May 1878

1 May 1878 • Wednesday

WednesdayMay 1

Met at 11 and proceeded with unfinished business – the legislative appropriation bill. There was an evening session devoted to debate only and few were present.

On my way down from the House I met Bro. B. Morris Young, who arrived in the city this afternoon. He has been laboring in Penn. with his cousin Bro. E. H. Pierce. He looks well.

2 May 1878 • Thursday

I spent a very poor night, and my dreams were troubled. At the House addressed a letter to Mr. Biddle forwarding documents in the Reynolds case.

3 May 1878 • Friday

Felt some better to-day. House proceeded with the appropriation bill. In the evening invalid pensions were considered and a great deal of business was done.

Mr. Roberts of Maryland gave me an invitation to go to Baltimore and take whom I wished to see Mr. Edwin Booth in the character of Richard II. The tickets were free as were also the ride to and fro. I did not care much to go as I had seen Booth perform, but I concluded I would go and take Morris Young and Jno Q. who had never seen him, and to whom it was a treat[.] We reached Washington at 2.30 a.m.

4 May 1878 • Saturday

The Committee of the whole having finished the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill yesterday, it was to-day reported to the House and discussed and passed. Mr. Wood endeavored to get the floor to report the tariff bill, but a motion to adjourn prevailed.

5 May 1878 • Sunday

I stayed in the house all day not feeling well. The day was showery. Had a visit from Mrs. Sara Spencer of the Female Suffrage Association.

6 May 1878 • Monday

Morning fine but cool. Bro. Morris Young desired to see Mt. Vernon, so Mrs. Cannon and the three young children went with him.

Called at the Treasury and Department of Justice respecting Dr. Taggarts affairs. At the House. The bill providing a new government for the District of Columbia was discussed. Wrote a letter to Gen Kane in reply to his in which he informed me that another operation had been decided upon Mrs K for cancer. I sympathize very deeply with them both and their family.

7 May 1878 • Tuesday

Bro. Morris Young left this morning for Philadelphia.

At the House the District of Columbia bill was passed and the tariff bill was taken up by only one majority.

In the evening attended Ford’s Opera House, having been solicited to by two tickets. Mary Alice accompanied me. The pieces performed were light comedies.

8 May 1878 • Wednesday

Went to passport bureau obtained a passport for Elder T H Halgreen which I sent to him to New York care Bro. Staines. Calld at Treasury on Dr Taggarts business

At the House the tariff bill was discussed by Mr. Tucker of Virginia, and Mr. Robbins of South Carolina occupying the time. Mr. Tucker’s speech was a very powerful one. The evening session was very poorly attended.

Sylvester is quite unwell to-day

9 May 1878 • Thursday

The tariff bill was under discussion. In the evening attended the reception of Mr. Speaker Randall. Mr. Randall offers no wine at his receptions which I think an excellent feature. The fashion of getting a number of people together for conversation and association is a very pleasant one and not very expensive when the number who are entertained is considered. A table is set in the dining room on which is salad, fried oysters, sandwiches, ice cream, strawberries, fruit, etc. There are generally three or four visitors <waiters> who help the visitors to what they want, and each visitor takes a plate and stands and eats.

10 May 1878 • Friday

Dictating letters. At the House the day was devoted to the consideration of private bills.

11 May 1878 • Saturday

We had a morning hour in which the committee on public lands was called and to my great satisfaction the bill restoring Indian reservations in Utah to the public domain was reported and passed. After the morning hour consideration was resumed of the bill regulating interstate commerce.

12 May 1878 • Sunday

At home all day.

13 May 1878 • Monday

Had an interview with the Committee on Coinage Weights and Measures and urged the claims of Salt Lake City as a suitable place for a mint and refining and assay office. In the House after the states and territories were called. Mr. Potter introduced a resolution for the appointment of a special committee of eleven for the investigation of the Louisiana and Florida frauds. This created much excitement and occupied the entire afternoon until adjournment the Republicans refusing to vote. The Democrats finally adjourned, leaving it to come up as unfinished business to-morrow

14 May 1878 • Tuesday

The resolution came up and as the Democrats lacked some nine or ten of having a quorum and the Republicans refused to vote they adjourned early. A democratic caucus was held immediately. The first business of the caucus was to decide upon the Senate resolution to adjourn on the 10th of June. This had been laid over for consideration until tomorrow, and after discussion it was still further laid over until the 29th. The investigation resolution was then discussed and though some were doubtful about the propriety of it, but as it had been adopted by a joint committee of the Senate and House, they felt they should carry it through. There is a good deal of diversity of interest among the Democrats which makes it more difficult to agree upon a certain line of action.

15 May 1878 • Wednesday

The House adjourned early. I received a dispatch from Legrand Young stating that he would be at Willard’s tomorrow morning.

16 May 1878 • Thursday

Called upon Bro. Legrand Young and went with him to the White House introduced him to Mr. Hayes. Then went to the Dept of Justice and introduced him to Att’y General Devens[.] Then to the House. He is down with the intention of getting additional legislation for the Utah and Northern Railway. Introduced him to the Delegates of Idaho and Montana through these Territories it is proposed to extend the line – and they were willing to do anything they could in the matter.

I showed him all over the Capitol and in the evening we went to the minstrels

17 May 1878 • Friday

He went and had another interview with the Delegates[.] I have an interview with the Senate committee on appropriations and argued against the proposed reduction of the number of the Territorial legislatures which the House proposed. I used arguments similar to those I used in speaking before the House (see April 30). After I concluded they said no more arguments were necessary, that they were satisfied our plan was the better. Mr. Corlett and Mr. Fenn made a few remarks.

There has been much excitement in the House in consequence of the fact that the Democrats have a quorum and succeeded in passing the resolution not withstanding the refusal of the Republicans to vote.

18 May 1878 • Saturday

Spent the day at the House in the discussion of the army appropriation bill.

19 May 1878 • Sunday

Went with my wife, and Mary Alice and David to the Soldier’s home, returning about 3 o’clock. We had a most delightful trip. The weather was warm enough to be pleasant but the sun was obscured by clouds so that his rays were not oppressive. The children were delighted to get into the country. I never saw the “Home” look more beautiful than it did to-day.

20 May 1878 • Monday

After the morning hour resumed consideration of the army appropriation bill.

21 May 1878 • Tuesday

Occupied in the discussion of the army appropriation bill, also at the evening session.

22 May 1878 • Wednesday

Received a letter from Prest. Taylor in which he informed me of the progress of the work at home and advised me that Sheeks & Rawlins had been employed to assist Mr. Biddle in the Reynolds case. A letter was enclosed to me for Gen. Kane. I addressed a letter to Gen Kane, and Mr. Biddle and Mr. Clay advising him of the selection of Sheeks and Rawlins.

Discussed the Army appropriation bill. In the evening session attended to general business.

23 May 1878 • Thursday

Discussed the Army appropriation bill also at the evening session

24 May 1878 • Friday

Raining. Dictating journals and so forth.

Had a morning hour to hear reports on private bills after which the Army bill will discussed until 4 pm. when we adjourned.

25 May 1878 • Saturday

Had an interview with the President respecting the P.M. at Ogden who is creating great dissatisfaction by his course among the people. An indignation meeting had been held respecting his course, and the proceedings sent to me to present to some one to have him removed. Mr. Hayes said he would take the matter into consideration and should act upon it. I also called upon the Sec. of War respecting the release of a young man from the army at Fort Cameron, who had married a daughter of Geo. Reid, Beaver. His case was referred to the commander of the Post.

At the House the day was spent mainly in the army bill. House adjourned about 4.30 p.m.

26 May 1878 • Sunday

Spent the day in the house until evening when I took a walk with the children in the parks.

27 May 1878 • Monday

Dictating correspondence and journal.

After the morning hour at the House the army bill was discussed until adjournment.

I took my son David to the dentist to have an aching tooth examined. I did not want it pulled if it could be avoided and the dentist expressed a dislike to pull children’s teeth. On examination a new tooth was found coming so he decided to pull it. David bore it manfully and did not shed a tear. The prongs were quite long.

28 May 1878 • Tuesday

The army bill discussed and passed. Then there was a morning hour and the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads made reports.

A caucus was held by the Democrats to consider the Senate resolution to adjourn on the 10th prox. Though there was quite a feeling to agree to the resolution, the majority thought it would be unwise, and the consideration was further postponed till the 10th 8th prox.

29 May 1878 • Wednesday

Dictating journal.

Prepared a report for the Utah <Northern> Railway Company bill for Senator Saunders. In the House the time was occupied mostly in voting on the adjournment question. Fourteen Democrats would not be bound by the action of the caucus, which agreed to postpone consideration of the question till the 8th of June, and with the Republicans defeated it. An amendment making June 17th the day for adjournment was then carried by about sixty majority.

There was an evening session for discussion only

30 May 1878 • Thursday

Decoration day. Took a ride with my wife and Mary Alice and David to the Navy Yard and then out to Oak Hill Cemetery, returning in time to escape a heavy storm. We moved to-day from 611 to 720, 13th St and like our new quarters much better.

31 May 1878 • Friday

Dictating journal. At the House. Private bills were reported after which went into Committee of the Whole on the Private Calendar.

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May 1878, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025