October 1887

1 October 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 1/87. I had considerable conversation to-day with my son John Q. concerning his financial circumstances, and the impression left upon me was not very pleasant in some respects. I afterwards had an interview with Abraham. I also dictated a letter to John Q., which he took down in shorthand. It was addressed to the Judge of Probate and Selectmen, calling to their attention the cutting through the bank of the river near the n corner of my land, which I thought very dangerous, as in high water it has always been considered a weak spot, and if the river should break through it would destroy a great deal of property. Bros. Wilcken & Solomon came down on a visit and we administered to my children.

2 October 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 2/87. I met with my children in Sunday School. Bro. Joshua Stewart came down to teach them. I take much interest in meeting with them and think him a very good teacher. My children whose names I mentioned yesterday are all quite sick. Hugh is worse to-day and not able to get out to meeting. I have fasted and prayed to-day and dressed myself in my Temple clothing and plead with the Lord for them and for other favors which I am anxious that he should bestow upon me. In the afternoon we had Sacrament meeting, which Angus administered. I called upon David and him to speak to us, which they did, and I followed, speaking on the resurrection, reading a part of the instructions of the Prophet Alma to his son Coriantum [Corianton] on that subject. Had a very pleasant meeting, though there were not so many there as usual, in consequence of sickness. In the evening Bro. Wilcken came down for me and we went and administered to all. He then brought me to town. I stopped at the office.

3 October 1887 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 3/87. President Woodruff came this morning before daylight. He got into bed with me. I have been reading to-day and dictating office correspondence. This evening President Woodruff and myself moved to Brother Francis Armstrong’s, the Mayor of the City, for greater safety, as we felt that there was danger at the office. Bro. Armstrong made us very comfortable.

4 October 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct 4/87. I was busy to-day all day helping to arrange the Epistle and dictating a number of letters of public correspondence and also “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile Instructor.

5 October 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 5/87. Brother Arthur Winter came early this morning. I dictated to him “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor. At 10 o’clock the Twelve met with us at Bro. Armstrong’s and the Epistle was read. Some changes were suggested and one or two additions, and committees were appointed to get out this matter. The additions, however, were very few and brief. We met all day and continued our meeting until about 12 o’clock at night.

6 October 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 6/87. The Fifty-eighth Semi-Annual Conference met to-day. I dictated a number of letters of the public correspondence to-day. In the evening President Woodruff and myself went to the office, where we met with the Twelve. Items that had been prepared for the Epistle were read. Some of them were approved, but that which had been written concerning the State movement there appeared to be division of sentiment respecting it. It was thought best to defer it and make it a subject of prayer, when we could meet again to-morrow evening and take it into consideration. Bro. F. S. Richards, who has been on a visit to the East to obtain the opinions of eminent lawyers in regard to the best line of defense to be adopted in the confiscation suit of the Government against the Church, returned this morning and called at Bro. Armstrong’s to see President Woodruff. It was desirous, also, that I hear his report. He had proceeded to St. Louis; had met with Mr. Broadhead, whom he found suffering from an attack of bronchitis, from which he is, however, recovering. He laid the whole case before him and had several very satisfactory interviews with him, and Broadhead wrote him an opinion, for which he charged him $250.00/. He was clearly of the opinion that the Church was a corporation, and that we should maintain that ground. But he also urged that we should press the demurrer, and if the Courts here refused to entertain it and ruled against it, then have it appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. From St. Louis he proceeded to Indianapolis and submitted the question also to Mr. Butler, of the firm of McDonald & Butler, who, after consideration, agreed with Col. Broadhead’s views. Bro. Richards told him that the amount which they proposed to charge was higher than the authorities of the Church thought was proper, under the circumstances. After hearing all Bro. Richards had to say, and that Col Broadhead was going to act in the matter, he agreed to take $250000/, in addition to the $100000/ that had been paid to ex-Senator McDonald for arguing the Receiver matter. If this fee were accepted, the $50000/ which they charged for work already done should be included in the $2500.00/; if not accepted, then the $50000/ would have to be paid in addition to what has already been paid. Col. Broadhead’s terms are $300000/ – $100000/ as a retainer. The $25000/ he had received for the opinion would be deducted from the $100000/, and the remaining $200000/ would be in separate payments. In case he had to come out here after the first trip he would charge at the rate of $2500/ a day for his services and his expenses would have to be paid; and in the event of his having to argue the case a second time before the Supreme Court in Washington, he would charge $50000/ for that services. Bro. Richard’s view was that we had better hire Col. Broadhead and let him come out with ex-Senator McDonald and argue the Receiver case here, and then he alone be employed to go to Washington before the Supreme Court. He was very favorably impressed with Col. Broadhead. On his way back, he called at Omaha and had an interview with Mr. Woolworth and got an opinion from him, which agreed with Col. Broadhead’s. The letters of introduction which I gave him he used. Mr. Woolworth spoke very strongly of his desire to do anything in his power to help in this, and of the regard which he entertained for me.

In the evening President Woodruff presented this matter to the Council and it was voted that we should employ Col. Broadhead.

7 October 1887 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 7/87. I was busy to-day attending to various matters, among others to correspondence. In the evening I went down to the office from Bro. Armstrong’s with President Woodruff. We had some business to attend to there. The paragraph which had been prepared for the Epistle concerning the State movement was talked over, and as the majority felt that it would be wiser to say nothing, it was omitted. We afterwards had a meeting of the Directors of Zion’s Saving’s Bank & Trust Co., when considerable business was attended to. At my suggestion, Bro. Jos. F. Smith moved that Vice President Wilford Woodruff be elected President, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the demise of President John Taylor. It was about 11 o’clock when we got through with this business, and Bro. Wilcken was waiting to carry me to my home on the river. I was exceedingly anxious to see my children. Everyone was in bed and I had great difficulty in getting into the house, which I finally did by crawling through a window.

President Woodruff, Erastus Snow & Brigham Young spent two or three hours <to-day> with Bro. Neve, the upholsterer, in deciding upon carpets and upholstery for the Manti Temple. Though I was not on the committee, the brethren were all very desirous that I should help in coming to a decision respecting these matters.

8 October 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 8/87. This morning I surprised my folks by their seeing me in bed without knowing how I got in. I administered to Grace, and afterwards to Hugh and Joseph. Grace, who has the typhoid fever, is low, but much better than could have been expected from the violence of her attack. Emily, Hugh and Joseph, and Sister Davy’s son Ether, are all similarly affected. They are listless and dull, seem to have no energy, and appear almost in a stupor. Still they are all much better than they have been and, I think, under the blessing of the Lord, they will soon be well. Bro. Frank Armstrong came down for me this morning. I put on disguise and drove back with him. We had quite a drive around through the five-acre field and reached his house about 11 o’clock. Had an interview with Bro. Wm W. Riter concerning matters in the East and how Jay Gould could be reached to obtain his influence in favor of our State movement. Bro. James Jack also came up and attended to some business, and afterwards Bro. Geo. Reynolds.

We have been working for some time in a way to bring about a little more lenient enforcement of this prosecution which has been waged against us. I suggested to Bro. Clawson some days ago that he should say to influential gentiles and especially to Mr. McCornick, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, that for three years past General Conference had not been held in this city, and that if they wished us to continue our Conference here it would be wise for them to use their influence with the Marshal, to have his deputies restrained from making arrests and raids while Conference is in session. This was for the purpose of stiffening the Marshal and giving some moral support, so that he would be justified in doing what we desired. It has had this effect; and we have learned that those of the Twelve against whom there are no indictments may go to Conference in safety. There are, at the present time, Bros. Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Heber J. Grant and John W. Taylor at liberty to go and come as they please. President Woodruff, Bros. Erastus Snow and John H. Smith have been restrained somewhat and have kept in seclusion, out of the way of deputies, as they have been threatened with arrest and have been sought for. It is now arranged that these three brethren shall have liberty to attend to Conference without danger. We look upon this as a great point gained and I would be delighted myself to have the same privilege; but myself, Bros, Jos. F. Smith, B. Young, M. Thatcher and F. M. Lyman are all in danger of arrest if we make our appearance. Bro. Woodruff has determined to go to Conference to-morrow afternoon. Bro. E. Snow is there to-day and spoke this morning to the people. Bro. John H. Smith has attended all of the meetings. I hope this will lead, in awhile, to all of us being permitted to go free on some terms. Whenever we can have fair trials, and juries and courts who are not determined to convict and punish us to the full extent of the law, evidence or no evidence, I shall feel that a new era has dawned upon us. I have never been averse myself to meeting the consequences of my acts, if I could have fair treatment; but heretofore the hatred manifested towards me has been of so extreme a character that, I am sure, they would have done everything they could to destroy my life and usefulness and influence. Now that the Twelve take the lead and my name does not appear prominently in any of the documents or any of the business, and I am not mentioned so often, it may be that there will be a change of feeling towards me.

President Woodruff went to the office to-night to sleep, so as to be ready to go from there to-morrow to meeting. I went to my wife Carlie’s. This is the first time I have gone to her house where she now resides, except for an hour or two one evening. I intend to spend to-morrow with her and I invited President Woodruff to come there and take dinner with us after he had been to meeting, which he promised to do.

9 October 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 9/87. I had a most delightful day to-day, it being the first time I have met with Carlie’s folks and they did not know who the father of her baby was till to-day. After the meeting in the afternoon I was joined by President Woodruff. We had a most enjoyable dinner and evening together. Bros. Wilcken & Armstrong came in and spent some time with us. Afterwards they returned to Bro. Armstrong’s.

10 October 1887 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 10/87. Brother Armstrong called for me this morning about five o’clock. I went with him to his house. I have been busy to-day dictating general correspondence and my journal to Bro. Arthur Winter. I also wrote a private letter to Bro. Geo. Teasdale in regard to my son Angus, who is appointed on a mission to Germany, explaining his condition and my wishes relative to him, and also a letter to Bro. James H. Hart.

11 October 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 11/87. I was awakened at five o’clock this morning by Bro. Samuel Bateman, who came to take us to the office. We reached there about six. The Twelve met at 10 o’clock and we were in session, with the exception of about an hour at lunch, until about half past five. Considerable business was done. Bishop Preston and his Counselors came in and the subject of the jurisdiction of the Presiding Bishop and Counselors was briefly discussed. I have foreseen for some time that the jurisdiction of the two offices – the Trustee-in-Trust’s and the Presiding Bishop – would have to be defined, as with the present manner in which affairs were drifting there would inevitably be feelings upon the subject. Bishop Preston exercises more jurisdiction than was permitted by President Young to the Presiding Bishop when he was alive; and no more jurisdiction was permitted by President Taylor until recently; in fact, if he had known Bishop Preston’s views, I think that he would have protested against them. I have endeavored to bring the attention of the Council to this condition of affairs; not that I wish to have the old way carried out, but there should be some method adopted that will be mutually satisfactory, so that there shall be no conflict between the Presiding Bishop and the President of the Church in regard to the tithings and how they shall be managed. In some respects I am indifferent upon this question, so long as it is settled, though, of course, my desire is to have the Lord’s mind upon the subject and have it done as he would dictate. Some of the brethren appear to think – at least, Bro. H. J. Grant expressed himself so to-day – that all questions of a financial character should be referred entirely to the Presiding Bishop and his Counselors. I do not wish to state further respecting his views, because the matter was not canvassed and, therefore, he may not have fully explained his ideas upon the subject. But, according to my views and the experience that I have had, the President of the Church should hold the finances and control them, and that whatever is done by the Bishop should be done under the direction of the President. To have the financial head apart from the man who holds the keys would, in my opinion, be very injudicious and would take away from the power of the President of the Church that which legitimately belongs to him, and which he can hold to the best advantage for the interests of the whole. But my brethren may take a different view upon this subject. If so, after I have explained my views I shall submit to whatever decision they make upon it. In order to postpone this question until there can be a full meeting of the Quorum, I suggested that President Woodruff and Bishop Preston get together and arrange this business to suit themselves for the present, until it can be arranged more fully and satisfactorily.

I have been suffering very much from a cold all day and have been quite sick, and have gone without food, hoping to be benefitted thereby. I hear from my family that they are much better. The following dispatch was sent to Bro. John W. Young:

“Broadhead thinks we should take cases to Supreme Court on demurrer and withdraw answers, which we have leave to do. McDonald and Butler agree with this theory. Broadhead and McDonald will be here seventeenth to argue demurrer, which must be disposed of before motion for Receiver. Peters declines to argue demurrer then, but will press motion for Receiver. See number five immediately and arrange to have demurrer argued first; early as possible so as church attorneys will be not obliged to make another trip. Answer promptly.

James Jack.”

The reason for sending this dispatch appears from its character. We are anxious to have the demurrer argued first, and this would prevent the appointment of a Receiver. But Mr. Peters, the district attorney, does not wish to argue the demurrer. He wants to go ahead with the business of appointing the Receiver. By sending to the Solic[i]tor-General, Jenks, (who is No. 5) we hope to have the matter arranged. This evening we held a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I. and organized a new board. I brought forward the question of freight and represented the advantages that, I thought, would inure to us if we maintained our friendly relations with the Union Pacific R. R. Co. I described good reasons for this view and alluded to what they had done in the past for us; while the D&R.G. road had done nothing and I did not think they were a class of people that could do much.

12 October 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 12/87. I am still suffering from a cold, but feel somewhat better than I did yesterday. President Woodruff desired me to be present with him when the Bishop met to talk over the method that they should adopt for the present of arranging the cash tithing. As I did not wish to be alone in this matter, as I am aware that there is danger of creating feeling by his selecting me to be with him all the time, I suggested to Brother Woodruff that Bro. Jos. F. Smith be there also, which he agreed to, and then I told Bro. Jos. F. Smith that I thought the other brethren who were within reach ought to be there also; and we had it arranged so that several of the Twelve, including Bros. Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, John H. Smith, Heber J. Grant, afterwards Bro. F. D. Richards, were present as well as Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself. Bishop Preston quoted revelations and made remarks that led me to think that he takes high ground in regard to his office and its powers; but as I said in my notes of yesterday, this whole subject will be investigated at an early day and then we shall see what plan will be adopted. I do desire most earnestly that God will reveal His mind and will to His appointed servant upon this question; because while I believe in and place reliance upon the revelations which have been given, I know that this Church cannot be led except by constant revelation and revelation adapted to the circumstances and the times. Brother Joseph received revelations for the Church in his day and they were binding upon the people then, and, in many respects, they are binding upon us now; but the instructions which the Lord gave through His prophet as revelations in those days were adapted to the Church in what may be termed its infancy. But the Church has grown greatly since then and we need present revelation for its guidance and its management, and the same spirit and power which Joseph received and which Joseph exercised still remains for the guidance of the Church and the management of its affairs. Bishop Preston and his Counselors were present and it was arranged that whatever funds were needed by President Woodruff he should draw upon Brother Preston for, over his own signature, and the matter was thus left.

Bro. F. S. Richards came in with the statement that the district attorney had requested that he should either have a statement made to him of the property that had been transferred by President John Taylor, as Trustee-in-Trust, to the various Ward Corporations, or that he should have access to the books to find out these amounts. Bro. Richards wished to know what should be done. Some of the brethren were in favor of giving him the statement. This struck me as not being a prudent measure at the present time. We expect the argument on the Receiver to come up on Monday and if we furnish him this statement, he has all the proofs in his hands necessary to warrant him in making a demand for a Receiver. I, therefore, expressed my views very plainly on the subject, and said that I thought we should, at least, wait before taking a step of this importance until Mr. Broadhead should arrive, who was expected in on Thursday evening; that Monday was so near at hand that we had better withhold this information and see if we could not have the demurrer agreed in preference, as I thought it would be a very unfortunate thing for us to give evidence to them that would warrant them, without any trouble, in appointing a Receiver. The majority of the brethren took my view of it and the matter was left over. I think, however, that in this matter there is more fear than is necessary. I do not think that there will be any attempt on the part of the Marshal to make a search for documents or books, which some appear to fear might be the case, or even to get witnesses to testify in regard to this matter. Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself had a private interview with one of our friends who are helping us in the State movement. He had just come into the city and was leaving again in the evening. The interview was quite satisfactory. He related to us the steps that were being taken and some of them very successfully, as we thought. There was a meeting of the stockholders of the Deseret News Co. to elect the officers for the ensuing year. We were desirous for President Woodruff to be the President in place of President Taylor. But he came into our meeting and stated his feelings upon the subject. He said he was an old man, and he was already greatly burdened with business cares, and this was something of which he knew very little. He thought I was familiar with the business, was a printer myself, and I understood all about it and had been connected a good deal with the News office, and his feeling was that I should be appointed President. We elected as Directors, Geo. Q. Cannon, Franklin D. Richards, Jos. F. Smith, Angus M. Cannon and J. W. Summerhays. I think we should get a larger board and have more business men connected with this company, as it is a business that requires attention and at present it is in a bad condition and will need good and energetic management to put it in the condition that it ought to be in. We adjourned our meeting until to-morrow at 11 o’clock. My son Abraham was up to see me and we talked over business matters and about Walter J. Lewis going East on business for the Juvenile Office. I afterwards had an interview with Bro. Lewis on this subject. I heard this afternoon that some of the brethren had been down to administer to my children who were sick, and that they had brought the word back that two of them – Joseph and Grace – were serious. I also heard that Preston had been taken down with the same disease. Bro. Wilcken called for me in the evening to take me down home. I felt very sad at the news I heard; but in reflecting upon it, I asked myself, what can I do more than I have done, and why should I despond? We have administered constantly to the children and they are in the Lord’s hands. I felt better after thinking upon this matter, and when I reached home Bro. Wilcken accompanied me to my houses where the sick were and we administered to them all, commencing with Mary, and I felt much encouraged. They seem to alternate, one day having fever and another day being free from it, and this appeared to be one of the bad days. Still, I think, on the whole they are better. I remained at my house all night.

The following dispatch was received from Bro. John W. Young:

“Have seen Five. F. S. Richards see U. S. District Attorney Saturday. If he do not consent, then ask him telegraph for further instructions. George F. Gibbs and self Chicago to-morrow. Arrive Salt Lake City Sunday. Five will do all possible. Answer if necessary by larrabee”.

13 October 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 13/87. Bro. Wilcken came down early this morning, also Bro. Chas. Livingstone. Bro. Wilcken took breakfast with me, and we three administered to the children again, and I felt much encouraged, as they seemed to have improved. I disguised myself and rode up in the daylight with Bro. Livingstone to Bro. Frank Armstrong’s, where President Woodruff was stopping. President Woodruff, myself and F. D. Richards had a conversation with Le Grand Young about his going East for the purpose of having an interview with Jay Gould and endeavoring to get him to aid us in our State movements, and if he could not aid us, at least to not oppose us. He has newspapers under his control which are influential and we would like to get them to speak in favor of the movement, or, at least, not oppose it. Bro. Young expressed his willingness to go as soon as he could shape the cases that he had in hand, so as to permit him to leave. We afterwards had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. There were present three directors and the secretary. There being a quorum, we proceeded to elect a President and Vice President. I was elected President and Bro. F. D. Richards Vice President. I asked him, before he was elected, if he could devote time and felt willing to devote time to the business. He said he did. The meeting adjourned till to-morrow at 10 o’clock. After the brethren withdrew, Bro. T. E. Taylor and I examined the condition of affairs of the office, and I concluded from the information that I could get from him that the debts had better be consolidated and security be given, and a loan be obtained at a smaller rate of interest than is now being paid.

Bro. Arthur Winter came up. I dictated some letters to him of a public nature and also assisted President Woodruff in some private correspondence that he had.

14 October 1887 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 14/87. We had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. again, at which we transacted considerable business. I was busy attending to letters, &c. I went down home with Bro. Wilcken and went around and saw all my children, administered to them, and then returned to the office to sleep.

15 October 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 15/87. At half past nine President Woodruff had an interview with Marshal Dyer. Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself kept out of the way, as we did not want him to know anything about us. At a little after 10 o’clock we had an interview with ex-Senator McDonald and Col. James O. Broadhead, the eminent lawyers whom we have employed in our behalf in the Church confiscation suit. Directly after we got through with this interview, a subpoena was brought to the office to serve on Brother Woodruff as a witness in the Church suit. It seems as though the Marshal had solicited this interview for the purpose of locating President Woodruff; and as the probability was that they would come and search for him, we thought it better to get out of the way. I went down to my house on the river.

Our interview was very pleasing with the attorneys. They impressed me very favorably. I knew McDonald, while I was in Congress. He was in the Senate while I was in the House. I have met Mr. Broadhead also. They expressed the pleasure they had in meeting again.

Upon my arrival at my home I administered to all my children and found them improving greatly, though some of them are quite sick, especially Grace and Joseph.

16 October 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 16/87. I had some conversation with my daughter Mary Alice this morning upon private matters. Bro. Wilcken brought my wife Carlie down. We held meeting, though not so many present as usual in consequence of sickness. Angus administered the Sacrament, and I had considerable freedom in speaking to the folks. As soon as it was dusk I went round again and visited the houses of my family and administered to the children. Afterwards assembled for family prayer in the dining room of the Farm-house, as Mary Alice had company in the parlor and I did not wish her friends to know that I was there. I made up $10000/ for Angus to take with him on his mission to Germany in the morning, and I gave him considerable instruction. $7500/ I contributed and my family $2500/. He is to take a draft of $80/, and $2000/ in loose change for spending until he reaches Liverpool. He has his ticket all the way to Liverpool. My object in letting him have more money than I would otherwise is to furnish him with means with which to sustain himself in Berlin or some other point while he is learning the language, so that he shall not burden the Saints, who might feel it to be a burden to have one who cannot instruct them living with them. After having family prayer I blessed Angus and was led to bestow a good blessing upon him. He is a faithful boy and has always given me satisfaction, and I have never had the least trouble with him from his birth. I trust that he will fill a good mission, though being so young and inexperienced, and having so much self-distrust, and being so small of his age, he only being 5 ft. 1 in. in height, it makes us sympathize with him in thus going out; but I believe it will be the best thing for him that he could do. Bro. Wilcken took me to my wife Carlie’s. She returned in a buggy driven by his son-in-law, Bro. Eakle.

17 October 1887 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 17/87. I spent the day at my wife Carlie’s; and had an excellent visit, being the first opportunity of the kind for a long time. In the evening Bro. Wilcken came for me, as President Woodruff wanted to see me. We met Bro. F. S. Richards, who wanted to get counsel concerning the confiscation suit.

18 October 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 18/87. Bro. John W. Young spent the day with us to-day, giving us an account of his labors. I dictated a large number of public letters to Bro. A. Winter this afternoon.

19 October 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 19/87. Bro. Young was again with us all the afternoon. In the forenoon I met with the Deseret News Co. and we attended to considerable business. I got news from my home this morning, while in meeting with the Deseret News Co., that my son Joseph was in a very bad condition, that his feet and legs were swelling, and that he was sinking and likely to die. This news disturbed me considerably; but in praying in secret afterwards the reflection came to my mind concerning the manner of his birth. His mother was a long time in labor with him – so long as to alarm her own mother, who was waiting on her, and give her serious concern. I was up a good deal with her and was somewhat tired out, and in the night they requested me to lie down for awhile and see if I could not sleep. I did so; and while asleep I dreamt that three young men came to my house. The interpretation of the dream was given to me and it was that my wife should have a son, and that I should have two other sons born to me. She was shortly afterwards delivered of this son who is now so sick, and within two weeks afterwards my son Sylvester was born, and in about the same length of time my son Willard, making the three young men of whom I dreamt. This dream came to my mind while praying and with it the thought that it was as easy for the Lord to save him now as it was for Him to give him at the time of his birth, and I felt easy in my feelings. Bro. Armstrong kindly took me down to my house and, to my great relief, I found Joseph better than I was led to expect, although still very sick. We administered to him, to Hugh, and to Grace. Hugh and Grace are improving as fast as can be expected. Emily is much better. Preston struggles against the disease and his mother says he is quite active in the morning, but in the afternoon becomes languid and feverish. I was greatly relieved at finding them all in so much better condition than I expected. I returned with Bro. Armstrong in order to attend to business that was pending.

20 October 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 20/87. I was busy most of the day looking through letters and papers. A circular had been prepared asking for contributions from the Saints towards furnishing the Manti Temple with carpets, upholstery, &c. By some means it has been lost in its transmission to the Deseret News office. At the request of President Woodruff I dictated to Bro. Reynolds another circular, with which he expressed his pleasure, as also Bro. Jos. F. Smith. It was sent for publication. Bro. Winter came and I dictated “Editorial Thoughts” and “Topics of the Times” and also my journal.

21 October 1887 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 21/87. President Woodruff and myself had quite a lengthy interview this morning with Bro. Geo. F. Gibbs, who has been operating in company with Bro. John W. Young in the East. Bro. Gibbs was desirous to make a report to us of his labors and the situation of affairs as they existed there. We also had a brief interview with Bp. Alex. McRae concerning family matters. Afterwards Bro. John T. Caine came in and conversed upon the mission that had been assigned him to carry the Constitution of the State of Utah and the Memorial to President Cleveland. Bro. John W. Young had thought it would <be> better for Bro. Caine not to go at the present time and gave reason therefor. I did not feel that these reasons were sufficiently weighty to influence us to withdraw the appointment we had made, but told him to converse with Bro. Caine upon the subject, and Bro. Caine had, therefore, come to tell us his feelings. It was decided that Bro. Caine should remain over a few days and go East in company with Bro. John W. Young when he returns. Bro. Caine expressed a strong wish to have me go East to labor in political matters. He set forth his views with a good deal of persistency to President Woodruff on this point. He thought that I would have sufficient influence and also decision to manage Bro. John W. Young and give counsel concerning all the affairs that were in hand there. The proposition did not strike me as one that would be pleasant to me, and I so stated. I said I did not see how I could go, or, if I could, I thought it would be a very unpleasant business in some respects. But I said I was always willing to do whatever my brethren said was best. President Woodruff did not see how I could go very well. In the evening Bro. Young came. We had some conversation with him. Bro. Wilcken took me to my wife Carlie’s where I stayed the night.

22 October 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 22/87. Bro. Wilcken carried me to my home on the river before daylight this morning. I found the children in tolerably good condition and administered to them. I was busy most of the day helping my boys whitewash.

23 October 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 23/87. I had Sunday School to-day and also held meeting in the afternoon at which the sacrament was administered by my son Abraham. We had a very good meeting, though there were but comparatively few present, sickness keeping several away, and my wife Eliza is absent at Payson with her two youngest boys. In the evening Bro Wilcken came for me and took me to my wife Carlie’s.

24 October 1887 • Monday

Monday, Oct 24/87. I spent the day at my wife Carlie’s and had a visit from Bro. H. B. Clawson, who came to talk on business matters, and also with my mother-in-law, Sister Emily P. Young. I had a very pleasant day and enjoyed the visit and relaxation very much.

25 October 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 25/87. Bro. Wilcken called for me before daylight and took me to the office, where I found President Woodruff, who had just returned from a visit to Provo. The Council of the Apostles met at 10 o’clock. There were present: President Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, Brigham Young, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, D. H. Wells and J. W. Young. Bro. Thatcher was not present, because of a threatened attack of pneumonia. Bro. Jos. F. Smith could not come, because of his sprained ankle, which was very bad. I regretted the absence of these brethren, as I thought that the meeting was of considerable importance. After attending to various items of business which were contained in letters that had been received, Bro. John W. Young made a report of his labors in the East at great length. Before we got through the meeting in the afternoon there was considerable plain talk. Bro. Wells talked with exceeding plainness concerning Bro. John W.’s labors. He approved of them very highly, but alluded to his financial operations. I felt it my duty to state the remarks that had been made to us by the committee that had been appointed to collect means in this State movement. The brethren of the committee had stated to President Woodruff, Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself that some of the brethren felt reluctant to subscribe until they knew who was going to expend the money; that if it was to be expended by Bro. John W. Young, they would not feel to subscribe much, if any. I stated this so that it might be freely talked about. It led to very plain talk, especially on the part of Bro. Grant, who indulged in a number of personal remarks that were quite severe. He thought that somebody should be sent down with Bro. Young to handle the funds, and Bro. Moses Thatcher had been suggested in connection with that. Bro. Young, in reply, said that he was quite willing to labor with anybody that the Council would appoint, but in selecting someone to do this business we should select a man that would have the greatest experience and that would be the most useful. He said he had such a man in his mind. Bro. E. Snow pressed him to know who it was. He then mentioned my name, and said: “Brethren, whether you know it or not, Bro. Geo. Q. Cannon’s name is a tower of strength in Washington among all men who know him there, and his great experience would make him exceedingly valuable there.” He made a number of remarks of this character, which were quite gratifying to me, because of recent occurrences here. He said that thousands of enquiries had been made by public men concerning me and I had great influence there. We had not finished this conversation when dinner was announced and the Council adjourned until 10 o’clock to-morrow morning.

26 October 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 26/87. The Council met at 10 o’clock. The same persons were present that were yesterday. Several matters of business were attended to and then the business of the State movement, in connection with Bro. John W. Young, was taken up. Remarks were made by Bro. Wells which gave me an opportunity to speak with some degree of plainness on the position that I occupied as one of the committee. I thought it right that the question of the responsibility of the committee should be well defined, as, I said, I had never in my life been called to act in any capacity in which I felt as great a responsibility as I do at the present time as a member of this committee. A large amount of money was being collected and if not judiciously expended, or if we failed in obtaining a State government, there would be a chance for blame being attached to those who had the handling of these funds. I felt myself that, with the division which, I felt, existed, there was danger of our not succeeding in obtaining a State. I felt that now was a better time for plain talk, so as to define the relations that each occupied to the other, than to postpone it until difficulties arose. I did not understand that the money that had been appropriated was to be left to Bro. John W. Young to handle. I understand the position of the committee to be that they are to have the entire charge of the State movement, and that all agents must be responsible to them; that Bro. John W. Young is to act under their direction, and that there may be others employed of which he may have no knowledge; but the committee will be in a position to understand. I talked at some length in this strain, saying that I did not wish to show any feeling, for I had none, on this subject; but I thought it was proper that we should have our ideas well understood respecting each other’s duties. I alluded to the call that had been made for money by telegraph, saying that there should be some word sent beforehand when money was needed, and it should be stated what it was needed for, and the committee should be consulted upon this matter, it seemed to me. However, I did not wish to assume any responsibility connected with it, if I could be relieved therefrom; but if I had responsibility, I wish to know the extent of my power connected with it. President Woodruff followed in the same strain and spoke with great plainness, and the brethren all acquiesced in our views. The following resolution was passed:

“Brother John W. Taylor moved that it be the sense of this Council that Brother John W. Young and all persons authorized to labor in the State movement do so under the direction of the special committee appointed for that purpose, and that all moneys spent be done with the consent and approval of said committee.”

It was also decided that Bro. John T. Caine await the departure of Bro. John W. Young, say till Friday or Saturday. Bro. Young felt, I think, very much disturbed at the way matters were laid before him. I do not think that it pleased him very much to have the line drawn so rigidly. Still, in a subsequent conversation with him, I told him that what I had said was with the best of feelings and hoped that he would not take any exception. He was very pleasant and said he understood it all, but he was not well understood by his brethren. I assured him, however, so far as I was concerned, that I understood him and had the best of feelings toward him. The Council adjourned to meet on Monday, at 10 o’clock.

I suffered very much this afternoon from an attack of bilious colic. It increased considerably in the evening, and I considered it prudent to go to my home on the river, where I could be nursed.

27 October 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 27/87. I was compelled to have a bed made on the lounge in the dining room, where I could be near a stove and be waited upon. I sent for my wife Martha and she applied hot cloths, wrung out of hot water with a little turpentine in it; but this gave me very little relief and about one o’clock I suffered so much that I had her awaken my son John Q., and Mary Alice also got up, and I was in considerable pain for some time – almost unbearable. I thought of sending John to town to see my sister, who had suffered from an attack of the same kind on one occasion and had told me that she was relieved by a dose of castor oil and laudanum. As I had never taken laudanum and did not know anything about it, I did not like to do anything about it without knowing what would be considered a dose. John Q., however, went down to see my wife Sarah Jane and ask her what she thought would be good, she being a good nurse, but almost worn out with nursing her children who have been sick. By the time he returned I felt much easier and I took a table-spoonfull of castor oil with 11 drops of turpentine in it. This brought me relief. To-day I have been in bed most of the time, suffering some pain, but not to any very great extent. I got up towards evening and dressed me and sat up till about midnight.

28 October 1887 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 28/87. I sent word for Bro. Andrew Burt to come and carry me to town, but he was engaged, and Bro. Lehi Pratt came down. I reached the office about 12 o’clock. Brother Woodruff was very glad to see me. I forgot to mention that he visited me last evening and spent about two hours with me, which I thought very kind of him to do, as he is an aged man and came a long way to see me.

I met with a committee and talked over the Street Railroad matters. Myself, Bros. F. D. Richards and H. J. Grant had been appointed a committee at our last meeting to consider the question of bonding the Street Railroad. We thought, however, it was scarcely feasible under the circumstances. I stayed in the office all evening.

29 October 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 29/87. I dictated a number of letters to Bro. Arthur Winter, also my journal, and was kept busy through the day attending to other business, as well as private matters of my own. My health is better to-day, though I am not quite well. I heard that my daughter Grace was worse to-day. I sent word to my brother Angus to ask if he would not go down and administer to her. He, himself, however, is suffering from a very severe cold, and when I saw him I told him not to go, but have somebody else do so. We had a meeting of the committee on the Street Railroad and adjourned to meet at 9 o’clock on Monday. Bro. T. E. Taylor, Supt. of the News office, came to see me about the paper mill and the propriety of his going East to get the proper power. I thought, under the circumstances, that if he would take a good diagram of the mill it would be likely to be more satisfactory, as the manufacturers would guarantee the work, and we had no one accessible to whom we could entirely trust this question.

The news we get concerning the effect of our operations and the efforts of our friends with whom we are secretly working in favor of the State movement, is very gratifying. A report was made to us upon this subject concerning the expressions made by Judge C. C. Goodwin, the editor of the Tribune. He states plainly that he thinks a State government inevitable; that there is some great influence being used. He says the papers are going back on them, and this State movement is gradually becoming more acceptable to the public mind. As one of the evidences of the influence that our friends are using, he stated that Pat. Lannan and Nelson, of the Tribune, had been in the receipt of about $30000/ apiece a month for letters they had written, which were not now received, papers having refused to accept their communications. There were several other points that were made which we thought were very encouraging.

Bro. Wilcken took me to my house this evening, and together we visited my sick ones and administered to them. Bro. Wm White, Sr., the butcher, and Bro. Milando Pratt came down to my house this afternoon to administer to Grace. They then proceeded to my wife Sarah Jane’s and administered to Joseph. Joseph has not been able for four weeks to touch the ground with his foot. The disease seems to have settled in that limb. He has been unable to use it and could scarcely bear it to be touched part of the time. My wife told me this evening that the brethren administered with unusual power. She felt every word thrill her. Bro. Milando Pratt anointed and Bro. White was mouth. After they departed, my son Hugh said to Joseph, “Joseph, get up and walk.” Annie also said, “Yes, Joseph, why can’t you walk.” At this he arose from where he was and walked a distance of about 25 feet into the other room, without any aid. When he reached the bed, he threw himself on it sobbing for joy. His mother, also, was deeply affected by witnessing the remarkable effect which followed the administration of the Elders. I found them full of joy at the blessing that the Lord had bestowed.

30 October 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 30/87. Held Sunday School with my children this morning. I afterwards had some conversation with my son William concerning he and his mother owning mares. I described to him the effect it would have on my family if I permitted him to do what I had requested my other sons not to do. I discovered some years ago that it would be very imprudent and attended with very bad effects for me to allow my children who are living with me or my wives to have separate interests in cattle and horses, as it would develop selfishness and would lead to division. Besides, I could not control affairs to suit me if each individual had ownership in these animals. My sons Angus and David had mares; Mary Alice also, and a cow and calf presented to her. I bought these from them; and my remark has constantly been to my wives and children, that all I have is at their disposal, to be used for their benefit; but I must have the proprietorship. My wife Eliza has not conformed strictly to this policy. She has manifested a disposition – and it also finds expression in William – to manage her own affairs, have cows and animals of their own, and, I am sure, it will work injury. I talked to him very plainly on this subject. He manifested a good spirit, and I think my remarks will have a good effect upon him. In the afternoon we had meeting. I administered the Sacrament. I enjoyed the meeting very much. In the evening Bro. Lehi Pratt called for me and took me to the city. Before leaving, however, I had some conversation with John Q. upon business matters.

William & Aunt Eliza1

31 October 1887 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 31/87. There was a meeting of the Twelve to-day at 10 o’clock. There were present, President Woodruff, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, B. Young, M. Thatcher, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, D. H. Wells. The case of Albert Carrington was brought up by President Woodruff, and after considerable discussion, especially on the part of Bros. M. Thatcher and H. J. Grant, who were opposed to the proposition for him to be re-admitted into the Church and were very strenuous in their expressions that he should not be re-admitted. A vote was taken, and with some demurring on the part of Bro. M. Thatcher, and the statement by Bro. H. J. Grant that he voted in deference to the judgment of his older brethren, it was unanimously voted that the Bishop of the 17th Ward be instructed to baptize him and confirm him a member of the Church. Other business was attended to, and the Council adjourned about 4 o’clock.

After the meeting I called together the brethren interested in the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co. They were, Moses Thatcher; John W. Taylor, Geo. J. Taylor, and L. John Nuttall, executors of President Taylor; H. B. Clawson, representing John Beck; and Geo. Reynolds, Sec. of the Co. I gave a detailed statement of how President Taylor and myself became interested in the property and told them the position that I was now in, in consequence of President Taylor’s death, and the disposition which had been manifested by, at least, one person to not be willing that his disposition of the consecrated funds in transferring them to me should stand. As he had manifested this disposition, it is quite possible that John Beck would also be disposed to break the contract. There was one difficulty connected with the dedication of this stock – there was no consideration given for it; and I did not wish to expose myself or my estate to attacks from him or anyone else, because of holding this. The dividends that were now being declared on this stock were being divided according to the contract; but no one was known in this matter now but myself. The Secretary paid these to me, and I would have to pay them to them; but to do this safely, I felt that I ought to be indemnified against any attack that may be made hereafter upon me for doing so. I had consulted with the attorneys – Bros. Le Grand Young & F. S. Richards – and they were clearly of the opinion that I should not pay out anything without being indemnified for it. Bro. Thatcher expressed himself as quite willing to do anything of this kind, and the others did also. We afterwards had a very full, free talk (Bro. Thatcher having withdrawn to go South) with the executors, particularly with Geo. J. & John W. Taylor, who desired to get all the information possible concerning these affairs, which I imparted to them with <in> great fullness and was pleased to do so.

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October 1887, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1887/10-1887


  1. [1]Written on small inserted card.