September 1900

1 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, September 1, 1900

At the office.

The Conference of this Stake commenced this morning in the Assembly Hall. I met with the saints both in the forenoon and the afternoon, and spoke at the latter meeting.

2 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, September 2, 1900

Fast day. There were two meetings this morning that I wanted to go to, one the fast meeting in the Temple and the other a gathering of the Sunday schools in the Tabernacle. I thought it better to attend the meeting in the Temple. President Snow was not present, he having gone to Brigham City, and the meeting was in charge of Brother Winder. Brother Heber J Grant, of the Twelve, and my brother Angus, of the Stake Presidency, were present. We had a most enjoyable meeting, and I spoke for half an hour at the close and had excellent freedom.

In the afternoon the Stake Conference convened in the Tabernacle and after the transaction of business my brother Angus desired me to speak. I felt physically weak, through fasting, and I did not feel much like speaking; but I occupied 70 minutes to my own satisfaction and edification, and the people listened with great attention.

3 September 1900 • Monday

Monday, September 3, 1900

Labor Day – a holiday.

I came up town, attended to a little business, and then returned and spent the remainder of the day at home.

4 September 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 4, 1900

At the office.

Mr. Galt has invited the First Presidency, particularly President Snow, to go to Canada, to be there on the 8th of this month, to meet the Governor-General, who has expressed a wish to see us. President Snow, not feeling strong enough, desired to be excused, and wished me to go; but my wife’s health is such that I declined to promise to go, although it is the first time in my life that I have ever offered an excuse not to go when called upon; but on this occasion, there being nothing special involved in it, I felt that my wife’s condition justified me in not going. To-day we received a dispatch from Mr. Magrath stating that the Governor-General’s visit had been postponed until the 13th, and that Mr. Galt was still in the east.

Brother Winder and myself, of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co., met this morning and attended to some business.

5 September 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 5, 1900

My wife is still quite ill.

The First Presidency at the office.

At 1 o’clock we had a bank meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank.

6 September 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, September 6, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

At 11 o’clock we held our usual meeting at the Temple. There were present, beside the First Presidency, Brigham Young, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, A. H. Lund, M. F. Cowley, Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot, of the Apostles. Brother Smoot offered the opening prayer, and Brother Young was mouth at the altar.

A young man by the name of William W. Astle had been baptized in his childhood fourteen days before he was eight years old. He had been ordained to various offices in the priesthood and was now a Seventy, and I believe had taken a mission. When the fact that he had been baptized fourteen days before he was eight years old was brought to the attention of Brother M. W. Merrill, he had decided that his baptism and all that he received after that as a member of the Church was void, and gave instructions that he should be baptized again, and that the date of his baptism should be the last date, and the same with reference to his ordination, he having been ordained over again. The consequences of this ruling might be very serious, as everything that the man had done in the ordinations and baptism or performing in the offices of the priesthood would be invalidated by such action. After a full consideration of the question, it was decided to-day by the Council that Brother Merrill should have the record of his latter baptism and ordination blotted out, and that his former baptism should stand as valid, it being felt that fourteen days under such circumstances would not prevent his being a fit candidate for the ordinance.

Considerable conversation was held at this meeting concerning missionary work. I advocated sending missionaries to lands that had not yet heard the Gospel, and I introduced this resolution: That our policy be to stop sending Elders to the Southern States and Great Britain, unless it be in cases where Elders are specially needed; and that in those and other English-speaking countries where our Elders are in too great numbers, we reduce the number; and that the Elders, where they were laboring in places without results, be encouraged to push into new fields.

Brother Joseph F. Smith seconded this, and it was carried.

I asked some of the brethren of the Twelve to go with me to my residence to administer to my wife. Brothers Brigham Young, Heber J. Grant, A. H. Lund and M. F. Cowley went down with me, and we administered to her, for which she felt exceedingly grateful.

7 September 1900 • Friday

Friday September 7, 1900

I went to Provo and held meeting with the Grand Central Mining Co. Directors. Took dinner at Brother Holbrook’s. Sister Holbrook took me to the train in her buggy.

8 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, September 8, 1900

My wife’s health, I think, has taken a favorable turn since being administed [administered] to; she is still very weak, however.

I have concluded to go to Canada, according to the wish of President Snow.

9 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, September 9, 1900

I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle, and listened to Brother Ephraim Jensen’s report of his mission in the East, and afterwards to Brother James E. Talmage.

In the evening attended Ward meeting, partook of the sacrament, and made some remarks.

I had a visit from Brother L. W. Shurtliff, who came to speak with me on political matters.

My son Frank, I have forgotten to mention, returned from the East on Wednesday last, but did not come to the city till Thursday morning. I had a conversation of a few minutes before he went to the Democratic State Convention, which was held on Thursday morning in the theatre. He had been chosen to act as Temporary Chairman, and judging by the reports in the newspapers, at no previous political gathering in Utah was there such a tremendous demonstration in favor of any man as he received on his entrance in the Convention, and especially upon taking his seat as Chairman. The Convention went wild over him. His speech, everybody said, was very brilliant, and the delegates were carried off their feet by it. He was chock full, I suppose, of what he had to say, as he has been absent nearly a year. I regret that he has taken the course he has; still there may be something providential in it. He professes to be very sincere, and that he cannot act with the Republican party. I had a long interview with him on business matters on Saturday evening last, at my house.

10 September 1900 • Monday

Monday, September 10, 1900

Meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co. at 10 o’clock. I was kept busy there for a long time, signing vouchers as well as attending to other business.

I was busy getting ready to leave this evening for Canada. I intend to take with me my daughter Emily, as I feel that I should have somebody with me. It would have given me great pleasure to have had my wife Carlie gone, because her sister and her son are up there, and this is a journey on which she had dwelt with pleasure.

Mr. Thomas Kearns came in to see us about this proposed railway to Los Angeles, to find out what we would do in regard to it. They want our co-operation; at any rate, they want our goodwill.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

President Smith and wife, with his two sons Hyrum and Alvin, and myself and daughter Emily left on the Oregon Short Line train this evening for Canada. We took sleeping berths.

11 September 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 11, 1900

My daughter Emily and myself passed a good night. About forty minutes after we left Pocatello a dining car was attached to the train and we were able to get breakfast. Before noon it was detached, and at 12:15 there was an eating station, where some of the passengers took dinner, but we decided to wait until we got to Butte. On the way, Mr. Wilson, the Agent of the Oregon Short Line in Butte, came and proffered his services to me and wanted to know if he could do anything for me, and upon my stating that I did not know of anything he could do he said he was going to stop at Dillon himself, but he would telegraph his assistant at Butte to meet me and he would be glad to render any aid I might need. At Butte his assistant, Mr. St. Clair, did meet us. Brother Smith and wife and his two sons took one carriage, and my daughter Emily and myself, with Mr. St. Clair, took another and drove to the Butte Hotel. We arrived at Butte at 5:05 p.m., and the Great Northern train which we had to take to reach Great Falls did not leave until 8:55 p.m. Mr. St. Clair offered to pay for our carriage, but I declined, as he was under no obligation to us. We took a room at the hotel, for which they charged us fifty cents apiece. The house is kept on the European plan. We enjoyed our dinner. We left Butte at 8:55. They only charged us $1.50 on the line for a berth. The cars are not Pullmans, but very neat and comfortable.

12 September 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 12, 1900

We were awakened at a quarter to four this morning and reached Great Falls at four o’clock. The morning was very cool. We carried our hand baggage over to the hotel, which was close to the station. We rather expected that we would leave here early in the day for Lethbridge, but by inquiry we found that Mr. Galt was not coming here until about one o’clock and that his car would not return until 2:30. In the meantime President Smith and wife and two sons and my daughter Emily took a carriage and went up as far as Rainbow Falls on the Missouri and looked at the Giant Spring, a spring which I think more worthy of a visit than the Falls themselves, for I have seen many grand falls but never such a spring as the Giant Spring. Mr. Galt upon his arrival called upon us and desired us to be at the train at 2:30. He gave us a new private car to sit in and a good sleeping car to spend the night in. Mr. Collins, who is the State Treasurer of Montana and Vice President of the Great Falls and Canada Road, and Mr. Lethbridge, the Treasurer of the Road, and Mr. Naismith and Mr. Brady were in another car with Mr. Galt. We had considerable conversation with these gentlemen. We took our evening meal at Shelby a little after eight, and retired to rest about nine o’clock.

13 September 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, September 13, 1900

Mr. Galt arranged for our sleeper to be left at Stirling so that we slept undisturbed until morning. He with the remainder of the train passed on to Lethbridge. He had telegraphed to Bishop Brandley of Stirling that we would be there and arranged with him to come for us at 7:30. The Bishop was promptly on hand and took us off to the town, about a quarter of a mile distant, and to his house, where breakfast was prepared for us. He desired to know my wishes and I appointed a meeting for ten o’clock. The men were nearly all away working on a new railroad grade, so that we had a congregation chiefly of women and children. The choir, of which there were only a few present, was led by Brother William Hardy, who was formerly Bishop of Mountain Dell, Salt Lake County. My nephew, Richard G. Lambert, who is traveling as agent for the Deseret News and who came to our car in company with the Bishop this morning, opened with prayer. I called upon President Smith to speak, and he occupied fifty minutes. He was followed by his son Hyrum, who spoke about ten minutes, and I followed, speaking about fifty minutes. An excellent spirit prevailed and valuable instruction was given, which the congregation seemed to appreciate. This meeting-house, considering the age of the settlement, reflects great credit on the Bishop and the people. There are many old settlements in Utah where meeting-houses will not compare for neatness and comfort with this one. It is lined entirely with lumber after the fashion which is called ceiling lumber, and presents a handsome appearance. I advised that they should not put any paint on the wood, but varnish it and leave it in its natural color. The room is well seated with comfortable benches, and altog[e]ther I was much pleased with the appearance of the interior and complimented the Bishop and the people on what they had done. Between the outside and the inside walls they had filled in with clay, which added to the warmth. My son Mark Y. was here to meet us. He looks rugged and well and wears a full beard. He expresses himself as fully satisfied with the country and his prospects. He seems determined to persevere and build himself a home here and to reside here. I was pleased to see how well he felt and how encouraged he was at his prospects. I also met my wife Carlie’s sister, Miriam Hardy. She looks thin and worn. She has had two very sick children, one with the typhoid and the other with typhoid-pneumonia. They are now convalescing. I have had very deep sympathy for her, owing to the poverty in which she has been plunged, her husband’s losses having swallowed up every dollar of her patrimony, but she feels in good spirits. We called at the house and were met at the gate by Minnie, Emily, and some of the younger children. After partaking of dinner, Brother Brandley had two vehicles to carry us to Magrath. We left as 2:30, and after a somewhat pleasant ride we reached Magrath at 5:15. We drove to Brother Ririe’s. While on the way we met Brothers Woolley and Duce, who are counselors to Brother Card, the President of the Stake, and patriarch Hinman. We had a very pleasant afternoon and evening with them, and were hospitably entertained by Brother and Sister Ririe. Brother Ririe has been here since the 23rd of August one year ago, and I am greatly surprised at what he has accomplished. He has a house that would be considered large in any of our settlements and it is pretty well furnished. He has raised this season from 1500 to 2000 bushels of grain, and has built a quantity of very good shedding for his stock. His stacks of hay are quite large. He has followed farming, he tells me, from childhood, and everything around him bears evidence that he is a good farmer. He and his wife have been married nineteen years and they have had eleven children, one of whom is dead. The children are very good looking, and I am quite pleased with his spirit and management. He attributes his prosperity to the blessings of the Lord through the payment of tithing.

14 September 1900 • Friday

Friday, September 14, 1900

The program of arrangements, as described by Mr. Galt to me, was for us to stay at Stirling until about two o’clock in the afternoon; then drive over to Magrath. The Governor-General, accompanied by his lady and party, would leave Lethbridge this morning by rail for Stirling, where Brother Brandley had arranged an address of welcome, and for the singing of our hymn, “O my Father” and “God save the Queen”, also some instrumental music. The proceedings would be very brief. After this Lord and Lady Minto and their staff and attendants would ride horseback to this point, Magrath, where they would be received by the people, and they would give a reception. After partaking of a meal, they would again take horse for Lethbridge. He spoke of our returning with them to Lethbridge, but as they would all be on horseback and the party would embark immediately on their special train, I thought that instead of returning with them we might as well proceed to Cardston. We have had a regular blizzard break on us during last night. This morning it is very cold and stormy, making it exceedingly unpleasant out-of-doors. This weather spoils the program for to-day, and while I write we have not been able to learn whether the visit here will be given up or not.

I have employed my daughter Emily as an amanuensis in writing my journal.

Brother and Sister Ririe have made President Smith and wife and myself and daughter very comfortable. The two sons of Brother Smith stopped last night with Brother Woolley.

The storm was very severe, the wind was strong, and there was a beating cold rain of considerable violence. We had given up the idea that the Governor-General and his party would come in such a storm, but to our great surprise, just as we were finishing dinner the announcement was made that the party was outside. Lord and Lady Minto, their two daughters, and Miss Galt, with a cavacade of aide-de-camp and mounted police, accompanied by Mr. Galt, Mr. Magrath, Mr. T. E. Collins, Vice President of the Rocky Ford and Canada Railroad, Mr. T. E. Brady, attorney for the road, Major Perry, police commissioner, Captain Dean, Chief of the mounted police, the Governor-General’s private secretary, and an editor, came into the house very cold and very hungry. Our folks were very much disconcerted, as we had appointed a meeting for two o’clock, and the sisters had to be gathered, and plates, knives and forks collected to accommodate the party; but all hands turned in toward making preparations for a meal and heated up the sitting room so that they soon got warm. Mr. Galt introduced President Smith and myself to the Governor-General and Lady Minto, who were both addressed by the title of “Your Excellency”. All of our folks withdrew from the sitting room excepting myself, and left it to the visitors. I had a lengthy conversation with both their excellencies, and the conversation appeared to be very interesting to them and to all the others who listened. Her ladyship had very agreeable manners, and as soon as the ice was broken she conversed very freely and without apparent reserve, as did the Governor himself. They were both free from affectation, and their manners would not indicate to an observer that they were of the English nobility. I suppose this is a characteristic of their class. They are natural in their manners and free from affectation or from posing as being superior to people generally. His lordship is a man of medium size, with nothing particularly striking in his appearance. He is gentle in his manners. I should take him to be between forty and forty-five years of age. He had ridden on horseback in the midst of this driving storm for Stirling, and he returned to Lethbridge in the same way. Lady Minto I would take to be about thirty-eight years of age. She is scarcely of medium height and is very ladylike and affable.

Mr Magrath had the tables arranged to suit him. One table was arranged to seat eight. A long table was arranged for the gentlemen of the party. The mounted police came in after the rest had finished. When the meal was prepared Mr. Magrath desired me to lead Lord and Lady Minto into the dining room and seat them at the table and sit with them myself. I seated his lordship at the end of the table with Lady Minto beside him, and next to her their two daughters. I seated Miss Galt on his lordship’s right. Mr. Galt took the next seat. I then took the seat opposite his lordship. As soon as her ladyship saw where I was sitting she arose and exchanged places with one of her daughters and sat at my right, while the other daughter moved over to the seat on my left. They enjoyed the meal excellently, showing their appreciation by eating heartily. They praised the food, especially the bread and the cakes and the quantity that seemed to be on hand to feed so large a party. Sister Ririe and the sisters did excellently in waiting on the table, and I think the whole affair passed off more pleasantly and with less formality than if they had not come so unexpectedly. Altogether I was quite satisfied myself with the way everything passed off.

I invited his lordship and her ladyship to visit Utah. At first they did not express any desire, but before we separated they both said they would like to come and visit us.

Although it was storming the party started for Lethbridge about four o’clock. I think they displayed great courage, especially the ladies, in coming on such a journey in such weather; but his lordship said he had other appointments to keep and he tried to be punctual in keeping them.

As soon as they had taken their departure we went to meeting, and though it was late in the evening we had a very good attendance and an excellent meeting.

15 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, September 15, 1900

It was still storming this morning, but not so heavily as yesterday.

Brother Ririe arranged for myself and my daughter Emily to go in his covered conveyance, which he drove to Cardston. President Smith and wife and Patriarch Hinman rode in Brother Thomas Duce’s conveyance. President Smith’s sons Hyrum and Alvin and my nephew Richard G. Lambert rode with Brother Orson Woolley. Brothers Duce and Woolley are Counselors to Brother C. O. Card in the Presidency of this Stake of Zion. Brother [blank] Harker is the Bishop of this Ward; his counselors are Brother

[blank] Bennett and Brother [blank]. They made us as comfortable as possible in the vehicles. They were careful of me, as they feared being in delicate health I might take cold. Brother Ririe loaned me his fur coat, and in reply to my remonstrance that he would need it himself he said that he had no intention of wearing it. President Smith had a fur coat also which one of the brethren had loaned him, and Sister Smith and Emily had extra wraps loaned them. The distance to Cardston is called twenty-five miles, which we made in about four hours. We did not suffer any from the cold. Brother Ririe’s daughter got sick before we reached Cardston. They put up at Brother Beza’s, and myself and daughter at Sister Card’s. Brother Card is absent. I felt quite chilly during the evening.

16 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, September 16, 1900

We met with the Sunday school this morning, and spent one hour there. President Smith addressed the children and I occupied the remainder of the time until 11 o’clock. I enjoyed much freedom in speaking to the children.

This day has been appointed for a convention of all the mutual improvement associations. After leaving the Sunday school we went to where the association officers were holding meeting and spent an hour with them, during which Brother Smith and myself spoke to them.

At 2 o’clock the Convention met again in the meeting-house, Brother John W. Woolf presiding, he being the Superintendent of the Associations. The exercises and the administration of the sacrament occupied the time until a little after three. Then President Smith gave some instructions concerning the method of procedure in the associations and occupied the time until ten minutes to four. There was a large congregation of people, many of whom had come through the storm because they had heard that we were to be there. We ourselves had traveled 800 miles, and I could not be satisfied without speaking to the people. I was willing that the Association business should be attended to, but when that was finished I felt that I must talk to the saints. I occupied three quarters of an hour and felt the power of God resting upon me.

At 7 o’clock we again held meeting, and the house was pretty well filled. President Smith’s wife and my daughter Emily were called upon to speak first. Brother Wolf said he felt that I ought to take charge of the meeting and that we should occupy the time, as the people wanted to hear us and the Association could postpone its program until some other time. I then asked President Smith to speak, but he did not feel like it and suggested that I call upon his son Hyrum, who occupied about 20 mins. He is a good speaker and delivered a good address. I then called upon President Smith again, but he desired me to occupy all the time I wanted. It is seldom that I have enjoyed speaking as I did on this occasion. I felt the Spirit of God resting upon me powerfully and I spoke with the greatest freedom and ease. I dwelt on a variety of subjects. Among other things I spoke very plainly to the priesthood about their duties and said there was a supineness and neglect on the part of the priesthood that was sinful in the sight of the Lord. I said the quorums should meet regularly, and absentees should be visited and if they neglected to attend their meetings after they had been visited and warned and still continued to neglect their duties, they should be disfellowshiped. I said that quorums of the priesthood were neglecting their duties all through the Church. I have been particularly impressed with this by hearing the instructions given to the Mutual Improvement Associations. These associations are taking upon themselves the functions that belong to the priesthood. They are growing in power and influence and are promoted and looked after with admirable zeal, and the strength of the priesthood is enlisted for their support, while the quorums of the priesthood are neglected and left to languish. I hope I do not give way to a wrong influence when I say this, but I feel that there must be a change in this, for every movement in fostering and building up these associations is overshadowing the regularly organized quorums of the priesthood and lessening and curtailing their sphere. I held up before the meeting this evening in very strong language the dangers which men bearing the priesthood expose themselves to by treating their priesthood as very many do. The Lord was with me in my remarks and I felt excellently, as I believe the people did. They appeared to enjoy what was said. President Smith followed and occupied about fifteen minutes. He gave some excellent instructions about the organization of the priesthood, explaining the duties of the First Presidency and the Twelve, and showing the relationship of the Twelve and first quorum of Seventies to the First Presidency; that the decisions of the Twelve were only equal when the quorum of First Presidency was dissolved by the death of the President. He made a number of explanations concerning the duties of the Twelve; that they were subject to the First Presidency and could only act in the Stakes of Zion in making changes, etc., when directed and authorized by the First Presidency. His instructions on these points were very plain.

17 September 1900 • Monday

Monday, September 17, 1900

Twelve years ago to-day I surrendered myself to the United States Marshal upon the indictments which were found against me for unlawful cohabitation and was sentenced to the penitentiary, from which I was released on the 22nd of February, 1889.

It was still raining this morning, but I thought we had better start for Magrath, as it was not a beating or a cold rain. We got away a few minutes after eleven, and reached Magrath at four o’clock. Although it rained in torrents the greater part of the way we were so well sheltered that we suffered little inconvenience. Brother Ririe drove us to his own house, where we were again entertained.

18 September 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 18, 1900

The weather has moderated and it has cleared up to-day. Brother Ririe could not go to Lethbridge with us. He loaned his carriage and Brother Orson Woolley put his team on and carried us to Lethbridge. Besides my daughter Emily and myself he took Sister Zina Card. She came the day before in Brother Duce’s carriage. To-day Brother Duce carried President Smith and wife and two sons in his vehicle. The day turned out very fine and the ride was pleasant. We called at Brother Hammond’s camp, and arranged with him to join us at Lethbridge to-morrow. He is in poor health and is twenty pounds lighter than he was. We drove to Mr. Galt’s, he having expressly invited us. His sister, Miss Galt, is living with him. I found two dispatches here, one from Thomas Kearns, which was dated Sept.17, and read as follows: [“]Kerens and Gibbon will be here Tuesday night”; the other was from President Snow, dated Sept.18, which read, “Mr. Gibbon is here. When may I expect you?” These gentlemen have come to Salt Lake to enter into arrangements connected with the construction of a railroad from Los Angeles to Salt Lake. Mr. Wm. A. Clark, the multi-millionaire, is the chief promoter of the enterprise, and he is expected in Salt Lake City by the 18th or 20th. These people are desirous to get us interested in that project and have expressed a particular desire to have interviews with the First Presidency and especially myself. I showed these dispatches to Mr. Galt and Mr. Magrath, and they yielded their desire to have President Smith and myself remain and act as pacificators in arranging a settlement with the contractors and the Irrigation Company. We promised to try and arrange for Brother Rudger Clawson and someone else to come up after our General Conference and help settle up affairs. I telegraphed President Snow that we should start home this evening and hoped to reach there Thursday evening.

At seven o’clock we sat down to a very fine dinner with Mr. Galt and his sister. There were six in our party and Sister Card.

After dinner Mr. Galt and Mr. Magrath read us some correspondence from Brother Hammond and other contractors, with Engineer Anderson’s unfavorable comments on them. I fear that it will be difficult to effect a satisfactory settlement, as Mr. Anderson seems disposed to be unfair with the contractors. He has been employed for this work by the London stockholders and appears quite willing to enter upon legal proceedings with the contractors rather than to yield in the least. Mr. Galt, on the contrary, desires a pacific settlement, as he does not wish ill feelings to grow up among the settlers against the government.

At 10:45 we left Lethbridge on the sleeper furnished by Mr. Galt.

19 September 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 19, 1900

We reached Great Falls at 9:15 this morning and remained there until about 5:30 in the afternoon, when we pushed out for Butte. The great Northern, on which we took passage, had been delayed two hours and a quarter. We reached Butte a little after midnight.

20 September 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, September 20, 1900

After reaching Butte last night we took a carriage for the Oregon Short Line depot. We went right to bed on the sleeper, and the train started for Salt Lake at 4:15 a.m. At about a quarter to ten we breakfasted at Lima.

While at Lethbridge on Tuesday I bought some liquid cascarra and took half a teaspoonful in the evening. President Smith, who uses this medicine, thought the dose a very moderate one, but on Wednesday I suffered terribly from its effects. It physiced me very much and gave me great pain. I scarcely ever take medicine and this does not encourage me to resort to it.

We reached Salt Lake City at 8:20 p.m. and were met at the station with a carriage. Found everybody at home feeling pretty well. My wife Carlie had improved so much that she had been able to sit up yesterday and to-day for a few minutes each day. I was very thankful to find her improved.

21 September 1900 • Friday

Friday, September 21, 1900

The city is all agog this morning expecting the arrival of Governor Roosevelt and party. At ten o[’]clock President Snow and myself walked down to the Utah Light & Power Co’s premises and sat in an upper room and saw the procession form to escort him into the city. He was met at the depot by Governor Wells, Secretary of State Hammond, a number of citizens, and 320 Rough Riders, and the procession made a very creditable appearance. Governor Roosevelt rode in a carriage drawn by four white horses, accompanied by the Governor and others. The Rough Riders rode next to his carriage, and then came a number of carriages occupied by prominent visitors and citizens. My son John Q. rode with a staff of officers in front of the Rough Riders. The Governor seemed greatly pleased with his reception, and from what I have heard is very favorably impressed with the Mormon people, it being the first time he has been brought in contact with them.

22 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, September 22, 1900

Mr. Simon Bamberger had a lengthy interview this morning with the First Presidency and Brothers John Henry Smith and Anthon H. Lund. I was only present part of the time, having been called out to converse with the people connected with this projected railroad.

My wife Carlie is improving in health.

23 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, September 23, 1900

I had a long talk to-day with my son Willard concerning my boys younger than he and the best thing to do about their schooling. Not counting Georgius, I have eight sons younger than he, and some of them are of an age to call for some decision as to what line of work they will pursue, and as the schools are now opening I feel impressed to have them take such studies as will be of benefit to them in whatever pursuit they adopt. The two oldest of the eight are Preston and Karl. Karl has decided on studying electrical engineering. He has been working for some time for the Utah Light & Power Co. and appears to have an aptitude for the business. Preston’s sickness through his operation for appendicitis has broken into his life and caused him to leave his mission in Germany unfinished. I have always thought that he would be a stockman. He himself feels that he would rather pursue that calling than anything else in sight. The next oldest is Radcliffe, who desires to be an engineer. I suggest that he be a mechanical engineer. Clawson seems to have a great liking for horses, cattle and sheep. Espy wants to be an electrical engineer. I suggested to him that they must not crowd the engineering profession too much. Willard suggested that I have one of the boys trained to sugar manufacture and give him a good mechanical education, which strikes me favorably. The younger of the boys, of course[,] there is no necessity to talk about their professions at present.

At 2 o’clock I went to the Tabernacle and listened with much pleasure to the reports of Elders Ernest Schettler and Ezra Stevenson. The latter spoke at some length; he has been President of the New Zealand mission, and on his return has circumnavigated the globe, visiting many countries. Brother Joseph E. Taylor, who was presiding, pressed me to speak. I felt entirely empty, but in compliance with the request I arose and occupied about 40 mins.

In the evening I attended meeting at the Ward, partook of the sacrament, and listened to remarks made by Elder [blank] and Elder John Nicholson.

24 September 1900 • Monday

Monday, September 24, 1900

First Presidency at the office. I was busy with various matters.

25 September 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 25, 1900

Met with the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. this morning. Afterwards attended to various items of business at the office.

I had a lengthy conversation with my son Frank about business affairs. He is about to enter upon the labor of campaigning for the Democratic ticket throughout the State.

26 September 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 26, 1900

There was a meeting of the Utah Sugar Co. at ten o’clock.

I was busy to-day with Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co’s affairs. The time is drawing nigh for the business to be transferred to the Church.

My eyes have been troubling me lately, and I called at Dr. Leslie Snow’s office and had them examined.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

27 September 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, September 27, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

The usual Council meeting was held this morning at the Temple. All of the Twelve were present excepting Brother Merrill. We clothed, and I led in the circle, President Snow not being able to. Brother Lyman made the opening prayer, and Brother Woodruff prayed at the altar.

At 3 p.m. I attended the meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

At 7 o’clock held a meeting with my family at home.

I am seriously thinking of turning over the Juvenile Instructor to the Sunday School Union. I ought to get something for this, it having been published now for thirty-five years and having a fine reputation among the people. I have valued this more than anything that I possessed, not for the profit it produced, however, for it would have gone down years ago if I had not used my means to keep it up; but I have had great pride in it, and my work on it has been a labor of love. I have endeavored to make it a periodical that our children could read with profit. But circumstances are surrounding us now of such a nature that I have lost some of the pride that I once had in this magazine, and feel that perhaps it would be better for me to sever my connection with it. The Improvement Era, the organ of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association, is being pushed with very great vigor and in such a way that, though we have had no unpleasantness so far, there may be things arise in the future which will be unpleasant. It is very freely said by agents of the Era, in their anxiety to secure the circulation of their periodical, that it belongs to the Association and is not a private enterprise; that whatever profits there are accruing belong to the Association, and it differs in that respect from the Juvenile Instructor–conveying the idea that the Juvenile Instructor has been profitable to its owners, and that its publication is a mercenary one. To put me in this attitude is very unpleasant, because it is not true. As I have said, if I had not expended private means on this periodical it would have gone down years ago. I have made no appeals in any form to the public or to the Church for assistance, but have carried whatever load there was myself. I do not want to come in contact or competition with any periodical published by others, and I have concluded, if I can make arrangements with the Sunday School Union to take the Juvenile Instructor, that I will turn it over to them. They can adopt the methods of the Era if they wish, because it will bear the same relationship to the Sunday school as the Era does to the Improvement Associations. In making this statement I do not mean to reflect upon anybody, because I do not know of any one taking any step to injure in any way the Juvenile Instructor. There are some things that are quite regrettable to me in going out of the printing, publishing, book-binding and book-selling business. I feel for the employes. We have expended from $18,000 to $20,000 a year in wages. True, they will likely find employment in other directions; still it has been a good business for our hands, and they have really received more benefit from our work than we have ourselves.

28 September 1900 • Friday

Friday, September 28, 1900

First Presidency at the office. Attended to business.

29 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, September 29, 1900

Presidency at the office. Nothing special.

Patriarchs B. F. Johnson and A. F. Macdonald, accompanied by Sister Macdonald, Sister Brezee and Sister Jesse W. Fox, took dinner with me.

30 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, September 30, 1900

At 10 o’clock attended fast meeting at the Temple, in company with my wives Sarah Jane and Martha and my daughter Hester. We had a most interesting time. I spoke for quarter of an hour at the close and felt very well in doing so.

In the afternoon attended sacrament meeting in the ward, at which the saints bore testimony, and I spoke for about half an hour.

I took my wife Carlie out for a ride in the close carriage between the forenoon and afternoon meetings. She is gradually gaining in strength, and to-day is the first time she has been outside of the bedroom. She suffers from heart trouble if she exerts herself to any extent.

The reason to-day was observed as fast day was because next Sunday (which would be the regular fast day) will be the last day of our General Conference, and we do not desire to interfere with that; therefore the saints were requested to observe to-day as fast day.

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September 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024