September 1884

1 September 1884 • Monday

Monday Septr 1, 1884. Busy at the Office. At ½ past 3, the Savings Bank held a meeting at which I was present. I also attended a meeting of the officers of the Sunday School Union, and in the evening met with the Superintendents and teachers and a large audience at the Assembly Hall. Among other proceedings we had an interesting lecture from Bro. C. W. Penrose.

I have omitted to mention that Bro. Budge bought for me a claim in Bear Lake Valley of 160 acres of grass land for $300 which I forwarded to him.

2 September 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Septr 2, 1884. I was engaged this morning with Pres. Taylor and Bros. Woodruff & Richards at the Historians Office listening to the reading of Mr Bancroft’s proofs for his book on Utah. I was busy at the Office a large portion of the day. My nephew buried today at two oclock.

3 September 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 3, 1884. At the office during the forenoon, and in the afternoon held our usual meeting at the Endowment House. At 4.30 I took the train for Logan, accompanied by <my wife,> Emily Hoagland, to attend to some ordinances there. My son Frank met us at the Station at Ogden, and I had a long conversation with him upon our private affairs. We reached Logan about midnight. Bro. Card’s team was there and took us to his house. Went up to the Temple this morning and saw Bro. Merrill and arranged to have the ordinances I wished attended to performed during the forenoon. My last wife, <Emily Hoagland,> received her [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance], Bro. M. W. Merrill being mouth, assisted by Bro. Thos K. Smith, and Bro. Samuel Roskelly being Recorder. Afterwards she was sealed to her father and mother, Joseph A. West acting for her father, Bishop Abraham Hoagland, and his (Jos A West’s) daughter, Jane Richards West, acting for her (Emily’s) mother, Margaret Quick Hoagland; then I acted for his (Joseph A West’s) father and Emily acted for his mother and he was sealed to them, and afterwards he acted for his father and his aunt Emily for his mother and he was sealed to them, and afterwards he acted for his father and his aunt Emily for his mother, and his little sister, Margaret, who had died in infancy, was sealed to her parents; then Bro. James Hawkins was adopted in my family. I spent the remainder of the day in the Temple and enjoyed myself very much.

5 September 1884 • Friday

Friday Sep 5, 1884. Cold and stormy. We could not go down at 10.45 as we expected, but were compelled to wait for the excursion train which left at ½ past one. We were very kindly entertained by Sister Card, Bro. Card being absent, and his carriage took us to the train. We reached Ogden about ½ past 5, and remained there till ½ past 6. My son met us at the Station, and stayed with us until we started. We reached the City about 8 and were met by my son Abraham with my buggy. After taking Emily home I drove home. The weather was quite stormy and cold. I found my family in tolerably good health.

6 September 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Sep 6, 1884. At the Office most of the day.

7 September 1884 • Sunday

Sunday, Sep 7th 1884. Accompanied by my Son John Q. I went to Farmington this morning to attend the Conference. We were met at the Station by Bro J. W. Hess who took us in his carriage to his house where we got breakfast, Bro. Anson Call also being there. Bro. Teasdale also joined us, he having been there the previous day. We were joined also by Bro Wm R. Smith, President of the Stake, before the meeting. It rained and stormed very heavily, but the Meeting House was filled with people, and I occupied the forenoon and had great liberty, the spirit of God was abundantly poured out, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. We dined at Bro. Hess’. In the afternoon attended to matters of business and the sacrament. My son John Q. spoke about 25 minutes. Bro. Teasdale also spoke for a short time, and I occupied about ½ an hour. The meeting was a very delightful one. It is seldom that I have enjoyed myself more than I did today in meetings, though the weather was very stormy. We took supper at Bro. Hess’, and then he carried us down to Bro. Ezra T. Clark’s who treated us to water melon and took us to the train. I remained in the city all night.

8 September 1884 • Monday

Monday Sep 8, 1884. My brother Angus took me down home this morning early. I came back shortly afterwards and spent the day in the Office attending to various matters of business, excepting about one hour & half which was spent in company with Prest. Taylor & Bro. Richards & Reynolds & Mr Bancroft at the Historian’s Office. A. M. Gibson Esqr, of Washington City, who has been assisting Bro. John T. Caine to defeat Congressional legislation called upon Pres. Taylor & myself.

9 September 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 9, 1884. At the Office. A meeting was held of the Iron Manufacturing Co. this afternoon at the Gardo House. Letters were read from Hon. Abraham S. Hewitt, of New York, and Mr Danforth, of the Colorado Co. in response to inquiries I had made respecting testing the coal. Mr Hewitt’s letter expresses the pleasure he would take in doing anything for me he could do in that direction, but he was on the point of going to Europe and referred the matter to Mr Danforth who wrote a letter stating that he had made an extensive examination of the coal in Iron County and thought it unsuitable for smelting purposes, that it would not coke well. Bishop Thomas Taylor also had a reply to a communication which he had made sent to a firm of iron chemists in Philadelphia who had made an analysis of a lot of coke which he had sent to them. They pronounced it inferior. There were some letters read making complaints against Bishop Taylor by various parties. He desired to have the privilege of selling out his stock in the company and wished to know if he could do so, or if we would all sell, as he had an offer for his share of the mine. Prest. Taylor preferred deferring his answer at the present as he wished to consider the question, and the meeting was adjourned until Sep 15th. I had an appointment this morning with F. S. Richards one of the Church attorneys, and I brought up the questions he had to submit before Pres. Taylor. It was decided that the cases in election matters against the Utah Commissioners should be pushed forward, but that no effort should be made to have the case brought by the Governor’s appointee, W. G. Wenner, against Judge Elias Smith for the fees and emoluments of the office of Probate Judge. We had nothing to gain by having this case pushed forward.

10 September 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sepr 10, 1884. At 11 oclock I attended a meeting of the Directors of Z. C. M. I. I received a dispatch this morning from a man named Side who telegraphed from Evanston requesting me to meet him at the Depôt. He is from the Sandwich Islands. I went there but saw no one who seemed to be looking for me. At 2 oclock we had our usual meeting at the Endowment House. I afterwards revised a discourse delivered in the Tabernacle on the last day of last month.

11 September 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Sepr 11, 1884. I stayed in town last night and drove down early this morning to my place. At the office. Had a call from a man by the name of side who had been baptized on the Sandwich Islands 32 or 33 years ago by Bro. Thomas Karren. He was passing through and called to see me. He talked nothing but the Hawaian although an American by birth, but the Hawaian seemed most familiar to him. I sent one of the young men in the office to take him to the native Saints who are living here as he wished to see them.

Brothers Elderedge and Sears Supt. and Asst Supt. of Z. C. M. I. called to see Pres. Taylor & <myself> to know our feelings respecting their continuing in their positions in consequence of remarks which had been made by Wm Jennings at the Directors meeting yesterday. Bro. Sears had determined to sell out his interest in the store and to resign his position as he felt very much hurt by what had taken place, but he said that he would do whatever we said in the matter. We thought he ought not to leave and expressed ourselves as being satisfied with his conduct, and thought personal matters should not be brought up in meetings of the Board. Bro. Elderedge and he both expressed themselves willing to continue in their labors if they had our confidence and left us quite satisfied with the interview

12 September 1884 • Friday

Friday Sepr 12, 1884. At the Office. Had a most interesting interview this morning (though in some respects painful) with Elders B. H. Roberts, Henry Thompson, W. H. Jones and John T. Heineger missionaries from the Southern States. Bros. Thompson and Jones were on Cane Creek at the time of the massacre the former being in the house at the time of the attack, and the latter, having been surrounded by the mob and kept in custody until after the affair, was permitted to escape, his guard having relented. I requested them to go to the News Office and give them a statement.

13 September 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Sepr 13, 1884. At the Office. Busy looking up the condition of the titles of our real estate in company with A. M. Musser.

14 September 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Sepr 14, 1884. It commenced raining heavily this morning. I had a meeting with my children, giving them instructions concerning their duties. Afterwards drove to town in the rain though I did not feel very well. The meeting in the Tabernacle was addressed by Elder John W. Taylor who gave a very excellent discourse. In the evening by appointment I preached in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms. The house was crowded. It has not been for many years that I felt the fear that I had this evening. I trembled and would, if I could, have escaped. It seemed as though I could not get my mind upon anything to speak upon and I was in great trepidation. I arose with this feeling though I had prayed earnestly to be delivered from it and for some moments labored under considerable embarrassment. But this gradually left me and I had a most excellent season. Spoke upon the agency of man and the purpose of our God in placing man here with a clearness and power which to me was very edifying. Numbers came and spoke of the great pleasure they had had. Bro. W. W. Woodruff said it was one of the best discourses he had ever heard me deliver. Glory be to God there for, for I know it was not myself. It is another proof of the Lord’s ability to strengthen and endow His servants if they put their trust in him. I remained in town all night.

15 September 1884 • Monday

Monday Septr 15, 1884. At the Office. This day has been a constant succession of meetings. I have not had time to attend to any business, correspondence, journal, or anything else. Bro. James Sharp, Mayor of the City, accompanied by Col. J. R. Winder and F. S. Richards called upon us to get counsel respecting a suit that had been instituted by some of the people of Utah County against the canal companies of this County and the authorities of this city for damages resulting from high water from Utah Lake. They take the ground that the water had been accumulated there by the stoppage of the River Jordan by a dam and other obstructions. Pres. Taylor was greatly impressed to have this matter settled by the First Presidency of the Church assisted by twelve High Priests according to the Book of Covenants.

After we had this interview three Indians from Washakie arrived, accompanied by a leading Indian from Bishop Zundell’s settlement, Washakie, <and> had a conference with Prest. Taylor and myself. They represented Washakie’s desires and the desires of the other tribes to be, that they wished to have peace and the spirit of the Lord. Pres. Taylor gave them excellent counsel.

After this there was a meeting of the Iron Company.

16 September 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sepr 16, 1884. Pres. Taylor and myself had another interview with the Mayor, & Bros. Winder & Richards. Bro. A. O. Smoot of Utah Stake was also present having come up in response to a telegram sent to him. The water difficulty was conversed upon, and it was decided to have such a council as I mentioned in yesterday’s proceedings. It is proposed that it shall consist of the President of this Stake and of Utah Stake, the Probate Judge of each County, and two selectmen and two Bishops from each county.

There was a meeting of the stockholders of Zions Savings Bank, and the old Board of Officers was elected, with the addition of Bro. George Reynolds in place of Bro. David O. Calder deceased. I took supper with my my wife Sarah Jane at my sister Mary Alice’s.

17 September 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 17, 1884. A company of emigrants arrived this morning from Europe under the direction of Ben. Bennett. I sat for my portrait at the request of Bro. Savage this morning. He has been importuning me for sometime, in fact, ever since the fire which destroyed his negatives, to have my likeness taken, as he had no negatives from which to take likenesses to sell.

At the office listening to correspondence; and at 2 oclock met with the brethren at the Endowment House. After our meeting attended to some correspondence and dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

18 September 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Sep 18, 1884. Examined <proof> of my portrait this morning and decided on the one I preferred. Afterwards went to the Bank and completed a loan making in all $5000 for which I gave suitable collateral. This is to be invested in the business of the company that I am thinking of organizing with my children. Had an interview at 10 oclock with Hon. John T. Caine and Mr. A. M. Gibson, of Washington D. C. and talked over the political situation and the best methods of defending ourselves against the assaults of our enemies.

Attended to business connected with the closing up of the estate of my late father-in-law, Bishop Abraham Hoagland, deceased. Am getting releases signed by the heirs. Pres. Taylor, Bp. Preston and myself talked over the indebtedness due from the church to the Iron Works and how best to turn it to make payment.

Bro. John Haffen brought in a very fine portrait of Pres. Taylor for inspection. He also brought a very fine landscape taken in the vicinity of Springville, and a pastelle portrait of a daughter of Bro. H. S. Elderedge — three different kinds of work and each excellent in its way, which spoke very highly for the boy whose whole instruction in art had been obtained by his own exertions here at home. I was yesterday appointed one of a Committee with Bro. Carrington and Bro. Richards to take into consideration a claim made by the family of P. P. Pratt deceased for the value of works published by the Church of which he was the author, namely, “The Voice of Warning” and “The Key of Theology.” Have commenced my labor on that committee.

19 September 1884 • Friday

Friday Sep 19, 1884. Had an appointment this morning with Pres. Taylor to meet Mr Bancroft at the Historian’s Office in company with Bros Woodruff and F. D. Richards. Spent some time with them and then had to leave to attend to another appointment which had been made at Z. C. M. I. I was appointed as one of a Committee composed of John Sharp, J. R. Winder, George Romney and T. G. Webber to investigate the affairs of the institution, the salaries &c with a view to reporting to the stockholders. We spent some hours in examination of the accounts and <talked> over business. When I returned to the Office I found a card of Mr John Taylor, formerly of Liverpool, but now of London, one of my esteemed boyhood companions. We were <companions> in Liverpool and Manchester Office together the Office of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, together and worked together for over a year before my parents emigrated. He came to see me off and shed tears at parting, for we were greatly attached to each other. I have seen him once since then. That was at the Centennial anniversary which I attended with my wife and daughter by invitation of the people of Philadelphia in company with my colleagues of the House of Representatives. Forty two years today since we separated on the dock at Liverpool! He has been a very successful business man and is now a large shipowner in London besides owning large estates in Australia. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter. He came up at 2 oclock and met me and felt overjoyed. I took him across to the Gardo House and introduced him to Pres. Taylor, and they had a very pleasant interview of some length, the more interesting because of the similarity of their names. I then accompanied him to the hotel. Took my son John Q. with me and we spent some time with his wife and daughter, and I accompanied them to the train to go to Salt Lake to bathe. I was detained in town until nearly 8 oclock in consequence of a meeting which was held of the Iron Manufacturing Co.

20 September 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Sepr 20, 1884. Came up this morning accompanied by my daughter in a carriage for the purpose of taking Mr Taylor and his wife and daughter to meet Pres. Taylor at 10 o’c according to appointment made yesterday. They were greatly pleased to see my daughter whom Mr Taylor had seen in Philadelphia when she was about 8 years old. Pres. Taylor took him and his wife in his carriage, and I took his daughter with my daughter. We drove to the Temple block; then to what is called Prospect Hill, and then to the Warm Springs. He insisted upon myself and daughter lunching with him at the Walker House. I made him some few presents and arranged for his hotel expenses to be met; but shortly afterwards he came into the Office and wrote a letter to me and insisted on making me several presents — a gold pencil case, watch chain, and a sapphire which he desired me to have set in a ring to wear for his sake. They had enjoyed themselves exceedingly, and I and my daughter also have had a very pleasant time with them.

Pres. Taylor and myself received a villainous letter from Bishop Thomas Taylor accusing us in the most vile manner and threatening us. I feel that his conduct is most unjustifiable, and a worse letter could scarcely be written by an out and out apostate.

21 September 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 21, 1884. Held a meeting with my children in the forenoon; then drove to town to meeting in the large Tabernacle and listened to Bro. Ed. Stevenson & Pres. Woodruff speak. Pres. Taylor was not present at the meeting. Afterwards went to the Endowment House and without dressing <in Temple clothing> had prayer, I being mouth. There were present Bros Woodruff, Wells, Carrington, J. W. Taylor & myself. I remained in town all night.

22 September 1884 • Monday

Monday Sep 22, 1884. Met with the Comtee to examine the affairs of Z. C. M. I. and was occupied thereon until about one oclock. Busy at the Office during the afternoon. I dictated Editorial thoughts for the Juvenile to Bro. John Irvine. In the evening attended a lecture delivered by Elder John Nicholson in the Theatre. The building was jammed with people. He spoke about two hours and forty minutes, and held the attention of his audience very closely. He acquitted himself admirably, and I think made a deep impression upon his auditors.

23 September 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 23, 1884. Pres. Taylor desired me to accompany him to Ogden this morning. I was up at half past 5 oclock and reached the train at 20 past 7 oclock. He attended the meeting of the First National Bank of Ogden. I spent the time principally with my son Franklin. We returned on a special.

Attended to some affairs connected with my wife Elizabeth’s estate and then met with the Comtee in the office of Z. C. M. I.

24 September 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 24, 1884. At the Office attending to business. Dedicated <dictated> a letter to Bro. John Irvine to be sent to Bro. John Henry Smith with a copy of a letter written by the members of the family of the late Parley P. Pratt. This letter was in relation to the publication of the “Voice of Warning” and “The Key of Theology” which the family claim belong to them, and the proceeds of which they have been wrongfully deprived. The letter to Bro. Smith was to learn all particulars respecting the publishing of these works.

In the afternoon attended meeting at the Endowment House as usual.

25 September 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Sep 25, 1884. Met this morning at the office with Pres. Woodruff and Bro’s. Richards, Carrington, Thatcher, Lyman and Teasdale, and prepared the list of times for holding meetings during the conference. This was <done> at the suggestion of Pres. Taylor. There was a lengthy meeting held in the afternoon with the President & Directors of the Deseret Hospital at which the affairs were fully discussed.

Bro. James H. Hart arrived from the East and conversed with us respecting the feeling there. He brought me the warm remembrances of David Dudley Field, who desired him to bear them to me.

Took my wife Eliza down with me, she having come up to town with me in the morning. Found Brother & Sister Naile at my place who had come in from Lehi on a visit. Bro Naile’s residence now is at Tokerville, though this wife lives at Lehi.

26 September 1884 • Friday

Friday Sep 26, 1884. Wind blew very violently during the night, and the rain poured down this morning with considerable violence. There was a meeting at the office of the Deseret News Co. About noon the weather changed and we had a fine afternoon. A Comtee from the 18th Ward, consisting of the Bishop and a number of young men, submitted the plan of a school house they designed to build and maintain it as a denominational school where the Book of Mormon, and the Bible, and the Book of Doctrine & Covenants shall be text books.

Had quite an interview with John W. Young upon the subject of the railroad which he calls a pilot <Rock Rail> road to the quarries east of Camp Douglas. His desire is that the Trustee-in-Trust should take an interest in the road.

At 3 oclock met with the Apostles and Pres. Taylor gave his views upon a subject that had been presented to us in council, namely, the sending of the children of Latter-day Saints by their parents to schools of outsiders. The general feeling was one of disapproval; but he questioned the propriety of our doing more with them than withholding from them the privileges of the Temple. It had been suggested that they be denied the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, but he thought that would be unwise at the present time, especially if it were known that we were taking this step. He preferred therefore that the Bishops be instructed to withhold from them the privileges of the Temple. We afterwards — that is, Pres. Taylor, myself, Bros Woodruff, Richards, Carrington & John W. Young — met with Sister Eliza R. Snow and brought to her attention an article which she had written in response to inquiries made of her in the Woman’s Exponent of Sep 15th. She had stated respecting difficulties between members of the Relief Society that they should be settled by the Teachers of the Society, and if it were not possible for them to affect a settlement, it should then be brought before the ward authorities, and if not settled then appealed to the Stake President of the Relief Societies, and then to the general President of the Relief Societies, and if not settled, then to be brought before the Priesthood. The manner in which this was stated made the female Relief Society a co-ordinate branch of the priesthood. After considerable conversation, during which I elicted from her her views. It was decided by vote, at the suggestion of Pres. Taylor, that I write an article explaining the true method of arranging these matters, and correct any inaccuracies that were in Sister Snow’s statement, which are more probably the result of a want of clearness and fullness of the article than from any design to teach improper doctrine.

27 September 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Sep 27, 1884. At 10 oclock met with the Comtee of Z. C. M. I. and was occupied until dinner time. Was at the office all afternoon attending to various items of business. Read the revise of a discourse &c

28 September 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 28, 1884. Brother and Sister Naile who have been visiting two or three days took their departure this morning. I held Sunday School with my children. Afterwards drove to town and met with the Saints in the large Tabernacle. At the request of Pres. Taylor I spoke to the people. There was a large number of visitors present numbering several hundred. After I had commenced speaking some of them rose to go out. I said that I would stop until those who wished to go to meet trains or for other purposes should withdraw, when the whole body of excursionists rose and passed out, suspending the services for about 10 minutes. It was the most disgraceful scene I ever saw in a meeting house excepting where a mob disturbed a meeting. It checked the flow of thought and I felt very much like sitting down, but thought that the people who were seated — Latter-day Saints — did not deserve to be censured by the acts of this lot of people. I remained in the City all night.

29 September 1884 • Monday

Monday Sepr 29, 1884. My son John Q. drove me down early this morning. Conversed with him about various matters of business he having just returned from a visit to Bear Lake. He describes the claim that Brother Budge bought for me as being a very good one, worth far more than was paid for it. The probabilities are that it can be entered in another year and about 200 tons of hay on it this season, which Bro. Budge had sold. Upon my return to town I attended meeting of the Comtee at Z. C. M. I. and remained in session until 2 oclock, being the most satisfactory in some respects that we have held. Bro. Eldredge, the Supt. and Bro. Sears, the Asst. Supt were with us one after the other. From Bro. Sears we got much light in regard to the working of the Institution.

At 2 oclock met with the Sunday School Union.

At ½ past 3 met with the Deseret News Co. Then had a long conversation with Pres. Taylor respecting the application of Bro. John W. Young for aid to build what is called the Rock Railroad. Afterwards had an interview with him on the subject. My son Franklin came down from Ogden to see myself and Sons respecting business that he and Abraham is engaged in there, and the purchase of the interest of their partner, Bro. [blank] He took dinner at John Q’s and then I took him home with me.

30 September 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 30, 1884. Bro. Brigham Young came down and breakfasted with me. Afterwards I joined Pres. Taylor on the road, accompanied by Bishop Burton, my brother Angus, Thos E. Taylor, Henry Grow and A. Howe, and drove to the Paper mill where we spent the day. Had an invitation to attend a reception at Bro. Jos. Horne’s it being the occasion of the marriage of his daughter (Martha) with Bro. Jos. Tingey. This is the last of the <unmarried> children married of Sister I. M. Horne, his first wife. None of my wives could very well come with me, and I invited my daughter Mary Alice. We spent the evening there and remained in town all night. Had a very interesting time, and at their request I spoke to the company assembled. Pres. Taylor & Bro. Wells, my brother Angus, and a large company were present on the occasion.

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September 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024