November 1889

1 November 1889 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 1st, 1889.

Accompanied by my wife Carlie, I rode with Brother [blank] Allen. President Woodruff rode with Brother Card and his wife, and Brothers Jos. F. Smith and B. Young and Stenhouse with Brother G. L. Farrell, and we went fishing. I accompanied President Woodruff in trying to find good pla<c>es on St. Mary’s River. Drove to Bishop Hansen’s, where we left the women. His son consented to guide President Woodruff, B. Young, C. O. Card and myself to good places. Brother Jos. F. Smith caught a pickerel. A settler whom we met, Dr. Grant, guided us to a good fishing place. President Woodruff caught 17. Brothers Young and Card were not successful. I helped catch a number.

A party of saints were at the house of Brother Card on our return, with supper prepared.

We had singing in the evening till 10:45.

2 November 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1889.

We were late this morning in starting to view places on the Church’s purchase of land that might be suitable for town sites. We crossed the St. Mary’s river and called at the Church ranch and found Sister Shurtliff, to whom we administered yesterday, better. We drove to the south line of our purchase and found a fine bottom with gently sloping bluffs that seemed to possess the necessary advantages—convenience to the river, drainage, a fine view of the mountains and a good prospect of obtaining good wells of water at a moderate depth. I was better pleased with this place than any I had seen. There is a ranch, containing a section of land in one corner of our purchase, the owner of which has a squatter’s title only to the land, which ought to be bought before we decide upon the town site. He has made a good many improvements and it is a very desirable place.

We returned at 4 O’clock and immediately proceeded to Sister John W. Taylor’s and partook of dinner and spent the evening there. While there a storm came up and we had quite a scurry of snow.

3 November 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 1889.

Two anniversarys today—my wife Elizabeth’s birthday and Carlie’[s] marriage.

We met at ten O’clock with the saints at the meeting house, which is 40 by 20 feet. It was pretty well filled. President Woodruff occupied 25 minutes, myself 20 min. and Brother Jos. F. Smith 40 min.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered and Brother Brigham Young occupied about 33 min. in addressing the saints, and he spoke with much spirit and power. This is the third time he has spoken in public in nearly 5 years. Brother Smith had not addressed a public congregation before in English for the same length of time, though he spent 2½ years on the Sandwich Islands and held meetings with the natives there during that period. President Woodruff occupied the remainder of the afternoon and spoke instructively.

From the meeting we all proceeded to Bishop John A. Wolf’s, whose wife is a daughter of Brother Wm. Hyde, of Hyde Park, and took supper there. We had a very enjoyable evening in conversation.

4 November 1889 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 4th, 1889.

We met with the people at the meeting house this morning. The house was crowded. President Woodruff called on me to speak and said I could occupy one, two or three hours. I spoke with much freedom for about [blank] min. Bro. Card followed for about 10 min., and President Jos. F. Smith followed, occupying one hour. It was 12:20 when he closed.

Between meetings we went to the house built and occupied by Brother A. Maitland Stenhouse, and where Brother Truman Leonard and wife also reside. The house was dedicated, Brother Young being mouth. We then partook of lunch.

At 2 P.M. we met again with the saints, and after the authorities were presented and reports were read, President Woodruff told the people we would occupy the afternoon in bearing testimony, and he gave Brother B. Young 15 min. in which to bear his. He spoke with power and was followed by a number of the brethren until 3:25 P.M., when he called upon me. I was much blessed in bearing my testimony, and gave the young people some of my experience[s] in early life connected with the gifts of the spirit, telling them that they must not be discouraged if they did not have many manifestations and gifts; but to cherish the Spirit of the Lord and it would grow within them like a good seed planted in good soil. I testified that the Lord Jesus lived, for I had seen Him and heard His voice, and I had heard the voice of the Spirit, speaking to me as one man speaketh to another. I had been led to my present position by the revelations of the Lord, for He had pointed out to me the path to pursue. I said much more in this strain and referred to my surrender to the court and how I had been led to do this by the Lord revealing to me what I should do and what the results should be. I also testified that under the laying on of my hands those who were dead to all human appearance had been raised to life, and the blind had been restored to sight. President Woodruff followed and testified that he had received the ministration of angels and had been guided by revelation to the saving of his life on many occasions, and had seen the dead raised to life.

We had a most delightful meeting. In fact, all our meetings have been very interesting. The Lord has been with us and poured out His spirit upon us. This entire trip has been an exceedingly delightful one. I have enjoyed it immensely. I needed the rest which it has given me, and meeting with the saints here is very refreshing. They live in a primitive style, which brings back early days to me—the early days which we spent in the valley, when we could sleep with our doors without locks and no fear of being disturbed.

President Woodruff called on me to dismiss the meeting, and I blessed the people in their houses, their families, their flocks and herds, their gardens and fields, their crops, their air, soil and water, and all the elements by which they are surrounded, and prayed that they might have favor in the eyes of the rulers and people of the land.

From meeting we all went to Brother Johannes Anderson’s, where quite a company assembled, to dedicate his house and partake of supper. Brother Jos. F. Smith was mouth, and we then had our meal and spent the evening singing, Brother B. Young especially giving us many songs.

5 November 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 1889.

We all partook of breakfast at Brother G. L. Farrell’s, and then drove up Lee’s Creek and returned about one o’clock. This is the anniversary of Brother Card’s birth; he is 50 years old.

At 3 o’clock the people met in the meeting house for a feast to celebrate his birthday. After dinner, which was a most excellent one, a programme of entertainment was carried out, consisting of singing, recitations and dancing. I danced four times. President Woodruff had stopped at Brother Card’s to rest and was not present in the evening; but Brothers Jos. F. Smith, B. Young and myself spoke, and after we had finished we stood at the end of the hall with Sister Woodruff and my wife Carlie, and all the saints passed and shook hands with us and bid us good bye. We also sang a hymn that was a great favorite with President Taylor and myself when we were underground—“God moves in a mysterious way”[.]

6 November 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 1889.

Doctor Allen, Custom House officer, had pressed Brother Card to bring us to McLeod to make him a visit. This morning we took our departure, Brother and Sister Card accompanying us. Myself and Carlie rode with Brother G. L. Farrell, Brothers J. F. Smith and B. Young with Bishop Wolf, and President Woodruff and wife with Brother Card. The drive was very pleasant, the roads excellent. We crossed Belly river, and also the Kootenai river and lunched on its bank. We also passed through some Indian villages of the Bloods, a branch of the Blackfoot tribe. Their reservation extends from our people’s settlement on Lee’s Creek to Belly river. We reached McLeod at about 4 P.M. and were welcomed by Dr. Allen and his son, Captain Allen, very warmly. He insisted upon the entire party stopping with him. We had a very excellent dinner, which was served in good style. In the evening a number of visitors came in, among them a daughter of Dr. Allen, and her husband, Dr. Kennedy, accompanied by Miss Frazier. Editor Wood, also, of Washington, D.C., spent the evening with us, and we had a very interesting time. Dr. Allen is an Irishman by birth and very hearty and hospitable in his manners. His house is not far from the bank of Old Man’s [Oldman] river. There is quite a fort here—Ft. McLeod.

7 November 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1889.

After breakfast we took our departure. Dr. Allen took President Woodruff and wife in his carriage and loaned President Woodruff his fur overcoat. We drove out for a number of miles and then he parted with us and returned. He had insisted very strongly on our stopping with him over today, which is Thanksgiving Day in this Dominion. He was desirous that I should deliver a lecture. But we did not think it proper to tax his kindness too much.

The ride from Ft. McLeod to Lethbridge is not so good as from our settlement to the former place. We crossed Old Man’s river, and also St. Mary’s river, and reached Lethbridge about half past three. We put up at Mr. Webber’s.

I called upon Mr. Lyall and thanked him for his kindness in delivering the telegram which I had sent to him after leaving Vancouver, informing him of our intended visit. The stores in this place were all closed, it being Thanksgiving Day.

In the evening Mr. Galt, son of Sir Alexander Galt, and one of the largest proprietors of the railroad and mines here, called and paid us a visit. President Woodruff was in bed. He was desirous to know if we would not stop till morning and in the morning visit the coal mines. We said we would like to do so, but our train left at 8 o’clock and this would not permit. He said he would make that all right; he would guarantee that we should get there in time. So we consented to stop and accept his kind offer of showing us through the mines and works there.

8 November 1889 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 8th, 1889.

We met Mr. Galt at the station at 8 o’clock. He led us to the machine shops and to the shaft, and then to the tramway, where the cars were pulled up and lowered. Seven cars brought up six tons of coal. The tramway was about 2780 feet. The height from the mine was about 300 feet. The output is eleven or twelve thousand tons per month. 500 men are employed by the company. The coal is like our Rock Springs coal and will coke by adding 5% of the best Pittsburgh coal. Mr. Galt informs me that they expect the road built to Great Falls, Montana, within a year, where they expect to compete in the Montana market. We walked down to the foot of the hill, where the mines are, and having a number of lamps given to us we entered. We did not see as far in the mines as we would liked to have done because of the stoppage of the tramway by cars. Mr. Galt took great pains in showing us around and was very gentlemanly. I noticed that there was no obsequiousness on the part of the men such as is witnessed in Europe when a man of his standing comes around.

After we left the mines he had provided a carriage to take the ladies to the top of the hill, while we ascended on the coal cars to save time.

At ten o’clock a special train was provided by Mr. Galt for us and we reached Dunmore at 4 o’clock. We took a sleeping car on the Canadian Pacific.

9 November 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 9th, 1889.

At 5:20 this morning we reached Banff, a noted summer resort on this line, which we desired to see. An omnibus took us to the Canadian Pacific Hotel. The scenery around this hotel can scarcely be surpassed for grandeur, and the grounds around are very beautiful. It seems that they are animated by the same disposition as the Central Pacific at Monterey in California. The view from our bedroom window in the hotel was as grand as I ever saw. The hotel is well kept. Brothers Jos. F. Smith and B. Young and myself walked through the woods to a warm spring, while President Woodruff and wife and Carlie went off in a carriage. We drank of the water of the spring. It resembled very much our warm springs. We took a hot bath also—the hottest water I think I ever was in. Brother Jos. F. could scarcely bear it. President Woodruff and the ladies came while we were here and drove off again, while we walked back on the trails[.] We were all tired with our tramp.

In the afternoon we drove to the Cave, as it is called. There is a beautiful pool outside, which furnishes an excellent plunge bath. It is from five to eight feet deep. The temperature is 91 degrees. We were then shown into the cave, where there is also a fine pool. We had to enter the cave by a tunnel. The temperature of that pool is 80 degrees. The water is about four feet deep. The discovery of this cave is quite remarkable. Some young men noticed steam issuing from a crevice in the rocks and they procured a pole and tried to find its depth. They succeeded in getting one long enough to reach the bottom and then some of them descended and found the cave. The cave is a remarkable formation. The roof is quite lofty. In order to effect an entrance into it, a tunnel was dug, which is now used for that purpose. The houses are built here in rustic fashion.

10 November 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 10th, 1889.

We left the hotel this morning and drove in the omnibus back to the railway. The train was late, being about eight hours behind time.

11 November 1889 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 11th, 1889.

We saw much scenery in returning which we passed in the night as we went out. It was very grand, and in some places terrific. The canyons on the Thompson and Fraser rivers are some of them terrible and almost awe-inspiring. The Government has constructed a road along the face of the mountain that attracted our attention, the cost of which must have been enormous. This was before the days of the railroad.

We reached Vancouver about 6 P.M. and put up at the hotel Vancouver, a fine hotel built by the Canadian Pacific Co.

12 November 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 1889.

We spent the day till nearly 2 P.M. looking round the city. The “Islander” sailed for Victoria at 3 P.M. It was quite rough, but I escaped sea sickness. Reached Victoria about 8:30 P.M. Went from the Islander to the North Pacific and secured state rooms and went to bed.

13 November 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 1889.

I finished article for the Juvenile Instructor. McKee Rankin and troupe, among whom was Crosby, the husband of Emmeline Young, were aboard. They stopped at Seattle. Our vessel remained there 4 hours, during which we visited the place. There is great activity in building, part of the city having been lately destroyed by fire. This is a very busy place; but one is struck by the appearance of so many idle men lounging on the streets. The streets are filled with building materials and many are almost impassable, and all are in a dreadful condition.

I telegraphed for berths from Seattle to Tacoma. Reached Tacoma about 8:30 P.M. Could only get one section and four upper berths for the party. I should have stayed here at the hotel till morning if the rest of the party had been willing; but President Woodruff was very tired and impatient to go on. It appeared therefore inevitable that my wife Carlie would have to take an upper berth, but I did not mind this so much as her having to sleep above some strange man, a situation I would not occupy myself with a strange woman. However, by perseverance I succeeded in securing a section for us and a section for Brothers J. F. Smith and B. Young in another sleeping car; and President Woodruff and wife and Carlie and myself occupied them, and Brothers Smith and Young occupied the section in the other car which I had secured for President Woodruff and wife. I was more annoyed over this bother to secure a suitable sleeping place for Carlie than I had been during the whole journey.

14 November 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 14th, 1889.

We reached Portland at 6:50 A.M. We took hacks and drove to the wharf, where the steamer sailed from for Astoria, as we desired to visit the mouth of the Columbia. The boat did not leave till tonight, and another tomorrow morning. We then drove to the Oregon Short Line station, checked our hand satchels and went up town for breakfast. We spent the day in looking around. I met several persons whom I knew.

At 8:30 P.M. we left Portland. Here Carlie and myself, to escape attack, divided.

15 November 1889 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 15th, 1889.

A beautiful morning. Had a very sound sleep. I wrote Editorial Thoughts for Juvenile Instructor. Passed through some good country, well-timbered in mountains and valley, and well adapted for agriculture. Brothers David Eccles and C. W. Nibley came on the train and rode a few miles with us. Companies of our people have timber lands and saw mills at Hood River, Powder River and [blank] in this country, where they get out timber and ship to Utah. They have consolidated their interests lately.

16 November 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 16th, 1889.

We arrived at Pocatello at 6 A.M. We were met there by Brother John W. Young with a special train. Brother C. H. Wilcken came also. From them I learned all were well at home. All the party went on to the special. I deemed it better to go down by the regular, as we had baggage for Logan and I could change it for Salt Lake City, and I wished to avoid any association with Carlie in any public manner that would expose us in the least. My liberty is so precious to me for public reasons, that I may fulfill the duties of my office and calling, that I feel I cannot be too careful in avoiding all conduct that would expose me to attack.

17 November 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 17th, 1889.

The trunk containing my clothes did not reach and I was not in a good condition to go to meeting, but I felt very much impressed to go and speak to the people. The operations before the court, the attempt to raise a feeling of indignation and horror against us by the false testimony that is being borne in the court caused me to feel very much exercised and to desire to speak to the people. The house was crowded as I had never seen it on an ordinary Sunday, excepting the day that it was known that I was going to be present after I came out of the penitentiary. Before I reached the meeting, my brother Angus had arranged with Brother Talmage to speak and he asked me concerning it. I told him it would be agreeable to me, and he spoke for some time. I afterwards occupied about 45 minutes and enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord to a goodly degree. I did not allude to anything that was taking place in the courts, but was led to speak to the people upon the necessity of having the presence of the Holy Ghost as a living testimony within them.

After the meeting I met at the Gardo House with Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Apostles L. Snow, B. Young, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Lund, and Elders John W. Young, Le Grand Young, J. H. Moyle, R.W. Young, E. G. Woolley, W. A. Rossiter, C. W. Penrose, Joshua Bennett, C. H. Wilcken and L. John Nuttall. My son Abraham left yesterday for Morgan, where a conference was to be held today and tomorrow.

The subject of the discussion this afternoon by the brethren was the testimony that had been given in court by an apostate named Wardell and the means to be taken to rebut it. Brothers Bennett and Rossiter were members of the company that Wardell was in. They knew that his testimony was false and they mentioned several who were also in the company, and it was decided to send for them. Before we adjourned Marshal Alfred Solomon came in and stated that Wardell’s own son was in town and was willing to testify to the falsity of his father’s statements. A daughter also of Wardell’s could be obtained who would also testify to the same effect. It was arranged that these parties should be put upon the witness stand.

I felt impressed to say to President Woodruff that I thought it would be better for him to avoid being subpoenaed as a witness in this case, as I thought it would be very annoying to him to be put upon the stand.

After the meeting I drove home.

18 November 1889 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 18th, 1889.

My son David came up with me this morning.

I had a call from Brother Frank Greenwell, who was in the penitentiary when I was. He asked counsel concerning his case. He had been arrested and his plural wife. She had a baby, and he was under the impression, from remarks that had been made to him, that perhaps it was now permissible to go into court and make a promise to obey the law. His second wife was quite anxious he should do so, and his first wife insisted upon it. Brother Lorenzo Snow and myself were present and we told him that we knew of no such counsel being given; in fact, we did not believe that a man should do that now any more than before, though a number had been doing it of late, but it was the evidence of a lack of faith. We did not, however, wish to take the responsibility of telling him that he must not obey the law, but what he did in the matter he should do himself, on his own responsibility.

I had an interview this morning with Brothers Frank Jennings and W. H. Rowe, who related to me the steps that they had taken, as a part of the Central Committee, in connection with the approaching election.

In the afternoon we had a meeting of the attorneys and the Apostles, with Brothers Penrose and Woolley. The question of compelling the registrars to register our voters came up, and it was decided that it would be proper to mandamus them and compel them, if possible, to do so.

The business of introducing testimony tomorrow in the court was considered and the witnesses who should be summoned to sustain the various points. Brother R.W. Young acted as clerk and we attended to a good deal of business in this direction.

Our time has been principally occupied in connection with this case before the court, giving counsel upon it and endeavoring to get matters into as good a shape to explain our true position as possible.

I drove home this evening.

19 November 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 19th, 1889.

I was very busy today at the office.

Brother C. W. Penrose was on the witness stand today and after giving his testimony he, upon cross-examination, was asked how many wives he had. He refused to answer this and it called forth considerable discussion. The judge ruled that he would have to be committed for contempt if he did not answer, and he was given until tomorrow morning to answer. He came and saw us on the subject, and after listening to some of his statements, Brother Jos. F. Smith said that he thought he ought to refuse to answer the questions and stand on that. I was desirous to know more upon the question before I decided, as it was a very grave decision to come to. I had myself been put in prison for contempt and kept there, and I know it was a difficult thing to get out; but after hearing all that was said pro and con I said that in weighing the advantages and the disadvantages I felt that the advantages of him refusing to answer the question outweighed the disadvantages. Brother Penrose seemed particularly desirous to stand firm by his refusal, but he said that if it would prejudice our case for him to do so he would go in and answer the question. There were some features of his condition developed in conversation with him that I had not been aware of, and that made me conclude that it would be dangerous for him to answer this question and others which would undoubtedly follow it.

I returned home this evening with my son David.

20 November 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 20th, 1889.

I came up to the office this morning.

Brother Penrose refused to answer the question today. We were afterwards waited upon by the attorneys, some of whom thought it a very serious matter, his refusing to answer, and they canvassed the whole question. It was decided that the attorneys should see him and talk further with him. Afterwards, permission was granted to him to come up with one of the attorneys and a man from the Marshal’s office, to see President Woodruff and myself. We had conversation with him about the case, and he seemed to feel so clear concerning the course that he had taken, and we ourselves also felt clear on it, that he was told to carry out his feelings. He did not go to prison, however, until quite late that evening.

Brother F. S. Richards telegraphed from Washington concerning the effect of the Associated Press dispatches, the misrepresentations which they contained, and that something ought to be done to counteract their influence.

I met with the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings bank and attended to a variety of business.

President Woodruff and myself met with brethren interested in the sugar company and gave them such counsel as we thought best concerning the questions that they submitted to us. We also had a meeting with the stockholders of the Deseret and Salt Lake Manufacturing & Canal Co. A law has been passed by Congress which it is thought nullifies our entries of this desert land and as the company had been to a great deal of expense it became quite a serious matter. A committee was appointed, consisting of B. Y. Hampton, John T. Caine, Francis Cope, Frank. J. Cannon and John Nicholson, to examine the question and obtain all the information they could as to the application of this law to our case.

This evening President Woodruff and myself attended a birthday party at the house of Brother James, a son-in-law of Sister Horne. Brother Joseph Horne and his wife Isabella are old acquaintances of mine. It was her 72nd birthday and I took pleasure in attending it. The night was very stormy. There was quite a pleasant gathering. I was kept there later than I like to be. My son Lewis brought the carriage for me.

21 November 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 21st, 1889.

I drove up this morning in company with my son David. The lawyers have expressed a desire to have me go on the witness stand as a witness for our side. I had no objections, but we talked the matter over a day or two ago and after I told them the line of questions that I thought they would be likely to ask me they felt that it would be imprudent for them to put me on the stand. Today, however, Brother Sudbury came to me and said that Deputy Marshal Vandercook was at the door wanting to see me. Without hesitation I went to the door. He served a subpoena on me, requiring my presence forthwith at the court which is held in the City Hall. I started out to attend the court and was informed that it had adjourned until 2 o’clock. My sons John Q. & Frank came and they said they would go down with me. At 2 o’clock I went to the court room, which was very crowded. I succeeded in obtaining a seat in the back part, but the judge discovered me. Mr. Dickson also, in looking around the court room, saw me, and when it was asked if I were present the judge said I was. I was called forth and the oath was administered to me by Fergus Ferguson. I threw off my overcoat and sat down, expecting to pass through a severe ordeal in the shape of questions. However, I felt very undisturbed. Mr. Dickson was quite urbane in his manner of questioning. He asked me if I was one of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to which I replied that I was. How long had I been one of the First Presidency. I told him there had been two elections, one in October 1880 and another in April 1889. Then, said he, you have been one of the First Presidency since 1880. I told him no, there was an interrugnum between July 1887 and April 1889. He asked if I was one of the First Presidency in 1885. I told him I was. He said, walking towards me with a document in his hand, here is a paper with your signature attached; will you please read that and see if that is a document that you signed. I asked him if I should read it aloud. He said no. So I sat and read the paper carefully through. It was an Epistle President Taylor and myself had written and signed in April 1885, addressed to the officers and members of the church. I thought it a very good document as I read it. After I had finished it I told him I had read it. He walked towards me and I met him and handed it to him. He asked if that was a document that I had signed. I told him I could not distinctly remember everything that had been said on that occasion, but I was of the opinion that it was a document which I had signed. He then said “that is all” and turned to our attorneys and said that they could cross-examine me if they liked. A discussion followed as to whether this testimony should be admitted in rebuttal of other evidence, and after the discussion had ended and the court had ruled, I was released. The judge told the bailiff to give me a chair and I sat for a few minutes, but being satisfied that they were through with me I got up and walked out. I felt much relieved myself, and the brethren were especially so. Brothers Jos. F. Smith and B. Young felt exceedingly anxious and expressed their regret that I had been summoned, as they thought it would lead to difficulty but I had no feelings of fear and did not wish to evade the subpoena. I now believe that the intention in summoning me was to find out whether I would evade the summons or not, and perhaps make a point out of that; but my appearance in court had, I think on the whole, a good effect and I was very glad that I had responded to the summons.

I had interviews today with the attorneys concerning the case and the proper way of defending it. We find ourselves at a great loss to obtain witnesses who could go on the stand and not be exposed to personal attacks and perhaps arrest. Our best men are in a position not to be available as witnesses, and we therefore are very limited. Another difficulty that we have to meet is that the court insists upon our witnesses saying what did occur in the Endowment House and the nature of the covenants they make. Of course, this they cannot do, without violating their covenants. They therefore have to say in their testimony that such things are not a part of the endowment, but they cannot tell what words are really used in the endowment. The court is ready to take advantage of this, and interrogated one witness, Brother T. G. Webber, to know from him whether he held his allegiance to the Church was greater than his allegiance to the government, in that he concealed that which took place in the Endowment House.

22 November 1889 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 22nd, 1889.

I drove up this morning in company with my sons Abraham and David.

Busy all day at the office with various matters.

Yesterday Brother Dougall was requested to get up a dispatch, and to get Byron Groo of the Herald and John Nicholson of the News to assist him in framing it, that would be suitable to go out to the Associated Press as an interview with President Woodruff, the agent of the Associated Press at Chicago having telegraphed his willingness to circulate such a dispatch. Today Brother Dougall brought it in. We read it carefully and made a few alterations. It was sent to Chicago.

I went home this evening.

23 November 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 1889.

President Woodruff’s health is not good. He was not at the office today. Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself were there. We had interviews with the attorneys concerning the case and gave such counsel as was necessary. A list of names of suitable persons to testify was selected, and the points which it was thought they could substantiate were assigned them, and the brethren were instructed to notify them and get them together, so that they might understand. Brother John W. Young and some of the attorneys were quite anxious to have testimony given <√> concerning some features of the endowment. It was proposed to have Brother John W. Young go on the stand and testify. Another point was, whether he could not tell that plural marriages were entirely discontinued in the Territory, and that it had been decided that none should take place. We were pressed for our views upon this subject and I gave mine very freely and said that I could not answer this question for President Woodruff. He was the man and he would have to answer it. I could answer it for myself, but he was the man holding the keys, and I should not wish anything said unless it were with his knowledge and by his consent. It was arranged therefore that a meeting should be held tomorrow at 4 o’clock at the Gardo House, when the question could be considered.

Brother John T. Caine started for Washington this evening.

Today at about 12 o’clock I drove home, taking with me my sons John Q. & Frank, for the purpose of holding a meeting with my children. All the children were together, and those of my wife Carlie also, excepting two of the babies and my son Abraham, who had gone with Brother Lyman to Millard Stake, and my son Angus, who is in Germany. I have felt very much impressed to call my family together since my return, that I might express my feelings to them. The exposures in the court room concerning our endowments and the wrong construction that was put upon these sacred ordinances by our enemies prompted me to think it a matter of such importance that I ought to talk to my children upon the subject, as there are only three out of my family who have received their endowments, and I do not want the children to be in any way prejudiced or frightened by the publication of the testimony of the wicked men who had been put on the witness stand. I had much liberty in talking upon this subject to them and showing them how sacred these ordinances of the endowments were, and that the adversary would do all in his power to make them appear in a false light. I also spoke upon the necessity of our being united and the disposition of the adversary to bring every effort to bear to divide us. It was a time when we should cling to God and be united. There was an excellent spirit in the meeting and I felt free in speaking. I afterwards had a conversation with Frank and Hugh and Rose Annie concerning the legal wife, during which I expressed myself with great plainness and with a good deal of vigor concerning matters that were mentioned to me by Frank. After this meeting I returned to town and had the meeting mentioned above with Brother John W. Young and the attorneys.

24 November 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1889.

I had very plain talk with my son Hugh this morning concerning an expression that he dropped in my conversation with Frank and himself yesterday. I explained some matters to him that I thought they had not understood, and he said since hearing my explanations everything was right to his mind.

I attended meeting in the Tabernacle this afternoon. There was a large audience present. The people are evidently interested in our meetings. The events that are taking place here at the present time are having the effect to arouse them. Brothers Geo. F. Gibbs and Aurelius Miner spoke. Each occupied about 20 mins, and I followed. It is seldom in my life that I felt as well as I did this afternoon in speaking.

The Lord was with me in answer to my prayers, for I had plead with him to give me His Spirit. I feel that now is a time when every Latter-day Saint needs the Spirit of the Lord to comfort his heart and to sustain and cheer him. I almost felt some of the time that I could fly.

After the meeting I repaired to the Gardo House, where I found President Woodruff, John W. Young, Le Grand Young, R.W. Young and J. H. Moyle. The question came up that had been mooted yesterday, as to what should be said concerning the cessation of plural marriages. I felt very strongly on this subject and told the brethren that I expected to live and to see the time when that law would be honored, and when the present persecutions respecting it would pass away; and for myself I did not wish my record to contain anything that would embarrass me or that would make me feel ashamed in the future. I had never faltered in my defense of it. My knees have never trembled, nor my hand had never shook, neither had I ever hesitated to stand up and maintain that principle, in my public career in Congress and since, and I wanted, with the help of the Lord, to continue in that position. Therefore, I could not myself say anything that would satisfy the world concerning this principle, and of course we had to be careful and not hurt the feelings and faith of our own people[.] There was some mention made of this being done in Conference and not in the court. I said, if so, then whatever is said I hope will be said by the word of the Lord. I want President Woodruff, if I can have my feelings gratified and if anything is to be said on this subject in this direction, to be able to say “thus saith the Lord”.

The matter was then dropped and I returned home.

25 November 1889 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 25th, 1889.

When I reached the Gardo House this morning President Woodruff showed me a revelation that he had received upon the question of which we were speaking yesterday. He said that he had prayed about it and the Lord had given him this word. I copy it herein:1

Sunday night, Nov. 24th, 1889.

Thus saith the Lord to my servant Wilford, I, the Lord, have heard thy prayers and thy request and will answer thee by the voice of my spirit.

Thus saith the Lord unto my servants the Presidency of my Church, who hold the keys of the Kingdom of God on the earth,

I, the Lord, hold the destiny of the courts in your midst, and the destiny of this nation and all the nations of the earth, in mine own hands.

And all that I have revealed and promised and decreed concerning the generation in which you live shall come to pass, and no power shall stay my hand.

Let not my servants who are called to the presidency of my Church deny my word or my law which concerns the salvation of the children of men.

Let them pray for the Holy Spirit, which shall be given them to guide them in their acts.

Place not yourselves in jeopardy to your enemies by promise.

Your enemies seek your destruction, and the destruction of my people.

If the saints will hearken unto my voice and the counsel of my servants, the wicked shall not prevail.

Let my servants who officiate as your counselors before the courts, make their pleading as they are moved upon by the Holy Spirit, without any further pledges from the priesthood, and they shall be justified.

I, the Lord, will hold the courts, with the officers of the government, and the nation, responsible for their acts towards the inhabitants of Zion.

I, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, am in your midst. I am your advocate with the Father. Fear not, little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

Fear not the wicked and ungodly.

Search the scriptures; for they are they that testify of me, and the revelations which I have given to my servant Joseph, and to all my servants since the world began, which are revealed in the records of divine truth.

These revelations contain the judgments of God which are to be poured out upon all nations under heaven, which includes Great Babylon.

These judgments are at the door. They will be fulfilled, as God lives.

Leave judgment with me; it is mine, saith the Lord.

Watch the signs of the times, and they will show the fulfillment of the word of the Lord.

Let my servants call upon the Lord in mighty prayer.

Obtain the Holy Ghost as your constant companion, and act as you are moved upon by that spirit, and all will be well with you.

The wicked are fast ripening in iniquity, and they will be cut off by the judgments of God.

Great events await you and this generation, and are nigh your door.

Awake, O Israel, and have faith in God and His promises, and He will not forsake you. But I, the Lord, will deliver my saints from the dominion of the wicked in mine own due time and way.

I cannot deny my word, neither in blessing nor judgment.

Therefore, let mine anointed gird up their loins, watch and be sober, and keep my commandments. Pray always and faint not. Exercise faith in the Lord and in the promises of God. Be valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The eyes of the Lord and the heavenly hosts are watching over you and over your acts. Therefore, be faithful until I come.

I come quickly, to reward every man according to the deeds done in the body. Even so. Amen.2

I was very glad to read this, because I think it is an important subject, and I feel that there is too much of a disposition to waver in regard to this doctrine, and there are some who seem to think that it must cease and they look upon themselves as prophets because they have had the feeling before that the time would come when we would have to stop this. I thank the Lord with all my heart for the testimony that He has given me concerning this doctrine, and also I see now with great plainness why I was so irresistibly impelled to obey this law. If I had been urged to do so or commanded to do so, or if I had done so because it was fashionable, I might perhaps have wavered and questioned the propriety of my action; but the Lord gave me such a testimony concerning my duty in this matter that I trust I never shall forget it.

Busy at the office all day. Dictated letters to Brother Winter.

President Woodruff and myself had a meeting with the Deseret & Salt Lake Canal and Manfg. Co.

Drove home this evening.

26 November 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 28th, 1889.

Returned to the Gardo House this morning.

We were gladdened this morning by seeing Brother C. W. Penrose, who was released last evening from custody, the case having been concluded and the judge having taken it under consideration.

We had a meeting of the Deseret & Salt Lake Canal and Manfg. Co, which was much more favorable for our case than the former reports we had heard. I dictated a letter to Brother John T. Caine at Washington, which Presidents Woodruff and Smith and myself signed.

It was decided today to ordain aged Seventies who desired to be put in the High Priests Quorum as High Priests and to fill up the quorums with young men from the Elders Quorums.

President Woodruff received a letter from a man named Tom R. Galbraith, who was sent out by Prest. Teasdale as a new convert whom he thought would be useful in this country as a schoolteacher, in which Galbraith denies the faith and comes out strongly against our system, denouncing the Elders as engaged in bringing people here for commercial purposes. He demands $200. to be sent to him, out of which he proposes to pay back to President Woodruff $80. which he has borrowed from him, $45. which he has borrowed from Brother Teasdale, and some other small amounts, the rest to be used by him for his passage home to Ireland. I felt when Brother Teasdale wrote concerning this man that it was unwise for such a man to be sent here with so little experience, and when I saw him and heard of his borrowing money from President Woodruff my impressions were confirmed. I am not surprised at the step that he has taken, though I thought perhaps it might not have been so soon.

27 November 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 1889.

Drove to the Gardo House.

Had a meeting this morning concerning Brother John W. Young’s affairs and his desire to get an increased amount of money from the bank on collateral security.

After wards I attended a meeting of the directors of the Deseret News Co.

We afterwards had an interview with Elders F. A. Mitchell and H. H. Cluff concerning the Skull Valley and the settlement of the Hawaiian saints there. It was decided to purchase some springs and land that had been entered by some people, by means of which we should obtain greater control of that valley and the settlement would be in a better position to maintain itself. It was decided also that the Church organization there should not be connected with the Tooele Stake, but that Brother Cluff should report to us as the First Presidency for the present.

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon I attended a meeting at the Social Hall of brethren who had been invited to be there, the object being to collect funds for our political campaign. I, among others, made a speech in favor of doing all in our power.

I drove home this evening.

28 November 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 28th, 1889.

Thanksgiving Day. I spent the day quietly at home. Had an interview today with Bishop Winslow Farr, who came down to see me.

29 November 1889 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 29th, 1889.

We had an interview with the architect of the church and the gardener that has been selected to lay out the grounds of the Manti Temple, and the First Presidency decided to adopt a plan which the architect had drawn out for the steps and approaches to the Temple, and the general plan of the gardener.

Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co.

Brother Joseph Walter Dittrich, late of Bohemia, who has recently arrived here, was introduced to us today by Brother Chas. H. Wilcken. My son Abraham was present and interpreted, as Brother Dittrich could not speak the English language. He has been a Catholi[c] Priest, but left that church because of its abuses and raised a great excitement in his own country, where he has been very greatly persecuted. He has been brought into the Church in a very remarkable manner and has been exceedingly zealous in the truth. He is a man of education, an editor by profession since leaving the Catholic church. We gave him such counsel as was needed. I felt very much impressed to talk to him upon the trials that he might likely have to meet with here, coming as a stranger in our midst.

Letters were dictated to Prest. Abram Hatch and Bp. N. C. Murdock concerning the case of Galbraith, with instructions that he be dealt with. A letter was also sent to Brother Geo. Teasdale upon this subject, with a copy of Galbraith’s letter.

I returned home in company with my son David.

30 November 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 30th, 1889.

Drove up this morning and had a meeting at the Gardo House with Supt. Webber of Z.C.M.I. and President Woodruff concerning S.W. Sears, who is threatening Z.C.M.I. with a lawsuit because of treatment that he thinks he has received that is improper.

I afterwards had an interview with Mr. Jarvis and Brothers A. W. McCune and B. S. Young, in which Mr. Jarvis proposed for himself and those who would join him to purchase our interest in the gas stock, regardless of the decision of the Supreme Court. He feels confident that it will be in our favor and he is willing to buy the stock and take the risk. He wished it considered.

We afterwards met with the directors of Z.C.M.I. to consider the matter of S.W. Sears’ application to examine the books and papers of the institution, and a letter was written to him stating that he could see the books, and a committee, consisting of John Sharp and Geo. Romney, was appointed to have an interview with Sears and learn from him what his demands were. This was done on my motion, for I felt that if he were going to commence an attack upon us we should hold out the olive branch of peace to him and leave him without excuse. Then if he attack us we could defend ourselves with a good conscience, because we had done all that honorable men could be asked to do to meet him fairly.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter, also a Circular to be addressed to the Presidents of Stakes concerning the Fast Day which we want to have observed on the anniversary of the birthday of the Prophet Joseph—23rd of December.

I received a letter today from my nephew Lewis M. Cannon, in which he asked me if he could have the privilege of keeping company with my daughter Mary Alice. He said he trusted that no serious objection might stand in the way of my granting this, to him, “greatest of all favors”. This evening I spoke to Mary Alice upon this subject and showed her the letter which I had received. She told me that she understood he was going to write. I asked her what her feelings were concerning it. She said she had told him that they were cousins and she did not think that any closer relationship should exist. I told her that that was the only objection that I had. I had a feeling against such near relatives marrying. I said if this were her feeling, however, she should tell him plainly that he had no hope, so that he might understand her feelings and not be led along with the idea that she might view his attentions favorably.

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November 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Rest of page crossed out and blank.

  2. [2]Rest of page crossed out and blank.