April 1892

3 April 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, April 3rd, 1892.

President Woodruff is suffering from a crick in his back; but he is determined to be in his place at Conference.

The Sixty-Second Annual Conference convened at 10 o’clock in the Tabernacle. The house was well filled in the morning, but crowded to overflowing in the afternoon, so much so that another meeting was held in the Assembly Hall.

President Lorenzo Snow opened the Conference by prayer, and at the request of President Woodruff I made the introductory remarks, giving a brief resume of the condition of the work of the Lord at home and abroad. Brothers F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor occupied the rest of the forenoon, and had an excellent flow of the spirit.

In the afternoon sacrament was administered in both buildings. The meeting in the Assembly Hall was held under the direction of Elder Franklin D. Richards, who was accompanied by Brothers H. J. Grant , J. W. Taylor, John Morgan and B. H. Roberts.

President Woodruff’s health was such that he requested me to take the lead of the meetings.

President Jos. F. Smith and President Woodruff occupied the afternoon in the Tabernacle. President Woodruff’s remarks were brief. Though feeble in body, his voice was distinctly heard by the greater portion of the vast assemblage.

In the evening there was a meeting of the Sunday School workers, and the Tabernacle was filled to overflowing. I have never seen so large an evening meeting in the Tabernacle before. The proceedings were very interesting and a good spirit prevailed. Brothers Geo. Goddard, Geo. Reynolds, John Morgan, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and myself addressed the congregation.

4 April 1892 • Monday

Monday, April 4th, 1892.

Conference met at 10 o’clock, and after singing and prayer, Dr. J. E. Talmage was called to the stand and he read a circular that had been prepared by the General Board of Education. After its reading, Capt. Willard Young offered the following resolution:

[Printed resolution:]

Believing that the time is now fully ripe and in every way propitious for the establishment of the Church University mentioned in the circular of the General Board of Education which has just been read, and that no better time than the present, when the Latter-day Saints are assembled in General conference, can ever be found for taking those preliminary steps which may be proper and right for the carrying out of such a purpose, I therefore respectfully ask that the following motion be put to this congregation, viz:

I move that this congregation unite in requesting the First Presidency to appoint a committee of five persons to consider a general plan for the proper founding and endowing of a Church University by, or in behalf of the whole body of religious worshipers known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I suggest that the report of the committee be submitted to this Conference at the earliest time practicable.

[End of printed resolution]

It was carried by the vote of the congregation.

After this business was finished, President Lorenzo Snow and Elder Moses Thatcher spoke to the people, and a very good spirit prevailed.

The First Presidency and Twelve, with Brothers Maeser and Willard Young, met at the President’s Office between meetings and appointed as a committee to carry out the resolution adopted at the forenoon meeting, Willard Young, Karl G. Maeser, J. E. Talmage, James Sharp and B. Cluff, Jr.

A plate has been prepared, which Brother McKenzie has engraved, and was submitted to this meeting for examination, it being the intention to place it with other articles in the cap-stone of the Temple. The following is a copy of the engraving:1







April 6, 1853.


Brigham Young,

Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards.


Orson Hyde, Amasa Lyman,

Parley P. Pratt, Ezra T. Benson,

Orson Pratt, Charles C. Rich,

Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow,

John Taylor, Erastus Snow,

George A. Smith, Franklin D. Richards.


John Smith, son of Asael.


Joseph Young, Zera Pulsipher,

Levi W. Hancock, A. J. Rockwood,

Henry Herriman Jedediah M. Grant,

Benjamin L. Clapp.


Edward Hunter.

April 6th, 1892.


Wilford Woodruff,

George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith.


Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards,

Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher,

Francis M. Lyman, John H. Smith,

George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant,

John W. Taylor, Marriner W. Merrill,

Anthon H. Lund, Abraham H. Cannon.


John Smith, son of Hyrum.


Jacob Gates, Seymour B. Young,

C. D. Fjeldsted, John Morgan,

B. H. Roberts, George Reynolds,

Jonathan G. Kimball.


William B. Preston,

Robert T. Burton, John R. Winder, Counselors

T. O. Angell, Jos. D. C. Young, Architects.



At this meeting also the question of the ceremonies in connection with the laying the cap-stone was considered. A committee, consisting of Brothers J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant , J. W. Taylor and A. H. Lund, was appointed to inspect the scaffolding and platforms which had been erected on the Temple towers, as it is the design to have the leading brethren go up on to these platforms during the laying of the cap-stone.

I was mouth in ordaining, with President Smith and Elders H. J. Grant and A. H. Lund, Brother Peter Peterson to be the Bishop of the Indians at Indianola. He was a Seventy, but we ordained him a High Priest.

At 2 o’clock the Conference again met. President Woodruff desired me to speak and said that I could occupy the whole of the time if I wished. I read a portion of the revelation to Enoch recorded in the Pearl of Great Price, and dwelt upon the wonderful character of the revelation which God had given to Enoch so early in the world’s history concerning the events of the last days, referring particularly to the gathering of the elect from the four quarters of the earth. This revelation was given to the Prophet Joseph in December, 1830, eight months after the Church was organized and before anything like the gathering of the people had ever been witnessed on the earth. I cannot give an epitome of my remarks; for I was powerfully wrought upon by the Spirit of God, and spoke with a freedom and power that I have rarely felt in my life. I have felt for a long period that the First Presidency of the Church were not honored and respected as they ought to be, and that even men high in authority fail to give that deference that is due to the First Presidency. I knew that the day would come when this would be talked about in plainness, but I had no idea myself of speaking upon this on this occasion. I referred to the spirit that had grown among the people and among leading men since the division on party lines, and I warned the Elders and the Saints about the dreadful consequences which would follow, if they did not take a different course. I asserted the authority of the First Presidency and our right to speak to the people, and to counsel the Twelve and every other man in the Church. I rejoiced exceedingly in the spirit that I possessed, and the people, it seemed to me, were filled also with the spirit of the Lord and rejoiced in the utterance of the Spirit.

After I concluded, President Woodruff arose and bore testimony to the truth of what I had said and said it was the word of God. He spoke for a few minutes and with great power. He was followed by President Jos. F. Smith, who also spoke with great power.

Our remarks occupied the entire afternoon.

Upon invitation, I went to Brother Wilcken’s and took supper with my brother David, Brother Bleak, Brother F. M. Lyman and the family of Brother Wilcken, including my daughter-in-law, May Wilcken Cannon, and my grandson, Harley.

5 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 5th, 1892.

This morning I came up early to the Bishop’s Office to see Brothers Burton and Winder, to get their views, as they are men of experience, concerning public exercises. I find that no programme has been arranged for the exercises connected with the laying of the cap-stone, President Woodruff having deferred this business until I returned. I did not learn however, that nothing had been prepared until yesterday. I sent messengers out for the four brethren of the Twelve who had been appointed yesterday to examine the platforms on the Temple, and learned from them that it would be almost impracticable to have anything done on the roof of the Temple or on the towers, and that Architect Young had suggested that instead of President Woodruff climbing the tower he lay the cap-stone by electricity. This struck me very favorably. The brethren reported that there was no chance to carry out the suggestion that I had made at our previous meeting that a platform be erected on the south side of the Temple, as there were sheds in the way. Upon conversation with Bishops Preston, Burton and Winder, however, we found that these sheds were not important, and I suggested that they be cleared away, and the ground be prepared for the people to stand in the open space south of the Temple, and that men be set to work immediately to erect a platform. We then arranged for a programme of exercises, and Brother Winder was instructed to see Brother Evan Stephens as to the musical part.

At 10 o’clock the Conference again convened. Elders F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, M. W. Merrill and A. R. Lund spoke to the people, and I made a few remarks at the close.

At 1 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve and Seven Presidents of Seventies met at the President’s office to take into consideration the filling of the vacancy occasioned by the death of Brother Henry Herriman, he being the senior First President of the Seventies. A list of names was read and several were spoken highly of. President Jos. F. Smith seemed to lean very much to either Brother Jos. H. Dean or some missionary to the Polynesian Islands, and set forth his reasons for that--that there were two of the Seven Presidents now who had labored in the Southern States Mission and it would be well to have someone familiar with the wants of the Polynesian groups of Islands. This was partly in response to the mention of Brother J. Golden Kimball and Brother Wm. Spry, both of whom had labored in the Southern States Mission. Brother Spry was urged by Brother Morgan as a very suitable man. This subject of who should fill this position has been one I have thought upon some since I returned, though in the press of business I have not had much time to reflect about it. Last night, however, in thinking about it, Brother J. Golden Kimball’s name came to my mind, and I felt that he would be a very suitable man, if he were a Seventy, but I did not know whether he was a High Priest or a Seventy. When the question came up at this meeting I felt clear that J. Golden Kimball was the man, if he was a Seventy. Brother Reynolds looked at his record and found that he was a Seventy. I then moved that he should be the man, but said I merely mentioned his name because my own mind was clear that he would be a suitable man for that position. There was considerable discussion after this. Brother Lyman spoke very strongly in favor of Brother Kimball, mentioning the fact that he was a son of Heber C. Kimball, and that it would be honoring his father, especially if he were a worthy man himself. Brother Morgan then said that he knew him very well, had labored with him, he was very much like his father, and an excellent man. At this point, Brother Jos. F. Smith seconded my motion, and President Woodruff expressed himself as clear that he was the proper person, and it was carried unanimously that he should be called to that position.

This afternoon the committee that had been appointed to take into consideration the Church university brought in a report, in which they asked that the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles take steps at the earliest time practicable to establish a university, and pledging the Conference to sustain them. This was presented to the Conference and unanimously adopted. Abraham H. Cannon addressed the Conference and spoke with considerable freedom. Brother A. O. Smoot followed and bore a strong testimony to the work of God. Then the authorities of the Church were presented. Afterwards Brothers John Morgan and B. H. Roberts made brief but powerful addresses. This afternoon it was necessary to hold another overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall, as the Tabernacle was crowded to excess. President Lorenzo Snow took charge.

In the evening, at 7 o’clock, a Priesthood meeting was held, and the time was occupied by President Jos. F. Smith, myself and President Woodruff. The house was very well filled, it being thought to be the largest meeting of the Priesthood we had ever held.

6 April 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 6th, 1892.

The conference met in the Tabernacle at 10 o’clock, and according to arrangements which had been made the previous day the different quorums of the Priesthood were assigned places in the body of the hall, it being intended that the Priesthood should march in procession from the Tabernacle to the front of the stand which had been erected south of the Temple. President Woodruff addressed the congregation, which was very large, and the remainder of the time was consumed in making preparations for the ceremonies, and also by President Lorenzo Snow explaining to the congregation the proper manner of shouting “Hosanna” after the cap-stone is laid. It was a most impressive spectacle in the Tabernacle to see everyone wave his and her handkerchief in unison with President Snow as he cried “Hosanna”. The choir was the first to leave the Tabernacle and took its place on a prepared platform. Then the First Presidency and the Twelve, Patriarchs, First Seven Presidents of Seventies, Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, High Councilors, Seventies, High Priests, Elders, Presiding Bishops, Bishops and Counselors, and the lesser Priesthood. It was one of the grandest sights that I ever saw, looking from the platform where we were. The First Presidency had three seats on an elevated dais above the platform. Behind us and a little above our heads was the button which President Woodruff was to touch in order to lower the stone. It was estimated that there were not less than fifty thousand people within the Temple walls. Outside the streets were filled, and the tops of the houses from which a view of the proceedings could be obtained were covered with people. The American flag was displayed on all the prominent buildings, and it was spread over the sides of the platform. Comparatively few could be seated. Those who were seated consisted of the First Presidency and Twelve, the patriarchs, the Presidents of Seventies, the Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, and the reporters. President Woodruff desired me to take the lead in announcing the proceedings. My voice, although I had used it a good deal during conference, remained clear and strong, so much so that I was afterwards told by some of my family that they could distinctly hear me from the Juvenile Office, which is a long distance for a human voice to be heard. The following are the exercises rendered:

[Newspaper article]

The “Capstone March,” composed by C. J. Thomas, and dedicated by permission to the First Presidency, was played by Held’s band.

The Temple Anthem—words by C. L. Walker, music by Evans Stephens—was sung by the Tabernacle Choir.

Glorious God, Eternal Father,

In the name of Christ we pray

Thou wilt bless us with Thy presence,

While this crowning stone we lay;

Let Thy favor rest upon it,

Let Thy hand protect these tow’rs

May Thy peace brood over this Temple,

It is Thine, O Lord, not ours,

It is Thine, it is Thine, it is Thine, O Lord, not ours.

Glory, glory, hallelujah,

Heav’n and earth and angels sing,

Heav’n and earth and angels sing.

Choirs celestial join the chorus,

Christ our King.

Praise Him, Praise Him, Christ our King.

Shout hosannas, shout hosannas,

Glory be to God our head,

For His everlasting mercies

To the living and the dead:

Joy now reigns where once was sadness

‘Midst the prison’s dreadful gloom,

Millions hail with joy and gladness

Victory over hell and tomb!

Victory, victory, victory over hell and tomb.


Sound throughout His vast creations,

All His wondrous heavenly host,

Glory be to God the Father,

Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost;

Sing ye bright seraphic legions

Loud as thunder in the sky,

Pealing through celestial regions,

Glory be to God on high,

Glory, glory, glory be to God on high!

[End of newspaper article]

I then announced that the copper plate, engraved by Brother McKenzie (a copy of which I have inserted in my journal) would be laid in [the] cap-stone, together with the follow articles:

[Newspaper clipping]

Book of Mormon, Book of Doctrine and Covenants, Voice of Warning, Spencer’s Letters, Key to Theology, Hymn Book, Bible, Compendium, Pearl of Great Price, and some other books; also photographs of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, and a photograph of the Salt Lake Temple as it now stands, etc.

[End of clipping]

President Joseph F. Smith then offered the following prayer:

[Newspaper article]

O God, our Heavenly Father, we desire to draw near unto Thee at this moment and offer unto Thee the gratitude of our hearts for this pleasant and blessed opportunity that we enjoy of assembling ourselves together on this the sixty-second anniversary of the organization of Thy Church in the earth in the dispensation of the fullness of times. We thank Thee that on this occasion we are permitted and privileged to lay the capstone of this building which we have been permitted to erect thus far unto the name of God, our Father in heaven. And we pray thee, O Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, that Thou wilt behold us in mercy on this occasion, and accept of our dedication of ourselves, of our labors, of all that we have and are upon the earth, unto Thee, the Lord our God; for we desire to be Thine, and we desire that Thou wilt accept of us and acknowledge us as Thy children and that we may feel in our hearts that our lives and our course of action are acceptable unto Thee. We feel, Heavenly Father, to dedicate unto Thee at this time the capstone of this Temple. That we are permitted to lay it this day, we are grateful to Thee, and thus finish the laying of the stones of this building, which has been for thirty-nine years in the course of its erection. We thank Thee for the privilege. We pray Thee to sanctify this service to our good. May it go down in the memories of those that are assembled here, and may it be retained in the memories of the young—the children that are here in our midst—that they may carry it to their latest day. We thank Thee that there are a few of us here that were privileged to behold the laying of the corner stones of this building, and that Thou hast preserved us through years that have passed and brought us to this present time under so favorable circumstances as those which surround us. Bless this vast congregation of people; pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon them; may they have the Spirit of God to dwell in their hearts, and may the love of truth actuate them in all that they do from this time forth and for ever. Bless the workmen that have labored upon this Temple; bless those that shall be immediately engaged in laying the capstone; bless Thine aged servant President Woodruff, and sanctify to him the honor which is due unto him, O God, of laying the capstone by the instrumentality of electricity, that great agency, the discovery of which has been granted unto the people of this generation.

We ask Thee, Heavenly Father, now to accept of us, and to accept of our services, for all that we do we desire to do in Thy name, and to Thy name’s honor and glory and to our salvation. We dedicate ourselves unto Thee. Accept of us we pray Thee and sanctify unto us every dispensation of Thy providence, and help us to see and acknowledge Thy hand cheerfully in all things.

All of which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.

The choir sang:

Grant us peace.

Architect Joseph Don Carlos Young shouted from the top of the Temple:

“The cap-stone is now ready to be laid.”

President Woodruff

stepped to the front of the platform and said:

Attention, all ye house of Israel and all ye nations of the earth. We will now lay the top stone of the Temple of our God, the foundation of which was laid and dedicated by the Prophet, Seer and Revelator Brigham Young.

President Woodruff then pressed the button, thus opening an electric current to a contrivance connected with the capstone, the latter being thus released and placed in position.

[End of newspaper article]

I explained to the Saints the manner in which they should shout “Hosanna” and wave their handkerchiefs. President Snow took the lead in shouting and waving the handkerchief, and a more impressive sight was probably never witnessed. It was surprising to me with what uniformity and precision the people shouted at the top of their voices, “Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, to God and the Lamb, Amen, Amen, and Amen.” This was repeated three times. The waving of the handkerchiefs was at each of the “Hosannas” and at each of the “Amens”, but the handkerchiefs were not waved with the words “to God and the Lamb”.

[Newspaper article]

The choir and congregation sang:

The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!

The latter-day glory begins to come forth,

The visions and blessing of old are returning,

And angels are coming to visit the earth.

We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,

Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!

Let glory to them in the highest be given.

Henceforth and forever; Amen and Amen!

The Temple Ode—words by H. W. Naisbitt, music by Prof. C. J. Thomas—was sung by the Union Glee Club:

All hail this glorious day,

This grand, auspicious day.

The vales resound, the mountains ring,

The capstone on the Temple bring,

With gladsome peal, united sing,

Of truth’s still widening way.

The Time is near at hand,

When Christ shall come and claim His own,

And ‘mid his Saints erect that throne

Which on the earth must stand.

All hail that glorious day!

The shadows melt away;

The skies are bright,

Soon truth and right,

Shall come to earth from Zion’s light,

And man redeemed at last shall shine,

Our Father’s image, all divine.

Apostle Francis M. Lyman

said: Six months ago—it was last October—President Woodruff expressed, in a council of the Presidency of the Church and the presiding authorities of the Stakes and wards, that he desired to live to see the dedication of this Temple. It was the feeling in the hearts of the brethren present that an effort should be made to accomplish that work. Next April it will be just forty years from the time of the laying of the corner-stones of this Temple, and I have a resolution to offer to assembled Israel today which embraces the ground covered by a resolution suggested by our Brother, Willard Young:


Believing that the instructions of President Woodruff, respecting the early completion of the Salt Lake Temple, is the word of the Lord unto us, I propose that this assemblage pledge themselves, collectively and individually, to furnish, as fast as it may be needed, all the money that may be required to complete the Temple at the earliest time possible, so that the dedication may take place on April 6th, 1893.

The resolution was put to the meeting, that it might have the endorsement of all Israel. The result was a deafening shout of “ayes” from the assembled host.

Brother Lyman then stated that he would head a subscription list with a donation of one thousand dollars to aid in the attainment of the object expressed in the resolution.

Music by the band.

Closing anthem by the Tabernacle choir—“Song of the Redeemed,” composed by Evan Stephens.

[End of newspaper article]

Everything passed off in the most harmonious and joyful manner. My emotions some of the time almost overpowered me, and I had a feeling of profound gratitude to the Lord and thanksgiving for His goodness and mercy to me in permitting me to take part, and especially so prominent a part, among His people in these exercises. I felt to congratulate President Woodruff and all the brethren, for it was a most eventful occasion, memorable in every way, and one that I felt was pleasing in the sight of heaven. Nothing occurred to mar in any manner the solemnity and pleasure of the time. Our prayers which had been offered, especially one by Brother Jos. F. Taylor in the Conference, that the weather might be propitious, were fully answered. The day was a most delightful one, in striking contrast with the weather of the days preceding.

Before the benediction I announced that the Conference would be adjourned for six months, and I dismissed by a few words of prayer.

Brother Heber J. Grant carried me home in his buggy.

I called my family together this evening at the house of my wife Carlie, for the purpose of blessing the little son which she had borne to me, and who was born on the night of the 6th of March, but who had not been blessed. I called him Georgius Young Cannon. He is a very fine and apparently healthy child.

7 April 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, April 7th, 1892.

Met with the Presidents of Stakes, etc., at the Assembly Hall, at 10 o’clock. This was fast day, and we held meeting until 1:30. A great amount of business was attended to, and much valuable instruction was given.

At 3:30 there was a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I., at which Brother F. M. Lyman was elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Brother John Sharp.

After this meeting I had a long conversation with Brother Philo T. Farnsworth concerning Bullion-Beck matters. Things have come to my knowledge which confirm me in the wish to in some manner get out of this company. Brethren who are working in the mine have written me, revealing a plot on the part of the foreman of the mine to keep back discoveries of good ore, so as to make the stock of as little value as possible, he having communicated this plan to some of the workmen, for the reason, as he said, that he with wanted John Beck to buy my stock and to get it as low as possible.

8 April 1892 • Friday

Friday, April 8th, 1892.

The Saltair railway company met this morning and transacted considerable business.

At 10 o’clock the Sugar Co. met and held a lengthy session. We did not adjourn until 1 o’clock.

The First Presidency had an interview with Prest. Jesse N. Smith, with Prest. O. O. Card, and with Brother Silas S. Smith, of Manassa, Colorado.

After this I went down to the Tabernacle and rebaptized my son Angus, preparatory to his going to the Temple next week to be married, also my wife Carlie’s daughter, Ada, preparatory to her being married to my son William, and I also baptized my son David for the restoration of his health, as he starts on a mission tomorrow to Germany. My brother David and my son Abraham joined me in confirming them.

I returned to the office and had a meeting with Cannon, Grant & Co. for two hours.

I wrote a long letter to Judge Estee yesterday, and another letter today.

9 April 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, April 9th, 1892.

I took my son David in my buggy to the depot. There were present at his departure, John Q. and Abraham and Angus, and a large number of other friends. If I had given way to my feelings I should have felt badly at parting with David, for I shall miss him so much; but I know that it is for his good and for the good of the people that he should go on a mission. He appeared to be wonderfully well. He left with regret, though quite willing to go.

There was a meeting of the Bullion-Beck Co. today, after which I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

10 April 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, April 10th, 1892.

Met with the saints in the Tabernacle. Bishop O. F. Whitney delivered a very interesting discourse, in which he gave a recital of the commencement of the work and the angelic visitors who ordained the Prophet Joseph to the Priesthood.

11 April 1892 • Monday

Monday, April 11th, 1892.

Brother Heber J. Grant came down and breakfasted with me this morning, and we had some conversation concerning financial matters.

At the office I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

Brother James S. Brown called to converse about the mission to the Society Islands to which he has been called. We decided to appoint him as President of the Mission. The object in sending Brother Brown down is that he is the only survivor of the band of missionaries who visited the Society Islands years ago and labored in the ministry there. What is called the Reorganized Church has had missionaries there, and they have gathered up and organized the people that were baptized by our Elders in former times. It is felt that it would be proper to endeavor to look after these people. Two of our Elders have been sent down by the President of the Samoan Mission to labor there. Brother Brown has only one leg, and on that account he is not in a good condition to travel to any extent; but because of his former familiarity with the people there and the language, we think he can go down and do a great deal of good.

We held a meeting this afternoon, at which some of the Twelve, the Presiding Bishops and the Architect were present, to take into consideration the finishing of the Temple. We feel that it is very important that there should be immediate steps taken in the organizing of the labor and the planning of the work yet to be done on the Temple, in order that it may be finished for dedication by the 6th of April, 1893. Unless there is some thorough system adopted and energetically carried out, it is evident, from what we learn, that we shall be disappointed in the expectation of finishing the building in one year. There is an annex to be erected, and the interior will require a large amount of labor. I moved that Bishop John R. Winder be selected and appointed to take charge of this work, and he and the architect to work in conjunction and to adopt such measures as will result in the accomplishment of the work in the time mentioned. My reason for suggesting and urging this is that by the vote of the assembled thousands at the time the cap-stone was laid it was decided to furnish means enough to have the Temple completed by the next April conference. Now if we, as the First Presidency, do not take steps to carry this resolution into effect the blame will rest upon us. The people have promised to do their part; we should do our part. I said to the architect that it would be a very grave responsibility for him to bear if there should be any failure in completing the building within the year. I look upon it, though I did not say so to him, that the appointment of Bishop Winder was a benefit to him and would be a protection, so that blame could not fall upon him alone. We favored having all the work done by contract that could be, the men to be under bonds to finish in a certain time. I urged, however, that there should not be too great competition, but pay the contractors such a price that they could be required to do the work over again if it were not done properly. I thought that the question of the workmanship being of the most excellent character should be the prominent one.

12 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 12th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office.

Brother Willard Young called and submitted some papers to me, being the charter for the proposed Church university. There were two blanks which would have to be filled up, one as to the amount that would be given by the Church as the endowment, and the other the names of those who were to act as a Board of Trustees. I submitted the matter to the brethren, and it was decided that we should put one hundred thousand dollars down in the deed, it being understood that this would be drawn by installments. Fifteen names were selected also; they were, Brigham Young, Willard Young, Jos. D. C. Young, Priscilla P. Jennings, Karl G. Maeser, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, Maria Y. Dougall, Spencer Clawson, James Sharp, Heber J. Grant.

I attended a meeting of the Sugar Co.

The subject of decorating the Temple was taken up, I having had a communication sent to me by Brother John Hafen, who has been in Paris studying art, and who writes upon the subject. Brother Winder and the architect were instructed to see him and to take steps looking to the preparation of the various rooms to be decorated, so that we could send for our brethren who are now in Paris to return home in the Fall, if their art studies had progressed sufficiently to enable them to do so.

My son Angus intends to be married tomorrow to Miss Miriam Lavinia Hawkins, of the 1st Ward of this City, and they started for Logan yesterday, intending to stop over night at my son Frank’s at Ogden, and proceed to Logan this morning.

I left by the 3:30 train this afternoon for the purpose of marrying them. On reaching Logan I rode in the bus with Bishop Preston towards his son-in-law’s house, he having pressed me to accompany him, as there was no one to meet me; but while on the road, Brother Fred Hurst recognized me in the bus and got me to get into his buggy and drove me to <home,> where I found my son Angus and his intended wife. She is a neice of Sister Fred Hurst.

13 April 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 13th, 1892.

Angus and myself slept together last night. We had a very <an> early breakfast, and proceeded from Brother Hurst’s to the Temple. I spent the forenoon very pleasantly there. Angus having received his endowments for himself, thought it better to spend the time in receiving endowments for someone else, as his intended wife had not received her’s; so I assigned him my great grandfather, David Callister. I had the pleasure afterwards of sealing Miss Hawkins to Angus for time and all eternity

We took lunch in the Temple, and through the kindness of Prest. Merrill, we were taken by the Temple team to the train.

At Ogden my son John Q. and his wife Annie joined us, and Annie spent over half an hour with the newly-married couple.

Upon arrival at Salt Lake my son Lewis met me with a buggy and we drove to the house of Brother Creighton Hawkins in the 1st Ward. He is the father of Angus’ wife, and a number of friends had been invited to have a wedding feast there. My wife Sarah Jane, Angus’ mother, also Rosannah and Joseph, and my daughter Mary Alice and her husband, were there, and we spent a very pleasant evening together.

14 April 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, April 14th, 1892.

I found President Woodruff had gone this morning to attend the funeral of Brother Julian Moses.

President Smith and myself were at the office and attended to various matters of business.

At 2 o’clock we met with Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve. President Woodruff came in before we prayed. Assignments were made for the brethren to attend quarterly conferences, and Brother Heber J. Grant offered prayer.

15 April 1892 • Friday

Friday, April 15th, 1892.

President Jos. F. Smith started this morning to visit Josepa, where the Hawaiian saints reside.

We received the sad intelligence this morning that Brother Jacob Gates, the senior president of the Seven Presidents of Seventies, had departed this life last night. Brother Gates has been a faithful laborer in the work of the Lord from the very early days of the Church. He was one of the faithful band of brethren who formed, under the leadership of the Prophet Joseph, what is known as Zion’s Camp, and who journeyed from Kirtland to Missouri. He was called to be one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies at the same time that I was called to be one of the Twelve Apostles, and has labored faithfully in his ministry. His testimony has always been in favor of the divinity of the work of God and of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph. It has been a pleasure to me to listen to his testimonies, especially of late years, because most of the men who were cotemporaries of his have passed away. He was a forcible speaker, a strong reasoner, and a man of much more than ordinary intelligence. He lived to a good old age, being upwards of 80 years. He has resided at Provo of late years.

I omitted to mention in yesterday’s journal that I attended a lengthy meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co., in which the business of the company was pretty thoroughly discussed. We had, however, to take a recess until 9:30 this morning, when we again met and remained in session until after 12.

At 1 o’clock President Woodruff, President Lorenzo Snow and myself rode in a carriage down to the Temple, where we were joined by Elders John H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, and we held a meeting with the workmen. The object was to introduce Bishop John R. Winder in the new position to which he had been called to act, and to endeavor to infuse into the breasts of all who are laboring in the Temple the importance of diligence and union and of cultivating the other graces of the Gospel, as well as industry, so that the Temple might be completed for dedication by the 6th of April next. There were over one hundred workmen assembled. President Woodruff opened the subject, and then called upon me. I was followed by Brother Lorenzo Snow. Then Brothers H. J. Grant , A. H. Cannon and J. H. Smith spoke; also Bishop Preston, Architect J. D. C. Young and Bishop Winder. A letter of appointment was also read which the First Presidency had signed, in which the duties of Brother Winder were set forth. Brother Charles Livingston dismissed us with prayer.

I went from the Temple to the Bullion-Beck office, and listened to the reading of minutes of meetings held since last October which had not been read or approved. Other business was attended to, but I had to leave before the meeting adjourned, as it was our intention to have a wedding reception this evening at my place for my son Angus and his bride.

It is seldom in my life that I ever spent a more agreeable time than I did this evening. A large number of friends were present, and we had a bountiful dinner which had been prepared with the aid of Sister Davey, our old housekeeper, who is an excellent hand at this business. Upwards of 50 sat down to the first table. Brother Franklin D. Richards and his wife were there, the latter being a sister of Angus’ grandmother. My brothers David and Angus and Sister Mary Alice and her husband, and all our near relatives were there, as well as the relatives of the bride. After the guests at the first table had finished, there was another table, and after this we all adjourned to my wife Sarah Jane’s residence. My children played on their mandolins and guitars. Brother Franklin D. Richards spoke. Music again. My brother Angus spoke. Music. My brother David spoke. I made some closing remarks, thanking the company for their presence, and alluded to some reminiscences, in which I contrasted our present position with that of a few years ago, when I had to come to my home by night and by stealth, as though I were a robber, and when I had to be watched with great care lest my enemies should get power over me. The remarks of my brothers Angus and David awakened a train of thought that aroused great thankfulness in my heart to <the> Almighty for His goodness to me and my father’s house. Angus stated that there were 216 living descendants of my father at the present time, and 44 deceased; that, so far as was known, everyone of these enjoyed the fellowship of the saints and were in good standing in the Church. David alluded to the fact that we were left orphans, father and mother dying when he was at so tender an age that he could not remember either of them very distinctly, and when we came to this valley our family numbered we three brothers and four sisters. He remarked how marvelous all this appeared in his sight, and what the Lord had done for us in blessing and prospering us. Brother F. D. Richards also spoke in a very touching vein about my family and what the Lord had done for me. All this, of course, made a deep impression upon my mind, and I thought that I ought to be the most thankful of the human family. I do not know that my children ever had a quarrel, and my wives have lived in harmony, and we have enjoyed great peace. When I see my children growing up around me, and, though far from being perfect, desiring to do right, I feel exceedingly grateful to the Lord.

The company appeared to enjoy themselves excellently, and all expressed the pleasure that they had had.

16 April 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, April 18th, 1892.

I drove to town in company with my brother David and son Lewis, and dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Brother Wilcken came with a carriage to the office, in company with my brother David, and I went with them on a visit to Westover, calling on the way at my mother-in-law’s for my wife Carlie. We had a pleasant visit, and came back a little after sundown.

17 April 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, April 17th, 1892.

My son Lewis carried me to the train this morning, and I went to Provo. It stormed heavily until we got out of Salt Lake valley. The quarterly conference was being held at Provo. I went to Brother Smoot’s, and from there to the meeting. Brothers Moses Thatcher and F. M. Lyman and six of the Seven Presidents of Seventies were there. I felt quite sick today and would not have come had it not been that word had been sent that I was coming.

Sacrament was administered in the morning, the authorities were presented to the conference, and Brother Lyman and I occupied the remainder of the time. I enjoyed myself very much in speaking, and my sickness passed off.

We ordained four Bishops at the residence of Prest. A. O. Smoot after the morning meeting and set apart eight counselors, Brothers Thatcher, Lyman and myself being mouth.

The afternoon meeting commenced at 1 o’clock and was devoted to the funeral services of President Jacob Gates. Brother Smoot wished me to take charge of the meeting. I divided the time between all the brethren.

Prest. Smoot spoke, followed by Elders Thatcher, Lyman, S. B. Young, Fjelsted, Morgan, Roberts, Reynolds, J. G. Kimball, L. Farr, Geo. Goddard, C. V. Spencer, and myself. Brother Thatcher spoke the longest, occupying nearly 15 minutes. The meeting was very interesting, because of the variety of speakers, and I never attended a funeral where there was less of the feeling of death than there was on this occasion. We got through the services in time for those who wished to return to catch the train that left Provo at 3:35. The conductor had been instructed to let me off at the penitentiary street, where my buggy was in waiting for me with my son Lewis and his mother, and we went to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon’s, where we had been invited to partake of a meal with my brother David and daughters and my brother Angus. David and daughters expect to return tomorrow to St. George. We had a very pleasant visit at this beautiful home of Geo’s. It stands close to what is known as the Forest Farm house of President Young’s.

18 April 1892 • Monday

Monday, April 18th, 1892.

President Jos. F. Smith had not returned this morning from Josepa.

We held a meeting of the Sugar Co., which occupied the entire forenoon.

Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson, who returned from Washington yesterday, had a lengthy interview with President Woodruff and myself, in which they reported the situation of affairs in Washington and the prospects there were for amnesty.

The Architect and Bishop Winder called upon us to know our views concerning the putting of a gallery in the upper room of the Temple. President Woodruff was clearly of the opinion that it should be done, in which feeling I joined.

We had a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. this afternoon, which occupied considerable time.

19 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 19th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning.

At 9:15 an appointment had been made for the officers of the Saltair Railway Co. to meet with Brother Heber J. Grant to talk over with him the raising of funds for the construction of the railroad, it being his intention to go east shortly. We changed the name from Saltair Railway to the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railway. We authorized Brother Grant to borrow eighty thousand dollars in behalf of the Trustee-in-Trust, to help build our part of the railroad. A resolution was also adopted to the effect that we should issue bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars per mile, making in the aggregate three hundred thousand dollars.

The First Presidency had conversation with Brother Chas. O. Card and with Brother John W. Taylor concerning the manner in which they intended to organize companies to occupy the land which had been purchased by a number of the brethren, thirty thousand of it having been purchased by Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself, the arrangement having been made by President Woodruff while I was in the east. The purpose, as I gathered from this conversation, is to organize sheep companies and put the land and sheep in together as stock, and then divide the profits. We shall have to pay for this land $1.25 an acre. Brother Taylor thinks that all that the First Presidency will be required to pay will be the rent of 2¢ per acre for two years. This will amount to $100. every six months. He thinks that the profits after that will be sufficient to pay the rent and also the principal and interest. He is naturally very sanguine in his expectations, and I do not know how sure these results will be. It is a business that I would not have entered into, I think, if I had been at home.

We had another interview this afternoon with Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

I had an interview with Bishop Whitney, in company with my son Abraham. I have been called upon today by Abraham to sign two notes, one for $6500. and the other for 4000., for the relief of Cannon, Sons & Co in the publishing of the History of Utah. Abraham informs me that we have upwards of $30,000. invested in this, and that we will get no returns from the publishing of the first volume, nor until the second volume is issued. This condition gives me serious concern. Abraham says that he would not have touched it had it not been for the evident anxiety of the First Presidency that the book should be published, and Brother Whitney’s desire also. My conversation with Brother Whitney was to know concerning my son John Q’s services, whether he needed them or not, as there have been some insinuations thrown out, so John Q. had heard, to the effect that some persons thought we were trying to crowd Brother Whitney out of the work. Brother Whitney said that he was very desirous that John should continue to help him, as he could not get the work done by the time specified unless he did help him.

20 April 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 20th, 1892.

My daughter Ann is very sick. She is a frail little thing and has been delicate from her birth, but when administered to she receives benefit therefrom. We do all in our power for her, and her mother is very assiduous in waiting on her.

The First Presidency at the office.

We held a meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Co and attended to business connected with that institution.

We got the pleasing intelligence today that the dam at Kanab had at last been the means of furnishing water to the town of Kanab. Prest. E. D. Woolley telegraphed that water was now in the town for the first time for two years.

We had an interview with Architect Don C. Young, Bishop J. R. Winder and Brother John Hafen, the artist, concerning the artistic decoration of the Temple. It was decided to correspond with the brethren in Paris upon the subject at an early date and give them the size of the rooms to be decorated and the character of the work, and have them make designs. It was decided that we would not attempt at present to have the Creation room decorated, but let the walls remain pure white. While these brethren were here we took into consideration the finishing of parts of the work, and I moved that the Architect and Bp. Winder be authorized to submit the plans of the large upper room of the Temple to a responsible firm, say Taylor, Romney and Armstrong, to have them finish it according to the plans and specifications furnished, and to put it on their honor to do it thoroughly well and as cheaply as possible.

21 April 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, April 21st, 1892.

My son Abraham brought to the First Presidency this morning the first bound copy of Brother Orson F. Whitney’s History of Utah. It is a most elegantly finish<ed> and sumptuous work, exceedingly creditable to the publishers. I have not seen better executed work, typographically, than this. It contains about 70 portraits of prominent men in the Church. I felt much gratified at this work, because I had impressed on Abraham’s mind that as it was our publishing house I wanted it to be not only a credit to us, but to our Territory and people.

We had a long conversation with Brothers F. A. Mitchell and H. H. Cluff concerning the affairs of the Hawaiian Colony at Josepa, and we made several appropriations to aid them.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon were present. President Woodruff was mouth in prayer. It was decided that we should appoint Sunday, May 1st, as a day of fasting, thanksgiving and prayer and while the meeting was in progress I hurriedly dictated to Brother Winter a circular letter, which the First Presidency signed, and which was published this afternoon in the Deseret News. Brother Geo. F. Gibbs had copies of it mailed to presiding brethren in distant places.

22 April 1892 • Friday

Friday, April 22nd, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning. We listened to the reading of correspondence by Brother Reynolds.

We had an interview with Brother Hintze, formerly missionary to Turkey, and had conversation with him concerning the establishment of a settlement in Palestine. We decided that at present we would do nothing towards this, though we felt that it was important to be done at some time in the near future. All our exertions now are concentrated on the finishing of the Temple, and we thought it wise not to divide ourselves even on this question, important as it is.

I went down to the bank and spent some time with Geo. M. Cannon, Secretary of Cannon, Grant & Co., arranging for my subscription to the capital stock of that company.

I ordained my son Wm. T. Cannon this evening to the office of an Elder, being joined in doing so by Lewis M.<Cannon.>

My son Lewis had a surprise party last night, it being his birthday. A number of his acquaintances got together and they had an excellent time. He is 20 years old today.

23 April 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, April 23rd, 1892.

Stormy morning.

Engaged with Brother Arthur Winter in dictating correspondence, article for Juvenile Instructor, and journal.

24 April 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, April 24th, 1892.

I attended meeting in the Tabernacle this afternoon. Brother Jos. H. Dean was called to speak, and he was followed by my son Abraham.

25 April 1892 • Monday

Monday, April 25th, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself were in the office.

President Smith was in the north.

I had a meeting with the executive committee of the Brigham Young Trust Co. and the Secretary. The subject of our conversation was the loan that had been effected by Brother Spencer Clawson while east, and concerning which a letter had been received from the Guaranty & Indemnity Co. of New York, finding some fault with some of the points. We decided that it would be better not to write an explanation of these points, but to have Brother Clawson go to New York in the course of a few days and see these people.

Sister Lucy B. Young came in and wished to get my counsel about leaving St. George to come here to live. She proposed to get a lease of a piece of ground from her daughter Susie, which the latter had promised her for life, and then build upon it. I asked her what amount she had to build with, and she said $1500; but she had an obligation of $1000 which she had to meet, and which would leave her $500. I said to her, You cannot expect to build for less than $2500 such a house as you would want, and is it wise, at your time of life, for you to incur a debt of that amount? You now have a fixed income of $100 per month, and if you put your $500 to interest, that will bring you in something, and had you <not> better rent a place and save yourself the anxiety of debt and of paying taxes, etc? She felt pleased at the counsel, and seemed to be determined to adopt it.

President Woodruff and myself had a conversation with Brother N. V. Jones concerning political matters. He had come to ask our counsel regarding going out as an agent for the Democratic Central Committee to organize league clubs and making addresses to the people in favor of Democracy.

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co., the object being to take into consideration the mortgaging of the property and the obtaining of a loan of $40,000 upon it. While we were in consultation, Brother Heber J. Grant called me out and informed me that he believed the Deseret News could borrow that amount with Cannon, Grant & Co’s endorsement, for 8%, and without a mortgage. I invited him into the meeting, and he made the statement and the company seemed pleased with it. They instructed the Supt. to arrange for such a loan with Brother Grant, so that when we went east he might secure it.

I had a long conversation with Philo T. Farnsworth concerning my position in the Bullion-Beck Co. This is the second conversation I have had with him. I have felt impressed to get him interested in this property, so that I could have the advantage of his experience and shrewdness. He is the mining superintendent of the Horn Silver mine and of another property they have in Nevada. He commenced to work for them for $500 a month. They soon increased it to $600, and now they pay him $800. I have felt that if I could get him interested in this company my interest in his hands would be protected, as I feel that my share in that property is in a very precarious condition, under the circumstances. I hear that Brother Beck has pledged 51000 shares of stock, which he has turned over to trustees, and on which he has borrowed $200,000. My feeling has been to turn over my entire interest to Brother Farnsworth. He has promised to give the matter a careful examination, and I expect to hear from him when he returns from the south, which will be after a few days.

Brother Spence informed me today that Mr. Welby, the Manager of the Rio Grande R.R., had offered me the use of his private car to take me and my company who wished to go to Manti to witness the marriage ceremony of my son William and adopted daughter Ada, which it is now proposed to solemnize on Wednesday. I suppose that one of the reasons, and probably the prevailing reason, of this courtesy being shown to me is that I am the president of the Saltair railway, and as such it can be tendered by Mr. Welby without compromising himself in any way.

26 April 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 26th, 1892.

The train left this morning for Manti at 9:50. There were twelve in the party: myself and wife Carlie, her daughters Mary C. Cannon and Ada, and her mother, Sister Young; Brother and Sister Clawson and daughter Lulu; my wife’s sister, Miriam Hardy, and my son John Q. and wife. Mr. Welby showed me through the car and introduced me to the porter and cook, and placed the whole at my disposal, and for the car to remain at Manti till I was ready to return. A most excellent dinner was served on the car at 1 o’clock. We reached Manti at 3:50, and were met by the Temple team and taken to the Temple hotel. It was however, so crowded that we could not all put up there. I understood the brethren of the Temple were waiting to see me to know whether I wished any work done that afternoon, and I therefore, in company with Bishop Clawson and my son John Q., proceeded to the Temple. Brother M. F. Farnsworth offered to entertain Brother Clawson, wife and daughter. Brother Maiben wished me to go to his house; but my wife Carlie had taken her little son along and he was seized with serious sickness, and she thought we had better stay, as there was a room that we had obtained in which there was a stove. My son John Q. and his wife, therefore, went to Brother Maiben’s, and the rest of us remained at the hotel.

27 April 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 27th, 1892.

I spent a most interesting day at the Temple. A large number of persons were adopted in my family. Brother Clawson’s wife Emily and my wife Carlie received their [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance]. My wife Carlie had received her’s before, but it was while I was on the “underground” and it was imperfectly done, there being no witnesses present. I therefore felt that it ought to be done in a proper manner and be made a matter of record. For this reason she received her’s today. My son William and his intended wife received their endowments. My son John Q. was baptized for my friend, Clarkson Nott Potter, a Member of Congress from New York, a man who had always shown me great kindness and been very liberal in his feelings towards our people. He belonged to quite a distinguished family in New York, his father being <a Bishop, I believe,> in the Episcopal church, and his brother now a prominent Bishop in the same church in New York. He afterwards was ordained an Elder and received endowments for him. His wife Annie received her endowments for my Aunt, Ann Cannon, my father’s sister. I married my son William and Ada, and also performed the ceremony for three other couples; in fact, all that there were to be married today. Sister Young and her daughter, Miriam Hardy, received their endowments for dead relatives.

This day has been a very busy one for me, and we have all enjoyed it exceedingly, excepting the sickness of my child, which has given us great concern; but we have administered to him repeatedly, and this evening he seems better.

At 8 o’clock there was a meeting in the Tabernacle here, which was quite crowded, and I spoke for about 65 mins.

28 April 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, April 28th, 1892.

We left Manti at 6:30 this morning in the special car. Some of the party who had not eaten breakfast had it on the car, and we all had lunch also before reaching the city, where we arrived a little after 12, being 25 mins. late.

The trip has been a delightful one. The only dampening thing has been the sickness of Georgius.

I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the office in good health.

The usual meeting was held at 2 o’clock. The First Presidency and Elders R. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. R. Cannon were present. I was mouth in prayer.

We afterwards had a meeting with Angus M. Cannon, Jos. H. Felt and J. W. Eardley concerning the holding of the Young Men’s Stake Conference. No conclusion was reached as to when it should be held.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter, and also a letter to Colonel Shaughnessy.

29 April 1892 • Friday

Friday, April 29th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office today.

Capt. Willard Young brought a letter which he had received from President Eliot of Harvard University, asking for information on several points, as he wanted to prepare a lecture ion Utah and her people.

Brother Wm. A. Rossiter informed me that he was willing to devote one year’s services gratuitously to the Temple, if agreeable, and today we appointed him to make collections from the saints for the Temple.

We spent several hours reading the minutes of Bishop and High Council trials at Ogden in the case of Nathan Tanner, Jr, and Job Pingree.

We did not finish the work, as I had to leave to prepare for the wedding reception of my son William and Ada to be held this evening.

We had a large number of guests, and Sister Davey had been employed to get up a supper, which she did in her fine style. About 80 persons were seated in my dining room. A most delightful evening was spent. We had music and singing, and my children of the mandolin and guitar club gave us several pieces, which we much admired.

30 April 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, April 30th, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not at the office today, and I was kept busily employed with private work.

I had nearly two hours’ conversation with Mr. Wendell Benson, the proprietor of the Knutsford hotel, and one of his guests, a Mr. Pugh, of Mass. It was a most interesting conversation, and Mr. Pugh expressed himself as highly delighted with the interview. Mr. Benson I have met before, but was not intimate with him. It is evident that he is a very warm admirer of the Latter-day Saints. I remarked to the brethren afterwards that it seemed to me he was not far from the Kingdom of God, for he took as much pleasure in having me explain to Mr. Pugh our principles and everything connected with our system as if he had been a Latter-day Saint, and he bore testimony himself in the strongest manner to the virtue of the people, their honesty, industry and other good qualities.

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April 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/04-1892


  1. [1]Text of engraving, with the two columns of “General Church Authorities” put into one column.

  2. [2]End of engraving text