October 1892

1 October 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, October 1, 1892.

I breakfasted with Messrs. Carter and Clarkson, Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson also being present. I said to them that I was desirous to return in time for our conference, and that to do so I should leave by this evening’s train, or at farthest by tomorrow night’s train; but I did not want to leave till I had done all that I could do concerning the business upon which I had come. I should stay any number of days, even though I missed conference, if by doing so I could make things secure. I said to Messrs. Carter and Clarkson that we had, to speak figuratively, shipped our goods by their line. Whether Mr. Harrison kept his promises which he had made to me or not, we were committed and could not retreat, and we should have to trust them and him. I said, now as I understand it, you promise that this Marshal’s business shall be done to suit us; that the Marshal that shall be appointed shall be instructed positively concerning his duties; that he is not to permit a repitition of former raids; that he must treat us just as other citizens are treated, and not pursue the policy that the Liberal ring desired to have pursued. Next, that we shall have general amnesty, and that soon; and further, that as soon as the election is over, three members of the National Committee shall come out to Utah and see the situation; and that appointments, if Mr. Harrison should be elected, shall be made from men who will treat the people of Utah fairly, and men, too, that will be agreeable to us; also that he will look after our interests generally. They said that was their understanding of the conditions. I said, in return we shall do what we can to help your party in the mountains. We cannot make any promises, for we do not know what will be done; but you can depend that we will do that which is in our power.

They expressed themselves pleased with the conversations that we had, and promised that they would do everything in their power to carry out the understanding that we had; if necessary, they would go down to Washington immediately and see that everything was done that could be done. They were desirous that I should get home for conference, because they saw the importance of my being there to meet with leading men from all parts. In this, as in other conversations, I related to them that which had occurred here and the manner in which the laws had been enforced. They were very deeply touched at what I described, and their hearts were melted. In parting with Mr. Carter, I felt led to say, God bless you. He seemed to appreciate the blessing, and said he thanked me for my benediction. I told General Clarkson that we appreciated that which he had done for us. We were aware how actively he had worked in our behalf, had seen some of his letters, and had known about what he had done, and our friends were not so numerous that we could forget such kindness. I said to him that I depended more upon him than I did upon Mr. Carter, because of his past friendship and the sympathy he had shown, and he said that we might safely do so, for he would do all in his power. He was very much touched at my remarks.

At first I thought I would leave this afternoon, but in thinking it over I concluded we had better stay till Monday and see if anything transpired. So at 5 o’clock I embarked on the steamship “Puritan” which runs to Fall River, and had a delightful passage.

2 October 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, October 2, 1892.

We reached Fall River a little before 5, and I took train for Boston at 5:30. The run occupied about one hour and 20 minutes. I was met at the depot by Brother J. M. Tanner and my son Lewis, to whom I had telegraphed that I was coming. They took me to Brother Tanner’s residence, 46 Russell St., North Cambridge, where I found Sister Tanner and several young men who are here studying and who, as well as my son, are boarding and lodging with Brother & Sister Tanner. There is a son of Brother Moses Thatcher—George, and a half brother of his by the name of Samuel, both from Logan; there is a young man by the name of Jenson, from Bear Lake Valley; also a young man by the name of Swenson, a young man by the name of Davis, another by the name of Thomas, and one by the name of Wistow, also a brother of Brother Tanner’s. All these are pupils there. Some of them are making fine progress.

While I was at breakfast I was much surprised to receive a visit from President Eliot, of Harvard University. He had heard I would reach the city this morning and had come round to pay his respects and to return courtesies which he had received from our people while he was in Utah. I was not there myself when he was at our city, but had taken pains to prepare for his reception and to have him looked after. He took me to his residence, and then through the University buildings, explaining everything, and also to various historic points—the noted elm tree under which Washington assumed the command of the armies of the Colonies; the common where the troops were assembled; the road upon which the British troops had marched to Lexington; the site of the building on the threshold of which President Langford of Harvard University had offered up prayer as the patriots were about to march to Bunker Hill. He also took me to the house of Longfellow, the poet, now deceased. It is still owned by the family, and it was Washington’s headquarters. All these with his descriptions were exceedingly interesting, as well as the University buildings, concerning which he took great pains in making explanations in relation to their age and the uses to which they were put. He took me into several of the rooms where the pupils were stopping, to show me the arrangements. He appeared to regret that I was not going to stay longer, that he could show me further attentions; but I felt that it was necessary I should return to New York this evening. I had a very nice visit afterwards with Brother & Sister Tanner. There is a young woman here with some children, a daughter of Ezra T. Clark’s. She took dinner with us. I suppose she is related to Brother Tanner. Lewis and myself walked through the park near the station, which was very beautiful. I took train about 6 o’clock for Fall River and embarked on the “Puritan” again to return to New York.

There were a large number of young men who called themselves of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews, an organization which I suppose is connected with the Episcopal Church. They occupied a <the> forward cabin part of the evening in singing and making addresses.

3 October 1892 • Monday

Monday, October 3, 1892.

I arose early this morning, so as to have a good view of the Sound passing between the mainland and Long Island. The scenery is very fine. It was a chilly morning, however. We landed at 7:30. I proceeded to the hotel and found Bishop Clawson and Col. Trumbo there, and I commenced to make arrangements for our departure.

I had further conversation with General Clarkson today, but nothing of any special importance.

At 2:55 p.m. we left New York by the Erie R.R. for Chicago.

4 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 4, 1892.

We reached Chicago this evening at 8:30 and left by the Chicago & Northwestern for the West at 10:30.

5 October 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 5, 1892.

We passed through Omaha today at 2 o’clock.

6 October 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, October 6, 1892.

We reached Cheyenne at 6:10 this morning and were met at the station by Senator Warren, who had been telegraphed that we were going to pass through at that time. We remained there nearly half an hour and I had quite a full conversation with him concerning the political situation. Senator Carey also got aboard the train and rode with us to Green River. I had considerable conversation with him. At Green River he got off to fill an appointment, and had some conversation with him.

7 October 1892 • Friday

Friday, October 7, 1892.

We reached Salt Lake City at 3 o’clock this morning, but did not arise till 6:30. Brother Wilcken came to the train with a vehicle for me, and Brother Clawson’s man came for him. I was very much pleased to find my family in the enjoyment of good health. My daughter Amelia had been married on the 28th of Sept., at Logan, my son Abraham performing the ceremony. They had had a reception on Friday, the 30th, at which a great many of the relatives were present, and ther[e] had been a musical entertainment given by my children. The whole affair passed off, I was told, very satisfactorily. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were present, and President Woodruff had stayed all night.

At 9 o’clock I repaired to the office of the First Presidency and found President Smith there, and afterwards President Woodruff. We had a very satisfactory meeting, and proceeded together to Conference.

The Conference convened yesterday, and all join in saying that the meetings were excellent. I regretted that I could not be present.

This morning President Woodruff desired me to open the Conference by announcing the hymns and calling of [on] Brother Jos. E. Taylor to pray. Elders John W. Taylor , Heber J. Grant and F. M. Lyman occupied the forenoon, and each spoke very spiritedly.

Elder John Nicholson opened the afternoon meeting by prayer. Elders Moses Thatcher, F. D. Richards and myself occupied the time. I spoke 15 minutes only and enjoyed a good flow of the spirit. In the evening there was a priesthood meeting held, and the congregation was addressed by Presidents Smith, Woodruff and myself

8 October 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, October 8, 1892.

Prest. D. D. McArthur, of St. George, opened the meeting this morning by prayer, and at the request of President Woodruff I presented the authorities of the Church to the Conference, also read the report of the primary associations, relief societies and church schools. Elder John H. Smith then addressed the Conference in a very spirited manner, and he was followed by President Joseph F. Smith, who spoke concerning home industries in a very plain and pointed manner, and also upon the Word of Wisdom. In speaking upon this he confessed a good deal concerning his own inclinations, and related that he was naturally fond of tea and coffee, of tobacco (to which he said he had been a slave at one time) and of wine and spirits. His statements were so broad that I felt the people were liable to draw wrong conclusions from what he said, and perhaps some of them might justify themselves on the strength of his remarks. I felt led, therefore, after he had done, to make some remarks. I informed the Conference that I was afraid they might come to wrong conclusions concerning Brother Joseph’s habits from what he had said, for he had opened his heart very fully to us. I said of all the men of my acquaintance in the Church I know of no one who was more exemplary in his habits than he. I had traveled with him at home and abroad and I took pleasure in bearing this testimony. President Smith thanked me afterwards.

In the afternoon, prayer was offered by Patriarch Elias Blackburn. President Lorenzo Snow spoke for half an hour, and then Bishop John R. Winder was called upon to give a description of the work on the Temple, which he did. After which, President Woodruff desired me to occupy the remainder of the time, and I felt great freedom in doing so.

At noon today the First Presidency and all the Apostles, excepting Brothers Brigham Young, Geo. Teasdale and A. H. Lund, and all the First Presidents of Seventies that were in town, met at the office of the First Presidency to take into consideration the question of filling the vacancy in the Seven Presidents of Seventies occasioned by the death of Elder Jacob Gates. There was a number of names mentioned, the two most prominent being Rulon S. Wells and J. W. Summerhays; but we did not come to any conclusion, and on motion of Brother Merrill the selection of a suitable person was left to the First Presidency. During this meeting the name of Richard W. Young was mentioned by someone, and Brother John W. Taylor said that he had never heard anything against Brother Young and seemed to be much in favor of him. Mention was then made of his being one of the party that came to see the First Presidency while I was absent in Washington concerning the attitude they occupied politically. They were at that time taken to task for using their influence against the Democratic party by a number of non-Mormons and our brethren, one of whom was Richard W. Young. He had made some statements that were very imprudent and that had hurt President Woodruff’s feelings. The mention of this seemed to arouse President Jos. F. Smith who had felt all the time that there had been an attempt made by these parties to muzzle the Presidency, and he so stated it. This brought forth some remarks from Brother Moses Thatcher, who happened to be with the committee, though he came, as he said, by an invitation, as he supposed, from President Woodruff; and there was quite an interchange of sharp words between President Smith and Brother Thatcher. This, I think, had the effect to check the influence of the spirit, and our minds were not clear as to whom we should select for this position.

9 October 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, October 9, 1892.

The Tabernacle was filled to overflowing, and therefore an overflow meeting was held in the Assembly Hall in the morning under the direction of President Lorenzo Snow. At that meeting, Elders A. H. Cannon and M. W. Merrill addressed the saints. In the afternoon in the same building Elder F. D. Richards presided, and Elders J. W. Taylor, J. H. Smith, M. Thatcher and F. D. Richards occupied the afternoon. At the Tabernacle prayer was offered by Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, and President Woodruff spoke for 54 minutes, much to the gratification of all who could hear him. He was followed very spiritedly by Brother F. M[.] Lyman. In the afternoon, the sacrament was administered, and President Woodruff desired me to occupy the whole time. I spoke for 85 minutes and was listened to with great attention.

I was very heated in speaking, and while walking up to the office I was seized with a violent pain in my bowels. It was so severe that I almost lost consciousness once or twice while in the closet. Brother L. John Nuttall heard me groan and came to me. He procured some Jamaica ginger and gave me, and helped me on to a lounge, when President Woodruff and the brethren administered to me. I was freed from pain immediately.

President Woodruff had appointed a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve at the office, and they had assembled there at the time I was taken sick. All the Twelve in town were present excepting Brothers F. D. Richards, M. Thatcher and H. J. Grant . The latter afterwards came in. At President Woodruff’s request, I gave a full description of my visit to the East and of interviews that I had had with leading men, and what they had promised to do for us and what I in return had promised upon our part. I was listened to with great attention, and that which I had done was heartily approved. All expressed their gratification at the results of my visit, for it was plain to be seen that unless something of this kind occurred we should very likely have had another raid made upon us by the new Marshal, prompted by the “ring” and the Commission, to endeavor to make it appear to the country that there had been, as was alleged in the Commission’s report, fifteen polygamous marriages and upwards of three hundred living in unlawful cohabitation. Of course, if the same action were taken with us that had been four years ago, and men were arrested on suspicion and viewed as guilty until they proved their own innocence, it might not be a difficult matter for at least the color of probability to be given to the report.

As there was an evening meeting in the Tabernacle of the Sunday school workers, I took dinner at the Templeton, as I had not time to go home. The night was quite a stormy one, but there was a good congregation. I remained there till about 8:30 when I felt that I should return home.

As I passed the Continental hotel on my way home, a Democratic rally was being held, at which J. L. Rawlins was speaking. I have omitted to mention that upon my return home I found that he had been nominated as the candidate of the Democratic party for Delegate to Congress.

10 October 1892 • Monday

Monday, October 10, 1892.

A meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles, the Seven Presidents of Seventies, the Patriarch[,] the Presiding Bishopric, the Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, the High Councilors, and the Bishops’ and Counselors was appointed for 10 o’clock this morning in the upper room of the Temple. This room is being finished and was sufficiently advanced to permit the meeting being held there, and it was felt that it would be appreciated by all of us to have this meeting in this hall. There was a goodly attendance, and the brethren found seats in front of the platform and in the gallery. Brother L. J. Nuttall led in the singing. Brother Abram Hatch opened by prayer. I was requested by President Woodruff to make the opening remarks. I explained why we had selected this place as the place of meeting, and that we had met according to custom to make such explanations as might be needed concerning the business affairs of the Church, and also to hear from the brethren any questions they might have to ask, so that there might be uniformity in our proceedings throughout all the Stakes of Zion.

Bishop John R. Winder was called upon to give a statement concerning the financial condition of the Temple. According to his estimate, it would take at least $175,000 more than had already been subscribed, to finish the building.

President Woodruff followed and made very interesting remarks connected with the Temple and the anxiety that he had to have it finished so that it might be dedicated next April.

Upon my motion, seconded by President Snow, the brethren present voted that they would do all they could themselves and use their influence to get others to make the necessary donations so that the Temple might be completed by the time appointed. This was carried unanimously.

On motion of Brother F. M. Lyman, the First Presidency was authorized to appoint a committee to apportion to each Stake the amount that it would be proper for it to subscribe. This was also carried.

Brother John R. Murdock suggested that while we were together and all felt warm upon this subject, it would be a good time to obtain subscriptions from all present. The result was that upwards of $50,000 was subscribed by those present.

After this business was finished, the disposition apparently was to dismiss. I said to President Woodruff that I would like to hear some of the Twelve or the brethren speak, if they felt like it. He asked them all, but no one seemed inclined to speak. I said if no one else spoke I wanted to speak before this meeting adjourned, though I did so with some hesitation, as I had occupied so much time during conference. I felt that I could not leave that room without bearing my testimony to those present concerning the necessity there was of obedience to the counsels of the authorities of the Church. I said there never had been a time since the Church was organized, in my opinion, when there was a greater necessity for union in the Church than now. I said I could speak more freely upon this perhaps if I was not one of the First Presidency myself; but I must tell them what I felt was the word of the Lord upon this subject. Unless this people followed the counsels of the First Presidency, they would get into trouble. Upon this, I said, I bore my testimony as one of the Elders of Israel. We who occupied these stations had not sought them ourselves. I said that we had sought with all the power we had to know the mind and will of the Lord concerning the situation of affairs, especially in political matters, and I could bear testimony that we had obtained his mind and will. It gave me great pleasure in saying that we were as united, it seemed to me, as it was possible for three men to be. There had not a shadow of a feeling arisen between us that I knew anything of. I said that I knew that if they would follow our counsel we would lead this people in the path of safety. The Lord had blessed us and acknowledged our labors, and the great changes which had occurred ought to be a witness to them and to all that the Lord had been with the leaders of His people. He had made plain to us day by day the course that we were to take.

I talked upon this for some time and with a good deal of feeling. The Spirit of the Lord rested powerfully upon me, and it did upon those present.

After I got through, President Jos. F. Smith arose, and he spoke for some time with great power, in somewhat the same strain, but particularly about fidelity to one another and to the Lord.

He was followed by President Woodruff.

It was a time long to be remembered.

On motion of Brother F. M. Lyman, a vote was taken as an expression of approval for the sentiments of the Presidency, which was unanimous.

The meeting then adjourned.

11 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 11, 1892.

Elders Moses Thatcher and B. H. Roberts had an interview with the First Presidency this morning. The object of their visit was to have an understanding with the Presidency in relation to their participating actively in politics. They both claimed that they regarded themselves free to take the course they had taken from reading the published sentiments of the Presidency; but finding that the course they were pursuing was not in harmony with the mind of the Presidency, they now sought the mind of the Presidency in regard to what they should do. They stated that to withdraw from the political field at this particular time, and especially to leave Brothers John Henry Smith and John Morgan in active politics, would at once lead the Democratic leaders to believe that they were not free, but under restraint; and if they were required to do this, under the circumstances, they felt that it was due to them that the Presidency should carry the responsibility, as it might lead to serious consequences in view of the threats which Democratic leaders have made about their returning to the Liberal fold, on account of their belief already that the Church is using an influence against them in politics. The political situation was gone over by myself, at the request of President Woodruff; and these brethren, after hearing it and becoming enlightened as to the position occupied by the Presidency, were left to pursue their own course according to their own judgment. Brother Thatcher expressed his thanks for the interview and his desire to keep in tune with his file leaders. There were present during the interview President Snow, F. D. Richards, and part of the time H. J. Grant.

Brothers H. H. Cluff and F. A. Mitchell had a conversation with the Presidency in regard to the purchase of additional lands adjoining Josepa so as to control that country, and thus prevent sheep men from running their sheep on the surrounding hills to the great detriment of the colony. These brethren had ascertained that for $7300 the three properties needed to accomplish this object could be bought. On my motion, it was decided to purchase the land, also to have it surveyed.

12 October 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 12, 1892.

I went home last night feeling very badly, and I felt so unwell this morning that I remained in bed the greater part of the forenoon. I had to go to town, however, to a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. I afterwards returned home. I really ought not to have left my bedroom today.

13 October 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, October 13, 1892.

At the office this morning with health somewhat improved, though still quite unwell.

A dispatch was received from J. S. Clarkson and Isaac Trumbo informing the Presidency that President Harrison would sign the general amnesty proclamation this week. In this dispatch also was a request that we would offer up our prayers in behalf of his wife, for her recovery if it should be God’s will.

At our meeting of the Presidency and Twelve, there being present, besides the Presidency, Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, President Woodruff offered the prayer, and Mrs. Harrison was remembered before the Lord. This is the first time that I know of in our history where the Presidency of the Church have been requested to exercise faith in behalf of any of the family of the President of the United States, and it was gratifying to us to know that President Harrison entertained such a friendly regard as to feel like making this request.

We decided upon having Brothers F. D. Richards and F. M. Lyman take a trip into Wyoming as soon as convenient and visit the saints at Evanston, Almy and Rock Springs.

14 October 1892 • Friday

Friday, October 14, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Mr. Charles Crane, the Chairman of the Territorial Republican Committee, was desirous of seeing me, and Brother Jos. F. Smith introduced him to me. He is managing the campaign and had much to say about that which he was doing, and spoke in high terms of my son Frank’s ability, and explained also the methods that he was adopting to secure success for him.

In order that the clerical work of the apportionment of amount to the various Stakes for the Temple might be accomplished, it was decided to select Robert S. Campbell, David McKenzie and L. J. Nuttall to go through the figures and learn what each Stake pays in tithing and the amounts that each already subscribed for the Temple. It was decided to add to this committee, after they should get through this work, Brothers Heber J. Grant and A.H. Cannon.

We had submitted to us today an article concerning statehood which was written by my son John Q. as editor of the Deseret News, that it might appear in the News. After listening to it, we approved of it.

Governor Markham, of California, who is en route to the opening of the Worlds Fair, called upon the First Presidency with his staff. He was in civilian clothes, but his staff was brilliant in uniforms.

15 October 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, October 15, 1892.

I did not go to the city today, but Brother Arthur Winter came down and I dictated to him some thoughts in relation to an article that had been written by C. W. Penrose, entitled “Plain Talk”, and which had appeared in the “Herald”. I have had it resting upon me very strongly that something ought to be written in reply to that article.

My health has not been good today; in fact, I have not been well the entire week.

16 October 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, October 16, 1892.

I felt so out of health today and suffering so much from neuralgia in the face that I deemed it prudent not to go to meeting.

17 October 1892 • Monday

Monday, October 17, 1892.

Two days ago I received a letter from my son David, written on the 29th of September, which brought me great relief, as I had been quite uneasy about him and feared that he might overtax his strength and neglect the care of his body in going too much without sleep and being indifferent about his meals. I felt deeply impressed to write him from time to time cautioning him upon these points; but this letter came to me and brought such news concerning him that I was very much gratified and relieved. It breathed a very sweet spirit, and I was filled with great joy at reading his testimony. I have read it to the family and we all felt greatly pleased.

This morning my son Abraham came to the office. I saw him, but I was busy at the time, and noticed that he looked sad. I had an appointment to talk with Mr. Crane, the Chairman of the Republican Committee, but Brother Gibbs said I had better not talk to him till I had seen Abraham, as he had bad news. The thought that flashed through my mind was, as he mentioned this in connection with politics, that perhaps something had happened to Frank, or that he had yielded to temptation, &c. I told Brother Gibbs to have Abraham come in, and he communicated to him me that he had received a cablegram from President Scharrer, of the Swiss Mission, who informed him that Hugh had telegraphed that David died at 9 o’clock this morning. There is about 8 hours difference in the time, and this permitted the dispatch to come here between 9 & 10 o’clock this morning. Abraham was overwhelmed with grief. I was stunned and could not cry; but there was a kind of relief in the news that nothing had happened to Frank. Strange that one should have such feelings! But I cannot describe the dread that came over me when I thought it might be that Frank had fallen into some disgrace, because anything of this kind is a living sorrow. After awhile my feelings found vent in tears. I cannot describe them. I had counted on David very much; for I saw in him all the qualities that would go to make a very useful man in the Church. From his infancy I never knew him to say an improper word in the shape of slang or vulgarity. I never knew him to trespass upon anybody’s feelings, or to be out of temper; but from childhood he was of the sweetest disposition, full of love and affection, continually thoughtful for others, ready to sacrifice himself and his own comfort to contribute to that of others. He had grown in my affections very much of late, because <of> having been more thrown in his company and having corresponded much with him. His letters have been most remarkable. The following is a copy of the letter I received on the 15th:1

SEIFERSDORF, September 29, 1892.

My Dear Father and Brothers and Sisters:

I will address this letter to father but my feelings and desires you can all know, and this perhaps you will accept as an answer to your letters.

I cannot describe my feelings—I have had so much joy in my labors. In the last week the Lord has opened the hearts of five persons, and they have come to me and asked to be baptized, and the prospects are, if it is the will of the Lord, that at least that many more will be added to the branch in a short time. When angels could feel happier than I have felt at times, their joy must be very, very great, for it has seemed to me, once or twice, that I could scarcely remain on the earth. My heart is filled with love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father, and words cannot express to Him my thanksgiving; but He can read my heart and thoughts, and has shown me that I am in His hands.

My food comes to me day after day without asking. I have never yet asked for food, and a place to sleep in is always given to me. Because I have done so much traveling my shoes are worn so that I have walked the last week with a little corner of the bottom of my feet on the ground. But that mattered not: I could walk just as well, and had no money to buy another pair. I asked the Lord in His own due time to give me another pair, and yesterday I was led into a shoe shop and measured for a pair of shoes, and I go today to get them, the person who took me there being responsible for the pay.

I could relate many instances where I have had direct answer to my prayers, and will mention one last week. I found myself, about dark, walking in the woods with my hat off, praising the Lord and thinking over His wonderful ways, and I felt that the very trees and grass could understand my feelings—they were all created by Him as was I. But darkness soon overtook me, and I had no place to eat or sleep, nor, more important than all, to speak. I kneeled down and asked the Lord to open the way and give me what was necessary and then proceeded on my way. Scarcely was I out of the woods when I met some women coming from the fields. I had met two before, and they were anxious to know my success. I was invited in the house to wait until the men came from work, as they had heard of me and wanted to know what I had to say. After eating supper, during which I was talking and explaining our doctrines, they invited the people to come together, and I spoke to about ten or twelve for some time. One man stood up and said he believed in nothing beyond this life and laughed and sneered at my words; but I told him his laughing and sneering words would stand against him and condemn him if he did not repent and seek forgiveness from the Lord, for all that occurred in our meeting, our speaking and thoughts, would be remembered when we stood before the judgment bar of God. I told him I trembled for him to hear him say that “the Lord, if there was such a Being, was unjust,” for the time would come when all would acknowledge that His judgments were just, but to the wicked it would be to their eternal damnation. I told him the Lord had given him, as He had to me, a soul which we could not destroy; that He had given us the opportunity here on the earth to choose eternal life or eternal damnation, and that when we threw away the opportunity here, it was gone never to return, but that it was our own thoughts, words and actions that would condemn us. I told him that people wished to live now, and feared death, but the time would come that the wicked would seek to destroy their souls, but could not do it; that the death of the righteous was as a sleep, and is something they do not dread, for by it they are freed from Satan; but the life and death of the wicked and unbelievers are bitter, for they do not understand the object the Lord had when He placed them on the earth—they are in darkness and imagine all others are like them; that when they die the servant of darkness they cannot expect to live through eternity with those whose souls are enlightened here on the earth with the spirit of the Lord. I said much more to him which it is not necessary to write, and it had a very good effect upon the listeners, and before I retired (for the people insisted on my remaining over night) the man of the house told me that he believed my words, and I had spoken the truth. He asked me what he should do. I answered him from the Bible, and again gave him my testimony that it (the Gospel) was on the earth again, and that a very short time would show that the Lord would punish all who would fight against His work, for great and terrible plagues would sweep over the earth.

I retired to bed, praising the Lord. The next morning my first thought on awaking was to thank the Lord for sweet sleep and health and strength. I turned over in bed and found by my bedside a glass of milk and sweet bread and butter. I could not restrain my tears. What could be nicer than this? Arising, I kneeled down and thanked Him who reigns on High, and who can put into the hearts of even my enemies to give me what I need. During my meal the Frau came in, with tears in her eyes thanked me for coming, and bade me goodbye as she went to her necessary work.

I then visited a house where I had been before, and I learned to my joy that Brother Bahr and Hugh (the writer’s brother) had been there to seek me, and had returned to another village seven miles distant to await me there. I fairly flew over the ground to where I again met my dear brother, and our meeting was truly joyful.

But there was not time to sit long, for I had made an appointment in another place the same evening, so we started out together—four of us—for with us went a young man whom I have since baptized, and of whom I spoke in my other letter. On the way we left Brother Bahr with a family who have been very kind to me, as he had promised to return to Berlin the next day. We three proceeded on our way, and spent the evening explaining to a few people who came together what the Lord has said He would do in the last days. We arose the next morning and went from house to house, one taking one house and another another, until our companion Mr. Waltaw returned to his home, and Hugh and I proceeded further.

I need not say that we were very kindly treated, and had always food and a bed, and that Hugh was overjoyed at what he had seen and heard. It is wonderful that we could and did the whole time talk in German, while I have been here only four and a half months. We passed remarks about it several times, and when we would speak English we would soon again drift into German, as we could better express our thoughts.

Hugh helped me in the baptism and confirming of the five, and this morning we bade each other good-bye, he to return to Berlin and Hamburg. We remained with a very good family last night and this morning after bidding them goodbye, the man ran after us to learn if Hugh had money to buy his ticket, as he understood we traveled without money, and would willingly give it to us. What can I say? Should we doubt the Lord after His wonderful preserving care? I can not. I doubt my ability to keep His commandments and to do what He requires of me, but on Him and His work here on the earth I have no doubt. He is very, very merciful to me. Many times I feel under condemnation, yet will He show great mercy to me. He gives me His Spirit, friends, food, and places to sleep, and oh, how very little I do for Him! His mercy and goodness are great—beyond my comprehension or power of description, and I can only thank Him in a very weak way.

Now, I hear that the pastors are seeking me. In one with whom I have spoken (or at least he will become a pastor) I found a very different spirit to what a servant of the Lord should have. He was very angry with me and would not allow me to come in his house. I hear today that one of the chief pastors visited the Young Men’s Union last Sunday, hoping to find me there, and had asked where I lived. I go there next Sunday evening, if the Lord wishes it, and I will speak with him before his flock; if he can show me wherein I am wrong from the Bible, I will repent and do better, and I hope it will be same with him. I know, of course, what it means, and that is, persecution; but in this way the people will hear the warning in a way they will remember it, and whatever happens to me when I do my duty will be what the Lord wishes. You speak of the sickness here, father, but I do not fear it in the least. The Lord can do with me as He wishes, and if it is to leave this earth, I have no desire to remain here.

Concerning this young man, father, he is full of faith—brave, and has a burning desire to warn this people from these approaching judgments. The Lord had already revealed to him concerning these plagues before I met him, and he had spoken with a number of families about them. He has had to doctor himself for for years, and has gone through very much trouble, and has only regained his health through the strictest attention to the commandments written in the Bible, and has also found comfort only in talking with others about these things. Should he not hold the Priesthood, and that, too, in view of the great work to be done here, very shortly?

I trust you are all enjoying good health. Concerning the money, father, that is due me, I trust it is used promptly, that nothing will remain to my credit. It appears that Brother Schaerrer, the president here, has paid $25 from what I had in Berne to the Temple, and if Abram has done the same there, $50 has been paid in. Of course, this makes no difference, only that I intended it to be paid from there, and therefore am overdrawn in Berne, as I have given out here our works, and have said I would be responsible for them. Can Abram pay $25, or $30 would be better, to Henry Reiser, in Salt Lake, to be placed to my credit here, to replace this $25 overdrawn, and something over, to stand for books people do not pay me for?

I would also like to ask, is it not right to speak a great deal about the Book of Mormon with people who believe the Bible, and endeavor to get these people to read it? People are anxious after reading our smaller books to read this, but some are against my giving it. I cannot agree with them in this.

With much love to all.

I am your affectionate son,


It will be seen from this that his hold on life did not appear to be very strong. I feel resigned with this disposition of providence, and that it is the Lord’s will that he should go. When he was three months old he was very sick, and to all human appearances he died. I think he was dead; his mother thought so; and all who were around him thought so. I laid hands on him and his breath came back. I have been thinking that the Lord has kindly loaned him to us for 20 years now, and we have had the pleasure of his society, and if the Lord chooses to take him back, why should I repine? All is well with him. But we cannot keep from mourning because of the separation; yet it will be a joyous day on the other side when he meets his mother and his kindred there. I am satisfied that he is fully prepared to do a good work there, for the spirit of the ministry and the salvation of the souls of men is upon him. He seemed to be filled with burning zeal in this direction, and it was that feature in his letters that caused me to utter <the> cautions which I did.

The grief at home at this news was very great. My daughter Mary Alice had been like a mother to him, and the four children of my wife Elizabeth have lived together now for nearly 11 years since her death without ever having the least shadow of feeling between them. They have lived almost like angels, and their love for each other was very strong, especially for David.

I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I.

Brother A. H. Lund came in, having returned from Arizona, whither he had been sent by Presidents Woodruff and Smith just as I left for the East.

18 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 18, 1892.

I sent a cablegram to Brother Brigham Young at Liverpool to learn from him the causes of David’s death. I also had a cablegram sent to Switzerland for the body to be sent home. A cablegram from Brother Brigham yesterday informed me of the death of David, and also that he had given instructions for the body to be embalmed.

I am suffering very much today from neuralgia in the face.

I did some work at the article which I was preparing in answer to Brother Penrose.

19 October 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 19, 1892.

First Presidency at the office this morning. I did some work on the article I am preparing, though suffering a good deal from pain in my face.

20 October 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, October 20, 1892.

We had an interview this morning with Bishop Winder, Don Carlos Young and Lorus Pratt in relation to the artistic work to be done inside the Temple, and after considerable conversation it was decided that the brethren see Brother Dan Weggeland, and that the young men who had been in Paris and he talk over the situation and decide on some plan of painting the Garden and the Telestial room in the Temple.

We had an interesting interview with General Michener, who came accompanied by Brother John Morgan. He is the man who managed President Harrison’s cause at the Minneapolis Convention.

The First Presidency and Apostles Smith, Grant and Cannon held meeting at 2 o’clock. I was mouth in prayer.

We heard the report of the committee which had been appointed to make apportionment to the various Stakes and individuals for their subscriptions to the Temple, and the committee was instructed to get up suitable letters which the First Presidency could sign, to send to the Presidents of Stakes and individuals.

21 October 1892 • Friday

Friday, October 21, 1892.

I came up to the office this morning and found President Woodruff there.

I engaged in writing a conclusion to the matter that I had been occupied with for a few days; but before finishing it, President Woodruff desired to go down to the Tabernacle, where all the First Presidency had been invited, to witness the ceremonies there, and when President Smith came in he decided that he would remain in the office while we went down. There were presumedly some 7000 school children gathered there. A programme had been prepared under the direction of Professor Millspaugh and was carried out. The Tabernacle was crowded. The proceedings were somewhat interesting, though much that was said could not be heard. President Woodruff and myself were introduced to a number of persons. We then returned to the office, and I finished my work.

I suffered in the evening severely with neuralgia in the face.

22 October 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, October 22, 1892.

My face gave me considerable pain this morning.

There have been so many falsehoods put in circulation concerning my son Frank that I felt impressed during the night to draw up a paper contradicting these things and warning the voters of the Territory against the tricks that were being played upon them[.] In preparing this I did not intend that it should appear as being written by me, but as being sent out by the party. I felt that it was due to him that something should be said, and I included in this two extracts from letters which Judge Estee had written to me when he heard that Frank was a candidate, in which he spoke in the warmest terms of Frank and expressed hope that he would be elected. He thought that his election would do more towards settling the problems connected with our Territory than all the rest of us could do. In this remark he included his own labors.

I had my face examined by my nephew, Charles M. Cannon. He thought that it might be necessary to bore one of my teeth. I shrink from the operation, but I may be compelled to have it done if this pain continues.

I felt very much exhausted when I got down home tonight. I retired to bed early.

23 October 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, October 23, 1892.

I did not arise very early this morning; in fact, I thought rest would do me good and remained in bed till about 11 o’clock. My night’s sleep was very refreshing, and I was free from pain.

At 2 o’clock I went to the Tabernacle. Brother Willard Done spoke for about half an hour, and I felt prompted to follow him, and also occupied about half an hour.

When I emerged from the Tabernacle I was met by Bishop Preston and his wife and Mr. Whitney and wife. Mr. Whitney I first met at Salmon Falls in California some 35 years ago. His wife, Mary Orr, was then living with her parents. Her father and mother and family had traveled with myself and wife, before we were married, the greater part of the journey from Nauvoo to the Valley, in the same company. They were very estimable people, and a strong attachment grew up between the Orr girls and my wife and sister, and they were like sisters. Some two or three years after they reached the Valley they moved to California, where they have lived ever since, and Father Orr is still living and claims to be 95 years old. When I was in California on a mission the Orr family was very kind to my wife and myself and all the Elders, and rendered us aid. Mary still cherishes a love for the Gospel, and when she met me and talked to me she burst into tears and exhibited considerable feeling. I accompanied them to Bishop Preston’s house, where they are stopping, and with Sylvester and my brother Angus took dinner with them. She expressed herself repeatedly that she wished I could make a Mormon of her husband; nothing would please her better than to have her sons, of whom she has three grown to manhood, be worthy enough to go on missions. I told her that I would try and arrange for her to come down and see my family.

24 October 1892 • Monday

Monday, October 24, 1892.

Busy at the office all day with President Woodruff. President Smith is absent at the Oneida Stake Conference.

I received a letter from my son David this morning. It was dated October 8th, being nine days before his death. A letter also was enclosed to his sister Mary Alice. A sweeter letter than his to her I never read. I was deeply affected by reading these letters. It seemed like a voice from the dead. The following are copies:3

SEIFERSDORF, October 10, 1892.

My Dear Sister Mamie:

As I write to Father and send the letter today, I enclose a few words to you.

I have not written to you for a long time, but you have heard from father how I am and what I am doing. I have thought of you many times, and all at home, and have remembered you in my prayers. How sweet it is to me to find people here filled with love! There are not many here, for Satan reigns in the hearts of almost all here. I can see it very plainly. They are filled with hate, and hate all that is pure and holy and that comes from their Creator. O, I feel to weep over the people here. They are struck with blindness concerning righteousness. Most believe not on a future, and therefore live to gratify their lust and indulge in all kinds of wickedness. And their paid ministers are all so blinded by Satan that they stand up in their churches and lie concerning me and the doctrine I bring, and the people who believe me, and warn the people that inwardly we are ravening wolves. They know not that they will bring down the anger of their righteous Creator. I do not hate them. I can only pity them, for they cannot understand light.

I left Lindrwoodn yesterday to come in Sourau, and was advised to go through the woods, as the police were watching for me. The pastor yesterday spoke in the church, and told the people falsehoods, but with one family I am sure he has sent them over to our side. They now see and can read his heart, and they told me yesterday that he had basely lied. Though they are not right strong, still the Lord has given them courage, and they have stood up for me under all that has been said against me. I came to Sourau last night, and held a meeting in the little branch here, and the Lord was with us. The members here, though only five, are filled with love for me and for one another, and of course I for them. Persecution draws us closer together. One man has told me to come to him whenever I have no other place to stop, and is so filled with love that he, yesterday, insisted on my using his overcoat whenever it is cold. I have wondered whether we have many in Zion with so much love. I am now with another family in the Church here in Seifersdorf, but the man here is not so strong in faith. He has just returned from Lindrwoodn, and tells me that the pastor has instructed the police to find Brother Walter, a young man twenty-seven years old there whom I have baptized, as his brother accuses him of burning his dwelling. We were together at his brother’s, and he laughed and made fun of us, but we warned him, and told him the Lord would punish him, and now his house and property have been destroyed with fire. He accuses his brother, but he was in the next village on this night. They have also spoken of me but I was twenty miles away on this night. So far as Brother Walter is concerned, he fears no man, and I find him ever filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

Satan has great power here, and will diligently work against us, but our Master is over him. All these men must make an answer before Him for their deeds, therefore it is not for us to retaliate blow for blow, but in love seek to show them their errors. I feel and know that so long as I keep His commandments I am in His hands, and no one can do more to me than He will allow. Were it not for this knowledge I would turn back today, but with it I cannot.

And I have thought of the great, great blessings the Lord has given our family. Do we remember the poor always? Are we filled with love to all mankind? Are we willing to share what we have with the hungry, naked and homeless? Will we take strangers in? It all comes home to me forcibly now that I am a homeless wanderer in a strange land. Remember me, Mamie, when you see the poor, and let the Spirit of God open your heart, and give freely to those who are not blessed as we. They are all the creation of our Father. Visit the sick, and encourage all never to grow tired of doing good. Lift your thoughts above earthly things and seek ever the Spirit of God, and He will fill you with knowledge that you cannot now understand. Remember our dear mother, and what she has gone through, and remember it is only a matter of a few years when we will all meet again, but we cannot go where mother is, and where our young brothers and sisters are, and where your father will go, if we do not strive with our whole heart here on the earth to please the Lord. And what other object have we? We must leave all here on the earth, and we know not the hour, but our souls live eternally. Here is our opportunity, on the earth to do good, for after awhile the night will come when we can work no more, and if our souls are not delivered, then our condition is eternal torment. Seek to find these things from the Lord, and so sure as we can make our thoughts and actions clean and pure, so sure will His Spirit rest upon us, but He has said He cannot dwell in unclean tabernacles. If we misuse our tabernacles, then will the Lord destroy us.

I have taught the people here to lift their thoughts above this earth. I have taught them to lift up their heads and praise the Lord in trouble, in persecution, in sickness, or whatever comes to them. I have taught them to seek for the Holy Spirit above everything, and not to think of riches,—that if the Lord blesses them with riches to use them in a way that will please Him, for He has given them and can take them away. I have asked them to think of Him in all their outgoings and incomings, in their work, and ever remember that His eye is upon them, and they have now found Him. When we come together to partake of the sacrament they generally weep for joy, and they can stand up and give their testimony in a way that is really surprising. I can see it comes from their hearts, and my spirit praises the Lord for His goodness in answering my prayers.

I shall always be glad to hear from you all, but it would be better to send the letters in one, as much as possible, as many letters often attract attention, and I am compelled to be careful with my mail. You have no cause to worry for me, and therefore must not do so for one moment. Remember me ever in your prayers, and ask the Lord to support me, and that is as far as you should go. I sometimes feel sorry for you at home, while I fear you worry, but you must not allow this spirit to take possession of you.

With much love to you all, and ever praying for your welfare, I am,

Your affectionate brother,


We had a meeting with the Presiding Bishops today to devise some plan for the better care of the unemployed poor. I have felt for a long time that we were deficient upon this point. We send Elders out, some of whom lay down their lives in the cause, and others sacrifice their health, to gather souls from the nations of the earth, and we bring them here at this immense cost; but when they reach here it is nobody’s special business to look after them, and the result is that in some cases they wander about, fall into bad ways, and lose the faith. Every emigrant that is brought here costs a great deal, and the souls of men are too valuable to be neglected, and I have felt that we should establish some system by which those who come in, many of whom cannot speak our language, can be looked after and provided for. Then there are a good many among us who for one reason or another cannot get employment, and they become soured and discontented, and in some instances lose the faith. We had a meeting a short time since in which I brought up this subject. There were several of the Twelve present and Prest. Angus M. Cannon and his Counselor, Joseph E. Taylor, and at that meeting it was decided that the Presiding Bishops should be requested to take steps to meet this want and to employ a suitable man person or persons who should make it their business to attend to this. We had considerable conversation on this, and the matter was left to the Presiding Bishops to consider and to formulate, if possible, a plan to submit to the First Presidency.

25 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 25, 1892.

We sent invitations to my brother-in-law, John Hoagland and wife, to my brother Angus and sister Mary Alice, to my sons John Q. & Abraham and their wives, to come to my house today at 1 o’clock in order to meet Mr. & Mrs. Whitney and Bishop Preston and wife, whom I had invited to spend the afternoon with us. I was desirous that the children of my wife Elizabeth, who was an intimate friend of Mrs. Whitney, should be there that she might see them. They all came but John Q. & wife; he was detained by business and could not come. We took dinner at 3 o’clock. My wife Carlie had prepared it and it was an excellent meal. The afternoon was spent delightfully, considering the cloud that overshadowed us in the death of David. My wife Emily was also there, she having been an intimate friend of Mrs. Whitney’s, there only being ten days difference in their ages.

President Woodruff was at the office this morning, and Bishop Preston and daughter and Mr. & Mrs. Whitney called to see him.

26 October 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 26, 1892.

President Woodruff at the office. President Smith is still in Oneida Stake.

I finished a letter which I commenced yesterday to Wm. R. Morgan, of Hartford, Conn., a gentleman who was intimately acquainted with my son David, and who had shown him considerable kindness, and who at David’s instance had come out to this country and visited us a year or two ago.

Political matters are creating a good deal of excitement, and I suppose there will be more and more heat exhibited until the election, after which probably people will relapse into their ordinary condition. There have been a good many stories put in circulation concerning the character of my son Frank. One of the active persons in making statements about Frank’s character has been Wm. H. Seegmiller, Prest. of the Sevier Stake. My nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, tells me of statements which he had made to him, and which he says he can said he could prove, and George invited him to prove them, but he left the city without attempting to do so. Brother Seegmiller’s counselor, Brother Clark, also related to Brother Jos. F. Smith a number of accusations that Brother Seegmiller had made, and which Brother Smith invited me to listen to. Upon hearing these things I wrote a letter, a copy of which I herewith give:

“October 17th, 1892.

Pres. Wm. H. Seegmiller,


Dear Brother:

I have been informed that you have made statements concerning Frank J. Cannon to the effect that he is a common seducer, an immoral man, a bad egg, a man unworthy of association with respectable people; that you have stated also that he has seduced the wives of three missionaries while they were absent, and that they have had to return home in consequence.

Some of these statements are credited to you as having been made by you in this city; others as having been made in your own Stake.

It has come to me from a credible source that you have stated to members of the church in your stake, that you felt it your duty to warn them against Frank J. Cannon, that he was an unsafe person to associate with members of their families, and that you did this not as a politician, but as the President of the Stake, having the people in your charge.

Knowing you as I thought I did, it seemed incredible to me that these statements concerning you could be true. It was not until I had taken the best means in my power to verify them that I lent credence to them.

Frank J. Cannon is my son, and as such I take interest in him. I would take interest in anyone, however, whom I thought unjustly assailed. If such statements as you are credited with having made are true, then I am totally ignorant of them. I believe them to be utterly false; but if you have any evidence that they are true, I shall feel obliged to you if you will furnish me with it. I am inclined to be more strict and severe in dealing with transgression in my own household than I am with other members of the church. If Frank is guilty of these things, those who knew about them owed it to the church, as well as to him, to have had them brought to light and dealt with. This would have been the proper course, instead of using them for political effect and to promote party interests.

An early reply to this will oblige

Your Brother,”

The answer to the letter was received on Monday. I suspect the reason of the delay in answering is that Brother Seegmiller must have consulted those from whom he said he received his information to know what he should do in the matter, and I think his letter is the result of that. The following is a copy of the letter:

“Richfield, Utah, 22 Octr. 1892.

Presdt. Geo. Q. Cannon,

Dear Brother:

Yours of the 17 received. You do not state from whom your information was received, part of it is incorrect. At present I would not care to communicate the names of my informers. After the election if your son Frank J. is offended at my course, or because of my repeating what my friends have told me, we may probably all be willing to meet him before any proper tribunal and have our statements investigated. Personally I will hold myself in readiness to do so. I doubt not your unshaken confidence in your son. My ideas relative to him are very far from being in accord with yours. In fact I would consider it a calamity for Utah to be represented in Congress by any man possessing the weaknesses with which he has been encumbered. So strongly do I feel this that I propose to do all that I can consistently to prevent his election. In taking this position I feel fully sustained by every principle of proper education which I have thus far received. Although I am thus frank, I do not wish to be misunderstood. I hope to continue to hold myself in readiness to answer any proper request made of me by authorized officers in our church.

My great desire is that our heavenly Father will direct all of our circumstances to a proper issue, whether the same is favorable to or against the party with which I am affiliated.

Very Respectfully,

Wm. H. Seegmiller.

P.S. Profound sympathy is expressed by our people to yourself and family in the sad bereavement attending the death of your son David H. In which I most cordially join.

W. H. S.”

I felt very much stirred up by this letter, as I deem it utterly unworthy of a man occupying his station, and I feel that I cannot fellowship him in his office. I have not said to him that I had unshaken confidence in my son, but I have written to him as a father and as a brother in the church is entitled to write to another brother and to get from him any evidence that he has for making such horrible statements as he does not deny having made, and he answers me in this way. This is <so> contrary to all my ideas of the laws of the church and the principles of the Gospel that I cannot fellowship any man that would write such a letter, and especially to one holding the position that I do. He shows a disrespect for the Priesthood that I consider very wrong.

President Brigham Young cabled me today as follows:

“Hugh New York about November second. Have cabled him $240. Cutler joins him there.”

I suppose this means Brother John C. Cutler.

Had a very interesting conversation with Col. Trumbo, who has just returned from the East, concerning the situation of affairs. He returns fully empowered by the National Committee to arrange matters with the newly appointed Marshal. The latter has been instructed to listen to what the Colonel has to say, and he expects to require him to not employ many deputies and to take no complaint against any man unless it is signed by the person making the complaint and he agrees to appear as a witness, and a number of other restrictions which, if submitted to, will make our condition here much better than it would be if we had a Marshal that was left to do as he pleased. We are beginning to make ourselves felt politically, and this is a part of the arrangement which was made with me when East.

Bishop Preston came to see the First Presidency in relation to money that was needed. The church is in great need of funds and the banks have none to loan. Brother Grant came with him and it was suggested that I might be able to borrow where I had before in California. $25,000 was wanted now and $25,000 within a month, unless funds should come in. I told them I would do what I could about it.

27 October 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, October 27, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

I am suffering very much today from my face.

Parties called to see me with letters from Democratic friends, Gov. T. M. Patterson of Colorado and Dr. G. L. Miller of Omaha; but I felt so badly that I had the janitor excuse me.

Brother Wm. R. Smith of Davis Stake and F. A. Hammond of San Juan came in, and President Jos. F. Smith had full conversation with them, in which I participated for a short time.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Apostles F. D. Richards, F. M[.] Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon held the regular meeting. Brother Richards was mouth in prayer, and appointments were made. During our meeting we had considerable conversation over the political situation in Wyoming and Utah.

28 October 1892 • Friday

Friday, October 28, 1892.

First Presidency at the office. I am still suffering from my face. I was busy with various matters.

29 October 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, October 29, 1892.

President Woodruff started this morning to visit a daughter who is in a dangerous condition at Smithfield. He was going alone, but I induced him to take his son Owen with him. President Smith also intended to go north, but he did not go till 3:30 in the afternoon.

I dictated to Brother Winter answers to a great deal of my correspondence which had accumulated from the time I left for the East until today, also some articles for the JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR.

I suffered a good deal of pain from my face today, and when I went home I felt badly.

30 October 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, October 30, 1892.

I thought it better, as the day was somewhat stormy, to remain indoors and keep quiet. I therefore did not go to meeting. My wife Carlie called my attention to the fact that now for three weeks in succession on Friday and Saturday I came home suffering from this neuralgia, and she asked me if I did not think it was due to overwork. I had not thought of it, but her experience, she said, in neuralgia was that she had suffered from it when she was exhausted. I think there is something in this.

31 October 1892 • Monday

Monday, October 31, 1892.

I feel much better this morning for my rest, and upon arriving at the office was gratified to find President Woodruff there, he having returned from Smithfield last evening. A favorable change occurred in the condition of his daughter and she began to improve.

Brother John Henry Smith called today. He had been to the conference at Logan and returned. Presidents Jos. F. Smith and Snow remained to attend the conference. I attended to various items of business. It rained very heavily today.

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October 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/10-1892


  1. [1]Newspaper clipping

  2. [2]End of newspaper clipping

  3. [3]Newspaper article

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