May 1853

1 May 1853 • Sunday

Met this morning early and had a very good meeting—I spoke. Met again at half past ten and had quite a good congregation—many saints having come from Kipahulu, and from Kawaipapa, &c. &c. and some having come all the way from Waiu, district of Kaupo. The house was crowded as much as it could possibly be, and there were a great many outside—it was very warm indeed in the house—the people had to keep fanning themselves—I had to pull off my coat and preach in my shirt sleeves, and even then the prespiration rolled off from me very freely. while speaking. I was blessed with a very good flow of the spirit—and showed unto them that some of the peculiarities of the gospel and church of Christ and then reasoned with them on the subject—that I if I or any man or any church should preach contrary doctrines, whoever done so could not possibly <be> of Christ. I bore a very strong testimony to them of the truth of this work—that I knew perfectly well that it was the Lord’s work.1 In afternoon attended to the sacrament and spoke on the Holy Spirit, &c., &c., and was blessed much; also we confirmed two that I baptised during intermission. Had considerable conversation this afternoon and evening after meeting with several on the work, among the rest Kaahaaina; I was blessed very much with the spirit.

2 May 1853 • Monday

Held meeting this morning and I spoke on the gifts, &c., enjoyed the spirit much. Started for Kawaipapa after breakfast; while on the road a native of the name of Maui overtook us; he is Judge, school superintendant, &c. of this district; we had some little conversation on th religion but it did not go off very well, the topic being very evidently a distasteful one with him—he has had conversations on our doctrine with Bros. Kaleohano, Keeler, & Hawkins.

The country we travelled thro’ this morning was a pleasant level one, although it was considerably rocky. There is a sugar plantation or two here, and I saw several buildings that were being erected for the manufacture of sugar. We passed the Calvinistic meeting house, close to the road; it is a pretty good building for this country, being built of stone and roofed with Lauhala or “Pandanus” leaves; also the missionary dwellings contiguous to the meeting house and [are] built of the same materials. The mountains here are very rough and rather low, I am told that it is almost impossible to get up to the crater, Haleakala, in this part of the country. There is quite a pretty bay here, which affords good anchorage for small craft—the place of the missionary’s residence is called Kauike [Ka‘uiki], it is almost opposite the bay, a little to one side: Kawaipapa is on the other side.

We found the saints well and apparently glad to see us. We were about two hours on the road from Kawaloa. There is no thickly settled place in this district—the houses being scattered. Bro. K. and I went up inland and found a fruit called by the natives, Hei [He‘i (papaya)] growing wild in great abundance—I eat plentifully of it and also of sugar cane. We returned by the house of a man of the name of Mahoe, with whom Bros. H. & K. had had some conversation—he was not at home having gone to Koolau [Ko‘olau]; his wife was there and was free and pleasant, I got into conversation with her on Mormonism the first thing, she listened very attentively and made some very sensible replies and asked questions pertinently. She is the most sensible native woman and pleased me the best, of any for the length of time that we were there, of any woman I have conversed with on the islands. She is quite young and an intelligent, good looking woman.

Conversing, until very late this evening with the people of the house with whom we stopped, on the principles of the gospel.

3 May 1853 • Tuesday

Held meeting this morning, Bro. Keeler spoke and I followed; we had a good meeting.2 I was unwell last night and have been to-day, with the diarroh [diarrhea] in consequence of eating the fruit and sugar cane yesterday. Commenced raining at noon to day & continued all evening.

4 May 1853 • Wednesday

Raining all night last night and to-day—it is a northerly wind.

5 May 1853 • Thursday

Still raining. The folks here say that the wind is born in Hana nei,3 crawls in Kipahulu, is full grown in Kaupo and is old by the time it arrives at Kahikinui, and is grey & dies at Honuaula. It is the case, at Kahikinui and Kaupo you have almost to hold your hair on, to keep it from being blown away it blows so strong in the daytime: in the night it lulls some what. Held meeting this afternoon, the rain having subsided somewhat, I spoke and had a good flow of the spirit.

6 May 1853 • Friday

Raining &c.

7 May 1853 • Saturday

Raining in morning—held up somewhat toward evening; we held meeting in evening I spoke.4

8 May 1853 • Sunday

Fine to-day. Bro. Keeler spoke this morning and spoke well and I followed; we were blessed with the spirit.5 In afternoon attended to the Lord’s supper, I spoke and had a very good flow of the spirit. We have endeavored to explain and point out to them the difference between the church of Christ and the churches of men; on this point they seem to be dull of comprehension; nothing but the spirit of the Lord can disperse the darkness.

9 May 1853 • Monday

Bro. Keeler and I started this morning, he to return to his field, Kawaloa, Kipahulu, Kaupo, &c., and I to continue my journey around the island—it looked somewhat like rain and was showery before we started but we thought it best to be moving and take every opportunity of travelling when it was likely to be fair. It was not agreeable to our feelings to seperate, but we were well aware that the situation of the work demanded it, therefore we made our feelings bend to the circumstances which surrounded us. I felt to bless Bro. K. for he has had a good many things to contend with and bear, and he has borne them manfully—my love increases daily towards him, (and in fact to all my brethren) and I can see a great improvement in him since we have been upon these lands, and he has been blessed of the Lord, and he will be blessed.

My road lay thro’ a level country, tolerably stony; houses scattered here and there over it; large quantities of the “Pandanus” tree and of the “Pawpaw” or as it is called by the natives the “Hei” tree stood on each side of the road. Passed two sugar plantations on the road, the buildings of one in rather a dilapidated state, not bespeaking the industry of the owner; the other lay, one side of it, on a bold stream, whose waters seemed to be increased by the late rains. Afterwards came to two streams at a place called Ulaino [Ula‘ino], containing between ten and twenty houses; crossed one and then travelled about a mile inland to their place of forking and crossed the other; travelled a few miles and crossed another it being the boundary stream of Hana and Koolau; travelled on and came to another where one of the brethren lived, Kalaeloa, where I stopped; he had gone to Waikapu, his family were here.

A little while after it I stopped it commenced raining very heavily and it continued all afternoon; it had been showery in the morning but I escaped a wetting by having an umberella. Two men arrived in the afternoon, strangers travelling from Lahaina to Hana; they say that I can not travel until the water decreases in the streams as they <are> very much swollen. About sundown we heard a noise like thunder inland and it sounded nearer and nearer, the people of the house said it was the stream rising, the water coming from the mountain—I never heard any thing to equal it before, it fairly made the earth tremble; we had to speak in a very loud tone to make ourselves heard above the din of the water;—on it came with irresistible force in a very large body leaping and foaming as though rejoicing in its strength—the <sight> was beautiful although it would have been terrific had we not been in a place of safety; the house stood upon the bank about the distance of two rods from a waterfall of about twenty or thirty feet in height, over which the water leaped with a tremendous roar.—

I had some talk with the woman of the house, Kawao, the wife of Kalaeloa about their coming into the church, she was relating the circumstances of their baptism by Bro. Hawkins,—she said that she had been troubled by a spirit for some time, it was the spirit of a child of theirs that had been dead some time; I rather think from what she said, that she and her husband must have worshipped it, a thing very common among this people; she said her husband did not. The first time that they knew it to make its appearance, was on the house where it oli-ed as they call it, (a kind of singing practised by them)6 it followed the father wherever he went for some time; one evening after the rest of the family had gone to bed she sat up braiding a mat, while thus engaged she heard a noise she could not tell whether it was in the house or outside, it resembled a human voice somewhat, but was rather small, she said it sounded like one of them singing their mele’s or songs; she listened awhile and got terrified and sprang to where her husband lay and awakened him and told him what she had heard; it continued and drew nearer and nearer apparently to her until it seemed to be at her side or on her shoulder, her terror increased and she told her husband to hold her as she believed she was going crazy, and in a few minutes she became insensible to all that was passing around her; she remained sometime in this situation, the spirit having full possession of her and causing her to commit a good many extravangancies. It afterwards left her and subsequently did not cause her to act on subsequent visits as he did the first time in consequence, she said, of its “father,” her husband, remonstrating with it and telling it if it would come, to come quietly and not hurt its “mother.” Whenever it had possession of her she drank large quantities of awa without producing the least signs of intoxication, (the awa is a root which they convert into an intoxicating juice of very strong quality and was formerly used in their ancient forms of worship; if drank regularly it causes the skin to have a white scurfy or scaly appearance;) a drink that she could not bear thro’ dislike when not under its <(the spirit’s)> influence7 They had put a great of deal of confidence in its revelations, it revealing to them things that were going on at other places in relation to the members of the family, that they confirmed, when they returned, as being true. There were some members of the family living in Hana whom it visited when their presence was wanted here, making known unto them by noises, &c. In fact it had become a familiar spirit; when under its influence she talked rational, &c. but was completely insensible <ignorant> herself of what she uttered—at these times her skin would be quite red. She said that it was in consequence of what it had told that caused <her> to be baptised, as it had told them that there was a church coming that was the true church and telling them to join it—that the Calvinist and Popish churches were not true. It said, it (the spirit’s) place of dwelling was at the volcanoe [Kilauea], Hawaii, and that God did not live in the heaven immediately above us but was still higher up. I asked her if it had troubled her since her baptism; she said, it had not. I said, it is your privilege to have the spirit of the Lord constantly with you, and if you desire not this foul spirit that has been troubling you, and have faith, you will be completely free from its influence, but if you desire it to dwell with you and you invite it, no man can cast it out, as you have that privilege to make your tabernacle the habitation of a good or a bad spirit as you please.

10 May 1853 • Tuesday

Raining and the water so high that I could not travel. Reading &c.

11 May 1853 • Wednesday

do. do. This evening Mahoe, the man whom Bro. Keeler and I went to see in Hana, & who was in Koolau, stopped here and slept; the evening was spent in conversing on our principles; he is an intelligent man and is believing but not strong enough to come out and forsake his church and face the scorn and opposition that a saint has to contend with. Our conversation was an interesting one and we sat up very late; I bore strong testimony to him of the truth of the work.

12 May 1853 • Thursday

Mahoe started after breakfast for Hana; he said, I <had> better not start to-day but to wait until to-morrow and the boy who was accompanying him would return and help <me> over the road with my horse, as it was a very bad one.

13 May 1853 • Friday

It was a beautiful morning this and the sun rose clear and gladdened all nature with his presence after his long seclusion of nine days and upwards. I ate breakfast and started, the boy having arrived and accompanying me; it was showery somewhat in the forenoon but nothing of any consequence; the road was a very bad one, some five or six deep narrow kanyons to pass thro’, the sides of which were very slippery and bad—this side of the island abounds in streams—bold, rocky, mountain streams streams abounding with splendid waterfalls, and some of considerable height, making picturesque views. Passed thro’ a few villages, <Pikoula [Opikoula],> Na hiku, Waiahui, Wailuaiki and arrived at Wailua, where we stopped at [and] eat dinner at the house of Bro. Kaluahinenui—the saints here were all well. After dinner went down to Keanae [Ke‘anae] that they might know of my arrival and send word to the saints in the mountain, &c. &c. Found all well and rejoiced to see me.

14 May 1853 • Saturday

Writing &c. Attended meeting in afternoon.

15 May 1853 • Sunday

Held meeting early this morning and spoke to the saints. Met again to attend to the public preaching; there was quite a good attendance & I was blessed with a good flow of the spirit. Met again in afternoon and confirmed two young men that I baptised during intermission and administered to the Lord’s supper.

16 May 1853 • Monday

I forgot to mention in the history of yesterday’s proceedings a conversation I had after afternoon meeting with Bro. Paulo Maewaewa and some others on the doctrine of plurality of wives in which I explained the doctrine to them with its object. Attended meeting this morning and spoke unto them on idolatry and on the foul spirits and power of the devil that was being made manifest among the children of men, and cautioned them to forsake all such things together with all their gods, and all the traditions that had been instilled into them about such things, and to teach their children also to have <no> confidence in them; telling that there was a power that was not of God and also a power that was given, owned, and blessed by him, and besought them to seek after this power and the devil <& agents> would have no power to injure or afflict them—if they put their confidence in the Lord they need not be afraid of being prayed to death by the pule anana and hoopiopio for they (their enemies) can have no power over us, the saints of God, if we do right.8 Went up in company with Paulo Maewaewa to attend a meeting that I had appointed at Wailua. We had a pretty good attendance and I had an excellent flow of the spirit and spoke with power and fluency; they were melted, many of them, to tears. Bro. M. also made a few remarks.

17 May 1853 • Tuesday

Attended meeting this morning and had a good time. After breakfast attende started for Makawao and arrived about 4 o’clock and found Bros. [William] McBride, [Reddin] Allred & [James] Lawson at Bro. John Winchester’s; all well. I found four letters for me: two from the Valley from Aunt [Leonora Taylor] and Annie [Ann Cannon], Chas. [Charles] & Mary Alice [Lambert]; one from Bro. Thos. Morriss [Thomas Morris] San Francisco and one from Bro. Kahialii, Kona, Hawaii [Hawai‘i], a relative of Bro. [William] Uaua that I had baptised at Wailuku, on the 9th of last June; he states that Bro. [David] Rice is down living with him, striving to acquire the Native language. Bro. Morriss sends three papers & also desires me to keep up a correspondence with him and to remember him in my prayers. Aunt says she has been quite unwell for five months and is the reason of her not writing before, she has now recovered—she says, that Uncle [John Taylor] would have written but he started very early <that morning> to Utah [County] having heard that Sophia [Taylor] was dangerously ill. George [Taylor] is at Provo studying the French, German and writing and is progressing finely in his studies. Mary Ann and Joseph [Taylor] are also learning the French in the city, a French lady being the teacher and are getting it very correctly. George is playing the fiddle and Aunt says, she hopes soon to see me home and dancing to it. Uncle has married a Sister Gilham [Caroline Gilham Taylor] from the South, and Aunt likes her much. She expresses her fears about Angus [Cannon], he is growing tall and complains of a pain [in] his side; she says, he resembles Uncle Thomas [Cannon] very much who died of consumption and her fears are excited about Angus and she desires me to pray for him that he may be spared to be a comfort to us; there are but few of the family left, and nineteen is a critical age. She has heard that Uncle John [Cannon] is dead and that his widow is married to an officers of Customs; she desires me <write> to her and to Uncle David [Cannon]. She expects to see me home this fall. Elizabeth H. [Hoagland] is teaching school in the school house on my lot in conjunction with Sister Hiram [Sarah] Kimball, she (Sis. K.) being the principal.9 Anne writes that Chas. has been <un>well very much so indeed but was recovering. Angus was in <the> Printing office and appeared to be doing well—he spoke in meeting and one of the brethren phrophesied upon him, and Anne and him had been to Uncle John Smith and been blessed by him & Angus had received a first rate blessing.10 George is growing a fine young man. David [H. Cannon] and Leonora [Cannon] are going to school and Elizabeth [Cannon] is growing [into] a fine girl. Chas. & Mary Alice both say they desire to see me and Mary A. says that Anne is about to be married to Orrin Woodbury, who appeared to be a good young man. The news affected me variously. Angus’ health I was grieved to hear about, but pray and have faith that he will be preserved. I was much pleased and delighted at hearing of the prog course he was taking, & also Elizabeth, Anne, Geo., Mary A. & Jos., David, Leo. [Leonora Cannon], &c. & also of Aunt’s health and of Uncle’s prosperity. My feelings in regard to Anne’s anticipated marriage were hard to analyse.

I also was much rejoiced to read some letters from Honolulu containing cheering news of the progress of the work there; the whole city was all excitement, they had baptised about 148 and there had been from 1000 to 1500 spectators to witness the baptisms; they had baptised as many as 56 one Sunday.11 They had ordained Bros. Uaua and [J. W. H.] Kauwahi elders and [I. W.] Kahumoku and Toma Paku Priests, and several teachers and deacons; they speak in high terms of Elders K. & U. and of their speaking, Bro. [Benjamin] Johnson calls them sons of thunder and says if I have any more children like Bro. Uaua to send them along and they would find employment for them.12 They had written a long address [letter] in the native & english to the king [Kamehameha III] and Uaua had taken it to him and had had conversations with him, he was beleiving <desirous of enquiring> and listened attentively. Bro. Johnson said he would like me to pay them a visit for a few weeks, if I could spare time. Bro. U. also said that the king had heard of me and wished to see me and Bro. U. said that I must come quick; but it is very evident that it would be useless as the brethren had solicited the privilege of an interview with him and the Minister of Foreign Relations [Robert Wyllie] had written an answer thro’ the Minister of Instruction ([Richard] Armstrong) rather censuring the course the brethren had taken in endeavoring to get an interview with the king, saying, that it was contrary to the rules of Court to be introduced to the king only thro’ their commissioner and taking other steps considered necessary.—The editor of the Polynesian had published the address of the brethren with some very insulting remarks calling it as impudent, unchurching, unchristianising affair as they ever saw and to show the origin of this “delusion” so called they gave the an extract from some book published opposing us containing the Spaulding story, and also another extract giving Joseph [Smith] an awful character calling him every thing but a gentleman, but in the end spoiling every thing he had said by telling the progress of the work and his <& his followers> great and extraordinary influence.13

18 May 1853 • Wednesday

Arose this morning and Bro. Reddin [Allred] and I started to Kula and found Bros. [Reddick] Allred, [James] Hawkins and [Edgerton] Snider all well; we met Bros. [James] Keeler and [Ephraim] Green on the road to Makawao; they were both well. Bro. Keeler’s shoes had given out.14 Had meeting this afternoon Bro. Hawkins & I spoke.

19 May 1853 • Thursday

Writing &c.15

20 May 1853 • Friday

Bros. Redick N. Allred & Snider went this morning to Wailuku; afterwards Bro. [Francis] Hammond arrived from Lahaina, he left all well there; they (Sis. H. [Mary Jane Hammond] & he) have been blessed with another son and called him Samuel Smith [Hammond, born April 15]; the babe and mother are both well. I received by Bro. H. two letters, one from Bro. [Philip] Lewis and one from Bro. [Henry] Bigler; they contained information of the desire of the ex-French consul [Phillip Wert], a Catholic, to be baptised; he was afflicted with palsey on one side; he had appointed the 14th inst as his day of baptism; Bro. L. says, that if so, it will be a death blow to Catholicism as his family will follow him.16 They [the] work is spreading—they number about 200 and the excitement still great—they brethren are kept busy administering to the sick. Bro. Lewis says that [Mataio] Kekuanaoa the Governor has been to Bro. [Edward] Dennis in the night to enquire and says that the king is anxious to have the Calvinists have a discussion with us, and he (Bro. L.) says if it should come about I may expect to have a very pressing invitation to come up, and to prepare myself. Bro. Henry’s letter is a first rate one—he having written in good spirits—he has baptised one white man and several natives—he has an idea of <having> Bro. Uuaua go with him to the other side of the island.

21 May 1853 • Saturday

Wrote a letter to Bro. Paulo Maewaewa, Keanae [Ke‘anae], Koolau [Ko‘olau]; informing him of our intention to hold a special conference on Sunday (29th May) for the purpose of transacting business.17

22 May 1853 • Sunday

Held meeting this morning and had a good attendance; Bro. Hammond and I spoke. In afternoon attended to the sacrament and administered confirmed a man that I baptised this morning before meeting; and we all spoke, Bros. Hawkins, Hammond and I, and we were blessed with a good share of the spirit. Afterwards administered to several sick persons among them one, a man [Kawelu] afflicted with the palsy who had been troubled about six years; he has not the use of his limbs. While we were laying hands on him, his flesh twitched and acted strangely—a thing that it had not done for some time.18

23 May 1853 • Monday

Went down and again administer<e>d to the palsied man.19 Wrote a letter to Bro. Hy. W. Bigler. Bro. [H. K.] Kaleohano gave me a pair of shoes.

24 May 1853 • Tuesday

Wrote to Bro. Lewis and Bro. Thos. Morriss, San Francisco. Went to Bro. W’s [Winchester’s] Makawao.

25 May 1853 • Wednesday

Writing &c. to Uncle & Aunt.

26 May 1853 • Thursday

Started this morning, Bro. Hammond and <I> to Wailuku; found all well.20

27 May 1853 • Friday

Variously engaged.

28 May 1853 • Saturday

To-day we appointed as a day of fasting and prayer & held meeting and enjoyed an excellent spirit. Last evening Bros. R. [Reddick] N. Allred, Hammond, Snider and I met according to the order, and we enjoyed it very much; the spirit was poured out upon us and my heart was filled with joy for having bestowed this privilege and great blessing upon me. This evening we held a council meeting of the elders, all being present that belonged to this conference, who were from the Valley with the exception of Bro. Woodbury. We counselled on the propriety of choosing some to the eldership, and to the lesser [Aaronic] Priesthood, and chose Bros. [Jonathan] Napela and Kaleohano to the eldership, and Bros. Maiola, Paulo Maewaewa, George Raymond, Kanahunahupu, and Kapono to the lesser priesthood.21 Bro. Kapono had been baptised together with seven more at Kula this last week, he has been a long time believing.22

29 May 1853 • Sunday

Held Bible Class this morning after which we had public meeting, I was chosen Pres. and Bros. Napela & Winchester, clerks. I laid the business of the conference in a few remarks before the saints and called for a vote to support the authorities of the church, which was unanimous. Bro. Hammond then spoke on Priesthood and had the spirit and was followed by Bro. Hawkins, who was followed by me. We then adjourned for half an hour; I baptised five during intermission—one was a woman that belonged to the other church who dreamed that I preached to her and baptised her. There have been a good many baptised who have dreamed dreams which have caused them to join. I pray that they may be warned in dreams and every other way thro’ the spirit that the honest in heart may be gathered out. In afternoon confirmed <them> and six others who had been baptised the Sunday previous. We were blessed greatly with the spirit in the afternoon. I spoke to my heart’s satisfaction & was enabled to teach and instruct them on the things that we desired to speak about; Bro. Hammond also spoke with power; Bro. Hawkins, Bro. R. N. Allred, &c., &c.; the brethren that were selected by us the evening of yesterday were proposed to the conference by motion and unanimously adopted, also Bros. Kekoa & Lawaia as teachers and Bro. Kaihumau, Deacon. We adjourned the conference, sine die, and appointed a meeting in the evening for the purpose of ordaining and instructing the officers chosen, as well as the others; we had an excellent meeting; Bro. Maiola was selected to go to Molokai [Moloka‘i] to labor under Bro. Woodbury’s direction; Bro. Geo. Raymond to accompany Bro. Hammond round West Maui; Bro. Kaleohano to labor with Bro. Keeler for about three weeks. We also thought it best to ordain two more, Bros. Jas. [James (Kimo)] Pelio and Kaelepulu to the Aaronic Priesthood ; they were unanimously received by the council.23

30 May 1853 • Monday

Bros. Lawson & Mc Bride started for Makawao and Bro. Winchester to Lahaina on his way to Honolulu.

31 May 1853 • Tuesday

Writing &c.

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May 1853, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Cannon based his sermon on Acts 2 (Keeler journal, May 1, 1853).

  2. [2]Keeler wrote that “Bro C called on me to take charge of the meeting in concequence of his being unwell I . . . spoke afew minutes after mee Bro C spake a short time” (Keeler journal, May 3, 1853).

  3. [3]When following nouns, particularly place names such as Hana, nei means “this” and usually indicates affection. Hana is the easternmost town on Maui. The other proper nouns in this entry refer to other places in southern Maui, moving from east to west.

  4. [4]Keeler recorded additional details about the meeting: “About five o clock the horne blew for meeting Bro C . . . spolk to them on the first principles of the gaspel to a conciderable length” (Keeler journal, May 7, 1853).

  5. [5]Keeler recounted the topic on which they preached: “Bro C called on me to adress the congregation, I read the twelveth chap of first Corin. and spoke from it I had good liberty in speaking to them on the gifts of the spirit &c after me Bro C arose & took up the same Subject & spoke very plane” (Keeler journal, May 8, 1853).

  6. [6]An oli is a chant that is not danced to, consisting of prolonged phrases uttered in one breath, often with a trill at the end of each phrase. A chant that is danced to is known as a hula (Pukui and Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, 88, 285).

  7. [7]While all parts of the mature ‘awa plant contain a relaxant or sedative element, the root was primarily used. ‘Awa—better known as kava in most of the Pacific—was made into a drink that was often used in an elaborate ceremony. It was also commonly used for medicinal purposes, specifically as a cure for sleeplessness, headaches, and sore muscles. For further information, see Krauss, Plants in Hawaiian Culture, 102, 150.

  8. [8]Pule ‘ana‘ana is a term for black magic. Ho‘opi‘opi‘o was a form of imitative magic in which it was believed that the practitioner could touch a part of his body and cause injury to his victim’s body at the same spot (Pukui and Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, 24, 332, 478).

  9. [9]Prior to his mission, Cannon had been assigned a parcel of land in Salt Lake City on First South between West Temple and First West (now Second West), across the street from John Taylor’s property. Portions of the Salt Palace Convention Center now occupy that location.

  10. [10]The blessings referred to are patriarchal blessings. Given by an ordained patriarch, the purpose of the patriarchal blessing is to declare the lineage or tribe (one of the twelve tribes of Israel) through which the recipient can trace his or her heritage, and to convey admonitions, promises, and assurances from the Lord, the realizations of which are dependent upon the individual’s righteousness (William James Mortimer, “Patriarchal Blessings,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 3:1066–67).

  11. [11]The happenings at Honolulu were described in greater detail by the missionaries on O‘ahu. Benjamin F. Johnson wrote that on Sunday, April 24, “all the Natives seem alive with Excitement. When meeting was dismissed & liberty given for all to come forward for baptism & to proceed to the falls about one mile . . . a general rush was made and people gathered from every part of the city” (Johnson diary, Apr. 24, 1853). Nathan Tanner reported: “Atended the largest native [Latter-day Saint] meting wev [we’ve] had, br Uaua & br Kawahi preached in in [sic] the after noon. . . . Each meeting [LDS and Congregational] broke up at the same time & as we pased up threw the city the streets ware full as we went to babtise so that those in the midle of the crowd could see neither end of the crowd whare we pased along it was the cry whats up whats up the Mormans going to babtise. . . . I suppose 1,500 persons had getherd” (Tanner journal, Apr. 24, 1853). William Farrer noted: “At the place of Baptism, we called on all the people who wanted to be baptised to come forward & give in their names when 35 persons male & female came forward. . . . Elder Uaua & myself then went down into the water & baptised 39 persons” (Farrer diary, Apr. 24, 1853). The following day, April 25, a native branch of seventy-five members was organized at Honolulu (Johnson diary, Apr. 25, 1853). Tanner summarized the events of the following week:

    “In the forenoon there ware twise as meny as could git in the House At intermishan there ware 43 babtised, in the afternoon we adminestered the sacrement to a bout 150 members after meeting babtised 13 more. their ware more than 1000 specttators at each time of babtising.

    “And meny fareners came out to see the adminestration of babtisam. . . . There is a grate excitement & sum say those men that turn the world upside down have come hear also others say its onley a new thing a mong the natives it will soon be over, Like the shower in Noah’s day, go on with your Ark. . . . it dont rane much” (Tanner journal, May 1, 1853).

    Regarding the events of Sunday, May 8, Tanner noted: “Br Kawahi preached & the sherif sent 2 peace offeicers to chep [keep] order while we preached & babtised. . . . Several sick ware minestered to & 29 ware babtized. . . . There ware meny farerners & sum of the Cheafs that ware specttators, & severale of those that had ben healed ware babtised & 1 very remarkable lame man got up & walked before meny witnesess” (Tanner journal, May 8, 1853).

  12. [12]Others also commented on Uaua and Kauwahi. Tanner related: “We are incuredging br Uaua all that we can and instructing him what to dow & he is doing the best he can targe [toward] inlightning the King & the chiefs We have to make use of such tools as we have” (Tanner journal, Apr. 17, 1853). Later Tanner wrote:

    “2 of the young native scollors have ben all the day trying to learn so that they can teach others I can take delight in showing them passedgs in the native bible for them to read & they seam warm in the cause & have a colledg education. . . .

    “We are striveing to inform the most intelagent natives schollars & ordaining them for . . . they can teach others honderds of them before we can learn the language” (Tanner journal, Apr. 21, 1853). Hammond succinctly observed that Uaua “has been of great service in opening up the work” in Honolulu (Hammond journal, May 5, 1853).

  13. [13]On April 5 Elders Lewis, Tanner, Karren, Johnson, and Farrer wrote to King Kamehameha III (Philip B. Lewis, et al., to King Kamehameha III, Apr. 5, 1853), “setting forth the object of our mission & desiring an audience with his majesty” (Farrer diary, Apr. 5, 1853). Shortly afterward Farrer optimistically penned, “Heard today that the King had sent the letter we sent him to his ministers & that the talk was when . . . the King recovered a little from his ill state of health he was going to give us an interview” (Farrer diary, Apr. 14, 1853). When the interview never materialized, the Latter-day Saints blamed “the Priests & ministers of state” (Reddick Allred journal, May 9, 1853). On May 7 the Polynesian published the missionaries’ letter along with this editorial introduction: “We publish it for the purpose of showing our readers what opinion they [the Latter-day Saints] have of themselves, and how they look upon christians and christian churches. A more cool and impudent unchurching and unchristianizing of all the rest of the world, we have never seen” (Editorial preface to “What is Mormonism?” Polynesian, May 7, 1853). The elders subsequently wrote a response, but the editor of the Polynesian refused to run it, stating that their “answer to the spalding story was so hard on the Christian world he would not publish it” (Tanner journal, May 13, 1853). Near the end of May, reports reached the Latter-day Saints of the king’s continued interest in their teachings. Phillip Wert, the former French consul in Hawai‘i, brought “news that the King had proposed giving us a building plase for a church, & the Chaptin of the Kings gards says the King sed he had don wall in joining the Church, for it was not like other churches. . . . He wanted to go & be adminestered to, but [Richard] Armstrong would not let him” (Tanner journal, May 30, 1853).

  14. [14]Keeler’s shoes were worn to the point they had to be “lashed on his feet” (Reddick Allred journal, May 17, 1853). Earlier in the year Napela had purchased these shoes for Keeler as he “was nearly barefoot” at the time (Keeler journal, Jan. 28, 1853).

  15. [15]Reddick Allred provided additional details of the day’s events. “Remained togeather talking over the present prospects of the mission &c. Bro. Napela came in and spent the evening with us” (Reddick Allred journal, May 19, 1853).

  16. [16]On May 6, Wert had called for the Latter-day Saint elders to visit him. Johnson related that Wert had “long bin afflicted with palsey & his left side rendered nearly useless” and the elders “ware constrained to administer to him” (Johnson diary, May 6, 1853). By May 10, Wert had been healed of his affliction and agreed to be baptized. “He said that he was convinced of the truth of the doctrine & felt it his duty to obey the same” (Farrer diary, May 10, 1853).

  17. [17]Upon learning what had transpired in Honolulu, the Maui missionaries determined to get more of the locals involved in the work. The purpose of the conference was to ordain “some more to the priest hood” (Hammond journal, May 21, 1853).

  18. [18]Hammond reported that Kawelu “could not stand upon his feet; we anointed him & laid hands on him, he said that he felt strange all over his body as though his flesh was coming anew” (Hammond journal, May 22, 1853).

  19. [19]Concerning this second visit to Kawelu, Hammond wrote: “He says that his body seemes changed, we administered to him again Bro. C was mouth, as he was mouth befor according to the request of the native. . . . Preached to the household a little and left” (Hammond journal, May 23, 1853).

  20. [20]During the evening the missionaries at Wailuku (Cannon, Hammond, Keeler, Snider, Green, and Reddick Allred) “had a season of social conversation as we were apt to do when we got togeather” (Reddick Allred journal, May 26, 1853).

  21. [21]Reddick Allred noted that “it was agreed to call some natives to the ministry & ordain some Elders and other officers, as nothing higher then Priests had been ordained” (Reddick Allred journal, May 28, 1853).

  22. [22]Among those baptized at the Kula were Kawelu, the palsied man to whom Cannon and Hammond had administered, and Kekoa, who, like Kapono, had been a deacon in the Reverend Green’s church (Hammond journal, May 28, 1853).

  23. [23]During the morning meeting, Hawkins spoke “on the doctrine of baptism for the dead. Bro. Cannon followed on priesthood, and concluded with a short lecture on the first principles.” In the afternoon,

    “Pres. C. addressed the congregation upon the nature of the offices which we expected to fill that afternoon. What they should teach, and what they should not teach &c. . . .

    “ . . . Adjourned to meet again at early candle light. . . . After giveing them much good instructions according to the promptings of the spiret we proceeded to ordain them. had much of the spiret while ordaining; many blessings and prophecyes were pronounced upon their heads. Continued our meeting until near mid-night. . . . Napela’s wife was present she belongs yet to the other church, but has a good spiret towards us; she has been healed several times by the Elders” (Hammond journal, May 29, 1853).