April 1862

1 April 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 1st, 1862. Heard from Elizabeth to-day. She is still improving. Bro. Rich also wrote; he was to start this morning to Birmingham and wished us to meet him there. I wrote to him that we would meet him there on Wednesday. Balancing monthly Cash account and writing letters

2 April 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 2nd, 1862. Started this morning in company with Bro. Amasa to Birmingham. Met Bro’s. Rich, McAllister & Adams at Bro. Mills’. Had considerable conversation about changes and appointments. Slept at Bro. Price’s with <Bro. Rich.>

3 April 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 3rd. Had a regular investigation of matters of difficulty and feeling between Bro’s. Mills, President of the Birmingham District, and <J. F. D.> McAllister President of that Conference and <S. L.> Adams of the Warwickshire. We listened patiently to their statements on both sides and then decided, Bro. Lyman being mouth, that the brethren acting as Presidents of conferences had not acted wisely and that wrong had grown out of their actions and course. Much good instruction was given, and the brethren felt well and made due acknowledgments and were <fully> reconciled. Bro. Adams had taken a course which we could not approve of. He had ceased to respect Bro. Mills from the time of the Birmingham Conference, and had therefore not honored him as his District President. The cause which he assigned for so doing was quite insufficient to justify him, and it was plainly evident that he had permitted himself to be led away by a wrong Spirit and that he had sought to create in the bosoms of others a similar prejudice against Bro. Mills to that which existed in his own. It was to his influence that I attributed Bro. McAllister’s feelings of dissatisfaction, and in his letters to Bro. Rich and myself he evidently sought to create unfavorable impressions respecting Bro. Mills. This is a course which I feel very much opposed to. No man can prosper who attempts to injure his brother in the opinion of their common President or Presidents. He indulges in a Spirit in so doing which will bring its own punishment sooner or later. I rather dreaded this meeting, as I expected it would be very disagreeable. It always is so for me to censure or condemn my brother or brethren for improper actions. Under such circumstances nothing but a sense of duty and a knowledge that I am required by the Lord, when occasion requires, to rebuke and reprove as well as exhort, would sustain me. The meeting ended, however, very agreeably, and the brethren became fully reconciled.1 Started to Nottingham at 6.50 p.m. Bro’s. McAllister and Adams accompanied me to the Station. Reached there at 8.45 p.m. and found all well. Georgiana had a cold under which she was suffering slightly; but Elizabeth felt much better and appeared stronger than she did when I last saw her.

4 April 1862 • Friday

Friday, April 4th, 1862. Started for Liverpool and reached there about 4 p.m. Busy with Office business and writing a letter to the President Young until quite late. {As I intended to go to London to spend the 6th in company with Bro’s Lyman and Rich and the Saints in Conference, Elizabeth thought she would remain <at Nottingham> until I returned. I therefore left her there, and started for Liverpool, which place I reached at about 4 p.m. Busy with Office business and writing letter to President Young until quite late.}

5 April 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 5th. Finished my letter this morning to the President. Went down down [town] and had an interview with Mr. Searle of the firm of Sabel & Searle and then saw Mr. Smith of Tapscott, Smith & Co. and chartered the “Constellation,” {1500 Tons burden,} Capt. Mulliner, on the same terms as the “John J. Boyd” to sail on the 13th May. Started for London, in company with Bro. Sloan, at 3.45 p.m. and reached there at 9.30 p.m. Found all well <excepting Bro Rich> <Mention my reasons for going> {Found Bro’s. Lyman and Staines well. Bro. Rich had a very severe cold which made him very hoarse.}

6 April 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, April 6th, 1862. Held Conference in St. George’s Hall in afternoon and evening. I spoke in the afternoon at some length. Bro. Amasa spoke in the evening. A man by the name of Hepburn, {Bro. Lyman spoke in the evening. Bro. Rich was too hoarse to speak. In the evening, while Bro. L. was speaking, a man by the name of Hepburn,} an Anti-Mormon lecturer who has been exerting himself through the country to create excitement against us and to disturb our meetings, pressed his way into the hall and tried to create a <bring on a> disturbance and to divert the attention of the people by his grimaces and by pulling out a book and turning it over &c. {in such a manner as would be likely to attract the notice of the congregation.} He was full of the devil and it was plain to be seen. {His countenance was demoniacal to look upon.} Bro. Lyman continued to talk {and the people to listen,} and he poured it out in such a stream upon him and his crew by calling on the Saints to pity such poor wretches instead of quarreling with them, and described their contemptible manner with<out> being personal {contemptible meanness in such powerful and glowing language without being personal} that Hepburn left after finding that all his efforts to divert the attention of the people were unsuccessful.

7 April 1862 • Monday

Monday, 7th, 1862. Administered to a deaf sister. Writing journal.2 We all took dinner with Sister White who occupies apartments in the same house with Bro. Staines. At 5 p.m. I left the King’s Cross Station for Nottingham. Bro. Staines took me down in a Hansom. I found all in pretty good health there.

8 April 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 8th, 1862. We left Nottingham at 7.25 a.m. Bro. Oakey and family has <have> been very kind to Elizabeth and Bro. Jas. S. Brown has spared no pains to make her visit agreeable. Elizabeth took a little niece of Bro. Oakey’s with her home; her name is Rose Matthews. We reached Liverpool at 12.15 p.m. After attending to Office business I went down and had an interview with Mr. Smith and chartered another ship (“Manchester,” a vessel we had last year) of 1065 tons burden, to sail on the 5th of May, on the same terms as the others.

9 April 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 9th. Had interviews with Mr. Searle and Mr. Smith. Took Elizabeth out for a walk in town. There is considerable excitement at the present time in England and throughout Europe respecting wooden and iron-plated ships, the merits of which have been pretty well tested in a recent encounter which occurred recently in Hampton Roads between the iron-plated <steam> frigate “Merrimac” of the Confederates and the “Cumberland” and “Congress” wooden frigates of the Federal Government and the iron-plated steam-battery the “Monitor.” The “Merrimac” ran the “Cumberland” down and forced the “Congress” to surrender, despite their vigorous defence. Their shot fell as harmlessly on their assailant as hailstones would on a tin-roof. Wooden ships had no chance whatever with a vessel like the “Merrimac,” and had she not met with an adversary (“Monitor”) as invulnerable as herself the consequences might have been serious for the Federals. Great alarm prevailed throughout all the cities of the North when they heard of the feats of the “Merrimac,” and it was seriously proposed in New York to sink ships and other obstructions to prevent her entrance into that port. The “Monitor” appeared on the scene of action after the destruction of the two wooden frigates, and she engaged the “Merrimac” for five hours without sustaining any injury herself and without inflicting any of consequence upon her adversary. This action has frightened the English into the speedy construction of iron-plated batteries, as it is now plain that the days of wooden ships and stone forts are ended for warlike or defensive purposes, neither the one nor the other being capable of inflicting any injury on such an assailant or of withstanding for any length of time the continuous and well-directed fire of such an assailant. The efforts of engineers <in this country> are now being directed to the construction of a weapon that will send a missile or projectile with sufficient force to penetrate the armor of an iron-plated ship, and from the report of experiments tried yesterday in the presence of the Lords of the Admiralty and other notabilities they have succeeded in creating such a weapon. The Spirit of destruction seems to have taken entire possession of the nations, and they are restlessly preparing themselves with every thing necessary for attack and defence. When war does break out in Europe, and England or France become a party to it or in it bloody work may be expected. Madness has seized upon the nations, peace has fled from their midst, and they are left a prey to their own evil passions. Babylon is ripening rapidly for destruction and her overthrow will not be long delayed.

10 April 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, April 10th, 1862. Variously engaged in Office during the day. Wrote journal in the evening. Took Elizabeth out for a walk.

11 April 1862 • Friday

Friday, 11th. Engaged in Office business. In afternoon went with Mr. Smith on board the “John J. Boyd” and had an interview — a very pleasant One — with Capt. Thomas; Dr. Wood was also present.

12 April 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 12th. Busily engaged in Office. Wrote a letter to Bro. Joseph W. Young in reply to one received <from> by him by last mail. I gave him all the items in my possession connected with the emigration. Wrote also to Bro’s. Brown and Blackburn, New York.

13 April 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, April 13th /62. Met with the Saints morning and evening and spoke with freedom at both meetings. Referred in the morning to the different effects produced by the influence of the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of the Adversary: one being pure, joyous, and peaceful, <and enlightening> in its effects; the other dark <and> disagreeable producing gloom, dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The Saints carry with themselves the evidences of the truth of the work. The Spirit of God which they receive through obedience to the gospel ever produces happy effects; all is joy, peace and confidence where it reigns. But let the other Spirit step in and how soon the scene changes! If the Saints could but remember this, what trouble and perplexity it would save them. Whenever that evil Spirit would present itself they would turn away from it and give no place to it and pay it no attention. When any man or woman would come to them and bring that Spirit with them and their words would produce such feelings within them they might know they were not of God and that the Spirit they possessed and the stories they told were evil and false. If the Saints would think of this when this Spirit was presented to them and sought to influence it would save them considerable trouble. Spoke in the evening on the blessings and faith produced by the <pure> principles of the gospel. An opposer, a protestant street controversialist I judged, commenced asking questions of me after meeting and asked for a sign. The weakness of his position was soon made evident to everybody but himself. He manifested dishonesty and ignorance.

14 April 1862 • Monday

Monday, April 14th, 1862. Bro. Jas. S. Brown arrived from Nottingham and Bro. Lyman from Southampton.

15 April 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 15th. Bro’s. Jeremy, Gibson and Gleason arrived here to-day to make preparations for the emigration of the Saints.

16 April 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 16th. Bro. Rich and his son Joseph and Bro. Kay, Bro’s. Staines, Mills all came in town.

17 April 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 17th. Busy with preparations for the emigration of the Saints, ticketing &c. Shipping provisions <for voyage.>

18 April 1862 • Friday

Friday, 18th. Being <Good Friday it was kept as> a holiday by the people of the town, we were very busy ticketing and settling up all day.

19 April 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 19th. The Saints are busy getting their things on board the “John J. Boyd.” The ship is not in a complete state of preparation, though it should have been ready for the people to go aboard yesterday. An agent of Lord Leigh’s, with whom I have had some communication by letter and telegram respecting emigration called at the Office to secure passages for a family of five

20 April 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, April 20th, 1862. Met with the Saints in company with Bro’s. Dame and Gleason. We addressed the Saints. In evening Bro. Lyman spoke.

21 April 1862 • Monday

Monday, 21st. The brethren (A. M. L., C. C. R. and others of the Elders) with myself and Elizabeth went off to the ship which was lying in the river (having hauled out of Dock yesterday) on a tender with the Government officers whose duty it was to clear the ship. The people were all assembled aft and a rope was stretched across the deck to pen them up. Guards were placed over them to see that none passed the rope at any place but where the Government doctor stood. The people passed him in families with their tickets. He tore off the counterpart of the ticket, which he kept, and then examined all to see that all were in a healthy condition and that no contagious disease prevailed. One family were compelled to stay behind and to go ashore, as it was feared that one of the children was breaking out with the measles. When they <(the people)> had passed the doctor they went below, all of which had been examined by the Government officer, while the people were on deck, to see that the requirements of the law respecting emigrant ships had been fully complied with. There were 608 ½ Statute Adults, making about 702 souls, on board. They praised the appearance of the passengers. After the ship was cleared by the Government officers, and they had left, we called the people together for the purpose of organizing them. I spoke first, and had excellent freedom in instructing the Saints respecting their duties. Bro’s. Rich and Lyman followed, and we had an excellent meeting and a very pleasant time. Bro. Jas. S. Brown was appointed President of the company, and Elder John Lindsay and Joseph C. Rich as his first and second Counsellors. The was a very great difference apparent in the influence which prevailed on board at the time of the meeting and afterwards and that which prevailed previously. Every spirit was bound and the Spirit of the Lord and peace predominated. There are many things operating favorably for the emigration of the people this season. The Lord is visibly blessing them in all their efforts to escape from Babylon. Friends are being raised up for them and in wholly unexpected quarters: some receiving aid from employers, some from relatives and some from strangers. Lord Leigh is sending out a family of five individuals; Rev. T. Erskine is paying the passage of another family; and a clergyman in Scotland, by the name of the Rev. Dr. Stirling, gave one of our Sisters (Mary Spiers) £8 to assist her in getting ready after receiving a letter from me giving him information respecting our method of managing the emigration. In evening had a party of the Elders at the Office; had a very pleasant time.

22 April 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 22nd, 1862. Saw Mr. Smith and settled with him, paying him £ [blank] for 608 ½ passages on the “John J. Boyd.” Very rainy. He furnished a steam-tender to take Bro. Rich and myself to the vessel. We took off some extra provisions to Bro’s. Joseph C. Rich and Reuben McBride; I gave the former £5 and the latter £2. Bro. Joseph had not a penny, neither had Bro. Jas. S. Brown to whom I also handed £5. I presume that there never has been a time in the British mission that the Elders received so little assistance from the Saints as at the present time. They are very poor, and there is not a Conference or District which is not cramped for means. There has never been a time when so many appeals have come up for assistance to get away to the Valley, the pressure of the hard times is so severe that many who have been putting off their emigration from year to year are now glad of the opportunity of going. There were on the “John J. Boyd” Elders Chas. Welch, Hy. Duce, Rob’t. Hodgerts and Ed. Pugh from the Valley with those already mentioned — Jas. S. Brown, J. C. Rich and R. A. McBride.

23 April 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 23rd, 1862. The “Boyd” left the river this morning about 7 o’clock for New York. Bro’s. Lyman and Kay left for Manchester. Heard of the battle of Corinth between the Federals and Confederates — the bloodiest yet fought. Spent the evening at Sister Spencer’s.

24 April 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 24th 1862. Heard from Bro. Van Cott that he had chartered and sent off four ships from Hamburg, containing in all 1556 souls, under the presidency of Elders H. C. Hansen, C. A. Madsen, Soren Christoffersen and O. N. Liljenquist. The ships were the “Humboldt,” “Franklin,” “Electric” and “Athenia.” Bro. Van Cott has been greatly blessed in his labors of preparing the way for the emigration of the Saints. He is a sterling man — a man of excellent business tact and of rare energy and integrity. May the Lord bless him and preserve him for future usefulness. Wrote an editorial for the Star, entitled “Necessity of Candor on the part of the Saints.”

25 April 1862 • Friday

Friday, 25th. Bro. John C. Graham and Sister Eliza Morris were married to-day by Bro. C. C. Rich. I made a party dinner and invited all the people in the Office and Bro. Sloan & wife and Sister Spencer and daughter, Mary. We had an exceedingly pleasant time and all enjoyed themselves. We had tea about 9 p.m. I felt to make this wedding party for John because of his attention and diligence; he has been about five years in the Office.

26 April 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, the 26th. Wrote a long letter to Brother H. S. Eldredge and another to President Young. I received a letter from President Young on Thursday. He says that a good many Elders have been selected for foreign missions.

24 April 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, April 27th, 1862. Attended meeting morning and evening. Bro. Rich spoke both times and I followed in a few remarks.

28 April 1862 • Monday

Monday, 28th. Bro. Lyman arrived from Manchester and left for Birmingham in afternoon. Writing journal &c.

29 April 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 29th. Examining letters &c. and clearing out my desk and drawers. In afternoon went in company of Bro. Rich, Sister Spencer and my wife to the Botanic Gardens. Took tea at Sister Spencer’s on our return.

30 April 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 30th. Dr. Wood and daughter called to see myself and wife. Called on Mr. Smith of Tapscott, Smith & Co. The “Constellation” being detained they have thought it best to offer me the “Wm Tapscott,” a vessel equally stanch and capacious and I concluded to accept it. Bro. Eugene Henriod arrived <in company with Bro. Bramall> from Southampton with the intention of acting as assistant editor in the stead of Bro. Whittall who, with his family, is emigrating.

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April 1862, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1862/04-1862


  1. [1]After this sentence, the daybook begins and continues to 7 April.

  2. [2]The daybook ends again here.