February 1864

1 February 1864 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 1st/64. Busy in Office.

2 February 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 2nd/64. do. do. Dictated a great <several> letters.

3 February 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 3/64. Wrote several letters. [blank]

Opening letters. Recd one from Bro. Wilford Woodruff, Sen. He wrote cheerfully and encouragingly. The Army were quiet at-home, because they had to depend on our people for bread. Bishop John Sharp had been appealed to by them to furnish them with provisions. He said he would do so but he must know what quantity of provisions they had on hand the same as he would any member of his Ward. The Commissary threw open his store room and they had but a few days food on hand. We had been supplying them since at $12 per 100 lbs. Thus has the Lord overruled a seeming evil for our good[,] and our enemies are under the necessity of depending upon the people they would like to slay for the food they eat. Bro. Jesse N. Smith and myself took train to Hull and arrived there late in the afternoon. <Our object was to try and arrange for steamers to carry our people from Copenhagen to England.> Went to Bro Williams’ and was soon joined by Bro. Fowler. Ate tea and then went to meeting; Bro Smith and myself spoke. Slept at Brother Williams’

4 February 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 4/64. Ate breakfast at Sister Wilsons. Started to Grimsby and had an interview with Mr. Reid[,] the manager for the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway at Grimsby: he introduced us to Mr. [blank] a gentleman connected with the steamers running between Grimsby and Hamburg. He held out no hopes of our being able to effect any arrangement with them as they had a regular trade and it would not be wise to withdraw from that for transient custom such as ours would be. They were very affable and treated us with great courtesy. Mr. Reid having also taken great pains in facilitating rendering our people, whenever they have been passing through, every facility in his power. We returned to Hull and had an interview with two of the firm of Thos Wilson, Sons & Co. They could bring a few of the Saints from Gottenburg and Christiana on their steamers which ran weekly; but the accommodation would be very poor and they would come very slowly, too much so to suit our purpose. Copenhagen being foreign trade from Hull, which Hamburg was not, made it next to impossible for English steamers to bring them in large quantities, owing to the regulations of the Board of Trade, and those they did bring would have to pay a high fare.

Hoped to get away this evening to Liverpool; but was not disappointed by not finding either of the principals of the firm of Bailey and Leetham at their place. Saw their manager; but could learn nothing definite.

5 February 1864 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 5/64. Called upon Mr. Bailey and received further confirmation of the seemingly utter hopelessness of trying to sending send steamers from England to Copenhagen or of hiring passages on the regular steamers for the people. Returned to Bro. Williams and corrected a discourse for Star, and at 3 p.m. started for L’pool which place I reached at ½ past 9 p.m. Snowed to-day. Bro. Jesse N. Smith stopped at Hull, intending to sail to Copenhagen on Sunday next.

6 February 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 6th/64. Started off this morning though feeling a severe pain in my <at 9 o’clock> for Nottingham. I had a severe pain in my breast from which I had been suffering since Thursday. Was met at the Station by Bro’s J D Chase and Heber John Richards. They took me to Bro. Thos Pallett’s for dinner. Administered to his child. Started after dinner with the brethren for Mansfield were joined on the way by Bro’s P P Pratt and M. F Farnsworth. Went to Bro. Dean’s and ate a hearty meal; then spent some time at Bro. Watsons <where we confirmed three into Church> and afterwards went to Mrs. Mary Warren’s (whose neice Sister Jane Cree lived with her) where Bro. Chase and I stopped all night.

7 February 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 7/64. Held meetings in both afternoon and evening at a hall hired for the purpose which was very much crowded. In afternoon confirmed six persons on Sun and administered the sacrament and I occupied the remainder of the time in addressing the people. In the evening the Bro. Farnsworth made a few remarks and I followed. I had most excellent liberty as I had also in the afternoon. Went to Bro Watson’s and had a very interesting time[,] afterwards to Mrs. Warren’s to sleep.

8 February 1864 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 8/64. Baptized Mary Warren and Martha Powell at the Bath Rooms, being the first persons I have baptized in England. The former has kept an open house for the Elders for many years and took <bought> all our books and publications and paid Tithing and Mission Fund as though she were in the Church; but never went forward to be baptized. I told her yesterday that whenever she wished to be baptized I would attend to it if I were here, as she said she and Mrs. Powell, who is an overlooker in the factory, had said that whenever she, (Mary Warren) were <should be> baptized, she would go forward also. The latter had to keep her intention secret as her many friends would oppose and persecute her very much <and ◊◊◊◊◊ them>. I We confirmed <them, I> being mouth at Sister Warren’s. They both felt exceedingly well. We started for Sutton, calling at <Bro. &> Sister Orton’s on the way. Stopped at Brother <Geo.> Stringfellow’s and took dinner and then went through the Silk Factory with him. Hel Went to Sister Thorpe’s and then to the Meeting House, where I addressed the people. Slept at Bro Stringfellow’s.

9 February 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb 9/64 Sister Betts brought me a ticket from Mansfield this morning; I could not buy a through ticket to L<iver>pool from Sutton by 3rd Class Train. I started at 7 A.M. It was very cold riding in the carriages to-day, and I was much chilled. I <had to> stopped stop nearly two hours at Derby for a train. I reached Liverpool about 3 P.M. After my return Bro. Kay, who was here with his wife, called in and communicated the sad and very painful intelligence to me, <which he had received in a letter from home,> that my youngest child — George Hoagland, born in Liverpool on the 19th May/63 — died on the [blank] {29th} of December <1863> and was buried on the [blank] of the same month. He has never been well since he was attacked with the measles and whooping cough; from the effect of which my darling daughter Georgiana died on the plains. My poor dear wife, how deeply I sympathize with her in this affliction. It is a source of grief to me; but I have been led of late to call upon the Lord to prepare me of for every trial. No longer ago than to-day, while at Derby waiting for a train, I was much drawn out in prayer to the Lord for the strength and grace necessary to enable me to bear up under every trial. I think of Job; he lost all his children at a blow, and his flocks and his herds also; but I still have three — half of mine — and I pray that they may be spared unto me.

10 February 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb 10/64. Wrote a letter to my wife Elizabeth and dictated a number of letters to various brethren. There was a party at the Saints’ Chapel, at which there was singing, recitations and a farce given. It had been postponed purposely to meet my convenience in attending it; <and> though I felt that it would be irksome to me to attend on account of my sadness, I was persuaded to go.

11 February 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 11/64. Dictated an Editorial which Bro. Graham took down in short-hand — Extra Luggage of intending Emigrants. Dictated and wrote a number of letters to various persons[,] <and> among the rest wrote one to Bro. Jesse N. Smith. I went to the Government Emigration Office this morning in company with my two sureties — Mr. A. Brown of the firm of Cearns & Brown, Provision Merchants, and Mr. Thos Fazakerly, Bookbinder and Stationer — and signed my bonds as a Passage Broker.

12 February 1864 • Friday

Friday, Febr 12/64. Received a number of likenesses which Bro. Wm Reynolds of Lowestoft had been painting for me. Finished a letter to President B. Young, which I had commenced under date of the 9th instant. Spent the evening in company with Bro. & Sis Kay, Bro. & Sis Graham, Bro’s Thos Taylor, Shearman, Bull and Sears at Sister Spencer’s and Charlsen’s.

13 February 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb 13/64. Writing letters and attending to other business until 4.20 P.M. when I started with Brother Taylor to Manchester; we walked and rode from there to Pendlebury, where we took tea with the Saints in their meeting room. The[y] spent the evening in singing and reciting; I also made a few remarks. Slept at Bro Pitts’, President of the Branch.

14 February 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 14/64. Met with the Saints in the morning and afternoon and spoke <at> both meetings; brother Geo. W. Grant, who had recently been appointed President of Conference and who has just come here, also spoke in the afternoon. We took dinner at Mr. Sharple’s, who I believe is married to Sister Harrop that was; and tea at Bro. Rushton’s. Walked to Pendleton and then rode to the meeting room in Manchester. The room was very full and the stairs were crowded with people. The last hymn was being sung when we entered. I was much tired and had my name <it> not been advertised that I would speak I should have called upon somebody else. I called on the Lord for strength and I was much blessed in my remarks. Several strangers came and spoke to me after the meeting, among the rest a Mrs. Life, a sister, as she informed me, of Mary Wood, one of Bro Parley P. Pratt’s wifes. A nephew also of Bro. Chas. Lambert, my sister Mary Alice’s husband, came and spoke to me. His name is David Charles Lambert. He is a young man and is thinking of going out to America. I wished him to call upon me at Liverpool. I went to Newton Heath with Bro. Taylor and slept at Bro. Ashman’s who with his wife, made us very comfortable.

15 February 1864 • Monday

Monday, Feb 15/64. Administered to a child of Bro. & Sister Malam’s and to a person who was not in the Church; but who promised to be baptized as soon as she would be able to attend to it. Also Bro. & Sis Ashman and their daughter Harriett by their request. Took dinner at <with> Bro <John> Schofield at Daisy Bank and then I went to Ashton-under-Lyne to attend to some business for Sister Wareham in the Valley sent me by Bro. Clayton and Bro. Taylor returned to Manchester. My trip was useless as the lawyer I went to see was away. Reached Liverpool about 7 P.M.

16 February 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 16/64. Wrote several letters, and attended to other business.

17 February 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 17th Preparing matter for the Star and for my Book of editorials. Bro & Sister Thu Kay, Sisters Charlsen, Spencer and Mary, spent the evening with us at the Office.

18 February 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, 18th. Bro. & Sis. Kay started this morning to Birmingham. Finished Editorial for Star – {“Man rewarded according to his Diligence.”}

19 February 1864 • Friday

Friday, Feb 19th/64. Wrote a letter to <Bro> Brigham Young, Jr., and commenced a letter to Bro Joseph F Smith. In evening went up to Bro Graham’s for an hour or two.

20 February 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, 20/64. I arose very unwell this morning. I have been seized every night, for several nights back, with a severe pain in the region of my stomach which has given me great pain in breathing. Last night it extended itself to my lungs[,] and it was with difficulty I could breathe at all. I was administered to twice to-day by Bro’s Shearman and Bull. Wrote to my wife, Sarah Jane & finished Bro Joseph F Smith’s letter. I felt too unwell to join Bro. Thos Taylor at Manchester for the purpose of going to Oldham to meet with the Saints to-morrow. Brother Bull went.

21 February 1864 • Sunday

Sunday 21st Febr Passed another painful night. Late in the afternoon went up to Sister Spencers in company with Brother Shearman and took tea with her[,] Sisters Charlson & Mary Spencer, and went from there to Chapel. Bro’ Shearman spoke first and I followed. There was a very good spirit in the meeting.

22 February 1864 • Monday

Monday February 22nd I applied a mustard plaster to my breast last night; the pain was almost unbearable. Dr J. K. Smith, a Thomsonian Doctor, who used only herbs and who attended my wife when she was sick with the Gastric fever, called in to see me. He said my liver was deranged which had produced a congestion of the lungs. He furnished me some medicine to take, being the first Doctor’s stuff I have had occasion to take for 18 years. Busy in the Office. Received a letter from Brother David M. Stuart of Ogden, in which he informs me that he is appointed to preside over the first ward under the jurisdiction of Brother C. W. West. I dictated a letter in reply to his and also 3 other letters.

In to day’s London Times the exposure of the troops — Danes and Germans — now fighting in Schleswig Holstein is said to be very terrible, the weather being dreadfully severe.

23 February 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feby 23. 1864 I arose this morning feeling, if anything, worse than I have done yet since I have been attacked by this sickness. As the day advanced I felt an improvement. Had a long conversation with Brother Thomas Taylor, who had just come in from the country. Attending to office business, and dictated several letters, one of which was to Bro C. W. West.

24 February 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday Feby 24th Felt much better, tho’ I had a dull, heavy, and oppressive pain in my right breast. Dr. Smith called in to see me this morning. We had a very interesting conversation; he taking great interest in affairs in our country. He spoke in strong language of the corruption which existed in society here. He said there were [blank] medical men in Liverpool, and [blank] of them were engaged solely in the management of cases afflicted with venereal diseases. One of his acquaintances, <he said,> valued his practice in that line alone at £3000, he described the corruptions which existed in society as being almost too great for belief, unless a person were actually brought in contact as he was. He is <appears> very favorable to our principles. Wrote an Editorial for the Star, embodying extracts from Judge Kinney’s speech in the House of Representatives Jany 27th 1864. Wrote a long letter to Brother <Wm> Fotheringham, South Africa, counselling him respecting his and the Elders’ course who are laboring there. I have had to use Bro Robert R. Anderson as an amanuensis lately on account of a pain in my breast. It is reported By Telegram to day that England has invited the German Federation and the Powers which signed the 1852 treaty respecting Denmark to a Conference in London, and that Austria and Prussia had accepted the proposition. I applied a Muster [mustard] plaster again this evening to my breast.

25 February 1864 • Thursday

Thursday Feby 25./64 I do not feel so well this morning. Busy in office and assorting letters all day. Received letters from Brother[s] W. H Perkes, D. M. McAllister, W. W. Cluff, and my Wife Elizabeth’s nephew Joseph A. West. They were all excellent letters, and I was very much pleased to receive them, especially Joseph’s[,] as it was excellently written, & breathed an excellent spirit for so young a boy.

26 February 1864 • Friday

Friday <Febry> 26th 1864. Had a visit from Doctor Smith this morning. Engaged in Office business. Wrote a letter to Brother Wilford Woodruff Senr. In the evening Bro Taylor came to stop with me, as the brethren were all out. Had some very pleasant conversation upon our principles. Mr Smith, of Tapscott, Smith & Co; called to see me this evening. He informed me that he had been making inquiries about ships going to Gottenborg, Sweden, for our Saints who wished to emigrate from Scandinavia; but he found that there were objections to the port on account of the shallowness of the water — no vessel of more than 500 tons being able to go there. We had considerable conversation about our people and our principles; and the interview was on the whole, a very agreeable and instructive one. I spoke to him about our views and our objects[,] and he assented to their excellence and propriety. He thought there was a great destiny and that we were a wonderful people. He had been often asked, he said, about us, what kind of folks we were, etc. He said, “I tell them that, in the whole course of my life, I never met with such men as you are.”

27 February 1864 • Saturday

Saturday Feby 27. 1864. Wrote a letter to Bro Kay, which I requested Brother Shearman to take down, so that he might make explanations concerning its contents. Had my own health permitted, I should have gone down myself. Wrote a long letter to my wife Elizabeth.

28 February 1864 • Sunday

Sunday 28th February/64. Bro Bentley arrived this afternoon from London. He and Bro Warren S. Snow have been selected to go over to the United States as Agents for the Emigration this season. His health is poor, having a very severe cold on his lungs. He brought me from Sister Griffith’s an elegant brooch, containing my hair and my daughter Georgiana’s, as a present to my wife — it cost £7-2-0; also a pair of beautifully worked slippers.

29 February 1864 • Monday

Monday Feby 29th 64 Busy at various matters connected with the office. I have not felt so well to-day. Received a call from my Fathers cousins, Mr James Crawford and his sister Maria, Mrs Christian and her daughter Anne. Dr Smith called in to see me. We had some further conversation about our principles. Commenced a letter to my Uncle and Aunt Taylor.

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February 1864, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1864/02-1864