March 1881

1 March 1881 • Tuesday

At the House. Rose early in the morning and did some work.

Up till past 1 o’clock in morning, House fillibustered.

Dispatch from home informs me my wife Elizabeth is sick, but rest are well

2 March 1881 • Wednesday

Passed Deficiency Bill under suspension of rules.

The City is full of visitors. The floor of the House is crowded.

3 March 1881 • Thursday

Called at Gen. Paine’s[.] Filed protest with Mr. Adams, Clerk of the House of Rep’s., against placing the name of Campbell on the roll of the House as Delegate.

Bro. David O. Miner, who is studying medicine in New York, came down this morning to see the inauguration.

Hayes vetoed Funding Bill which passed the House yesterday.

The House kept in session till after 2 o’clock Friday morning.

The night was very stormy.

4 March 1881 • Friday

House met at 10 a.m. After transacting business and passing a vote of thanks to the Speaker it was adjourned without date. We went over to Senate to take part in ceremonies of swearing in the Vice-President and Senators. The Diplomatic corps was out in full dress and distinguished Generals of the U. S. Army. Gen. Hancock was especially conspicuous. We then went on to the platform at the east front of the Rotunda. I got a good position. Garfield’s inaugural was well delivered. I felt hurt at his words concerning Utah, just as I would at the turning of a friend to meanness and wickedness. The Lord judge him. The procession was very grand. The day was fine overhead. Fireworks in the evening. Bro. Abram Doremus came here from New Mexico this morning on Bro. John W. Young’s business

5 March 1881 • Saturday

Writing upon my article <paper> “Utah and the Mormons” for the North American Review. Judge C. C. Goodwin, the editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, had written an paper “The Political Attitude of the Mormons” which was as base an attack upon us and our principles as could be. The Review people were very desirous I should write a paper for the Review, and I was offered 15 pages’ space in which to do it.

6 March 1881 • Sunday

Bro. Doremus hired a carriage and we had a lengthy ride—Bro’s. Dusenberry, Miner, Doremus and myself.

7 March 1881 • Monday

Saw Mr. Chase about the Murray papers. He could not tell me then, he said, about them. I[n] two or three days, I could call.

8 March 1881 • Tuesday

Busy all day at my paper.

9 March 1881 • Wednesday


10 March 1881 • Thursday

Saw Mr. Chase again, and he said if I would tell Pres. Garfield all about it, the papers would be on hand. Had a call in the evening from and a very pleasant interview with Mr. <L. S.> Metcalf, Managing editor of the North Am. Review, and Miss Mann. He congratulated me upon my paper being the first that would appear upon <our side of> the subject in any magazine. It would be read with great interest, would stir up favorable and unfavorable comment and do a great amount of good for the people.

His address is: L. S. Metcalf Esq., North Am. Review, New York City, N. Y.

11 March 1881 • Friday

Called upon Pres. Garfield. The rush has been so great I did not try to see him before. I had five minutes talk with him in private; we stood up by the mantel piece together. I said I had the papers in my pocket but would <not> trouble him to read them now which would prove how infamously Murray had acted in refusing me the certificate on account of as he alleged I was not naturalized. I then told him all about the papers at the Dep’t of Justice and about Mrs. Hayes getting him appointed and Hayes getting the papers kept back and Murray claiming that it was because he was a Bristow man that he had lost the U. S. Marshalship of Ky. when the fact was he had to resign on account of his corruption, as the Dep’t. of Justice would not allow him to remain in office. Garfield listened attentively, asked me a few questions and said he would have the case examined.

The trouble with my paper, Utah and the Mormons her people is I have written so much that it is hard to select for the space which is best. My fine writing I cut out and confine myself to the bald facts. Spent considerable time with Clerk Adams over my case. I protest against Campbell’s name being put on the roll and if it is rejected I desire mine put on; but to keep his off is the great point.

Got a dispatch from home in reply to mine. All are well; but had been uneasy about me.

13 March 1881 • Sunday

Sent my paper to Mr. Metcalf and ordered 500 copies of the number in which it shall appear.

Miss Mann gave me a lot of Appleton’s school books for the children and wrote her name and compliments in each one. I was glad to get the paper off my hands.

Bro. <John> Sharp, the Bishop, telegraphed me yesterday from New York that he would leave there for the west that evening, would be two or three days in Omaha and hoped to see me there that we could return together.

14 March 1881 • Monday

Rose early and prepared to go home. Called befor[e] breakfast upon Senator Teller told him about the Murray case which I wished him to watch for me and to keep push it through[.] He accompanied me to [the] Interior Dept. I saw Sec. Kirkwood and told him charges against Bane. Had another interview with Pres. Garfield. He said he felt as he had done about polygamy. He was opposed to retroactive measures. This he repeated. Was not in favor of harshness; but polygamy must cease. This was in reply to my remarks about that my constituents hoped that under his administration hostility to us would not be a passport for officials to favor; that while we did not expect any favor from him, we did not hope we should have fair treatment. I told him the character of the men with whom we had to deal; also how Murray & Co. had befogged their action respecting myself with falsehood. The interview was more satisfactory than I had looked for. He told me to see the Attorney-General and ask him to bring to his attention the papers in the Murray case as he might otherwise forget about them.

I saw the Attorney General and after a pleasant conversation at his request I wrote him a letter so that he would have the matter before him. The following is a copy.

Had a long talk with Hon. Geo. M Adams, Clerk of the House, and as far as it went quite satisfactory. I now felt that I could go home. So I worked hard to get ready, and everything appeared to favor my desire. I do feel exceedingly thankful to the Lord for He has been very kind to me and has blessed me exceedingly.

16 March 1881 • Tuesday

Started at 8 a.m. on Tuesday in company with Judge Dusenberry. Had a pleasant journey. Hon Mr. Farwell of Iowa, a new Member of the House, and a Mr. Conger of Iowa were our traveling companions and we had a pleasant time with them.

17 March 1881 • Wednesday

Reached Chicago at 9.40 a.m. Wednesday. I took the C. B & Q road to Council Bluffs. Judge D. took another road. Col. Matt. Patrick ex-U. S. Marshal of Utah, was on the train. He was very kind to me.

17 March 1881 • Thursday

Reached Omaha on Thursday and met Judge D., Bishop John Sharp, Bro. Dusenberry, Doremus, Mayor F. Little and his neice, & Mrs. C. I. Godbe, her neice and a lady friend. By request of Mr. Dillon, Pres. of the U. P. R. R. went out with him, Supt Clark & Ass’t Supt Kimball on a special train to Fremont where we took dinner. There was a break in the line through overflow of water. The train runs by the B. & M. to Kearney Junction. We left the party of officials here to return and we, the men above named, were taken in carriages around the break, about five miles, to another train. We joined the regular train at Kearney Junction about midnight.

18 March 1881 • Friday

Had a conversation with Mr. Sidney Dillon about our affairs. He urged me to call upon him at any time when his influence would be of any avail.

Bro. Erastus Snow joined us at Denver Junction, having just come up from Arizona and New Mexico.

19 March 1881 • Saturday

Stormy this morning. Cleared up at Green River. Reached Ogden on time. Met by Pres. Joseph F. Smith, my son John Q. and Bro. L. John Nuttall. We reached the city at 8.20 p.m. Called with Bro. Jos. F. upon Pres. Taylor. He was well and our meeting was a happy one. My brother Angus called in. Drove home Dan Jones driving. Met all and had a joyous time.

20 March 1881 • Sunday

Enjoyed myself this morning with my family. I am a greatly favored man. My family, excepting my wife Elizabeth, are all well and delighted to see me back. Drove Elizabeth up to town in my buggy. Called upon President John Taylor and he pressed us to eat dinner with him and his wife Sophia. Bro. E. Snow was there also. The latter spoke an hour at the afternoon meeting and I followed for half an hour; had good freedom. The meeting was crowded. Met in council and Bros E. Snow prayed and I did in the circle. Ate a light meal with Elizabeth at our son John Q’s whose little son Geo. Q. is a beautiful little boy.

21 March 1881 • Monday

Rose early and kept busy till I left home for the city. Called upon my daughter-in-law, Sarah J., wife of Abraham. She and son, Geo. J., were well; also upon my sister Mary Alice. I spent the day from 10 o’clock at the office of the Pres. Related how affairs stood at Washington. The First Presidency decided to commence Conference <meetings> on Sunday the 3rd of April. Received the accompanying telegram from the North Am. Review which I answered (see answer)[.] Called upon Bro. John Hoagland’s family and Emily Hoagland Little, my wife Elizabeth’s kindred.

22 March 1881 • Tuesday

Examined with Pres. Taylor and Smith the machinery for hoisting and laying stone on the Temple. We called on Bro. Orson Pratt, in company with Bro. John Sharp. He is low, but thinks he is improving. Ate dinner with Bro. Joseph F. Smith. Spent the afternoon in the office. In evening met with my children in their school house in a Mutual Improvement Society.

23 March 1881 • Wednesday

Visited places on the new Canal and at the mouth of Big Cottonwood to select a suitable site for the Paper Mill. Pres. Taylor and Smith, Bro’s. John Sharp, Jesse W. Fox, Hy Grow, Chas John Lambert and Eddie Taylor were the company.

24 March 1881 • Thursday

Made calls at the Z. C. M. I[.] and at Bro. Savage’s[.] Wrote a letter to John Q. my son, in reply to one from him. Dined with Bro. John Taylor[.] Spent the afternoon at the office.

25 March 1881 • Friday

Came up with my wife Elizabeth to the city. Sat for a likeness at Bro. Savage’s. My sister-in-law, Emily H. Little, had $700 which she wished to do something with till she could get ready to build. I took it and gave her my note for it payable on demand and at 10 per cent. per annum. Attended a party with Presidents Taylor & Smith and a number of friends at Bro. N. Groesbeck’s. Had an enjoyable evening.

Elizabeth was quite unwell during the evening.

26 March 1881 • Saturday

Stopped at my son John Q’s last night. My wife was quite sick, alarmingly so. Drove her down home after breakfast in the buggy. Paid my interest at the Zion’s Savings Bank. Spent after noon at the office. My sister-in-law, Emily went down to my place to be with Elizabeth.

27 March 1881 • Sunday

Attended meeting at the Assembly Hall. Took up my wife Elizabeth T. to meeting. Bro. John Morgan spoke for half an hour and I followed for an hour and a quarter and had great freedom. After meeting called at my brother Angus’

28 March 1881 • Monday

Elizabeth’s health a little improved. Called at my lawyer’s. Mrs. Brown was in and had a visit with her, and afterwards had a conversation with Bro. John T. Caine. Attended Directors’ meeting of Z. C. M. I. Dined with Pres. Taylor and afterwards went up City Creek with him to see how it would do to build at Paper Mill there.

29 March 1881 • Tuesday

My wife Elizabeth’s health has been very poor. She was very bad last evening. I administered to her and she had relief.

She felt better this morning. Called upon Bro. Orson Pratt this morning. His health improves. Pres. Taylor went to Ogden this morning. Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself spent the day at the Office. I attended to correspondence. Elizabeth’s fever came on again this evening. I again administered with good results. The children had a Mutual Improvement meeting. I addressed them on the subject of honesty and truthfulness. The children did very well.

30 March 1881 • Wednesday

Elizabeth passed a good night. My wife Sarah Jane is near her confinement and suffers pains. The weather since I have been home has been very beautiful. President Woodruff, and Elders L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman and J. Hy. Smith were in the office this morning to attend to business preparatory to the Conference. Attended to various items of business. Met Wm P. Appleby, son of Judge W. I. Appleby. former clerk of the Court in which I was naturalized, by appointment of Bro. W. H. Hooper and in company with him, at the office of Z. C. M. I. He thought he had evidence which would be of benefit to me in my contest for my seat. We arranged to have him remain here where he could be reached.

31 March 1881 • Thursday

Met with council of Apostles at 10 o’clock and again at 2.30 p.m. Examined reports (financial) from the various Stakes. Between the meetings had a meeting with Sister Jane (F. D.) Richards, he being present, at the Valley House. She described to me how her children had found my son Franklin in San Francisco. He was doing well and so repentant that their sympathies were greatly moved thereat, and she wished me to do all in my power to bring him back. My wife Elizabeth was seized with a fainting spell. It was reported to me by my son John Q. I could not go down myself, but got him to take a nurse, Sis. Shipley down. I found her easier in the evening.

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March 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024