched me very deeply. A few were desirous to receive a blessing at my hands and I could have spent hours in blessing them if I had let them know that I was blessing any of their number. Those that were blessed were charged to say nothing to the rest about it. Their names were Caroline, Ruth, Kapo, Anne, Noa, [blank] all women and Brother Kou, a son of the deceased J. W. Kou. A most excellent meal was prepared for us. The meats were the gifts of the people. They were roast turkey, roast pig, roast duck, poi, potatoes, bread, pies and cake. Sister Wooley was very thorough and took pleasure in the work. We left Laie about 1 o’clock. The saints who came there in a crowds and gave us a parting song up on parting. We took <the train> at Ka Huku for Honolulu. The country was very beautiful and grand views of the ocean. We reached Honolulu at half past 5 o’clock. We were meet [met] by Brother Beliston, <and> Woddups and Brother Wooley, myself, wife and children drove to Brother Fernandez. He was absent at Kauai. Sister Fernandez gave us a warm welcome.

26 December 1900 • Wednesday

Wensday Dec. 26, 1900

At 11 o’clock we drove to Honolulu and my wife called upon her sister. Scott was not so well as he had been. Sister Cannon did not intend to go to Maui with me as she dreaded the landing but Sister Fernandez said that she would go to Maui if Sister Cannon would so they both made up there [their] minds to go. We embarked on the Kenu and the voyage occupied about 71/2 hours. The sea was not rough and but we were all glad to take to our berths to prevent sea sickness and even then all was vomited excepting Clawson and myself and Brothers Wooley, Cluff and Murdock. Passengers at[e] two meals which were very good. We landed at Lahina at 8 o’clock and were taken in carriages to the house of a half white where we were made excedingly comfortable. The family was not in the church but by an arrangement which had been made by Brother Kealakai Honua the place was turned over to our use.

27 December 1900 • Thursday

Thursday. Dec. 27, 1900

I had many reflections this morning upon my first residents [residence] at this place. It was here where the Lord revealed to me the good that should be accomplished here if I should stay and work [with] this people. So clear was I upon this point that I was resolved to stay here if I had to do so alone. My feelings are indescribable when I see how fully the Lord has full filled his words to me concerning that which should be accomplished. We were alone then with no earthly freind but with the gospel. Hundreds and thousands of freinds have been raised up as witnesses to the truth. What great cause have I for joy in veiwing what has been done. I am profoundly greatful that I was chosen and inspired to perform the part which I did. Thousands have bin [been] brought to the knowlege of the truth who have rejoiced exceedingly in its possession. I started out this morning to find if possible the place where Nalinaʼnui lived when she gave us shelter. I wanted to find the cite [site] of this house and the garden where I saught the Lord in secert [secret] prayer and where he condesended to comune with me for I heard his voice more than once as one man speaks with another encouraging me and showing me the work which should be done among this people if I would follow the dictates of his spirit. Glory to God in the highest that He has permited me to live to behold the full fillment of his words. I found the place that I thought had been the cite [site] but great changes have been made. I made inquiries about Nalinanui and Kealakai Honua. Discovered that the house where we stoped was her grand son’s. His father was Chilean and his mother a daughter [of] Nalinanui. We all felt that this was an exterordinary coincidence, and the natives called it Kupaianaha. Before leaving the a number of folks assembled and I addressed them. The Spirit of God was poured out up on us. At 12 o’clock Noon we took carriages for Waikapu a thing impossible to do when I was here before for there were nether [neither] carriages nor carriage road. The Pali over which I had tramped wearily Many a time a foot and [is] now an excellent and costly graded road over which the carriages rolled very easly. we reached Waikapu about half past three, and were taken to the house of Miss Elizabeth Cockett who gave us a warm welcome. She is a half white and speaks English. Her house is very comfortable and well furnished and every thing around gives evidence of artistic tastes. She does not belong to the Church. Her mother who is now deceased was president of the relief society here. Many of the natives who had known me in the early days crowed [crowded] in to see me and expressed their gladness at meeting me. A very cool, chilly evening.

28 December 1900 • Friday

Friday Dec. 28, 1900

Our meals here were prepared in a most excellent fashion. I met a younger brother of my old friend Napela. His name is Napahaloloa. We held a meeting of the saints. I felt very free in talking to them. The Calvinist [Calvinists] let our people have the use of their meeting house for the occassion. Singing here was excellent. After the meeting the saints and ourselves partook of the luou. At the request of the relatives I ple blest [a baby] 8 days old and gave it the name of Author Enos7. After this we drove over to Wailuku. It was very interesting to me to look around the place but every thing is so changed that it was past recognition. The town has grown very much since I last saw it. The sight site of Napela’s premises I found with out trouble because of its proximity to the old church which is the only building that I knew. After we returned our hostess and her sister in law desired me to bless them which I did. Brothers Cluff and Wooley joined me in the laying on of hands. Their name[s] are Miss Elizabeth Cockett and Becky. They expressed much pleasure at being ple blessed and I had the spirit in doing it. Afterwards a man[,] his wife and daughter were also blessed by me[;] the other brothern joined me in laying on hand [hands]. Their names were Kapo, Mary Kapo and Mary Kapo Lili. The name of the president is Keaninia.

29 December 1900 • Saturday

<Saturday. Dec 29, 1900>

The lady of the house entertained us very hospitably and expressed herself repeatedly as feeling greatly honored and very happy at entertaining us. She said the she felt a good influence and spirit at our presence. and I [was] deeply touched with the kindness universaly shown. We took carriages at 9 o’clock and drove to Lihiani in two and a half hours. I felt that the Lord was with us at reaching there at the time we did. The Kenou was to have been there on the way to Honolulu at an earlier hour. We got there half an hour before she did. We secured comfortable state rooms and had [a] pleasant voyage to Honolulu. We all escaped sea sickness though Sister Fernandez felt qualish. Fearing that we might be trespassing on the hospitality of Brother and Sister Fernandez we spoke to her about going to a hotel. She would not listen to it but said they expected us to stay with them till we sailed. She spoke of this in the kindest manner.

30 December 1900 • Sunday

Sunday. Dec. 30, 1900

I attended Sunday school and addressed the school and the saints present. I spoke upon temple building and the work to be done in the temples and the nessity [necessity] of their gathering all that they could about their ancestors. We took a lunch of poi at the Mission House. At 2 o’clock met with the saints in the meeting house. Brother Cluff spoke for a few minutes and I followed and spoke for one hour in Hawian. I enjoyed great liberty and felt to thank the Lord for giving me his spirit to enable me to address the people in their native tongue. I spoke all together during the afternoon in the Hawian language with the exception of less than half a dozen sentences. To me it is very wonderful that I should be able to speak at such length after so many years have passed since I used it. Among other things which I mentioned I dwelt upon at some length was the nessesity of living lives of purity and I led them to believe that if they did so and exercise faith the Lord might move upon his servant, the prophet, Lorenzo Snow, to authorize one of his servants to seal wifes to husbands for time and all eternity. I felt led to touch upon this point for I believe if that were done here in the cases of faithful saints it would be attended with excellent effects. There are many faithful people of both sexes who have been steadfast in the truth for long periods. Mature men over forty years of age have been born in the church and it has seemed to me that a privelege of this kind might be extended to them with savity [safety]. The Saints rejoiced excedingly this afternoon at this meeting.

31 December 1900 • Monday

Monday. Dec 31, 1900

I took a carriage and with my wife made several calls. We called on Mr. H. M. Whitney whose mother was a sister of my wifes grandfather Bishop Edward Partridge. His wife is dead his daughter Mrs. Kelly lives with him. She is an artist being a proffessional painter. They appeared very glad to see us. The Mr. Samuel Parker and wife not being at Home we left our cards there. We called upon govenor Dole who is the governor of this territory of Hawii and payed our respects to him. I also had an interview with Judge Estee. Brother Fernandez and family meet [met] with the saints8 and saw the New Year in.

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December 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]The transcribed typescript located at Brigham Young University has “for me.”

  2. [2]This is written slant-wise in blue ink over an undated entry found on the second page of the journal: “$90 for Brother E. H. Nigh San Francisco from Brother Wooley.”

  3. [3]The number 6 is found in the typewritten transcription located at Brigham Young University.

  4. [4]The typed transcription has “there are six”.

  5. [5]The typed transcription leaves off “and wife”.

  6. [6]The typed transcription has “Wooley translated”.

  7. [7] The typescript has Arthor Enos.

  8. [8]The typed transcript adds “and us”.