December 1888

3–10 December 1888 • Monday–Monday

On Dec. 3/88 Bro. Woodruff wrote me concerning accusations which were made before the Council by Elder Moses Thatcher concerning myself (see his letter and all the correspondence on the subject)

This has been a cause of great reflection and sorrow to me. I have never injured this man to my knowledge in thought, word or deed, and yet he attacks and pursues me with an animosity which I cannot account for. I feel to pray for him that the Lord will show him the wrong he is doing me, and <to> show me also my faults and the causes in me for his feeling and speaking as he does concerning me. Bro. Clawson has brought Bro. Geo. Reynolds out to see me twice that I might be able to get full information concerning the affairs of the B.&B&C. Co’s affairs and be prepared to defend myself. I desired <also> to have Bro. Reynolds who is the Sec. & Treas. of the Co., get a correct idea of how the dedicated stock should be arranged, as his views about it were vague. On Sunday Dec. 9 I saw Bro. T. E Taylor & explained the B.B.&C Co’s affairs to him; also on Monday, Dec.10/88 I saw Bro. John W. Taylor & wife & explained my action & the position of Pres. Taylor’s interest in the Co. to them. I desire the family to understand the true position. If my information is correct Bro. Moses Thatcher has endeavored to have Geo. J. Taylor & others of the family join him in his feelings & his attacks upon me. Bro. F S Richards has seen me twice or three times on the account of Pres. T’s heirs & intimated that a law suit against [me] was imminent from them.

12 December 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 12/88 I write the above. I had two or three visits from Bro. John T. Caine before he left for his post at Washington. I have had many calls from various parties. Had a call this morning from Marshal Dyer & Warden Pratt. They accompanied Mr. [blank] one of the clerks of the House of Rep’s at Washington[.] Had a pleasant interview. The Marshal informs me that Apostle Lyman has surrendered this morning and asks till Jan. 12 to appear.

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December 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024