November 1882

1 November 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Nov. 1 1882. Prest. Taylor is 74 years old today. I brought up my wife Eliza with me to town this morning, I having been invited with one of my wives to attend a dinner party at the Gardo House in honor of Prest. Taylor’s birthday.

At 2 p.m. the Council met in the Endowment House. At 1/2 past 4 oclock I repaired to the Gardo House. Besides Prest. Taylor’s family there were present: Prest. Jos. F. Smith and wife, Sister Barrett, and Bro. George Reynolds and wife. The evening was spent very pleasantly. Myself and wife drove home late in the evening

2 November 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Nov 2 1882. My health was very poor today. I am suffering from a severe cold, the effect of which I felt very much yesterday and which I think was increased by my driving home so late last night. Today I am invited to a party at Bro. Jenning’s given in honor of the Commissioners. Knowing that it will be a great disappointment to him if I did not go, I invited my daughter Mary Alice to accompany me, and we spent the evening there. We had a very elegant dinner, and I do not regret going, because several who had been invited were not there much to the host and hostess’ disappointment, as the table was not nearly filled; but I think I increased my cold. We remained in town all night.

3 November 1882 • Friday

Friday Nov. 3 1882. I drove down home this morning and made my preparations for accompanying Prest. Taylor and some of the Twelve to Logan. Just before I left home Bro. Brigham Young drove down and offered to carry me up to town in his buggy. Some members of my family urged me not to go to Logan on account of my health. Bro. Brigham also joined in remonstrating against me going. When I reached the City several of the brethren told me the same, and I therefore excused myself with Prest. Taylor’s consent from going. Bro. Brigham drove me back home again. My wives Sarah Jane & Eliza waited on me, and I took a foot bath and a sweat. My wife Martha was with me during the evening.

4 November 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Nov 4 1882. I promised Prest. Taylor yesterday that if I felt better I would follow him to Logan today, but I was no better and deemed it imprudent to venture out. Had a number of visitors. Bro. Thomas Taylor spent the afternoon with me talking over business.

5 November 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Nov 5 1882. Kept close in the house all day. My brother Angus and Bro. Brigham Young called upon me. The latter spent the afternoon with me.

6 November 1882 • Monday

Monday Nov 6 1882. About mid-day I drove to the City and spent two or three hours there. Met Prest. Taylor and the brethren who reported excellent meetings at Logan.

7 November 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Nov 7 1882. I drove to the City today and attended to various matters of business. My health is not fully restored yet.

8 November 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Nov 8 1882. Came up to the town in time to attend the meeting at the Endowment House. Afterwards I drove home.

9 November 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Nov 9 1882. Spent the day in the Office.

10 November 1882 • Friday

Friday Nov 10 1882. Stormy morning and day today. Met with the Directors of Z.C.M.I. at 11 oclock. Afterwards spent considerable time in the Office. Held a meeting of the Deseret News Co. also.

I stayed in town all night — having been detained to talk over with Prests. Taylor & Smith missions for the Twelve among the Lamanites.

11 November 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Nov 11 1882. Very stormy, snowy day. I spent the day in the Office until about 4 oclock and then drove down home in the midst of a terrible snow storm.

12 November 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Nov 12 1882. I had such a severe headache and felt so unwell through taking cold yesterday that I did not go to town, but held a meeting in my School House and preached to my family.

13 November 1882 • Monday

Monday Nov 13 1882. Several of the returned missionaries called at the Office, among others Bros George Stringfellow & Thomas, from Europe, and Bro. Allen from the Sandwich Islands. I wrote a letter on Friday last to Judge Black, copy of which I insert. [Approximately ¾ of page blank]

14 November 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Nov. 14 1882. At the Office. Attended to various matters of business.

15 November 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Nov 15 1882. At the Office. Afterwards went to the Endowment House. I remained in town. Took supper at Aunt Emiley’s, and attended concert, and enjoyed myself very much. I occupied my newly furnished room.

— The Twelve were assigned missions today among the Lamanites.

16 November 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Nov. 16, 1882. At the Office and with Presidency and Twelve talked over missions. Afterwards drove home and got ready to start on visit to Nephi and Sanpete. At 2 oclock p.m. the train stopped for me at my street. There were in the company: Presidents Taylor & Woodruff; Apostle Lyman and Elders Reynolds & Irvine, and Sister Ada Taylor. At Nephi we met Apostle Teasdale. I stopped at Bro. K. G. Brown’s. We had meeting in the evening, but Prest. Taylor was not present. Bros Woodruff, Lyman and myself occupied the time, and had a good meeting.

17 November 1882 • Friday

Friday Nov 17 1882. Sister Brown provided me a fine bed. I slept under a down coverlet — an unusual covering in this country, but a common thing in Scandinavia among the better class.

At 10 oclock we met with the Saints. Prest. Taylor occupied an hour, and requested me to follow him. There was an excellent spirit in the meeting.

At 2 p.m. we took rail to Wales. Prest. Woodruff and Apostles Lyman and Teasdale got off at Fountain Green. Bro. Teasdale held meeting there; Bro. Woodruff held meeting at Moroni, and Bro. Lyman at Fairview. Two teams met us at Wales. Prest. Taylor, daughter and myself rode in Bro. Thomas Thrope’s carriage. We reached Ephraim about 6 p.m. Bro. Irvine and myself stopped at Bro. Beal’s, first Counsellor to Prest. Petersen, President of the stake. At 7 p.m. meeting was held. The house was crowded. Myself and Prest. Taylor occupied the time. I enjoyed this meeting very much.

18 November 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov 18 1882. Bro. Lyman met with the Saints at Mount Pleasant at 10 oclock, and at the same hour Bros. Woodruff & Teasdale met with the Saints at Spring City. Bro. Beal drove Bro. Irvine and myself to Manti. Conference was in session. Several Bishops of the Wards, Prest. Petersen & Bro. Mabane spoke making reports of the condition of those in their charge, and the statistical report was read. The afternoon was occupied by myself and Prest. Taylor. Bro. Mabane entertained Prest. Taylor, his daughter and myself very handsomely and hospitably; but not having bed room sufficient, I slept at Bro Kjars close by.

I had a most delightful conversation with Prest. Taylor upon doctrine. Listened to his views about our Father in heaven (Adam) and Jesus, and gave him some of mine upon the same subjects.

19 November 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 19, 1882. The weather though cold is very beautiful.

Prest. Woodruff and Apostle Lyman occupied the forenoon meeting today, and afterwards the financial reports were read and the authorities presented.

In the afternoon Bro. Teasdale and myself and Prest Taylor occupied the time. At the close of the conference we drove to the Temple to examine the progress which had been made. This is a very beautiful building, and it is pushed ahead with commendable rapidity. The site is a most commanding one, being on the point of a bend which jets out into the valley, and is seen from almost every part of the valley. The terraces which are made in front, on which ascent to the Temple level is made, — when finished and planted with evergreens and climbers, will be very beautiful.

In the evening quite a number of brethren dropped in and had conversation with us.

20 November 1882 • Monday

Monday, Nov 20 1882. At 10.45 Bro. Thomas Thrope took Prest. Taylor, daughter and myself to Gunnison. We dinned at Bishop C. A Madsen. Held meeting at 2 p.m. Bro. Woodruff, myself and Prest. Taylor spoke. I had considerable freedom in speaking to this people, and enjoyed my own remarks. Bro. Lyman went to Mayfield and held meeting at 2 p.m. Bro. Teasdale and Reynolds held meeting at 1 p.m. at Pettiville. The last time I was in this place Prest. Young in going out of the town saw a wolf and fired a pistol at it out of his carriage. The pistol in recoiling struck him in the nose making a severe wound, from the effect of which he fainted. The affair created great excitement in the company. This must be twelve or thirteen years since. The town has not improved as it should have done. There are some good buildings, and there is abundance of good stone very convenient, which might be used to great advantage. Prest. Woodruff had called a meeting of the young people of the Mutual Improvement Associations to be held in the evening, and at his request I occupied considerable time and had great freedom. He followed speaking at considerable length, and Bros Lyman & Teasdale occupied a few minutes each. I learned there were 125 members of the Sunday School in this place, which shows how prolific the parents must be, being a large number of children for the number of families.

21 November 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov 21, 1882. I stayed at Bro. Madsen’s and enjoyed my rest. It was thought best for Bro. Teasdale to go with Prest. T. Spencer to Sevier Stake and hold meetings there. We had some conversation with Bishop Madsen about water and other matters, there being a feeling the people of this place and Pettiville on the water subject.

The question of a successor to Bro. Teasdale as President of the Juab Stake was talked about, but nothing decided upon.

Bro. Thrope drove us to Fayette. We found the roads excellent. We put up at Bishop Bartholemew’s. His wife was quite delicate having a baby two weeks old.

At 2 oclock we met with the people and had a crowded house. I spoke twenty minutes, Bro. Woodruff twenty minutes, Bro. Lyman twenty minutes, and Prest. Taylor forty minutes. The remarks were very instructive. In the evening we met with the young people. Bros Lyman, Reynolds, Irvine, myself and Bro. Woodruff occupied the time. The instructions were excellent and varied.

22 November 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov 22, 1882. This morning I administered to Bro. Metcalfe who has lost an eye through a surgical operation, and whose remaining eye is very weak. He told me this morning he was adopted to Prest. Taylor.

A painful case came up before us last evening, that of [first and last names redacted], Senr. He had been on a mission and had the credit of being a most useful, energetic elder. But about the time of the close of his mission on his way home he was overcome and fell into transgression with a young woman whom he brought home with him, and who had been sealed to him in the Temple. It afterwards transpired that she was in the family way at the time and that he had used deception to get her sealed and had been cut off from the church. He begged the privelege of being baptized which had been forbidden him up to the present, though some two or three years had elapsed. He was told that when we returned to the city we would examine the correspondence on his case and send word to the Bishop if he could be permitted to come back to the church. My feelings were very much touched by this case. He manifested a very humble, submissive spirit.

Bro. Thrope still carried us in his carriage, and we started for Levan about 9 oclock. A.M. The road was dry, but rough in places. In wet weather it must be very bad, and be very dusty in summer time. It hugged the mountain the greater part of the way, and a great many little gutters crossed the road which were formed by snow and rain from the higher land. We reached Levan at 11 oclock and were entertained by Bishop Aagard. At 3 oclock met with the saints. The house was crowded, and the air was very bad. Bro. Woodruff, myself and Prest. Taylor spoke. Many brethren dropped in to the Bishops to converse with us.

23 November 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov 23, 1882. Bro. Elmer Taylor who lives at Juab Station invited us to dinner. We therefore left Levan, being carried in carriages furnished by the Bishop and the people. Bro. Thrope who had brought us thus far (Levan) left yesterday afternoon for Nephi on his way home. At Juab we met Bro. James Sharp who was going south. Bro. Taylor furnished us an excellent dinner. At 1.20 we left Juab by rail for the north. Bro. Lyman got off at Mona to hold meeting, Bro. Woodruff at Santaquin for the same purpose, and Prest. Taylor and myself went on to Payson. At 1/2 past 6 o’c met with the Saints there. Myself and Prest. Taylor spoke and had great freedom. I enjoyed this meeting very much. Bro. Woodruff drove up from Santaquin in the evening and spoke a few minutes after Prest. Taylor.

I ate supper at Bishop Tanner’s, but put for the night at Bro. Moores with Bro. Woodruff. We had each a bed in one room.

24 November 1882 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 24 1882. Brother and Sister Moore took Bro. Woodruff and myself in their carriage to Salem, where the Company held meeting at 10 A.M. Bro. Woodruff spoke first, I followed and had great freedom, and Prest. Taylor closed. We all dined at Bishop Chas. D. Evan’s.

From here we went to Spanish Fork in Brother and Sister Moore’s carriage and had a crowded house at 2 p.m. I spoke first and read the 28th Chapter of 2nd Nephi. I felt the power of the Lord and His spirit and spoke with much freedom. Bro. Woodruff and Prest. Taylor followed. From here Bro. George Wilkin carried us to Springville. Prest. Taylor, daughter, and myself put up at Bishop Bringhursts, who was still suffering from paralysis. I think he has failed somewhat since I last saw him. In the evening there were quite a number of brethren present, and we conversed on Church history.

25 November 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Nov. 25, 1882. The weather is still beautiful. We met at 10 oclock and had a crowded house. The congregation were unsettled and it was hard speaking to commence with, but afterwards I had an excellent flow of the Spirit. Prests Taylor and Woodruff followed. After dinner at the Bishops I dictated to Bro. John Irvine a circular for Juvenile Instructor. We all took train to the City being carried in Bro. George Harris’ carriage to the Depôt; Prest. Taylor took me in his carriage to my brother Angus’ whom I found quite sick and had been for some days. Bro. Sanders came there with my buggy, and I drove home, and found family all well. Sister Davay had come as housekeeper in place of Sister Mansfield in the late residence of my wife Elizabeth. My family were very glad to see me.

26 November 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Nov 26, 1882. After breakfast spent the morning visiting my family. Took Eliza to town with me in my buggy. Besides there were two carriage loads of my family who drove to town to meeting. The Assembly Hall was crowded. Brother John Morgan and Prest. Woodruff spoke. Hon. J. P. Prescott, M. C. from New York, were present. After meeting had conversation with them and also Mr Saxon a newspaper reporter and lecturer, who was accompanied by Sister Emily F. [blank] Afterwards attended meeting in the Endowment House. There were present: Prest. Jos. F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young Jr.[,] H. J. Grant, D H Wells, Geo. Reynolds and myself. We did not dress but prayed, Bro. Brigham at my request being mouth. The subject of conceding something in regard to plural marriage was talked over by Bro. F. D. Richards and D. H. Wells. The former merely gave the views of others as to how it might be done without sacrifice of principle for the sake of obtaining a State government. Having been detained through my interviews with parties mentioned above, I came in late and only heard part of the conversation and therefore said nothing; but the proposition was very distasteful to me. I called upon the President at the Gardo House after meeting. I took supper at Aunt Emiley’s, and afterwards met with the 13th Ward. Read from the 29th Chap., of Isaiah concerning the figure of hungry and thirsty man dreaming, and had an enjoyable time. I remained in town in my new quarters

27 November 1882 • Monday

Monday, Nov 27 1882. Met with Presidents Taylor, Smith and Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young. H. J. Grant and George Reynolds at the Gardo House. Discussed proposition of yesterday. I am unalterably opposed to compromise upon our principles. Neither do I want us to put ourselves in a false position, so that we can be accused of being guilty of punic faith. It is said that the monogamists could many of them vote for a clause in the constitution prohibiting polygamy. But if this were down [done] it would have to be done under the advice and under the direction of our leading men who are polygamists. We may depend upon it that no proposition that we will make will be received without scrutiny. They will watch us very closely, and they will make us, if we open the way for them to do so, swallow a pill that will be very difficult and disagreeable for us to get down. We may depend upon it that any condition precedent to our admission will be made as strong as language can make it. My position is as it has been: let them make the proposition, they who believe that such a thing is right, then we can accept or reject it. But for us to volunteer who do not believe it right that such a condition should be enforced upon us seems to me altogether improper. For myself I think that nothing we could say or do at the present time would ensure us admission. The Republican Party does not want us in the Union, for it knows that we would not act in concert with it, and the democrats at the present time are powerless; however much they may be inclined to favor us and to admit us, they cannot do it. My feelings were very strong on this point and I expressed them plainly to the brethren at much greater length than I have here stated. Prest. Taylor had his views written out in full by Brother Reynolds. At 1/2 past 10 oclock, we met with Bros Caine, Sharp, and F. S. Richards, and had a full, free talk. The general wish was that I should go to Washington with the Delegates as it was felt that I would be of great service to Bro. Caine. He himself was particularly desirous that I should go and so expressed himself. Prest. Taylor took me aside to learn my feelings upon the subject. He said it was evident I was needed there, but he wanted to know how I felt myself. I said I would go with pleasure if he and the brethren wished it. He preferred drawing an expression of feeling from myself on the subject. I told him I thought perhaps I had better go. When he communicated the decision to the brethren they all expressed themselves as being glad that the turn of affairs had taken. When asked as to the time of departure, I said I was a minute man, and we ought to go in the morning. This was at 11.40 A.M. I requested to be set apart for the Mission. Prest. Taylor and Smith laid their hands on me, the former being mouth. <I annex blessing>

[Inserted three-page typewritten document glued to margin]

A BLESSING pronounced upon the head of Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon, by Presidents Taylor (who was mouth) and Joseph F. Smith, prior to his leaving for Washin[g]ton, D. C.; given at the Gardo House, Monday afternoon, Nov. 27th, 1882. (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs)

BROTHER GEORGE Q. CANNON: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the authority of the holy Priesthood, we lay our hands upon thy head, and set thee apart to the mission whereunto thou hast been appointed, namely, to go to Washington with Elder John T. Caine and others, who are going there to labor in the interest of Zion, and to operate for the welfare of Israel, and who are desirous to frustrate the designs of wicked men who may endeavor to enact inimical legislation against this people; and we pray our Heavenly Father that thou mayest be full of wisdom and intelligence, light and revelation, and that thou mayest have power over the minds of men to control them, and to excite the sympathies of the honest in behalf of Israel; to point out in plainness the injustice of the acts of our enemies; and that thou mayest have power and influence among men in behalf of this people; and that the spirit of light and of revelation may be with thee to guide and instruct thee in relation to these matters; that thou mayest know at the very moment what to say and what to withhold, what to advance and what to repress, and that, under the influence of the Spirit of the Lord, thou mayest be prompted and directed in all thy ways, and be able to advance things that shall be beneficial to Israel, and that shall tend to frustrate the plotting of the wicked. And we say now, that the Spirit and blessing and power of God shall be with thee; thou shalt be instructed by day and by night, and the Spirit of revelation shall rest down upon thee, and thou shalt be under the guidance of the Lord, and His Spirit shall attend thee in all thy deliberations; and inasmuch as thou shalt seek unto Him, thou shalt have His blessing and His guidance, and His Spirit to know what to do, and what to say, and how to act in all the circumstances in which thou mayest be placed: God shall bless thee, and thou shalt be blessed, for thou are about to go to that land to help to steady the ark of Israel, and to preserve the interests thereof. And those that go shall look to thee for guidance; for thou shalt have the word of the Lord, and the will of the Lord for them. And thou shalt de [be] clothed upon with the power and the Spirit of God, and thy soul shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. And thou shalt de [be] preserved on thy journey, and be able to accomplish a good work, to advance the interests of this people, and to frustrate the desig[n]s of the wicked.

And we pray that thy life may be precious in the sight of God, and that His Spirit and His power may attend thee in all thy ways; that thou mayest go in safety and accomplish a good work, and return again in safety to the bosom of thy family and friends.

We feel to bless thee with our whole heart, and say, Be thou blessed, and let the blessing of Israel’s God rest down upon thee. Thou shalt be made use of as a mighty instrument to accomplish much good for Israel. We bless thee and seal upon thee these blessings, by virtue of the holy Priesthood and Apostleship, and set thee apart to this mission, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

[End of insert]

Busy all afternoon and evening getting ready. My son Abraham drove me home after dark. I had sent each of my folks a letter as soon as my departure was decided upon so that everything might be thought about necessary to be attended to before I left. This was very unexpected news to them. Sent for Dan. Hoagland to talk over the work to be done. I blessed each of my wives, and Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, children of my wife Elizabeth. Was busy getting ready until midnight. Bro. Young had a Victoreen in harness, the former of which had been the property of his father. He was very anxious to sell it and had tried various members of the family, but none of them would buy it. Rather than have it go outside I bought it. He had been pressing me for sometime.

28 November 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov 28 1882. Bro. Jensen who does carpenter work for me, whom I sent for last night, came to see me at 5 oclock this morning, and we talked over work that I wished to have done. Abraham drove me to the Depôt. On our way we called upon his wife Sarah and upon John Q’s wife, Annie, the latter had gone to the Depôt to see me away. I met her. Bros Brigham Young and James Sharp accompanied Bro. Caine and myself to Ogden. We were joined there by Bro. F. S. Richards and wife and Bro. D H. Peery and wife and two children. Bro. W. W. Cluff came on at Echo and traveled with us to Rock Springs where he was going to visit the Saints.

29 November 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Nov 29 1882. The weather is pleasant. Congressman George, of Oregan is on the train.

30 November 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Nov 30 1882. Wrote “Topics of the Times” for Juvenile Instructor and sent it home. Met Hon. M. R. Wise and Senator Sanders of Nebraska at Omaha. Mr S. S. Stevens of the Rock Island road had furnished us passes except for Bro. Peery. This had been done at the instance of Bro. Sharp. At my request he gave Bro. Peery and wife a pass. After we left Council Bluffs we had an exciting race of eleven miles between our train and the Milwaukee and St Paul train. The tracks run parallel and quite close together for this distance; and it was the most exciting race I ever shared in. We must have made 60 miles an hour at least part of the time. They ran side by side for a great portion of the distance one and then the other gaining a few feet until finally our train left the other behind. The engineer on our train is said to be skillful and has never been beaten. These races I hear are of frequent occurrence. At the Bluffs the dining car was put on, where we got excellent meals.

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November 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024