December 1894

1 December 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 1, 1894. Mr. Bowes, of the Chicago & Alton R.R., secured passes for myself as far as Parkersburg and return on the Baltimore & Ohio, and from there to New York at half fare. We visited the Meyer Bros Drug establishment and were shown by Mr. Theodore F. Meyer all through it. It is an immense concern and very interesting. Mr. Meyer then took Brother Webber and myself in his carriage to call upon some gentlemen who had expressed a desire to see me. We called upon Mr. Brooking, of Cupples & Co.—a warm friend of Utah—and examined their large warehouses and shipping facilities, which are extraordinary. Mr. Brooking has been sick and this was his excuse for not calling upon me and showing me attention; but he wished now to make up for it and pressed me to let him do something for us while we remained.

We then went to the Simmons Hardware Co. and we were shown great attention there by Mr. Simmons and Mr. Pilchard, one of the Vice Presidents of the Company. Mr. Simmons gave us very interesting explanations of their method of canvassing for business. He has maps of each state, and every town in it is marked and assigned to their traveling men. Different colored and shaped tacks represent the traveling men and in this way it can be seen at a glance where each man is, and if it is necessary to send a man to a particular place, to know whom to send. We were shown through the establishment. It is a mammoth business and does about eight millions each year, which Mr. Pilchard said is equal to fifty millions in the dry goods trade.

Mr. Meyer took us to lunch at Tony Faust’s restaurant—a very fine meal.

Brother & Sister Webber, Judge Shurtliff and Judge Dusenberry left for home this evening.

2 December 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 2, 1894. This morning Mr. Whitmore called to take us to Church; but I excused myself because of letters and articles to write, which I had engaged Miss Jones, a stenographer of our delegation and a niece of W. H. Culmer’s, to do. He insisted, however, on our going out for a ride in the afternoon. I dictated some correspondence and two articles for the Juvenile Instructor to Miss Jones, and at 2 o’clock Mr. Whitmore’s carriage called for us. We were taken to see the Ead’s Bridge across the Mississippi, and then to his house. We were very agreeably impressed with Mrs. Whitmore. She is a daughter of Mr. Knapp, of the St. Louis Republican, whom I knew in 1858&9. She is not in good health now and apologized for not being able to show us the attentions she desired. Their house is very large and stylish.

Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Hawes accompanied us through the fine residence portion of the City and Tower Hill Park. The carriage carried us back to the hotel. I had a call from two Manxmen of the name of Reih and one of the name of Millburn, who were very warm in their invitations to call when I or Frank should come again.

The attentions we have received in St. Louis exceed anything I ever received from strangers in the same length of time in my life. Invitations have been showered upon me. It would take many days, if not weeks, to accept them all. Mr. & Mrs. Meyer particularly have been exceedingly kind. Their carriage has been at our disposal all the time, and Mrs. Meyer has made Sister Cannon’s stay very delightful.

We left St. Louis at 8:05 p.m. on the Baltimore & Ohio.

3 December 1894 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 3, 1894. Busy writing up journal.

4 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1894. Reached New York a little before noon. We were met at the Ferry by my son Frank and Brother Hyrum S. Woolley. We went to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, as the Hoffman was undergoing repairs.

Frank had interviews with G. A. Purbeck &Co.

In the evening we went to see a performance at Hoyt’s Theatre. The play was The Milk White Flag.

5 December 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1894. We had a call from Brother Spencer Clawson this morning. He is stopping at the Hotel Netherland, which is the most elegantly equipped hotel in the city. He gets a room at a very reasonable price. We concluded to change our hotel and go to the Netherland. For the day we stopped at the Fifth Avenue we were charged $12.00[.]

Dr. A. C. Young took dinner with Spencer Clawson and us, and then we all went to the theatre together to see The Masqueraders[.]

6 December 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 6, 1894. Spent some time at Claflin & Co.’s dry goods store making a few purchases for home. My family is so large that to get a few things to go around it costs considerable.

Brother N. W. Clayton is here, and he and Frank are seeing different parties under my direction.

We went with Spencer Clawson to see a play called “A New Woman.”

7 December 1894 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 7, 1894. Brother Spencer Clawson and myself called at the National Park Bank for the purpose of obtaining a loan of $25,000 for the Brigham Young Trust Co. We had a long conversation with Mr. Wright, in which I described to him how Utah is coming to the front and the labors of our people are being recognized and appreciated. He was greatly pleased with my recital and treated me with great courtesy. When the subject of the loan was referred to, he appeared willing to do whatever I asked. He said the rule was to loan for sixty or ninety days, but when we told him we would like it for six months, he readily consented to give it us for that time. When we told him we wanted it for 5 per cent. per annum he agreed without the least hesitation to let us have it for that. This is the lowest interest that money has been obtained at in New York City by our banks or other institutions. He appeared to attach a great deal of importance to my being the President of the Company and signing the note officially and then endorsing it personally. He invited me to occupy a desk in a private room.

After leaving the bank I met Frank and Brother Clayton and we called on L. C. Hopkins, Esq., who had invited me to be a guest at the banquet of the Ohio Society and deliver an address.

I afterwards called upon Mr. Hand, who had sent me a tintype of my son David, it being the last likeness taken of him. He and Mr. Hand’s son were out together in the country and each one had a tintype likeness taken.

8 December 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 8, 1894. My wife and myself were shown through Strauss & Co’s china warerooms. The display of goods there was very elegant and extensive.

I called upon the New York Security & Trust people and saw Mr. Lamson, the Secretary, and Mr. Fairchild, the President. I also called at the Western National Bank and saw Mr. Brayton Ives and Mr. Snider, the President and Vice President.

At the hotel we had a call from Brother Hyrum S. Woolley and his niece, Sister Viola Pratt. They dined with us.

9 December 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 9, 1894. We had arranged to go this morning to the Baptist Church where Sister Pratt is employed to sing; but when Brother Woolley and Frank and Brother Clayton called for us we were sitting in the ladies waiting room and they did not find us through the hotel clerk telling them we had gone out.

Brother Woolley and Sister Pratt took lunch with us.

In the evening, in company with Brother Spencer Clawson, we accompanied Brother Woolley to the church and were seated by a Mr. Guiteau, a brother of the man who killed President Garfield, in his pew. The quartette singing was fine. The preacher, Mr. Haldeman, is an eccentric preacher, and is highly sensational. The subject was “The man who went to heaven and returned to earth again.” This referred to Paul’s allusion to a man who saw the third heaven. Among other statements that he made was that up to the time of the Savior’s resurrection the place to which the spirits of those who died went was the centre of the earth.

10 December 1894 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 10, 1894. My wife and self passed some time at the store of H. B. Claflin & Co. I afterwards called upon Mr. Osgood.

By letters from home my attention had been called to a Mr. J. C. Abbott, of Hartford, as a man from or through whom money might be obtained. I had received two letters from him, the last of which I had replied to by telegraph, informing him that I would either meet him myself at Hartford or would have my son do so. This morning Frank went to Hartford, met Mr. Abbott and was by him introduced to other gentlemen, and brought back from Mr. Abbott a document, of which the following is a copy:

Dec. 10, 1894.

Hon. Frank J. Cannon,

Dear Sir:

Referring to the application for a Loan of $500,000 for 5 years, on a Note of the President, and Trustee of the Church, secured by satisfactory collateral, I wish to say:

That in view of our conversation held this day with President Batterson, and Secretary Dennis of the Travelers Insurance Company of this City. That I am led to think that the loan can be obtained, provided the collaterals to be submitted prove satisfactory.

I am fully convinced that the rate proposed, (namely 5%) is below the rate obtainable for Western loans. But in view of the exceptionally high credit of the Mormon Church, I will do my best to obtain this for you at that rate. It is my candid opinion, however, that the Travelers Insurance Company will require six per cent. to induce them to loan this amount in Salt Lake City. It is possible a compromise may be effected by which you could obtain it at 5 1/2 per cent.

The money is here awaiting investment. It is a matter simply of security, and rate of income.

If this loan is obtained through me, the understanding is, that when completed in a satisfactory manner, I am to receive one percent. for negotiating the loan, and expect your hearty co-operation in bringing the matter to a successful issue.

If I have not stated the matter clearly, as you understand it, please make such suggestions as you see fit. Otherwise we are to consider it binding, subject to the approval of the Committee.

Respectfully Yours,

(Signed) John C. Abbot.

We had been invited to Brother Hyram S. Woolley’s and Sister Viola Pratt’s rooms this evening. They live with Madam [blank], whose daughter, Mrs. Schilling, is soprano in the church quartette of which Sister Pratt is one. We were favored with singing and music on the piano. In our party were Brothers Spencer Clawson and Clayton. There were Mr. Schilling, Mr. Schiller, Mr. Davidson, and Miss [blank] a sister of Mrs. Schilling.

11 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 11, 1894. In company with Brother Clayton and my son Frank, I called upon G. A. Purbeck & Co. We had a long conversation together, and afterwards Mr. Purbeck and myself had a long conversation alone. Our conversation was kind; but I plainly laid before him our position, and in reply to his complaint about not answering his letters I told him we had reached a stopping place. To organize a railroad company as he wished us to do without knowing more than we did about it, not even knowing the route to be taken or any particulars, would be to arouse expectations and create hopes which we could not meet and would expose us to the suspicion of engaging in “Wildcat” enterprises. I could not consent to our being put in such a position among our people. It would never do for us to lessen our influence in any such way and make ourselves appear ridiculous. As to selling stock in the Utah Co. to our people; how could we do it? What had we to show to make it worth ten millions. I said, “You say, Mr. Purbeck, it will be worth that and the people should view it as a favor to be permitted to buy stock in that Co; but they know as well as we what the properties which we value at ten millions cost, and what have we done to enhance their value since they were built and purchased? I cannot say when we will build or where we will build. Months have passed and we do not yet know the route we shall take to reach the coal fields. Everything else is equally vague and uncertain, and what can we say in reply to the many inquiries upon all these points addressed to us? Whenever we can show something tangible—a route selected and work commenced[,] a definite purpose and suitable plans adopted to reach it, and funds on hand or in sight to keep things moving, then I should be in favor of offering stock to the people of Utah; but as matters now stand I am not in favor of it. At present we cannot move for the want of funds. This is not what we expected. On the strength of what we already had done—the properties we have on hand—we hoped money would be raised and work commenced. Then when ten or twenty miles of road would be completed, bonds would be sold and the funds from their sale would be used to continue the work, and thus we should continue until the enterprise would be completed.”

I set before him our views and our side of the case at some length; finally, he proposed that we meet tomorrow with Col. King and Mr. Loss, which I accepted, as he had many things to complain of concerning our neglect to furnish him particulars and information upon many points, and I desired Frank and Brother Clayton to be present, for they knew that much of this complaint was groundless.

Frank, Brother Clayton, my wife and self went to the American theatre this evening and witnessed Wilson Barrett in the play of The Manxman—quite a good play.

12 December 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1894. At 10 o’clock this morning we repaired to the office of G. A. Purbeck & Co., and after a brief conversation I excused myself and left Frank and Brother Clayton to follow up the line of conversation which I had suggested to them after full consultation with them last evening and this morning. They already had had several conversations with him in which they, as our committee, had fully told him what we required. This they had done at my instance, in order to leave us free to act with Mr. Bossevain and the Union Pacific people, or with any other parties whom we might choose, without infringing upon the contract we had made with G. A. Purbeck & Co. or exposing us to any legal consequences. We would like this firm to do what they had promised and what we had expected; but we could not longer wait in uncertainty. We must take care of our affairs and not let opportunities pass by unimproved. We must know from G. A. Purbeck & Co. what they propose to do and when they propose to do it. At the same time we do not want to discourage them by any threats or intimations of forming other alliances, as they give hopes of being able, at an early date, to launch the Pioneer Electric Power Co’s business in pretty good shape, and this we would like them to do. To avoid, therefore, threshing over old straw and going over all the ground which has been traversed time and again, I thought it better to give Frank and Col. Clayton instructions to stick to certain definite propositions, which as agents or a committee they could better do than I as principal, and try and arrive at some understanding that would leave G. A. Purbeck & Co. free to act as fully as they could ask, and at the same time leave us the opportunity to carry out any plans or alliances we might have in view without interfering with the contract we have with them. Before separating from Mr. Purbeck, I told him that I had talked fully with Frank and Brother Clayton upon our business and they were prepared and authorized to do what would be necessary with him.

I went from there and secured tickets for myself and wife on the Baltimore & Ohio to Parkersburg (I had a pass from there on to St. Louis, which Mr. Bowes, of the Chicago & Alton had secured for me, also a half fare rate from Parkersburg to New York and return) and also sleeper tickets.

I was pleased to receive a dispatch from Frank that everything had passed off satisfactory with G. A. Purbeck & Co., and he would join me at the hotel before we should leave for the train. The people at the Hotel Netherland treated us very nicely and we have enjoyed our stay there. Frank rode in the carriage with us to the depot and we went over a great deal of ground together respecting further operations. He and Brother Clayton will remain longer in New York. I instructed Frank to write and forward to me a report of what had taken place at the meeting today.

Myself and wife left New York at 6 p.m. We parted with Frank at the depot.

In leaving New York I feel quite hopeful. I have not mentioned Mr. Bossevain in my journal. He is a capitalist strongly endorsed by Mr. S. H. H. Clark of the Union Pacific. Mr. Bossevain has held out strong hopes that if we build west we can secure trackage on the U.P. line to Stockton and that he will take $10,000 per mile of first mortgage bonds, which will leave us $10,000 per mile of second mortgage bonds. With the first $10,000 per mile we estimate we can build and equip the road to Deep Creek. I desire Frank and Brother Clayton to stay and see more of Mr. Bossevain and endeavor to get an arrangement that can be depended upon. Then we have Mr. Abbot’s proposition, and Mr. Purbeck’s. If we can get our hands untied financially and can carry out our ideas of an alliance for coal and salt traffic with the Union Pacific and then Mr. Bossevain will take our first mortgage bonds, we shall be in a most desirable position and will be masters of the situation.

13 December 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 13, 1894. Traveling all day; weather pleasant.

14 December 1894 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 14, 1894. It was 11 o’clock in the morning when we reached the Planter’s House at St. Louis. The train was nearly four hours late. Called at the Union Pacific offices to find Mr. S. H. H. Clark. He was not in; but he soon found me at the hotel and we had a very interesting conversation. I wrote a letter and sent a telegram to my son Frank and Col. Clayton at New York.

My wife and myself went to the Simmons Hardware Co’s store and I bought some lamps, &c., for the family.

We called at Mr. Theodore Meyer’s store; but he had gone home. We saw his father.

Mr. Clark kindly sent a pass to me for my wife over the Union Pacific from Kansas City. We preferred returning by that route.

I had a call from Mr. Whitmore.

At 8:40 p.m. we left St. Louis by the Chicago & Alton for Kansas City.

15 December 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 15, 1894. We remained at Kansas City one hour and three quarters, and left at 9 a.m. on the Union Pacific. At Mr. Clark’s request, Mr. J. F. Algar, the U.P. Agent at St. Louis, had telegraphed and secured us berths on the sleeper.

16 December 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 16, 1894. We reached Cheyenne about 6:15 this morning and changed our sleeper to one going through to Salt Lake City. We left Cheyenne at 8:35 a.m. The weather is much cooler today. Nothing of note has transpired.

17 December 1894 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 17, 1894. Reached Salt Lake City about 3 o’clock and remained in the car until called for by Brother Wilcken and my sons Joseph and Willard. I was happy in finding my family in good health. I came to the office about 10 o’clock and found President Woodruff in excellent health and spirits. We were joined afterwards by President Smith, who is also in good health[.] I reported in detail the business part of my trip, in which the brethren were much interested. I explained to them also the prospects there were before us for accomplishing something, which appeared to me rather better than they had been.

A number of items of business had been deferred until I should return; among them was a dispatch from California sent by Bishop Clawson, in which it was proposed that we should pay $35,000, and that Col. Trumbo would add $10,000 to it, making $45,000, with which to satisfy the firm of lawyers of which Mr. Bishop is a member, who had agreed for a certain percentage to secure the return of our personal property to us. We have felt that the percentage they asked and which had been agreed upon (17%) was entirely too high, as we had no evidence that they had done much towards securing to us our property. Their claim amounted to over $70,000. In this dispatch Brother Clawson stated that they did not propose to give him a receipt. The First Presidency had considerable talk on this subject, and I wrote out the following dispatch, which Presidents Woodruff and Smith approved of:

“We think 30,000 dollars sufficient, but as we mentioned 35,000 as our ultimatum we can go that far but not a dollar beyond. And for this must have receipt. They are as safe in our hands as we are in theirs. We can not consent to the Colonel paying anything for us.”

President Smith had drafted something much stronger than this, but which he himself did not altogether favor, and which we thought was too blunt.

Judge Estee wrote an excellent letter to Presidents Woodruff and myself on the subject of our affairs.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

My son Brigham has been called to go on a mission to Germany. He came to me upon my return home this morning and said he had been before the priesthood meeting of the Stake and it had been carried by motion that he should be ordained an Elder, and he desired me to ordain him. I told him if he would come to the office during the day I would have it attended to. He came in and I explained the matter to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, John Henry Smith also being present, and President Woodruff thought it proper that I should ordain him. We laid our hands upon him, and I was mouth in ordaining him an Elder, after which we ordained him a Seventy, and at my request President Woodruff ordained him to that office.

18 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1894. I received a full report which I had requested Frank to make out, and which was signed by himself and Brother Clayton, concerning the business that had been transacted by them as our Executive Committee. It was satisfactory. It was read by Brother Arthur Winter to the First Presidency and Brother Jack. They all expressed themselves as being pleased with what has been done and thought the prospects were better than had been for our doing something.

There was a meeting of the Sugar Co. in the afternoon, at which I proposed that the Sugar Co. should turn over its bonds to the Trustee-in-Trust as security for the money which had been advanced by the Trustee and for which he was responsible. This created some discussion and resulted in a vote being carried to offer the $400,000 bonds to the Trustee-in-Trust for $350,000[.] We have advanced and gone security for $335,000, which with the interest will nearly amount to $350,000. There has been a proposition made to have the Church take $70,000 more of stock and take $215,000 in money for its indebtedness. This struck me unfavorably. It is equivalent to giving $70,000 for $215,000, for the reason that the $70,000 expended in stock would not bring us in any returns. It seems to me that this too high a price to pay for money.

Attended to other business.

19 December 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 1894. Brother N. W. Clayton arrived today from the East, and the First Presidency had conversation with him about the situation of affairs. Brother Clayton says that Frank is full of the subject of pushing this business ahead, and wants us to get together and map out a programme of operations. There seems to be considerable excitement in town over the prospect of a railroad. A great many remarks are flying and The newspaper people are exceedingly anxious to get what information they can, and in the absence of tangible news they publish a great many rumors and unreliable matter.

We find that Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo are working hard to get matters into shape to carry out their purposes, and I learn that they held a secret meeting in this city two or three weeks ago with moneyed men to get their co-operation in building a road to the west. I most earnestly desire that we may be able to forestall anything of this kind and keep ourselves in a position where we can control this business, and not see our people merely instruments to carry out their purposes.

20 December 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 20, 1894. The First Presidency met this morning with Brothers Jack and Clayton and my son Frank as officers of the Utah Co. My son Frank and Clayton having returned from the East, we listened to explanations made by them, Frank being the speaker, until we got thoroughly familiar with the points. I was desirous that Presidents Woodruff and Smith should get these matters clearly in their minds, so that they might understand the situation as it is. Frank made his explanations in a very lucid and comprehensive manner, and after listening to all he had to say, every one expressed the pleasure he had in the prospects. Even Brother Joseph F. Smith (who has felt somewhat doubtful about matters apparently at times) felt very much encouraged. We all felt that our affairs should be pushed, and Brother Joseph F. Smith made motions to this effect in relation to the contract with Mr. Meyer and associates and with the Union Pacific people. We were engaged in this business until about 2 o’clock.

We then went to the Temple and met with the brethren of the Twelve. President Woodruff was mouth in prayer and I was mouth in the circle. The question of purchasing the sugar bonds was discussed, and it was voted that we buy them at $325,000.

21 December 1894 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 21, 1894. This morning had been appointed for a meeting of the committee of the Brigham Young Academy of Provo. At 10:30 there were present in the office, Prest. A. O. Smoot, his son Reed, Bothers David John, Wilson Dusenberry and B. Cluff, Jr., from Provo, and the First Presidency, Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith and H. J. Grant, of the Twelve, and Bishop Wm. B. Preston and F. S. Richards. There has been some feeling on the part of some of the parties connected with the B.Y.Academy concerning the reluctance of the Church to assume obligations that they felt were resting upon them and which should be borne by us. We drew out the feelings of the brethren. Prest. Smoot made a few remarks, but Brothers Wilson Dusenberry and Reed Smoot spoke at the greatest length in explanation of their situation. Prest. Smoot and others were being sued for the notes that had been given, and the design in coming up was to find out what should be done. Since my return I have heard of remarks made by the brethren at Provo which have hurt my feelings; in fact, I have felt almost insulted. It is reported they have talked as though the Church had deserted Brother A. O. Smoot in his old age and left him to be sacrificed and ruined financially for public obligations. There has been a claim also made for $40,000 of the amount of the personal property that was restored to the Church by the government. Upon this there was considerable discussion, and it was clearly shown that the statements which had been made about this by Judge Smith, known as Kentucky Smith, were without foundation. After all had expressed themselves, I expressed my views. President Woodruff had desired me to speak on the subject and to conduct the proceedings. I stated how I felt concerning the reports that had reached us and how unwarranted such talk was; that there never had been a moment when the First Presidency and the Board of Education had not felt to do all in their power for the B.Y.Academy; that it had been favored by us beyond every other institution in the land, and we had appropriated means at times when we felt we were doing ourselves injustice, in view of our other obligations; and to have remarks made as though we were going to desert Prest. Smoot or any of our brethren who had taken upon themselves public obligations was, in view of the facts, cruel. We had shown no such disposition. On the contrary we had borne burdens that we ought not to have assumed. I then read a statement of the amounts that we had appropriated. There has been appropriated by the First Presidency $64,000 and by the General Board of Education $31,000, making a total of $95,000, which I thought was exceedingly liberal. The reading of these figures surprised the brethren themselves, and it showed clearly that what I said upon this point was correct, and that we had dealt very liberally with them. I said it was only proper to state in this connection my own feelings. I felt that Utah County had not done as they should do in relation to public burdens. We had appropriated freely to them; we had built a sugar factory in Utah County, and though we were favoring the people by doing so; but they had not shown a spirit of appreciation, and had been indifferent and careless, and we could scarcely get any subscriptions from them for stock.

The meeting ended, I think, quite satisfactorily, and we parted with good feeling.

At 2 p.m. there was a meeting of the Sugar Co., at which considerable business was done. Among other motions that were carried, was one accepting the offer of the Church to purchase the bonds at $325,000, provided that instead of the present bond we permitted the Company to substitute a 20 year bond or a 15–20 year bond.

22 December 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 22, 1894. I devoted considerable time today to my correspondence, which had accumulated during my absence, and dictated letters and my journal to Brother Winter.

23 December 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 23, 1894. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle today, and in response to the wish of my brother Angus and Brother John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant, I addressed the congregation. Although I had no idea of speaking and did not feel much inclined to do so, the brethren felt, as it was the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Joseph, that it would be appropriate for me to speak, and I occupied about an hour and a half.

From the Tabernacle I drove to my son-in-law’s, Lewis M. Cannon’s, and myself and daughter Emily and son Sylvester ate dinner with them.

24 December 1894 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 24, 1894. My son Frank came down from Ogden this morning and we had a meeting of the Utah Company, at which considerable business was transacted.

Brother Geo. C. Parkinson called in to ask advice about the political situation in Idaho. I spoke emphatically my views to him and Brother Dalley, who was with him.

There was a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co., which was very unsatisfactory to me, although there was a dividend declared of 25¢ a share in.

25 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 25, 1894. I sat very quietly at home after visiting all my houses and wishing my family a merry Christmas, until about 3 oclock, when my daughter Mary Alice and her husband came, followed by my sons John Q. and Abraham with their families. My adopted daughter Rosy was also there with her children. We spent a very delightful time together and had an excellent meal prepared by my daughter Emily. My wife Carlie had all her mother’s family at her house.

26 December 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 26, 1894. Engaged all day in various business matters.

27 December 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 27, 1894. At 12 o’clock today I went from the office to the funeral of Sister Rebecca Riter. President Jos. F. Smith delivered the funeral discourse, and I closed with prayer.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met at the President’s Office, instead of the Temple. Brother Brigham Young was mouth in prayer.

28 December 1894 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 28, 1894. This morning my son Frank came from Ogden and the First Presidency had conversation with him and Brothers Jack and Clayton concerning the terms on which to secure a loan in the east. Mr. Abbot, the broker whom I had sent Frank to see at Hartford, had come on here, and he came into the office accompanied by Mr. O’Meara, the gentleman who had brought us together. We had a very satisfactory conversation as to terms on which we could borrow half a million dollars at Hartford.

At 3 o’clock President Smith and myself accompanied President Woodruff to the new City and County Building, in which dedicatory services were to be attended to today. President Woodruff had been selected to offer the opening prayer and he desired us to accompany him. The building is a very elegant one, and there were a great many citizens there. President Woodruff offered the opening prayer, and was followed by a number of speakers. Before the last speaker had finished, the gentleman in charge of the ceremonies, Mr. Newell, came to me and asked me if I would not make some remarks. He said the audience was patient and they would be very glad to hear me. I told him it was quite unexpected, but I felt that I could not very courteously avoid saying something, so I spoke for a few minutes.

My health is very poor today, as it was yesterday.

29 December 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 29, 1894. I stayed quietly at home all day. I thought it the best thing I could do.

30 December 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 30, 1894. Not feeling well, I remained home all day.

31 December 1894 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 31, 1894. We had an interview at the office with Mr. Abbot and Mr. O’Meara today.

Mr. Alex Badlam called upon us and I had conversation with him on Bullion-Beck matters; Senator Shoup, of Idaho, called to pay his respects; and I attended a Bullion-Beck meeting.

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December 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024