August 1891

1 August 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, August 1st, 1891.

My sons Brigham, Read, Joseph, Sylvester, Willard and Mark are preparing to go to the canyon today and are in high glee. I spoke to them about attending to prayers while they were gone, and to exercise great caution about the use of firearms. I hoped they would have a good time, and come back in safety.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith are not at the Gardo House today, and I have been very busy attending to various matters. Had interviews with Brother Clawson and Col. Trumbo on political matters. I have not talked with Col. Trumbo about the suit, as in my position as director I have felt that there would be an impropriety in my conversing with him or communicating to him anything that took place on the Board.

I dictated my journal and some articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

Brothers John Henry Smith and John Morgan called; also W. H. Rowe, J. R. Winder, C. W. Penrose, and my brother Angus, with whom I conversed on political matters and gave such suggestions as appeared to be necessary.

2 August 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, August 2nd, 1891.

The weather was very hot today.

At 2 o’clock my son-in-law, Lewis M. Cannon, took me to the Tabernacle in a buggy. Brother Samuel W. Richards was called upon by my brother Angus to speak. He occupied about 40 minutes, but could not be heard. I do not suppose that more than 500 people heard him, though his remarks were very good. I did not intend to speak myself, but it had been so hot and the people so patient that I felt something should be said, so I arose and occupied about 20 minutes. The people listened very attentively.

3 August 1891 • Monday

Monday, August 3rd, 1891.

The First Presidency was at the Gardo House this morning.

Brothers H. B. Clawson and S. W. Sears called, the latter to mention the fact that the proprietor of the London Graphic would soon be in the city, and he would let him (Brother Sears) know when he arrived, and if we wished him to be kept in good hands it would be well for us to take the proper steps for that.

Brothers Elias Morris and W. B. Dougall called in relation to the purchase of the Ellerbeck property in the 17th Ward for college purposes. President Woodruff and myself thought it would be a good idea to secure that property. It was offered for $25,000. and the land amounted to 12 rods by 20 rods, with a very fine garden.

We had a call from Prest. Wm. R. Smith and Hiram Grant, of the Davis Stake. They wished to know whether their church academy would receive the same amount of aid that it did last year—$500. After considerable conversation upon this subject, they were assured by us that they would receive that amount.

Brother Geo. Reynolds read a considerable number of letters.

I received quite an interesting letter from my son David.

This evening a man who works for me, Geo. Sharp, loaded up a wagon with such things as my wife Carlie thought she would need in Parley’s Canyon, with the expectation of starting for there in the morning. Our baby, Ann, is very thin and is troubled with summer complaint and loss of appetite, and I am anxious that a change of climate should be tried.

4 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 4th, 1891.

The team loaded with my wife’s things started to the canyon early this morning, in charge of Geo. Sharp and my son Lewis.

My wife Carlie and children were taken to the station, as they expected to go there by rail.

The weather is oppressively hot.

The First Presidency had an investigation concerning statements which had been made of political matters in the south and of the county. The statements made to us conveyed the idea that Brother John Morgan had misrepresented matters. Brother Penrose had received information which led to that conclusion while he was attending a meeting last Sunday. Brother Morgan came in this morning, and Brothers Penrose and Geo. M. Cannon were sent for. It was found that Brother Morgan had told the full truth, exactly as it had occurred, Geo. M. Cannon being his witness. Brother Penrose and all of us were quite satisfied of this. The Presidency felt desirous to have this examined because it put Brother Morgan in a bad light. The investigation completely exonerated him.

Brother John Henry Smith informed us that the Liberals who had joined the Republican party felt quite blue this morning at the result of the election; there were not near so many votes cast for the Republican ticket as they had expected. The Liberals have carried the city by quite a heavy majority over both parties.

We listened to the reading of a circular which Brother Maeser had prepared, to be issued by the Board of Education.

I sat about two hours for Mr. Dallin, the sculptor, who is making a bust of me. I dictated my journal.

5 August 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 5th, 1891.

We had been invited to visit Saltair Beach, and this morning Brother Jack was on hand with two vehicles to carry Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brothers Clawson, Nuttall and myself. President Woodruff, Brother Nuttall and myself rode in one vehicle, which was driven by Matthew White; and C. H. Wilcken drove the other vehicle, in which were President Jos. F. Smith, Brothers Clawson and Jack. Brother Moroni Sheets also accompanied us in a buggy. Mr. White has a beautiful little house built near the lake, a model of convenience and economy of space. He has had as many as 18 people sleep in the house, and yet it is only 20 feet square. There are four rooms in it, with folding beds, in which 8 persons can sleep, and then there is a gallery in which a great many can sleep. There is a dining room 12 feet square, and a kitchen. It is just such a house as would be suitable for a family as a summer resort either at the lake or in the mountains. We had an excellent lunch that we brought with us. We looked around the premises, and surveyed the beach. This property is owned by a company, of which I am president. The design is to sell building spots, and eventually to have a bathing resort, where Latter-day Saints can go without being offended by the presence of many of the evils that abound at the other resorts on the lake.

Mr. C. E. Dallin was authorized by Brother John W. Young to make a bust of President Woodruff and myself. He has completed President Woodruff’s bust, and it is considered to be a very fine likeness. He desired to make a bust of me, but I hesitated, because I thought it improbable, under the circumstances, that Brother Young could give him proper remuneration, as he appears to be very embarrassed. I had a conversation with Mr. Dallin on the subject, and he said he would much prefer doing it, because he hoped to get a commission from the people to make a full length stature of President Young, as the matter had been mooted; and as he had nothing else to do he said he would much prefer working at this, as it would cost him only his time, and it would perhaps be the means of bringing him other business. On this ground I consented, and gave him the second sitting today.

6 August 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, August 6th, 1891.

The First Presidency had further conversation today with Elders John Henry Smith and John Morgan on the subject of the late election. They informed us that there is considerable feeling of disappointment among the Republicans at the results, and that undue influences have been used by brethren who are Democratic in their politics. Instances were cited by Brother Morgan of teachers using their position to induce brethren to vote the Democratic ticket, informing them that they were throwing their vote away and doing wrong by voting any other ticket, and some Republicans had claimed that violence had been done to their feelings in this matter. He was told that if he would bring evidence that such had been the case, we should express our disapproval of all such action.

The Presidency and Twelve met today at 2 o’clock. Besides the First Presidency, there were Elders F. D. Richards, John Henry Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. In order that we might have some idea of the character of the examination to which we might be subjected in the event of any of us appearing as witnesses before the master in chancery, at my suggestion questions had been written out by Brother Richards and Mr. Dickson of the character that might be expected, so that we might consider them and get our minds prepared, that when they were asked us we would have some idea as to the replies which we should make. These we considered today. They are such questions as I should not like myself to be required to answer.

Brother F. D. Richards offered prayer.

7 August 1891 • Friday

Friday, August 7th, 1891.

I had an interview this morning with Mr. Dickson at the office of Brother F. S. Richards. Brother James Jack was also there. We went over with the attorneys the statements concerning our expenditures. Mr. Dickson had a good many questions to ask, and I explained matters to him with some degree of fullness. Among other things, I said that we were exposed to the charge of having united church and state because the necessities of our position had compelled us to advance means to assist our coreligionists in different places to keep them from absolute want. Many of the settlements that were now tolerably successful in these mountains had received assistance from the church. If they had not, the settlers would have been compelled to have abandoned those places. I instanced the help that had been extended to the settlers of our people in Arizona, in building dams and in guarding against Indian attacks. Scarcely a season passed without appeals being made to us for help in constructing canals or some other public improvement. This would account for the expenditure of much of the means that we had, but it no doubt exposed us to the charge that we engaged in business which no church organization ventured upon. This drew from him the expression that he thought it quite legitimate and praiseworthy for us to have done these things. He thought it was the proper thing for people to help each other in this way. I told him that we thought so; that it was a work of charity and benevolence; but still it exposed us to be misunderstood. I was desirous to press this point upon him, because of his known antagonism to the church. The interview was quite pleasant, and I think he was much impressed with what I said. I explained at some length how we had helped bring our people from the frontiers for several seasons, and how costly it had been. I said this had all been done through donations, which some of our people called tithing.

After my interview with him I went to the Gardo House and attended to some business, and at 10:25 our train started. Brother Clawson took me to the depot in his buggy. Our company consisted of President Woodruff, Brother Arthur Winter, my daughter Emily and myself. We rode very pleasantly in the Pullman car as far as McCammon without changing. We took dinner at Ogden. At McCammon we remained about an hour, when the train from Portland came along, and we got on the sleeper and rode in that to Montpelier. We arrived there at 8:30. Prest. Budge and Brother Burgoyne met us with buggies, and we were taken to Brother Burgoyne’s residence and hospitably entertained by himself and family. They had prepared supper for us.

8 August 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, August 8th, 1891.

We enjoyed an excellent night’s rest, and after breakfast were taken to Paris. Brother John Bagley carried Brother Winter, my daughter and myself. My daughter and myself were entertained there by Brother and Sister Stucki.

In the afternoon I dictated to Brother Winter articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

9 August 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, August 9th, 1891.

At 10 o’clock the beautiful meeting house was full of people. The Conference was opened as usual by singing and prayer. President Woodruff spoke for 40 minutes, and was listened to with marked attention. I was very much gratified to see him so strong and able to speak as he did, and the people were greatly pleased. I followed and spoke about 40 minutes and enjoyed considerable freedom. Then Prest. Budge described the condition of the Stake.

In the afternoon Brother Karl G. Maeser, President Woodruff and myself were the speakers. There was an excellent spirit.

My sister Elizabeth and her husband, W. H. Pigott, and her daughter Alice, were at the meetings today. They were desirous that we should come over and see them after the meeting, but I had engagements which prevented.

We took dinner with Brother Budge and family.

President Woodruff and myself called upon the wives and children of Brother Charles C. Rich. They were very much gratified at our visit. Brother Budge accompanied us.

10 August 1891 • Monday

Monday, August 10th, 1891.

After breakfast I got a buggy from Brother Budge, and my daughter and myself went over to visit my sister and her husband and family. We returned in time for meeting.

The people had been invited to stay and spend the day in meeting and to not worry about their work. We were very much gratified in seeing so good an attendance this morning. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out in abundance throughout the day.

In the forenoon Prest. Orson Smith spoke with a great deal of freedom and power. I enjoyed his remarks very much. I followed and spoke about an hour. In the afternoon President Woodruff spoke about 55 minutes. Among other things, he said that what Brother Smith and I had said had amply paid him for coming from Salt Lake City. Brother Isaac Smith, of the Cache Stake, occupied a short time; after which I spoke again. Brother Budge closed the meeting by expressing his feelings of gratification, on his own behalf and on behalf of the people, at our visit.

I have enjoyed this conference exceedingly, and I think that much good will be done by the teachings that we gave; for the Lord has prompted us to speak with great plainness and with some degree of power.

After meeting we got ready to go to Georgetown, having appointed a meeting there at 8 o’clock. Myself and daughter rode with Brother Stucki and wife. Brother John A. Bagley had his father’s team and carried President Woodruff, Brothers Budge and Winter.

Brother Stucki lost a colt just before leaving, which gave him considerable trouble and anxiety. I tried to console him, however, with the suggestion that perhaps our going as we did would be the very means of finding his colt; and sure enough when we reached Georgetown my daughter Emily heard one of the sisters speaking about a lost colt in the meeting, and upon further enquiry it proved to be Brother Stucki’s. It had followed one [of] the brethren’s teams from Paris.

President Woodruff and myself and daughter stopped at Bishop Lewis’. Afterwards Brother Geo. Smith, a son of Brother Job Smith, and a cousin of my son Abraham’s wife Sarah, came in with his wife, who is a daughter of Bishop Winters, and said they had a spare bed, and pressed my daughter Emily to go with them. She did.

Our meeting was held in the schoolhouse, and it was crowded very much. The want of ventilation made it very oppressive. We had a most excellent meeting, however. I was called upon to speak first, and was followed by President Woodruff.

The contrast between the air in this region and the heat that we had in Salt Lake before leaving is very delightful. I feel greatly benefitted myself by the change.

11 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 11th, 1891.

At 9 o’clock we left Georgetown for Soda Springs. We arrived there shortly before noon, and put up at Bishop Lau’s. He keeps a house of entertainment, and I told Brother Budge that we would prefer going to some place where we could pay for what we got, as we did not wish to trespass upon the hospitality of the people while pleasure-seeking, which we intended to chiefly devote ourselves to while we remained at Soda Springs. After dinner President Woodruff went hunting with some of the brethren, and came back with some ducks and prairie chickens. Brother Thomas Horsley took myself, Brother Budge, Stucki and Winter, and Sister Stucki and my daughter Emily down to Bear river, a point about three miles distant. The ladies stayed at Sister Campbell’s, while the rest of us went across the river and went in swimming[.] We had a delightful bath, although it had been windy and showery.

12 August 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 12th, 1891.

It was arranged that we should start this morning about 7 o’clock for the Blackfoot river, which President Woodruff was desirous to visit for the purpose of fishing. I take no interest in fishing; but as I saw it would be pleasing to him for me to go along, I accompanied him. The brethren tried to catch fish, but without much success. Brother Budge is a good fisherman, and President Woodruff cannot be excelled; but neither of them caught any fish, except two or three caught by Brother Budge. Brother Bagley shot some prairie chickens. Brother Herbert Horsley Jr, with his wife and children, were with us. They were our guides. After trying to catch fish until President Woodruff was weary, we went further down the river, but did not stop to fish. Brothers Bagley and Horsley, however, were quite successful in getting some ducks.

On our return, when we got to what is called the meadows, the party separated, President Woodruff and some of the brethren to hunt for prairie chickens, and myself and the rest to go and see the Mammoth springs, which are the largest in this region. We were greatly gratified at the sight of these springs. They cover a large area, and the bottom seems to be solid, except in places where the water boils through. How deep these holes were we had no means of knowing; but the water is delightful drinking and strongly impregnated with iron. From there Brother Horsley led us to a spring known as the Champagne spring, which is still further down the creek. It is surrounded by a swamp; but the spring itself, although not large, is a very strong one. The water is the finest, to my taste, of any of the springs which I have tried. It is rightly named; for the water has a sparkle and a sharpness to the taste that reminds one in some respects of champagne. From there we drove to what is called the Hooper spring, and partook of its waters.

When we reached Bishop Lau’s we found President Woodruff had returned a little ahead of us; but they had not succeeded in getting any game.

13 August 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, August 13th, 1891.

After breakfast, myself and daughter accompanied Brother and Sister Stucki to the Hooper spring, as he wanted to fill a number of bottles with the water, to take with him back to Paris. We helped him, and I think his bottling was quite successful.

We parted with Brother Budge and Brother and Sister Stucki with almost reluctance. They have been very kind to us.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

I may mention at this point that we found a good many people from Salt Lake here. Those stopping at Bishop Lau’s are: Brother F. S. Richards and wife, their son and wife: Sister A. E. Hyde, and her sister-in-law, Julia Taylor, and her children. Brother Thomas Horsley’s house is full of people from Salt Lake, of whom are Brother J. H. Moyle and wife and children. Word was sent to me last night by Brother Moyle and his wife to know if I would not go and administer to their little infant, who is quite sick. I did so.

We held a meeting this evening. The house was crowded. I occupied all the time, and the people listened attentively. President Woodruff did not feel like going, and stayed at the house.

14 August 1891 • Friday

Friday, August 14th, 1891.

President Woodruff was still desirous to have an opportunity to catch some fish; so learning his wishes, Bishop Lau and his son-in-law, Herbert Horsley, hitched up a team, and President Woodruff, Brother Winter and myself went down several miles to the bend of Bear river. This is a very romantic place, and we had a very precipitous descent to the river from the level where we left our team. It seemed as though it would be an excellent place to catch fish; but notwithstanding all the patience of the three brethren who did the fishing—President Woodruff, Bishop Lau and Brother Horsley—there were only a few caught. President Woodruff caught one chub and two trout, one of which got away. Brother Horsely and myself took a swim in the river, which I enjoyed very much, although the river was full of boulders, some of which were very large.

On our return we stopped to drink some of the water of the spring at what is called the lower town.

We retired early tonight, so as to be ready to start by the 1:50 train. Brother Lau would not accept any remuneration for our stay at his house, though we pressed it upon him; and I also offered his daughters a present, but they declined, and said that they knew their parents would not like them to take anything, as they wished us to feel perfectly free as their guests. We bade them and all our friends good bye.

15 August 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, August 15th, 1891.

We were awakened this morning at one o’clock by Brother Winter, who had sat up till that hour.

Bishop Lau took us to the train. He preceded the carriage with a lantern.

We reached McCammon and remained there about an hour. From there we succeeded in getting the drawing room on the sleeper to Salt Lake City, and we obtained some sleep on the car.

We were met at the train by Brother McHennery, who drove us to the Gardo House.

We looked through our letters, had an interview with Brother Jesse W. Fox Jr, and gave him a letter which he could use with the authorities of the Stakes and Wards to obtain data upon irrigation matters for the coming Irrigation Convention.

After this we were driven home.

I found my boys had been working very well at painting and cleaning the dining room, and I directed their labors during the remainder of the afternoon.

16 August 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, August 16th, 1891.

After my arrival yesterday, I was informed that my wife Elizabeth’s oldest brother, Lucas Hoagland, and wife and daughter, had arrived on a visit from San Bernardino. My younger children had no recollection of him, as he left the valley when Mary Alice was but two years old. I drove over to my brother-in-law’s, John Hoagland, and found Lucas and his wife there. I was very glad to see them. I have great respect for Lucas, who, although not a man of strong religious inclinations, has always been an excellent man. In going to San Bernardino, as he has done twice, he has yielded to the persuasions of his wives. His first wife died there, and his present wife, we have always believed, used her influence to have him go there again. He is of a pleasant, yielding disposition; a man of probity and a good citizen. He is suffering from sickness, and has been recommended to come here for the change of air. He resembles his father very much, though he is much thinner and smaller.

From there I went to meeting at the Tabernacle, and spoke to the people for an hour, and enjoyed excellent freedom.

Lewis M. Cannon took me down from the meeting to the Utah Central train, and I went out to Mountain Dell resort, where my wife Carlie and her children are. Our daughter Ann was quite sick, when she took her there. I found her much improved.

17 August 1891 • Monday

Monday, August 17th, 1891.

My son William and myself started at 7 o’clock this morning down the canyon in his buggy. When we got within about two miles of the mouth of the canyon the off wheel of the buggy broke down, and he fell out and hurt his arm and leg. He had a very spirited animal, but she stood perfectly quiet, or the results might have been very serious. I was not injured in the least. We walked down to a saloon below the mouth of the canyon, and upon William applying to get a cart to hitch his animal in, the proprietor said he had use for the cart, but that he would be glad to give me a ride to the street cars, he having recognized me. I was taken to the Rapid Transit cars, and reached the Gardo House at 10 o’clock. Found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there.

I had a visit from Brother Webber and Mr. Halm, Agent of the Southern Pacific R.R.. The object of Mr. Halm’s visit was to ascertain concerning our plans for selling sugar, &c, with a view to have the freights regulated to bring sugar from California to compete with us. I represented to him that we hoped there would be no competition, nor any attempt made to crush this struggling industry, and laid before him in brief our objects in starting the sugar factory; it was to promote home industry for the benefit of the people at large, and that anything which contributed to sustain a population here was a direct benefit to the railroad. It was understood between us that at the sugar meeting tomorrow I should bring this matter forward, and perhaps somebody would be sent to California to lay our matters before Mr. Spreckels, the great sugar king of California, and the Southern Pacific people.

Brother F. S. Richards came in and the First Presidency spent considerable time with him in going carefully over the “scheme” which had been prepared by him and amended by Judge Estee. We agreed to meet again tomorrow morning and resume.

Brother Ward E. Pack has been waiting to have an interview with us. He has just returned with his wife from the Sandwich Islands, where he has been presiding. Letters have come here complaining of his acts, representing him as being very violent and tyrannical. These letters were read to him.

We had a meeting of the directors of Z.C.M.I. at 2 o’clock, at which meeting I proposed to purchase six feet of ground from the company, with a view to give light to the building that Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. are erecting, and with the hope that Z.C.M.I. would leave six feet also, making a space of twelve feet, which would be a benefit to their building as well as to ours. This led to conversation and explanations on the subject. This question had been brought forward by the proposition of Brothers Webber and Rowe to erect a one-story building on their ground as a hardware store. I felt that now was the time for some satisfactory arrangement to be entered into between us and them to have a division wall. This proposition led to the appointment of a committee, consisting of Brothers H. J. Grant, J. R. Winder, T. G. Webber and W. H. Rowe. I represented that the object I had in view was to obtain light.

It was decided finally that 80 feet back from the front there should be a space 10 ft. by 40 ft. deep left for light, 5 by 20 on our land and 5 by 20 on their land; that the wall between us should be a joint wall, to be erected at the joint expense of both, the wall to be sufficiently strong for a six story building to be erected upon it. It was agreed that if either party shall wish to build further back, say to the depth of 45 ft. beyond the space left for light, which is the depth of the land owned by us, whichever party had need to erect this wall should do so, and the expense thereof be jointly borne. I felt quite satisfied with this arrangement.

The question of selling Z.C.M.I. stock to English people to the amount of $400,000. was talked of, but no decision was reached, as it was thought better to have more of the board present. It was decided to have another meeting at 11 o’clock on the 19th.

18 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 18th, 1891.

We had a meeting with Brother Ward E. Pack this morning. He expressed a very strong desire to have his case fully investigated. Brother Pack spoke with much feeling concerning the charges made against him. He said he had been in public life almost continuously since he was 20 years of age, and had acted in a good many capacities, and this was the first time anything of this kind had ever been charged against him, and he felt that in justice to himself it should be investigated. I expressed myself to the same effect. I thought it was very serious for a man to be left under the burden of such charges, although they were trivial; still in the estimation of Brother Davis, who had complained, they were sufficient to have him express himself with the hope that Brother Pack would not return to preside. It was finally understood that in consequence of our being so busy, Brother Jos. F. Smith should devote time to it, as he was familiar with affairs on the Islands, and that Brother Pack should make full explanations to him.

The conversation which we had with Brother Richards yesterday concerning the “scheme” for disposing of our property now in the hands of the government was resumed; and it was finally decided that a meeting of the Twelve should be called for Thursday, at 2 o’clock, so that if any of us should be called as witnesses, there might be a common understanding upon the various points involved. Brother Richards informed us that there seemed to be a difference of views among those of the Twelve with whom he had conversed, and he pressed it upon our attention, as our attorney, that there should be something definite reached as to the line of defense and the line of answers that we should make.

I had received word from Brother Wilcken that he wished me to go down to Westover, and he would be there. His health is poor, and his family there are quite sick. I started just before 5 o’clock. I walked over the place with Brother Wilcken and examined everything, and gave such suggestions as I thought of. A barn is being put up there which will shelter about 20 cows and 15 horses, besides holding hay. My son Joseph is working down here at the present time.

At 2 o’clock this afternoon there was a meeting of the sugar company. Letters from Brother Arthur Stayner were read, in which he set up a claim, in one letter for $30,000. and in another for $50,000., as remuneration for having promoted the sugar enterprise. The brethren generally thought such a claim absurd; for it was well known that so far as he was concerned, if the business had not been taken hold of and carried by men of influence there never would have been any sugar factory as the result of his labors, as the people had no confidence in him. Besides, as was said by some of the brethren, all his operations had been in favor of the manufacture of sugar from sorghum, and it was only quite recently that his attention had been drawn to the best culture, and then at the instance of some of the members of the present company, who had urged beet culture as being far superior to sorghum.

Upon my representation of the conversation with Mr. Halm, it was decided to send myself and Brother Grant to California to have interviews with Mr. Spreckels and the Southern Pacific Co. Brother Grant said he did not think it was necessary that two should go, but as the motion had been carried for two, he was willing to go. He thought I would be enough.

19 August 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 19th, 1891.

I left my place at 6:30 this morning. Called at my home and gave some instructions about work.

After reaching the Gardo House, the First Presidency had another interview with Brother F. S. Richards.

At 11 o’clock met with the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I., and the question of selling stock was taken up. Brothers Romney, Barnes and John Sharp expressed themselves strongly in opposition to this. Brothers Grant, Thatcher, Jos. F. Smith, President Woodruff and myself spoke also on this question. I expressed myself to the effect that I had not been clear in my mind as to the wisdom of selling this stock; but I had looked forward from my boyhood to the time when rich men in the world would seek to make investments among the Latter-day Saints, because of our probity and honesty. I said one of our present great wants is a want of capital. I hoped the day would come when we should have capital; but whether this was the method to obtain it or not, I was not clear upon. It was decided that it would not be wise, with the feeling there was on the board, to have anything done with this stock.

The church architect came up and submitted again some designs for the top towers which were approved of, and he was instructed to see Mr. Dallin, the sculptor, in relation to the angel figure for the top central tower.

At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of the Zion’s Savings Bank.

20 August 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, August 20th, 1891.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Spencer Clawson concerning the reconstruction of the Eagle Gate and the laying of a foundation for it.

We had an interview also with Brother H. B. Clawson concerning lawsuits in which the Bullion-Beck were involved. He expressed himself to the effect that he would like to have an investigation. Brothers M. Thatcher and W. B. Preston had feelings evidently against him. He addressed a letter to us asking for this investigation.

I gave Mr. Dallin another sitting, being the sixth that I have given him.

It was decided that I should endeavor to get away to California by tomorrow night, if possible.

Had breakfast in the dining room this morning—the first time that we have ate there for twelve days.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and the following members of the Council of the Apostles met at the Gardo House: Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Lund, and A. H. Cannon. Brother F. S. Richards met with us. The object of the meeting was to reach a common understanding concerning the questions that might be asked, if any, of us were put upon the stand in the examination which was likely to take place soon before the master in chancery.

Brother Lorenzo Snow read replies to questions that had been prepared. They were broader than many of the brethren felt they could make; but the attorney was pleased with them. He thought if such replies could be conscientiously made, they would have quite an effect.

Brother A. H. Lund had also written replies, which were read and considered. Generally speaking, they were satisfactory to the lawyers.

These replies led to considerable discussion. Brother Grant remarked that he had written replies to the questions, but they were almost exactly opposite to Brother Snow’s replies. He felt therefore that he could not go on the stand. Brother Merrill, in some remarks which he made after a vote had been called to sustain Brothers Snow and Lund if they should go on the stand, said that while he voted to sustain the brethren, he could not himself personally endorse the replies, for he could not answer them himself in that way. All the brethren present, excepting Brother John W. Taylor, voted to sustain the brethren in these replies, if they were put on the stand and chose to answer in that strain such enquiries. Brother John W. Taylor did not vote, either, for the “scheme” which had been prepared, and which was read by Brother F. S. Richards. It is necessary, according to the decision of the Supreme Court, that the master in chancery should prepare a scheme to submit, and of course in order that he might do so, a scheme had been prepared by our attorneys. A motion was made that that scheme be sustained whenever it should be approved by the First Presidency. All voted for this excepting Brother Taylor.

There were remarks made during the discussion concerning the character of the Manifesto. Brother Jos. F. Smith, in remarks today, and in previous remarks which he had made to the brethren, asserted that it was not a revelation, and he did not look upon it in that light. His view was that President Woodruff had been led by the Spirit to do as he did, and he sustained him in doing it; but he contended that it was not a revelation to abolish polygamy[.] When he uttered this expression, I said, Brother Joseph, there is none of our Apostles here who consider it a revelation to abolish polygamy. We do not look upon it in that light, and there is no difference in our views. I agree with you in many of your statements concerning the character of this communication; but the difference, if any, between us consists in the meaning attached to words.

Brother Lorenzo Snow, in the course of his remarks, said that he looked upon it as a revelation, and several other brethren said the same. It was these remarks that called forth those from Brother Jos. F. Smith.

Afterwards I arose, and I felt to speak plainly and under the influence of the Spirit. I said that so far as I was concerned, if it had not been a revelation from God, I would not have taken the first step in relation to this matter. If I had not known that it was the will of God that this should be done, I certainly should not have done anything about it. I said, Brother Joseph has used the words that the Lord has permitted this thing. I said I have never sought permission from the Lord to suspend the practice of polygamy; it had never been in my heart to think of such a thing. Though a weak mortal man, I could, I believe, conscientiously say that I had never wavered one hairsbreadth in my career in maintaining this principle, and I had no desire to have it stop. Therefore, the use of the word “permission” I did not like. It was not permission; it was something stronger. I would not have spoken one second as I did in the Conference when this Manifesto was submitted, if it had been a permission only. I had been in many close places in my life, where it had required some nerve; but in no place had I ever felt the need of the aid and power of God as I did when called upon by President Woodruff to speak after the Manifesto had been presented to the Conference. I said remarks have been made concerning President Woodruff not using the words “Thus saith the Lord”. Now, while I have no right to say to the church “Thus saith the Lord” on a matter that pertains to the whole of the church, yet I could, as an Apostle and servant of God, have said, if it had been necessary, “Thus saith the Lord” concerning this Manifesto; for I know it came from God; and my idea of revelation from the Lord is that whenever God communicates His mind and will to His children, it is a revelation, whatever the form may be in which it comes; and I said that I knew Brother Smith took the same view. He said that it was inspired; that it was a manifestation for the purpose of putting a stop, for the present, to plural marriage. That is exactly what I say it is. But he is loth to admit that this is a revelation, because he feels that an attempt will be made by the attorneys to have us commit ourselves to this as a revelation abolishing polygamy. I made further explanations during the meeting concerning my attitude in regard to unlawful cohabitation. Brother Grant had got an impression from something that he had heard me say that I thought it was morally wrong for a man to associate with his plural wives, because by so doing he would violate the law. I explained my position. It was as I had stated on one occasion in Conference, that we should do all in our power to live in accordance with the law, and not go to prison. I said I had been applied to by a great many brethren to know what they should do. I had said to them, of course your obligations to your family are paramount; they are of a sacred character, and you have made covenants which you cannot break without condemnation. But you should place your family into a position where you can do this without being liable to arrest. Some have replied that they did not have the means to put their wives in a position where they would be safe. I have said to such that the better thing for them to do was to move out to a country where you can live they can live and keep the covenants that they have made. Some have said that they were not able to do that. I have replied that they were certainly as able to do it as we were to leave Nauvoo and come to this country when we were driven out by mobs. I felt that men should keep their covenants with their wives; and I did not consider that Brother Grant, or any other man who had wives, did anything wrong by respecting them and honoring them as wives. I alluded to my own condition, and said that I had endeavored to draw my family together, and I was living today probably more in the patriarchal order than I ever had in my life. Certainly, I was living as well as I could without exposing myself to attack, though I supposed I would be open to attack if they chose to come for me in the spirit that had formerly prevailed.

I think that this meeting will result in good, and that the brethren will have a better understanding concerning affairs than they had.

I asked the brethren before we adjourned concerning their views upon the subject of having a stature made by Mr. Dallin of President Young. It had been proposed that a stature, eight feet in length, with a suitable pedestal, base and tablatures, giving incidents from our history on the sides, be constructed, and as Mr. Dallin is a Utah born boy and a skilful artist, that his services should be secured for this purpose. He had said that he could do such a work for $25,000., and I mentioned it that the brethren might express their views respecting it. They were all in favor of it, and a motion was made that we approve of it. Of course, we all felt reluctant about saying anything that would commit us to any responsibility for the payment. The talk has been to get a popular subscription to defray this.

21 August 1891 • Friday

Friday, August 21st, 1891.

I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the Gardo House.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

At 10 o’clock the First Presidency met with Brothers M. Thatcher, W. B. Preston and H. B. Clawson, to have the investigation which Brother Clawson had requested. We had a full and free talk, covering nearly four hours, in which a great many things that had led to the present lawsuit of Isaac Trumbo and Alex. Badlam against some of the directors of the Bullion-Beck were brought up and explanations made. Everything was done in an excellent spirit.

We have reached a point when I at least can talk plainly and in a manner that I have not been able to do since the death of President Taylor. For some reason, which I think I have now obtained a key to, what I have said has been looked upon as entitled to no particular weight. I learned from today’s conversation that it has been the opinion of some of the members of the company, though Brothers Thatcher and Preston disavow really believing it, that I was a sharer in the 25000 shares that were paid to the California people. Brother Thatcher said, today, that from the time I had made some expression that I had no interest in the stock, he had dismissed the suspicion from his mind. I said to the brethren that if I had ever suspected that they had entertained such a view concerning me I would never have condescended to have made an explanation or in any manner to make a denial. I said to the brethren that the whole difficulty arose in the beginning through the refusal of the company to transfer, according to agreement, the 25000 shares of stock to the California people. The transfer of this stock had been secured only through a lawsuit. The impression prevailed, I said, that the company having been defeated in this attempt to retain the 25000 shares it then fomented, instigated and encouraged another lawsuit among the California people to accomplish a certain end. This suit that is now before the courts had been instituted because of the feeling that there had been a disposition to defraud these people out of that which they had honestly earned.

The brethren said that they had obeyed the counsel of the First Presidency, and had gone to California with the express purpose of inducing Beck to settle this affair and transfer this stock; that while there this suit was sprung upon them, which they thought was very wrong. I said this was a revelation to me; for I had supposed that the only reason they had surrendered this stock was because of this lawsuit. Presidents Woodruff and Smith also said it was a revelation to them. Brother Clawson said if he had known it, he could have used an influence to have stopped the lawsuit. The brethren assured us that Brother Thatcher had gone to California for that purpose. I said to them that I was so much under the impression that there was war meant that I had asked counsel about sending my son Abraham to California in order to look after my interest. I had been told that Brother Thatcher had said that before he would surrender the stock to these parties he would spend $100,000., all he was worth.

The interview, I think, will result in good. It only illustrates how many misapprehensions might be saved by frankness and candor.

It had been the intention for Brother H. J. Grant to accompany me to California, but today he came and saw President Woodruff and described the condition of his wife’s health, and President Woodruff and he agreed that it would be better for him not to go, as they both thought I could do the business alone. After dinner, at my home, I engaged with my sons and daughters in hanging some pictures in the dining room, which the boys have cleaned up and made very nice. They washed off the calcimine and put on albastine on the walls and ceiling, and painted the wood work.

I afterwards packed my trunk, and my son Lewis drove me to the Rio Grande Western R.R. and I started in the train at 12:30 midnight.

22 August 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, August 22nd, 1891.

At Ogden I procured a ticket and retired to rest about 2 o’clock.

This has been one of the most disagreeable day’s ride I have taken on the cars. The weather was very hot, and the sleeping car, though the windows and ventilators were all closed, was full of dust.

23 August 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, August 23rd, 1891.

We reached Sacramento at 6:25, and from the papers I learned that yesterday was the hottest day of the season at that point, the thermometer standing at 106½.

I was met at the landing to San Francisco by Col. Trumbo, who secured for me rooms at the Palace Hotel. We spent an hour and a half in conversation. He related to me what he had done with Mr. J. D. Spreckels concerning our sugar industry, also with Mr. Shortridge, the attorney of the Spreckels. Mr. Spreckels had gone to Honolulu on the last steamer and would be gone some weeks. He is the principal one of the brothers. From Col. Trumbo I learned that the sugar association had sent an expert over to Utah to examine our factory and learn what we were doing, and Col. Trumbo informed me that Mr. Spreckels was quite familiar with everything connected with it; knew the acreage of beets, the quality of the beets, the amount of sugar likely to be made, and all the prospects for making sugar. The machinery had been carefully looked over, and he said it was excellent machinery. At first he spoke about putting sugar into our market at so low a rate that we would make no money, and that in three years, he thought, we would be ready to sell the plant. However, in talking freely with Col. Trumbo on the subject, and learning that he was interested in the matter, he said that if they did not do this they could buy our sugar at a cent a pound less than the market price. Of course, the market price would be as they would fix it; and upon being told that this would not answer, he said then they could lease our factory. Col. Trumbo said that one of the principal objects we had in establishing the industry was the furnishing of employment to our people. Oh, Mr. Spreckels said, Utah was a good place to have refineries, and if they leased the property they could employ far more hands than we would. But Col. Trumbo had talked fully with him and he had agreed to let the matter rest till he returned from Honolulu.

After we had our conversation, he excused himself, as he wished to take Mr. Shortridge out in the park to have further conversation with him.

As I had been suffering very much from the heat, I thought a ride on the bay would do me good, and I took the ferry to Sau Ualito [Sausalito?]. It was very breezy, and the fog was pretty heavy part of the way going and returning; but I enjoyed it exceedingly.

In the evening Judge Estee and Col. Trumbo came to my room, and we spent about two hours in conversation. Brother F. S. Richards had given me a letter with some documents, especially the answers to the questions by three of the Twelve—Brothers L. Snow, A. H. Lund and A. H. Cannon.

24 August 1891 • Monday

Monday, August 24th, 1891.

This morning Col. Trumbo and myself called at J. D. Spreckels & Bros. office. We did not expect to see Mr. J. D. Spreckels, but I thought it better to see the other brother, Adolph, who is much more of a sporting man than he is a business man. Not finding him in, we called upon Mr. Shortridge at his office, and Col. Trumbo introduced me to him. Mr. Shortridge is quite eminent as a lawyer, and is noted for his oratory. He is called the Henry Clay of the coast. I explained to him the object of my coming, and he said that he would see Mr. Adolfh [Adolph] Spreckels and make an appointment with him to see me. He said he would use all his influence with him also in favor of the proposition I had to make.

I had an interview with Mr. Alexander Badlam. As he was going out of town in the afternoon I promised to call again, and did so and waited an hour, but he did not come in. While there Judge Estee telephoned Col. Trumbo to bring me to his office. He read to me the “scheme”, a copy of which I had taken over to him. He had amended it, and we had upwards of an hour’s conversation on it and our other questions; and in the evening he spent an hour and a half with me at my room in the hotel.

I lunched with Col. Trumbo at the Bohemian club. It is a very elegant place. From there we went to the Southern Pacific offices. We had an interview with Mr. Towne, Manager of the railroad. He is an old acquaintance of mine, of twenty years standing. I explained the situation to him in connection with the sugar business, and I dwelt on the old friendship and good feeling which had existed between their company and our people, which I hoped nothing would interrupt. He expressed himself very kindly. He took us in to see Mr. Stubbs, the third vice president, who is the head of the freight department; but he was absent. We were introduced to Mr. Smurr, his assistant, who made an arrangement to have a further interview after I had seen Mr. Spreckels.

In conversation with Judge Estee he took great interest in what I told him concerning the sugar business, and said if these people were disposed to be ugly he would frame a bill for our legislature to enact into law which he thought would spoil the plans of these trusts to crush out struggling industries like this sugar manufacture of ours. His suggestion struck me very favorably. Of course, it would not do to have it supposed that we had any interest in such a bill, and therefore whatever is done about this will have to be done secretly.

25 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 25th, 1891.

Word came to Col. Trumbo from Mr. Shortridge that Mr. A. Spreckels would see us at 10 o’clock this morning at his office. I had a lengthy conversation with him and a Mr. Oxenard, who represents the American Sugar Refinery. The Spreckels represent the Western Sugar Association, and these two associations have joined interests. I stated our position with some fullness, and that we desired to reach an arrangement that would be mutually satisfactory. We desired to avoid antagonism, and did not wish to have any breaking down of prices. I said it was to their interest to keep up prices, as our factory would not supply one-third of the sugar consumed. They did not perceive, they said, how they could make an arrangement. Our product would practically shut them out of the market for four months. They had a surplus of sugar on hand, and they must find a market for it. This led to a long discussion, and when I arose to go, Col. Trumbo stopped and talked with Mr. Spreckels, and Mr. Oxenard and I had quite a full discussion of the situation. He said they could not consent to leave us the market for that length of time. They would have to put sugar into Utah at a lower price. I asked, “what then? how will this benefit you if we push our sugar into the market?” I said to him, “Do you not mean by this that you will sell so cheap that you will break us down?” “Is not this the result that must follow, if we cannot arrange with you concerning prices?” “No,” said Mr. Oxenard, “I could not consent to be a party to crush out your industry; but if you succeed with this factory, you will follow it with others; then our market in that country will be lost. This we want to prevent.” “Then,” said I, “you wish to lessen our profits and discourage the building of more factories.” Mr. Oxenard had spoken of lowering sugar one cent per pound. I asked him if he would be content with that, but he would not say positively, though he thought that would be as low as they would sell. I asked him, “Suppose you do that, what do you expect to gain if we sell ours at that price?” He seemed a little puzzled at this. He said cheap sugar would increase the consumption. I again pressed upon him the idea that behind all this, if that policy were pursued, would be the disposition to make war upon us and crush us. This he again disavowed. I endeavored to impress upon him the idea that in dealing with this question they should not look to any temporary advantage, but take a broader view and look to the future. I dwelt upon the future growth of our people and touched upon the influence that the people of the interior would have politically. Upon this question, I said, all classes would be united. No trust company could afford to arouse the antipathy of a great community in that way, etc. Speaking about the future, he said it was the future they were afraid of. If this factory should succeed, others would be built, and they would lose that market entirely. I said that the building of other factories was not thought of and perhaps might not occur in five years, if at all.

I concluded, from all that was said, that it is evident these associations think it to their interest to nip all such enterprises in the bud, and to effect this bring the whole power of their trust upon any attempt to make sugar outside of their lines.

Col. Trumbo has been tireless in helping me, and has devoted all his time to my service. He had conversed with Senator Stanford on this business, and he had expressed a desire to have the factory succeed, and for the railroad to do nothing that would injure it. Mr. Towne also had been seen by the Colonel, and his sympathies and friendship had been appealed to. I have no doubt from the reports of the conversation which Col. Trumbo had with Mr. J. D. Spreckels that he had argued our case very strongly.

By invitation from Col. Trumbo and his wife, I dined with them at 6 p.m. George Trumbo, brother of Isaac, was there also. I spent a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Trumbo drew me out on our belief. She is a member of the Episcopal High Church, and she explained the views of that church. She is very zealous. She has paid considerable attention to Episcopal theology and is well versed in her religion. Her husband was an interested listener. As usual, the dinner was an excellent one.

Col. Trumbo accompanied me back to the Palace Hotel, where we met Judge Estee, who pressed us to go to his room. Col. Trumbo remained about half an hour, and at the Judge’s request I stayed later, and we did not separate till after 11. The subjects of conversation were the bill which he proposes to prepare to protect us against the aggressions of trusts and other combinations, and improvements to the Utah Constitution which was prepared in 1887. We conversed also on my bond case now before the U.S. Supreme Court and the necessity for a full statement being prepared and an effort being made to adjust it before the time of trial. The Judge thought it should be settled outside.

26 August 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 26th, 1891.

Col. Trumbo and I called upon Mr. Stubbs, third vice president of the Southern Pacific, at 10 o’clock. I made full explanations to him, and we had a lengthy conversation concerning the sugar business. I set forth our situation as concisely and pointedly as possible. He also described the position the railroad was in. The company, he said, did not wish to pursue a dog-in-the-manger policy, but their business is to carry freight, and the company had to look after its interests. He manifested a kindly spirit, and I supposed he had been spoken to by Mr. Towne upon the subject. He thought that an arrangement might be made, or ought to be if possible, with the refineries, as the business was in their hands. They had surplus sugar; they must find a market for it; and if they came to the railroad and asked a rate, the railroad could not refuse to give them one. They were good patrons of the railroad and did a large business with them. In one year they had carried for the Western Sugar Association 25000 tons, and for the American Sugar Association 38000 tons. They could not, therefore, build up a wall against them to prevent them sending sugar into our Territory, although he would be averse to doing anything to injure our industry. The railroad was now carrying sugar from San Francisco to Kansas City for 65¢ per hundred pounds. In reply to a question from me, he said the railroad had carried sugar to Salt Lake City at 25¢ per hundred. He entertained the same idea that Mr. Spreckels and Mr. Oxenard did, that if this factory should prove successful it would be followed by others, and the whole trade would be cut off. I assured him this was a remote contingency. He thought that perhaps if we were to agree to limit our production to a fixed amount and give the refineries there some guarantee to that effect, they might come to some satisfactory arrangement with us. I did not think, though I did not say so to him, that such an arrangement would be desirable for us. He expressed the pleasure he had in meeting with me, as he had heard considerable about me. It is plain to me that all these people are looking out for themselves, and neither sugar refineries nor railroads want their profits lessened. Sentiment does not enter into transactions of this character. Mr. Stubbs said, however, that they would do nothing in the business that I would not do under similar circumstances.

After separating from him, we called upon Col. Fred Crocker, and I explained to him what I was here for. He listened attentively, and expressed the feeling that the railroad should do nothing to injure us. He is first vice president of the road. It is true, he said, we shall lose that much freight, but there is a law of compensation in such cases; other goods are needed to supply the wants of a population that engages in home industries, and this would prove a compensation for the loss of carrying sugar. He spoke very reasonably and kindly upon the subject.

When I separated from Mr. Spreckels and Mr. Oxenard it was with the understanding that I should call upon them at 11 o’clock on Thursday, as Mr. Spreckels was going out of town on Wednesday. As I did not wish to be detained that long, I requested Mr. Oxenard to try and get to some conclusion before that time. I met him at the hotel this afternoon, and he told me that Mr. Spreckels and he had talked over the business and had concluded they could come to no agreement at present. He said he intended to write to the members of their association in the East on the subject. He again assured me that he would not be a party to any attempt to crush our industry. He repeated to me the awkwardness of his own position, his brothers having just started a factory for making sugar at Chino, and that factory occupied the same relation to them that ours did. He had to do his duty to the trust which he represented; at the same time he was deeply interested in the success of his brothers. He introduced me to one of his brothers, who was with him, and also to Mr. Wallace, a Louisiana sugar manufacturer, who has just come from Salt Lake City. I find that when my name is mentioned wherever I go, I am very well known. I thought I would leave for home this evening; but I could not get a sleeping berth; so I secured one for tomorrow evening.

I had another interview this evening with Judge Estee, who is desirous to have me stay and go up to his home in Napa Valley on Friday evening and remain till Monday. I thanked him for the invitation, but I did not feel clear in staying that long.

Col. Trumbo invited the Judge and myself to dine at his house this evening; but Judge Estee had a previous engagement and could not go. I would have declined, but the Colonel insisted. I had a very nice time there. A Mr. Young dined there also. He is a son of Brother Wm. G. Young, and a grandson of Lorenzo D. Young. He is a court reporter.

27 August 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, August 27th, 1891.

With Col. Trumbo I called this morning at the Pacific Bank to pay my respects to Dr. Macdonald. I also called upon Mr. Badlam and had a long conversation with him. He urged me to make a visit to his place in the country, and expressed a wish that President Woodruff would go up there and get some fishing in his pond.

I have seen Mr. Badlam’s son, Edgar, and through him ordered two chandeliers for my dining room. I am anxious that he should come over and put up my gas machine which I purchased, and which is now ready. He hoped to be able to do so in the course of two or three weeks.

At Col. Trumbo’s office I met Mr. Ashdown, an expert bookkeeper, who has been over to Utah examining the books of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Co. He showed me some accounts which without explanation look very damaging, and he cannot account for them. He said there is quite a large sum of money that is not accounted for.

I have been desirous since I have been here to call and see one of the wives of Brother H. J. Grant, Emily Wells, and my brother Angus’ wife, Dr. Mattie Hughes, but until today have been prevented. I called upon Sister Grant and found her and her two children very well. Her sister is here and is quite sick. I could not very well visit her room, under the circumstances, and I blessed a handkerchief and sent it to her. I proposed to Sister Grant to bring a carriage and take her and my brother Angus’ wife and children out riding in the Park.

From there I went to Mattie’s and arranged to have her ready when I should call, which I did with a carriage, calling first for Sister Grant.

We had a very pleasant ride in the park, and I ordered dinner at the house known as Dickeys. There were five children, two ladies and myself. To my chagrin, when I came to examine my pockets I found that I had left my money at the hotel, and I was somewhat embarrassed, especially as I found that the ladies had not brought any money with them. I found enough, however, in my pockets to pay the bill, though when I got back to the hotel livery stable I had to take a boy with me to the hotel to pay for the team.

I was so delayed in the park, that I had very little time to get ready for the train and missed seeing Col. Trumbo and Judge Estee, both of whom wished to see me before I left.

I found Brother John Beck and wife on the train. They were returning to Utah.

28 August 1891 • Friday

Friday, August 28th, 1891.

The travel today has been hot and dusty.

29 August 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, August 29th, 1891.

Reached Ogden in time for the south-bound train, and arrived at Salt Lake City about 10 o’clock. My sons Read and Tracy were there to meet me. I found all the family usually well, except Ann, my youngest child, who is sick with the measles.

I was very much shocked to hear of two deaths that had occurred during my absence—Maggie Kimball, the wife of Frank Jennings, and Brother Charles Brown, the purchasing agent of Z.C.M.I., who died at New York of typhoid fever. Sister Jennings’ funeral was to take place at 2 o’clock. I felt that I could do no less than attend, out of respect to the family. There was a very large attendance. Her request before death had been that the services should be short, and that Bp. Whitney, who was her cousin, should speak at her funeral. Bp. Whitney desired me to speak to the people; but I said I preferred carrying out the wishes of the deceased. Brother Naisbett prayed, Bp. Whitney spoke, and I dismissed by prayer. It was a very grievous sight to see the young husband and two loving children and baby left wifeless and motherless.

While I have been gone, the Juvenile Instructor Office has had a very narrow escape from fire. A coal oil stove that they were using in the bindery was upset, and the whole place was in flames. All the people in the bindery lost their heads and abandoned the place to be burned, thinking it was impossible to put the fire out. But Abraham had succeeded in quenching it before the firemen came, so the place was saved from being drowned with water. He had singed his eyebrows in the fire.

I called upon President Woodruff on my way home, and made a report to him of my visit and its results. He intends to go to Provo in the morning, accompanied by Elders F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and A. H. Cannon.

30 August 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, August 30th, 1891.

I spent an hour this morning arranging with my children concerning their studies at the college, which is to open tomorrow. In the afternoon I went to the Tabernacle. Brother John E. Carlisle addressed the congregation for about 50 minutes. His remarks were very good; but they were not heard, and their [there] being some time left, my brother Angus desired that I would speak. I felt that something should be said by somebody, as many could not have heard anything that was said. I spoke about 20 minutes, and felt very well in doing so.

My daughter Ann was quite sick this evening, and my brother Angus and myself administered to her. Abraham came shortly afterwards, and upon enquiry I found that he had returned from Provo at the request of President Woodruff, in order to have me go down to Provo in the morning. Abraham administered to my daughter also.

31 August 1891 • Monday

Monday, August 31st, 1891.

Abraham and myself went by train this morning to Provo. There was only a tolerable attendance at the meeting. I occupied about 50 minutes, and had much freedom in speaking. President Woodruff called upon Abraham to follow, after which the authorities were presented.

In the afternoon Brother Lyman spoke half an hour, and then he and Abraham returned to Salt Lake City. President Woodruff spoke about 20 minutes, and I occupied the remainder of the time.

After the meeting we had the Trustees of the B.Y.Academy meet with us and the Presidency of the Stake at Brother Smoot’s house. Brothers K. G. Maeser and Benjamin Cluff were also present. The object of the meeting was to endeavor to settle some difficulties that seem to be growing up between Brothers Maeser and Cluff in the Academy, and which the brethren said would work great injury unless the causes were removed. We had a lengthy meeting, during which the members of the board expressed themselves, also Brothers Maeser and Cluff. Brother Cluff felt that he had been humiliated and not well treated by Brother Maeser. Brother Maeser made a request that he be continued as Principal of the B.Y.Academy until January 1st, and then that Brother Cluff take charge as Principal, and carry out his methods in the Academy, to suit himself and the board. He requested this as a favor from Brother Cluff. He said that while it might be called a whim or a crotchet, still he desired it very much. Brother Cluff consented to this, and the whole matter was adjusted. We were taken in buggies to see the new building. I was quite surprised at its size and the general excellence of the plan. It is arranged so that every room is well lighted; no room that the sun does not shine in. Brother D. C. Young is the architect. I thought it a credit to him.

After we returned we had conversation with the brethren concerning selling a portion of the meeting house lot, and I felt that they should sell it, as I feared it might be attacked, if not sold.

Prest. A. O. Smoot is in a poor condition of health. He is suffering from diabetes, and is dieting himself. He says that he is much better than he was a few days ago, but is still very feeble.

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August 1891, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024