March 1882

1 March 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 1st/82. Bro. Sharp let me have $1,000 00/100 for which I gave him my receipt. Received a long and excellent letter from Pres. Taylor this morning. Bro. Sharp left for New York this morning. Compared Mss. with Bro. Irvine of Mr. Alfred E. Giles’ Letter to Mass. Congressmen. At the House. Looking up points in Congressional Library for Mr. Mills of Texas, who intends to speak on the Edmunds’ Bill when it comes up. Called at Gen. Paine’s and went through with him cases of Delegates from Territories to get arguments to strengthen my case. Dictated letters to my brother Angus, Mr. <Dyer D.> Lum of N. Y. and to Bro. Rob’t. S. Watson, N. Y. Spent a part of the evening at the Ebbitt with Bro. Hooper. A rainy, close day. Notices of 15 petitions presented <yesterday> by Senators and Members from all parts of the country, asking for legislation against us, were published in Cong. Record this morning.

2 March 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, March 2/82. Dictated long letter to Pres. Taylor. I asked him, if agreeable to his feelings, to telegraph Bro. Hooper to let Bro. John Irvine stay with me, as I need his help. Wrote to my wife Sarah Jane and to Angus and Hugh, my sons, in reply to letters just received from them. They were all well. Accompanied Capt. Hooper to Gen. Paine’s and then to the House. McBride is busy talking to Members. Received a letter from Bro. Moses Thatcher, informing me of his and Bro. J. H. Smith’s arrival at Chicago and their labors there the day they arrived. They found the people hard and were astonished at the ignorance of intelligent men who had done business with us, upon our question. Spent some time during the evening with Bro. Hooper at the Ebbitt.

3 March 1882 • Friday

Friday, March 3/82. The weather is beautiful. The papers from home contain a Memorial drawn up by the Legislative Assembly which is very able, and presents our case in very clear light. If the public were to have the opportunity of reading it great good <would> be done; but the press studiously avoid saying anything that would enlighten the people upon our questions. Wrote a letter to Mr. A. A. Ranney of the Com. on Elections in which I gave him reference to cases of Delegates that had come before the Com. on Elections which contained good points to sustain my case. He had requested me to hunt these up for him. At the House. Received a dispatch from Bro. Moses Thatcher, in which he advised me that he and Bro. J. H. Smith would be here at 6.40 p.m. Bro. Irvine and I met them at the Station. I was very glad to see them and they were in good health. After they had dinner (they put up at the Riggs House) we went over to Capt. Hooper’s and spent the evening together there. I had conversation with Members to-day. McCoid of Iowa told me he would have to vote against my admission on the ground of polygamy to satisfy public sentiment in his district; he never could come back here unless he did. I reasoned with him upon the subject, and showed him how inconsistent such action would be. If law and precedent were on my side, how could he violate them? The first maxim of equity is, “He that asks equity must do equity,” and how high you can place yourself by saying: I cannot wrong even a polygamist. I must observe the law and equities of the case, and then I can consistently demand of the people of Utah that they must abide the law. I reasoned with him and showed him that if I were kept out of my seat it would be only consummating the fraud begun by Murray. He admitted the force of my arguments, and said he would read the reports carefully. This is the manner in which I speak to many. But they <(i.e. many)> would sacrifice me or our people without scruple if they can only gain favor at-home thereby, or even think they can do so. What a condition for men in such a station to be in! I deposited the $1,000 which I obtained from Bro. Sharp with C. F. Middleton & Co., Bankers. Wrote letters to my sons John Q. and Abraham.

4 March 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, March 4, 1882. One year ago to-day Garfield was inaugurated President and with what pomp! I well remember how sorrowful a day it was to me after hearing his attack upon us in his Inaugural. I felt to pity him and that he had betrayed us to gain popular favor. I did not feel sorry for us; but for him, as I would for a friend who had turned an enemy. I felt to say: The Lord judge thee. Wrote to Mr. Lum and sent him statistics upon various subjects. Took Bro’s. Thatcher and J. H. Smith through the Capital. Had conversation with Mr. Ranney after the brethren had gone. We spoke of points in my case. Spoke to others also. In evening called upon Bro. Hooper and we went to see Judge Bellford of Col. We had to wait until quite late before we saw him. He has been very outspoken in our favor, and has told me more than once the kind of speeches he intended to make; but like many others he is profuse in promising, but is niggard in performing. He is as meek as any of them now. He says a man who would speak in our favor would take his life (politically) in his hand. He urged me to get two or three strong, brave men to speak on my side from among the Republicans in the House. They might turn the feeling; but if I did not do this, said he, “George Q., I tell you, you will be snowed under.” The House was panicky, he said, and unless some strong ones stood up to defend my rights, they would seize the opportunity to vote to keep me out.

5 March 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, March 5/82. Received a <long> letter from Pres. Taylor, explaining why he sent the dispatch to me which I received on the 26th ult. There were no doubts of my fidelity, &c. (See letter) After breakfast myself and the two Apostles called upon Bro. Hooper. After which we walked through the newly-built parts of the City, then returned to lunch, after which we viewed the State, <War, and Navy> Departments building, Washington’s monument, the Agricultural Dep’t. and the Smithsonian Institute. After dinner we went over to the Ebbitt and spent the evening with Capt. Hooper.

6 March 1882 • Monday

Monday, March 6/82. Capt. Hooper is quite sick this morning from cold. It was decided to be best for Bro. Moses Thatcher to go to New York and see influential parties there and get them to use what influence they could against harsh legislation against us. Received a letter from my wife Martha, under date of Feb. 27th, which I answered. Wrote to Mr. Alfred E. Giles, Hyde Park, Mass. Received a letter from Mr. Geo. James, Boston, Mass. At the House. Had conversation with Mr. Ranney and other Members. Capt. Codman arrived from New York. He urges concession of polygamy. This, he says, will beat our enemies, take away all their capital and make us a State. I say, Not so; but it would defeat and ruin us. <Codman is not a Mormon.> I do not like to see this spirit show itself in our brethren. Capt. Hooper has too much of it, and Bro. Jennings is credited, I see by letters, with indulging in it. Spent some time in the evening with Bro. Hooper; he is a little better. Went with Bro. Moses Thatcher to the New York train to see him off. My cry is unto the Lord to help us. The discussion upon my case is likely to be very bitter. My enemies are doing all they can to prejudice the Members and people against me. McBride is busy with his lies. An affidavit of some man named Rasin, whom I do not know, nor never knew, to the effect that in March, 1855, I proposed to him to kill Almon W. Babbitt on the plains, is being shown around, and McBride, I was told to-day, proposes to have it printed and have a copy laid on the desk of each Member. This shows how desperate these scroundrels are becoming. When our enemies thought me an object worthy of their attacks some years ago, they carefully examined my record to see if it was possible to connect me with the deeds of violence which they alleged had been committed by our people. But for 15 years — from the fall of 1849 to the fall of 1864 — I had only been 9 months, in the aggregate of all my visits at-home, in Salt Lake City — five months in the winter of 1854-5; two months and a half in the beginning of 1858, and five weeks in Aug. and Sept. 1860. I was therefore absent at the times when our enemies accused the leading men of committing acts of violence. Sam. Merritt, when he was here as Delegate from Idaho and was working against us and for legislation, told me they had been examining my record to find some vulnerable place. This Razin affidavit is an effort of this kind. There may have been an affidavit made by such a man; but it is utterly false. At the date he mentions I was a compositor in the Deseret News Office, a young man, just married, and of no particular influence and preparing for my mission to California and working hard to raise the necessary means to carry me and my wife there; and when A. W. Babbitt was killed by Indians in the summer of 1856 I had been in California upwards of 15 months. But the Lord will foil them. They will not succeed. I have a peace and joy which fill me with comfort. I know the Lord is with me and with his people. He will prepare a way of escape, and we shall not be caught in their snares nor fall into their trap pits.

7 March 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 7th, 1882. The report on the Utah contest case is printed. The arguments of the minority in my favor are very able. Law and precedent are on my side; numbers and prejudice are against me. Capt. Hooper is better this morning. Dictated a letter to President Taylor, and another to Mr. Geo. James of Boston. Busy at the House conversing with Members. Spent the evening at Capt. Hooper’s.

8 March 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Mar. 8/82. Bro. Jas. H. Hart arrived this morning en route to New York to take charge of the emigration. He brought a number of doc’s. and memorials. Dictated letter to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon[.] I wrote a letter to my children — Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester. Called at Gen. Paine’s with the printed report of the Utah case. At the House. After the morning hour Haskell of Kansas made a motion to go to the Speaker’s table, for the purpose, as he announced, of taking up the anti-polygamy (Edmunds’) bill. The Democrats generally objected; but they were outvoted, and the House proceeded to take up the Bills on the Speaker’s table. A number were passed, a number was sent to committees and some went to the Com. of the Whole. I saw Mr. Armfield of N. C. and asked him to make the point of order against the Edmunds’ Bill, that as it created new offices (the five commissioners) and their salaries would require an appropriation to be made out of the Treasury, it should, under the rule, be sent to the Com. of the Whole. He excused himself by saying he was not familiar with the point and the rule, and he did not like to make a point of order unless he was prepared to sustain it by argument, and therefore he wished I would get some other Member to make it. I saw Mr. G. L. Converse of Ohio and he consented to make it. I furnished him the Cong. Globe for 1874, which contained the proceedings in regard to the McKee Bill, which was sent to the Com. of the Whole by a similar point of order. He, at my instance, saw Mr. Randall, who, I thought, would aid him, <if not> all he could, at least as much as he felt he dare. He also saw the Speaker and informed him of his intention, so that he would recognize him. Haskell soon became aware of what was intended, and he and his friends prepared to meet it. The Bill was reached at a few minutes after 4 o’clock and Mr. Converse made the point of order. It was discussed somewhat, and pending the discussion the House adjourned. Spent the evening at Capt. Hooper’s rooms.

9 March 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Mar. 9/82. As Bro’s. Smith and Hart learned that I was intending to fast, as is my custom once a week, they thought it a good time for them to do so also. We prayed unitedly, Bro. John Hy. Smith praying first, Bro. Hart second, and myself last. I received a tender letter from my son Abraham, dated Berlin Feb. 21/82, which opened my sorrow anew. It was in reply to my letters, informing him of the sickness and death of his mother. He had received them all together and opened the one containing the announcement of her death first. A box of petitions having been brought by Bro. Hart; a petition signed by 12,378 men of the Territory; one signed by 15,001 women; one signed by 13,035 young men, and one signed by 10,966 young women; <making 51,380 signatures in all;> I thought it better for Bro. J. H. Smith and he to carry them up and present them to the Speaker (Keifer) and ask him to present them to the House. We found Haskell and Reed in caucus with him, the former was there upwards of an hour. I cannot doubt that the point of order on the polygamy bill was the subject of the caucus. I waited for them to get through as long as I could and then sent word in that I would like to see the Speaker. They came out in a few minutes and I introduced the brethren with the petitions. He asked what Member would introduce the petitions. I replied that they were addressed to the House of Rep’s. and we would like him to present them, which he said he would do. I had the doorkeeper lay a printed copy of the young men’s Memorial on the desk of each Member. Reed came over and had a long conversation with Mr. Converse, who is a member of his committee (Judiciary) and urged him to waive the point of order and to consent for the Bill (Edmunds’) to be referred to the Com. on Judiciary with the understanding that they should have power to report at any time. Mr. C. saw me about it. I told him not to move a hair’s breadth. If the Speaker would commit such an outrage as to override the rule and decide against the point of order, let him to do so. I would as soon have the Bill come up now as to have it come up when reported by the Com. on Judiciary. He told Mr. Reed this. The day passed without any allusion being made to it. For this I felt to thank the Lord. I have heard brethren say that when our enemies gave us three months to live it was a good while; but I have felt here that a few hours’ <or a night’s> respite was most delightful. To-day has passed without our being hurt, and I will rejoice in that and enjoy it the best I can. After I reached the hotel and before I we broke our fast (6 p.m.) I had the brethren come to my room, and I we offered thanks to the Lord, I being mouth. Spent the evening at Capt. Hooper’s. Received a long letter from Bro. Moses Thatcher.

10 March 1882 • Friday

Friday, March 10/82. It being private bill day to-day at the House, and the day being a beautiful one, Bro’s. Smith and Hart thought, if it would be safe and I was willing, they would go to Mount Vernon. Bro. Hooper’s daughters and Capt. and Mrs. Codman also went. I received letters from my son John Q., from my nephew Geo. M. Cannon and from my brother Angus. I dictated letters to Bro. John Irvine for President Taylor, Bro. Moses Thatcher, and my sons John Q. and Abraham. Wrote to my brother Angus. At the House. Mr. Converse and I had some conversation respecting the point of order on the Edmunds’ Bill. He agreed with me that the Speaker and the friends of the Bill should be held to it. I told him that a great principle was involved, and though we were to be made the victims now it might be some other denomination the next time. He wanted to go to New York and saw Haskell about not taking the Bill up to-morrow. It was agreed to adjourn over to-morrow, which the House afterwards voted to do. Mr. McCoid of Iowa and I had a conversation. He said they were after me, &c. I showed him how unfair their course was. I accepted this effort to pass the Edmunds’ Bill, I said, as a tribute to the strength of my case; that by passing that they hoped to make it apply to me and keep me out of my seat, which if my case came up on its merits I might get. He said he supposed that was so. He would not like himself to vote against my taking my seat in the absence of a general law, for it might be his turn some day to be attacked. I said how unfair it was for 293 Members to attempt to pass such a law, striking down the liberties of Utah and at the same time deprive her of representation on the floor and of the privilege of being heard in her own defence, <even by a Delegate who has no right to vote.> I said such a course was cowardly in the extreme. But, said he, you are heard; you can talk and argue with Members. That, said I, is not representation. Would you like to speak on the floor, he asked, when the Bill shall come up, <for, I believe, the House would give you the privilege by unanimous consent>? I would, I replied, if I could speak from my place; but not otherwise, as an outsider; such a proceeding would be unprecedented. I put these points to him very strongly, and he seemed impressed by them. As for permitting me to speak except as Delegate such could not be. Spent the evening at Capt. Hooper’s.

11 March 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, March 11th, 1882. Among other remarks to Mr. McCoid yesterday I said that if they kept me out of my seat and legislated against Utah it would be acts which no one who took part in could ever contemplate with pleasure, the calm judgment of the masses would condemn it, and certainly the people of Utah would have good reasons to think they had been treated in an unfair, cowardly manner.

Received a letter from a Mr. R. F. Gaggin, Collector of the port of Erie, Pa., enclosing a clipping from a newspaper, in which he described an interview he had with me at the Riggs’ House. The article was a very fair one. He had read my article in the North American Review and said when he came to Washington he wished to meet me. I acknowledged his letter and sent him the Book of Mormon, Spencers’ Letters and a number of pamphlets; also wrote a letter in reply to one from Katie Mooney, Milwaukee, Wis., asking for arguments in favor of polygamy, as she was one who had to discuss the questions, and sent her Spencer’s Letters and a number of pamphlets. At the Agricultural Dep’t. At Capt. Hooper’s in the afternoon and evening. Bro. Moses Thatcher wrote me a letter from New York and informed me of his movements.

12 March 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, March 12, 1882. My son Abraham’s birthday. He is 23 years old to-day. Spent the day at my rooms and Capt. Hooper’s, except an hour which Bro. John Henry Smith and myself occupied in walking. Dictated letter to Bro. Moses Thatcher.

13 March 1882 • Monday

Monday, March 13, 1882. Bro. Hart decided to go to Philadelphia to-day. He had to stop there to see the new Agent of the Penn. R. R. Co. about a contract for carrying our immigrants. I suggested to Bro. John Henry Smith that he take the Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Utah and give it to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for him to present to that body. I wished him to do this as a Member of our Assembly and as the bearer of its Memorial. The Speaker presented it to the House. Called at Capt. Hooper’s. After the call of the States and Territories and the Committees for reports, Haskell made a motion to go to the Speaker’s table for the purpose of taking up the anti-polygamy bill, which was carried. Mr. Converse renewed his point of order, and fortified it by having read the decision or ruling of Speaker Blaine upon a similar point of order in the 43rd Congress, which I had furnished him with. I shall not give the details, as I shall clip them from the Record; but in all my experience I never heard such a bungling, awkwardly-delivered ruling as that of Speaker Keifer’s. He appeared to feel that he was doing a mean thing, and stammered and stumbled in his reading as though the ruling had been written by some one with whose writing he was not familiar. Before it appears in the Record it will doubtless be amended, for as some of his own party remarked he was on both sides of the question in his ruling. The democrats did admirably, much better than I expected in view of the odium which attaches to our question, and of the fact that they have received numerous petitions from their districts, asking for harsh legislation against Utah. At Capt. Hooper’s in the evening; also, by appointment with Mr. Carlisle, called at his rooms and examined the Edmunds’ Bill and talked over its features and the amendments it should have. The fillibustering of the Democrats upon this question called forth considerable comments. Dictated letters to Pres. Taylor and my brother David H. Cannon.

14 March 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 14/82. It looked yesterday as if nothing could prevent the passage of the Edmunds’ Bill, and that as a consequence the bottom would be knocked out of my case and I be excluded from my seat. This is the design of our enemies. But I feel it to be my privilege, my right and my duty to exercise all the faith I can and to contend against this; at the same time be submissive and accept uncomplainingly whatever the Lord sees proper to permit to come upon us. I have had such experience in witnessing remarkable deliverances that I ought not to give up until the decision is reached which places it beyond the reach of argument and of appeal. This morning at 11.30 a.m. the House re-assembled. I clip for insertion here the proceedings from the Record. Haskell had his resolution prepared in writing for debate and amendments while I at the time he was opposing the proposition. The whole business had been cunningly pre-arranged, the Speaker being a party to it, and the Democrats were tricked, for after the time taken up by the roll calls was exhausted they had only 15 minutes for amendments and debate out of the first hour. The spirit shown by our enemies was brutal, vindictive and devilish — the same spirit which has always been shown by the various mobs who have robbed, driven and murdered the Saints. This time, however, they seek to give <their action> it the semblance of law. My feelings were inexpressible. I told th many that it was cowardly in the extreme to cut Utah off in the way she had been of representation by excluding myself, her representative, from the floor by fraud. It might be thought that honorable men would be ashamed of such conduct. Many of the men who voted for this Bill felt that it was all wrong; but they dare not oppose it, because of the pressure. I fasted to-day and Bro. John Hy. Smith when he learned my intention resolved to do so also. In the evening we called upon Ben. Holladay and spent upwards of an hour very agreeably. Notwithstanding the bitter, deadly <and lying> expressions which I was forced to listen to without an opportunity to reply I enjoyed a serenity and peace which I feel thankful for.

15 March 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 15/82. Had conversation with Gen. Paine concerning my case. I also saw Mr. Ranney, Mr. Moulton, Mr. Atherton and Mr. Davis of the Com. on Elections respecting it and endeavored to stiffen them to push it through. I said to them that if rejected I wished to go out with my colors flying. I did not believe in surrendering <and in certainly not in ceasing my efforts> until all opportunity to make them closed. During the discussion of the Chinese bill to-day in the House several had to drag in allusions to us, notably Page of Cal., a coarse, low, vulgar man, who has always shown hatred to us. With Bro. Smith called upon Bro. Teasdel, who was at the Ebbitt, with his two daughters; being fatigued with travel, he had gone to bed. Dictated letters to Pres. Taylor and Bro. M. Thatcher.

16 March 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, March 16/82. Yesterday was a cold, gloomy day, as is to-day. Went to the Ebbitt and met with Capt. Hooper and folks and Bro. Teasdel. Conversed upon the situation. At the House and had conversations with members of the Com. on Elections concerning my case. Telegraphed Bro. Moses Thatcher about coming here.

17 March 1882 • Friday

Friday, March 17/82. Dictated letters to my brother Angus, to Bro. John Hoagland and Bro. Dan Jones, my gardener, and Bro. A. M. Musser, also to the President of each Stake, notifying him that I had sent a package of garden seeds to his address which I desired him to distribute. There was a parade of the Irish societies, it being St. Patrick’s day. At the House. Had conversation with Mr. Ranney of Mass., the Republican Member of the Com. on Elections who had made a report in my favor. He has been examining the effect of the Edmunds’ Bill upon my case. He says that if I had been sworn in he does not think I could be unseated under this law; but, while not perfectly clear that I can be kept out by the law, many of his party who sustained him in his report in my case will now vote against my being seated and he himself would have to do so. He seemed to have no doubt that if this Edmunds’ Bill had not passed that I would get my <have been> seated, notwithstanding the majority report was against me. Now, he says, it is for me to decide what shape the result will be reached, by bringing it before the House for a vote or by yielding the contest on the ground that the law barred my right. He said that he had intended to make an argument on this case when it came up, and it was the only question which had yet come up that he had any desire to speak upon; but now, since the passage of the law, the interest had gone out of the case. At 4 p.m. went with Bro. John Hy. Smith to the R. R. Station and met Bro. Moses Thatcher. We had an interesting meeting, and also conversation during the evening. Capt. Hooper is busy trying to secure influence in favor of his appointment as one of the commissioners under the Edmunds’ law.

18 March 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, March 18/1882. Dictated editorial for the “Juvenile Instructor” to Bro. Irvine. Received a note from my wife, Sarah Jane yesterday which I answered; I also wrote to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester a letter. A Mr. Alfred A. Green called and had a long conversation about Mexico and the advantages which such a people as we would have there. At the House and conversed with Members as I could get opportunity. About 5 p.m. I was told “confidentially” by W. P. Copeland that the Edmunds’ Bill would be vetoed. If so, when will wonders cease? At the Ebbitt and had conversation with Capt. Hooper and Bro. Teasdell. Dictated a letter to my nephew, Geo. C. Lambert.

19 March 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, March 19th, 1882. We (Bro’s. Thatcher, Smith, Irvine and my self) went out to the Soldiers’ Home. Rode in cars as far as we could, then walked. Spent remainder of day in reading and conversation.

20 March 1882 • Monday

Monday, March 20th, 1882. Capt. Hooper and myself walked to the Capitol. Bro. Geo. S. Parkinson, who has been on a mission for a year in the Southern States, excepting the time he has lately labored in St. Louis, Mo., called upon me this morning. He is on his way to complete his mission to England, he having been called to labor there after laboring awhile in the States. He breakfasted with us and we saw him start at 3 p.m. from the R. R. Station for New York. He resides at Franklin, Idaho; his father is a merchant there. Had conversation with Mr. Converse and Mr. Moulton as to the best course to pursue in the management of my case when the Edmunds’ bill is signed by the President and becomes law. They think, with me, that as my friends, in view of that law, will have no heart to fight with any hope of winning, and my enemies will seize the opportunity to indulge freely in vilification and abuse, it will be the better way to have the case referred back to the Com. on Elections, and if possible get that Com. to agree to a report that I am legislated out of my place by Congress. I have thought that this is the truth and the best shape in which to have the case presented and acted upon. At Capt. Hooper’s during the evening.

21 March 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 21/82. Dictated a letter to Pres. Taylor and one to Bro. F. A. Hammond, also wrote short notes myself to Pres. Woodruff and my brother-in-law, Chas. Lambert, and sister Mary Alice; also about 50 postal cards to persons to whom I had mailed seeds. Dictated letter to Bro. Jas. H. Hart. I desired him to take the Mss. which I sent him (the Letter written by “a Citizen of Mass.” — Mr. Giles) to Boston to arrange for its publication. At the House. Mr. Moulton of Ill. told me Calkins of Ind., chairman of Com. on Elections, did not wish my case to be referred again to the Com. He (C.) gave notice to the House that he would bring it up on Saturday. I had conversation with Mr. Randall as to the best method of handling it in a parliamentary sense. He promised to examine it. Wrote to Mr. Giles

22 March 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 22/82. Wrote letters of introduction to Bros. John Taylor, John Sharp and Wm Jennings for Mr. Giles, also to Sister E. B. Wells. Mr. G. and wife are going on a tour to the Pacific and will be in Salt Lake City, May 27 and 28. At the House. In evening dictated letters to Bro’s. Ludwig Suhrke, Soda Springs, Albert Jones, Provo, Jos. Hyrum Parry, Salt Lake City, Geo. Swan, John R. Winder, and C. W. Penrose. We (Bro’s. Thatcher. Smith and I) called upon Capt. Hooper.

23 March 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, March 23/82. Wrote to Mr. Giles. At the House. Had conversation with a number of Members about my case. Dictated letters to Bro. F. D. Richards and to a number of correspondents who had written for arguments on the anti-polygamy Bill, &c. We fasted to-day (Bro’s. Thatcher, Smith and myself). At Capt. Hooper’s in the evening. He had interview with President Arthur to-day, which was quite satisfactory to him under the circumstances.

24 March 1882 • Friday

Friday, March 24/82. At the Dept. of Agriculture. Wrote to my brother Angus and gave him order for some money in hands of my nephew, Geo. C. Lambert; wrote also to my wife Martha and dictated letters to Bro’s. Jas. Jack and Webber; and to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, concerning paying my workman. The House had an evening session and adjourned till Monday. Had conversation with Mr. Carlisle who promised to talk with Messrs. Moulton and Atherton of the Com. on Elections (who had reported in my favor) concerning the legal points of my case. Capt. Hooper has made his arrangements to start homeward, via Cincinnati, in the morning.

25 March 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, March 25/82. Bro. Moses Thatcher decided to visit his relatives in West Virginia. He started on the train with Capt. Hooper and daughters. I <and Bro’s. Smith and Irvine> accompanied them to the train. Called twice at Gen. Paine’s but failed to see him. Busy at the Land and P. O. Dept’s and at the Pension Bureau. Dictated a number of letters to Bro. Irvine: <Dan Thompson[,] Thos E. King, Thos Taylor, C. E. Mitchener, Rich D. Sprague of Brigham City, Redick N Allred, J. L. Haywood[,] L. J. Nuttall & W. D. Johnson Jr. and W. R Judd.> After dinner in the evening Bros. Smith and Irvine and myself went to see Geo. Thatcher’s Minstrels. It was a recreation which we all enjoyed.

26 March 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, March 26/82. After breakfast the brethren and I took a long walk over to Georgetown, visiting Oak Hill cemetery. Read during afternoon and evening.

27 March 1882 • Monday

Monday, March 27/82. Bro. Thatcher returned this morning. Expected my case to come up to-day; but it was postponed till Wednesday. Dictated letters to Bro. John Hoagland, to Bro. Watson, N. Y., Mr. Dyer D. Lum, Bro. Jas. H. Hart and wrote to Mr. Giles. Went with brethren to see Barlow’s Minstrels — a good troupe. The leading man is a son of Bro. J. M. Barlow of Salt Lake City.

28 March 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 28/82. The Utah case postponed till Thursday. Had interview with Gen. Paine. Sat for portraits with Bro’s. Thatcher, Smith and Irvine in a group at Davis’ gallery. Wrote to my wife Eliza. Dictated letters to <Bro.> W. P. Nebeker, Dr. J. G. Malcolm, Flint, Mich., P. A. Parkes, Ottawa, Kan., and to Bro. Hooper; also letters of introduction, at the instance of Hon. Perry Belmont, N. Y. City, for Philip Robinson, Esq., correspondent of N. Y. World, to Bro’s. <Wm.> Jennings, Mayor, Bro. John Sharp and Byron Groo of the Salt Lake Herald. I also dictated a letter to Pres. John Taylor.

29 March 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 29/82. Bro’s Thatcher and Smith had thought of starting home to-day, but concluded to wait till Friday morning to see what turn my case would take. Dictated letters to Bro’s. Geo. Reynolds, A. Hatch, J. R. Winder, Sister Emmeline B. Wells, Bro’s. Jos. Barton, S. J. Despain, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Geo. Goddard, Sister Lucy M. Smith, and Mr. Orlando C. Osborn, Oxford, Conn. We had our photographs taken singly to-day. At the House. I omitted to mention that a few days ago my brother Angus wrote to me that my son David had been thrown from his colt and injured his arm. His Aunt Sarah Jane thought it was only sprained; but it had swollen so when he came to town that his Aunt Emily sent for him (Angus) and he had it bathed in whiskey and sage to reduce the swelling. He had him taken to Dr. Heber J. Richards to examine, who, with Angus, thought it was broken, but could not tell till the swelling was reduced. I telegraphed to Bro. Jas. Jack, who replied the arm was doing nicely. It had been <slightly> fractured and bruised and was not broken. This news relieved me greatly.

30 March 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, March 30, 1882. The brethren accompanied me to the House this morning to see what would be done in the Utah contested election case. I clip the proceedings from the Congressional Record.

[Clipping pasted here]

Mr. KASSON. I now move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

Mr. CALKINS. I desire to call up the contested-election case of Campbell vs. Cannon from the Territory of Utah. I wish to state to the House in this connection that if the House shall decide at this time not to consider this contested-election case, I shall take it that they do not want to consider it until the close of the debate on the tariff-commission bill. I believe, however, that we ought to consider and dispose of it now.

Mr. SPRINGER. Any time this summer will do for that.

Mr. KASSON. I believe our situation in reference to the Utah case is very good, and therefore I must raise the question of consideration at this time.

Mr. CALKINS. Before that motion is submitted I desire again to state that the Committee on Elections, I believe unanimously, have agreed that this case ought now to be disposed of, and that is the reason I urge it. I therefore ask the House to proceed with the consideration of that case.

The SPEAKER. The question is, will the House now proceed to the consideration of the contested-election case?

The House divided; and there were—yeas 40, nays 60.

Mr. CALKINS. I do not want to take up the time of the House, but that is not a very decided vote, and I ask that tellers be appointed.

Tellers were not ordered, twenty-three members only voting therefor.

So the House refused to proceed with the consideration of the contested-election case.

Mr. CALKINS. I give notice now that at the close of the discussion on this tariff-commission bill I will insist upon the consideration of this case.

After this was disposed of I went with them to Harvey’s Restaurant and had some steamed oysters. Afterwards I searched the New York Herald to find a report of the prayer which I offered at the close of the controversy between Dr. J. P. Newman and Bro. Orson Pratt on the question: “Does the Bible sanction Polygamy?” in the large tabernacle in Aug., 1870, and which offended Newman and his friends terribly and gave the Latter-day Saints present so much satisfaction. My intention is to publish it with suitable explanations in the Juvenile Instructor. I took all the comfort I could in the society of Bro’s. Moses Thatcher and John H’y. Smith, as they had bought their tickets for to-morrow morning’s train.

31 March 1882 • Friday

Friday, March 31st, 1882. Accompanied the brethren to the train. They left at 9.30 a.m. on the limited express and are due in Chicago to-morrow morning. They will reach home, if they make connections, on Tuesday eve. It would have been a great pleasure to me to have gone with them; but I am content to stay as long as may be necessary. Bro. John Irvine stays with me and I am relieved from loneliness. At the House. Dictated letters to President Woodruff, <Bro.> Brigham Young, Jas. H. Hart, C. E. Johnson, of St. George, <&> Nicholas Groesback. Yesterday I wrote a letter to Bro. Rob’t. S. Watson at New York, enclosing him $355 to pay for the pamphlet “Utah and its People, by a Gentile, an ex-U. S. Official.” $155 of this was for the printing (2,000 copies) and $200 (ten cents apiece) was for the author — Dyer D. Lum. Bro. Hart said, in a letter received this morning, that he had returned from Boston and had arranged for while there, in accordance with my request, for the publication of the pamphlet “by a citizen of Mass.” — (Mr. Alfred E. Giles). It would cost upwards of $300.

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March 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025