January 1882

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1882

1 January

“In all this large city [Washington DC], . . . is there one who has any sympathy for Zion?”

2 January

“I had been 8 years in Congress, and not one dollar had been spent to secure aid in averting threatened measures.”

11 January

George Q. Cannon’s reflections at age fifty-five on his life

16 January ff.

“Reason and justice and all kindly feeling are overpowered by falsehood, blind passion and murderous hate.”

18 January

Informed “that my wife Elizabeth had pneumonia. . . . My obedience to celestial marriage tried her faith, . . . but she rose superior to this.”

26 January

Informed that Elizabeth “appears to be sinking. . . . No sympathy from those around me as a Latter-day Saint. They scoff and jeer at our marriages and wives.”

2 February

Newspaper notices of the death and funeral of Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon

5 February

More newspaper notices about Elizabeth Cannon

7 February

Corrected false article on “Mr. Cannon’s Views”

15 February

The Judiciary Committee room “is, in my mind, like a torture chamber.”

16 February

Told Senator George F. Edmunds: “By a fraud Gov. [Eli H.] Murray has kept me out of my seat, and now you propose that Congress by its action shall supplement that fraud, crystallize it and make it permanent.”

4 March

President James A. Garfield “had betrayed us to gain popular favor.”

8 March ff.

Efforts to oppose the Edmunds Bill

14 March

“Many of the men who voted for this Bill felt that it was all wrong; but they dare not oppose it, because of the pressure.”

4 April

Prayer for deliverance from the grasp of “my enemies”

9 April

Letter dated 20 March 1882 from Abraham Cannon in Germany

11 April

Clipping from Congressional Record showing “the hatred of the apostate organization over which the son of the prophet Joseph presides”

10 May

“I thank the Lord for raising up and inspiring such a true, undaunted and undeviating Friend to Zion as he [Thomas L. Kane] has been.”

27 May

Through the Latter-day Saints, “the Lord will preserve the Constitution and Republican form of government upon this land, as has been predicted.”

30 May

Views on conflicts between the majority and the minority in Congress

11 June ff.

Discussions with Judge Jeremiah S. Black

21 June

Returned home to Utah

29 June ff.

Returned to Washington DC

12 August

Account of sea bathing; his appearance “was enough to create laughter”

30 August

President John Taylor consented to set apart James H. Moyle “on condition that he would covenant to avoid the bad ways In which lawyers had fallen.”

1 September

Met with “all the Sandwich Islanders in town, 14 in number”

18 September

“I had a conversation with Bro. Wm Budge today respecting the political situation of Idaho.”

20 September

“Profound pity for these people who were fighting against us”

21 September

Conversed “with Bro. [Wilford] Woodruff this morning respecting the Delegateship, the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve, and in the Presidency of the Seventies”

25 September ff.

Discussions with Truman O. Angell Jr. and others regarding drawings of the Melchizedek Priesthood stands of the Logan temple

1 October

Administered to daughter Mary Alice, who had been thrown out of a carriage

14 October ff.

Response to revelation that leaders were to live the law of celestial marriage

19 November

Admiration of the building and site of the Manti temple

27 November

“A blessing pronounced upon the head of Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon, by Presidents [John] Taylor (who was mouth) and Joseph F. Smith, prior to his leaving for Washington”

20 December

Letter to Judge Jeremiah S. Black on his representing the Latter-day Saints regarding measures in Congress

1 January 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Jan. 1st, 1882. The first day of the new year; I am alone, and, as I write this, am in the 6th story of the Riggs House fronting the window which commands an extensive prospect east[.] The capitol lays in front, and <a little> to the right, and the city stretches out before me. But what interest have I here? My heart and affections are not here. And in all this large city, with its numerous population, of [blank] souls, is there one who has any sympathy for Zion or the work of God? There may be souls here who may yet be identified with that work; but, at present I do not know them, and in the midst of these busy throngs, I am as a stranger. One of the most remarkable features of these days, in connection with the work of God, is the distinction there is between the people of his church and the people of the world. No foreign peoples are more dissimilar. They feel this and we feel it. I have numerous acquaintances here; but though we can converse upon many subjects, there are topics, those which are nearest to my heart, upon which we can <not> touch with any satisfaction to me, unless I find a spirit of inquiry, which is very seldom the case. Our motives and objects are altogether different. We enter upon another year to-day. I trust it may prove one of prosperity for Zion and for me in connection with it. Plainly is it manifest that the wicked mean to strike us a deadly blow, and they feel confident that they can do so. It has always been thus. Doubtless the year will be fruitful with stirring events. It seems that each succeeding year becomes more so. How swiftly the time flies! 1882! it seems scarcely possible that so much of the century has gone. My own age is forced upon my attention by the figures of the New Year. My earnest prayer this morning is that <I> myself <and my family> may be kept pure and from grieving the Spirit of the Lord this coming year, and, in fact, through all time, and be preserved in life and health and be prospered in all our labors and undertakings. Wrote a letter to President Taylor. Sent a receipt to Bro. Geo. Swan for my dividend on the Utah Central R. R. stock I own, in lieu of the IOU I gave him for the amount before I left home, with the request that he cancel my signature and send the IOU to me here. Wrote a letter to Mr. Landers, in reply to his, inviting me to spend the holidays with them at New Britain, Conn. Received a letter from Bro. H. B. Clawson, dated Springfield, Ohio, in which he gave me some suggestions about Mr. Shaughnessy, the U. S. Marshall’s feelings and how to treat him. S. is coming here. <I replied to Bro. Clawson.>

Walked for two hours and a half, making the circuit of a portion of Washington. Read in Book of Doctrine and Covenants.

2 January 1882 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1882. Had a call yesterday from a man named H. S. Woodward, who introduced himself to me as having a brother Sam, who worked for Scott, Dunham & Co., Salt Lake City. Campbell, my opponent, had wronged his brother in two transactions, he said, and he was anxious to get even with him for it. He was determined to do all in his power to keep him from getting the seat, and he could aid me more than any man in town and would do so. I thanked him for the interest he manifested, and he I explained to him, at his request, the position of the case, &c. He repeated his expressions of a determination to aid me. I have seen so much of this kind of willingness to aid me of late, that I conclude when I hear it that the expectation under all this is that I shall pay for them for their aid; for, as one <of> them remarked to me the other day, I could not expect them to do much without pay. I know the world, especially the world to which they belong, too well to be deceived with the idea that I may look for help from any of them without they are paid for them <it,> and even then I should have but little confidence in any of them. I told him that I had no money to spend in this matter. This did not seem to dash him; but I was satisfied, nevertheless, that his motive was gain in some form. He had a friend by the name of Murray, a very shrewd man, whom he wanted me to see and talk over the case with; he was out of town to-day (yesterday) but would return, and they would come around at 9.30 this morning, if that hour would suit me. I thought I would see the matter through, so I agreed to be in at that hour. This morning he came around alone, and wished me to accompany him to his office. Mr. Murray thought we could talk better there than at the hotel, and he would be obliged if I would meet him there. <We met.> Mr. Murray had been in Utah; had met President Young, for whom he conceived a high regard; had written favorably to the N. Y. Sun, of which he was then correspondent, &c, &c. He then came to business. Gen. Woodward had a grievance; he wanted Campbell beaten; but I had a hard fight, and ought to get good help and fix the press. In brief, as I cannot write all he said, he himself was a very influential man; his aid was sought for by Senators and Members; they could be made to see that it would be a bad precedent to not let me have the seat; this through his influence with them they he could make them understand; but I ought to employ Willard O. Bartlett, a New York lawyer, a very smart fellow, who owns ¼ of the Sun newspaper, and through whom that powerful and influential organ could be induced to treat our question fairly. Dana, the editor, was already our friend, so it would <not> be difficult to secure his aid. (This is the second time that I have been appealed to, with the same kind of arguments, <for us> to employ Bartlett. Geo. K. Chase of the Dept. of Justice, at the time of our troubles over the President Young’s estate, urged his employment as a matter of policy.) Then I could get a brother of Beltzhoover, who is (the latter) a member of the Com. on Elections, for not much of a fee, and he is a great friend of the Camerons, and he would use the right influence with his brother on the Committee. He, Murray, was on good terms with Moulton of Illinois, another Member of the above Committee, and he thought his friendship could be secured. Then through Senator Ingalls of Kansas Haskell could be reached, and Ingalls would do almost anything he asked him to do. Murray is a good talker and made his plan of operations look very plausible. He knew the danger we were in; had heard Arthur talk upon the question; the party was going to take hold of this question, &c, &c. I asked him what he thought Bartlett would ask. Oh, not much, he said, probably $1,000; he thought Beltzhoover could be secured perhaps by a fee of $250. “Now,” said I, “Gen. Murray, I will talk frankly with you,” and I went on and explained our position to him; that we had no money to spend in this way; our trust is in the Lord and the justice of our cause; if we were to spend money here, as our enemies asserted we did, we would be bled to death, there would be no end to the jobs that would be put upon us. We have been threatened for years; but we still live. I had been 8 years in Congress, and not one dollar had been spent to secure aid in averting threatened measures, and we intended to keep on exercising faith, for it had been our only recourse in days past. Every day, I said to him, from the habitations of the people whom I represent, there ascend prayers to the Lord from men and women, and even children, in my behalf, and to have the evils with which we are menaced <menaced> turned aside. We had trusted in God in the past, and we would still rely upon him. I explained to him the destiny which we expected was in store for us — that we should yet be the only people who would uphold Constitutional government, &c, &c. This was a new view of our case to him, and it met his propositions better than anything I could say. But he still thought we ought not to neglect works. I replied that we believed in them, and I inten we did all we could, and still intended to do so. Our interview lasted upwards of two hours. We were alone, he having locked the door. I have written this to give an idea of the influences which are at work here. This man Woodward was but a decoy, a stool pigeon. If Murray told me the truth, ex-Senator Pomeroy is using him to get influence with Haskell and Ingalls in his own favor, as they have protested against his having a position which he desires; and yet on the 24th ult. Giddings urged Pomeroy’s <the> employment by me of Pomeroy on account of his influence with Haskell, whom he told Giddings, (at least the latter so stated to me) he had raised from a boy and helped make him what he is. I described these people <right> when I described them as sharks. I worked remainder of day on Life of Nephi.

3 January 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 3/82. Received a kind letter from Bro. Hooper. He and his two daughters, Hattie and Mamie, and Bro. John Irvine as Secretary had reached Omaha. New Years night they would go to Galena, and <from> there to Chicago. If he could be of any use, he would come here quickly. I wrote him at length. Afterwards received a dispatch, asking me to telegraph a reply to his letter at Galena. I said “Be glad to see you. Can be of use; but don’t like you to change programme for that. Wrote you Chicago. Geo. Q. Cannon, Riggs House.” Spent some time at House Library, reading up election cases. Called at Senator Jones of Nev.; he was at New York. Called at Gen. Paine’s. Worked at Life of Nephi.

4 January 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jan. 4/82. Felt sure from the voice of the Spirit that it would be useless to call upon those of whom I had thought, but as I needed exercise I thought it would be a relief to my feelings. I called at Mr. Updegraff’s, Mr. Belford’s and Senator Jones; and had my walk for my pains; they were all out of town. Received a very kind letter in reply to mine from Mr. Landers, who said among things, the invitation to visit them was a standing one; he and Mrs. L. desired to Elizabeth and the children, if they came down, to visit them also; and sent love to all my folks. Called upon Gen. Paine; also upon Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie who had been at Cincinnati. He is the Delegate from Idaho. I had a long visit with her awaiting his return. Her eyes are very sore, and she is lonely, and pressed me to stay till he returned. Had a note from J. Ogden Murray; he requested me to call at his office, as he had something to communicate. He had learned that several Members were prepared to deliver speeches upon my case and the Mormons generally. Willits of Mich. of the Judiciary Com. had prepared a paper, setting forth the programme of action and it had been submitted to Pres. Arthur. He had not learned yet what Arthur had said concerning it; but he would find out and let me know. He says from all he can gather, the design is to send the case back to the people. All his talk was of a tone to create alarm; but I have heard such talk so much that I laughed at it. I told him that I would get the seat, and all the talk and fuss would not hurt us. I guess he thinks we are a queer people, if I am a specimen. He questioned me about employing Bartlett, and pressed upon me the good such a man could do in our affairs, and that we needed the press to enlighten the people upon the true state of affairs and he <(Bartlett)> could control that in our interest. I told him I did not feel inclined to employ him. He says he has got to the bottom of this conspiracy against us, and he has private reasons for desiring the defeat of these scoundrels. Worked at my Life of Nephi.

5 January 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Jan. 5/82. Snowing heavily this morning and very cold. Ua hole au ia’u iho i ka ai [I fasted today]. I was seized with great pain this morning about daylight, and suffered considerably. I never had such a pain before; it seemed to be in my bladder. I fell asleep afterwards and did not awake until 9 o’clock. Mr. Ainslie called at my room and franked seeds for me. Received a note from J. Ogden Murray, requesting me to call at his office. Met him on the street. He had learned that Willits of Mich. was going to speak against me on Tuesday next; but as he had not the information he expected, he desired me to call when I returned from the Capitol. The House met and attended to some business and adjourned till Monday. Orth of Ind. read some remarks about the organization of the Committees and the treatment he had received and declined to serve on one committee. His remarks were reflected upon the Speaker. There is much dissatisfaction reported as existing about the Committees. While I desire no harm for any one, my hope is <and prayers are> that there may be enough of other matters to occupy the attention of Congress that there will be no opportunity to attack and injure us. My feeling is that the Lord will raise up adversaries against the enemies of his Kingdom and people, and they will not have power to deprive us of our rights. I feel assured that if measures should be adopted against us, that they will prove to be more hurtful to our enemies than to us. Had a conversation with Wm G. Thompson, Member from Iowa, who is on the Com. on Elections, and who had been U. S. Judge in Idaho before he came here, and found him against me and already committed, though he pretended to be examining the case; his mind was evidently made up. Have much comfort in pule malu [secret prayer], which for a few days past, I have attended to of an evening before retiring. The general feeling appears to be that I will have great trouble and will not get the seat — it will be sent back to the people, &c; but I feel as calm and hopeful as I can desire. I try to keep my feelings in control; but I feel confident I will get my seat. My desire before the Lord is that His Spirit may influence and prepare me, and not my own spirit or anxious desires. It has been my earnest prayer for a long time that I may always be able to distinguish the mind and will of the Lord and the voice of His Spirit, from my own thoughts and wishes and the suggestions of my own heart. My desire is to be prepared for whatever the Lord wishes, if it be to be rejected by Congress, all right; or if otherwise, the same. I did not come to Washington with any pleasure, except that of performing a duty; because of it being this, I have made it a pleasure; but my position has not been one that I think any Latter-day Saint would covet. Yet the Lord has been with me here and I have had great peace and joy in my labors, and the experience I gain I look upon as very valuable. Had a long talk with Mr. Ben Holladay this afternoon. He is a strong friend of ours. I am suffering from cold. Mr. Murray read me a very good article upon my case, which he will try and get published in a Baltimore paper.

6 January 1882 • Friday

Friday, Jan. 6/82. A gloomy, foggy morning. Did not go out all day, except to answer a request of Mr. or Gen. J. Ogden Murray. He had found he could get the article he had written, published in the Critic in this city for 50c a line. I told him I did not want it published on such terms, and I told him decidedly that I had no money to spend in this contest. He had said that if we would employ him he could get articles inserted in journals that would dispel much of the ignorant prejudice which existed in relation to Utah. Busy fixing up my money account, and which I had kept on scraps since leaving home, and in writing letters. I wrote to Bro. Hooper, in reply to his received this morning, also to Gov. S. B. Axtell, West Richfield, Ohio, to Bishop Tho’s. Taylor, to Eddie (T. E.) Taylor and to two young men at Knoxville, <Tenn.> who acknowledged the receipt of the pamphlets I had sent them and said they were what they wanted, and they would forward me any newspaper comments there might be made upon the argument. The father of one of them — Professor W. G. McAdoo — sent for a Book of Mormon and an account of the finding and translating of that work. A reporter of the N. Y. World took down in short hand a statement of my case. He promised that in shortening it the points and language should be preserved.

7 January 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1881 [1882]. Prepared a copy of letter of Mr. Arthur Brown’s and Judge Hunter’s reply thereto for publication with brief comments thereon. It was on the question of the complaint and demurrer, concerning which so many lies had been told. Gibson Bro’s. printed it for me. Called upon Mr. Kasson of Iowa and talked over my case. He was polite, but non-committal. Had conversations also with Judge Belford at his rooms and Mr. Converse and Mr. Updegraff at the House. Received dispatch from Bro. Hooper that he would be here tomorrow evening. I hear that Gov. Murray is very bitter upon me. Beltzhoover of Penn. is also bitter. He has introduced a Bill prescribing qualifications for Delegates, in which polygamy or bigamy is made a disqualification; but he is careful not to mention adultery or any other incontinence. Mr. Converse had a long conversation with him, and he told me how bitterly he expressed himself. Mr. C. felt badly. He thought the intention was to abuse me and do me great injustice, and he spoke very strongly of the hypocrisy of men and the sham morality which prevailed. He dwelt on the tendency under our form of government to make victims to appease popular clamor; frequently innocent persons were hounded in this way and sacrificed. I laughed at threats which he said were made, and said I did not fear them. I remarked to him that I knew there was a God, and told him how my constituents were praying to him, and whether men believed it or not there was power there. He felt more cheerful before I finished, especially at finding that I did not mind what they might say about me; he thought I would be hurt and crushed by the abuse.

8 January 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Jan. 8th, 1882. Wrote a letter to Pres. Taylor, in reply to one received from Bro. L. John Nuttall upon the subject of our sisters getting up monster petitions to Congress (see letter)[.] The day is very foggy and a drizzling rain is falling. I did not go out until evening, when I went to the Station to meet Bro. Hooper. But his train did not make connection at Harrisburg and would not be in till morning.

9 January 1882 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 9, 1882. I arose early to go and meet Bro. H. and folks; but when I reached the office of the Hotel, I was told they had arrived. Our meeting was a glad one. There were Bro. Hooper, his two daughters, Hattie and Libbie, 20 and 18 years old, and Bro. John Irvine, his private secretary. Bro. Hooper and I made calls upon old friends in the treasury Dep’t. Took Bro. Irvine into a vault, and two small packages of bills containing a million each were placed in our hands. Each greenback was of the denomination of $5,000. Then a package, not large, containing twenty millions was given us to handle. Each greenback was for $10,000. The House was occupied in the introduction of Bills, &c. I introduced Bro. Hooper to a number of Members. McBride and Campbell are on hand and busy, preparing for to-morrow. Geo. Alfred Townsend had a long talk with us in the evening. Mr. Clarke, Managing Editor of the Boston Traveler, had a long conversation with me. He told me, confidentially, that in looking at me, he had remarked to an intimate friend, his (C’s) wife would now be alive, he had no doubt, if he had been a man in my position, with more wives. She died last Spring in child birth, and he said to me that his passions were strong, and he had been too much for her. This was as much as to say that she had been killed by her willingness to gratify his appetite.

10 January 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1882. Arose early, and wrote journal and did other work, so that <when> Capt. Hooper and the folks moved around I could be with them. O, Lord, is my cry, help me to bear all things which thou seest proper to require me to pass through; that I may never tremble or shrink; but that in patience and long-suffering I may submit to the abuse and wrath of the wicked. May all this be overruled for my salvation and thy glory. I know that it is thee against whom the shafts are leveled, it is against thy work the anger of the wicked is directed. Thou hast sustained and delivered me in times past; thou hast provided a way of escape for me and hast given me victory over my enemies. The pits they have dug for my destruction, the snares they have spread for my feet, thou hast not permitted me to fall or be led into. And I will trust thee now, for I know thou wilt save me. I am thankful that I am accounted worthy to be thy servant and to be called to go through these trials. Save and exalt me, O Father, I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen. Went up to the House early to get books, see Members and otherwise for the discussion to-day. Had conversation with Mr. Randall about managing the case by looking after all the points so no advantage would be lost under the rules. It was proposed, he said, to let a vote be taken on the resolution to seat Campbell, then a vote on one to seat me and then if neither of these carried, on a resolution to refer the whole matter to the Com. on Elections. This did not strike me favorably, and I told him so. I did not desire a vote on me unless I could carry it, and about calling for such a vote I desired no decision to be made until the turn the discussion would take and the temper of the House could be known; then if a resolution were introduced to send the case to the Committee, an amendment could be added, if thought best, “and pending the action of the Committee and the House thereon Geo. Q. Cannon be sworn in as the sitting delegate from the Territory of Utah.” Neither did I think it wise to call for a vote upon the pending resolution to seat Campbell if it could be avoided. Mr. Randall afterwards told me that he could not vote to seat me on my papers, as he did not think I had a good primâ facie case. There were others who held the same views and who wished to keep their record consistent on this with past action. This confirmed me still more in my views expressed in part above. Mr. Converse thought they were making a great mistake in not voting to seat me. He said they would regret it, for he could make it clear, he thought, that I had a primâ facie case. I shall append hereto this report of the discussion. Mr. Haskell kept his promise to me, and did not, except in the closing sentences, go outside of the legal argument. Mr. Cox, who was supposed to lead the discussion in my behalf, he having expressed a willingness to do so, and I may say it being his wish to do so, made some good points; the Hunt v. Chilcott case I wrote out for him; but in his anxiety to avoid the suspicion of favoring polygamy I would say if any one’s talk could injure us, his did. He lacks what Latter-day Saints understand as wisdom; then, too, he is as timid as politicians usually are. Had he not slopped over on to polygamy and matters totally irrelevant to the question under discussion he would have kept on safer ground. He has now pledged himself, and as far as he could, his party friends, to join in any crusade which may be commenced against us. Mr. Reed of Maine made a wonderfully clean cut and telling argument against Campbell’s certificate; Mr. Burrows also, who I have thought was ready to give us a blow, followed in Mr. Reed’s line. McCoid of Iowa, Robeson of New Jersey and <Van Voorhis> <and> Hiscock of New York were very bitter. They are in the hands of the Lord and he will judge them. Mr. Converse was listened to with marked attention and interest, and he made a powerful argument, with which I was greatly pleased. The vote was almost unanimous. The Speaker counted 24 against sending to the Committee. These were the men who favored Campbell being seated, as one Member remarked rather a poor result for the amount of work McBride and Campbell had performed. But there were not that number. There were Haskell of Kan., Browne of Ind. (who voted this way on principle, I believe, and not so much on account of hatred against us) Willits of Mich., Van Voorhis of New York, Thompson and McCoid of Iowa, O’Neill of Penn., Grout of Vt., Jorgensen of Va. I did not have time to distinguish all who stood up, but the above are nearly all — fourteen or fifteen probably were all there were. I never felt calmer; I was almost surprised at it myself; but I had prayed for serenity and peace and the Lord had heard me. The bitter talk and the threats did not annoy or disturb me. I was confident every thing would come out aright; for I know the Lord is managing this affair; and I looked on at the moves that were made as I would upon a game of chess. I told a number of Members, after some of the remarks were made about keeping me out of my seat on account of polygamy, that it was neither a dis-qualification when I was elected, nor was it such now. Suppose said I that upon the organization of the House somebody had proposed to make adultery a disqualification, or incontinence, would that be right when there was no such disqualification when the Members were elected? Would it not be ex post facto? And if this would not be proper, why would it be proper to do as suggested by some to me? Mr. Randall thought that such an application of a disqualification would empty the seats. I told Mr. Hewitt of N. Y., who expressed his approval of Mr. Cox’s speech respecting the treatment plural marriage should receive, that he was mistaken if he thought that popularity could be gained by riding a hobby of that kind. I said every man who had tried it from Stephen A. Douglas down had been beaten at it. It was a remarkable fact that every man who had thought to make capital in this way in the 43rd Congress had been beaten either in convention or at the polls; and the Democratic party which stood by me in that Congress had come into power in the next Congress for the first time since the days of James Buchanan.

11 January 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1882. Fifty-five years ago at 12.15 in the night, or this morning, I was born. Little did my parents suppose what a checkered and remarkable career that baby, born under such obscure circumstances, would pursue. Still I believe they were impressed with the idea that I would be a more than common man. When I was a boy, I may say a child, I knew that I would be famous; this was before my parents had heard the gospel, and after that it was revealed to me that I should be one of the Twelve Apostles, though I never breathed that to any human being — scarcely, in fact, to myself — until after I had been selected to be an apostle. But when I look back at my life it seems very marvelous what the Lord has done for me. From the deepest obscurity, from the midst of a population which teems in my native place, I have been brought forward until to-day I am the most widely-advertised man in <many respects in> the United States. The mere mention of my name to any reading man informs him who I am. I started out in life an exceedingly bashful boy, shrinking and timid, content to shun observation, with no disposition to court prominence; but now I am a target at which newspapers, preachers and politicians shoot their arrows, and by such attacks hope to gain popularity. My alleged wickedness consists in obeying the commands of God. The head and front of my offending is that I have plural wives. If I kept mistresses I would excite no outcry, for I would be like the world; but I marry wives, and this is the offence which is so rank. To-day has been another day for the anti-polygamists to air their “morality.” Men whose private lives are as vile as can be imagined seem to think that in assailing us they are condoning and expiating their own crimes against virtue. Haskell of Kansas was wonderfully loud-mouthed. He thinks he is making political capital by this attack upon me and the Saints. We shall see how much of this he will gain. The Lord has spoken concerning all such, and their fate can be predicted by any one who has the Spirit of God. The Lord gave me calmness and peace, though for awhile it seemed as though the resolution he presented would prevail. I cry to the Lord for deliverance. I feel that something will arise to occupy their attention. My desire is that the Lord will uncover some of the wickedness that is festering underneath the surface which they endeavor to keep so smooth and fair. When I was assailed in the 43rd Congress, and the Com. on Elections was prying into my domestic affairs, I was led to tell them that they would soon have scandal enough, and exposures to their hearts’ content, and the country would ring with the sound thereof. The Beecher church exposures and trial soon followed and the people of the entire country was nauseated with the disgusting details. Last winter the Lord revealed to me that events would take place that would vex the ears of the nation and they would have division and trouble and perplexity and sorrow, and they were close at hand. This I knew before Garfield’s inauguration, and it was confirmed more fully after his message was delivered. Conkling’s quarrel with him and Guiteau’s bullet brought the fulfillment of all this. What will be next? Will there be trouble? Yes, as sure as the Lord lives. These attacks upon Zion do not pass unnoticed. Humble and unimportant as I am, I am still his servant, and to such he has made promises, <and those who attack me cannot prosper.> This nation will be vexed with a sore vexation. Sorrow and mourning and strife and division are at the door. I know the Lord will save his people and his anger will fall upon those who seek the destruction of his work.

Dictated a large number of letters to Bro. John Irvine — Pres. Taylor, Sister E. B. Wells, Judge Elias Smith, my brother Angus, Bro. John Hoagland, Geo. C. Lambert, Geo. M. Cannon, my daughter Hester, Bishop Sheets, Arthur Brown, my attorney, Bro. C. W. Penrose and one on P. O. business to Bishop McIntire, Paragoonah.

12 January 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Jan. 12th, 1882. Dictated letters to Bro. Irvine — Bro. Brigham Young, Jas. Jack, my son Franklin

At the room of Committee on Elections to look over testimony in contest case preparatory to its publication. Chairman Calkins said they would investigate the whole case and hear arguments upon it. As Utah was unrepresented he would have the testimony printed before that of any other case. The House, after transacting some business, adjourned till Monday next. Called upon Gen. Paine, my attorney, and talked about the case. Spent the evening with Bro. Hooper and daughters and Bro. Irvine. They start for New York in the morning. I expect I shall miss them. Their presence has been a great pleasure.

13 January 1882 • Friday

Friday, Jan. 13th, 1882. Ate breakfast early and went to station to see the folks start for New York. Took <my> notice of contest and Campbell’s reply to room of Com. on Elections. Went to State Dep’t. to get copy of report of Hon. Luther Severance concerning Bro. Philip B. Lewis and my application to him as U. S. Commissioner for Protection while on the Sandwich Islands, for use in my Contest case, and to show that I while there claimed to be an American citizen. Then attended Agricultural Convention at Agricultural Dep’t., Commissioner Loring in the chair, to which I had been nominated as Delegate by our Home Society. Discussion was interesting upon some points. Very disagreeable day. Received letter from my wife Martha.

14 January 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1882. Attended Convention all day. Discussion upon cereals. Respecting the amount of seed per acre opinions varied. Prof. Blunt of Colorado urged thin sowing, not to exceed a bushed to the acre. The general opinion seemed to be in favor of about six pecks. Drilling and broad cast sowing was also discussed. Some argued that the former gave 20 per cent. better results with them than the latter method. My conclusion is, that where there is danger of the wheat being winter killed, drilling is best; but in a climate where there is no danger of this, or where Spring wheat is sown, it does not possess so many advantages. All dwelt upon the importance of care in selecting and preserving good seed. Seed will run out and change even then, and new varieties have to be obtained.

15 January 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Jan. 15th, 1882. In room nearly all day. Wrote to my wife Elizabeth and to my daughter Mary Alice and sent small sample of wheat to Bro. John Hoagland.

16 January 1882 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 16th, 1882. Received letters from Capt. Hooper, my wife Sarah Jane and from my children, Angus, Hugh, Amelia, Lewis and Brigham, also from my brother Angus. Wrote letters to my brother Angus <and> Jas. Jack. Called at Gen. Paine’s. At the House during its session. More Bills introduced into the House against us. There seems to be a regular craze upon this subject, and several Members vie with each other apparently as to which will strike us the heaviest blow; each one hoping to get the credit which he thinks will follow. I do not think that there ever was quite as wide-spread feeling to <propose and> adopt measures that for our destruction as there appears to be at present; at least in my experience. This we may expect, for as the work of God increases the opposition to it becomes stronger. It is plain to be seen that men’s hearts just now are being hardened against the truth. They do not want to hear it. Let anything be said that in the faintest manner looks favorable to us and they either listen coldly or impatiently or become angry. As to any defence of plural marriage they will not listen to it. The feeling concerning this is expressed by a New York paper, which is quoted by the Post of this City: “Blow polygamy out of existence, if it fills the great Salt Lake with human blood.” It seems as though we had entered upon one of those periods, so many of which the Church has seen, when reason and justice and all kindly feeling are overpowered by falsehood, blind passion and murderous hate. When the adversary gets control of the people in this way, they can be no more reached by appeals to their sense of fairness than can the mad waves of the sea when lashed into fury by a storm. It is at such times that the efforts of men seem powerless. Words appear to be wasted; efforts to be of no avail; and the only thing that one can do with any satisfaction is to pray in faith to the Lord and beseech him for his interposition. The spiritual feeling is one of oppression. The evil influences appear almost to be palpable. During the first session of the 43rd Congress, when all hell seemed to be moved against me and in favor of legislation, it seemed as though it required all the faith and energy I could muster to stand up against the evil influences which were here. The feeling now is of the same character.

17 January 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 17th, 1882. I cry unto the Lord for help. Bro Hooper has sent me two letters from New York. He was sick after reaching there, but was better when he last wrote. Received a long letter from my attorney, Mr. Arthur Brown. Received minutes of Legislative Assembly also. I omitted to mention yesterday that Murray, McBride and Campbell were busy upon the floor of the House, talking with all the Members they could get at. They are working hard in the cause of their master. I find it necessary to pray for patience and long-suffering. If I did not keep my feelings under control, the sight and conduct of these men, in their endeavors to compass the destruction of an innocent people, would arouse my indignation. But while the Lord gives them their agency, and permits them to do these things and show what spirit they are of, why should I become angry or even impatient? Dr. A. B. Elliott of the Lansingburg (N. Y.) Gazette, which claims to be the oldest paper in the U. S., has had his overcoat stolen. He has asked me for mine to wear home and he will return it by express. I let him take it. At the House all day. Had conversation with several Members, among others, Mr. Ray of N. H., who made a speech the other day against me on my case. He talked frankly. He thought after a full examination of the case as presented by both sides that there could be no question about my naturalization; but he thought now he would have to refuse me the seat on account of polygamy. We had a free conversation, and I think he was shaken in this latter conclusion by what I said. Gen. Tho’s. L. Kane telegraphed me from Philadelphia that he would call upon me this evening. We spent half an hour together, and he went off to see friends respecting my case. He has come down purposely to render any help in his power. He looks thin and is a little lame from his wound. Wrote to Capt. Hooper, to my wife Martha, to my wife Sarah Jane and to my children Angus, Hugh and Rose Annie, Amelia, Lewis and Brigham.

18 January 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jan. 18th, 1882. Received a dispatch from my brother Angus this morning, informing me that my wife Elizabeth had pneumonia and had <been> moved up to Emily’s. This is very sad news for me. For her, with her weak lungs and bad cough and general debility, it will be a serious matter. Were I to yield to my feelings I would be plunged in grief, and if here on private business I would start for home by the first train; but I cannot desert my post. All I can do is to cry unto the Lord. He knoweth all things, and neither she nor I is overlooked. We are in his keeping. Not a hair of our heads can fall to the ground without his notice, and he sees her, and will have every thing overruled for our good. Her constant devotion to me, her unceasing love and self-sacrifice, never thinking she could do enough for me, as ready to do me any service and to <deny> herself any pleasure for my sake as she was the first months or weeks of our marriage, and never sparing herself if she could add to my comfort, have been beyond all praise. The faults she has shown have been those <only> which have originated in her excess of love for me. No better wife, according to her capacity and knowledge, no man could have. My obedience to celestial marriage tried her faith, and it made her unhappy at times. But she rose superior to this, and for many years she has thanked the Lord for revealing it and has been a very happy woman. For the three years and four months that we lived together until I married Sarah Jane, no couple could have been more happy, unless they could have had greater capacity for happiness, than we. We never had an unpleasant or cross look pass between us, much less an unpleasant or cross word. Our lives were heavenly in peace and love. In this trial I am sustained by my love for and confidence in the Lord. He kept her for me while I was on the Islands, as I prayed to him to do; he gave her to me; and has spared her life in answer to my prayers, and I must still trust in him.

At the House during the session. I talk with Members as I can get opportunity upon my case. Just after adjournment met Gen. Kane. I stayed till he finished some business with a Member, and as it was raining heavily, he ordered a carriage and we rode together to his hotel (Willards) and then I rode to my hotel. In the evening he dropped me a note and I went to his room and we sat there till 11.30 p.m. conversing. He is quite thin and suffers from his wounds; he uses a cane.

19 January 1882 • Thursday

Wednesday, <Thursday> Jan. 19, 1882. Ua hoole au i ka ai i keia la [I fasted today]. I desire to humble myself before the Lord and call upon him for his blessings and favor. I need them exceedingly. I pray for him to look upon me with mercy and tender compassion. My enemies seek to compass me round about. They want to destroy me, and not only me but all the Saints of God. I am, however, the first point of attack. My beloved wife’s sickness also weighs upon me. How can I bear up or escape unless God be with me? My foes are numerous and powerful. They raven like wolves. The preachers and their people; the editors and many of their readers, cry out against me and say I must be made an example of. They exult and clap their hands when a blow is struck at Zion. O Lord, defend and save thine elect and shield those who put their trust in thee. As I am here and cannot administer to my wife, send thou thine angels to her, I beseech thee, in the name of Jesus. Thou hast heard my prayers in her behalf before now, hear them once more, O my Father, and if not inconsistent with thy will, heal her and spare her life. After writing the foregoing I received the following dispatch from my brother Angus: “Mrs. Dr. Shipp attends Elizabeth who is much better to-day.” <This is a great satisfaction to me.> Wrote a letter to Alfred E. Giles, Esq., of Hyde Park, Mass., in reply to his to me and sent him some pamphlets. Rode to the Capitol with Gen. Kane. He left for Philadelphia at 5.40 this afternoon. Spent the day at the session of the House.

20 January 1882 • Friday

Friday, Jan. 20th, 1882. Received a letter under date of Dec. 31st 1881, at Berlin, from my son Abraham. He is well and in good spirits. He has been to Hamburg, and met Bro. Suhrke when released from 174 days confinement in prison. The latter had gone to England. Abraham speaks of an opening to do good at Bremen where he had made friends and secured liberty to preach from the authorities. Spent the day at the session of the House. Busied myself collecting Bills which have been introduced against us. No less than fourteen have been introduced into the House and an amendment to the Constitution and four into the Senate. The object plainly is to deprive us of every civil right, to take away from us all the qualifications of citizenship and to practically make us outlaws. When President Arthur feels as he does respecting us, when Members of Congress feel as they do, and the preachers and the editors feel as they express themselves, it is no wonder that Murray is sustained as Governor of Utah, notwithstanding he has trampled upon every principle of free representative government. He has only done without law that which they wish done by the enactment of law, and respecting that many of them are not particular. They want us crushed law or no law. Wrote to my wife Elizabeth. Received a dispatch from my nephew, Geo. C. Lambert, in which he says that she is a little better though weak. Sister Shipp is confident and my brother Angus is poorly.

21 January 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Jan. 21st, 1882. At the room of the Com. on Elections[.] Met Gen. Paine there, and afterwards called at his office with the testimony on the contest case, which had been printed. Received a letter from Bro. Hooper which I answered. Wrote also to Byron Groo, editor of Salt Lake Herald. Sent him and President Taylor and Bro. Penrose a full file each of all Bills introduced into Congress against us. I spent several hours at the House (which was not in session) preparing these. Received a letter <each> from my son Franklin and his wife, in which they inform me of their intended return to Ogden. I can not say I am pleased at the news. I do not like Ogden influences, and their return without asking my counsel or mentioning the matter to me, though it is only a short time since I received a letter from them, does not strike me favorably. Unless he returns, determined to make full amends for the wrong he has done, I would rather he stayed away until he can get that spirit. A dismal rainy day.

22 January 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Jan. 22, 1882 Ua hoole au i ke ai [I fasted] to-day. Wrote a letter to my wife Sarah Jane respecting the return of Frank., but concluded afterwards to keep it till I heard more. Read book of Doctrine and Covenants. A blustery day. Received a dispatch from Geo. C. Lambert: “Sister Doctor Norton nursing Aunt. Very poorly yesterday. Better now.” I fasted and prayed to-day before the Lord in her behalf and for deliverance from my enemies and their pits and snares. The Lord blessed me with peace, comfort and joy.

23 January 1882 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 23, 1882. Arranging with Gen. Paine to meet with Com. on Elections at 10 to-morrow morning, and talked over case with him. Had interview also with Alex. Porter Morse, author on a Treatise on Citizenship, which I had purchased.

At the session of the House. After call of States and Territories, eulogies were pronounced upon Senator Burnside late of Rhode Island. I wrote letters to President Taylor, Bro. Penrose, John Sharp and Theo. F. King of La Harpe, Ill., last assistant Clerk of the House, for whom I obtained a Pass over U. P. R. R. last year and who wished it renewed. I was greatly distressed this afternoon and evening by receiving the following dispatch from my brother Angus: “Elizabeth suffered much last night. See no improvement this morning.” My poor dear wife, what can I do? I was greatly afflicted and my feelings almost overpowered me after receiving this sad news; but I sought relief from the Lord and he gave me comfort and assauged my deep sorrow. I sent Angus the following dispatch: “Greatly distressed by news. Duty to people requires my stay; if personal wouldnt be here. Encourage her all you can.” I wrote a short letter to each of our sons — John Q. and Abraham — communicating the painful intelligence.

24 January 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1882. Last night was cold. I was awake a number of times and laid awake; but I had more sleep than I could have expected under the circumstances. My mind was upon the dear sufferer at home and the children. I was somewhat relieved this morning early by the receipt of the following dispatch. It appears it was sent from there about the time mine to Angus was sent from here, and Elizabeth’s mind and mine had the same thoughts. “Notwithstanding Elizabeth very bad all day, indications better now. She says, stand to your post. God can raise me up in answer to your prayers there as well as here. All is being done that can be done.” While this dispatch gave me relief and some comfort I was very much overcome by it. Unselfish as ever, every word breathed the sentiment and heroism of the true woman that she is.

Met this morning in company with Gen. Paine, my attorney, with the Committee on Elections in their room. McBride and Campbell were there. It was arranged that the briefs for each should be filed by three weeks from to-day. The chairman, Mr. Calkins, desired to have briefs for the prima facie case and for the merits presented also. Wrote to Bro. Jas. Jack, chief Clerk of Trustee-in-Trust, to advance to me and to hand to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, means with which to pay my workmen. I also wrote to Bro. Webber of Z.C.M.I. to let him have orders at the usual discount; and also to George instructing him to pay them, and to hand the balance of the orders—$18—to his Aunt Elizabeth to help pay for the men’s board.

In the evening I received <from Angus> the following dispatch: “Yours of last night received. Elizabeth very poorly and weaker.” For a little while I yielded to my emotions, and a feeling akin to despair was creeping into my heart; but I aroused myself and shook off every gloomy feeling. I know it is not right to indulge in them, God reigns. He has always been kind and loving to me and Elizabeth and to all my family, and he still will be. If her sickness should terminate fatally, he will overrule it for good. He will not forsake us or our children.

The devil is stirring up the people against us. The papers contain notice of a meeting in Portland, Maine, presided over by ex-Senator and Sec. of the Treasury, Lot M. Morrill, urging action by Congress against us. At Kalamazoo, Mich., the preachers on Sunday made that the <same subject the> burden of their discourses; and a strong petition to Congress of the same tenor is being numerously signed. Last night at Chicago a large <”anti-Mormon> meeting” at Farwell Hall was addressed by Schuyler Colfax, John Wentworth and others. Resolutions were adopted calling upon Congress to suppress us by the strong arm of the law, and a committee was appointed to carry out the purposes of the meeting. At St. Paul, Minn., a large mass meeting of a similar character was presented held. Gov. Hubbard presided. Ex-Senator and ex Sec. of War, Alex. Ramsay, ex-Congressman John T. Averill, E. F. Drake, J. B. Stewart, Bishop Ireland and others acted as Vice-Presidents; and strong resolutions were adopted. How little conception these people have of what they are doing! The Lord predicted through his servants hundreds and hundreds of years ago that they would do these things against his Zion, and he has made the same predictions through his servants in these days. By these actions these people are proving that Joseph Smith and the Elders of this Church are prophets and have declared the word of the Lord. The words of the prophet Isaiah, quoted by <2> Nephi 27 chap. come forcibly to my mind. Shall the Lord forget his people, those who have put their trust in him, and unto whom he has made promises? Zion is graven upon the palms of his hands. He cannot forget Zion. He says (2 Nephi 10:13) “he that fighteth against Zion shall perish.” “Both Jew and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and female, shall perish” (16th verse)[.] “For I will fulfil my promises which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them while they are in the flesh.” (17th verse.) In these dark and threatening days, when from all parts of the land, from the President in the Executive chair to the loathsome, degraded murderer (Guiteau) in the prisoner’s dock, there come cries for our overthrow and destruction, it is a great comfort to have these precious and holy promises.

25 January 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1882. Had a tolerably good night’s rest. Snowing this morning. Called upon Gen. Paine. Sent copies of Senator Edmunds’ amended Bill, reported back by the Com. on Judiciary of the Senate, home — one to Pres’t. Taylor, one each to the News and Herald. Received a letter, dated the 18th from Pres. Taylor. Quite encouraging. He and Bro’s. Jos. F. Smith and Bro’s. Lorenzo and Erastus Snow had called upon Elizabeth, my wife, and administered to her. Wrote a long letter to Pres. Taylor, in which I took the liberty of suggesting a plan of action at-home. (See letter to him.) Received a letter from Bro. Hooper, in which he informed me of the persons he had seen and what he had done, at my suggestion, in relation to my case. I acknowledged his letter and expressed my obligations to him for his efforts. In evening had a lengthy and free conversation upon affairs in Utah with two gentlemen — Mr. S. J. Ritchie, Akron, Ohio, and J. B. Mc Mullin, of Chicago and Canada — interested in the manufacture of iron, who wished to obtain information concerning our coal and iron deposits.

26 January 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Jan. 26, 1882. Raining. Streets are in bad condition, the freezing of the rain making them like glass. Ua hoole au i ke ai [I fasted] to-day. The jury in the Guiteau case brought in a verdict of guilty last evening. The trial has occupied ten weeks. Just after writing the above and before I started out from my room, I received the following dispatch from my brother Angus: “Poor Elizabeth is no better and appears to be sinking.” My heart is full. Called at Gen. Paine’s. Spent the time of the session at the House. Not one with whom I can sit down and unbosom myself. No sympathy from those around me as a Latter-day Saint. They scoff and jeer at our marriages and wives. If I were to say anything it might be made, <when my back was turned,> a subject of ribald mirth about my wives. We are not supposed to feel as other people do, so I hold my tongue and keep my feelings to myself. Mr. Ainslie, of Idaho, has been very friendly, kind and sympathetic; Mr. Post of Wyoming, and Mr. Converse of Ohio, and Major Maginnis of Montana; but I said little to any of them; more to the former, however, <in> answer to his inquiries, his wife being an admirer of Elizabeth’s. Wrote a letter each to John Q. and Abraham, giving them the latest news from home, and saying such comforting things as I could to them. In evening, between six and seven, received the following <from Angus>: “Elizabeth has just left us. God comfort you. Any instructions?” I had not sent my letters off to the boys, so I added the contents of this dispatch. In reply to Angus I sent the following: “Keep children constantly in company; must not yield to grief. Have no gloomy trappings at funeral, no black about coffin. Make it natural wood, mountain if possible, varnished and comely. Bury next children in my lot. Cant show too much respect to her worth, but avoid everything make painful impression on children. If she expressed wishes carry <execute> them, out, write them in full and send me copy. Tell children for my sake bear up.” If I would give away to my feelings I would be overwhelmed with grief — the thought that we are separated for the remainder of this life, and that I shall never behold her face again, nor have the pleasure of her affectionate attentions and sweet society in the flesh almost stuns me. But shall I not accept this providence of the Lord as coming from him? Yes; I must bow to his will, receive with submission and resignation this affliction; I must carry out myself that which I have so often taught others. Truly the Lord does bless me with the consoling influences and presence of His Holy Spirit. It is when I think of the children that my feelings melt and almost overcome me; but my own experience teaches me how kind the Lord is to those who are left motherless. Elizabeth is all right. I know she is happy. Her children there, her parents and other relatives and friends will gladly welcome her to their midst. I have fasted and prayed & telegraph for her recovery, submitting the event to the Lord. If it was his will I desired her life to be spared; but he knew best, and for him to do that which was best. If she had done her work, I desired her to have an easy and joyous departure and the consoling influences of his Spirit to rest upon her and upon her beloved children, sister, brother and <other> relatives and friends. I can truly say that, having prayed constantly for her since I heard of her being attacked, I feel satisfied. It is God’s will and I accept it.

I telegraphed the news to Bro. Hooper at New York.

27 January 1882 • Friday

Friday, Jan. 27, 1882. A fine morning. Received a letter from my wife Martha in which she speaks of Elizabeth being better, so she had heard. She was at her home, Elizabeth was in the city. Called upon Senator Bayard of Del. and conversed about S. 353, the Bill which the Judiciary Com. amended and reported back to the Senate. I pointed out to him that there were many people in Utah who had married when there was no law against plural marriage and this Bill proposed to punish them like all others, in other words did not except them and was therefore retroactive. We had half an hour’s conversation on our matters. In the evening I had a lengthy and very pleasant interview with Senator Teller of Col. He told me Bayard and he opposed the severe provisions of this Bill. He was very outspoken about it in the Committee. He is very liberal, and having been in Utah knew what a crowd we had there to deal with. He denounced Murray and Campbell with severity. Lynch, postmaster of Salt Lake, had been here and spoken to him in praise of Campbell, who would like, he said to be introduced to him. He said to Lynch he did not want to see or know either him or Murray. Wrote to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, to Uncle Angus and to Bro. Albert Carrington at Liverpool. Hard for me to write to-day. I felt depressed and sad, especially in the evening, until I called upon Senator Teller. Called twice at Senator Garland’s quarters; but he was out. Received dispatch from Bro. Hooper inviting me to come and spend a little time in my afflictions with my near friends. Willard Young and Sister Zina Huntington Young were there.

28 January 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Jan. 28/82. Received a dispatch from my brother Angus: Funeral ten Sunday <(in)> Ward house. Mamie is a little woman.” My feelings broke loose after this and for awhile I could not control myself. I have kept very busy to-day; but I have been sick at heart. I felt as though I would like be where I could neither see nor be seen, and hesitated about going to New York. I finally thought it would be better for me, and by being in the company of friends I might shake off this inclination to despondency. Attended to various items of business. Wrote Mr. Brown, my attorney, a letter upon points suggested by Gen. Paine, whom I saw to-day. Wrote a long letter to Alfred E. Giles, Esq., Hyde Park, Mass., in reply to a very interesting communication from him respecting polygamy and free action and full liberty in this land. I sent Bro. Hooper a dispatch this morning to the effect that I would try and go up by to-night’s train. Had some conversation with ex-Senator Sargent. He feels keenly the attacks made upon him by the Salt Lake Herald. At 9.50 p.m. I started for New York. Wm Johnson, the colored man called before I started, and was deeply grieved at the sad news I had to communicate. I requested him to call upon Mrs. Ritchie and let her know. I did not feel as though I could <not> do it myself. My heart has been sore to-day.

29 January 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, June 29, 1882. Reached New York at 6.30 a.m. Had a good sleep while I was in the berth, but as I retired late and arose early it was not my usual allowance. Went to the Metropolitan Hotel. Found Bro. Willard Young there on a visit. He had to return to his duties at West Point in the evening. Bro. Hooper and the girls and Bro. Irvine were well. Sisters Zina D. Young and Ellen B. Ferguson called and spent the most of the day in Bro. H’s rooms visiting with us. Capt. Codman called and stayed several hours. This society diverted my mind and relieved me greatly. I had dreaded being left alone to my own thoughts to-day, for my mind would be brooding over the thought of the scenes of affliction at-home at the funeral services and the depositing of the earthly remains of my beloved Elizabeth in the tomb. These friends sympathized with me very much, and I appreciated it and their society. Capt. Codman is anxious to have us meet Henry Ward Beecher, and with our consent (Capt. H’s and mine) wrote him a note proposing an interview.

30 January 1882 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 30, 1882. Slept well last night. Was in the hotel all day in the parlor of Bro. Hooper. I was interviewed by reporters from the Graphic, Evening Post, Evening Telegram, Tribune, World and a number called whom I did not see. I have only seen the Graphic’s report, which is very fair. He gave me the credit of having two handsome and cultured daughters — referring, of course, to the daughters of Bro. Hooper. Sisters Zina D. Young and Sister Ellen B. Ferguson called, also Capt. Codman and wife. I wrote to Pres’t. Taylor, Sister E. B. Wells and my sons John Q. and Abraham. Capt. Hooper was suffering from bowel complaint.

31 January 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 31st, 1882. I omitted to mention yesterday that Dr J. P. Newman preached on our question on Sunday, and denounced and lied about us and was particularly severe upon me; the best thing to do with me was to refuse me my seat, &c. A man by the name of Gallagher, who had been in Utah two years, so it was announced, as a preacher, also lectured and lied about us in the most abominable manner on Sunday evening. Besides epitomes of these sermons which all the papers contained, the Tribune had a long communication from a Judge Benjamin Hall upon our question. Ours is the leading and absorbing question of the hour. The interview with me published in the World was very fair; also that in the Evening Post; that in Tribune was better than I could have expected. It was snowing heavily this morning, and upon the suggestion of the Captain I concluded to wait till evening. Wrote letters to President Taylor <and> Bro. Wm Jennings. and my sons John Q. and Abraham. Spent the day in Capt. Hooper’s rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Roundy, (the latter the daughter of Feramorz Young Little) came to the hotel. He is down buying goods. After dinner I made arrangements to go to Philadelphia. Bro. Irvine accompanied me to the Station. Train ought to have started at 8 p.m., but was delayed. I reached Philadelphia at 1 a.m.; put up at Continental Hotel.

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January 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1882/01-1882