May 1876

1 May 1876 • Monday

Having arranged with various Members to look out after Utah matters in case anything came up to-day, I started on 9.25 a.m. train for Philadelphia. Met the General at his brother’s. He had used Bro. Staine’s name to avoid remark. He was very glad to see me, and we had a delightful afternoon together. He took me to his Aunt’s and also <to> the Centennial grounds. Our conversation was on his Mexican project. I returned to Washington on the 6 p.m. train.

2 May 1876 • Tuesday

At the House. Felt tired to-day.

3 May 1876 • Wednesday

At the House. Busy examining books to get precedents suited to my contest case.

4 May 1876 • Thursday

Made an argument before the sub. Com. on Territories against the Luttrell bill for regulating elections in Utah. I was listened to very attentively for upwards of an hour. Baskin came in just as I had closed. The evident inclination of the Com. is towards a secret ballot for Utah, and for the inflicting of a heavier penalty than our law required for tampering with the ballot box and for illegal voting.

5 May 1876 • Friday

At the House. Busy looking through Baskin’s unprinted evidence in contest case. This consisted of transcripts of records of the District Court at Salt Lake City and the Supreme Court and the Record of the Naturalization. Also procuring law books in Cong. Library for Mr. Eldredge.

6 May 1876 • Saturday

Busy at the House. Wrote letter to the President Young. At the Patent Office about patent for burial casket invented by the sons of Jos. E. Taylor of Salt Lake City. A warm day.

7 May 1876 • Sunday

Attended as usual to our duties to-day. I was not well.

8 May 1876 • Monday

At the House. Received a dispatch from Bro. John W. Young asking if I had any invitation for any one beside myself to the opening of the Centennial and stating that his brother-in-law, Mr. Wesley Canfield, would be glad to have us stay at his house while at Philadelphia. I replied and accepted the invitation.

9 May 1876 • Tuesday

Started at 3 p.m. with my wife Elizabeth and daughter Mary Alice for Philadelphia, having been invited with the other Members of Congress to be present at the opening of the Centennial Exhibition. Were delayed on the road and did not reach the Depot till about 10.3045 p.m. Took a transfer carriage and drove to Mr. Canfield’s. They were all in bed. Awakened them (it was raining heavily) and we were admitted; but they were not looking for us, had heard nothing of our coming. We felt somewhat chagrined; for we supposed from Bro. John W’s dispatch, they would be looking for us. It seems that Bro. John did not get my reply till late to-night (this he afterwards informed me) and he had not advised Mr. Canfield. But presuming on the latter’s invitations to me, given when John W. and I were at his house together, to stop with him when the Centennial Exhibition should be opened Bro. John W. had sent me the dispatch. There was such an immense pile of baggage at the depot could not get our trunk.

10 May 1876 • Wednesday

Arose early this morning and after breakfast started for the Centennial Grounds. Took street car to Girard Ave. expecting to get another to take us out to the grounds; but they were so crowded that people hung on to them like bees. After some delay succeeded in obtaining seats in a transfer Carriage. The streets were thronged with people. The inside of the grounds were crowded. After some little trouble we reached the platform erected for the performance of the ceremonies and obtained our seats in the part assigned to Members of the House of Rep. But we heard nothing of the ceremonies excepting the singing by a choir of 800 or 1000 singers and the Music of the Orchestra. Every place was crowded. There was no order maintained. For aught I could see any one who chose could crowd on to the platform; and when the procession was formed I never saw such disorder and jamming except in the streets of London at the illumination in honor of the marriage of the Prince of Wales. I had to exert my strength to the utmost to keep my daughter Mary Alice from being crushed. We were glad to get into the Main building where we had room to move freely. We remained there and in Machinery Hall until about five o’clock, then (it raining heavily when we emerged from the building) we succeeded in getting a hack (a matter of no small difficulty) and drove to the Depot to look for our trunk and then to Mr. Canfield’s where I found Bro. John W. Young. After supper I went to the Baltimore and Ohio Depot and found my trunk there. I called at the Bingham House and had a long conversation with Bro. Theo. McKean who had arrived from his field in New Jersey that day, and whom we had met at the Centennial.

11 May 1876 • Thursday


Arose very early and went down town to get our trunk, which we had not had a chance to open to get any clothing out, and to send it back. Bro. John W. Young loaned us his carriage to take us to the Depot. He is a most generous, and kind and accommodating man. Train started at 11 a.m. we reached Washington about 6.15 p.m. This is the first time I ever was glad to start for Washington. It had <been> hurry-scurry at Philadelphia, a complete jam, and we were glad to get out of it. We were very tired.

12 May 1876 • Friday

At the House.

13 May 1876 • Saturday

At the House. Not well to-day.

14 May 1876 • Sunday

Feeling badly. Went out to Soldiers’ Home. The scenery is magnificent.

15 May 1876 • Monday

Found Bro. Jennings and daughters at Willard’s this morning. Took breakfast with them. Took them around to various places of interest. Called upon President Grant. Visited the Capitol. Lunched there. In afternoon took carriage to Soldier’s Home. Elizabeth and Mary Alice were in company. Dined at Willard’s

16 May 1876 • Tuesday

Went through the Treasury, saw the paper currency in all its stages of preparation. Went to Capitol, examined the heating and ventilating apparatus and various points <objects> of interest; also the Botanical Garden. Dined at Willard’s

17 May 1876 • Wednesday

Went to Mount Vernon to-day. I felt very unwell. The folks all urged me to go as they thought the trip would do me good. The morning was showery, the day was cool. Washington had a magnificent home here. The mansion is old-fashioned. The sail on the river is very fine. Reached Washington at 4.30 pm Bro Jennings had to hurry to get off for Philadelphia at 5.30 p.m. Mrs. Grant sent Elizabeth a beautiful basket of flowers, also one to the Sister Jennings. I had a very sick time this evening; I was threatened with chills and fever. I took a liquor sweat – that is, I stripped and sat with blankets around me on a wooden chair under which liquor was burning in a cup.

18 May 1876 • Thursday

Went to the House; but suffering from sickness.

19 May 1876 • Friday

Went to the House. A little better to-day.

20 May 1876 • Saturday

At the House. Quite unwell.

21 May 1876 • Sunday

At one time to-day I was very unwell; but I felt much better in the evening. Attended to Sunday’s duties and wrote editorial thought, for the “Juvenile Instructor” (Ethan Allen)

22 May 1876 • Monday

At the House. Notified that the Com. on Elections would take up my case on Thursday. Drew ekolu haneri dala [three hundred dollars] for Mr. Eldredge my lawyer.

23 May 1876 • Tuesday

At the House

24 May 1876 • Wednesday

At the House

25 May 1876 • Thursday

At the room of Com. on Elections. Baskin argued his case for an hour and a half, very cunningly and adroitly. At first the Com. I think were disposed to think he had not much of a case, but before he got through they thought he had a pretty good case. The Chairman (Harris of Va.) and two others spoke in praise to me of his shrewdness and his ability as a lawyer. Went with Mr. Eldredge to Gibson Bro’s. to get his brief printed. There were present of the Com. this morning: Harris of Va., Chairman, Thompson of Mass., House of Tenn., De Bolt of Mo., Poppleton of Ohio, Beebe of N. Y., Townsend of N. Y., Baker of Ind., Brown of Kansas. Absent Blackburn of Ky., & Wells of Miss.

26 May 1876 • Friday

Baskin is jubilant. He has told several who have told me that he is sure of getting me unseated. He swears by his Creator that this will be so. I expect he talks to many from whom I do not hear. He is not so sure that he will get the seat himself, but says he it will be a great outrage if he does not get it. He has spread a snare for me, has arranged a trap and dug a pit. He expects I shall be caught. We shall see. He has expected such things before this, and he has been disappointed. My trust is in the Lord. He has never forgotten me, nor delivered me to my enemies. He has rescued me from many troubles and he will not desert me in this.

27 May 1876 • Saturday

Reading proof of Mr. Eldredge’s brief and argument. At the House. Took Mary Alice to hear the Marine Band at the White House grounds.

28 May 1876 • Sunday

Attended to my duties to-day and we enjoyed ourselves.

29 May 1876 • Monday

Mr. Eldredge made his argument before the Com. on Elections in my case and was listened to attentively. He occupied 85 minutes. Baskin occupied 5 minutes afterwards. There were present: Harris of Va., Chairman, Thompson of Mass., House of Tenn., De Bolt of Mo., Townsend of N. Y., Baker of Ind. and Wells of Miss. and Brown of Kansas. Absent Blackburn of Ky., Beebe of N. Y. and Poppleton of Ohio. Mr. Eldredge was credited with having made an able argument.

30 May 1876 • Tuesday

Decoration Day and a holiday. We walked through the Agricultural and Smithsonian grounds and visited the Smithsonian Institute. In evening visited Lafayette Square; had a talk there with Judge Aldis concerning miracles.

31 May 1876 • Wednesday

Baskin was around lively to-day circulating his brief and argument. At the House. Bro. Milner left to-day.

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May 1876, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024