August 1863

1 August 1863 • Saturday

On Saturday, Augt 1st. Brothers Chauncey W. West, and Brigham Young Junr sailed for New York per the “China,” en route for home.

2 August 1863 • Sunday

[Daybook from here to 10 September 1863] Sunday, Augt 2/63. Started early this morning in company with Bro’s. Thos Taylor and Jos. H Felt to Bolton where a meeting had been appointed for to-day. We went to the meeting house and found a company outside waiting for the conclusion of the prayer. The house was so crowded and so likely to be entirely too small for those who would be present at the afternoon meeting that Bro. Taylor thought the Brethren had better try and secure a larger Hall, which they did — the Concert Hall. Bro. Taylor mad We found Bro’s. Geo. M. Brown & Elnathan Eldridge, Jr. and Ja’s. Lythgoe <& Alexander> here. Bro Taylor made the opening remarks after which I spoke and we had a very good meeting and a time of enjoyment. Bro. Taylor and I took dinner at Bro Holt’s. In afternoon met at the Concert Hall. A Report of the condition of the several districts was made by the brethren above-named. Bro. Felt also made some remarks. I followed for about ½ and an hour. In the evening I read a portion of the 24th chapter of Matthew and spoke with considerable freedom for a little upwards of an hour and a half. I was considerably tired after the day’s labor having spoken for upwards of three hours through the day, besides considerable talk in conversation in private and having walked some distance. Bro Taylor without any mention being made of to him by me bought me a first-class ticket. I enjoyed the ride home very much being so tired. I reached home at 11 p.m. and found all in bed and had some little trouble in awakening Bro. Shearman to let me in. Bro Wm Perry Nebeker had arrived on the Great Eastern from home in my absence.

3 August 1863 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 3rd/63. Much wearied to-day. Attending to Office business. I was much Tuesday, 4th relieved in hearing from Bro. Nebeker of the arrival of the Ships “Amazon” and Cynosure.” {The former reached on the 18th of July and the “Cynosure,” on the 19th..} On the former there had been but one death — a child, on the latter eleven deaths through measles. It was a great relief to my mind to hear of their safe arrival as I had been somewhat uneasy on account of the length of the passages.

4-7 August 1863 • Tuesday to Friday

Tuesday, 4th {August 4th 5th 6th and 7th Engaged in Office Business.}

8 August 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 8/63. Started this morning from Liverpool at 8.45 A.M. for Norwich. Reached Peterboro at about ½ past 1 P.M. and remained until about 3. P.M. Took excursion train to Norwich and reached there at 6.5[0] P.M. Not knowing the way to the house I took a cab and drove to the Chapel House where I found Bro’s. Neslin, Willes and Howard. Bro Bentley arrived soon after.

9 August 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, 9th. We held meetings morning, afternoon & evening. Bro. Neslin opened with a few remarks. Bro. Bentley and myself followed. In the afternoon Bro. Neslin read statistical & financial reports. Brother Willes spoke for a few moments. I followed proposing the authorities and Bro. <Wm S. S.> Willes as District President and spoke for some time and felt well in doing so. In evening spoke again and read the 17th chap. of John and had excellent liberty. Started after evening meeting for Lowestoft in company with Sister Bro’s. Bentley[,] <Rackham>, Sis. Griffiths and several Saints[.] We reached about 10 P.M and stopped at Sis. G’s. We did not get to bed until 1 A.M.

10 August 1863 • Monday

Monday, Aug 10th/63. After breakfast took some likenesses down to Bro Reynold’s Photographic Saloon for him to paint for me. Pres. Young, Capt Hooper & self, and my wife Elizabeth. Afterwards walked on the pier head. Took dinner at Sis. Griffiths[;] there were <a> number of brethren and sisters together. At 5½ p.m. went to the Chapel to a Tea Party the Saints had prepared. Enjoyed myself very much. Bro. Bentley and myself started about 8 p.m. for Norwich[,] which place we reached at about 10. Slept at the Chapel House.

11 August 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 11th Awoke at 5 A.m. and prepared to start to L’pool. Was taken with diarrhaea and was quite bad all day. Reached L’pool at about 6 P.m. having started at 6½ A.M. Sick and tired when I arrived.

12 August 1863 • Wednesday

Tuesday, <Wednesday,> Aug 12th Dictated four <three> Editorials to Brother Shearman and wrote several letters and attended to other business, particularly the cash A/c which through being postponed so long without balancing was very complicated. Bro. Bentley arrived this morning from London, to stay here while I should be absent, it being my wish that he should take charge of the Office.

13 August 1863 • Thursday

Wed Thursday, Aug 13th, 1863. It had been my intention to start for Hull to-day en route to Denmark but my health would not admit of my finishing all the business I wished to attend to before leaving. Dictated another editorial and attended to various <matters of> business besides writing a letter apiece to Elizabeth & Sarah Jane. Friday, 14 To-day, three years ago, I reached the Valley from my Mission to the States. A very happy and long-to-be remembered day.

14 August 1863 • Friday

Friday, Aug 14th/63. Called on Leonora (my Cousin) her child, named after myself, was very ill, but was slightly better than he had been. Arranging business matters. Wrote a long letter to the President Young, commenced a letter to Uncle and Aunt Taylor, and wrote several letters on business. Called upon Brother Middleton, who is very sick, in company with Bro’s. Bentley, Shearman & Graham. Spent two or three hours with first two named at Sister Spencer’s, listening to the Misses Emma & Sarah Robinson, from the Isle of Man, sing and play on the piano which they did very beautifully.

15 August 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, 15th. Started at 10. A.M. but had to stop until from 2.30 P.M. until 7.15 P.M. at Retford through being misled by the Railway Guide. Reached Hull at about 9.45 P.M., having had to cross the Humber from New Holland to Hull. Met at the wharf by Bro’s. Bull & Nicholson and several brethren. Took my trunk to the Pacha a steamer on which I had engaged my passage. She was to sail in the morning at 6 o’clock. Stopped at Bro. Williams’ with the brethren.

16 August 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug 16/63. Embarked at 6 A.M; but did not get fairly started until nearly eight. The wind was blowing strongly until we reached the mouth of the Humber, when it subsided somewhat, but continued fair. I had felt to exercise faith that I might have a pleasant passage and we did have. I was considerably sick to-day; but slept well on a sofa in the Cabin, preferring it to the berth and being afraid to stir for lest I should commence vomiting.

17 August 1863 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 17th. Much better to-day and did not vomit but managed to eat a little. Came in sight of Heligoland about 5 p.m.

18 August 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 18th. Reached Hamburg at 7 A.M.[;] took cab and to the English Hotel and found that Bro. <Jesse N.> Smith had gone to meet me[;] went down the Street and met him returning. We were much pleased to meet each other. Visited Botanical & Zoological Gardens. Wrote to Bro. Bentley; also telegraphed to him for blank cheques to be sent me for him to fill up in case of nece he needed money while I was g should be away. Started at a little after 5 P.M for Altona where we took cars after passing our things through the Custom House, for Kiel. We arrived at Kiel between 10 and 11 P.M. We hurried down to the steamboat and succeeded in obtaining good berths and then ate supper. We sailed a little after 11 P.M.

19 August 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Augt 19/63. Arose this morning before five and we landed soon after. Took breakfast at the Hotel-Store-Belt and started for Copenhagen at 7.15. Reached the latter place at 10.30 A.M. and were met at the Station by Bro’s John Smith, Edlefson & Julius Larsen. Found Bro’s. Geo. M. Brown and John E. Evans at the Office[.] Bro’s. S. L Sprague and John Gray were in the Hospital, I was sorry to hear, having by some means caught the itch. Called at the Hospital and saw the brethren[;] they were in good spirits though still suffering from the disease.

20 August 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug’t. 20/63 Arose early and had a warm sea-water bath. Showery most of the day. In evening walked in company with the brethren on the Citadel and listened to the pl several tunes played by the band of the garrison.

21 August 1863 • Friday

Friday, 21st Went outside of the city walls to a waxwork and automaton museum. The figures were rather poor as compared with Madame Tussaud’s gallery in London.

22 August 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Augt. 22/63 Went out at 10 A.M. to the Forest — Klampenborg — and a frequent resort and place of amusement for the people of Copenhagen named: Dyrehavsbakke. Wandered round in the forest which was very beautiful admiring the fine beech trees and the deer of many of whom were white and black, colors I never saw in <among> deer before. Took dinner at a small village close by the Ermitage (Hermitage) a small palace of the King’s. Returned to the city at 5½ P.M and spent the evening in the Tivoli, a description of the amusements of which I gave wrote in my journal during my last visit here.

23 August 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Augt. 23/63. Attended meeting in the afternoon, having been kept at home in the morning to meet a man and wife who had left word they were going to give us a call, and I spoke in English which Bro. Carl Larsen and Bro. Jesse N Smith interpreted. The latter also spoke as did Bro John E. Evans in Danish. Bro. E. had been studying the language for some time at the time he emigrated in ′61 and while in the Valley and on his return to England. On our return passed through the gardens of the Rosenberg palace and saw a very large and beautiful weeping ash tree. A number of Saints came to the Office, among whom were many sisters, and the evening was spent in singing & conversation. This morning I wrote <letters> to Bro’s. Bentley, Shearman & Graham.

24-25 August 1863 • Monday to Tuesday

Monday, Augt. 24/63. Preparing to start to Gottenburg. At ¼ to 12 A.M. we sailed on the steamer Orion. Contrary to my expectations I was not sea-sick this afternoon and evening but was able to eat dinner and supper with good appetite. The scenery on our left on the Denmark side was very fine up to passing Elsinore. It was at this point that the Sound dues were formerly collected by Denmark of every vessel passing into the Baltic. The passage here is only about three miles wide and is commanded <in all directions> by <the guns of> Kronborg Castle — a castle built about 1580 of white stone in the Gothic style. It is surrounded by strong fortifications. On the opposite side of the Sound is the Swedish town of Helsingborg. In severe winters the Sound is frozen over, and the ice then forms a firm bridge between the two countries. In Spring, when it breaks up, it is said to be like a floating glacier. We arrived at Warberg about 8 P.M. and remained there until about 6 A.M. on Tuesday, Augt. 25/63. It was very rough this morning and after washing myself I laid down again being compelled to do so to keep from being sea-sick. About 8½ A.M., after we entered the fjord, the water became smoother and we arose and went on deck. We pa were passing up a tolerably narrow passage with a forbidding, sterile and rocky coast on each side of us. A short distance from Gottenborg, which place we reached about 11 A.M. we passed a fortress called Elfsborg, which was built in 1660, and guards the entrance to the fjord leading up to Gottenburg. We were met, on landing, by Bros. Bro. Söderborg, President of the Gottenburg Conference, and Bro. Holberg, a Valley elder, and several of the brethren. After our trunk was examined by the Custom House Officers, the brethren led us to their abode. We ate and then went out and took a stroll through some a beautiful garden close by and then went out of the town a short distance to a high stony hill which commanded a fine view of the town and surrounding country. On this hill, as we found by an inscription cut in a granite rock on the summit[,] Mr. Airey, Astronomer Royal from Greenwich, England, witnessed an eclipse of the sun of in July, 1851. At the foot of the hill the residence of a Mr. Dickson, an Englishman, was situate. We passed thro’ his grounds which with the house were very fine. On the hill we prayed, that is, myself, Bro’s. Smith, Söderborg and Holberg and had a delightful time together. Gottenburg is a much finer place than I expected to see. The country around is not inviting. The hills are rocky and sterile; but the ground that is susceptible of cultivation is attended to with care and trees abound. The streets are well paved, the sidewalks very fine, and the houses well built. The railway station is a very creditable building. There is a very fine statue here of Gustavus Adolphus, the great King of Sweden, who founded this City. His face is a very fine one and his attitude easy. He is dressed in the costume of the period and is pointing to the downward as though designating the spot where the city should be laid out. There was also a fine statue opposite the Theatre, by Professor Malin of Stockholm, of two young men engaged in a deadly struggle with knives. They were fastened together by a strap round their waists. Some one had cut off one of the hands of the combatants, a short time ago[,] and had thrown <it> away into one of the gardens, where it was found. A reward had been offered for the discovery of the offender, but in vain. We dined at the Hotel Götha Källare. Held meeting in the evening with the Saints, there were some strangers present and the room was full. Bro. Smith spoke in Danish and I followed in English which Bro. Söderborg, who understands English very well, interpreted. I felt very well in speaking. A man and wife who were present, who did not belong to the Church, came forwards after meeting, and he said that they had never felt so well in their lives before and he intended to persevere until he knew it better. As they were at the Station before 6 o’clock the next morning to see us start for Stockholm[,] I felt to give them full credit for their good intentions.

26 August 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Augt 26/63. An Elder by the name of [last name redacted], who played an accordion of his own make last night at meeting accompanied us in the train this morning to a way station where he had to stop. I was told that he had been in transgression and dealt with more than once. I could feel that he was not right before I knew anything about his conduct. It is a cause of thank frequent thanksgiving to me that the Lord gives me the Spirit of discernment by which I am enabled to know men’s spirit to an extent that almost surprises me at times. In visiting various conferences I have been able to discern those who were not members of the Church in the congregation, and I have often been able to discern when persons were not in the full enjoyment of the spirit of their religion among the Saints. The difficulty is that I do not pay sufficient attention to the dictates of the Spirit upon these points. My natural disposition leads me to be unsuspicious and to repel every thing derogatory to my brethren and sisters unless I have tangible evidence on the point respecting their wrong-doing. I do hope, however, <that> without falling into a suspicious habit and continually looking out for evil, to <I shall> be able to obtain such a knowledge of the Spirit and its whisperings that I may be profited by the same and be prepared to detect and uproot evil whenever it may exist. I do not allude to this here with a desire to boast, but rather to praise the Lord for his goodness in blessing his servants in their labors. We were accompanied to the Station by a number of the Saints and by Elders Holberg and Söderborg and started at 6 A.M. We dined at Hallsberg and reached Stockholm — a distance of 426/10 Swedish miles, each Swedish mile being a little less short of seven English miles — about 8 P.M. and were met at the Station by Elders Winberg and Swenson[,] two Valley Elders. Bro. Ahn L. Anholer, a porter at the Station <carried our trunk>. The most part of the country through which we passed to-day is very uninviting, being very rocky and boggy. It is almost astonishing how the people <can exist> in such a sterile, forbidding-looking country. Lakes abound, and the country is well timbered. Bad as we have been in the habit of thinking our country there is none of ours that can be compared <for poverty> in many respects to a large portion of what we saw to-day. The whole country is rocky; but we probably saw as poor portions of it as there are. The food of the poor is of a very coarse nature, and the Elders who labor in the ministry in Scandinavia need strong bodies, patient spirits and stomachs that are not easily provoked to discontent by poor food. The Swedes are, however, in my opinion, a better looking race than the Danes. Many of them remind me very much of the Americans. They are generally tall, and are a military people and fond of martial exercises. I have been surprised at finding the people so advanced in civilization up here. Their cities and towns are very fine and the people dress with excellent taste and in superior style; I mean those who are more than mere peasants, and as for politeness they throw the Anglo-Saxon utterly into the shade. They have their daily papers published as regularly and having a very neat, creditable appearance. Novels — one of the banes of modern times —are published in great numbers; and every new book of the kind published in French, English or German being immediately translated into Swedish. National feeling is very strong throughout Scandinavia. Though there is but little difference between Swedish and Danish, the former nation has an aversion to reading anything in the latter language. Some of the Elders would like a periodical of published in Swedish for the Swedes instead of having to read take the Danish Star published in Copenhagen, and so also with the Book of Mormon. They do not like the Danes and the Danes do not like the Swedes; and the Swedes do not like the Norwegians and the Norwegians do not like the Swedes. Though they live so near together and have almost a common language, national prejudices are very strong. I understand the Norwegians like the Danes very well; but the Swedes who conquered them they dislike. We walked about three miles from the Station to the place where the brethren had made arrangements for us to stop. The name of the brother was <C. L.> Erikzson, a civil engineer. He and his wife had been recently baptized. Sister Ericzson was an Englishwoman who had been in Sweden about five years. We were treated by them and all the Saints with great kindness. Elder Flygare, the President of the Conference, was very attentive to us while we were here. He was at Brother Ericson’s when we reached there.

27 August 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug’t. 27/63. After breakfast we visited the Museum in the Palace, which contained many paintings and statuary and ancient and modern, and Egyptian and other relics among which was a mummy 4000 years old. Visited the various suites of rooms in the Palace, many of which contained numerous pictures and other objects of interest. The King’s reception chamber and <ball room &> other rooms were very splendid. The Queen’s apartments, pleased me the best of any that I saw or indeed that I ever saw of the kind. They were elegant and yet there was an air of comfort about them that filled my idea of what the dwelling place of a Queen should be. Books, music and stereoscopic views boxes with views and many other articles of daily use were lying around, giving the visitor a very good idea of the taste and habits of the occupant of the apartments. Full length portraits of the Queen’s Father and Mother — the King and Queen of the Netherlands — hung in one of her rooms and the portrait of her husband, the King, hung in her bedroom. Had she been in the city we could not have seen these apartments as she would have been occupying them. We then visited the Hall of State where the King meets with the Legislature to open and adjourn its sessions. The Hall was lofty and fine tho’ rather narrow; but the other arrangements were in my way of thinking, poor. None of the seats had backs to them and they must have been be uncomfortable for old men to sit upon them for any length of time. We also visited the Royal Chapel. We went and had a bath and then returned to dinner. At the baths in this country they have women to clean and keep the rooms and baths in order. They also help the bather, without distinction of sex, to wash his or her back. An offer of this kind was made to us at this bath; but Bro Winberg declined for us. We preferred violating such a custom; though I expect by such a refusal we obtained the credit of being either very simple or excessively squeamish. At 8 P.M. we met with the Saints in their Hall and had a very good meeting. Bro. Smith spoke first in Danish and then I followed in English. Bro’s. Swenson and Winberg and Ericzson translated — the two first named doing it mainly. There were very many strangers present.

28 August 1863 • Friday

Friday, Aug’t 28/63. Visited rooms containing specimens of Swedish Home Manufacture. The iron chains and twisted iron of Swedish manufacture were very interesting, showing as they did the toughness of iron which admitted of it being almost tied into a knot while cold. We then visited a new building erected for a Museum, as fine a building of the kind as I have seen anywhere. It was <is> not yet finished; but there is enough done to show that [it] will be very elegant when completed. The pillars of white veined and black marble from Italy are very fine. This building is erected on piles as is a considerable portion of Stockholm. From here we visited a statue and obelisk erected to the memory of Gustavus 3rd, who was assassinated at the Theatre, then visited the “Riddarholmen” Church in which is interred the Kings and many of the nobility are interred. The Church is not used as a place of worship now. Banners and trophies of various kinds obtained in war adorn the tombs of the Kings and their generals. Among the most prominent of the dead entombed here are Gustavus Wasa, or the first of the name, Gustavus Adolphus the Great, and Second; Charles X. and <Charles> the XII. and Bernadotte or Cha’s. the XIV. The coffins were very richly decorated; but they were unsightly in my eyes. All their greatness had perished and there was nothing left of them on earth but the dust to which their bodies were fast crumbling. Many reflections passed through my mind while in this Church Building. A short distance from this Church stands a monument of Birger Jarl, the King of Sweden, who founded made Stockholm a city. Wrote to Bro’s. Kay and Bentley and Graham.

Saturday, Augt. 29/63. Went to the Theatre in company with Bro’s. Smith, Winberg, Swenson, Flygare and Bro & Sis Ericzson. The piece was historical, and the chief personage being Gustavus Wasa or the first. The acting was pretty good.

29 August 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Augt 29/63 Went out in the suburbs and by boa a little steam boat on the water. There are great numbers of these small steamboats plying on these waters. Stockholm bears, it is said, some resemblance to Venice, in its location and the abundance of its canals and water communication. We passed through the grounds of the favorite country residence of Bernadotte. Returned by water in another direction and visited the Rikssale — or Repres Legislative Hall. We viewed the portraits of the various Presidents of the body which are here preserved in excellent condition. They The <portraits those> are very fine looking men. Then went up stairs to the Gallery of the House which was in Session. There was but little business done. The President was in <blue> uniform with epaulettes and a sword and had a Star on his left breast. His face was decidedly American and resembled that of Senator Hunter’s of Virginia. There [were] but few members, and they were good <intelligent> looking men. The benches were arranged almost as they would be in a place of worship but without backs. The walls of the building were covered with coats of arms – I suppose of those who had sat in the Legislature. We afterwards went out to Carlsberg by water where there is a Military Academy for the instruction of military officers, and dined with Some sisters named [blank]. We walked in the grounds around here which are very fine and then returned to the city again and mounted a hill very prominent hill named Mose Backe (Moses’ hill) and had a very fine view of the city. Bro. Nilsen President of the Norrköpping Conference and Bro. Svedlund of the Sundswall Conference and a number of Saints came in to the Conference.

30 August 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Augt. 30/63. Attended meeting this morning when Bro Smith spoke and I followed and Bro Winberg interpreted. We had a very good time together. We went and visited a Museum that was not <only> open to-day and on Wednesday, and if we saw its contents at all we had to go to-day. The contents were the coronation robes, saddles, armor, pistols, swords and various other things belonging to the Kings. The boots and clothing and hat of in which Charles XII was killed, as also Gustavus Adolphus, were there also. The edge of Charles’ hat was cut by the musket ball which killed him. The horse on which Gustavus was riding when he was killed was also there stuffed. From this place we went to a Saloon and had our likenesses taken for one of the brethren. Ate dinner at Brother Ericzson’s; he expressed his good feelings towards us in a warm manner. Met again with the Saints at 5 P.M. The house was filled[,] many strangers being present. Bro. Smith and Bro’s. Nilsen and Swedlund spoke and I followed and had good liberty. Bro’s. Winberg and Swenson spoke and interpreted my remarks. A priest who was present and understood English came up and spoke to us after meeting. He did not express himself against us, but it was nevertheless plain that he was unfriendly. Spent some time talking with the Saints, several of whom could talk a little English. A Sister Swenson had was assisting Sister Ericzson in the labor of cooking &c for us and their efforts certainly deserve credit.

31 August 1863 • Monday

Monday, Augt. 31/63. We arose early this morning to start on our return for Gottenborg. We rode to the Station where we found many of the Saints. We started at about 7.45 A.M, Stockholm time and arrived at Gottenborg at about 10 P.M. Bro. Söderborg met us at the Station with some others of the Saints and the two strangers who had attended us on our departure. The man was baptized and confirmed the next night (Tuesday) and the woman will not be long out I think.

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August 1863, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025