June 1862

1 June 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, May 31st, <June 1st, > 1862. Bro. Hooper was quite unwell in consequence of cold. Bro. Rich, my <Bro> Eldredge, Cousin George, Bro. Bates and myself crossed to Williamsburgh in the afternoon and held meeting with the Saints. Bro. Rich and myself spoke. Took tea with Bro. Nobles. In evening I spoke and had excellent attention and a good flow of the Spirit; Bro. Rich followed. The “John J. Boyd” arrived this morning from L’pool. <all well.>

2 June 1862 • Monday

Monday, June 1st <2nd>, 1862. Bro’s. C. W. West and Brigham arrived to-day. They were both well. Had conversation with Governor and Mrs. Cumming who are boarding here and also with Capt. Gardner who was Captain of the “Monarch of the Sea” last year when she brought out our people. He spoke in high terms of the people and the good order they observed. Bro. West brought letters from home and the likeness of John Q. and Abraham. They were all well. He also showed me his letter of instructions from President Young.

3 June 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 2nd <3rd> /62. Visited the “John J. Boyd” in company with Bro’s. Eldredge, West and Brigham, jun. to see the Captain respecting <the> provisions. This was the first time that Bro’s. Eldredge and Brigham ever was on board of a sea-going vessel. The Saints left for the West to-day under the charge of Bro. James S. Brown. Bro. Charles C. and Joseph C. accompanied them expecting to visit some of their friends and relatives in Indiana.

4 June 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 3d <4th>, 1862. Rained heavily all day. Bro. Hooper and self called upon Mr. Bennet of the Herald. The old man was not in town; but we had a conversation with his son who was very inquisitive and pleased to see us; he promised to inform his father of our call so that we might have an interview next day. Called on Horace Greeley, Editor of the Tribune, but not finding him at the Office left a note informing him that we would call at 5 p.m. Our interview with him was very agreeable. He talked pleasantly and listened to all we had to say. He had but little faith in our attempt to get into the Union when we first commenced to talk to him; but after laying before him all the reasons that presented themselves to our minds he seemed to have believe that after all it was not so hopeless as he first thought. He said we ought not to have officers sent out <to us> whom we did not wish. The government ought to leave us to ourselves to manage our own concerns. Before leaving we asked him pointedly whether he would advocate our admission. He hesitated, and did not answer us directly. We then asked him if he would oppose our admission; he answered promptly that he would not. <We visited Mr. Holliday’s office and Messrs. Riggs & Co. where Mr. Elliott was Agent.>

5 June 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, June 4 <5>th /62. We visited the office of the N. Y. Times. and met with Mr. Wilson, assistant Editor, Mr. Raymond, Editor-in-Chief, not being at home. We had a pleasant conversation with <him> during which he asked a great many questions about our people and affairs in Utah. He said he had always taken a very favorable interest in us since Jedediah M. Grant had been East and published a series of letters on the return of the Judges in 1851-2 from the Territory. Went to Mr. Jas. G. Bennet’s Herald office. Had an interview with him. He was very non-committal. We waited until the very last moment for Bro. Chauncey W. West and Brigham, Jun., to return before we started to Philadelphia. They went yesterday to Bro. Hammond’s father’s on Long Island. They did not return in time to accompany us. We reached Philadelphia about 1/2 past 9 p.m. and went to Mr. Fenton’s to stop. We found the family very well, except Mr. F. who was troubled with a swelled face. Sammy, Emma and Geo. Cannon had grown considerably since I last saw them.

6 June 1862 • Friday

Friday, June 5 <6>th, 1862. Visited Mr. Gavitt’s manufactory. He made the paper machinery we have in the Valley. Searched for the brethren this morning thinking they might have arrived this morning. Called upon Mr. Torrey, Cashier of the Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, and had a long conversation with him. Met Bro. David Bennet at Mr. Fenton’s. Bro. Saml Harrison and some others came in during the evening to see us. Started for Washington at 11 p.m. engaging <a> sleeping berth. Arrived there at 6 a.m. on [blank]

7 June 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 6 <7>th. Put up at the National Hotel. After breakfast went and saw Dr. Bernhisel at his lodgings and met Bro’s. West and Brigham, they having arrived last evening. Called upon Mr. E. B. Washburne and <saw> many other Members. Went with the brethren to the Patent Office. Hunting rooms to stop at, preferring to have rooms and then board where we pleased, at a Restaurant or Hotel, to living at a Hotel altogether, as it is cheaper and more pleasant.

8 June 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, 7 <8>th. Bro. W. S. Godbe arrived to-day from the Valley. He was well. We accompanied to meeting in the Capitol, Dr. Sunderland, chaplain of the Senate, preached.

9 June 1862 • Monday

Monday, June 8 <9>th, 1862. I have been so busy that I have neglected writing my journal daily through[out] this week. This day we called upon Senator <M. S.> Latham of California with whom we talked freely. He said he would offer a motion in the Senate to extend to us the privileges of the floor, which he did; but which was laid on the table, the precedents in the case of the Kansas and Indiana Senators being against granting such a privilege. He told us that he thought he could pass the motion by pressing it, but doubted the propriety of it. In this we fully agreed with him as we did not wish to go on to <the floor> against the wishes of a portion of the Senate. The courtesies of the House <of Representatives> were tendered to us through the kindness of Hon. E. B. Washburne of Illinois and we freely made use of the privilege, <going> daily on to the floor and conversing with Members and watching the proceedings. The House is more democratic than the Senate; there is considerable stately dignity and aristocratic feeling about the Members of the Senate. We moved from our hotel on Monday afternoon to a suite of rooms which we rented on 14th Street (No. 468) of a person named Dull, agreeing to give $3 a day (a dollar a day apiece for Bro. Hooper, Brigham and myself) for them and light and attendance. This was a high rent; but it was the best we could do and it was much cheaper and more comfortable than the Hotel. The rooms were airy and elegant.

10–14 June 1862 • Tuesday to Friday

Tuesday, June 10th, 1862. From this day until the 15th I failed through hurry to write journal and now (Nov. 14th) when Bro. John C. Graham is ready to copy that which I have kept into this book such a length of time has elapsed that I find my memory at fault and I cannot recall all that I was engaged in during those days. On Friday, 13th went in company with Hon. John M. Bernhisel and Senator Hooper and Elders C. W. West and Brigham Young, Junr, to pay our respects to President Lincoln. The President has a plain, but shrewd and rather pleasant face. He is very tall, probably 6 feet 4 inches high, and is rather awkwardly built, heightened by his want of flesh. He looks much better than I expected he would do from my knowledge of the cares and labors of his position, and is quite humorous, scarcely permitting a visit to pass without uttering some joke. He received us very kindly and without formality. Conversed some little upon Utah affairs and other matters. The number of our population was asked for by him. He did not seem to think that we were as numerous as we stated; but after hearing our evidence on the subject appeared to be satisfied. He was quite non committal respecting our admission, having no wish seemingly to commit himself upon the subject.

15 June 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, June 15th. Copied a long letter for Bro. Hooper addressed to William Clayton. Wrote a letter to Sarah Jane and commenced a letter to the President. The morning was very sultry; but after noon the weather suddenly changed and became quite cool. Saw Mr. S. Daily, Delegate from Nebraska, and had conversation with him

16 June 1862 • Monday

Monday, 16th. We (Bro. Hooper and self) called upon Mr. Barratt, Commissioner of Pensions, in relation to the Bounty Land Warrants due our citizens for services in the Indian War of ‘53. Went with Bro. Hooper to see Mr. Ruth in the Indian Finance Bureau in the same building about some business connected with the Territory. Called upon Mr. Hallett Kilburn, Chief Clerk of the Census Bureau, who had kindly profferred to furnish all the information upon Census that we might need and to give us access to all the Census returns. Introduced to Judge Edmunds, Commissioner of General Land Office and Mr. Wilson, Chief Clerk of that Bureau. Received a letter from Elizabeth, one from Bro. Sloan and one from Bro. Perkes with business papers &c. Things in general were moving along tolerably well. My Wife’s health was not so good, being troubled with a pain in her chest and side. I trust it will soon leave her. Georgianna is well and enjoying herself. On the floor of the House conversing with members. Had a very interesting conversation with Aaron A. Sargent of Cal. Nevada City.

17 June 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 17th. On floor of the House. Visited Senator Pomeroy of Kansas after dinner in company with Mr. Scharit who introduced us. Also saw Senator Harlan of Iowa at the same time for a short time. Senator Pomeroy, after listening to us, said he was in favor of our admission and requested the heads of the arguments in favor of Utah’s admission written out that he might embody them in a speech. We promised to give them him. Our interview with both these Senators was free and pleasant. They both expressed their pleasure at seeing us and pressed us to call upon them. In the evening Col. Cyrus Aldrich, Mr. C. from Minnesota, and his friend, Mr Heaton from the same State, and Mr. King, Postmaster of the House of Representatives and his assistant, Mr Soule, and Mr. Scharit ate ice cream and strawberries at our rooms and spent the evening very pleasantly.

18 June 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 18th. Mr. Ben Perley Poor called upon us this morning for the purpose of giving us an introduction to Senator Sumner at his rooms. Our conversation was continued for upwards of an hour. He stated his objections to our practices very frankly and in a gentlemanly manner. The two objections into which all others were merged, and which he put as strongly as he could, were that our form of government was what he would term theo-republican, of which the government of the Jews was probably the best example — a government in which the priestly authority was more respected and revered than the political, both, however[,] being frequently combined in the same person; and that our system of polygamy was a practice that western civilization denounced as a crime, being at war with all its teachings. I asked him how it could be otherwise with us than that the priestly and political authority should be combined in one and the same person. There were but very few in our midst who did not belong to our society, and in our society every man of energy who would be suitable to hold political office held some portion of the priestly authority. But we made our Constitution republican, as genuinely so as we knew how. Under it our religion received no preference; but every man, priest and <or> layman, professor or non-professor enjoys every right belonging to an American citizen in the most favored States. If, in the course of events, there should be an increase of population in our State, who were not members of our Society, they would have the right, (if in the majority,) under our Constitution of electing whom they pleased to hold Office, whether they whom they nominated and elected held the priesthood or not. What more could we do than this, and be republican? Or, if we were not to be admitted now, because there were none to hold office whom the people had confidence in, excepting bearers of the priesthood, we might never be admitted; for we had been fifteen years in that country already and we might be there many more without such a change being brought about. As to our polygamy being in opposition to western civilization, we granted that; but our people viewed civilization to be astray on that point. They firmly believed that their’s was the purer and better practice, though denounced as a crime. But if Utah were admitted as a State, and the Pacific RailRoad should be built, we would be brought into such close contact with the boasted civilization of the day that if the latter were as superior to ours, as its practisers and believers asserted, then our barbarism would melt away. We sought to be admitted and were willing to endure the test that might come. Before he stated these objections in the above form, he asked a number of questions respecting us and our practices, which we answered, and, I think, with good effect. Our personal interview did good. Went to the House and conversed with Mr. Wheeler of New York, Member of the Committee on Territories respecting our admission. I laid before him the reasons we had for desiring admission, and also those which we felt ought to influence Congress to admit us. He listened attentively, and my arguments seemed to have weight with him. He promised to investigate the matter and give it due consideration and not to decide according to politics but upon its merits. Saw Mr. Hanchett of Wisconsin and Mr. Beaman of Michigan and other members and conversed with them upon the same subject. Busy in the evening drawing up arguments, statistics &c in favor of our admission for Senator Pomeroy.

19 June 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, June 19th. Bro. Hooper and myself waited upon Senator Wade, Chairman of the Committee on Territories in the Senate. He said our matter would not up before their meeting to-day, the Western Virginian matter having precedence. Attended House Committee on Territories in company with Bro’s Hooper and Bernhisel. No quorum present. Had conversation with members. Bro. Bernhisal obtained tickets for us to the Baths of the House of Representatives. I bathed. The baths are elegantly fitted up, the tubs being cut out of the solid marble. In the Library of the House searching for items in the Congressional Globe. Received letters from my wife, Bro. Sloan and Bro. Perkes in England from which I learned they were all well and that the pains in Elizabeth’s side and breast had left her; also from Bro. C. W. West, New York, in which he informs me that he had been unable to secure a passage on the steamers which sailed on the 14th and 18th instant from New York, both being filled up.

20 June 1862 • Friday

Friday, 20th. Wrote to Elizabeth, to Bro. Perkes and Bro. Graham. Visited Senator John B. Henderson of Missouri and found him favorable to our admission. In reply to a remark made by me respecting polygamy he said it was a matter which he viewed as purely local and not concerning the nation at large and with which they have nothing to do. He pressed us to call and see him. We next saw Senator Trumbull of Illinois and had a conversation with him. We set forth the reasons for our admission to which he listened, occasionally interrogating and making a remark. His principal expressed doubts were relative to our population. He promised, however, to reflect upon the subject and deal with it fairly. Visited Senator Wade’s rooms again; but after waiting for upwards of an hour had to leave without seeing him. Mr. Reed of Illinois called upon us to-day. He is a very intelligent old man. Mr. Theaker an ex M. C. now in the Patent Office was at our rooms for an hour during which we laid before him many of our views, principles and wishes &c.

21 June 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 21st. June. Busy writing journal which was very much behind. Writing reasons why the State of Deseret should be admitted into the Union for Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas. Called upon him, but did not find him at home. Called upon Senators Harlan of Iowa and Sherman of Ohio, who were also absent from home. Had a very interesting interview with Senator B. F. Wade, of Ohio, Chairman of Committee on Territories, to which Committee our papers were referred. He listened kindly to our remarks and arguments in favor of our admission, asked many questions respecting our settlement in Utah, and was much interested in my recital of the history of our journey and first settlement there. He spoke very favorably of our industry, and enterprize and thought we deserved much credit for what we had done, and assented to our statement that had we not settled there that country would in all probability have been in a state of nature for very many years yet. He saw no reason, he said, why we should not be admitted as a state, we possessed, as far as he knew, every needed requirement. We waited upon Col. Vaughan of Kansas, who had promised to see Senator Lane of Kansas and try and influence him in our favor.

22 June 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, 22nd. Reading mostly. Visited Mr. Scharit and Mr. John M. Stanley, Artist. In the evening received a visit from Mr. Stone, the Sculptor.

23 June 1862 • Monday

Monday, 23rd, June. Called at the places of residence of Senators Pomeroy, Browning and Harlan but only found the latter at home. We had a pleasant interview with him. He said that he viewed our efforts to obtain a State organization with favor and conveyed the idea to us, that, if, upon examination, the subject appeared as favorably as he expected it would, he would go in for our admission. Had another interview with Col. Vaughan before breakfast. Went to the Capitol. Saw Mr. Harrison G. Blake of Ohio who said he could not see how the Committee could report unfavorably upon our matter. A people’s religion would afford no ground for argument for keeping them out of the Union, if they came with a Republican Constitution and possessing sufficient population. Called at the Interior Department to ascertain what discrepancies existed in the rolls and applications of those claiming bounty lands for services in the Indian War of ‘53. Rained so heavily in the evening that we could not visit any one.

24 June 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 24th. Called upon Col. Vaughan and Senator S. C. Pomeroy, of Kansas for a few minutes, also upon Senator O. H. Browning of Illinois. He had not time to converse with us then but wished us to call upon him some morning when convenient. Remained at the House. Had a long conversation with A. Scott Sloan, of Wisconsin. We found him a fair, liberal man, who appeared to be disposed to do us justice. He is a member of the Committee on Territories before whom our matters will come up. Conversed with a number of other members upon our matters. The Bill prohibiting polygamy in the Territories and other places where the United States have jurisdiction as amended by the Senate was brought up and passed. The Pacific R. R. Bill was also passed by a heavy majority. After dinner sought interviews with Senator L. F. S. Foster of Conn. and Ira Harris of New York but did not find them at home. Saw Senator M. S. Latham of Cal. for a few minutes and afterwards had a long conversation with M. S. Wilkinson of Minnesota. He brought up the idea of our being a theocracy — an idea which I do not give him credit for originating but which I think he borrowed from Senator Charles Sumner — the laws all emanating from the rulers, or ruler, who said he received it from Heaven instead of coming up from the people as, in his opinion, ought to be and was the case in a Republic. We combatted this idea of his. I told him that I was one of the first settlers of Utah and I had never witnessed nor heard about what he stated being the case. Namely, that one man evidently referring to Prest Young) would come in when the Legislature was in session and say you must make such and such laws because they are the will of heaven. We had our Legislature as in other Territories, and our legislators made the best laws they could, seeking for wisdom, of course, wherever they could find it, that our Statute book was open to inspection and there was no law within its pages that was not genuinely republican. We asked what more could we do than we had done to convince Congress and the nation that we were Republicans in feeling and principle. Our Constitution was as Republican in form as we could make it with the American language. He admitted as far as the text went it was, but and but and but — (if he had told plainly what the difficulty was) we are Latter-day Saints. Polygamy came in for its share of notice. He said he had not looked into the question of our admission much but would. He is, in my opinion, a narrow-minded (Senator though he may be) and ignorant man, who has not got breadth of mind enough to grasp it, has not backbone or integrity enough to cling to it if it came in conflict with what he would imagine to be his interests.

25 June 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 25th. Waited on Senator O. H. Browning this morning but found him engaged. He promised us an interview to-morrow morning. Saw Col. Vaughan who had arranged with Senator Jas. H. Lane of Kansas for an interview with us this evening. Called at Senator J. W. Grimes of Iowa but found him absent. Also upon Senator Robt Wilson of Missouri and found him a pleasant man of plain, homely manner and who promised to give our matters a fair consideration. He said he knew of no reason why we should not be admitted, but thought that even as a matter of policy our wish should be granted. We ought to have our rights as well as any other people. Saw also Mr. Wm A. Hall and Elijah H. Norton both Members from Missouri, who spoke very fairly — the latter has been quite kind to us. Received a letter from Pres. Young dated June 5/62 from which the following is an extract: The Ox train for Florence was all en-route on the 19th ult; in six companies under Captains H. Haight, H. W. Miller, H. Duncan, J. Horne Jr., R. Murdock, and Ansel P. Harmon, with 244 Wagons, 2080 Oxen, 267 Teamsters, 26 Guards, and 71½ tons of flour. I have bought 50 tons flour and 5 tons bacon at Florence. High Water delayed the starting of the companies, made their progress rather slow, and is still hindering them some, but they will probably reach Florence in about a month later than last year. In addition to the wagons and oxen sent, it is arranged to buy more at Florence, doubtless sufficient, with those already sent, for all freight and persons to be brought.

You were probably somewhat surprised at our requiring you to operate for us as one of our Senators in Washington, but your colleague and friends here were anxious for you to do so, deeming that a short absence from office cares and duties might be pleasing to you, and a benefit to yourself and constituents. We feel assured that the admission of Utah and other duties of your new position will receive that attention they merit, after which we would be glad to greet you in your mountain home, but at present presume it will be necessary for you to return to the more immediate field of labors.1

At the House of Representatives. Some sharp discussion between Mr. Sedgwick of New York and Mr. Mallory of Kentucky respecting the emancipation of the slaves. Hon. Edward Everett was on the floor of the House to-day. Had some conversation with Mr. Parkes and Mr. Elwell of California. After dinner called upon Senator Fessenden of Maine and Grimes of Iowa; the latter appointed tomorrow to see him. Senator Fessenden said he would deal candidly with us and say he was prejudiced against the people of Utah’s institutions and practices. Their religion he did not object to. Not being a religionist himself he felt more liberal upon that point than he otherwise might. Polygamy he did not object to on scriptural grounds, for he thought that it could not be condemned by scripture; but he objected to it as a matter of state policy. It was an institution unsuited to the age. We reasoned with him at some length upon these points, saying that if it were an institution that would not stand when brought in contact with the civilization of the age it would have to go down; and the better way to accomplish that would be to admit us as a State, and then, when the Pacific R. R would be built a flood of immigration would be sure to set westward before whose “intelligence” this peculiarity, with every other, against which christianity had objections, if false as asserted, would be modified & checked and probably removed. We described to him what our people had accomplished and how anxious they were to come into the Union, coming forward at this the time of the Nation’s trial to assume the expense of their Government &c. He acknowledged that our anxiety at the present time to be admitted into the Union spoke well for our loyalty and ought not to be overlooked or disregarded. He said he would treat the matter fairly and on its merits when it came up before the Senate. We were much pleased with our interview with him. He spoke calmly and gentlemanly, and listened courteously to what we had to say. With none with whom I have conversed have I felt more freedom in speaking than with Senator Fessenden and I think the impression made upon his mind was very favorable. Called at the rooms of Senators John Sherman of Ohio, [blank] Wilson of Mass. and James A. Pearce of Maryland; but they were all absent. Called upon Col. Vaughan who took us up to Senator James Lane of Kansas and introduced us to him. We had a very free talk with him for upwards of an hour and when we parted he said that we had advanced arguments that were convincing to a Kansas Senator. He wanted us to be admitted as he wanted the Western interest strengthened. He said his sympathies had been aroused for our sufferings in Missouri, not at the time we were there, but afterwards when he and the citizens of Kansas suffered so much at the hands of the Border Ruffians of Missouri. We explained to him the operation of the principle of polygamy which seemed to strike him much, especially when we assured him that men’s wives were safe, and were not interfered with by their neighbors, every man keeping to his own family. He appeared to be much pleased with the interview. After we bade him good bye his wife and another lady came into the sitting room; he called us back to introduce us to them.

26 June 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 26th. Called upon Senator Browning who begged us to excuse him again as he was compelled to see the Prest this morning. We called upon Senator Solomon Foot of Vermont and had a half hour’s conversation with him upon our matters. He treated us courteously and listened to what we had to say; but did not commit himself, though from what he said our hopes led us to infer that he would not be unfavorable to us. He is a very fine, gentlemanly appearing man. His mind seemed to be preoccupied, and upon learning that he was to act as President pro tempore of the Senate to-day on the impeachment trial of Judge West H. Humphreys of Tenn. we were able to account for his reticence. Anxious to hear these proceedings I repaired to the gallery of the Senate at 10. a. m in order to secure a good position for seeing and hearing. At the time appointed (12 o’clock) the Senate resolved itself into a Court of Impeachment for the trial of West H. Humphreys U. S. District Judge for the several districts of Tenn., upon the articles of impeachment preferred against him by the House of Representatives. The Secretary of the Senate administered to the President pro tempore, Hon. S. Foot, the oath prescribed by the 11th Rule; he taking it with uplifted hand. <The Secretary> then gave notice to the House of Representatives that the Senate were in their Chamber and ready to proceed with the trial. The Senators thereupon retired from their desks and took the seats prepared for them on the benches on either side of the President’s chair. There were thirty-eight present. The Sergeant-at-arms then made proclamation of the opening of the Court, as follows:- Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! Silence is commanded upon pain of imprisonment while the Senate of the U. S. is sitting as a High Court of Impeachment for the trial of West H. Humphreys, Judge &c. The House of Representatives was then announced by the Sergeant-at-Arms before the bar. The Members were seated in the places of the Senators and in other places provided for them. The managers of the case on behalf of the House of Representatives — Messrs Bingham, Pendleton, Dunlap and Train —were seated at a table in the area in front of the <Secretary’s> desk. The Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House (Mr. Washburne) occupied a seat in the aisle in front of the President and Mr. Etheridge, the clerk of the House, one near him. After the reading by the Secretary of the return made by the Sergeant-at-arms of the summons, the latter officer proceeded to make proclamation for the accused to come forward and answer the articles of impeachment exhibited against him by the House of Representatives of the United States. There being no response made the President informed the Managers they were at liberty to proceed in support of the articles of impeachment. Mr. Bingham of the Managers then requested that the returns of the Sergeant-at-Arms to the subpenas issued for witnesses be reported and the names of the witnesses called over. Mr. Train then opened the case on behalf of the Managers in an analysis of the articles of impeachment and a brief allusion to the character of the testimony to be adduced as proof. Mr. Bingham then offered as testimony the message of the President of the United States (Franklin Pierce) to the Senate nominating Humphreys as judge and the Journal of the Senate consenting to and confirming this nomination and an authenticated copy of his commission as judge. He also offered several proclamations of President Lincoln’s to prove the existence of a state of insurrection and war against the United States. The witnesses were then called and sworn, and were interrogated by Mr. Bingham. They fully substantiated the charges against Humphrey of inciting revolt and rebellion, of openly and unlawfully supporting, advocating and agreeing to the ordinance of secession declaring the State of Tennessee independent of the Government of the United States, of high treason, malfeasance &c. &c. Wm G. Brownlow, commonly and very widely known as Parson Brownlow was one of the witnesses. He attracted considerable attention, being so notorious. His evidence was given in a very clear and distinct manner; but he condescended to use language respecting the rebels that made an unfavorable impression on me. I think from what I have seen of him that he is a violent, denunciatory man, who would be likely to speak of every man who might be opposed to himself in his opinions or views in an infamous manner. A good cause need not be strengthened by personal abuse of the characters of those engaged in the opposing bad cause. He is a slender man about 5 feet 10 in in height with nothing remarkable in his appearance to give indication of his character. The first impression a person looking at him casually would be that he was a modest, retiring man. A closer scrutiny of his face, however, would reveal traits of large self-esteem about the mouth and a strongly marked and violent character about the irregular features and contour of the face, while the breadth between the ears and the projection of the latter from the head would give indications of courage and energy of character. Mr. Bingham closed the case on behalf of the Managers in a few brief pertinent remarks. The President then directed the Secretary to read each article of the impeachment, and the questions of “guilty” or “not guilty” was taken separately upon each article by the President calling upon each Senator in alphabetical order in the following form: “Mr Senator [underlined blank] how say you, is the accused West H. Humphreys guilty or not guilty of the high crimes and misdemeanours as charged in this article of impeachment?” And each Senator stood in his place while thus addressed and answered according to his convictions. He was pronounced guilty by upwards of a two thirds vote except on one specification. The Court adjourned for three quarters of an hour and then met to vote on the propositions as to his guilt, which they did by yeas and nays. The President pronounced judgement that this Court order and decree, and it is hereby adjudged that West H. Humphreys, Judge” &c., “be and he is hereby removed from his said office, and that he be, and is, disqualified to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

I was much tired when these proceedings were ended having in my anxiety to witness them all sat continuously in my place for seven consecutive hours. After dinner saw Senator Grimes (inserted by mistake in Friday’s proceedings <See below>). We called at Senator John Sherman’s of Ohio, but did not find him at home. Called at Senator J. A. Pearce’s of Maryland; he was also absent. Spent an hour or two at Mr. Chrisfield’s of Maryland, conversing in relation to our people and their views.

27 June 1862 • Friday

Friday, 27th, June. Had an interview with Senator O. H. Browning. We told him the wishes of our people and advanced our arguments in favor of our admission, to all of which he listened with some interest; but did not promise anything more than to say that he would read our Constitution &c. and weigh the matter carefully when it came before him. (Had a brief conversation with him. <This ought to have been entered above (Thursday).> He is a plain man and spoke favorably, but in reply to our remark, “that of course we could rely on his vote,” said that he would see but he would not pledge himself then. He recommended us to do our best with the Committee to whom our matters were referred—the Committee on Territories.) After dinner called upon Senator Wade who told us that he intended to call the Committee together next week to decide upon our matter. Saw Senator John Sherman of Ohio and had a pleasant conversation with him. He expressed himself in a favorable manner. Saw Senator J. A. Wright of Indiana and had a pleasant conversation with him. Then repaired to Senator Collamer’s. The old gentleman talked very freely, said that he thought polygamy the great objection to our admission, that we were industrious &c. but that there was a decided objection to the institution. He said he did not know what they could do with us coming as we did with a republican constitution. He wished the question had never presented itself. He said Providence had evidently something in store for us; but he could not say what it was. New England had been settled by people who were compelled to flee there. We thought that New England men ought to sympathize with us on this account. Our interview was very pleasant. He is a man of ability. Vermont is well represented by him and Mr. Foot in the Senate. I think their State pride is a little gratified in thinking that President Young is a Vermonter. Called upon Senator L. F. S. Foster of Connecticut. He treated us very kindly and we think that if all were like him, we would have but little trouble. Retired to bed tired with our labors. Indeed this has been the case almost every night since we have been here. We have spared no pains to get interviews with Senators and others, and we have been kept very busy. I have had joy in my labors and I feel that the Lord approves of what we are doing. We feel that it is important that every man should be seen and thereby left without excuse, and then, if we are rejected, we shall be guiltless of any consequences that may follow.

28 June 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 28th. Called upon Senators J. R. Doolittle of Wisconsin and E. Cewen <Cowan> of Pennsylvania this morning before breakfast and had conversations with each of them. The former sounded us respecting the affixing of a clause to our Constitution stipulating that on and after such a date there shall be no more pleural marriages consummated in the State. We told him plainly that the people would never consent to it. This is not the first time that we have been asked respecting this point. Senator Lane of Kansas made the same inquiry. What benefits are there connected with a State organization that would compensate us for consenting to be placed in such bondage as this? His theory advocated, he said, some years ago in a speech had been that a flood tide of emigration would correct our peculiarities. He was mild and gentlemanly, much less bitter that we expected to find him from having noticed in a recent discussion in the Senate that he classed Indians and “Mormons” in the same category. Mr. Cowan we found to be a loquacious, rather outspoken gentleman respecting the condition of the country. He appeared to entertain very serious doubts about the perpetuity of freedom and constitutional rights. He had hopes that the operation of the Tax Bill just passed — the collection of taxes &c. would have the effect to make the people open their eyes and see their condition and true friends; if it did not, he did not know what would become of the Country. He had an excellent understanding of the manner in which the Utah expedition had been originated. Writing remainder of the day. In the evening attended Stanley and Conant’s Polemorama — descriptions of scenes of the war. They were excellently painted and were well worthy of a visit. Received letters from Bro’s Sloan & Perkes.

29 June 1862 • Sunday

Sunday 29th. Wrote a letter to Prest Young. Visited Dr. Bernhisel.

30 June 1862 • Monday

Monday 30th, Wrote letters to Elizabeth & and Sarah Jane. Writing journal. Went to the House of Representatives. Introduced to Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. He speaks hard against the administration, said Seward was a coward and the President was governed by Kentucky counsels and as long as that was the case this war would continue. It seemed as though the Administration wished to take a course that would make the North submit for it certainly never would bring about the submission of the South. He said there [are] a thousand of our soldiers and $2,000,000 in money melting away daily. His plan was to organize negroes into regiments and let them do all that was necessary to be done in the keeping of garrisons and other labors that they could do without injury to themselves from the heat and malaria far better than white men.

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June 1862, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1862/06-1862


  1. [1]After this extract, there is a blank page in the journal.