August 1876

1 August 1876 • Tuesday

At the House. Thompson of Mass. the chairman of the sub-com. on my case told me in confidence that I was all right, my case had been decided; but he did not think it prudent to report it now to the House. He thought it had better go over till next session. He is afraid of provoking a discussion. His district is a close one, in fact, strongly republican, and I fancy he is afraid if he reports to seat me, his enemies may use it against him by accusing him of sympathy with the Mormons. The Com. on Ways and Means adopted a resolution, which the chairman was instructed to introduce to the House, fixing the adjournment for Monday next. When Sister Cannon heard this she concluded to defer her departure at least one day longer till something more should be known.

2 August 1876 • Wednesday

Cool and rainy morning. At the House. Lamar of Miss. made a two hours speech. He was listened to with interest.

3 August 1876 • Thursday

We had another field day to-day. The Judiciary Com. made a report (unanimously) exonerating J. Proctor Knott, the Chairman, from all blame in the matter of the Caldwell dispatch in the Blaine case. While the previous question was pending, he got the floor and made a speech. It was a most unwise one under the circumstances, and created considerable excitement among the Republicans and stirred up the friends of Mr. Blaine very deeply. He left the inference to be drawn that he thought Mr. Blaine’s illness was simulated, and he attacked him severely upon other points. Frye and Hale followed him, and at the hands of both, especially the former, he received a terrible excoriating. All the Republicans who had signed the report in his favor withdrew publicly before the House their consent to the Resolution, and Mr. Hard, a Democrat who reported it, said he had given his word of honor to Mr. Frye that there would be no remarks made upon the introduction of the Resolution, and he now moved that it be recommitted to the Com. for the purpose of giving the minority an opportunity of making a report. Mr. Knott arose and re-affirmed all he said, and was quite defiant. I thought how much better it would for men if they would only carry the principles which the Savior taught out in their lives. It was the violation of this co His counsel that brought all this difficulty about, and placed Mr. Knott in the predicament he was in.

4 August 1876 • Friday


At the Dept’s and the House. Mr. Garfield delivered a speech intended as a reply to Mr. Lamar’s. The House passed the XVI. amendment to the Constitution. I have thought this was framed with the view, in part at least, to affect us; but it will not even if adopted.

5 August 1876 • Saturday

Busy at the House.

6 August 1876 • Sunday

Spent the day as usual.

7 August 1876 • Monday

A very hot day. Fillibustering during the most of the day at the House. In morning called at the Internal Revenue Bureau and saw the Commissioner respecting the suspending of the collection of $10,768 50/100 liquor tax from the corporation of Salt Lake City by Hollister, the Collector. The Com. promised to suspend the collection until the City could be heard.

8 August 1876 • Tuesday

At the House. No business of any consequence was done. The day was principally spent in fillibustering Bland’s silver bill and by Hale of Maine and Cox of N. Y. in political speeches. The latter was very humorous. He kept every body in a roar, and completely neutralized the effect of Hale’s speech on his hearers. Sister Cannon is making preparations to start home to-morrow. This determination was in consequence of the unfavorable prospect of adjournment for probably 10 days or two or three weeks yet. Senator Sargent told me he did not see how we could get away before Sep. 1st. As he is a prominent member of the Com. on App. who have this adjournment in hand I am disposed to attach importance to what he says.

9 August 1876 • Wednesday

Busy writing out directions for the journey for Sister C. until the hour of meeting at the House. Political speeches were the order: Hoar of Mass. spoke and was followed in a masterly effort by Hooker of Miss. The House receded from some features of the Legislative, Judicial & Executive Appropriation Bill and it passed both House. The universal opinion, so far as I could learn from Senators and Members was that we would adjourn next Monday. When I returned to my rooms Sis. C. was preparing to start on the evening train, her sleeping berth being engaged. She wore a distressed look which she tried to conceal, which however changed to one of great pleasure when I told her we should probably adjourn on Monday. She felt to wait that long for company. Very hot

10 August 1876 • Thursday

Another hot day. At the House. Discussion of politics. Ho Fillibustering over a resolution of Mr. Lord’s, and attending to but little other business. The House has but little disposition to enact legislation. Found Bro. Alfalus Young at my rooms when I returned. He is at the Law University at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is East during vacation.

11 August 1876 • Friday

Went with Bro. Alfalus Young to President Grant’s mansion. Took him through the rooms and introduced him to the President. Took him through the Treasury Dep’t. and then to the Capitol. I introduced him to the Speaker, pro-tem., Mr. Milton Saylor, and to many other members. He was on the floor through the day. The House passed a Resolution to adjourn next Monday at 4 p.m.

12 August 1876 • Saturday

Sister Cannon and Mary Alice went with Bro. Young to Mount Vernon. At the House. House pushing work on Conference Committee’s reports. Took a recess till 10 o’clock on Monday.

13 August 1876 • Sunday

Went out to Soldiers’ Home with Bro. Young. Sister Cannon and Mary Alice were with us, and as the day was rather cool and pleasant we enjoyed the walk very much. The view of the city, the river and the surrounding country from the base of Scott’s statue was exceedingly beautiful. In the evening Bro. Young and myself took a long walk through the fashionable part of the City.

14–15 August 1876 • Monday–Tuesday

Went to War Dep’t and presented the name of John Haven Burton, son of Gen. <R. T.> Burton of Salt Lake, as my nomination for candidate for Cadet at the Military Academy at West Point. He was accepted and I sent a telegram home informing them of the acceptance and when he was to be at the Academy and that I had sent his papers to Lieut. Willard Young at Willet’s Point, where he could get them when he came down. I had not time to write and and leave him time enough to come down. At the House the impression was general that we would adjourn this evening, and I got Bro. Young to go to my rooms and tell Sister C. to get ready to start. But this was another disappointment. No prospect of adjournment. The Senate sat till after 2 a.m. on Tuesday. The House was in session fillibustering at 4 a.m. on Tuesday when I withdrew. Kasson <of Iowa> had made a speech in which he assailed Tilden. Cox of N. Y. replied, and they got into a row. Cox said Kasson had lied deliberately. He was called to order and the words were taken down. The Republicans fillibustered to prevent his resuming his speech on the ground there was no quorum. At 6 o’clock on the morning of


Cox was allowed to explain and apologize and Kasson did likewise. Then Mr. Hewitt of N. Y. made a most eloquent and effective defense of Tilden in reply to Kasson, and the House adjourned till 12 o’clock noon. The House met and proceeded to business[.] The rumor through the House was that we would adjourn this evening. I made my preparations to get away this evening at 7.40 p.m. At 6.45 the Senate passed a resolution to adjourn at 7.30 p.m. to-day. The House adopted it and at that hour we broke up. Myself and wife and Mary Alice started home.

16 August 1876 • Wednesday

Our quarters with Mrs. Dake at 1303 F Street have been very pleasant. The weather is hot to-day. At Pittsburg got breakfast and met Bro. Alfalus Young who left Washington yesterday morning. He is on his way to Ann Arbor, via Cleveland.

17 August 1876 • Thursday

Reached Chicago and took breakfast at the Grand Pacific Hotel. Took passage on the Chicago and Nor[th]western R. R. to Omaha. Hot and dusty.

18 August 1876 • Friday

A washout of the road detained us seven hours and we missed the connection with the Union Pacific. We stopped at the Grand Central Hotel at Omaha. We enjoyed the night’s rest, Sister Cannon especially.

19 August 1876 • Saturday

Had an interview with Dr. Miller, Editor of the Herald. Started about noon for Ogden. Mr. Luttrell of Cal. and Judge Jacobs delegate from Washington Territory and Hallet Kilbourn and other acquaintances were on the train. Pleasant traveling; but little heat and dust.

20 August 1876 • Sunday

On the cars.

21 August 1876 • Monday

Reached Ogden and met my sons John Q., Abraham H. and Franklin J. also David and Emily who were brought up by their Aunt Emily Little, <also my brother Angus.> The meeting was a joyful and delightful one, the children being well. Emily had grown more pretty. I ran up to Bro. F. D. Richards’ to see him as he was sick, the ague and sore eyes. Uncle Taylor and wife Mary Ann went down to the City with us. I found President Young, who had just returned from Provo, in good health. Our meeting was a delightful one, at least to me. My wives and children are well, for which I thank the Lord.

22 August 1876 • Tuesday

My wife Elizabeth went to her Sister Emily’s to stop, our house being torn up for repairs. Met many of the brethren and Saints, all of whom appeared glad to see me.

Met with a large number of Navajo Indians in President Young’s school House. He had a talk with them.

23 August 1876 • Wednesday

At the President’s Office. Went with Bro. Brigham to see the Menagerie and Circus. I dined with him and he then took me for around thro’ the City and through the farming land adjacent on the South.

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August 1876, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024