August 1874

26 August 1874 • Wednesday

Started this morning for Provo by rail in company with Bro. A. M. Musser. Found his buggy and team awaiting us. Rained part of day. Ate dinner at Bro. Coombs’, Payson. Called upon Sister Jane Simond’s, and her mother, Sis. Tenney, my wife Eliza’s sister and mother. Conversed with Bishop Tanner and Bro. Coombs upon United Order. Drove to Mona, but too late to fill appointment made for meeting. Bro. Joel Grover waiting for us there, also Bro. Hy. Goldsborough, in whose carriage we rode to Nephi, Bro. Musser leaving his buggy and team for his boy to drive in to-morrow morning. Put up at Bishop Grover’s.

27 August 1874 • Thursday

Met with Saints this morning and had excellent liberty in speaking upon the United Order and explaining articles of association. Drove to Levan. Stopped at Bishop Elmer Taylor’s. United Order doing well here. Met with folks in evening and addressed them upon the United Order and organizing. Bro. Taylor drove us over by moonlight to Little Salt Creek, Bro. Musser having sent the buggy ahead with his son. Stopped at Bro. Martin Taylor’s, a brother to Elmer.

28 August 1874 • Friday

Bro. Martin Taylor furnished us a team (and sent a boy along) to take us across the Sevier. Held meeting at Scipio; good attendance and spirit. Bishop Thompson furnished team to take us to Fillmore, where we held meeting in the evening, the house crowded. Put up with Bishop Callister.

29 August 1874 • Saturday

Bishop Callister furnished team to take us to Cove Creek. We held meeting at Kanosh. A good spirit and an attentive congregation. At Cove Creek got two horses from Sister Hinkley, her husband being absent. Left Bro. Musser’s son at that point to drive in his father’s horses loose tomorrow morning. Reached Beaver at dark. Found Bro. Erastus Snow and his wife and son and wife here. Put up at Bishop Murdock’s.

30 August 1874 • Sunday

Held two public meetings with people to-day and in evening met with principal men to explain how to organize the United Order and to answer questions. In morning I occupied time and part of afternoon.

Many persons had come from St. George to meet us.

31 August 1874 • Monday

Started for Panguitch this morning, 45 miles distant. In driving down a rocky hill, the buggy in which Bro. Musser and I rode upset. I was on upper side and escaped unhurt. Bro. Musser’s leg grazed an oak stub and was skinned and bruised. Reached Panguitch after dark and put up at Bro. Jas. Henrie’s.

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August 1874, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024