April 1869

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1869

15 April

“We should obey the laws which God revealed gladly.”

15 April 1869 • Thursday1

Thursday, April 15/69 Started to-day about ½ past 1 p.m., having my wife Elizabeth with me. The promise was made to me that my buggy, which I was having repaired and a caleche top made for it, would be ready first thing this morning; but when I sent my brother Angus and nephew Geo. C. Lambert for it they returned to inform me it would not be done for some time. I had promised Bro. Brigham, Jr., that I would try & be ready at 8 A.M., as he intended to start at that time; but I could not. My adopted son, Geo [2 illegible words] I sent early in the morning in Brigham, Jr’s., baggage wagon. We traveled steadily along & reached American Fork at 7.15 p.m. The people were gathering for the meeting, which had been appointed by President B. Young as he went through to Provo, yesterday, for Brigham, Jr. and myself. We went to Bishop L. E. Harrington’s and ate supper & then repaired to meeting. Bro. Brigham, Jr., was speaking. I followed and spoke about law and the effect obedience to law would have upon the people. We should obey the laws which God revealed gladly. They were for our elevation. He had revealed celestial principles and was giving to us, according to our strength, celestial laws. Those who obeyed the Word of Wisdom, tithing, celestial marriage, obedience to the priesthood and consecration would receive the blessings affixed to them, and they were nearer to God, to Jesus & the angels than those who did not obey these laws. There was an excellent spirit & I felt well; but I noticed the members of the choir preparing their music and selecting their hymn to sing, & acting as though they thought it was time to sing, so I remarked that as I saw the singers were preparing to sing I guessed it was time to quit and I sat down. The Bishop & people were disappointed; but it was 5 minutes of 9 & really time to close. But the singers were confused & could scarcely sing. My wife & myself stopped at Bro. Robinson’s.

16 April 1869 • Friday

Friday, April 16th/69. Pres. D. H Wells stopped at Battle Creek, or Pleasant Grove, & held meeting. We passed him there; but he took the lead into Provo. The President we found at his residence there, and he wished us to stop with him.

17 April 1869 • Saturday

Saturday, April 17th We left the women at Provo & the elders went to Springville and held meetings there in the new meeting house, which was opened for worship <to-day> for the first time. I rode over in Bro. Wells’ carriage. Bro. Wells offered the dedicatory prayer. The President spoke in the morning, and President Joseph Young & Elders W. Woodruff and H. S. Eldredge in the afternoon. We took dinner at Bishop A. Johnson’s and returned to Provo, The Meeting House at Springville is 64 x 40 and is handsomely finished with a fine gallery inside. The vestry is the & entrances to the galleries are the width of the building, and over the vestry is a prayer room 15 feet square. The building is plastered white outside with granite colored corners, and the green venetian blinds to the windows set the building off. It stormed to-day.

18 April 1869 • Sunday

Sunday, April 18/69. We all went over to Springville this morning excepting Bro Joseph Young, Sr., and Bro’s. Dunford & John Squires who stayed at Provo to hold meeting there and Bros. W. Woodruff and H. S Eldredge who went on to Spanish Fork last evening with Bishop A. K. Thurber to hold meetings there to-day. Bro’s. D. H Wells and Brigham Young, Jr., spoke this morning at Springville and in the afternoon I spoke and was followed by President Young. I had excellent liberty. Until this afternoon we have all felt that the people were cold and it has been hard to speak & pray; but the meeting had warmed them up & they felt better this afternoon. We ate dinner at Bishop Johnson’s & then drove to Payson. Myself & wife stopped at Bro. Simond’s, whose wife Jane Tenney, is sister to my wife Eliza Lamercia Tenney. Eliza had come down here the day before we did, and was stopping at her mother’s. I breakfasted with them the next morning. It stormed heavily this evening. Bro’s. Jacob Young & D. H Wells addressed the meeting.

19 April 1869 • Monday

Monday, April 19/69. My son John Q’s, birthday. He is 12 years old to-day. The roads were heavy. We passed through Santaquin without holding meeting. They did not expect one and had not collected together. The roads were heavy to Nephi. Held meeting

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April 1869, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1869/04-1869


  1. [1]The entries for 1869 come from the daybook v. 8.