August 1900

1 August 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 1, 1900

Attended a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co., and was busy with correspondence.

2 August 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, August 2, 1900

I was greatly pleased this morning to find President Snow so improved in health that he felt he could go to the temple and meet with us. He and I went down, and there were of the Twelve, Elders Lyman, Smith, Teasdale, Grant, Taylor, Lund, Clawson and Smoot. President Snow did not feel able to dress in his temple clothing, and I took charge of the circle. The opening prayer was made by Brother John W. Taylor, and Brother Clawson was mouth at the altar.

At the office we held a meeting with Bishops Preston and Winder, in company with Brothers Lyman, Grant and Smoot. The question was as to the apportionment of the tithing in the Utah Stake, about which there had been differences of opinion between the Presidency of the Stake and the Presiding Bishops. After simmering it all down, I found that the objection was not so much against the apportionment as it was to the Stake having taken part of the ten per cent allowed them to apply to ecclesiastical purposes in the Stake. This conference cleared up some points which have led to feeling on the subject, and it did good. The feeling was that the Stake should continue to distribute a portion of the ten per cent as they had done, and whatever there was over, if it should be applied for any other purpose than the remuneration of the Bishops it should be with the general knowledge of the priesthood.

I went down to the Sunday School Union Board meeting, but the meeting had just adjourned.

3 August 1900 • Friday

Friday, August 3, 1900

I had decided to go to the Jordan Stake Conference to-day, and Brother Cowley said he would go with me, but he got a misunderstanding. I went down and was joined on the train by President Miller. Brother Grant was also on the train going there. We were taken by Bishop Ennis to his residence, when we arrived at Draper. He has a fine orchard, and we had plenty of peaches and plums to eat.

At 10 o’clock we were driven to the meeting-house, which is a brick one, newly built, and presents a very fine appearance. Brother Reed Smoot had come up from Provo and was with us. The forenoon session was occupied by Brothers Smoot and Grant. I spoke in the afternoon for 70 mins. The attendance was unusually large for

Saturday, and the people appeared deeply interested.

I concluded to stay in Draper for the night, while Brothers Grant and Smoot left for Salt Lake.

5 August 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, August 5, 1900

Brother M. F. Cowley and Brother Andrew Jenson came down on the morning train. The house was filled to overflowing. Brother Jenson and Brother Cowley were the speakers this morning. It being fast day, Prest. Miller had arranged to have the priesthood meeting between the forenoon and afternoon sessions. After Brother Miller had got through his business, he was desirous that I should speak on some questions that have been sprung, and I did so. The conference met again at 2 o’clock. The sacrament was administered and the authorities were presented, which left about 45 mins., as we were to dismiss at 3:30, and at the request of the brethren I occupied this time. These meetings were very spirited and I enjoyed them very much. After the meeting we administered to some sick people. Brother Crane and wife were very anxious that Brother Cowley and myself should take dinner with them. They took us to their house, and after finishing our meal they drove us around the town. We left for Salt Lake City at 5:50. I felt considerably tired and was glad to get to bed at an early hour.

6 August 1900 • Monday

Monday, August 6, 1900

I found President Snow in improved health. I attended to my correspondence and other business.

In the evening, having been invited by Bishop Walter Beatie to take part with the Sunday school officers and others of the 17th Ward in giving Brother William B. Dougall a visit to express our good feelings for him before his departure on his mission, I went with my wife to the house at 8 o’clock. Brothers Smith, Grant and Lund, of the Twelve, were present, besides many other brethren and sisters. We had some excellent singing by Miss Clark, Winslow Smith and Hugh Dougall, and music on the piano by different ones, and then Bishop Beatie said he would like to have some of the brethren speak. He called upon Brother Geo. A. Smith, a Sunday school worker, who spoke very nicely of Brother Dougall and his labors. He was followed by Brother Lund, who had been a fellow-worker with Brother Dougall on the Deseret telegraph line. Then Bishop Beatie paid a most excellent testimony to Brother Dougall’s faithfulness and kindness and his attention to all his duties in the ward, and his liberality to himself personally when he was called upon a mission and was in poor condition financially. He was followed by Brother John Henry Smith, Brother Heber J. Grant and myself. The united testimony of all was most creditable to Brother Dougall, and all predicted that he would do a good work while gone. He then was called upon to speak, and he expressed with some emotion the pleasure it had given him to receive such kind treatment so entirely unexpected as had been tendered to him this evening. Refreshments were then served, and myself and wife left for home.

7 August 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 7, 1900

Met with the Utah Light & Power Co. this [unfinished]

I explained to my sons Hugh and Angus and my nephew John M. that President Snow had informed me yesterday that he had concluded to accept the offer which I had made of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons business, with one exception – the $5000 I asked for he could not grant, as he did not wish to pay out any cash. In reply to this remark of his, I said that the $3000 which I wished to go to the Ogden bank would not have to be paid in cash in addition to that which is already paid; that he had agreed to pay $35,000, and that was all that was asked. What I wished was to have myself credited with $3000 of that amount. It did not involve any additional payment of money, but merely gave me the credit of $3000. The $2000 which I wished to give to the College, I thought could be fixed in some other way. He said the $3000 might go as I wished. He further said that instead of my house being credited at $40,000 it was credited at $60,000 in the dedicated fund, but that, he said, made no difference. I explained this to my sons and to Brother Whitney. I afterwards spoke to Brother Whitney privately, and said to him that inasmuch as this business was likely to be closed up, and what he said about it would be listened to, I wished him to deal with me as he would like to be dealt with. I was not doing this as a bargain in any form, but in order to remove everything that might prove embarrassing. His reply was that he would keep that in mind. He said that he thought what I had proposed was very liberal indeed, and he would try and remember that this was some sort of a dedication to the Church.

I dictated letters to my daughter Grace, and my journal to Brother Winter.

My son-in-law, Harry Chamberlain, has been offered two positions – one, to take charge of the Preston Academy, at $125 per month, and the other, to act as Instructor in certain branches at the Brigham Young College, Logan. I had interrogated him respecting his ability as an executive man, and he had expressed distrust in himself relative to this – in which I shared. But Prest. Parkinson came to-day and was anxious that he should go to Preston, one reason being that his wife Amelia, my daughter, could teach music, she being a good piano player. Brother Chamberlain had accepted the Logan offer, but I brought him and Brother Parkinson in contact this afternoon to talk over this business.

8 August 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 8, 1900

At the office. Dictated letters to my daughter Grace, one of them being addressed to my son William, whose wife starts in the morning to join him in Belgium. I am not satisfied with William’s course, but I think his wife will have a good influence with him. He wrote me a very good-spirited letter in July, which I have not answered till to-day, for I was in doubt as to what to do. He suggests that he should take six months’ instruction in Paris and Vienna in his profession as physician, which would enable him to master French more perfectly, and at the expiration of this period to return to the ministry. I do not like this proposition very well, because I think if he would follow the ministry till he has filled his mission he would be in a far better position to study his profession then than now; but he is anxious to attend certain classes that commence in Paris in September. I have consented to his wife going to him. His cousin, C. E. Loose, promised to let him have money enough to enable him to perfect himself in his profession by attending the Paris and Vienna schools, and he let me have a check for $250 a short time since to send to him. I have taken $100 of this for Adah’s passage, as I have not funds of my own at present. I have already forwarded money to him to help him go to the Paris Exposition.

This evening the Sunday School Union Board and some of their wives met at the house of Brother Karl G. Maeser to give him a testimonial of their regard. He was not at home when the brethren and sisters assembled. A hymn was sung, prayer was offered by Brother J. M. Tanner, and then I was called upon to speak, which I did on behalf of the Union Board, and paid a tribute of affection to Brother Maeser. Brother Lyman and Brother Teasdale also spoke. Then Brother Maeser responded. Refreshments were served, at which time I withdrew and returned home.

9 August 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, August 9, 1900

President Snow and myself and Elders F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, A. H. Lund, A. O. Woodruff, R. Clawson and R. Smoot met in the Temple at 11. President Snow’s health did not permit him to clothe, and I presided in the circle. Various matters of business were attended to.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co., and also a meeting of the Sunday School Union, which I attended.

10 August 1900 • Friday

Friday, August 10, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office. The contract between himself and Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. was signed to-day.

At 2:15 I went out to the lake, there being a reunion of the Polynesian Missions. The cars were very much crowded, but I succeeded in getting a special car from the Rio Grande railroad, through Manager Bateman, which carried my family and some of our friends there and back again, and this made our ride very comfortable. There was a very large gathering of people, and the program rendered was enjoyed by everyone. I do not speak of my own address in this connection. I spoke 18 mins., giving a brief relation of the introduction of the Gospel to the Sandwich Islands. I am looked upon as the patriarch of the Polynesian Missions. In the evening there was an exhibition of stereopticon views, two of my portraits being among them, one taken in 1853 or 1854, and the other taken three years afterwards when I was engaged in publishing the Hawaiian edition of the Book of Mormon, which I had translated. I do not know when I have had so enjoyable a time as we had to-day.

11 August 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, August 11, 1900

I went to Provo this morning, and met twice with the Grand Central Mining Co. I was entertained by Brother and Sister Holbrook. I returned on the 9:40 p.m. train, which was delayed one hour, and it was nearly 1 o’clock before I reached home.

12 August 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, August 12, 1900

I felt very tired and sleepy this morning. For two nights past I have had only partial rest. I debated in my mind about going to meeting to-day, but it is so contrary to my practice to stay away that I concluded to go. Elder F. E. Barker, who has just returned from presiding over the Australian Mission, addressed the saints for half an hour. I followed and spoke for three quarters of an hour.

I took dinner with my daughter Mary Alice and her husband.

13 August 1900 • Monday

Monday, August 13, 1900

Brother A. F. Macdonald, who is a patriarch, proposed to give me a patriarchal blessing; said he felt impressed to do so, and I was glad to accept it. He laid his hands upon my head and spoke as follows:

“Dear Brother George Q. Cannon, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by virtue and authority of the priesthood, even the patriarchal power which has been placed upon me, I do lay my hands upon your head and do bless you with the power of life, of health and of strength, and ask God the Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, to hear our prayers in your behalf, and to bless you agreeable to our desires, which are mutual before Thee, our Heavenly Father, that Thy servant from this time forth shall be blessed and strengthened in his body and mind, and especially in his powers and faculties, that they may not be impaired, but that the power of speech and every faculty and nerve of his body, even the power of life, may rest upon you from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet, and that life and health may be renewed, and power increased within you, that the excessive labors and trials which you have passed through hitherto may be mitigated, and that you may enjoy that power and life, even your heart’s desire, to do the will of the Father here upon the earth. And because of your great earnestness and sincerity and ambition to accomplish the Lord’s purposes, and your willingness and obedience in hearkening to the counsels of your brethren, God will greatly bless and strengthen and fit you, that your latter days may be made unto you happy and pleasant and beneficial, and that you may not be deprived of any power or faculty of your body or mind, but have that continued ability and strength which is needful unto you in the discharge of your duties.

“Dear Brother George, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask God our Eternal Father to strengthen you for the accomplishment of this purpose and work, and especially that the blessings and benefits of your extended experience in connection with the powers of the priesthood may come to the saints and to the church of God here in the land. I bless you that your nerve centres and the powers of life within you may be renewed and strengthened, and that every means that shall be used for your benefit shall be sanctified and blessed to bring peace, health and strength, and vigor of body and mind unto you.

“I feel to seal and confirm upon your head, by virtue of the holy priesthood which has been bestowed upon me, every blessing and promise which has heretofore been placed upon you and given unto you, that your continued usefulness and the favor of God may be around you, and that the power of your enemies may not reach you, but that you may be preserved, and have the faith and confidence of your brethren and friends, and be freed from the fear and anger of the wicked who seek to assail and hurt you.

“Dear Brother George, I ask in your behalf these blessings, and feel to invoke the same, that God will impart unto you health and life and ability, that you may possess and have every gift which you shall be able to exercise in your future days upon the land, and that your days may be prolonged as long as life shall be desirable unto you.

We seal and confirm upon you all these blessings, and renew your father’s blessings upon your head at this time, together with every other blessing which shall be for your good.

And this I do in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Even so. Amen.”

I attended to some matters of business at the office. Dictated a long letter to my son Frank, in London: also my journal.

14 August 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 14, 1900

Attended meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co., which occupied the forenoon.

At 1 o’clock I met with the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co.

Dictated some correspondence to my daughter Grace.

15 August 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 15, 1900

Meeting of the Utah Sugar Co.

Attended to various matters of business in the office.

16 August 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, August 16, 1900

At the office in the morning.

Governor Richards, of Wyoming, accompanied by his wife and son and daughter and several friends, called upon us. The Governor expressed himself as greatly pleased with the reports he had heard from our people in the Big Horn country.

At 11 o’clock we held our usual meeting in the Temple. President Snow was not able to clothe, and wished me to take charge. I offered the opening prayer, and Brother Teasdale was mouth in the circle. Considerable business was done, and we had some very interesting conversation concerning the principle of plural marriage[.]

At 2 o’clock we had an appointment with five newspaper correspondents who have come here in a special car. Their object in visiting Utah is to ascertain the industrial and economic conditions which exist here as well as in the various States west, and the opportunities that they present for the investment of capital. We had a long conversation with Mr. C. F. King, Manager of the League, and gave him a number of our works. He seemed very much interested in the people and in our doctrines, and said he intended to be more than fair in the treatment of our question – to be liberal. Before he left, at his request, I dictated a letter to be signed by the First Presidency, that he could show to friends where he traveled in Utah.

At 3 p.m. there was a meeting of Z.C.M.I.

As soon as I got away from that meeting I went to the meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

My wife Carlie has been very sick for several days. My wife Martha is also sick. We prayed for them both in the circle to-day, and my wife Carlie’s children fasted and prayed all day for her, as her condition is very serious and she is in great agony, having an attack of acute rheumatism. For two nights my rest has been much broken on account of this.

17 August 1900 • Friday

Friday, August 17, 1900

It was very gratifying this morning to find that my wife Carlie was much easier; in fact, she got easier in the afternoon yesterday, and the children feel sure that their prayers were heard in her behalf. Martha’s condition is easier at times, but she suffers considerably with pain, though she is able to get up.

At the office this morning. Mr. Graves, who is here endeavoring to secure portraits of prominent men to publish in a work that he is getting up, with biographies, was in and spent an hour talking with us. President Snow, at my suggestion, gave an order for a portrait to be etched in copper. He was very anxious to get my portrait, and inasmuch as I had a steel plate it would only cost $100 to get in my biography; but I deferred giving the order, as I really am not in funds sufficient to do it. President Snow’s will cost $500. I told him that I thought the Church owed it to him, as its President, to have his portrait among the eminent men of the country.

At 2 o[’]clock this afternoon the President was waited upon by Rev. Dr. Paden and Rev. Mr. Henry, who came as a committee from the Ministers’ Association of this City to talk and secure pledges from President Snow respecting Saltair. They wanted him to state that he would have the bar closed there, and told of things done that they suggested were very bad, and which made the place, otherwise so very fine as a resort, low and disreputable. We had a very lively conversation for nearly two hours on the subject. Brothers John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant came in, but they did not have much to say, though what they did say was to the point. President Snow did most of the talking at first. I afterwards took part, because there were things that I was familiar with connected with the building of the Pavilion that President Snow did not understand. These men would like to have us shape our affairs to suit them. They use no argument against saloons and other evil practices that is not our argument. We are as much opposed to the liquor business as they possibly can be. We told them that we had voted for years to exclude the saloons from our city, but we had been overruled by the courts and by influences that were antagonistic to us; that we had shown our devotion to good order and to the maintenance of a proper condition in this city and in all the cities over which we had any control, and that our record in this respect would compare with the record of any people or of any church.

President Joseph F. Smith and Brother Seymour B. Young, who have been on a mission to Mexico, to see Brother B. Cluff, Jr., and the brethren which form the company he is taking on his expedition, came in to the office and reported to us what they had found. Statements had been made to the Council to the effect that the young men who formed the expedition were utterly unreliable; that they were a poor lot, and that there was only one man in the company that could be trusted, and several other things of a similar character. It was very gratifying to me to learn from President Smith that these statements had no foundation in truth. He and Brother Young both testified that a finer lot of young men they had never met anywhere, and spoke in the highest terms of them and of their good feeling. I was especially pleased to hear this, because among them is a grandson of mine – John Q’s oldest boy! I am not altogether pleased with the reports I have heard about him, but President Smith spoke quite well of him.

18 August 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, August 18, 1900

At the office.

To-day in conversation the question concerning the negro race came up, because of a letter which had been received from Brother Ben E. Rich, the President of the Southern States Mission, in which it was stated that some people of this race had been baptized into the Church and some of them had been ordained to the priesthood. He sent us a copy of his answer to those who made inquiry of him concerning the propriety of this, and it was to the effect that the negro race were not entitled to the priesthood. This led to some conversation between the First Presidency respecting the negro race. President Snow proposed that we should bring it up in the Council on Thursday next. This struck me as being scarcely the thing to do, for it would lead to discussion without any profitable result, I feared. I asked President Snow if the question was not already decided, and he spoke as though it was not. I remarked that I had heard President Young express himself very positively on this question a number of times, as well as President Taylor. President Taylor had repeated to me a conversation he had had with the Prophet Joseph on this question, and one of the points of the conversation was that the negro could not hold the priesthood. There was one all-powerful reason why he should not be entitled to it, and that is: Mankind who obey the Gospel and receive the priesthood have the right to exercise their powers and privileges for the redemption of their ancestors, and if a man had a negro ancestor, however far back that ancestor might be, he might attempt, if he held the priesthood, to have ordinances performed for him, although he belonged to the accursed race. President Young had stated positively that no negro had a right to hold the priesthood. I then read from the record of Abraham, in which Abraham speaks with the utmost plainness upon this point. I also read from the record concerning Enoch; that he had preached to all except the descendants of Cain, showing that they were excepted from the privileges and blessings that the white race were entitled to.

I think our conversation will result in good. It strengthened me in the view which I have always entertained since early days, that however white a man may be and though every trace of negro blood be lost in his appearance, still if he were a descendant of that race in any degree he could not legally hold the priesthood. President Taylor explained to me in my boyhood that God had decreed that no descendant of Cain could obtain unto these blessings until the seed of Abel should come forward and receive the priesthood and exercise it. If it were not so, the murderer and his posterity would precede the murdered.

19 August 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, August 19, 1900

I took train at 7 a.m. for Syracuse. Brother Geo. Reynolds and myself went there to hold meeting with the saints in the Pavilion at that place. President Hess had requested us not to get breakfast till we reached the house of Brother [blank] Woods, as he had asked him to provide breakfast for the party. On the way we were joined by several members of the High Council and by Prest. Hess and his two Counselors. There were three vehicles at the station to meet us, – barely sufficient to carry the party to Brother Woods’. Brother Hess and his Counselors, Brother Reynolds and myself and two or three more stopped there and partook of a very substantial meal. We were then taken to the Pavilion at Syracuse, about six miles distant. The roads were very dusty and it was unpleasant traveling because of the wind.

The Pavilion was very well filled when we commenced the meeting. Brother Reynolds occupied about half an hour in speaking to the saints, and I spoke about fifty minutes and had great freedom. I dwelt upon the principle of tithing.

The saints had come prepared with food for a substantial meal, and we joined in with them. Melons of the finest quality were in abundance.

At the afternoon meeting I spoke upwards of an hour, and Brother Reynolds occupied the remainder of the time.

We dismissed at 3:30, as we had to catch the train at 5:07. Brother Wood made Brother Reynolds and myself and Brother Hess a present of a very fine watermelon each. I think the one I got, though perhaps not superior to the rest, was as fine a melon as I ever saw.

On arriving home I found my wife Martha nearly restored to health, and my wife Carlie much better, although still very sick.

20 August 1900 • Monday

Monday, August 20, 1900

I was informed yesterday that Joseph Bates Noble had died at the advanced age of 90 years and was to be buried to-day from the West Bountiful meeting-house. The family were quite desirous that I should be present, and as I had from boyhood entertained a very high regard for Brother Noble I determined this morning to go to the funeral. To do so I had to go without my breakfast. Brother Heber J. Grant and his mother were on the train. We were met by Brother Hyrum Grant, who is a grand-nephew of Brother Noble’s, who took us to his house, where they soon provided breakfast for me.

We repaired to the meeting-house, which was filled with the saints. The speakers were Prest. Hess, Brother Argyle, Brother Barlow, Brother Grant, myself, and Brother Jos. E. Taylor. All the brethren bore a strong testimony to the faithfulness and integrity of Brother Noble, and I spoke especially about the friendship that existed between him and the Prophet Joseph, he being the first man in this generation to perform the ceremony of plural marriage, by which Lucy Beeman was united in wedlock to the Prophet Joseph. Joseph had reposed great confidence in him, and he had never said a word or done a thing in his life to show that he was unworthy of it. The first child born in plural marriage was Brother Noble’s.

We returned to the city, and I went to the office and attended to some business before returning home.

21 August 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 21, 1900

Attended meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co. this morning, which occupied all the forenoon.

At the office I found Mr. C. F. King, the Manager of this newspaper league, in conversation with President Snow and Bishop Burton. He proposes to publish simultaneously in four leading papers an article setting forth the truth concerning the Church and Utah and its affairs, and we can have from one to seven columns in each of these newspapers at greatly reduced rates. The First Presidency decided to have a five-column article published. It is to be submitted for examination before it is published.

22 August 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 22, 1900

At the office.

Brother William Budge came in and asked our counsel concerning his candidacy for the Idaho Senate. His party friends are very anxious that he should run, and when it was first mentioned President Snow and myself both thought it would be all right for him to run; but when we further conversed with him and learned that his family relations were still polygamous and known as such, and there being a clause in the Idaho Constitution that no polygamist shall vote or hold office, we thought it better for him not to become a candidate; that while it was improbable that any question would be raised there was a possibility that it might come up, and it would work a serious hardship on all the Latter-day Saints; whereas if the question were allowed to sleep, especially as this legislature will vote for a United States Senator, it would result in greater happiness to him and be better for the people. President Smith came in in time to hear part of the conversation, and joined in this view of the case. Brother Budge, I think, was disappointed, but he expressed his willingness to act on this counsel.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

23 August 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, August 23, 1900

We held our usual Council meeting at the Temple. President Snow was not able to dress, and I took charge. President Smith was mouth in prayer, and Brother Cowley mouth at the altar.

At 3 o’clock I attended meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

My wife Carlie is still suffering very much from inflammatory rheumatism. She cries like a child sometimes from the pain.

24 August 1900 • Friday

Friday, August 24, 1900

At the office.

We have heard complaint concerning Charles J. Thomas, the janitor of the Tabernacle, taking pay from tourists who visit the Tabernacle. This has been very offensive to us, and to-day it was brought before President Snow and myself. We decided to change him and put some other person in his place. I felt that Brother Thomas had been a long time in our employ, and that he ought not to be deprived of employment. I would like him to receive the same salary as he is getting, in some other branch of labor. Bishop Preston was instructed to change Brother Thomas and appoint somebody in his place. President Snow recommended a man by the name of Jensen - I think a brother of his wife Minnie--for the position.

In connection with this the case of Brother Joseph J. Daynes, the organist, came up. It seems that there has been somebody taking up collections for him to pay him for coming from his business to play the organ for tourists, he having required $5 for each time. This we disapproved of, as it has been our feeling that there should be no gratuities taken from visitors. We had a long talk to-day with Brother Daynes, Bishop Preston being present. He explained his reasons for making this charge. President Smith and myself made some motions looking towards his continued employment as organist, but President Snow did not put them and whispered to me not to press them. After Brother Daynes withdrew, he asked us in the back room with Bishop Preston, and it was there proposed that Brother Daynes be dropped as organist, and that Brother J. J. McLellan be made organist of the Tabernacle, and that he be offered the salary of $1000 per year. We all agreed to this, and Bishop Preston was instructed to make these changes. I think they will be attended with beneficial effects.

There has been quite a change in the weather, and I have taken some cold. I find that I am much more tender than I used to be.

25 August 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, August 25, 1900

At the office, and attended to various matters of business.

Sister Christensen, whose husband has died at Liverpool while en route to Denmark for the purpose of hunting up genealogy, came in to-day to see about her husband[’]s body being brought home. It was decided, however, that as he had gone on his own business and had some means of his own the Church could not pay for his body being brought back. I feel quite concerned about my wife Carlie’s condition. She suffers excruciatingly at times.

26 August 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, August 26, 1900

I debated this morning in my mind whether I would go to meeting or not. My cough is troubling me and my lungs are somewhat sore, and if I went I should likely be called upon to speak, so I concluded I had better stay at home, which I did. It is an unusual thing for me to stay away from meeting when I am well enough to go out at all, but in this instance I thought it wise for me to not go.

In the evening I attended Ward meeting, and Brother J. H. Paul delivered an address, which was very interesting.

27 August 1900 • Monday

Monday, August 27, 1900

Mr. Graves, who has been trying to get my order for a portrait, was in to-day and I gave him the order. President Smith ordered a steel plate, which will cost $300. Mine will cost $100.

28 August 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 28, 1900

I was very glad this morning to see Brother Brigham Young, who has just returned from a visit to the San Juan and other Stakes. He looks healthy and well.

Attended to various matters of business.

29 August 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 29, 1900

At the office. Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

The Presidency of the Stake waited upon the First Presidency respecting a proposition of the Mutual Improvement Association to occupy one Sunday in September for a Convention. President Smith was not present, and we preferred not deciding anything about it until he could be there.

Brother Joseph E. Taylor asked counsel whether he should run for office as a member of the Legislature. After hearing what he had to say, President Snow said that he would leave it entirely to himself, but if he were in his case he would not run. I felt that it would be better for him not to run for office at present.

We had some conversation with Brother Collin Hakes, President of the Maricopa Stake, in which he described the situation there and made a request for two of the Apostles to be permitted to go down to investigate their condition and give counsel concerning the same.

30 August 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, August 30, 1900

I feel somewhat alarmed over my wife Carlie’s condition. She is growing weaker, has little appetite, and her pain is intense.

At the office.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the temple. There were present beside ourselves, Brigham Young, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Lund, M. F. Cowley, A. O. Woodruff, R. Clawson and R. Smoot, of the Apostles. President Snow did not feel able to dress and wished me to take charge. Brother Merrill opened by prayer, and Brother Grant was mouth in the circle.

I attended the meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

Four of the Twelve – Brothers Brigham Young, Heber J. Grant, A. H. Lund and M. F. Cowley – came down to my house this afternoon to administer to my wife Carlie. Brother Lund offered prayer before we attended to the ordinance, Brother Young administered the oil, and Brother Cowley confirmed the anointing.

31 August 1900 • Friday

Friday, August 31, 1900

Although my wife is still very weak, she passed a fairly comfortable night. I think her condition much better this morning.

A charge had been written to President Snow by a woman who had been a member of the Church in Holland, against [first and last name with middle initial redacted], one of our missionaries. She accused him of having committed adultery with her. She has a husband, and this missionary had been living at her house. We forwarded her letter to the Presidency of the Eastern States Mission, where the man is laboring. We received this morning a letter from the Presidency of the Mission, informing us that after a very strict examination, at which both were present, she affirmed their guilt and stuck to it, and he as persistently denied it, although in cross-examination the brethren felt he had at least been taking improper liberties with her. It came to light, however, by his own confession after this investigation, that he had been guilty of all she had charged. In her letter to us she had begged that he should not go there again to live - conveying the idea that she could not resist his influence.

The frequent revelation of sins of this character committed by the Elders makes me sick at heart, and I am forced to the conclusion that sexual sin is more common than I ever thought it was.

I had an interview with Brother Stanford this morning. He is a very strong Republican and is quite sorry at Frank’s desertion of the Republican party, and he wished to learn from me what I knew about Frank and whether he had any intention of coming back to the Republican party. He thought now was a good time, if he chose to do so, as William M. Stewart, who has been probably one of the most persistent Silver-Republicans, had signified his intention of voting for McKinley. I could say nothing to him, for I knew nothing.

Yesterday I had an interview with Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, who seems to think that the Democrats are ready to receive Frank and, if the party is successful, to send him to the Senate. Some of those who were bitterly opposed to him two years ago have expressed their regret to Brother Shurtliff at their attitude towards Frank at that time, and they now say he is their man for the Senate. Brother Shurtliff feels very confident that if the party is successful Frank can get what he wants. On the contrary, I have no confidence in them; but neither he nor I appear to know what Frank’s intentions are. There is no doubt that if he came here and found that the First Presidency would leave him a clear field and not oppose him or counsel him against doing anything in politics he would be a very strong factor in the approaching campaign. I do not think, however, that he would make a move in politics if he thought or got any idea from us that we were not in favor of his doing so; for so far he has been willing to take counsel.

There was a meeting of the General Board of Education this afternoon.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

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August 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024